GL Transcript Friday 9/13/02

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/13/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Michelle: It's no fair, no fair. It's two against one.

Bill: Well, hey, now. Robbie picked me to be on his team.

Michelle: I'll have to use special maneuvers here.

Bill: Right? Right, buddy? Now what you're going to do? What are you going to do, huh?

Michelle: She's coming in, coming in. She steals it!

Bill: Wait a minute now. That's the wrong team. That's the wrong team. Just because she feeds you. Come on, let's go get her.

Carmen: I need you to see what you're doing to stop you from throwing away the most important thing in your life. Think, Danny. Think. What if Robbie comes to feel about you the way you feel about me?

Cassie: Are you hungry?

Tammy: I'm fine.

Cassie: Okay. You want to tell me how this happened, Tammy?

Tammy: I did a stupid thing, period.

Cassie: Skipping school is stupid. Stealing an expensive ring, that's...

Tammy: Really stupid. I know.

Cassie: How did you even know it was my ring? Did you see it?

Tammy: These ladies were gossiping about it-- "Oh, a prince's ring. It's gorgeous. I can just see it on my hand." So Lizzie and I went and looked...

Cassie: And there it was for all the world to see. Were you embarrassed?

Tammy: I was sick to my stomach. Mom, that is your ring. Dad gave it to you. You should never have to give it up.

Olivia: So you're the smart one, right? You know that Alan is the best thing that could have ever happened to you. You'd be a fool to mess it up. And you know that Phillip is loyal and smart and sexy, a man who could be truly intimate with you in ways you've never had. And I know you. You think you're so clever, you'll figure out a way to have it all. (Laughs) Mirror, mirror, on the table, which Olivia is most stable?

Alan: Talking to yourself again?

Olivia: Somebody has to.

Alan: And are you good company tonight?

Olivia: Well, that depends on you. Well, given how this day has been going for me, I might as well be talking to myself.

Alan: Ah, you're referring to Lorelei’s diary. Well, I don't think you can blame Beth for being suspicious.

Olivia: No, of course not. Something unpleasant happens in Springfield, I must be behind it. I mean, that's the first conclusion everyone jumped to, right? Even you? You had to have the publisher come in and give you an eyewitness identification of Lorelei before you'd even consider that I might be telling you the truth, right?

Alan: You really hate Beth, don't you?

Olivia: No. No, I actually liked her once. And I am sorry that she's ill. I just... I hate being in second place.

Alan: Beth will always be in first place with Phillip.

Olivia: See, I was referring to you.

Alan: Referring to me? Well, how refreshing.

Olivia: Who does Beth come run to? And who goes scurrying off investigating instead of simply asking me?

Alan: Well, maybe it was my evil twin brother.

Olivia: And who would that be? Alfred?

Alan: No. Spike.

Olivia: (Laughs) You cannot name your evil twin Spike.

Alan: All right, I'll give him something more medieval, like Mordred.

Olivia: Yes, yes, Mordred would be stupid enough to doubt me.

Alan: Oh, no. Old Mordy is no one's fool.

Olivia: You still don't believe me, do you?

Cassie: Sit down. Frank told me that Lizzie Spaulding was the ringleader here. Is that true?

Tammy: No, she wasn't. Well, it was her idea, but I’m the one that reached out and grabbed it, me. How bad is it?

Cassie: I don't know. You know, stealing is very serious. I mean, Frank's a nice guy and all...

Tammy: Not that. The money. How bad is it?

Cassie: We're fine, Tammy. We're going to be fine.

Tammy: You sold your engagement ring. How bad is it?

Cassie: I don't want you to worry about the money, okay? I will handle it.

Tammy: They'll tear us apart again.

Cassie: No, Tammy, they won’t. They won't tear us apart. Look, I want you... I want you to listen to me. Things are never going to be the way they were when you were little, okay? I made you that promise, and I’ve kept it, haven't I?

Tammy: How can you keep it? Dad's gone, we're broke, and I totally messed up. They're going to come take us away.

