GL Transcript Wednesday 9/4/02

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/4/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Danny: Home sweet home.

Cassie: Danny. Hi.

Danny: Cassie. I expected you a lot earlier.

Cassie: Yeah. I had to go by a few places after I left the bank, but here's your payment. In cash.

Danny: $25,000's a lot of cash to carry around.

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: There's maybe 12 here, Cassie.

Cassie: $13,400.

Danny: What happened to the rest of it?

Cassie: (Sighs)

Danny: Last night you came here with a check for $25,000. What...

Cassie: I know, but some things came up.

Danny: Things? Like what? Expenses?

Cassie: Things, and I had to take care of them.

Danny: Mm-hmm. And I'm supposed to, what, understand?

Cassie: It's the truth, Danny.

Danny: Yeah? Well, that's not good enough.

Jennifer: What have we got here? Robbie, look at this. You want this one? No, not... This one? You want to try that one? Okay. Let's see what we got here. Look! Look who's on the TV. Is that you on the TV? Look over here.

Michelle: Let's put these away. Dad, you bought enough groceries for an army.

Bill: Thanks.

Alan: Enjoying your drink?

Bill: The ice-pick is a winner. Give it a try.

Alan: Hm, I will. I have to say you're looking pretty fit, Bill Lewis. Must be all that hard work you're doing outside.

Bill: Well, thanks, Alan. Why is my health so important to you?

Alan: Well, I like to keep tabs on my employees-- especially the ones I didn't know that I hired.

Bill: Well, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Alan: Does Mystic Island ring a bell?

Bill: Should it?

Alan: Oh, I think so.

Bill: And where would you get that from?

Olivia: Yeah, I’d like the answer to that myself, Alan.

Beth: Surprised to see me?

Phillip: Given the number of places on your itinerary lately, yeah.

Beth: Well, I’m a little surprised myself, because Mystic Island is a pretty tough spot to make it back from.

Phillip: You could have gone with me. That would have been easy.

Beth: You ditched me, Phillip.

Phillip: You know what, Beth? It's already been a very long day. Let's save this for another time.

Beth: Well, who knows when we'll see each other again. Or even talk on the phone. I don't appreciate being hung up on.

Phillip: You need to check the definition of "ditched." Ditched would imply that I took you and Bill to that island in the first place. I didn't.

Beth: That's right. I went there on my own.

Phillip: Right, and were very insistent about getting home on your own. Or don't you recall telling me that you could fend for yourself, that you didn't need any help from me? A little crowded on the ferry this time of year, isn't it?

Beth: Don't walk away from me. We have unfinished business.

Phillip: Maybe we do. Maybe we do. Do you know what I spent the day doing, Beth? Meeting with an arbitrator, making sure that Zach will be nowhere near Gus Aitoro, or vice versa.

Beth: Oh, and I’m sure Harley was just thrilled about that.

Phillip: Well, I can't worry about what Harley feels right now. My son's safety and welfare have to come first because, you see, Beth, the one thing that I really know how to do well is protect my family.

Beth: Even when they don't need it.

Phillip: Well, it's a job that you keep doing, Beth. Until it's done.

Beth: Is this going to be a lecture? Is that what this is going to be?

Phillip: No, I... No, no, not at all. It just hit me as sort of a shock, when I was on my way, I was thinking, as big a menace as Gus Aitoro is, there is a greater danger to my family and it's coming from right inside this house!

Beth: Are you saying I'm a threat to my own family?

Phillip: No, not you, Beth. Your past.

Beth: Oh. My past as Lorelei. You're talking about this diary.

Phillip: Yeah. Oh, the soon-to-be-best-selling diary-- let's not forget that part.

Beth: I didn't plan this, Phillip.

Phillip: Oh, good, Beth. Is that what we tell Lizzie when she happens to stroll by the Book Nook out at the mall and sees the window filled with her mother's steamy tell-all.

Beth: Lorelei wrote this, not me!

Phillip: Yes, but you both had the same daughter and son, and they will bear the brunt of this.

Beth: Don't you think I know that?

Phillip: I don't know. Honestly, I don't know. I was hoping that maybe at some point it had crossed your mind.

Beth: I did not authorize this thing to be published. Someone stole it. Remember? Someone put it into the hands of a publisher.

