GL Transcript Monday 8/26/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/26/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Cop: You got a visitor. Frank Cooper said to let him in.

Reva: Who is it?

Mel: He wanted to walk in by himself.

Michelle: Ah. Okay.

Rick: Hey, hey, hey.

Michelle: Hey, hey, hey.

Rick: It's good to be home.

Michelle: Welcome to the rest of your life, Rick Bauer. A long, long extremely healthy life.

Rick: It's good to be home. These place mats. You know that I hate these place mats. (Laughter)

Mel: We didn't change a thing.

Michelle: But you know of course if you wanted us to.

Rick: You know, some surgeons call their heart transplant patients ghosts. It's weird. It's what I feel like right now. It's weird. I just didn't think I'd ever come back here again.

Mel: Well, I knew.

Michelle: Me, too. And dad makes three.

Rick: Well, speaking of dad, look what he got me. He said I was going to start playing catch with my son real soon. So I have to get ready.

Mel: We'll wait a week on that one.

Rick: Oh, don't worry, sweetheart, I won't push myself. I promise you.

Michelle: Yeah, like she'd even let you. So, what do you want to eat?

Rick: Oh...

Michelle: Oh, I guess. Scratch that. I should rephrase that and say, what are you allowed to eat that sounds good?

Rick: Anything but Jello. I don't want to see Jello for the rest of my life.

Michelle: Done. No Jello.

Rick: So where's Danny anyway?

Michelle: Oh, he must be at a business meeting. I'm sure he'll be home soon.

Carmen: Is this an accident?

Danny: They told me at the house that you'd be here.

Carmen: Danny, if it's about that ridiculous tape that Edmund sent to you, I...

Danny: Don't. You know what? Don't. Don't waste my time.

Carmen: Thank you. You won't believe me.

Danny: No. It doesn't matter who gave that tape to Michelle. Because it doesn't erase the fact that I did what I did and then I would have killed Edmund if I had to and I'd do it again.

Carmen: And how does your lovely wife feel about that?

Danny: My marriage... My marriage is falling apart. Just what you've always wanted. I'm losing the most important thing in my life and you want to throw a party, don't you?

Sam: (Making a screeching cat sound) Look like a cat about to pounce.

Olivia: You're as bad as Thomas, sneaking up on people.

Sam: Yeah, I feel like the butler.

Olivia: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is a really weird time. What are you doing tonight? What? Do you want to do something?

Sam: Relax. I've got plans to see Buzz. I'm okay. Oh, lookey there. Is that it?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sam: The proverbial ticking bomb.

Olivia: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it's Lorelei's diary courtesy of Lillian, okay?

Sam: Oh, delivered by the mother. Bonus points. So when he starts screaming and ripping pages out...

Olivia: This isn't funny.

Sam: I know it isn't. You know what, calm reason isn't working with you anymore, so I resorted to sarcasm and biting wit.

Olivia: Well, okay, after that do we get patient understanding?

Sam: Liv...

Olivia: Sam... This is important to me, okay? Beth is on her way home; she says Lorelei is behind her. But after reading this maybe Lorelei isn't behind him. I mean how could he possibly ever look at her the same way again?

Sam: You'll be here to pick up the pieces.

Olivia: I did not make Beth-- Lorelei—whatever, do the things that she did, okay? I didn't do it. You have to go, okay? This is it.

Sam: You don't want my help?

Olivia: No, I don't.

Sam: All right. Well, I'll be over here for a little while just in case.

Olivia: Thanks.

Bill: Let's see, let's see, let's see.

Beth: I want to talk to you.

Bill: Found what you're looking for?

Beth: I don't care what this piece of paper says! We're not married!

Bill: Well, that's what you want to believe.

Beth: Oh, I am so sick of this. Ever since you came to Springfield it's been the same thing. It's like you have this big secret and I have to figure it out, but you can't help me. Well, that ends here.

Bill: Oh, does it? Or is this where it begins?

Reva: Come here.

Josh: Billy... Billy finally tracked me down, filled me in on everything in the car on the way over here. I can't believe you're here.

Reva: Well, I went after Edmund at the hearing. I have to say it was a really good reason to do a little time.

Josh: And the judge won't set any kind of bail to get you out of here, right? This is wrong.

Reva: What is?

Josh: The fact that you're in here is wrong. Reva, you shouldn't be in jail for anything you've done.

Reva: I've been so afraid.

Josh: I'm sorry you had to be alone.

