GL Transcript Monday 9/9/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/9/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Beth: Alan, thank God. I've been looking for you all day.

Alan: Well, I love hearing that.

Beth: Well, you won't love this.

Alan: What is this? Lorelei's Diary. Is this some kind of a joke?

Beth: I wish it were, Alan. I wish it were. Turns out Lorelei was a little more creative than we thought, especially in the bedroom.

Alan: "I slowly begin to..." Good Lord.

Beth: You don't... You don't have to read anymore; it's pretty much all like that.

Alan: This is absurd. It is fiction, isn't it?

Beth: No, no. In fact, there's a good chance that everything in there happened as written.

Alan: Does Phillip know this? How the hell did this get to a publisher?

Beth: Well, that's a good question and that's why I came to you. This needs to be dealt with fast before it does any real damage.

Alan: I will destroy whoever did this to us.

Beth: Even if it's Olivia?

Olivia: I left messages for the publisher's legal department, for the VP of editorial affairs first thing this morning. So far, no one's gotten back to me.

Phillip: You've been busy.

Olivia: Well, I took what you said seriously, about wanting me to help you find out how that diary ended up in his hands. I take everything you say seriously.

Phillip: That's reassuring.

Olivia: You still think I’m involved in this somehow, don't you?

Phillip: Let's just say that I find it a real stretch to think that you had no idea how the diary ended up in the bookstores.

Olivia: Yeah, I have some idea. Someone's out to hurt you.

Phillip: No, hurt Beth, my wife.

Olivia: You know what? I don't know how to get rid of your doubts, except to prove to you that I’m on your side, but you're going to have to let me, okay? So will you do that? Because I will show you what a good friend I can be.

Michelle: You are never going to believe what happened.

Bill: You thought about what we're going to have for dinner tonight.

Michelle: Ha, ha. Have you seen my bag?

Bill: Oh-ho, now that... That is funny. Here you are, you've been preaching your womanly ways about how I have to be more organized. Been rearranging my toolbox, the screws, the nails, and everything else, and here you are, you can't even find your own bag.

Michelle: Yeah, because I’ve been so focused on helping you. But you know, now that I’m starting to relax, you're going to have to clean up after me in a couple days, so you enjoy the perks while you can.

Bill: Perks, perks. What are you talking about? Your painting is hopeless. The least you could do is clean up around here.

Michelle: I repeat, ha, ha.

Bill: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, who you calling?

Michelle: I want to call Danny. Robbie and I were playing catch, and he actually caught the ball without dropping it this time, so I just wanted to tell Danny. He is Robbie’s father.

(Phone rings)

Danny: What? Hello? Hello? Michelle? Michelle. (Cell phone rings)

Eden: What do I got to do to get a little service around here?

Tony: Well, once you put some money on the table, we'll see.

Eden: Ooh, there's a chill in the air. Your girlfriend must be around.

Tony: I don't have a girlfriend.

Eden: Good, then there's a chance things might warm up.

Gus: You have a lot of explaining to do.

Tony: You know, it's a bad idea hassling our customers.

Gus: Listen, little mob boss, why don't you go wash some glasses or do whatever it is you have to do.

Tony: Say the word and I'll get rid of this guy, please.

Eden: No, it would be more fun if I did it on my own. Just give me five minutes.

Gus: Five minutes.

Tony: Five minutes.

Gus: (Whispers) Five minutes. You know what? Why I don't just tell Tony Santos who you are, then he can step on your feet, instead of playing footsies with you.

Eden: Well, maybe that's not what I’m doing. And besides, I got the feeling from you and Officer Cooper that you weren't very eager for my company after the way the hearing went yesterday.

Gus: It's Detective Cooper. Detective Cooper. And we wanted to kill you when you told the arbitrator those lies. You so let me down.

Eden: Yeah, well, you call it "Letting you down"; I call it not jumping through hoops.

Gus: All I wanted you to do is tell the truth. Just tell the truth, Eden, that's all. But you had to lie. You have to lie.