Phillip: Someone. Someone, right. Someone like...?

Beth: I have a pretty good idea. Don't you?

Phillip: You know, I don't care, because at the moment, it doesn't really matter.

Beth: Oh, oh, no it does matter. It does matter, because that's where the blame lies. And I am going to find out who it was, and when I do...

Phillip: No, Beth, the point is that this book is in the bookstores right now!

Beth: There's nothing we can do about that, except wait for the lawyers.

Phillip: How about... How about we try to do a little damage control?

Beth: Okay. What do you mean?

Phillip: Okay, you're going to tell the kids, you're going to tell the publishers, you're going to tell anybody who will listen, that this is fake. That it's a hoax.

Beth: No.

Phillip: What do you mean, no? You won't do that?

Beth: No, I mean, I can't!

Olivia: Really? How did you manage to pluck those words, "Mystic Island," out of the air like that?

Alan: Well, Olivia, if expense reports show up on some project in the works, and if flight logs show that planes have been going back and forth to Mystic Island and per diem checks have been cut for H.B. Lewis III, one starts to ask questions, and then one comes to conclusions.

Olivia: All right. All right. You got me. Spaulding owns property on Mystic Island, a cabin that nobody's thought of for years. I decided to have it renovated.

Alan: Really. Well, I'm not used to having my money spent so freely without knowing why.

Olivia: Well, isn't this terrific? Life is full of new experiences. If you don't mind, I need to consult with my contractor.

Alan: By all means. Monica, Olivia is wearing the earrings and it is time to activate the recorder.

Edmund: Messenger all that paperwork to the appropriate parties immediately. Is that understood? Right. You're late, Carmen, and I’ve already eaten.

Carmen: Oh, come on. No room for dessert?

Edmund: If this is about Reva’s arrest, I’m way ahead of you. As a matter of fact, I’m filing a wrongful death lawsuit against her as we speak.

Carmen: You don't miss a trick, do you?

Edmund: There's no trick involved here, Carmen. Richard was essentially murdered.

Carmen: You think a jury will believe that?

Edmund: They're more likely to if Cassie signs on as co- plaintiff, which I think will happen well in advance of any court date being set. She's furious at her sister.

Carmen: You may not have to wait that long. Cassie's suffered a big loss, and I don't mean just emotionally.

Edmund: Cassie's in debt, but this isn't about money for her. It's something personal.

Carmen: It depends who she's in debt to.

Edmund: All right, Carmen. What are you getting at?

Carmen: Well, if she owed money to a bank or a credit card company, that would be one thing. But the organization she borrowed from responds much more physically when it's not repaid.

Edmund: Are you telling me that Cassie borrowed money from your family?

Carmen: More like a small fortune.

Danny: I mean, Cassie, this doesn't even cut a dent in what you owe. I thought we had an understanding last night. The $25,000 was going to be a down payment, and what do you call this?

Cassie: It's everything that I could come up with, Danny. Really. I mean, I need a break here.

Danny: A break? That's all you've had up until now.

Cassie: Well, I have other things to worry about. I do. I'm about to lose the Beacon.

Danny: And I offered to buy that place from you last night.

Cassie: And I told you, it's not for sale.

Danny: Cassie, it would pay off a huge chunk of what you owe.

Cassie: And then how would I come up with the money to pay you the rest? Look, I told you, you could buy the farm. What about the farm? Did you think about it?

Danny: The farm. Yes, I had the farm checked out first thing this morning. It's mortgaged, Cassie. It's totally worthless to me. Were you going to tell me that?

Cassie: Look, I will come up with your money. I will...

Danny: It's not my money. Don't you understand that? This is not a game. You borrowed serious money from serious people.

Cassie: Why don't you just come out and threaten my life, Danny?

Danny: (Sighs) Because that's not what I do. I am just trying to make you understand the severity of your situation.

Cassie: Like Tony tried to make me understand yesterday.

Danny: Tony may be a kid, but he got the message right. Cassie, if you care about your family, if you care about yourself, then you will find a way to pay this money and you will find it yesterday. I'm sorry, but you do not make mistakes with your family. You just don't.

Michelle: Robbie. Robbie, honey. Look at me. Look at me.

Jennifer: I'm so sorry. I didn't know that that was...