Reva: No, no, no. I was afraid for us. When you left on your trip, I thought maybe you were relieved to know that you couldn't stand having to look at me everyday and thinking that maybe... I just didn't know whether you understood or not.

Josh: Reva, I am on your side. Always.

Reva: That's real different from understanding.

Josh: That's true.

Reva: I know you love me. And I know that you'd always stand by me. But I... Do you think you could ever understand what I did for Richard?

Josh: Reva, I've been thinking about this a lot since I've been away. Now I still don't know that I could do what you did. But you had a horrible decision that you had to make and there was nothing black and white about it. But you followed your heart. You made the best choice you could make and nobody should judge you for that. Nobody. Especially me.

Reva: It's so good to hear those words coming from someone. Especially you.

Josh: It's been pretty tough, huh?

Reva: Yeah, well, Cassie can barely look at me. And Marah, she's so confused. And I think she still thinks that I... I acted on impulse or something. I mean, I don't know.

Josh: She'll figure it out. They both will. I mean, heck, I figured it out, right? I'm just the husband. I got to tell you something, though. I don't like these accommodations.

Reva: Well, yeah, what's that all about? No robes, no little soaps, no shampoo.

Josh: I'm going to get you out of here.

Reva: Yeah, well, we already tried that, but...

Josh: No, no, no buts. I'm going to get you out of here, I promise. Officer? I'll be back as quick as I can.

Reva: I love you.

Beth: Oh, I knew... I knew that you were going to try to do this. I knew you were going to try to act like this... This wedding was real.

Bill: It was.

Beth: I was Lorelei at the time. Not to mention the fact that I was married to Edmund!

Bill: No, Beth was married to Edmund. Lorelei, she didn't even know him.

Beth: That... That is not the point. The point is that the marriage wasn't legal.

Bill: Yeah, well, we thought it was.

Beth: Don't, don't, don't say "We." I wasn't there and stop... Stop trying to confuse me!

Bill: Confuse... What are you talking... Confuse you? Why do you think I kept my mouth shut? Because I knew what this could do to you and your family. I didn't try to make you remember.

Beth: Oh, no, but you wanted me to remember. You... You sure as hell wanted me to remember everything, didn't you?

Bill: Let me tell you something, yeah, I did, I did. I... I... I hope that what we had meant more to you than... (Sighs)... You know what, maybe you did. Maybe you are the one who wanted it. I mean, look at what you've been doing, Beth. And the more you see me, the more it comes back to you, and let me tell you something. That scares the hell out of you.

Beth: I am not afraid of my memories. I'm certainly not scared of anything that Lorelei did.

Bill: Yeah, well, you come running in here and you expect me to lie about everything and make it all go away. You want me to deny what I felt, what we both felt? Well, listen, lady, you ain't going to get that. Beth, this isn't just about you! For one minute, have you even thought about what... What I went through? If you don't really want to know what happened, then you know what, fine. Just... Just... Just go home.

Beth: I'm sorry... Okay, okay, you're right. You're right, I only want to know the truth if it's convenient because I'm scared. I am scared that what you have to tell me may change the way I see myself, and may cause me to hurt people that I love! But I need... I need to know the truth. I need to know exactly what happened, and I am asking you to help me. And I'll do whatever it takes to make those memories come back.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I know you must be in shock. I... I'd hoped that you would never have to know what Lorelei did.

Phillip: Yeah, well, now the whole world is going to know. And I want to know how that happened.

Olivia: Obviously a person with a vicious streak, that would be Edmund. Or maybe Bill Lewis thought that he could force Beth's hand... By exposing Lorelei. Don't! Don't. Why would I do that? Do I look stupid? Of course I'd be the first person in this little town that everyone would accuse! Besides, if I have a problem with Beth, I'll go to her face with it. I think you know that.

Phillip: It doesn't matter how it happened... For now.

Olivia: We'll go the bookstores, Phillip. Okay, we'll buy all the copies. I'll help you.

Phillip: Oh, yeah, well, my daughter could have been the one that found this! Lizzie could have been the one to walk into the mall and found this.

Olivia: You know it's a horrible thought, but we can handle this. We can handle this.

Phillip: We?

Olivia: We... I... I want to help you. I just want to help you. What are you going to do?

Phillip: I'm going to find Beth. I'm going to be there when she gets off the plane.

Mel: Anything look good to you, honey?

Rick: Sweetheart, all of it looks good to me. Every single bit of it. At least I haven't developed a taste for caviar yet.

Michelle: (Laughs) What?

