Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/10/02
Josh: How can it be time for you to go off to school already?
Marah: I keep asking myself the same question. I've only got a million things to do.
Josh: I thought Shayne was going to help you pack.
Marah: He offered, but I told him to go hang out at the mall with his friends. It's really just a one-person job.
Josh: Okay. Well, I guess there's nothing I can do to help. Maybe I'll just sit here and distract you? How would that be?
Marah: Thanks, Dad, but no thanks.
Josh: Well, then maybe we can talk a bit-- you know, simple stuff, like how you're doing?
Marah: I'm fine. Stop worrying about me.
Josh: Actually, you know what? I'm going to probably worry about you for the rest of my life. That's one of the perks of being a parent.
Marah: Dad, look, I told you, what happened the other night, it was a freak thing.
Josh: Spending the night with Tony Santos was a freak thing?
Marah: I didn't spend the night with Tony, Dad. I went on his family's boat to talk to him about something, and the boat got stuck; I got stuck along with it. And we slept from each other. I was fully clothed. And that's it, end of story.
Josh: Is it?
Marah: Yes.
Josh: Then why are you so upset? Marah, sweetheart, a few weeks ago, Tony Santos almost raped you.
Marah: Yeah, Dad, but he didn't. Nothing happened.
Josh: Something happened.
Marah: Okay, something happened, but it's not going to happen again. So can we please just drop it? Great, just great. I put all this stuff in the wrong box. What else can I do wrong today?
Josh: Hey, it's Josh Lewis. (Laughs) Yeah, that's great. Great. Listen, I know this is out of the blue, but I could really use your help right now. How quick can you get here?
Eden: We've established he smiles. Now the next question is, will he buy me another drink?
Tony: Yeah, sure. But you're going to have to have this one by yourself. I've got work to do.
Eden: Wait. You're blowing me off just because I talked to a cop?
Tony: Well, there are cops, and there's Gus Aitoro.
Eden: Well, tell me about it.
Tony: Well, you know what? How about you tell me about it over another martini?
Eden: I thought you would never ask.
Phillip: Oh. How are you? Hey, Tony, I’m sorry to interrupt. But, Eden, I need to have a word with you.
Eden: I'm in the middle of something.
Ray: Tony? Un momento, por favor?
Tony: All right, when I get back, we'll finish our...
Eden: Discussion.
Tony: Yeah.
Eden: So, what, are you here to give me some more threats?
Phillip: No. No, I came here to thank you.
Nolan: Look, I'm not sure when Mr. Phillip is going to be returning.
Gus: Well, I'll wait. I don't mind. You have a problem with that? What's your name?
Nolan: My name is Nolan, sir.
Gus: Nolan, right. Right, Nolan. What happened to what's his face? Thomas?
Nolan: Ah, yes. Yes. Well, I am the butler here, sir, and he was just filling in for me, shall we say.
Gus: Right. Okay. Thomas was... See, I wouldn't count on him for filling in on my next vacation, because he was the guy that fell down and couldn't get up. (Laughs) He's a wimp, that guy.
Nolan: Yes.
Gus: All right. Thanks a lot, Nolan. Nolan. What kind of name is that? Thank you, big Al. Very nice. Lorelei's diary. Beth. Lorelei. Lorelei, Beth. Oh, you've been a very naughty girl.
Beth: Stop, Lizzie, stop. We need to talk about this.
Lizzie: Okay. How could something like that ever get in print with your name on it?
Beth: Not.. Not my name, sweetie. Lorelei’s.
Lizzie: Big difference, Mom. The whole town knows that you were Lorelei, and now the whole world will. And I still don't get how they could publish it without your say so.
Beth: Because apparently I gave my consent as Lorelei. She gave the diary to the publisher herself.
Lizzie: What an idiot. Why?
Beth: For the money, I guess. Lizzie... Lizzie, believe me, if it were up to me, this diary would never have seen the light of day. But now that it has, we have to deal with it.
Lizzie: It'll probably be a best-seller. People love trash. I mean, I bet you every girl in my school will be reading it by tomorrow. Oh, my gosh, that's why Tiffany canceled our meeting. Everybody's read it. I'm going to have to hide the entire year.