Michelle: I know you didn't. I know you didn’t. It's okay. It shouldn't have been there, anyway.

Ed: It's not your problem. I'll walk you out, okay?

Michelle: Come here. There you go. That was a silly, silly video, okay. I just want you to forget all about that, okay? Because in the world that you're going to grow up in, you're not going to see anything like that ever again. People aren't going to be bad and they're not going to do bad things. They're going to be good. They're going to be good all the time. Okay?

Ed: How's Robbie?

Michelle: He's sleeping.

Ed: Is that the last of it?

Michelle: What?

Ed: The last trace of Danny?

Michelle: No. Robbie is.

Ed: I was thinking of something maybe a little less tangible, like your feelings for him.

Michelle: I was thinking about making that chicken pasta dish that you like so much for dinner.

Ed: Sweetie, pretending is not going to make it go away.

Michelle: No, Dad. I made Danny go away. Isn't that enough?

Ed: You tell me.

Michelle: He had to go, Dad. Okay? For Robbie’s sake. He couldn't change who he is and we both understood that. It's just that believing it is hard.

Ed: Well, how's the living part of it going?

Michelle: It's worse. He came by.

Ed: Danny? When?

Michelle: Earlier today, to pick up the rest of his things. No, it wasn't ugly. It was just more like pathetic. I threw my arms around him and begged him to stay.

Ed: Oh, sweetie, that's not pathetic, it's human.

Michelle: I'm cursed, Dad. I love a man that I can't afford to love anymore.

Ed: And he loves you. It's such a crock when people say "Love is enough," you know? I just wish to God I could come up with the answer that would help you guys through this.

Michelle: Well, I think we found it ourselves. It's really one way out.

Ed: Yeah, but running away from each other doesn't solve any problems.

Michelle: But we can't stay together, Dad.

Ed: You can run, though, you know? And you can end up facing the same demons. They follow very well.

Michelle: Well, I feel like that's all I’m facing now anyway, are demons.

Ed: No. You've got a beautiful little boy asleep upstairs.

Michelle: Yeah. Robbie. Robbie is a Santos who is not going to grow up like one, because I'm not going to let that happen.

Ed: All right, look, the grandfather in me is glad to hear that, but the realist is a little less sanguine.

Michelle: I'm just taking my cues from you, Dad. I mean, I want to raise Robbie the way you and mom raised me, so he knows that there's a right and a wrong.

Ed: Sweetie, there is a whole area in between there. The world is not the black and white place that you want Robbie to think it is. I mean, think back. You knew that very early on.

Michelle: No, I...

Ed: Sweetheart, you did. You had to face some really harsh realities early.

Michelle: All right. All right, maybe I did, but I'd like to keep those realities away from Robbie for as long as I can. And there are some things that he never, ever needs to experience, and that's something that Danny and I actually agree on.

Cassie: I didn't know that was part of the deal, you know? An instructional talk about family values?

Danny: Come on. That is not helping.

Cassie: Why do you think that that envelope was that thin, Danny?

Danny: Tell me.

Cassie: Because of my kids, that's why. Every day, every minute, I’ve had to spend the money on my kids. I mean, those three children and that hotel, that is all I have left. And believe me, every morning I wake up and I wonder, "What would Richard do? How would he keep his family safe? How would he keep them provided for?"

Danny: Richard did not borrow money from us.

Cassie: No, he didn't. But I am trying just to put one foot in front of the other. That's what I am trying to do.

Danny: It's not working.

Cassie: Okay! So maybe I can't do it alone! Maybe I need some help, Danny.

Danny: Help? From me? Cassie, I told you to not borrow money from us. That was the best possible help I could have given you!

Cassie: Okay, well, I didn't listen, okay? I didn't listen. So I borrowed the money and now I need a favor on top of it. Danny, please. It's not like I went on some spending binge. I didn't go buy a car. I didn't go out to eat at expensive restaurants three times a day. I had to pay bills to keep my family afloat. Isn't that what you would do?

Danny: That's not the point.

Cassie: No, that's the only point that matters, Danny. Wouldn't you put your family first? Above your personal needs and your concerns? Wouldn't you? I know that's what you would do. I know that's who you are.

Danny: You don't know me.

Cassie: I know that you understand what I'm going through. I know that you are the only person that understands, and I know that you know that I don't want to make a mistake with my family, so will you please help me? Please?