Rick: Oh, you know, some people believe it, some doctors even. Cellular memory. They say some heart transplant patients develop different tastes in food, music, all sorts of things.

Mel: Rick, don't.

Rick: Honey, how can I not think about it? Everybody's life is completely messed up right now.

Mel: Yeah, but that's not your...

Rick: Reva's in jail. Reva's in jail. You could lose your medical license. Not to mention Richard's dead. I mean how much worse could it possibly get?

Mel: And you're alive. None of that was your doing.

Michelle: Yeah, of course, it's going to feel strange, Rick, but Mel's right. I mean, you got to enjoy your life or it's such a waste.

Rick: You're right.

Michelle: It was a gift.

Rick: You're right, you're right. We should go pack.

Mel: Okay.

Michelle: What? I mean, you guys just got home.

Mel: Well, the rehab center called and said our villa was ready early, and Rick wants to get started.

Rick: Yeah, I just think it's better to get away for a while. You know, besides every time Cassie looks at me, it's like a kick in the teeth for her. What's wrong, Michelle? What is it?

Michelle: Oh, nothing. I just... I just thought you guys would be here.

Rick: Oh, well, you know, we'll be back soon. I promise. Okay? You want to go watch me walk up the stairs? (Laughs)

Mel: I'm coming, honey.

Rick: Okay, sweetie.

Mel: Hey, Michelle, honestly, I thought that you and Danny could use the time. I mean, I know things have been a little tense between you two lately, and I thought maybe the space and some extra breathing room, it will get better.

Michelle: Yeah, yeah, that's... That's all we need.

Carmen: Danny, I never want to see you hurting ever, ever. This doesn't change for a mother. You may not believe this, but I feel every pain you feel.

Danny: Even the pain you cause?

Carmen: Especially the pain that I've caused. How I wish that you'd fallen in love with a woman who was right for you.

Danny: Look, I didn't come here to discuss...

Carmen: She killed your brother, Danny.

Danny: Carmen...

Carmen: That can never be right.

Danny: Michelle defended herself.

Carmen: By killing my oldest son. Taking you away from me. Breaking your heart. I could never accept this, Danny...

Danny: Look, I was the one who hurt Michelle. I was the problem. Not her, me, and this family!

Carmen: And if she did that to you, you should be happy to be rid of her.

Danny: (Scoffs)

Carmen: Tell me something. Tell me something. Do you ever think about Mick, hmm? Do you ever think about your brother?

Danny: Of course I do. You know, I used to dream about him all the time. And it was the same dream every time. I'm in the hospital with Michelle. Robbie's just been born. And Mick comes in with this smile on his face. And then he snatches Robbie from out of my arms, and then they just disappear. They vanish. I'd wake up in a sweat, in a panic, and I'd run to Robbie's room, just to be sure. What do you think that dream means?

Carmen: That your family is always there.

Danny: Yeah. My family's always there. That's why I'm going to leave Michelle, because I love her, and I love my son, and if I have to give them up so that they'll be safe, then that's what I'm going to do. No.

Bill: You want to know about the wedding? I mean, you think it was just tequila and lust or something?

Beth: Well, I think that that's what it had to have been. I don't know because I don't have any memories, but you seem to think that it meant something.

Bill: I did. We both did. And the truth is, Beth, we hadn't known each other long, all right, but I felt like we'd known each other forever.

Beth: Tell me about the wedding.

Bill: It was late. It was hot. The whole way to the mission, I kept asking you, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I mean, I thought maybe you'd rather go riding or dancing instead. But you said, no, no, no, no, we've already done that. There were only two things left to do and then it'd be perfect. Getting married was the first. The priest, he... He didn't look like the looks of things, till he saw our faces. Said he could tell when two people were meant for each other. We went to the altar. I didn't have a ring, so we used the cigar band. And the priest pronounced us husband and wife. And that was it.

Beth: Did you marry Lorelei so you could sleep with her?

Bill: No.

Beth: Did she... I mean, do you... Do you think that she felt that she had to get married in order to sleep...

Bill: (Laughs)

Beth: ...Oh, God, what am I saying?

Bill: Not Lorelei's style. Look, Beth, you want to know if it was true, undying love for Lorelei? I can't say.

Beth: And what about you?

Bill: I loved Lorelei. And it was fun. I never wanted it to end.

Beth: But it did.

Bill: After that night, after the wedding, we... We took the horses out for a wild ride. When we got back to the stable, we made love all night. And when I woke up the next morning, she was gone. That cigar band just sitting on the pillow.

