Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/23/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Olivia: You're kidding? Lorelei's diary is in the bookstores now? (Laughs) How's it doing? (Laughs) I knew it. Oh, oh, trust me. I will. Bye.
Sam: Lorelei's diary?
Olivia: Hey, you. Did you have fun with your friends?
Sam: Lorelei's as in Beth’s other personality.
Olivia: Oh, the one in the same.
Sam: So she wrote a diary and it's being published.
Olivia: Oh, a very steamy diary, Sam. The girl really got around.
Sam: And you had something to do with this, didn't you? What?
Olivia: A beer? A soda? Which? Tell me which.
Sam: Okay, let me guess. This diary is suppose to paint Beth out in a bad light, isn't it?
Olivia: What are we talking about Beth or Lorelei?
Sam: And I suppose this is going to be a big, huge prize to Phillip. Oh, Liv.
Olivia: What? Sam!
Sam: I guess you think that Phillip’s going to read this and just freak out and ditch Beth, right?
Olivia: Well, it's not going to make him love her anymore.
Sam: Leaving the playing field so clear for you.
Olivia: Do you know what it's like living in the presence of a saint?
Sam: Then leave. Go home. You still have your apartment.
Olivia: Where every room is filled with memories of Josh Lewis. No thanks.
Sam: So how's this going to go down? Sis, what's the plan? Phillip's going to wake up one morning and suddenly have a special delivery on his breakfast tray, Lorelei’s dairy? Oh, no, no, that would be way too obvious. You're going to wait and let someone else tell him, right?
Olivia: And the sooner the better.
Phillip: Hello. Don't mind me. I'm just looking for something. I have a green folder about this thick that I sat down someplace and I can't find it.
Olivia: I haven't seen it. You don't usually misplace things like that, Phillip. The heat must have really gotten to you last night.
Beth: This is it. This is the place that I saw in my head. I was here as Lorelei. And I was with a man. Who? Who? Why?
Priest: Senora? (Speaking in Spanish) Oh, it's you. It's nice to see you again. How are you?
Beth: You recognized me?
Priest: Well, not at first because your hair was red before, but now that I see your face...
Beth: I was here. I was in this mission. I'm sorry. When I was here I may have used another name: Lorelei Hills.
Priest: Isn't that your name?
Beth: No not anymore. Not that that seems to matter much.
Blake: Oh, that was some kiss.
Ross: I'll say.
Blake: (Laughs)
Ross: What?
Blake: This is Olivia’s apartment therefore must be sex in the air.
Ross: Meaning what?
Blake: Meaning this place is particularly conducive to certain activities.
Ross: Well, then we'll have to test those activities in the testing place. Where is the bedroom?
Blake: Over there.
Ross: Okay.
Blake: You know there might be things in that bedroom.
Ross: What kind of things?
Blake: Things. You know, adult toy things discreetly hidden away.
Ross: I think this calls for adult beverages. So why don't you take that wine and put it in the refrigerator.
Blake: Don't go away.
Ross: Where would I go?
Blake: Come here. Imagine the possibilities.
Gus: (Making bird calls) You know what? This is good. I like it. I like it. This is a hairpin turned in and there's no moonlight tonight.
Eden: Fine.
Gus: Fine.
Eden: You still want to do this?
Gus: Yeah, I want to do this if this is what it takes to get you to be honest and tell the truth and help me out, yeah, I’m doing it.
Eden: Suit yourself.
Gus: Yep.
Eden: Because one of us are going to be splat on this road tonight.
Gus: Yeah, that's you, honey. That's you.
Eden: You.
Gus: No, it's you.
Eden: Get real, Nicky. You've been living the cushy, small town life for how long now?
Gus: All right, center of the road, same rules as always. Okay, first one to move loses. And when you do, we are going straight to Phillip’s house.
Eden: You mean when you do you're dumping Harley.
Gus: No, I'm dumping Harley. I'm not doing that.
Eden: You've got your terms; I've got mine.
Gus: I'm doing this so I can stay with Harley.
Eden: Then I'm not playing.
Gus: It doesn't matter. I'm going to win. So it doesn't matter! Center of the road. Now all we need is a truck.
Monica: Mr. Spaulding? I'm sorry I'm late. Tracking down your request took a little bit longer than I expected.
Alan: But you did get it?
Monica: I did a test run myself. It worked like a dream.
Alan: Excellent.
Olivia: Hey, Sam, did you know that Phillip is a beer drinker? Here.