Edmund: Cassie must have come completely unhinged if she borrowed money from your family.

Carmen: Eddie, this is good news. It'll give Cassie more incentive to go along with your lawsuit.

Edmund: That very well may be, but the last people Cassie can be involved with is the Santos'.

Carmen: Careful, careful. Hm? You surprise me, Eddie. Cassie is nearly broke. It's what you've wanted all along, plus you stand on making a very healthy profit from this situation if you play your cards right. I thought you'd be thrilled.

Edmund: Well, yes, of course. Because the only thing this Winslow cares about is profit and revenge, isn't that right? You will excuse me, of course.

Olivia: So what exactly are you doing here? Your job isn't finished.

Bill: Well, I had to deliver a very fragile package.

Olivia: Yeah? Is that package's name Beth Raines?

Bill: (Chuckles) If you knew, why ask?

Olivia: Oh, just curious, Bill.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: I ran into Phillip after Beth took off after you to the island. What did she want?

Bill: You know, if you're so curious, you should just ask her. Well, I better get back to work.

Olivia: What, now? Today?

Bill: Yeah, I just want to get this job over with.

Olivia: But Bill, you've been working so hard. You can take a break. Besides, there's no rush now; the cat's pretty much out of the bag. Alan knows about the cabin, and pretty soon he'll figure out that I’m having it redone as a romantic getaway for him.

Bill: Well, then all the more reason to get it done-- so he can use it with whoever he feels romantic with. All right, well, I better get on my way. I'll be at Mystic Island by tonight, and I’ll call you when I get there.

Beth: I would love nothing more than to say that that diary is a fake. I would put a disclaimer on a billboard.

Phillip: Oh, good. Then do it.

Beth: I can't.

Phillip: Why?

Beth: Because I don't know that that diary is a fake. I just don't remember.

Phillip: But it doesn't matter. Let's err on the side of caution. Let's get a billboard.

Beth: I told you, I can't.

Phillip: Why?! I don’t...

Beth: Because pages from that diary have turned up, pages that were torn out before it ever made its way to the publisher, and those pages are true. Everything in them happened exactly as written.

Phillip: Let me guess: Those pages are about Bill.

Beth: And our wedding in Mexico. It wasn't a dream, Phillip. It was a fact-- witnessed and confirmed. And that leads me to believe that everything else in that diary could be true as well.

Phillip: Well, that's a lovely thought.

Beth: I don't like this any more than you do, but suppose I do say that that diary is a fake. The people mentioned in it will come forward, maybe with their lawyers and swear that it's real. Do we really want that added publicity? That scrutiny? I am thinking of the kids.

Phillip: Well, it's not going to do a hell of a lot of good now, is it?

Beth: It's a horrible situation, yes. But we don't have to make it any worse. We can just leave it alone. We can let this storm blow over and we'll deal with the kids.

Phillip: Really? How do you suggest we do that? What are we going to tell the kids? "Kids, your mom had kind of this sort of crazy period and she decided to write about it?"

Beth: You're ashamed of me. You're embarrassed by my scandalous behavior, is that it? Well, tough. Because I didn't come here to be judged by you, Phillip, although I’m not surprised, because that is something you do so well!

Phillip: Look at me. Is that what you think? That I can't handle the things that you did when you were sick?

Beth: I think it's pretty obvious.

Phillip: My God. Well, that's the most incredible thing yet. After all these years, you don't know me at all, do you?

Bill: Hey.

Ed: Bill, how's it going?

Bill: Hey, Dr. Bauer. Oh, doing all right.

Michelle: Hi.

Bill: Well, you don't look like you've mellowed out much since I saw you on the beach?

Michelle: Oh, something came up and just caught me by surprise.

Bill: You okay?

Michelle: I want to be.

Bill: Well, then that's why I’m here. I'm going to Mystic Island this afternoon. I want you to come.

Michelle: What, so I can leave all my troubles behind?

Bill: That is the plan-- two old friends on a sweet little island. No better way to do it.

Michelle: Give me 15 minutes to pack.

Bill: You got it.

Ed: Sweetie, running away isn't the answer.

Michelle: I know. And I know that Mystic Island isn't going to solve my problems, and I know that I can't stay there forever, but right now I just don't trust myself to be in the same town with Danny.

