GL Transcript Tuesday 9/17/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/17/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Alan: Monica? Where are you? I can't hear a thing. Listen, listen, this is a waste of time. I know that Olivia is not having an affair with Phillip and I ... She's with Phillip now? Where? Turn up the volume.

Phillip: My father will eventually put you away because he doesn't respect strength, courage.

Olivia: Do you really think I have those qualities?

Phillip: Just wondering why it took me so long to see them.

Olivia: You know you better stop complimenting me, it's going straight to my head.

Phillip: Any part of you that it goes to is okay.

Olivia: Alan would...

Phillip: Forget about him. He's not here right now. He doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you and me. Come here and I'll show you.

Olivia: This... This close?

Phillip: Closer.

Olivia: This close? Exactly how far are you willing to go to teach your father a lesson?

Beth: Okay, I’m not denying my feelings for you.

Bill: You just admitted and I quote: "Whatever Lorelei did, you did. Whatever she felt, you felt." And she felt for me, Beth. Enough so she married me.

Beth: See... see you're twisting my words around.

Bill: I am not twisting your words around. You're afraid to be with me. You're afraid of how it would change of your life. And you know what? I understand that.

Ben: Hey, man.

Bill: Hey, what's up?

Ben: How's it going?

Bill: I'm all right. How about you?

Ben: Not bad, not bad. Hi, Beth.

Beth: Hi, Ben.

Bill: Hey, the maitre'd is trying to get your...

Ben: Oh, yeah. Yeah, my table must be ready.

Bill: You got a hot date?

Ben: No, no, just a thank- you-dinner for one of my employees at the beach club. Marina Cooper.

Bill: Marina Cooper?

Ben: Yeah. (Laughs)

Bill: Better be careful, man. She got two cops in the family.

Ben: Yeah, well, don't you waste your energy worrying about me. You guys enjoy your evening.

Bill: Yeah. What?

Beth: I just... Oh... I just... I forget how young you are and then something like that happens.

Bill: What are you talking about? Like what?

Beth: Well, you saw the look on his face. He was just dying to know what we were doing together.

Bill: So what? I would've been happy to tell him.

Beth: Yes, I know, I know. And that's the problem.

Bill: Wait a minute. It's a problem that I care about you? I mean is it?

Beth: Yes, yes. No. Yes.

Bill: Because you care about Phillip. Not only do you love him, but he's your first love, father of your children.

Beth: Well, at the moment that may all be irrelevant.

Bill: And what does that mean?

Beth: Phillip and I have had some pretty ugly fights lately. We've said things I'm not sure we can take back.

Carmen: I won't even ask you if you have a minute, because I know you'll say no. Have you thought about our conversation?

Danny: Which conversation?

Carmen: As if we've had so many. Have you come to your senses and decided to fight for your son?

Danny: I love how you put things, Carmen.

Carmen: Robbie is a Santos. He needs to be with us, it's where he belongs. Now the whole family is just standing by waiting for you to help you fight for him. Just say the word.

Danny: I will give you two words. The same two words that I gave you before: Butt out. Robbie's going to stay where he belongs... With Michelle.

Ed: Hey.

Michelle: Hi.

Ed: I saw the car. Welcome home.

Michelle: Oh. Thank you. It's good to be home.

Ed: Is it?

Michelle: Yeah. Mystic Island was gorgeous and Bill was great... Except when he made me paint and spackle. But I think it was just the break that I needed to clear my head and now I’m back to reality.

Ed: Robbie's upstairs?

Michelle: Yeah, he's sleeping like a little angel that he is.

Ed: Anyone else here?

Michelle: Who else would be here?

Ed: Oh, no one. I don't know.

Michelle: Dad, who else did you think would be here?

Ed: I thought maybe Danny was here. You guys couldn't work things out?

Michelle: Work things out? I mean I haven't even talked to him since I left town.

Ed: You didn't see him at Mystic Island?

Michelle: No. He didn't even know I was there. Remember I purposely didn't tell him.

Ed: I know you didn't, but I did. He came over here, because he was worried about you, you know. And so we talked and then later he called and said he wanted to work things out, so I told him where you were. I mean he never showed?