Beth: No, no, you won't.
Lizzie: Mom, the whole semester.
Beth: No, no, you won't, because we are going to deal with this together, Lizzie. And somehow, someway, we will find a way through this.
Lizzie: All right. Tell everyone the book was a lie. No, Mom, Mom, you could go on a talk show, or you could do an interview with Holly Reade or something, and you can tell everybody...
Beth: Lizzie, I can't do that. Because to the best of my knowledge, everything in that book is true. And I can't defend or deny any of it, because I wasn't myself at the time. And if it makes you feel better to yell at me for something I had no control over, go right ahead. Or... Or the alternative is, we could sit down, talk about this, and find a way through this together. I sure know which one I prefer. Lizzie, Lorelei isn't some excuse I use for bad behavior every time it strikes my fancy. I had a very real psychological problem, and I am working very hard in counseling to come to terms with it. And you have been very understanding. And if you could continue to be understanding, I would really appreciate it.
Lizzie: I'm trying, Mom. I really am. It's just, I can't stop thinking about all those months, Mom, when I... I would cry myself to sleep, because I had no idea... Because I didn't know if you were dead or not. I watched daddy and nana cry, too. And now I find out all of a sudden that...
Beth: I was struggling to survive, sweetheart. That's what I was doing, fighting to get back to you.
Lizzie: What, by jumping in the sack with every guy you saw?
Beth: And when I finally did come home, you were the only one who believed in me, the only one who knew who I was. Please, sweetie, don't stop believing in me now.
Lizzie: I want to... I really want to believe you, Mom, but there's a slight problem.
Beth: Okay, what is that?
Lizzie: I have no idea who you are anymore. (Crying)
Eden: You want to thank me.
Phillip: Yeah. You did me and you did my family a great service yesterday by being so honesty with that arbitrator.
Eden: Well, I didn't have much of a choice after you threatened to prosecute if I, you know, took the responsibility of that guy's death.
Phillip: Yeah, but you weren't responsible for it, which is why you recanted the story that you had previously told me to protect your brother, and instead told the arbitrator the whole truth and nothing but, correct?
Eden: All I know is that I don't like to be blackmailed.
Phillip: Well, sure. Nobody does.
Eden: And I don't like to make my brother the bad guy either.
Phillip: Even though he was?
Eden: Nicky is the only family I have-- at least he was until yesterday. Now I don't know if he'll ever talk to me again.
Phillip: Well, that's why I’m here, because I know it was a difficult choice for you to make yesterday. And I appreciate your courage.
Eden: That's not nearly enough.
Josh: You see, they were sort of in the middle of this on- again, off-again relationship deal, and this thing happened between the two of them. And now it's off again, and I hope it stays that way. And see, I’ve tried to talk to her a bit about it, and Reva’s tried to talk her, but she's keeping a lot inside.
Holly: This thing... This... Well, what, did they have a fight or something?
Josh: No, it's much worse than that, actually.
Holly: Did he hit her?
Josh: He practically raped her.
Holly: Oh, God!
Josh: Now, I don't know all the details, obviously, but Marah claims that it didn't go quite that far, but it shook her up pretty badly.
Holly: Of course.
Josh: I wanted her to call the police, you know, and report Tony, but she refused to do that. And she's refused counseling. She says she's okay, but I don't think she's okay.
Holly: And you thought because of my... My experience with Roger...
Josh: Yeah. I thought you might know how to talk to her, you know, draw her out. Listen, I'm sorry. I understand I’m overstepping boundaries here, but she's hurting, and I don't know what else to do.
Holly: You know, I might not be the right person to talk to her. I'm still not so...
Marah: Hey, holly. Here to see mom?
Josh: Actually, I asked Holly to come over and talk with you.
Marah: About what?
Josh: Well, several years ago, Holly went through a similar experience.
Marah: A similar experience...
Josh: Sort of like what you're going through with Tony, what you went through with Tony.
Marah: Dad, enough. All right. I love you for caring about me, but you are so blowing this out of proportion. Please, can we just let it go?
Gus: (Laughs)
Beth: What are you doing in here?