Cassie: No, no. They won't, they won't.

Tammy: What if I go to jail? They'll take the boys, won't they? You'll be all alone, you'll have a criminal daughter, and they'll say...

Cassie: It's not going to get to that, Tammy. It's not going to happen.

Tammy: I can't believe how badly I messed up.

Cassie: Hey, you messed up. But we can fix it, okay? It's not like you ran for the border or, you know, you made a break for it or anything.

Tammy: Yeah, I couldn't even make it to the door. Criminal daughter is bad at her job.

Cassie: You're not a criminal, Tammy.

Tammy: I committed a crime.

Cassie: That's so not like you. Why? What happened? Were you worried because we're broke?

Tammy: Honestly, I didn't even think about that until after the police station. I just saw the ring and...

Cassie: You were embarrassed? Afraid of what someone like Lizzie Spaulding is going to think of us?

Tammy: No.

Cassie: Okay, well, what? You just thought it would be nice that I had the ring back?

Tammy: Yeah. I mean, mostly.

Cassie: Tammy, what's going on? You have to tell me. I love you. I will understand, and I want to help you, but you've got to tell me, Tammy. What's happening here? Were you mad?

Tammy: I don't know. I mean, it's like it wasn't even me. I mean, yeah, I was there, but I wasn't. It's like I was this other person. I feel weird, all the time.

Cassie: Kind of like you're watching yourself, but you're not really feeling anything?

Tammy: Yeah. It's numb.

Cassie: It is numb. I guess that's what happens when you lose someone that you love. It's like you're in shock, and you're doing things and you're saying things that you just can't believe.

Tammy: When does it end, Mom?

Cassie: I don't know. But it does. Someday it does, Tammy. You are not always going to feel like this.

Tammy: What about you?

Cassie: Neither will I. Neither will I. Listen to me. Things are going to get better, okay? They are, especially when this place opens up, and no one is ever going to take you away from me. We're always going to be together, all four of us. I promise you that. Okay. No more tears. Will you please do me a favor?

Tammy: Anything.

Cassie: Okay. I have to run out and do some errands. Will you watch the boys, please?

Tammy: You trust them with a jailbird?

Cassie: Just don't slip R.J. A file. You know, he'll do hell on the banisters.

Tammy: Right.

Cassie: Everything is going to be okay. I promise you that. See you.

Bill: Then I go like this. I go like this. Whoo!

Michelle: You know, I had forgotten.

Bill: What?

Michelle: I just... I don't know, a lot of things. I forgot how much you make me laugh. And I forgot how to have fun.

Bill: See, now, leaving high school, that was the mistake right there.

Michelle: That was it right there.

Bill: You're not ready to go back, are you?

Michelle: No. No, you know, I am. Actually I am, because how I feel here is how I am. I'm strong.

Bill: You are strong.

Michelle: Yeah, and I’m confident.

Bill: You are confident.

Michelle: I'm me again.

Bill: You are back.

Michelle: See, I can face anything.

Bill: Yes, you can.

Michelle: That's right.

Bill: Even Danny?

Michelle: Sure. You?

Bill: I'm not afraid of Danny.

Michelle: I mean, Beth, or Lorelei-- whoever.

Bill: Yeah, that's the problem-- "Whoever." I mean, Lorelei, she's gone, mostly just hiding inside there. And Beth is settled-- or at least she says she wants to be. I don't know, I have no business inflicting myself on her.

Michelle: Billy Lewis III, you are not an affliction. You know, she called you. Don't forget that.

Bill: You know what?

Michelle: She wanted to see you. She asked you for help, right?

Bill: That is true. You're right.

Michelle: Don't forget it.

Bill: You are right. We are so doomed.

Michelle: I know. (Laughter)

Bill: Oh my, here we are telling ourselves these big fish stories. I mean, what are we doing?

Michelle: Yeah, but I’m actually having a really great time. I am.

Bill: Oh, right, we're just a postcard.

Michelle: "Having fun. Wish you were here."

Bill: Wish you were her. Oh, wait a minute.