Michelle: No. No. And it's a probably a good thing that he didn't, because if I would have seen his face, I probably would have caved. And it's never going to work between us, you know. I need to move on now. I want to get back to my training at the hospital and make a new life for Robbie and me.

Ed: Well, then you'll need this. Ross drew that up while you were gone per your request.

Michelle: Separation papers.

Ed: It's not too late. If you don't want to go through with this, don't.

Carmen: You can't just relinquish claim to your son.

Danny: I'll do whatever the hell I want. He's my son, not yours.

Carmen: He's also my grandson. That must count for something.

Danny: Oh, yeah, in the negative column.

Carmen: Meaning what?

Danny: Meaning that whatever Michelle and I decide to do, your role stays the same. Out of Robbie’s life... Permanently.

Carmen: You can't ask that of me, and I won't do it.

Danny: I'm not asking. Look, I realize that this might be hard on you. So I’m willing to give something in exchange for your sacrifice, okay?

Carmen: What could you possibly give me that could make up for the loss of that little boy in my life?

Danny: Who knows. I've already fulfilled your greatest wish-- I'm back running this family. What do you want? You want a number racket of your own? What?

Carmen: You think that you could bribe me into letting go of my grandson.

Danny: Yes, I know I can. So name your price.

Ben: Hey.

Marina: Hi. Sit.

Ben: Okay.

Marina: So it's payback time, right? For the whole, you know, underwear thing? I mean I’m pretty sure that's why you asked me here, isn't it?

Ben: That's strange. I could have swore I said dinner on the phone.

Marina: Yeah, with a little revenge thrown in. Ben, we both know how this works. I humiliated you, now you're going to humiliate me back. It's just... Oh. Oh, that's just... That's just great. We have an audience. Bill Lewis and Lizzie’s mom and the rest of the who's who in Springfield.

Ben: Are you always this paranoid?

Marina: Just tell me I don't have a reason to be.

Ben: Marina, look, I know you think you humiliated me on the beach the other night, but you didn't.

Marina: Oh. Yeah, right? So then you just loved having Lizzie and Tammy see you in your underwear in the moonlight?

Ben: They could have seen me in broad daylight and I would not care. Your little girlfriends were a lot more embarrassed than I was. I thought it was hilarious.

Marina: Yeah, right. You were absolutely furious with me.

Ben: Okay. But not for the reason you think. All right, I was mad because I thought we were beyond those kind of games. And up till your friends arrived, we were having a really nice time together, weren't we? Come on, weren't we?

Waiter: Good evening.

Ben: Hey.

Waiter: Would the young lady like a drink...

Marina: Yes, yes.

Waiter: ...Dinner?

Marina: Of course the young lady would love a drink. I'll have a cosmopolitan.

Waiter: Okay.

Ben: Yeah, hold the vodka on that one.

Marina: Make it top shelf. You want my I.D. Here you go.

Ben: Can I see that? Like I said, hold the vodka please. Thanks.

Marina: Thanks a lot.

Ben: Come on. I thought you'd be grateful. I'm not trying to get you trashed so that I could seduce you.

Marina: Why, because you respect me so much?

Ben: When you respect yourself.

Marina: So tonight really isn't about payback is it?

Ben: No. And from now on that subject is completely off limits. Now take a look at your menu.

Marina: Fine.

Ben: When was the last time you ate here?

Marina: Well, let's see. Oh, that would be the monthly debutante meeting.

Ben: Oh, you know they got this great new sous-chef who does this Asian fusion.

Marina: Is that a band?

Ben: Yeah, he does this incredible reduction with lemon grass and mint leaves and these little Vietnamese shrimp rolls that just melt in your mouth, so good.

Marina: Aha! Aha! So that is the plan. You were going to order all of this really weird food I’ve never even heard of like eye of newt or something and you're going to force me to eat it with these weird utensils I haven't even seen, let alone used.

Ben: Damn, you caught me. You totally caught me.

Marina: Yeah, well, you're not going to catch me. You're not going to catch me. Check it out.

Ben: "The Everything Etiquette Book."

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Ben: You've got to be kidding me.