Gus: Lorelei, I presume. Is that you? I'm just having myself a good ol' time.
Beth: Yeah, well, you're good ol' time is over. So leave.
Gus: I'm sorry. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was judging you or something. I'm just... I mean, it doesn't really matter does it? Because it's not you. It's somebody else.
Beth: Yeah, well, that's a distinction few people recognize.
Gus: Yeah, well, there's a lot of people in this town that can't make a lot of distinctions between things, like a certain ex-wife that has an issue with another ex-wife. But although she has problems with her, she does realize that that other ex-wife is a damn good mother, and shouldn't be separated from her child.
Beth: Which is why I've been defending Harley to Phillip, until now. But if what came out in that arbitration is true about you, I completely agree with Phillip.
Gus: Well, it is not true. I am no killer.
Beth: And an abuser? Your sister thinks otherwise.
Gus: No, my sister was coerced into saying those things.
Beth: Fine, fine. Prove it.
Gus: I intend to prove it.
Beth: Fabulous, fabulous. But until you do, I wholeheartedly agree with Phillip. You should be kept as far away from Zach as possible. In fact, you should be kept as far away from any child as possible.
Gus: Well, not to judge a book by its cover, but you're no paragon of virtue yourself, sweetheart.
Phillip: The amount of this check is hardly an insult.
Eden: Well, I am very insulted right now. As a matter of fact, I am so insulted, I may just go find that nice little arbitrator and change my story.
Phillip: Well, be my guest. I'll be happy to tell her how you blackmailed me.
Eden: You blackmailed me first.
Phillip: Okay. Okay. Maybe you're right. Maybe the amount of that check is inappropriate. So why don't we replace it... With this?
Eden: That's half the amount of the last one.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. And the next one I write will be half of that, and so on and so on until you end up with nothing. Now, let me ask you, which one would you like to keep?
Eden: Eenie, meenie, minie, moe. I guess I know when I've been beat.
Phillip: Beaten. And you're not. You're just greedy.
Ray: So who's the girl you were talking to at the bar?
Tony: Oh, she's nothing special. Why?
Ray: I was just wondering if I should warn her, that's all, tell her not to go near you with a wrench or accidentally do anything that might set you off.
Tony: You talked to Marah.
Ray: No. Marah cried and poured her heart out. All I did was listen.
Tony: Ray, it was a misunderstanding.
Ray: Of course it was a misunderstanding, Tony. You were on the guy so fast wailing away at him, how could you possibly understand a word he said? Unless of course Marah was exaggerating? What is your problem, man? When are you ever going to learn?
Tony: Never, I guess.
Ray: No, I guess not. You just keep on making the same stupid mistakes over and over. You already lost Marah because of it. What's left?
Tony: There's nothing. There's nothing left.
Ray: Do you want to change?
Tony: I can't change, Ray. I can’t.
Ray: That's not what I asked. I asked if you wanted to.
Tony: I'm telling you I can't, okay?
Ray: Let me guess, because you're a Santos? Well, I'm a Santos, too.
Tony: You don't count, man.
Ray: Because I had the guts to walk away, and you don't?
Tony: Look... Look, Danny tried to change even, and he tried really hard. But if it didn't work for him, why is it going to work for me?
Ray: Yeah, look at Danny. Look where he is right now. Take a good look. Living out of a suitcase without his wife and kid. Is that where you want to end up? Or do you want to take it one step further and end up dead, like pops? Because if you keep this up, that's exactly where you're going.
Holly: Maybe you could do something upstairs?
Josh: Thank you.
Holly: So, Marah...
Marah: I don't want to talk about it.
Holly: Okay, that's fine. That's your prerogative. We could always talk about me. I'm such a fascinating subject.
Marah: I'm sure you are.
Holly: Yeah, the many lives of Holly Reade. If I ever write the book, it's going to be a best-seller-- lots of intrigue and plenty of heartbreak, and still she perseveres. Do you remember Roger Thorpe? Blake's father, and my first husband?
Marah: Sure. He was one of those kind of people who left an impression.