Michelle: Jerk. You're mean.

Bill: Help me out, help me out.

Michelle: He's mean, Robbie.

Bill: Oh, I go this way. Then I come back, and I say what? Whoa! And I come over here. What?

Michelle: Walk away.

Danny: What?

Michelle: If you love me, if you love Robbie, just let us go, please.

Michelle: Oh, no. No, no, no. I don't want to play loser's poker. I changed my mind.

Bill: Come on, we haven't played in ages. And I am telling you, the state of my pitiful life will cheer you up, okay? Biggest loser names the price.

Michelle: Okay. You're going to be in really big trouble, though.

Bill: Big trouble. What are you talking about? You have a horrible memory.

Michelle: Yeah, but I...

Bill: I never lose at loser's poker.

Michelle: I've had a few years to catch up, don't forget. Like, I married a mobster.

Bill: Okay, well, that's pretty good. But I married a near stranger with a cigar band who left me after one night. And-- uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh-- I was a computer geek, my dad was a drunk, and my mom popped pills.

Michelle: Okay, well, my dad, he's a drunk, too, so we're even. Oh, here's one that you don't know. My birth mother hated me so much that she tried to smother me when I was a baby.

Bill: You've gotten good.

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Not so fast. All right, I got drunk when I was nine, I almost got kicked out of school, I stole my grandfather's Bentley, and I accidentally started a fire, all before the age of 12.

Michelle: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait. Nobody who has access to a Bentley can be a true loser. Doesn't work.

Bill: It wasn't mine. Still a loser.

Michelle: Kid crimes.

Bill: All right, kid crimes and dysfunctional parents ruled out.

Michelle: Deal.

Bill: All right.

Michelle: I'm still going to get you.

Bill: Listen, I was a computer geek with so many built-in loser points that you would never, ever, ever, ever catch me. So...

Michelle: I killed Mick Santos.

Bill: Look, that was self- defense.

Michelle: Well, it still counts.

Bill: It was necessary. Hey, come on, I married a dual personality. Game, set, match.

Michelle: Yeah, and I married somebody who's going to end up probably being a killer.

Olivia: Why don't you leave? I was having a good time with my real friends before you showed up.

Alan: Olivia, I thought I apologized. I was sure that we made up.

Olivia: Well, I was sure that you trusted me.

Alan: I will never trust you, darling. That is half of your charm. D-day, the note on your palm pilot? Now, if it didn't mean "diary," what did it mean?

Olivia: You want to know? You're absolutely sure?

Alan: I'm absolutely sure.

Olivia: And I can't surprise you at all ever.

Alan: You surprise me every day.

Olivia: Just never when I want to. Okay, fine. Open it.

Alan: Olivia...

Olivia: They're diamonds set in gold. I designed them myself. There's not another pair like them in the entire world. I had the diamonds flown in from Antwerp. Guess which day I picked them up?

Alan: D-day. Huh. But why the cryptic note? Why not jewelry day, or jeweler's day?

Olivia: Well, I was thinking you might look.

Alan: You thought that I would snoop?

Olivia: Silly me, huh? You know what? Maybe you need to take a look at the receipt.

Alan: No, Olivia, please. Please, please, please. They're absolutely beautiful. I feel terrible about ruining your surprise. I've been very foolish.

Olivia: You're not foolish, Alan. You're a powerful, vital man. I'm the envy of every woman I know.

Alan: Really? I love to hear you say that. Well, maybe you would like to take me out and show me off.

Olivia: (Laughs) I'd love to.

Alan: How about dinner?

Olivia: Yeah. I'd love to. Just let me get ready.

Alan: Well, I need to change myself. I'll be waiting.

Olivia: Oh, no. Oh, damn. Oh.

Devereaux: Mrs. Winslow, I am so sorry about what's happened.

Cassie: No, I should apologize. My daughter made a huge mistake. She didn't know that I sold the ring. So when she saw it, she just... She wasn't thinking.

Devereaux: I understand.