Marina: Okay, go ahead and laugh. Go ahead and laugh. But I have read that sucker cover to cover. So I got you, Benny-boy. You could just bring it on.

Bill: So, what, you and Phillip are splitting up?

Beth: I don't know. I know that I'm sick and tired of him trying to run my life. Then when I think about being without him... And then Lizzie after all the curves that I’ve thrown her, I just don't think that she can take another one.

Bill: Beth, does Phillip make you happy?

Beth: Well, you mean in general or at the moment?

Bill: Well, I hope they'd be one in the same.

Beth: I don't know. I don't know. (Laughs)

Bill: Maybe you can tell me this. What do you want from me? I mean, come on, Beth, you get thrown in jail. Who do you call? You called me. Now you go out of your way to tell me that you and Phillip are on the outs. But clearly you're telling me this because you want some sort of reaction from me. Well, why don't you just tell me what that is.

Beth: Boy, forgive me for thinking I could confide in you.

Bill: Beth, what do you want me to do? You want me to say that I can't live without you, that I got to have you, take you home and make passionate love to you. Or maybe you just want me to go over to Spaulding’s, take a swing at Phillip?

Beth: I don't want anything. You're the one who sought me out. Don't make this about me.

Bill: Look, this is about you. You're the one whose confused and conflicted. I'm not. Hell, if it was up to me, I'd take you home right now and make love to you and wake up with you in the morning and never be apart. All you have to do is say the word.

Olivia: I want you. I've wanted you for so long.

Carmen: Robbie is my grandson, my flesh and blood. And I will never give him up. He will always be a part of my life and yours! It's where he belongs!

Danny: Carmen...

Carmen: Marriage. It's just a piece of paper, but blood is forever.

Danny: So you went out of town?

Michelle: Yeah to Mystic Island with Bill. My dad said he told you.

Danny: Mm-hmm. Got some sun.

Michelle: Listen, I.. I brought these for you to look at.

Danny: What--

Michelle: There the separation papers. They're just the first draft, so if you want to look them over and talk to your attorney, have him call Ross and you know, make any changes, add anything that you want.

Danny: Look, you could have messengered these, Michelle. You didn't have to deliver them in person.

Michelle: Yeah, I did. Because I had to see you.

Bill: Look, I’m not trying to get you to do anything, okay... Except make-up your mind. I feel so silly. You keep telling me how young I am, but I'll tell you, I'm old enough to know that life's to short to waste it on something futile. So if you and Phillip are over, or when it's over, you have to tell me, do I have a shot? Or am I just wasting my time here?

Beth: Do we... Do we have to do this right now?

Bill: Just listen to me. Lorelei and I had something amazing and I think that you and I can have that. But you got to tell me, if you're not willing to explore it, then tell me and I'll just move on.

Beth: How do you want me to respond to that? What are you saying to me?

Bill: Well, I guess I’m giving you an ultimatum. I have to know right now, are you or are you not interested in pursuing something with me? I need to know right now.

Phillip: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We shouldn't do this.

Olivia: Yes, we should. Yes, we should. You want this as much I do. Please.

Alan: Well, is this cozy?

Olivia: Oh, God.

Phillip: Dad--

Olivia: Alan, no. No!

Alan: Quiet, quiet both of you.

Olivia: It was just...

Alan: Olivia! Olivia! I cared for you, I trusted you. And you, Phillip, my own son.

Phillip: Just wait a minute.

Olivia: Alan, please!

Alan: How... how could... How could you do....

Phillip: Dad?! Dad?! Dad?!

Olivia: What's wrong? What happened?

Phillip: Dad? Dad?

Olivia: What happened? Did he faint?

Phillip: I don't know. He's breathing. But he may have had a heart attack. Call 9-1-1.

Olivia: Heart attack? How could he have a heart attack?

Phillip: Call 9-1-1!

Olivia: How could he have a heart attack? He's healthy as a horse.

Phillip: He had one a couple of years ago. Didn't he ever tell you?

Olivia: No!

Phillip: Don't do this!

Olivia: Hi. We're at 5 Grandview Terrace, the Spaulding estate.

Phillip: Dad?! Dad?