Eden: I said what I had to say.

Gus: Oh, God, I don't understand. Because at the end of the day, Harley had her baby taken away because I helped you, because I had your back in Chicago, because I kept my promise to dad. It's called loyalty. It's called loyalty and love.

Eden: Oh, but now, Nicky has a girlfriend that he loves, so what? So I’m supposed to set the record straight to save her, and then maybe wind up in jail because of it. I'm sorry, I’m not...

Gus: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a second. When did you ever care about going to jail. You know that I would protect you.

Eden: Not anymore.

Gus: Not anymore? What... Can I just ask you, what happened to you that makes you act this way. Did something happen?

Eden: Phillip Spaulding paid me a visit before the hearing.

Gus: What did he say? He threatened you?

Eden: No, he didn't have to. He just made it very clear that anything I said to that arbitrator could and probably would be held against me in court.

Gus: So, you don't trust me that I would make it okay for you?

Eden: I trust you, Nicky, with my life; I don't trust Phillip Spaulding.

Alan: This is not a diary, it's a book of humiliation.

Beth: Alan, Alan, believe me, there is nothing in there I would've chosen to do as Beth Raines.

Alan: That's the problem, Beth. You're also a Spaulding, whatever you do, no matter what your attentions, reflects on our family, reflects on Phillip, on me, on James, and certainly Lizzie.

Beth: But I was Lorelei when I did-- she did that craziness.

Alan: Do you think the tabloids are going to make that distinction? Do you really think that? They're going to have a field day with this. And as for Olivia, what makes you so sure she took this to the publisher? What does she have to gain?

Beth: Well, let's just say she doesn't like me, Alan. She hasn't liked me since she first moved in here. You saw how gleefully she pounced when she found out Bill Lewis had a crush on me.

Alan: I admit that Olivia likes to play games on everyone, but this is far... This goes far beyond payback, Beth. I think you should let go of that.

Beth: Do you trust her, Alan?

Alan: Olivia? To a point.

Beth: And does she care about you?

Alan: Olivia's a very intelligent woman. She understand how good I am to her and for her.

Beth: But does she care about you, Alan?

Alan: Olivia knows one thing: That I value loyalty more than my family. And I don't think she would cross me there.

Beth: Well, think again. This is Olivia’s. Look here. This is the date the diary was published.

Alan: "D-day"?

Beth: "D" for diary.

Alan: Olivia did meet with a publisher a few weeks back. Michael Masterson.

Beth: About what?

Alan: Why don't we see for sure?

Marina: Hi, the butler guy let me up. Lizzie invited me over.

Beth: Yeah, she's... she's down by the hot tub.

Marina: Okay, cool. Thanks.

Alan: Michael, Alan Spaulding. Very well, thank you. Listen, I am entertaining the idea of writing my autobiography, and I was wondering if you would like to meet with me and talk about it. You would? Excellent. Well, how soon could we meet? I would like to do it right away, Michael. Good, I'll see you soon. Beth, I will tell you one thing: If Olivia has blackened the Spaulding name, she will learn very quickly and painfully, just how much of an outsider she really is to this family.

Phillip: Look, I'm sorry if I sound suspicious, but, you know, let's face it, you and Beth got off on the wrong foot from the moment Alan had you move in here.

Olivia: Excuse me, living here is my choice.

Phillip: All right, okay, look. All I'm saying is that the ladies of the house have not been getting along.

Olivia: So what? That's my fault?

Phillip: I didn't say it was your fault.

Olivia: You're certainly questioning my character, not Beth’s. Never mind that it was Beth who got all worked over the influence I might have on your daughter, not to mention Alan.

Phillip: Yes, and you think she's overreacting.

Olivia: I think she's insecure. So do you.

Phillip: Beth is having a rough year.

Olivia: Who hasn't? Look, I don't want to harp on this, okay, because I think you've had enough domestic issues to last a lifetime. But quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Beth was a little insecure about you, too.