Beth: I remember that. I... I remember that. I remember leaving. I left. I left. The marriage didn't... Didn't mean anything to me.

Bill: Now, who's lying?

Olivia: Listen to me, listen to me... Wait, wait, listen to me. You can't... You can't blame her for something that she did, okay? She had no control over when she was Lorelei. Look, look, look, this is all very sordid, okay; all the affairs she had in this book. But it didn't...

Phillip: Listen, I'm... I'm not angry with Beth.

Olivia: But you...

Phillip: No, I'm not angry with her, I'm angry with whoever's responsible for this. This is something that shouldn't have happened. I'm just concerned about how it's going to effect her. She's going to be humiliated by this, and I want to make sure I’m the one that finds her before somebody else does.

Olivia: You're an amazing man. You are. I mean... Most men would have thrown up their arms the first time she ran off with Edmund. Or when Lorelei came back to try and con you. And now you read all the... Stuff in this diary, with all these other men. And your only thought is to protect her.

Phillip: Yeah, this is Phillip Spaulding. I need an ETA on the jet.

Olivia: That's real love.

Phillip: No, wait a minute, wait a minute. What do you mean, they changed flight plans? And you didn't call me? Never mind. Where are they going? Mystic Island? That doesn't make any sense. All right, you know what, just... All right, I need you to charter me another plane. Well, then I need you to charter me a sea plane then! I need to get there! Do it now, I’m on my way.

Olivia: What are you going to do?

Phillip: I'm going to go find Beth.

Beth: I... I woke up and I realized what I had done; that I'd gotten... I'd gotten married and... And... And I knew how drunk that I had to have been, so I... I mean... I mean Lorelei freaked out. I couldn't be tied down. I mean, we had fun, yes, but that... That's as far as it went, so... So, I kissed you good-bye and I left.

Bill: So, it meant nothing?

Beth: No, I mean... Well, yes, yes. But we had fun, but that was all.

Bill: Well, let me ask you something, Beth. If it meant nothing to you, why have you been so driven about it? I mean, you've tracked me down twice. You go down to Mexico, you find out about this... This meaningless marriage, and what do you do? Do you go home to Phillip? No. You come back here to me. Twice. Why?

Beth: (Stammers) I didn't know until now.

Bill: Well, now you know. And you're still sitting here.

Beth: I want to remember.

Bill: Why? Why do you want to remember? If none of this means anything to you...

Beth: Because I want to know if those feelings I had for you are still... There.

Carmen: Danny, please.

Danny: No. Hey, no, I don't want your sympathy.

Carmen: You're hurting. I want to be here for you.

Danny: I will survive. Stay away from me. I came here to tell you that I realized that I can't be the kind of husband that Michelle needs. I can't, I tried. But I am who I am, I can't change that. I'm not going to apologize for it anymore. So, you win. I'm back in this family, and Michelle is out of my life. But you will never, ever have my son. Robbie is going to live a safe, good life away from this family. So, you stay away from him. You stay away from him or... Just stay away from him.

Michelle: What does Jude have? What's the necklace? Is that yours?

Rick: There they are. So, I want you to tell me the truth. You are going to be happy that I'm gone, right?

Michelle: Oh, no kidding. This almost dying thing for attention is so lame. You're such a drama queen.

Rick: Yeah, right, right. See you, Robbie.

Michelle: Say good-bye.

Rick: I'll miss you. Be a good boy.

Michelle: All right.

Mel: The car's all packed, ready to go.

Michelle: Well, you guys have fun, and between your treadmills and your free weights and all of that.

Rick: Oh, yeah, we're going to have a lot of fun on that treadmill, aren't we, sweetie?

Michelle: Oh, I so do not want to hear about that.

Mel: Yeah, me neither.

Michelle: And you're married to him, so that's kind of sick.

Mel: Honey, you know we're taking this easy.

Rick: Yes, I know. We'll take it easy. See you later.

Michelle: Bye.

Rick: Bye-bye.

Mel: Honey, we're going to have fun, but you know it's going to be a lot of hard work.

Rick: Yeah, I know.

Mel: Oh, I see. Good show.

Rick: Yeah. Yeah, I'm here all week, two sets a night.

Mel: You okay?

Rick: I'll be fine. I just... There's someplace I want to stop before we go.

Danny: Hi.

Michelle: Hi. Did you sleep at the club?

Danny: I didn't really sleep. Hey, tiger. Hey. Come here. How you doing? So, Rick should be home soon, right?