Olivia: A man collapsed. We think he had a heart attack. Please get someone over here fast!

Phillip: Listen to me. Listen to me. Come on, damn it! Please, please be all right! Please be all right.

Olivia: Oh, God, Phillip, what have we done? (Crying)

Beth: So you're giving me an ultimate? (Laughs) What are we suppose to do, synchronize our watches?

Bill: All right, look. When I was on Mystic Island, I had a lot of time to think and Michelle and I, well, we talked a lot about...

Beth: Michelle? Michelle was on the island?

Bill: Yes, she was. So, Beth, tell me what is your answer going to be? Are you interested in pursuing something with me or not. I will walk away.

Beth: I'm uh... Interested.

Ben: I'm not going to do anything to you, okay? At least anything like that. I brought you here, because...

Marina: Why? Why? Will you just tell me honestly and cut this out.

Ben: Because I like you. Why is that so hard for you to believe? Okay that trick you played on me at the beach the other night, that didn't turn me off. It was just the opposite. Maybe I want to get to know you better. Much better.

Marina: With my clothes on or off?

Ben: Okay, look, I got your message, okay? You're no pushover. And I'm glad, okay? I like a challenge. So I brought you to a classy place for a classy meal, because that's what you deserve. And I'm not afraid to say that or act on it in front of Bill Lewis or Beth Raines or anybody else, okay?

Marina: I almost believe you. Almost.

Ben: Marina, if I ask you something will you answer me honestly?

Marina: As honestly as you would.

Ben: I'm serious here.

Marina: So am I.

Ben: If you knew tonight was such a setup why'd you come?

Marina: Honestly? Because I had to.

Ben: What?

Marina: Because I can't resist free food.

Michelle: I don't know. I had to come here. I had to because it's painful. Seeing your face made me realize what those papers were. Feeling a pull between us right now, kills me.

Danny: Then why?

Michelle: What's the alternative? We're just going to avoid each other? Just talk to our lawyers from now on?

Danny: I don't know, Michelle. Maybe that will be the best.

Michelle: Maybe it would. That's not going to work. We share Robbie. We're always going to be connected by Robbie and our love for him. So we might as well face what we're feeling now as awkward as it is. Besides, if I had those messengered, Ross would have billed me for it.

Danny: I love your smile.

Michelle: A few days ago, I thought I'd never smile again.

Danny: So getting out of town was good for you.

Michelle: Yeah, it was great.

Danny: Good.

Michelle: You know, Bill and all, he's like family. We talked a lot, and cooked a lot, and played silly games with Robbie on the beach. It didn't make me love you any less, or miss you any less. But it did make me realize that life does go on. Somehow.

Danny: Yes. It does. Whether you want it to or not.

Michelle: Yeah. So you might as well want it to, right? You know, you should think about taking a break.

Danny: Me?

Michelle: Take your shoes off, run around a beach somewhere for a couple of days.

Danny: Oh, maybe I will. Maybe I will. Can't remember the last time I threw a football around.

Michelle: Yeah, well, I wasn't... I didn't say anything about a football.

Danny: Yeah, you did.

Michelle: No, I never mentioned football.

Danny: Yeah, you--

Michelle: Danny, there's only one way that you would know what Bill and I were doing on the beach, and that's because you saw us. You came to the island, didn't you?

Ben: So of course right as I’m getting off the gondola, this huge wave comes along...

Marina: Right.

Ben: ...Knocks me down.

Marina: No. No. Do not tell me that you fell off again?

Ben: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And this time the water was even colder than last time.

Marina: Oh, my God.

Waiter: And how is everything, sir?

Ben: It's great.

Marina: It was really awesome, yeah.

Ben: Yeah, it was very nice. Thank you.

Waiter: Would you like to see the dessert menu?

Marina: Yes.

Ben: Well, look we got through two whole courses and not a whoopee cushion in sight.

Marina: Yes.

Ben: Feel a little more relaxed now?

Marina: Maybe.

Ben: You want me to tell you about the time I fell in the water in Lake Como?

Marina: I don't believe you. You did it there, too?

Ben: The Gulf of Mexico.

Marina: No. (Laughs)

Ben: I swear. Well, in that case, want to dance?