Phillip: No, that's okay. I'll pass. Thanks.
Olivia: Oh, well, I have to take that back then. Phillip is an occasional beer drinker. He only indulges when things get very hot.
Phillip: You know what? I think I might have left that file out on the terrace. Olivia will come out and help me look for it, because you know sometimes two sets of eyes are better than one.
Olivia: Oh, goodie. I'll be happy, to.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Yeah, okay.
Phillip: No, okay.
Olivia: Okay.
Phillip: What game are we playing tonight?
Olivia: Oh, we're playing a game?
Phillip: I assume we are.
Olivia: Okay.
Phillip: All the innuendoes in there. I thought we got things straight between us last night, but I guess not.
Olivia: Yes, we did.
Phillip: We did?
Olivia: I'm having fun with you. Will you lighten up?
Phillip: Okay. Okay. As long as that's all it is.
Olivia: That's all it is. We had this conversation: I'm with Alan, you're with Beth.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Have you heard from her by the way? Forgive me for trying to make conversation.
Phillip: No, I haven't heard from her.
Olivia: I thought you left her a couple of messages.
Phillip: I did leave her a couple of messages which you know.
Olivia: I was pointing out that she hasn't made it exactly easy for you the past few months.
Phillip: You know, you haven't exactly made it easy for my father the past few months either. Not that he doesn't deserve it. But it certainly does beg the question. If things are as bad between the two of you as you're implying...
Olivia: Then what?
Phillip: What's keeping you here? Why don't you just cut your losses and leave?
Blake: One good turn (laughs)...
Ross: Get it all.
Blake: ...Deserves another. Um. All right, go. (Laughs)
Ross: I want you to walk... (Door bell rings)
Blake: Who's that?
Ross: Olivia.
Blake: (Laughs) No. Olivia said she has plans for tonight. No, no, no.
Ross: A neighbor.
Blake: Ssh. They'll go away. Ssh. (Door bell rings) Don't do that. No.
Holly: Blake? Ross? It's me. I saw your car in the lot.
Blake: Mom?
Ross: Holly?
Holly: Blake?
Blake: How does she know we're in here?
Ross: I don't know. We're also a little late to think about that. Go answer the door and I’ll put this stuff away.
Holly: Hi. I went to Diane’s to see the kids and she told me you and Ross where here, so I thought I’d say happy housewarming.
Blake: Thanks.
Holly: Hi, Ross.
Ross: Hi, Holly.
Holly: I thought you were moving in tomorrow?
Blake: We... We... We came... We're unpacking. We are.
Holly: Where are the boxes?
Ross: No, no. Not unpacking so much as getting a sense of where everything is going to go.
Holly: Oh, good idea.
Blake: We're full of them tonight.
Holly: Do you have whip cream on your cheek?
Eden: You're definitely moving first. You know why? Because you've gotten soft, Nicky. You've quit smoking, you've changed your named to that stupid fake name, you are totally lovesick over that chick, and you don't care about punishing the Santos’s anymore. You've turned into a big chicken. A big, fat baby.
Gus: Oh, finally we got some headlights. Whoa. Moving pretty quick, too.
Eden: Plus you've gotten older.
Gus: First one to move, Eden. That's all I’m saying. First one to move.
Eden: Harley's not worth it.
Gus: Whatever. Whatever. You're upset, because I've changed. Because I could possibly love somebody other than you, which I do, so get over it. Here it comes. (Laughs) Goodie. It's a semi. Hey, sis, I don't care if I die on this blacktop, okay? I don't care. I don't care.
Eden: You're crazy.
Gus: Whatever. I'm you're crazy big brother Nick.
Eden: Okay that's enough. All right the joke is over. Come on, Nick, the joke is over. Come on. You've got to move. Come on, Nicky, move. Come on. You are so stupid!
Gus: Whatever. I won.
Eden: Well, yeah, you won because I've moved!
Gus: All right get up. We're going to Phillip's.
Eden: What?
Gus: We're going to Phillip’s so you can keep your promise. Let's go.
Eden: You would have died for Harley?
Gus: No, I wouldn't, stupid. Don't be stupid. I was just... You know, I didn't want you splitting hairs after this thing.
Eden: You almost died.
Gus: We're going to Phillip’s, okay? I don't care what you're saying. I don't care! Unless you're... Are you welching on me?
Eden: I'm not welching.
Gus: Good. You better not. Because if you do I'll tell you something. The next truck that comes along, I'm throwing you in front of it.