Holly: She's so diplomatic. Well, Roger is a very complex and dangerous man. He was always a puzzle, and you would never know. From one minute to the next, he would be so sweet, and then... Sound familiar? One night, in one of his most unpleasant moods, he raped me.
Marah: Holly, that's horrible.
Holly: Yes, it was horrible.
Marah: Why are you telling me this? This has nothing to do with me.
Holly: No? It doesn't?
Beth: Here's the door. Door. Leave! Now!
Gus: You're a little tongue- tied. What is it about the people that move into this house? The minute they do, they become hypocrites. I don't understand. I mean, I thought you were a very nice lady, Beth-- at least a lady, but I could say I stand corrected. But then again, it's cool with me, because a lot of people have, you know, different sides to their personality. That's not something I should really be talking about... I mean, I'm not an angel myself. But it does work both ways. I can give you slack, but it works both ways.
Beth: No. No, no, it doesn't. You see, it's one thing to have a few romantic escapades. It is quite another thing...
Gus: A few?
Beth: ...To murder someone, and to burn your sister with cigarette. You know, you think that I don't you well, let me tell you something. I know people like you all too well.
Gus: I didn't hurt anybody. I never killed anybody. My sister made all that stuff up.
Beth: Oh, and why would she do that, Gus, why?
Gus: Oh, I don't know. Maybe Phillip convinced her? Is that possible?
Beth: Oh, please. Phillip is not to blame for everything. You know something? I don't have time for this. I have troubles of my own.
Gus: You know, nothing... Nothing you're going through, Beth, could touch what Harley’s going through.
Beth: Nothing?
Gus: Nothing.
Beth: You think that what I’m going through is nothing? My daughter hates me. Phillip is disgusted by me. The most intimate details of a life I can't even remember are out there for the whole world to see. And to top it all off, to top it all off, while I was this other person, I married Bill Lewis, while I was married to Edmund. So I’m a bigamist to boot. You think you've got problems? You don't know the half of it.
Gus: Well, I do now.
Marah: Look, I don't know what dad told you, but our situations aren't the same, not at all.
Holly: No?
Marah: No. Tony didn’t... It never got that far between us.
Holly: Well, what exactly did happen? Do you feel uncomfortable talking about it?
Marah: Yeah, actually I do.
Holly: Sometimes it's good to talk about it. Your dad said you're very upset.
Marah: Well, yes, of course I’m upset when... Because it's disturbing when... When somebody attacks you like that, it's disturbing. Tony found out something that made him really angry that night. That's how it started. And I expected him to be angry. I just... I wasn't prepared for how angry.
Holly: Had he ever lost his temper at you before?
Marah: I mean, he's kicked over chairs, or put his fist through a wall, or gotten into a fight with somebody. But lay a hand on me? No, never.
Holly: But this time it was different?
Marah: He didn't actually hit me. He... He pushed me, and grabbed me, and he ripped my blouse. It was like somebody just suddenly turned the switch on, and all this rage came out.
Holly: But you... You could get away?
Marah: Yeah. I said something, and he snapped out of it. And now I just... I want to forget about it and move on. And I want to go back to school, and I want to help out my mom and my Aunt Cassie.
Holly: Yes. Yes, of course you do. Of course, darling. But sit. You're right. It was different for me. Roger went through with it. And I... I felt such betrayal and such... I... I was so violated, and I wanted to make him pay. So I went to the police and pressed charges, and did all those things you were supposed to do.
Marah: Well, see, your situation was different, so you handled it differently.
Holly: Yeah. I thought I handled it... I thought I handled it so it would just be all be hind me. And then, just a couple of years ago, I was working late one night, I was sitting at my desk, just eating a sandwich, listening to the radio, and there was... This haydn quartet started. It was wonderful, joyous music. And all of a sudden, I just felt I couldn't breathe, and I started shaking. And the next thing, I was on the floor, I was under the desk, and I was curled up in a fetal position, and I was sobbing uncontrollably. I just kept saying, "no, no, no, no." That's what he did to me. And the scars, you know, they just... They're just so deep. And the strangest thing is that with all that... With all that anger and all that pain and after all this time, still, I still feel connected to him.
Ray: You have a problem, Tony.