Cassie: Don't think that we're not going to pay you back. We are, truly. I mean, my daughter knows what she did was wrong. And we thought that maybe that she could work like on Saturdays for free throughout the holidays. I know you're really busy then.

Devereaux: There's no need. There's absolutely no need. It's over. Everything is settled.

Cassie: Oh. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. I mean, I'm so glad that it's going to end right here. You are going to drop the charges, aren't you?

Devereaux: I can't do that.

Cassie: But you just said that...

Devereaux: I understand how it happened. But this wasn't a prank, Mrs. Winslow. That's an expensive ring. It's in the hands of the court now. Mrs. Winslow, what can I do?

Cassie: You could drop the charges against my little girl. She's grieving, and she is in pain. She did a really stupid thing, but no one got hurt. You could have a heart, Mr. Devereaux.

Devereaux: I am sorry. Perhaps if I’d been here when it happened, but now it's a police matter. It's out of my hands.

(Knock at the door)

Olivia: Come in!

Olivia/Sam: Hey.

Olivia: What are you up to tonight?

Sam: Packing. What are you doing?

Olivia: Well, I thought you didn't have to be back till next week.

Sam: Yeah, well, you know, I've got to set up shop, get text books, that sort of thing.

Olivia: Oh, okay. So are you really sorry you came back?

Sam: What? No. I'm glad to see you, sis. I'll be back. I promise. Wherever you are.

Olivia: I'm going to be here, Sam. I'll be here.

Sam: Ah, but with whom? From the sounds of the ruckus this morning, it seems you have maneuvered Phillip and Beth firmly on the rock.

Olivia: All right, I'm responsible for some of that, but they did some of that themselves.

Sam: Sure they did. Well, you're going to get what you want I guess. Phillip, free and clear.

Olivia: Would it make you feel any better if you knew I was staying with Alan?

Sam: Do you love him?

Olivia: There's all kind of love, Sam. You know, it doesn't always come in a thunder bolt. It can grow.

Sam: Yes, but you can't talk yourself into loving Alan.

Olivia: That's not what I’m doing. I'm not. I'm just trying to make the right choice for once.

Sam: Okay.

Olivia: Look, these feelings that I have... That I have for Phillip is just another example of me setting myself up for some horrible fall, okay? I don't want to do it anymore. I've got to learn how to try to stop trying to stomp eternal flames like Josh and Reva or Phillip and Beth.

Sam: Makes sense to me. I never like seeing you go after the leftovers. But is Alan your only alternative?

Olivia: What do you think I should do, Sam?

Sam: Cozumel.

Olivia: What?

Sam: Cozumel. We'll be scuba diving bombs together. Oh, come on. No, seriously. We'll go down there, they have the best reefs in the whole Caribbean. And when the season's change, we could go to the Australian, the great Barrier Reef.

Olivia: Okay, what are we going to live on?

Sam: Conch soup.

Olivia: Oh.

Sam: Okay, then we'll send these big hunks that Alan gave you and we'll use the money to buy gear and our food and everything.

Olivia: Well, not tonight, because I broke one of these. Look.

Sam: Oh. I can fix that.

Olivia: Really?

Sam: Yep.

Olivia: Thanks, Sam.

Alan: Olivia... Hi, Sam. Olivia, the car's ready.

Olivia: Oh, okay. Wait up for us, okay?

Sam: Sure.

Michelle: (Sighs)

(Phone rings)

Danny: Yeah? Wait, wait, wait. I didn't schedule a private party. Oh. Well, who is it? Fine. Well, we'll deal with setting up the entertainment tomorrow. Tonight? Whatever. You deal with it. Whatever. Whatever you want. I don't care. This is the last I want to hear about it, all right? She's here? In the club? Yeah, I did tell her that. All right, send her in. I'm glad to see you've decided to take this seriously. What have you got for me?

Cassie: Well, the Beacon, you know is about to open. We've put out a lot of publicity. So we're going to be getting tons of bookings. And with the big gallery coming up...

Danny: I don't want your social. Cassie, cash. Where's the money?