Blake: Thank you, Mom. That's very sweet of you. We'll have it tomorrow night when we're settled in.
Ross: Yes, we'd ask you to stay, but we have an awful lot of measuring and figuring to do.
Holly: I can help.
Blake: Oh, no. No. That's fine. Really we can do it. Why don't you go home? Or better yet you should go out and have a good time. Really. And come back tomorrow night.
Ross: Indeed. Tomorrow. For dinner.
Blake: Oh, right. For dinner.
Holly: You two are acting very strangely.
Ross: Thank you. Good night, Holly.
Holly: Good night. I suppose you're trying to get rid of me for some reason.
Blake: Ed?
Ed: Hey.
Blake: Did you bring us a housewarming present, too? Mom just brought one. That's pretty incredible after all these years, you two are on the same wavelength.
Beth: And now, I'm trying to fill in the gaps of my life. All the things that I can't remember.
Priest: So Lorelei was you... But not really you. And your name is?
Beth: Oh, I’m sorry. I'm sorry. I'm Beth Raines.
Priest: Father Mayorga. You really don't remember me.
Beth: No. No. I'm sorry. I remember this place. But why I was here, I have no clue.
Priest: Perhaps there is a reason for that.
Beth: What reason? Father, why was I here? You and I obviously had some dealings. Father, when I was here was I here with someone else?
Priest: You didn't come here at all. Lorelei did.
Beth: Yes, yes, technically. But...
Priest: It makes a difference. A big difference.
Beth: Yes, that's why I’m asking all of these questions...
Priest: And I’m sure you're find the answers when you're meant to or not. However God wants it to be, it will be. But I must stay out of it.
Beth: Wait. Wait. Wait. Just give me some idea of why I was here.
Priest: Please feel free to walk around, sit, pray for as long as you like-- whatever you think might help.
Beth: What will help is if you would talk to me.
Olivia: (Laughs) You know I think I gave you the wrong impression of Alan and me. I didn't mean to make it sound so dire. We're fine. Really.
Phillip: Yeah.
Olivia: Okay?
Sam: Phillip? There's someone here to see you.
Olivia: Who is it, Sam?
Sam: It's that sleazy FBI guy, the one that tried to nail Danny Santos. Gus Aitoro.
Phillip: Yes, that sleazy guy is now my ex-wife's boyfriend.
Sam: Oops. Sorry.
Phillip: Yes. So am I.
Gus: Listen I’m going to lay the whole story out. All you have to do is be honest. Just tell the truth, okay? Is that too much to ask? Can you get your hands off the stuff.
Eden: Why? This is some nice stuff. It's Venetian crystal.
Gus: Why do you have to be so impressed with this? Why?
Eden: I'm not impressed. It's just stuff.
Gus: All right, well, it's stuff that you can't afford if you break it.
Eden: Yes, I...
Gus: So just put it back in the thing.
Eden: Stop it. You know, I used to have tons of crystal and silver and stuff like this.
Gus: Yeah, right.
Eden: Used to live in a big house like this.
Gus: Right. Yeah. Ah-huh.
Eden: I did. It's true, Nick. A couple of years ago I was living large.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Eden: Nothing last forever, right? Sweet little thing.
Gus: Just put it down. Could you put it...
Phillip: Okay. What could you possibly want?
Gus: Hi. Phillip, well, I just wanted to finish what we started... Started yesterday.
Phillip: Okay.
Gus: Yes.
Phillip: Good. That's easy enough to do. Leave town as you were paid to do, Zach will go back to Harley and everything will be rosy again.
Gus: Well, wait. What Harley told you is true, what she told you yesterday, you know. And when I was a teenager...
Phillip: Yes, I know. I know. You're not a murderer. You took the wrap and did the time to protect somebody else. And this person can't come forward, because... No, no, no. I know. I know. I know. Because they don't exist.
Gus: No. Phillip, they do exist.
Eden: What?
Phillip: Do you mind? Thank you.
Eden: What, you think I’m going to drop it?
Phillip: I don't believe we've met.
Gus: Yeah, this Eden. August. She's my sister.
Phillip: So this is your sister? And she was mishandling my property because...
Gus: Yeah. About... Sorry. About... Um... She's the one that I’ve been protecting all these years. And when she was a kid and she pushed that guy off the roof, I had promised my father to take care of her and so when the cops showed up that night I took the blame, you know. And that's the truth. Tell him, Eden. Would you tell him please?
Eden: Nicky's telling the truth.
Phillip: So little ole you pushed a big, bad man off a roof, huh?