Phillip: Well, she'd actually have to be here to be insecure about something that I had done. She's been out of town quite a bit lately.

Olivia: So she hasn't shaken off her crush yet.

Phillip: No, Bill Lewis has the crush on her. Although, no, let me take that back. If it actually were the other way around, the way things have been going, I would probably be the last person to know it.

Olivia: Well, it sounds like you both have had a tough year.

Phillip: We're just having some communication problems right now. She just keeps coming up with one surprise after another.

Marina: I saw the funkiest skirt in the mall. It was, like, that shiny denim stuff...

Phillip: Excuse me, I’m surprised.

Marina: And it had those, like, little zippery things that go all... Hi, Mr. Spaulding.

Phillip: Hi, Marina. Darling, may I speak with you for a moment.

Lizzie: Okay.

Phillip: Excuse us.

Marina: I'm so glad that you're here, I’ve got to tell you something.

Olivia: What about? Another funky skirt.

Marina: No, like about how you better watch your back.

Olivia: What do you mean?

Marina: The old man's been checking up on you.

Olivia: Alan?

Marina: Mm-hmm. I heard him and Lizzie’s mom talking about something that you did that they are, like, apparently really, really mad about.

Olivia: Did they say what it was?

Marina: No, I came too late for that part, but they had, like... They had your palm pilot, and they read this word off of it, "d-day" or something. And then Alan called this guy-- I think his name was Masters-- to find out what was going on.

Bill: Is there a problem?

Michelle: No, no. I just realized that you were right. I mean, what's the point of coming all the way to an island, if I’m going to whip out my cell phone every two seconds to call somebody?

Bill: Michelle, it wasn't just somebody, I mean, it was Danny. Besides, you did kind of have a milestone you wanted to share with him.

Michelle: It will keep. Old habits die hard.

Bill: You know, I could get you back to Springfield by tonight. Maybe you're not ready to cut the cord.

Michelle: Yeah, what am I going to go home to.

Bill: It might be great.

Michelle: Yeah, at first. At first, Danny and I would realize how much we miss each other, how much we love being a family together with Robbie. It would just be heaven. And then it wouldn't.

Bill: It would be another...

Michelle: Like an incident, another situation, you know, a rival family would kidnap Robbie and use him as leverage. Or we'd be sitting in the living room and a spray of bullets would come through right as we went down for dinner. Just something. Whatever it would be, it would just end in pain, you know.

Bill: And you want to stop the problems before they hit.

Michelle: Yeah.

Bill: I think the problem is realizing that you can't be with someone doesn't make the feelings go away, does it?

Michelle: No.

Ed: Hey, Danny.

Danny: I know you weren't expecting me.

Ed: I wish I could say that were true.

Danny: Is Michelle around?

Ed: Actually, she's not, no.

Danny: Oh, because she called me, but she didn't leave a message, so I tried calling her back, but then her phone was turned off.

Ed: So you haven't spoken to her.

Danny: I got worried, no.

Ed: You don't have to be worried. Michelle is safe.

Danny: Safe?

Ed: I meant she's fine.

Danny: No, you didn't. What? Did she go somewhere? Did she take... Did she take Robbie with her?

Ed: Danny. ..

Danny: Ed, if my wife and my kid went somewhere, I have a right to know where they went, so tell me.

Gus: So then what? Phillip just walked away from you?

Eden: He made his point.

Gus: Hmm, you've got to love that Phillip Spaulding.

Eden: Yeah, nothing like an angry rich guy, telling you to make sure... You're damned sure that you know the consequences.

Gus: I didn't understand why you just didn't come to me and tell me that he was hounding you.

Eden: Oh, what? And you're going to protect me? That's your standard phrase, right?

Gus: Let me tell you something: That blow-dried jerk, he will not be putting you in jail, he will not be hurting you and by the time I'm done with him, he wouldn't even... He wouldn't even dream of trying.

Eden: What are you going to do to him?

Gus: What do you think I'm going to do to him?

Eden: Preemptive strike?