Cassie: It's in the Beacon. Danny, that's what I’m trying to tell you. If you could give me a few more days...

Danny: No, wait, wait, wait. Cassie, you are weeks past just a few more days. Don't you realize the kind of money you should have walked through that door with? Minimum... minimum to cover the interest due this week. Seven grand.

Cassie: I don't have $7,000.

Danny: You're not just dealing with me, Cassie, you know that, right?

Cassie: Yes, I know how this works, Danny.

Danny: Well, so you said. So you said that you knew what you were doing. That you knew how this works. That you'd be good for the money.

Cassie: I am good for the money, okay? I am.

Danny: Tell me something. When you came to me and swore up and down that you knew the score and begged me to give you a loan that I didn't want to give, what was the plan?

Cassie: What do you mean plan?

Danny: The plan, Cassie. How were you planning to pay me back? What were you thinking?

Cassie: I wasn’t.

Danny: Great.

Cassie: Danny, all I could think about was helping Richard, giving him everything that he needed. And I needed money and I needed it fast. And I thought I could come up with a way to make the money. And I could go to a friend if I needed to go to a friend or Alonzo could help me.

Danny: So why aren't you? Call them. Why don't you call them?

Cassie: What do you think that I do all day long? What do you think that I do every day, Danny? I am calling people, okay? Everyone's tapped out. Nobody can help! There's only so much I can beg!

Danny: You're telling me that Alonzo couldn't come up with anything?

Cassie: Yes, Alonzo came up with a little.

Danny: Well, what...

Cassie: It went into the hotel lobby. Danny, listen, you have got to talk to your people. You've got to. They want their money, right? They want all of it. That's how this works, right?

Danny: Right, Cassie. But I can't go...

Cassie: I'm going to give them their money, Danny. I am. But I can't do it if I lose the Beacon. That is the way I am going to generate the money I owe and then some. I just need a few more days. That's all. Please.

Danny: From me?

Cassie: Yes, you've got to help me. You are my last hope.

Danny: From me? You're looking for a lifeline. Forget it. You found an anchor.

Olivia: Nice cufflinks.

Alan: They certainly are. They were given to me by a woman of rare taste.

Olivia: Well, it shows.

Alan: Olivia, to us. To romance and real estate; passions and payoffs.

Olivia: Hear, hear. We certainly had some passion this afternoon, didn't we?

Alan: We certainly did.

Olivia: (Laughs) So how about we move on to real estate?

Alan: Tell me what you had in mind.

Olivia: Well, the Beacon.

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: I want it to myself. Call in Cassie’s loan.

Alan: Olivia, the woman has just lost her husband.

Olivia: I know. I know that. And she's in way over her head. But she'd be better off back at the farm.

Alan: (Laughs) Doing what?

Olivia: Not accumulating a more massive debt, for one thing. She can't afford this. You don't have to make it hard on her. She could take as long as she wants to pay you back. But please, let's get her out of there.

Alan: All right, Olivia, I will give it some serious thought if I could have the next dance with you.

Olivia: (Laughs) (whistling)

Sam: Well, I'll be damned.

Danny: This meeting is over.

Cassie: Are you going to talk to them? Danny, are you going to explain to the investors?

Danny: What? They don't want explanations, Cassie. They want their money. And they're sick of waiting.

Cassie: So what's going to happen, Danny?

Danny: You want some water? Something stronger?

Cassie: No. I think I need to go get a lawyer.

Danny: A lawyer isn't going to help you with these people.

Cassie: For Tammy. She was arrested today, okay?

Danny: For what?

Cassie: She saw my engagement ring in a store and she stole it. She's been seeing all this stuff being moved out of the Beacon, and I thought I was doing such a great job of hiding it, but you know, kids they just see everything, and they're on to everything.

Danny: Yes. They see everything.

Cassie: So she saw the ring and I guess she just snapped and she just thought that it... She thought that it would be nice if I had it back. But that's not it, you know. That's not just it. She's terrified that she is going to lose her home again. And that is a promise that I will not break. And I will do whatever it takes, Danny. I will. I cannot lose the Beacon. I can’t. And I've got to keep my kids together and I have to keep them safe. And I will do absolutely anything to do that. Please. You have got to help me.