Eden: Well, he wasn't that big.
Phillip: (Laughs)
Eden: What, you want details?
Phillip: No, that's okay.
Eden: I'll tell you.
Phillip: No. I'm sure you can tell me. That's okay. So where did you get her? Some low rent talent agency? Hire a bad actress for a maybe?
Eden: I'm not an actress.
Phillip: Yes. I'm pretty sure you're not his sister either.
Gus: No, wait, Phillip. This whole... She's my sister. The whole story, it's all on the up and up.
Phillip: Where's Harley? Why isn't she here with you?
Olivia: Go, scram, skedaddle.
Sam: So I guess this interruption isn't part of the sabotage Beth plan.
Olivia: Oh, Sam.
Sam: Have you actually thought this through? What about how Alan will react? Have you thought about that? You told me he practically worships Beth. So if she's publicly humiliated, or if this diary thing drive some wedge between her and Phillip...
Olivia: Not if, when.
Sam: Don't you think Alan might be just a tad bit upset. And if he ever finds out you had anything to do with this diary...
Olivia: There's no way that anyone can connect me with this. I made sure of that.
Sam: Well, I hope so for your sake. I wouldn't want to have Alan Spaulding as my enemy.
Alan: Did I hear someone call my name?
Sam: Hey, Alan.
Olivia: We were just wondering if you'd be coming home for dinner. And I was just wondering what you were doing wandering around the dark.
Alan: Well, I like to keep an eye on my property. Besides it's so cool out tonight. No humidity unlike yesterday when it was hot and steamy. It's a pity that you and Phillip had to be stuck here alone in the mansion.
Olivia: We managed.
Sam: I'm going to go make a phone call. Excuse me, you guys.
Olivia: So what, you had a busy day? You look a little tired.
Alan: No busier than you.
Olivia: Why do you say that?
Alan: Well, you look tired, also. But by the way, I did do a little shopping.
Olivia: Shopping?
Alan: Mm-hmm. Someone told me to check out a particular store. And I found something very interesting in it. Something with your name written all over it. Take a look.
Beth: Oh. Nothing is coming back. I don't know what I can do to make myself remember anymore. I can't live my life like this. It's not fair. It's not fair to anyone.
Phillip: Beth? Sweetheart? Just listen to me for a second. Trying to dredge up all of this stuff from when you were sick and doing sketches like this, I understand that the idea is that it's going to make it easier for you to let go of the past, but it's not working that way. It's keeping you stuck there.
Beth: No, no, it's not.
Phillip: Beth, you're drawing pictures of a place you haven't seen in a year. Every moment that you devote to this is a moment that keeps you from living your life now. You've got to stop. Beth, listen to me. You have to stop doing...
Beth: I can't believe you just did that.
Phillip: It was an accident, Beth.
Beth: Accidents. Misunderstandings. Those seem to be happening a lot lately.
Phillip: Beth, let me ask you something. Are you happy with your life right now? I mean you've got the kids, you've got your health, you've got me...
Beth: You wouldn't be looking for any particular answer here would you?
Phillip: Why are you making this so damn hard?
Beth: Me? All I was doing was sketching.
Phillip: You know what? You have to help me out just a little bit, Beth, because I'm starting to get a little frustrated. For some reason you do not see or you will not see that this whole "I got to get back Lorelei’s memory thing" is pointless.
Beth: That's it. I can't do this anymore. I won’t.
Holly: You don't have to do this. We don't have to stay.
Blake: Why? I thought you wanted to stay.
Holly: Well, not to socialize.
Blake: Ah-huh. Sparkling water. What's wrong with socializing? Especially with Ed. He's your most favorite person in the whole world.
Holly: Yeah, I know. Well, maybe he should not be.
Blake: Why?
Holly: Maybe Ed and I should not automatically connect after such a long time.
Blake: Why not? You love each other.
Holly: Oh, don't say that.
Blake: Why?
Holly: Just don't. Don't say that.
Blake: Did you and Ed have an argument.
Holly: The opposite.
Blake: Really?
Holly: Forget I said that.
Blake: No, no, no. No, no. Tell me what you mean by that? Or I will ask Ed.
Holly: Will you keep your voice down. Ed and I, well, we kissed. What am I saying? I kissed him. Why did I do that? Why?
Blake: Why? Do we need to spell it out for you? Oh, please, Mom. I think that's wonderful.
Ed: I don't even know why I’m telling you this. You're the only person I can talk to, I guess.