Gus: It is one thing... One thing if the guy wants to throw his weight around with Harley, that's the mother of his child, I understand. I understand. But when he starts messing with my family, my sister, someone he has got absolutely no connection with, the guy's got a major problem on his hands, that's all I can say.

Eden: Well, let's fight him together, but we will do it right and we will do it smart. You know, my way.

Phillip: Lizzie, didn't I ask you not to hang out with Marina Cooper?

Lizzie: Well, it's not like she's my best friend or anything.

Phillip: Okay, then what's she doing here?

Lizzie: Well, she's the only one who could come over.

Phillip: I don't understand.

Lizzie: I don't really, either. It's really weird. I called a whole bunch of my friends and everybody said they had other stuff to do, so I don't know. It's like I have a disease or something.

Phillip: Mm-hmm. Okay, well, we'll let it slide for today. But just for today.

Lizzie: Dad.

Phillip: No, listen to me. I want you to do me a favor, I want you to stick around today, all right. Just don't go anywhere.

Lizzie: Not go anywhere? How come?

Phillip: Your mom and I need to talk to you a little later.

Lizzie: What, did I do something wrong again?

Phillip: No, honey, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just some family stuff we need to go over. It's okay, don't worry, it will be okay.

Olivia: So you said that Alan is calling someone named Masters.

Marina: I think that was it, yeah.

Olivia: Could it be Masterson?

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, that's the guy.

Olivia: Oh, boy. And Alan seemed a little mad?

Marina: Well, at least ready to be. Like Lizzie’s mom was already there.

Olivia: Yeah.

Marina: Are you going to be okay?

Olivia: Yeah, no, it's nothing. No, it's not nothing, it's something. It's just something I didn't think I'd have to deal with right now.

Marina: Well, it looks like you're going to, huh?

Olivia: Yeah, I guess I will.

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Thanks for the warning, I appreciate it.

Marina: Yeah, of course.

Lizzie: Hey, Marina, let's go upstairs, okay?

Marina: Yeah, okay, sure, whatever.

Olivia: Is Lizzie all right?

Phillip: I hope to God she will be. She doesn't know about the diary yet, but clearly, all of her friends' parents do. The big freeze-out has already begun.

Olivia: Excuse me?

Phillip: Oh, yeah, didn't you know, what, Lizzie’s mom, she's that whacko. She's the one that dyed her hair red and slept with half the guys in America. We don't have any time; we're going to have to tell her about the diary today. I just... I have no idea how to begin to tell my daughter about something like this.

Olivia: I... I... It's hard to worry about a child, you know; you feel the need to protect your own.

Phillip: You feel like you'd at least like to be able to protect their innocence. And I've been feeling that quite a bit lately.

Olivia: I don't even remember what it's like to feel innocent.

Phillip: What?

Olivia: I'm sorry. I really am sorry. I don't want to see Lizzie going through this.

Alan: I want to see both of you in the house right now.

Phillip: What's going on?

Beth: It's about the diary.

Olivia: Well, I’m sure you'll find a way to explain things to Lizzie, if that's what you're concerned about.

Beth: That, among other things.

Alan: Beth feels that you made the diary available to a publisher, Olivia.

Olivia: Well, that's not true.

Beth: Oh, please. You took it, you read it, you claimed you shredded it, and then suddenly you remembered, "Oh, no, someone stole it." It's one lie after the other, and you expect us to believe you now?

Olivia: Well, I’m sorry I let you down. I guess it's not enough that I’m the resident scarlet woman around here, right? And that I have to face your disapproval at every meal. Well, what meals you show up for when you're not on the road.

Alan: Careful, Olivia.

Olivia: And now you expect me to play the role of the villainess. No. No, let's do it right. You think I gave that diary to the publisher.

Beth: I know you did!

Olivia: Well, then there's nothing that I could do or say to change your mind, and that's a shame, Beth, because you could not be more wrong.

Beth: Oh, yeah. Yeah? Then why is the publication date marked d-day in here?

Olivia: How dare you go into my personal computer?