Tony: I do not have a problem, Ray. I could name a dozen guys who fly off the handle just like I do when things go wrong.
Ray: And they all have problems, Tony, all of them-- issues.
Tony: What, are you... What, are you a psychiatrist now? Huh?
Ray: Tony, there's reasons for your anger, reasons that make perfect sense, considering what happened to pops and the way we grew up. Now, if you can get in touch with that, deal with it somehow. Tell me you don't still love Marah. Tell me. Then why don't you do whatever it takes to get her back?
Tony: Because, Ray, even if I tried to do something about this supposed problem of mine, it wouldn't matter. Something else would crop up. Don't you understand? That's the way it is with me and Marah. We can never ever get our signals straight with each other. And you know what? I'm tired, man. I am exhausted already.
Ray: Aw, poor baby.
Tony: I hurt her! All right? I did. And I don't trust myself not to hurt her again. That's it. Are you satisfied? Okay, I am who I am. And if you don't see that, I’m sorry. Okay, there’s... There's nothing I can do. But you know what? That's your problem, because you're my brother, and that's your job.
Ray: You're making a mistake.
Tony: You know what? Maybe I'll make a few more. Maybe that's who I am, too. Hey. So, now that we got rid of our interruptions... Where were we?
Holly: You know, when you fall in love with someone, it's for a reason. You see something wonderful in that person. They may have many wonderful qualities. And at the same time, they have many not so wonderful problems. And a lot of time, the problems don't show up till later on, and by the time...
Marah: You're so in love with the person that you don't want to see it.
Holly: Yeah. And then they do something to hurt you, something really mean, or something that you realize is not... Is ethically and morally wrong, but you don't want to believe it, because you know how wonderful they are.
Marah: It's so hard for me to understand, to reconcile how he can be two such different people. But he did what he did. He hurt me. So how could I ever trust him again? How could I possibly love him after that?
Holly: You do?
Marah: Yeah, I do. I've tried to get over it. I've prayed so hard that I would get over him. But I do. (Crying) I still love him.
Holly: I know.
Tony: So, first you're off gabbing with Gus Aitoro, and now Phillip Spaulding. You know, for a new girl in town, you know a lot of people.
Eden: Are you jealous? Well, you shouldn't be. You're much cuter than both of them.
Tony: Are you always this bad?
Eden: Are you? Or are you just trying to tick off the priest?
Tony: Do you care?
Eden: Hell, no. (Laughter)
Tony: Ray, don't you have a mass to say or something?
Ray: You know, for a grown man, you're acting awfully childish.
Tony: Excuse me. You know, we can't all be as perfect as you are. Father Ray here wants to put me on the straight and narrow, you know. But I'm resisting.
Eden: Well, there's some things you can resist, and there's some things you can’t.
Tony: Oh, yeah? Like? I think you can do better than that.
Gus: Oh, Beth, I've got to thank you. I have to thank you.
Beth: Thank me for what?
Gus: Well, something that you just said made me... It triggered something in my mind. And now I realize I do have a way out of the jam that I'm in.
Beth: That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. You know the way out. What... What are you doing?
Gus: Bigamy is a crime, and I’m sworn to uphold the law.
Beth: Are you out of your mind?
Gus: People think so. You shouldn't take it personally though, okay? Because Phillip set the rules of this game. I have no choice but to play by the rules. There you go.
Beth: What?
Gus: All right. Be a good girl as we leave.
Beth: Where are we going?
Gus: The pokey.
Holly: Can I give you some advice?
Marah: Please.
Holly: When the person that you trust more than anybody else in the world hurts you the way that Tony hurt you, this is a huge betrayal. And if you don't understand what you're feeling, or if you don't have all the answers, that's perfectly normal.
Marah: Okay.
Holly: But one thing that you can do to help you sort out your feelings is to get some counseling. You know, when you go back to the university, I understand that student health services, they have some very highly qualified... What?
Marah: You're telling me all of this, and I’ve admitted what happened, but still, there's this part of me that wishes that maybe someday we could be back together. Am I a total masochist?