Michelle: You just missed him. He's been and gone.

Danny: Already?

Michelle: Yeah, the rehab was ready early. They wanted to get going, so...

Danny: I'm sorry, I really wanted to... To catch him. (Sighs) You know that trellis is really going to come down. I should fix it before...

Michelle: Before it falls. Oh, it's... It's easy here, isn't it? With our son, in our yard.

Danny: (Sighs) Your yard.

Michelle: You never really wanted this, did you?

Danny: Michelle, it became what I wanted, because of you. You know, despite all logic and reason and... All the odds... Because I love you. I... I thought about what you said. I'm going to move out.

Rick: "Beloved husband, beloved father." That's... That's interesting because I thought that you and I were pretty different, Richard. You know, prince, ambassador, world traveler. But husband and dad was pretty important stuff to you, wasn't it? It's what you really lost and what you gave me. We didn't know each other very well, did we? But I can tell what kind of man you were, Richard, by the family that you left behind. And I'll tell you, they're very special and they... They love you and they miss you very much. In fact, from what I hear, you... You gave a lot to so many people. So, there's some very deep holes that will never be filled, and I'm not sure that I could ever live up to that. But I'll tell you this, that for all the days that I do have, I promise you that I will work hard to try.

Reva: You are the best, Joshua. I knew you could do this. Just like Shayne says, "You rule." (Laughs)

Police officer: Sleep tight.

Josh: (Clears throat)

Reva: Bud?

Josh: I learned a lesson today.

Reva: Really?

Josh: Yeah. Never interrupt a judge when he's in the middle of a meal.

Reva: Oh, no. (Laughter)

Josh: Come here, sit down. I hope you... I hope you saved me some bread and water, because I'm hungry.  Well, I did say I wasn't going to leave you here alone, didn't I?

Reva: And you are a man of your word. I'm glad Frank gave you this cell assignment. Did they fingerprint you and everything?

Josh: Oh, yeah, yeah, we're going to have matching mugshots for our Christmas cards next year.

Reva: Won't our children be proud? That is, if I'm not still in here next year.

Josh: You won't be in here next year. What you did for Richard was not a crime. And we're going to get you out of here.

Reva: For the first time since I've been locked up in here, I believe that. Thank you.

Josh: You know, I still have that phone call to make. Who do you think? Should I call Billy or the kids?

Reva: Can we just hold off on that for a little while?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: There's nothing they can do tonight but worry.

Josh: That's true.

Reva: We have our own private room.

Josh: (Laughs) I don't much care for the view.

Reva: (Laughs) We can call the concierge in the morning.

Danny: And I'll call you... And we'll figure out when to pick up the rest of my stuff. Hey, come here. I love you. Daddy loves you, okay? Don't ever forget that. You'll never, ever forget that. (Crying) Here. I love you, too.

Sam: Ooh, la-la.

Olivia: Thanks. So, are we losing you for the night, Sam?

Sam: Yeah, I'll be out late. So, where's Phillip?

Olivia: He's gone.

Sam: And yet you smile. You could break into song any minute.

Olivia: All right, all right, look, it got a little tricky here for a while, because Phillip was all ready to protect Beth's delicate, little self from those trashy, little things that very same delicate, little self did but...

Sam: Whoa, steady.

Olivia: She was on her way home, right? Well, she had a change of plans. She's headed off to Mystic Island. And Phillip's gone off to find her.

Sam: And I repeat, you're happy, why?

Olivia: I don't think he's going to like what he finds.

Sam: Do I want to know?

Olivia: No.

Sam: Okay.

Olivia: This could be it. Okay. He has to come to his senses about that little princess.

Sam: So, now, what's your move?

Olivia: I just wait.

Sam: (Laughs)

Olivia: What?

Sam: Like that's ever worked with you. When was the last time you ever waited for something you wanted?

Olivia: I wait this time, because you know something? He's worth it.

Sam: Liv, if this diary thing doesn't turn Phillip around-- as lurid as it may be-- and by the way, I want a copy of it as soon as possible. What makes you think anything's going to take Phillip away from Beth?

Olivia: Because even Phillip Spaulding has his limits. Sam, I am going to wait as long as I have to.

Bill: So, you remember. You had feelings, real feelings.

Beth: I guess I must have. I guess you must be right. I mean, that... That must... Be the reason why...

Bill: Oh, that was good. Do you remember? I mean, do you... Do you still feel any of it?

Beth: There's only one way to find out.


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