Beth: Oh, yeah, real violation, isn't it? Kind of like reading someone's diary.

Alan: What exactly does d-day mean?

Olivia: I don't know why I wrote it in there like that. How about I have a look, would you mind?

Alan: What was your meeting about with Michael Masterson prior to that.

Olivia: I told you, he was planning on writing a story about the Beacon.

Beth: Oh, sure he was. Sure he was.

Phillip: Well, we can ask him ourselves.

Masterson: Hello, Alan. Everyone. I'm delighted you called.

Alan: Well, Michael, the word has it that you're the man to go to when it comes to books of an autobiographical nature. Just look at the job you did with Lorelei’s Diary.

Gus: Listen to me, you leave Phillip Spaulding to me, do you understand?

Eden: This is a guy with serious money. You can't get people like that with a frontal assault. So what you've got to do is find his weakness and exploit the hell out of him. Eventually he's going to break, and who knows how much he'll pay for that. The sky's the limit.

Gus: Where did you learn to think like this?

Eden: Everywhere. I'm not a man, and I’m not a cop, so I've got to either fight smart or I don't fight at all. I've learned my lessons.

Gus: I see. And was this one of your lessons?

Eden: You know what? Let's just stick to the story.

Gus: This is the subject, this is the story. Is that one of your lessons? I want to know who did that to you.

Eden: Life did it to me.

Gus: No, I need a name. Because nobody burns my sister and scars her like that and gets away with it.

Eden: Don't make promises you can't keep.

Gus: Why would you say something like that?

Eden: Because you have lost your grudge against the Santos'. You've become a better person now.

Gus: Wait a second, is that who did this to you? Is that who did this to you?

Eden: One way or another, everything that has happened to me in my life is because of them. Maybe if they hadn't murdered pop, maybe I wouldn't have this. But as it is, I'm glad that I do have it, because it doesn't let me forget about what is really important in life, like you forgot.

Tony: All right, all right, your five minutes are up. Beat it. Let's go.

Michelle: Well, no Santos will ever be a nine-to-fiver, so it's just too bad that I fell in love with one, because now I just got to get used to my life without Danny.

Bill: Well, like you say, it will be better for Robbie.

Michelle: Well, it will be safer anyway. Okay, what are we going to have for dinner?

Bill: Well, that doesn't matter as long as you can cook it. Because I am awful in the kitchen.

Michelle: You're just saying that to avoid the work. All guys do.

Bill: No, I am serious, I could burn water.

Michelle: Really? Well, that's good. That's the first step in making dinner.

Bill: You've got to be kidding me.

Michelle: No, I’m serious. You know, you're going to take a pot, you're going to fill it with water, and you're going to start to burn it. And then once it starts bubbling like mad, you take these little stiff little sticks called spa-ghe-tti and you're going to throw those in and start burning those. And then you're going to grab a knife to, like, some onions and some peppers for what goes on the spaghetti, which is called sauce. Ever heard of that?

Bill: Oh, really? Yeah, well, you know what? You're going to be sorry.

Michelle: That's all right, I'll risk it.

Bill: Yeah.

Michelle: Yeah, go ahead.

Bill: All right, well.

Michelle: (Sighs) The life of a male, what could be better?

Bill: Hey, come on now, we do our share.

Michelle: Yeah, yeah, sure you do. Hey, babe, bring me a beer, would you?

Danny: Ed, I'm not leaving until you tell me.

Ed: Danny, if Michelle didn't tell you where she's going, I can't tell you, either.

Danny: Ed, come on.

Ed: Look, you and Michelle decided the marriage wasn't working. Now the way you handle each other now, that's between you two. I don't want to interfere.

Danny: Look, Michelle wanted space, that's what I’m giving her. But I also called her told her to call me if she or Robbie needed anything. So why do you think she called? I mean, unless she's in trouble. What if she's in trouble?

Ed: Then she would've called me. All right, look, this is what I can do. I will get in touch with her, and if there's any message, anything she wants, you know, then I will call you if there is anything.