Holly: No. You're only human. You know, Marah, Tony has a very serious problem. And for you two to ever possibly get back together again, first of all, he would have to want to change, and he'd have to be willing to do the work to get there. Now, to me, this means therapy. Would macho Tony Santos ever be willing to get that kind of help? Maybe he loves you so much, he would. I don't know. But that's up to him. And if he's not willing, it's his loss. But you, you are fabulous. You deserve the best. So you have to take care of yourself. You have to keep the focus on you. You get that? Will you do that?
Marah: Yeah. Thank you. I didn't think that I needed to talk, but I did.
Holly: So I need to get back to work. I'll give you my card. It has all my numbers on it. Whenever you need to talk, you just pick up the phone.
Marah: Thank you.
Holly: Okay.
Josh: I'll walk you out.
Holly: So, you talk to Reva about that interview.
Josh: Yeah. Is she okay?
Holly: I think she will be.
Josh: Are you okay?
Holly: Fine.
Josh: Thank you.
Holly: Yeah. Okay.
Josh: I'll leave you to your packing.
Marah: Dad? Can I get a hug first, please?
Josh: Yeah. (Marah crying) It's okay, sweetheart.
Eden: So anytime you want to tick off the priest, I’m your girl.
Ray: He's my brother.
Eden: The priest?
Ray: Yep.
Eden: Talk about polar opposites.
Ray: Yeah. You know, I really... I do have work to do, so...
Eden: Wait. You're choosing paperwork over me? Oh, boy. Your priorities are really off. But, you know, I will not hold it against you as long as promise to buy me another drink-- soon.
Tony: Yeah.
Tammy: Got your message. What's wrong?
Lizzie: Oh, nothing. I just... I needed to get out of the house.
Tammy: So what do you want to do? Window shop till we drop?
Lizzie: Yeah, as long as we stay clear of bookstores.
Tammy: Huh?
Lizzie: Nothing. I know. Let's go to a movie.
Tammy: Oh, Lizzie, I can’t. I'm totally broke.
Lizzie: No, my treat.
Tammy: Really?
Lizzie: Yeah, let's go.
Woman #1: Was that the most gorgeous diamond ring you've ever seen?
Woman #2: No wonder a prince bought it for his bride. Who else could afford a rock like that?
Woman #1: How could she ever give it up?
Woman #2: Beats me, honey. But you'd have to pull that sucker right off my hand. (Laughter)
Tammy: That's my mother's engagement ring!
Lizzie: No. Are you sure?
Tammy: Positive. How did it get in there?
Lizzie: She must have sold it.
Tammy: Why?
Lizzie: Are you okay?
Tammy: My dad gave that ring to my mom because he loved her. And now he's dead, and it's in some shop window?! How could she?
Lizzie: She's been under a lot of pressure lately. I mean, you said that she's been crying non-stop. She wasn't thinking straight. Well, there's just one thing to do. We have to get it back for her.
Tammy: Oh, sure. I'll just walk in there and plunk down the two bucks in change I have in my pocket, and I’m sure they'll just hand it right over.
Lizzie: No, that won't work. But I think I know something that will.
Beth: Clearly you want to send a message to Phillip. Well, the message has been received. I'll pass it along. Now, let me go.
Gus: Oh, well, I can't do that.
Beth: I have to get back to my daughter.
Gus: Is that right? Well, Zach has to get back to his mother.
Beth: Thank you.
Gus: Orlando? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me. I only took those cuffs off you so you can make a phone call and tell Phillip where you are, okay?
Beth: Look, I offered to help you. You turned me down.
Gus: Yeah, well, that's because we have to do this my way.
Beth: Well, then you're doing it without me.
Gus: Oh, really? I could care... Alicia, open it up. I don't care. It's no skin off of my teeth. Believe me. There you go. Have a nice night.
Phillip: Where the hell is everybody? (Phone rings) Hello?
Gus: Hello, little Phillip. How are you? Actually, you don't have to answer that question. I have another question for you. Do you know where Beth is? I mean, Lorelei? I mean, Beth? I mean... God, it's so confusing. You don't have to answer that question neither, because they're here with me at the station under arrest.
Phillip: You arrested her for what?
Gus: A little thing called bigamy.