Ross: Well, well, this is quite the development. Though may I say it's not totally unexpected. What does it mean? I mean, does it mean that Holly's not with Buzz anymore?
Ed: I don't know. I don’t... I don't have a clue. I mean he came over right over right after we... It was just so awkward.
Blake: So what about Buzz?
Holly: I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.
Blake: Well, Mamma, you know I like Buzz, but compared to Ed, I mean you and Ed are just so...
Holly: Predictable.
Blake: No, terribly predictable. Which is why this must not happen. It just all feel so... Too... Good. Please. How long have you been living like a nun now?
Holly: I'm not living like a nun.
Blake: When was the last time you had sex?
Holly: That's none of your business.
Blake: Well, you haven't done it with Buzz, and that's been almost a year. You never got it on with Billy. So it has to be at least...
Holly: You know there is more to life and relationships than sex.
Blake: Yes. There's laughter and cuddling and warmth and trust and being connected to another human being. And you're not doing any of that. You know, Mom, I know that you're scared, I know you don't want to make another mistake, but you're missing all the good stuff.
Holly: There is not just good stuff. Along comes a lot of heartache with that.
Blake: So. You don't throw out the baby with the bath water.
Holly: You do if you want to stay sane.
Ross: I'll tell you one thing my friend, the ball is definitely in your court. Because Holly has been extremely gun shy in the romance department lately.
Ed: The ball's in my court?
Ross: Mm-hmm.
Ed: What's happens if I just kind of, like, drop it?
Ross: Is that what you want to do?
Ed: Ross, a lot of time has passed. Holly and I aren't the same people we used to be.
Ross: Well, you are in all the important ways that count.
Ed: Sometimes... It's just... She would be so better off without me. I mean it's better just to leave things the way they are.
Ross: If you can manage to leave things the way they are. Look, you guys, we're sorry to have to kick you out like this.
Holly: Oh, I understand. You have things you want to do.
Blake: Oh, we do. But hey, the night is young. You two, should go, have fun, you know, go have coffee.
Holly: No, I can’t. I've got an early morning.
Ed: Yeah, I’m getting up early, too. So have a nice move.
Ross: Ah, thank you.
Holly: Yes.
Blake: Bye.
Ed: Bye.
Ross: Good night.
Ed: Sorry.
Blake: (Laughs) Wait till I tell you what my mother told me.
Ross: Holly and Ed kissed.
Blake: He told you, too. Oh, my that must have been some kiss.
Ross: Yeah. How good of a kiss could it have been though. They probably didn't have whip cream did they?
Blake: Oh. I like it when you're bad. Where is it?
Ross: I put it in that drawer. Nine cans are in that drawer. (Laughter) ( door bell rings)
Blake: Go. (Door bell rings)
Ross: That's most likely the milkman with a bill. I'll get rid of him poste haste.
Neighbor: Hi, I’m Barry Hess, I live just down the hall. I own a catering company. Olivia said I could store some things in the fridge. Mind if I come in and get them? (Laughter)
Alan: Don't you want to see what's inside? I couldn't resist.
Olivia: Oh, Alan. They're exquisite. Why are you doing this now?
Alan: For only one reason that matters, Olivia, and I've told you that before. Because I adore you. I'm tired of this tension that's between us. And I want to see in your eyes the same kind of fire that are in those emeralds. Now do me a favor and wear them to dinner tonight.
Olivia: I will. Thank you.
Alan: I'll be back.
Gus: Yeah, so, Harley will, you know, after she's finished doing this very important thing, she'll call you and she will corroborate the story and there... You know...
Phillip: I'm sure she will.
Gus: Now listen if it's not enough for you, we'll get school records out and our birth certificates if you'd like. And if that's still not enough for you, we'll draw blood, Phillip. We'll draw blood. We'll do DNA blood test. Okay anything it is to make satisfied, we'll do it. We'll do it.
Phillip: Why don't you just have Harley call me and I'll take it from here, okay?
Gus: Yeah. All right, well, thanks. All right, thanks. Eden. Thanks. All right, you. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Eden: Show a little gratitude.
Gus: Yeah, I will just as soon as you give me the thing you stole. Get it out of your bag. Come on, let's go. Let's go. All right.
Eden: My tweetie.
Gus: Let's go. Let's go.