Danny: Okay. I just miss them. (Sobs) I miss them.

Ed: Danny, I know that you care for Michelle, but you've got to stop with these ups and downs. I'm asking you as a father.

Danny: Are you saying I shouldn't have any contact with her?

Ed: Not unless you're ready to commit to another go of it. The right way, this time.

Danny: The right way? What's that, the Bauer way?

Ed: You and Michelle agreed that this was going to be over because you were both worried about Robbie’s future. Now, is that right?

Danny: Yes, that's a big part of it, yeah.

Ed: All right, then, unless you are going to change, you have got to leave her be.

Danny: This is killing me.

Ed: Then change! Just do it, damn it, change! This marriage isn't falling apart because of lack of love. This is hurting Michelle exactly the same way it's hurting you.

Danny: I know that.

Ed: And I know that you know it.

Danny: I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I bothered you.

Ed: No.

Danny: I'll talk to you later.

Olivia: Alan, I’m sure that Michael had nothing to do with this diary.

Alan: Look, why don't we just sit down and discuss this? Michael, could I get you a drink?

Masterson: No, thanks. I thought I was here to talk about your autobiography.

Alan: One memoir at a time.

Phillip: The publication of that diary was completely unauthorized. And aside from being extremely damaging to my family, it was also illegal. Whoever had a hand in it, should never work in publishing again.

Alan: I will see to that personally. And I will destroy the culprit who was responsible for this once he or she is found. Michael, what was your meeting with Olivia about when you were here last July?

Olivia: How many times do you have to hear it? He was planning on writing an article about the Beacon.

Alan: So it was just a coincidence that the diary written by someone in this family ended up on bookstores across America, expertly edited. Well, so do you take me as a fool, Michael?

Masterson: No, Alan, never. I'm sorry, I know we agreed to keep it a secret, but my reputation is on the line here.

Beth: What are you talking about?

Masterson: You still can't remember things. You came to me, or I should say Lorelei did. She was desperate for money, and she gave me a typed manuscript of the diary.

Phillip: What?

Masterson: She swore that every word was true and swore if I edited it and showed it around in Chicago, it would be a best seller. She was right, it will be. But you can't be mad at me, I only did what Lorelei begged me to.

Gus: Hey, Tony, why don't you run along and get the lady a drink, make yourself useful?

Eden: Dirty martini, three olives.

Tony: You know what? I don't like that this clown here is hassling you.

Eden: He just doesn't know how to take no for an answer.

Tony: Yeah, well, you know what? Let me try. I've had such good luck with this guy.

Gus: Are you still here, Tony?

Tony: Yeah, I am.

Eden: Why don't you go dirty that martini? I'll just be a sec.

Gus: I do not want to leave you here.

Eden: If I needed your protection every time I was around some rough company, I would've been dead ten years ago.

Gus: Well, maybe I'm not talking about that. Maybe I'm talking about you leaving all together.

Eden: What, going back to Chicago?

Gus: Yeah, you did your damage already.

Eden: Well, why would I want to leave? I've met such nice people here.

Gus: You better stay clear of the Santos’, you got it?

Eden: What? Bye, Nicky.

Gus: (With British accent): Yes, hi. Is Mr. Phillip Spaulding in, please? Oh, he is. Oh, thanks ever so much.

Tony: Dirty.

Eden: I said three olives.

Tony: Three olives. There you go, three olives.

Eden: Perfect.

Tony: Yeah, you know. I don't like it when customers bring cops to my joint, especially dirty cops like Gus Aitoro.

Eden: I'll make a note of it.

Tony: How do you know Aitoro? What's the deal with Aitoro, huh?

Eden: Who says I know him? I was just being polite.

Tony: Well, he seemed pretty interested in you.

Eden: I would never date a cop. Especially that one, he was very, very annoying. He didn't know how to take no for an answer.

Tony: I know. Well, you know, you don't seem like the type of girl who doesn't make herself heard.