Danny: What is it?

Bartender: Sorry, boss, but we have to decide now.

Danny: Decide what?

Bartenders: The agency won't send the girls on my say-so. They said you have to pick them.

Danny: Take a look at them for what?

Bartender: For the event tonight.

Cassie: You're hiring people for a party?

Danny: Yeah, it's nothing.

Cassie: Let me see.

Danny: Cassie...

Cassie: These girls are strippers. You're hiring a stripper? Well, then you've got a new employee. You don't need to hire these girls. Hire me.

Olivia: Hi.

Alan: Well...

Sam: May I?

Alan: Well, Sam, since it's your last night here, of course you can.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Alan: Be my guest.

Sam: Thank you.

Olivia: Hi.

Sam: What a guy.

Olivia: Sammy.

Sam: Dance with me.

Olivia: Okay.

Sam: This way.

Olivia: (Laughs) Fine. What are you doing?

Sam: I brought you your earrings.

Olivia: Oh.

Sam: All fixed.

Olivia: Thank you.

Sam: Your lovely little emeralds are a radio transmitter. They're bugged.

Olivia: What?

Sam: You heard me. And so would Alan if you opened your hand right now. Every word.

Bill: Okay. We are never to play that game again.

Michelle: Never.

Bill: It is banned, okay?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Maybe it was cute in a teenage slacker make fun of your problems kind of way when we were 15, but it's not cute anymore.

Michelle: Nope.

Bill: No, it's not.

Michelle: Mm-mm.

Bill: I'm sorry I brought it up.

Michelle: It's okay.

Bill: And for the record, you are not a loser-- never were, never can be.

Michelle: You either. Well, now that that computer geek thing is over.

Bill: Wait a minute now. Come on.

Michelle: Hey, I got an idea. Let's stay here forever.

Bill: Yeah.

Michelle: Yeah.

Bill: All right. I already packed everything up, though.

Michelle: Good. (Laughter) When's the next ferry?

Bill: We should leave in about an hour.

Michelle: So you're going to fight for Beth?

Bill: I don't know. What do you think I should do?

Michelle: It's not really fair to ask me, because I'm one of those people who think of Phillip and Beth in the same sentence. Although it's never been easy for them. I mean, that's got to mean something.

Bill: (Groans) What about Danny?

Michelle: That's never been easy. And it definitely means something. It's over. It has to be for Robbie.

Bill: And for you?

Michelle: And for me.

Bill: All right, so let's just put this out for sure. So you ready to feel reality bite?

Michelle: Can we just, like make up some new games on the ferry? I mean, reality doesn't have to bite till we get back to Springfield, does it?

Bill: No, it doesn’t. Come on.

Danny: Forget it. I'm not going to hire you to strip.

Cassie: What does Lola here have that I don't?

Danny: Cassie...

Cassie: Danny, I used to do this, okay?

Danny: Yeah, I know but I'm not going to hire you.

Cassie: Danny, come on.

Danny: Forget it. No.

Cassie: You need a dancer anyway. How much do they make?

Danny: Cassie...

Cassie: Danny, tell me how much?

Danny: No.

Cassie: Look, is it a couple thousand? Or is it one thousand? Look, I'll call the agency and I’ll find out for myself. How much?

Danny: $2,000.

Cassie: Plus tips?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: So it could be $4,000 if they're high rollers.

Danny: Look, I don't know. Probably.

Cassie: Danny, that's almost the amount that I owe you this week.

Danny: No, not even close, Cassie. I'm not going to do it.

Cassie: At least you can tell them that I'm trying. That I’m trying to pay that. I'm giving you something. You could tell them that, right?

Danny: You've got three kids.

Cassie: Yes, and I have to put a roof over their heads. Danny, please, I need this job. How many ways do you want me to beg? Please give me the job!

Danny: This is when we start. Don't be late.

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