Ed: Okay. You need a little time, you need a little space. Go.

Michelle: Thanks. I knew you'd understand.

Danny: Look, what I said before is true: You don't know me.

Cassie: Not very well, no...

Danny: No, not at all. But you come to me and you ask me for favors like I am your friend. I am not your friend, Cassie. I'm nobody's friend. I'm a Santos.

Cassie: You're a good father, and I do know that. I'm just trying to be a good mother, Danny. That's all.

Danny: Well, this is not the way to do it. All right. I'm going to talk to some people, I will try to work out an extension. I cannot guarantee it will happen, but I will try.

Cassie: That would be great.

Danny: But this does not mean you're off the hook. You've got to pay everything back, principal and interest. Do you understand?

Cassie: When can you tell me what they say?

Danny: As soon as I know.

Cassie: Thank you.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Beth: You're angry-- obviously, at me. And you keep talking about the diary. Why wouldn't I think that's what it's about?

Phillip: Because I told you 100 times, Beth, you are not to blame for what Lorelei did any more than you are to be blamed for being sick in the first place.

Beth: Well, it sure feels like blame.

Phillip: I never blamed you. You were sick. You needed to become Lorelei to protect yourself and to give yourself time to heal. I understood that. I understood that from the beginning.

Beth: But you're still angry with me.

Phillip: Yes. But not for things that you can't control.

Beth: Well, let's see. That leaves out Lorelei, her diary, Bill kissing me. Hm, what else could there be?

Phillip: Something actually very large: Loyalty?

Beth: As in mine to you?

Phillip: Yes.

Beth: Oh, God. (Laughs)

Phillip: Go ahead, make a joke of it. But that's what this is all about. You knew that the questions about Lorelei were going to be difficult. So did I. I was under the impression that we were going to work through them together.

Beth: As a team.

Phillip: Yes, as a team. But that's not what happened. No, you kept me in the dark. No, you actually ran off without me. To Mexico and to Mystic Island. You just took off without me.

Beth: Phillip, I just...

Phillip: What?

Beth: I needed to do this my own way.

Phillip: Well, yeah, I know it was your way. I know it was your choice to cut me out.

Beth: Is that what you think I was doing?

Phillip: Wasn't it? Did you ask me to come with you? God, Beth. I would move mountains for you. I have always been willing to do anything to help you. And this is what you give me in return. I guess you did have to do it your way, because maybe for you, loyalty is a one-way street. God, I don't know, maybe... maybe... Maybe the only person that you have any allegiance to is yourself.

Alan: Well, did you give your contractor his walking papers?

Olivia: Stop fishing, Alan. I meant what I said; I’m not going to tell you anything about this project. I'll tell you the whole story in time.

Alan: I must say, I’m a little surprised that you would hire Bill Lewis, knowing how close the Lewis' and the Spaulding’s are.

Olivia: Well, once upon a time, I was part of that family.

Alan: But not anymore.

Olivia: No, I’m just a Spencer again.

Alan: Well, that's your choice. You could be a Spaulding, you know. I only mention Bill Lewis' family because I take my grudges very seriously.

Olivia: (Laughs) And that's news?

Alan: I don't believe you really understand this about me, because we work differently. You're very fast and loose.

Olivia: But I’m never out of control.

Alan: Grudges are very important because they can indicate one's loyalty.

Olivia: Loyalty?

Alan: Mm-hmm. Loyalty. And one rewards one when he is loyal, and when they're not loyal...

Olivia: They get put on the pay-back list.

Alan: Exactly. I've always lived my life by that principle and I’ve always come out ahead.

Olivia: I like hearing you talk about principles. So, this loyalty-and-grudge theory, it's worked for you?

Alan: It's never failed me yet. See, I’m a big fan of success and loyalty. Oh, if you'll excuse me, my business appointment is here.

Beth: Do you think I'm doing this because I’m selfish?

Phillip: I'm just responding to what I see, Beth.

Beth: No, you only see what you want to see. I never intended to cut you out or keep secrets from you.

Phillip: That's what happened.

Beth: I had questions about what I did when I was Lorelei. Did you hear what I said, Phillip? I had questions. And it was my responsibility to find out the answers-- me, no one else.