Phillip: Yeah, it's Phillip Spaulding. I want to ask you do you remember the juvenile file that I want you to get unsealed? Yes, Nick Augustino. Did he have a sister? Do you remember? Older or younger? Listen is there any possibility that she could have been on the roof with him when that guy got killed? Yeah. I want you to find out. You have my numbers? Actually I have another-- I got a call coming in. I'm going to let you go though. Just call me when you find out. Okay. Right. Hey.
Beth: Phillip? Hi.
Phillip: Well, as I live and breath, the mother of my children. So nice to hear your voice.
Beth: I'm sorry I didn't return your call sooner. It wasn't anything urgent, was it?
Phillip: No. No big deal just hi, where are you, when are you coming home?
Beth: No where important. And tonight.
Phillip: Tonight? Okay. Don't leave me hanging here. Does this mean that you've found what you were looking for?
Beth: Phillip, what I found was more questions. I'm done with it. I've had enough. I'm giving up.
Phillip: Well, good. Well, so then I get you back by default, is that it?
Beth: No. No. I miss you. And I love you. And I want to see your face again. Unless you have a problem with that.
Phillip: Well, I'll show you when you get here. Take the jet.
Beth: I was hoping that you would say that. I'll call the pilot right now. I'll see you soon. I love you.
Olivia: Everything okay?
Phillip: Yeah. Actually more than okay. Beth's on her way home.
Beth: Ah, so you can take me back to Springfield tonight? Great. I'm leaving now. This is the official record of everything that happens here. No. No. Father Mayorga was right. If I was meant to remember I would. Baptisms, confirmations... Here we go. Here we go.
Gus: I can’t... I thought Buzz would definitely know where Harley’s at. I'm just going to try the cell phone again.
Eden: Man, you are such a slave to this chick. Would you just chill out?
Gus: You know what? It's important to me. Okay, it's important to me, because it's my life; it's my happiness on the line. And I understand why it isn't important to you, but I think that Phillip turned the corner a little bit. And I think... No, I think he believes us. I think he... Well, he will believe us. He'll believe us when Harley calls and vouches for the story. Then she'll get Zach back and I’ll get her back and she can thank me. She'll believe in me again and we'll be good to each other and we'll show each other a lot of love. Voice mail. Cooper, where are you?
Beth: I got married to Bill Lewis? Father? Father, it says here in the church registry that I... Then this is true. I got married here to Bill Lewis.
Priest: Lorelei did, yes. I'm glad God saw fit to tell you.
Beth: How did this happen? Did you know us? Did you counsel us?
Priest: No, no. I wish. I'd never seen you before.
Beth: What do you mean you wish?
Priest: You and young Mr. Lewis showed up banging on the door in the middle of the night. You were both very drunk. Happy drunk. Drunk with love. But still in that condition, it's not wise to make such a big decision. I tried to convince you to wait till morning at least, but you insisted.
Beth: So you married us.
Priest: And then you left as quickly as you come. And I never saw either of you again. Till now of course. You really don't remember any of this?
Beth: No. No, I don’t. No, but I know someone who will. Thank you, Father. Thank you.
Priest: Vaya con dios.
Beth: Hi, it's Beth Raines. There's been a change of plans. I'm not going to Springfield. I have to stop someplace else. Mystic Lake. There's someone I need to talk to there.
Olivia: So Beth is coming home. Good. Does that mean she got all the answers she needed from Lorelei’s past?
Phillip: You know what? She decided that she doesn't need to get them. She would rather live in the present with me and the kids.
Lillian: Oh, Phillip, I’m sorry to barge in like this.
Phillip: That's all right, Lillian.
Lillian: But is Beth home? Please tell me she's home.
Phillip: No, she's on her way home right now. Why? What's wrong?
Lillian: You don't know. You haven't seen it?
Phillip: I don't know what? Oh, God. You're scaring me here.
Lillian: Mm-hmm. This.
Phillip: I thought that this was destroyed.
Lillian: Obviously it wasn't if it's been published. Phillip, it's absolutely awful. It's almost pornography and the whole world is going to see it now. You know, I was at Company and I was having lunch with a friend and there were two people reading it. So I got in my car, drove out to the mall. I couldn't believe it. There is the window of them, dozens of them in the window. Beth... She's going to mortified!
Alan: Well, the lady loved the emeralds. As matter of fact she's going to wear them to dinner tonight. Now refresh my memory. You said the microphone that's embedded in the earrings have some limitations.
Monica: Because of it's size. But it will definitely pick up the voice of the person wearing them and anyone or anything in the immediate vicinity.
Alan: That's all I want. Accurate information. Once I have it, I'll act accordingly. No one makes a fool of me. No one.