Marina: To this?

Ben: Yeah.

Marina: I don't know how.

Ben: Oh, that's okay. I'll show you. If you let me.

Marina: Twist my arm.

Ben: I'd rather take your hand. Is there a problem?

Marina:(Whispers) Ben, sit down.

Ben: Surprise.

Marina:(Whispers) Sit down. Now, Ben.

Ben: (Laughs) Hell, no. I want to dance. That is unless you're embarrassed to be seen with guy in his underwear. I mean it didn't phase you before. So I’m thinking...

Marina: No, it doesn't phase me now.

Ben: Prove it.

Marina: I'm happy, too. Lead the way. Oh. (Laughter)

Beth: Your friend Ben has an interesting sense of humor. And you know, Marina is only a year older than Lizzie. And so she really shouldn't be carrying on like that.

Bill: Beth, Beth, please don't change the subject.

Beth: Oh, well, I wasn't aware that there was one.

Bill: Come on, us. You just said you were interested. Now what does that mean exactly to you? I don't know. I haven't a clue.

Beth: I don't know. I've just... I've been a roller coaster for the last few months and this just feels like more of the same.

Bill: Well, thank you for lumping me in with so many pleasant experiences. It does wonders for the old ego.

Beth: You asked me to be honest and I’m trying to be.

Bill: I know, I know. I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Beth: I love Phillip. I have a long history with him and two children. Does that mean that he and I should be or will be together? I don't know. Am I attracted to you? Yes. But does that mean that I want to explore that attraction? Maybe. If Phillip and I don't make it. But right now I am so confused that any decision I make is bound to be the wrong one. So if you do care about me, you will give me the time and space to figure out my feelings. And if you don't, don’t.

Bill: Beth, there's something you don't know about me, and you probably should.

Beth: Well, what do you mean?

Bill: Well, with the right incentive which you just gave me, I can be a very patient man. But what I want to know is maybe I can get a sneak preview of what I’m holding out for.

Beth: (Laughs) I have to, um, go. I have to go.

Bill: Yeah, you, you better go before you start feeling too good again. But hey, you have my number.

Beth: Yeah.

Bill: And I have yours.

Phillip: He just grabbed his chest and he fell to the ground.

Olivia: He said he couldn't breath.

Phillip: Is it another heart attack?

Dr: Kirby: He has had a cardiac episode. We need to get him to Cedars fast.

Olivia: Oh, God. A heart attack.

EMS worker #1: Please stand clear of the way, ma'am.

Dr. Kirby: Both of you please stand back so we can work.

Danny: You and Bill always played touch football. I mean that's been your thing since you were kids. I just assumed that--

Michelle: You didn't answer my question. Did you come to the island?

Danny: Yeah, I did. I saw you and Robbie and Bill on the beach, and I watched you from the rocks.

Michelle: Why? Why would you come all the way and then not say anything to me?

Danny: Because I went there for all the wrong reasons. I was lonely. I was missing you. And I didn't want to end up like... It doesn't matter why I went there.

Michelle: Of course it matters.

Danny: No, the only thing that matters is why I didn't stay. On my way over there, I was really sure I knew how it would turn out. That I’d see you and Robbie and swear that everything would be different from now on, and scoop the two of you up and we'll go home together.

Michelle: Is that what you wanted?

Danny: It's still what I want. That's what I'll always want.

Michelle: Then--

Danny: When I got there, I saw you and Bill on the beach and...

Michelle: You don't think that Bill and I are together?

Danny: No, no. But I saw you there and you were laughing and having a great time horsing around in the sand. You looked so happy, Michelle. So carefree, like you just come out from under a big rain cloud and into the sunlight. And that made me very sad, because I know that you will never feel that way with me. Because as long as you and Robbie are with me, you will never be safe.

Michelle: We could be, if you're just willing to make some changes.

Danny: Michelle, some changes aren't possible.

Michelle: Danny, that's only because you won’t.

Danny: Because I can’t. Because I can’t. You know what I want? You know what my greatest wish in the world for you is, honey? Is that you find someday a nice guy, like Bill, and you get married again and you forget all about me.