Phillip: It didn't affect me at all, though? Just to hell with me and my support?

Beth: No, no, that's not true. Your support, your empathy meant everything to me, but I had to do this on my own!

Phillip: No matter what the risks.

Beth: Okay. You're so concerned about me, let's forget about my need to fill in the blanks on what happened when I was Lorelei. Let's talk about this diary, the one that so mysteriously disappeared from inside this house and then miraculously turned up on every bookshelf in town!

Phillip: Fine.

Beth: Somebody did this to me, Phillip.

Phillip: Yes.

Beth: Somebody did this to us!

Phillip: Right.

Beth: Aren't you the least bit concerned about who?

Phillip: Yes. Yes! And obviously you have a suspect in mind.

Beth: Olivia!

Phillip: Okay, Olivia. Good. Olivia. There's one. Obviously a suspect. Also Edmund. Bill. All of them had reasons. But you know what? I'm still more interested in trying to get an answer from you of why you didn't come to me for help in the first place. Because if you had, this might not be a problem.

Beth: Oh. Oh, you could have protected me, is that it?

Phillip: That's the general idea.

Beth: Did it ever occur to you I didn't want to be protected? I don't need to be protected? Maybe what I’m looking for in a relationship now is to not be protected? Maybe I don't need that kind of shielding anymore.

Phillip: Oh, Beth, you do need it! You've always needed it! God. You don't need it. No, you just didn't come to me for it this time. It doesn't mean you were any less lost without the help. No, you just chose Bill Lewis-- a kid-- instead of me.

Beth: Oh. Oh, now we come to it, don't we?

Phillip: Oh, Beth, no. I'm not jealous, if that's what you're implying.

Beth: Well, you know something? I don't give a damn if you are, and I'll tell you something else-- and if you see Bill, you can tell him this, too. I'm not interested in being coddled anymore. I don't want to be treated like some helpless victim. I want respect. And if I can't get it here, I'll get it someplace else.

Alan: Monica, I told you I would call you later.

Monica: Yes, I know, but considering how insistent you were that I get this conversation on tape, I thought you might want to listen to it right away.

Alan: Well, that would depend on what's on the tape, wouldn't it?

Olivia: But, Bill, you've been working so hard, you can take a break. Besides, there's no rush now, the cat's pretty much out of the bag-- Alan knows about the cabin. It won't take him long to figure out that I'm having it redone as a romantic getaway for him.

Monica: Mr. Spaulding, you look surprised.

Alan: I am. Very pleasantly surprised.

Olivia: Phillip, are you okay?

Phillip: I've been better.

Olivia: Is there anything I can do?

Phillip: Well, Beth and I just had what I believe diplomats call a frank and open discussion.

Olivia: So you had an argument about the diary?

Phillip: Yeah, among other things. I was thinking that I might like to find out how this found its way to a publisher. Maybe you could help me with that.

Olivia: Because you think I can help you get the answer or because you think I am the answer.

Phillip: Well, Beth’s convinced that it was you.

Olivia: Well, that doesn't surprise me. But what do you think?

Phillip: Just tell me. Did you do it?

Olivia: No, I didn’t. But you know something, if it's that important to you...

Phillip: It is.

Olivia: Then I'll be glad to help you. More than glad.

Beth: Date book. "Alan -- lunch... Alan -- breakfast... D-day." D-day? Well, I wonder what that means.

Michelle: Okay, we're ready.

Ed: All right, all right. Bill, you take this, I’m going to go get the car seat to put it in, okay?

Bill: I'm glad you're coming.

Michelle: We better go before I change my mind. I'll be right there.

Bill: Yeah. (Phone rings)

Michelle: Hi, it's the Bauer’s, leave us a message.

Danny: Hi, it's Danny. Look, Michelle, I just want you to know if Robbie needs anything, you should call me, I'm staying at Infierno. I just figured that it might be kind of tough on the little guy, you know, this whole transition thing and whatever I can do, I want to do it. So if there's anything, call me. Okay, that's it. Bye.

Cassie: I wish you were here. I wish you were here. Things are a little messed up right now. And I know if you were here, that you would make it all better. It's going to be okay. I'm going to figure out a way... A way to fix everything, I just don't know how. I just miss you so much. I love you. I always will.

Edmund: How dare you.


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