Eden: And you know, if I wanted to, you know, get rid of this, what did you say his name was? Aitoro? I could blow him off in two seconds, but it's always good to have a friend on the force.

Tony: Good thinking.

Eden: Look at him, he does smile.

Danny: Michelle, it's me. Look, look... I know you called me before, I don't know, maybe you don't want to talk to me, but will you just call me, and let me know that you're okay, please? I'm just... I'm going a little out of my mind here.

Bill: Now the only reason I did those dishes is because you had a deal with Robbie.

Michelle: Well, dinner was great anyway. So much for being a lost soul among the pots and pans.

Bill: Mm.

Michelle: I'm really glad I’m here.

Bill: Are you?

Michelle: Yeah.

Bill: Good.

Michelle: I'm starting to feel relaxed. Hey, it really is a relief not to have to worry about making a mistake.

Bill: With Danny?

Michelle: Yeah. Because throwing myself at him again would definitely be a mistake. It's scary, you know, because even now, part of me just wants to jump right back into it with him, start the whole roller coaster all over again.

Bill: I have to admit, I'm really enjoying the one I've been on.

Michelle: You got a thing for excitement, don't you?

Bill: Yeah, well, for passionate, unpredictable women, at least. Too bad the one I'm interested in threw me clear off the ride.

Beth: I never gave you any manuscript.

Masterson: Technically, you did. Even if it was as another personality.

Phillip: She signed the contract?

Masterson: As Lorelei Hills. I'll fax you a copy as soon as I get back to my office. I'm sorry if the diary's upset your family, but this was Lorelei’s idea, not mine.

Olivia: You know what, Beth, it's all right. I don't need an apology.

Alan: Michael, I'll walk you to do the door.

Beth: Say something.

Phillip: Any suggestions? I feel like every time I turn around, I'm just getting hit with another shocker.

Beth: That hasn't been my intention.

Phillip: I know that. I also know I'm trying to deal with a situation that seems to be getting more and more impossible every single day. Now, I’m... I'm the control freak, remember? I'm the one that likes to do things, likes to take action and find solutions. This... This is hell for me. And you can be sure that it's going to be hell for Lizzie.

Beth: Phillip... Phillip, where are you going?

Phillip: I have to go tie up a few loose ends on Zach’s custody business. At least that I can do something about.

Beth: I'm sorry.

Phillip: Me, too. When I get back, we'll speak with Lizzie.

Beth: Sweetheart, what are you...

Lizzie: I went into your room to just borrow a bracelet, that bracelet that I like, and I... I found this... This.

Beth: Lizzie, wait.

Marina: So are you serious? Everything's like... Everything's cool.

Olivia: Well, yeah, as cool as they can be.

Marina: How did you do it?

Olivia: I didn't do anything, because I didn't do anything wrong. But smart girls always plan ahead just in case, and you made a big difference in me being able to finesse the situation.

Marina: You know, I could help you with other stuff. No, I'm serious. You should consider, because it's like I am... I'm very smart. I'm a fast thinker, and I overhear... I overhear all kinds of junk, you know. And if you were to, say, like, if you were to hire me or something, I think I could probably be helping you out all the time.

Olivia: You know what? Let me talk to you about that later.

Marina: Gotcha. Bye, I’m leaving. See you later.

Olivia: So how are things inside?

Alan: Quiet, for the time being. Olivia, I'm not a man who likes to make mistakes.

Olivia: You mean about the people he proposes to?

Alan: Especially them. I must say I was relieved to discover that you had nothing to do with the diary publication. And I am ashamed that I suspected you. Will you accept my apology?

Olivia: I don't want your words. I just want your respect, that's all.

Alan: I'm sorry, I can't give you that.

Olivia: You can't?

Alan: No. You have much more than my respect, Olivia. I'm fascinated by you. Totally mesmerized by you. I thought you knew that.

Olivia: I guess sometimes I need to be reminded. Not here, okay? Let's just go someplace that's just us, all right? This will remind us of Phillip and Beth.

Alan: It's a deal.


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