Michelle: Please don't say that. Please.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: Do you know, that if I had seen you on the beach that day and you would have said those things to me and taken me into your arms, I would have gone home with you. I would have in a heartbeat, Danny. I guess that this is a good thing that you left, right?

Danny: So, I'll look at this agreement.

Michelle: Yeah, just call me... No, actually maybe you should have your...

Danny: My lawyer will call yours.

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Michelle. Hey, don't... don't.

Carmen: Oh, dear, more trouble in paradise?

Michelle: You know, the only good thing about all of this is that I’ll never have to see your face again.

Marina: I don't know why you think this is payback, because you're the one dancing here with no pants on.

Ben: I know. But who is the fool dancing with me, huh? (Laughs)

Maitre d': Mr. Reade, we have a dress code.

Ben: Yeah, and I'm wearing a jacket.

Maitre d': Sir, please either put your pants on, or leave.

Ben: I think I'll do both. Let's go.

Marina: (Laughs) Okay.

Ben: Just keep the change. Let's go.

Marina: Thank you. Well?

Ben: What?

Marina: Are you planning on putting your pants back on?

Ben: No, not right now.

Marina: You are... You are just the weirdest person that I know.

Ben: Oh, what and your normal? (Laughter)

Marina: So, are we even now?

Ben: Maybe.

Marina: Okay, because you know if we're not it's my turn next. So we both agree that this thing isn't over?

Ben: Shake on it.

Marina: Deal. Oh, my.

Ben: Yeah.

Marina: I think you're about to kiss me.

Ben: No, no, no. You were blatantly going to kiss me.

Marina: No, no, no. I think it was you who was kissing me.

Ben: Okay, then why were eyes closed?

Marina: Because I was trying to lead you on while you were sitting there puckered up like some kind of fish.

Ben: Yeah, to lead you on.

Marina: No, to lead you on.

Michelle: Are you following me?

Bill: Hey.

Ed: Bill and I were just discussing the lost art of late night snacks. How'd it go? Okay?

Michelle: Things are the way they were.

Ed: Is that the way you want them?

Michelle: What I want right now is a cookie.

Ed: Okay, leave enough milk for coffee tomorrow morning, okay?

Bill: So you went to see Danny?

Michelle: Mm-hmm. Step one of operation face realty completed. He was there. Danny, he was on Mystic Island. He was watching us with Robbie on the beach playing football.

Bill: Wait. Wait a minute. He was there, but he didn't make himself known. Why not? Wait. He didn't think that you and I were-- cause if he did I'll go over there right now and straighten it all out.

Michelle: No, I don't think that's what he thought. He said that he was watching us and we looked so safe and happy. He decided we'd be better off without him.

Bill: Baby, I’m so sorry.

Michelle: And then I... I gave him the separation papers. It was so much harder than I thought.

Bill: Okay, come here. Come here. You know what? I'm sure it was. But, you know, you did it. You did it. And you know what? Every time you see him it'll get a little easier.

Michelle: You really believe that?

Bill: Yeah, I do. No, I don’t. But it sounded good, didn't it? Yeah. Come on.

Michelle: Did you see Beth?

Bill: Did I see... Yes, yes, I did. Yes, I did.

Michelle: And?

Bill: Well, I gave her an ultimatum. I told her that she’s ... she's either interested or she's not. And she is.

Michelle: She said that?

Bill: Yeah, well, don't get too excited for me just yet. Phillip is still in the picture. It's kind of hard when you have to fight the perfect husband.

Beth: Phillip? Phillip? What happened?

Phillip: Alan had a heart attack.

Beth: Oh, my God.

Dr. Kirby: I'll ride in the ambulance.

Phillip: We'll be right behind you.

Olivia: No, no, I’m going to ride with you, Dr. Kirby.

EMS worker #2: There's not enough room, ma'am.

Olivia: No, but I have to go him. I have... I have to go with him. This is all my fault. (Crying)

Phillip: Not more than mine. Dad? You're going to be all right.

Beth: It's nobody's fault.

Phillip: We're going to meet you at the hospital and you're going to be fine. Just hang in there.

Olivia: Sorry. I'm so sorry. God. Go! Go!

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