GL Transcript Thursday 8/22/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/22/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Gus: How come you're not returning my calls?

Harley: Oh, I’m sorry. Did you call?

Gus: All right, you can blame me for Eden’s disappearance. That's cool. I should have seen it coming. I should have known she'd take off like that. I'm sorry.

Harley: You don't sound very sorry.

Gus: Well, I am sorry. The only thing is I know she's coming back.

Harley: Why? Because you have her wallet? Big deal. If she needs a credit card she'll just open up a whole new account using somebody else's name probably.

Gus: No, because there is cash in the wallet. And I know my sister and she doesn't walk away from cash.

Harley: Okay. Maybe. But it doesn't mean she's going to fess up about pushing that guy off the roof, which means that Phillip is still going to think that you did it. Which means he's going to keep Zach from me.

Gus: You know what one of your major problems is?

Harley: What?

Gus: Your major malfunctions. Is that you always see the glass as half empty.

Harley: I don't see the glass as half empty.

Gus: Oh, yes.

Harley: I see it as completely empty.

Gus: Ah!

Harley: You want to know why? Look at this.

Gus: Oh, it's a letter from the Mayor. I'd frame it.

Harley: Yeah, yeah. Read it.

Gus: He wants to have a meeting with you.

Harley: Yeah, yeah. And the Chief. And the Chief to show cause why I still have my badge since I broke into Phillip Spaulding’s house. And look, look. Assaulted his assaulted his butler. Assaulted?

Gus: Please. He's not going to fire you.

Harley: Really? You think so? Because I don't know, in my glass half-empty world, my being with you has cost me not just my son, but now my job.

Rick: So is this what the average husband and father wears when he's being checked out of the hospital?

Mel: Well, you are anything but average. And you look terrific.

Rick: Well... So what are you saying? All American, handsome or edgy sexy?

Mel: Hmm. Well, I'd say all of the above. (Laughs)

Rick: Tammy...

Tammy: I didn't mean to interrupt.

Rick: Oh, you weren't interrupting anything. I love to have visitors.

Tammy: Even me?

Rick: Especially you. Is there something you want to talk about?

Mel: I can go pull the car around.

Tammy: Oh, you don't have to leave.

Rick: So what's on your mind, Tammy?

Tammy: Well, it's just that... Well, I was wondering. Do you feel guilty that you got to live and my dad didn't?

Reva: Cassie...

Edmund: Cassie, I’m glad you came.

Cassie: I'm not here to help you squeeze whatever profit you get out of this, Edmund.

Reva: So why are you here?

Cassie: This is why. I'm here for Richard.

Bailiff: We're ready to begin.

Marah: Mom, come on.

Harley: You know, you can read that thing as many times as you want, it's going to say the same thing. The mayor wants my badge, my head-- probably in that order.

Gus: You know, I think he's just blowing smoke.

Harley: Are you kidding me? This is the same guy who had his own kid arrested for driving five-miles-an-hour over the speed limit. When did this whole thing get so out of control?

Gus: Wait a second. Wait a second. Isn't your hearing today?

Harley: No. It's been postponed until after my little chat with the mayor.

Gus: Oh. All right. Well, I can fix this.

Harley: No, no, no.

Gus: Yeah. No.

Harley: No, really. Because you know what? I'm about three seconds from losing my son. One more of your fixes and he's gone for good.

Gus: No. No, no. No, listen to me. Just listen to me. Listen to me. First, we get the thing postponed. We get this meeting with the mayor, okay? Then we get my sister back. We put my sister in front of Phillip, you know, she tells him the truth. You get Zach back. Everybody's happy.

Harley: That's never going to happen.

Gus: Why? Why? Why?

Harley: Why? Because you have the anti-Midas touch.

Gus: No.

Harley: Okay, everything you touch turns to lead.

Gus: Yes. But no. Not this time. You know, when I moved in with you, I know that we didn't get married or anything, but we made some vows.

Harley: What?

Gus: We made some vows. You know, for better or for worse, and I know this is definitely worse. I'm not just going to step aside and let you take this all on, you know, all on by yourself.

Harley: Okay. Okay. This is what I’m going to do. I'm going to the hospital to see Rick.

Gus: Yes...

Harley: He's getting out today, okay?

Gus: Okay.

Harley: You do what you have to do, okay? I trust you. But just... Just get in touch with me the minute something happens, okay?

Gus: Yeah. Minutes. Seconds.

Harley: The second.

Gus: The second something happens. It's going to work it out. Just leave it to me.

Harley: Just don't screw...

Gus: Just leave it to me.

Mel: Tammy, you have to know that both Rick and I feel terrible about what happened to your father. And we will do anything to try to get him back.

Rick: There's not a single day that passes that I don't think about your dad, Tammy, and the gift that he gave me.

Mel: But I'm also really grateful that Rick is alive and I’m not going to apologize for that.

Tammy: So you don't feel guilty?

Rick: It’s... Tammy, we want to help you. We want to help you any way that we can. Just tell us how we can do that. (Pager beeping)

Mel: I'm sorry. I'm going to have to take this.

Rick: Tammy. I'd like to think that we are friends. So if there's something that's on your mind, I hope you feel comfortable sharing it with me.

Tammy: It's... It's what Aunt Reva did. Ending dad's life like that?

Rick: Well, apparently your father asked Reva to do that.

Tammy: That's what bothers me. He wanted to die. Didn't he care about mom and me and R.J., And Will? Did he really want to leave us that badly?

Rick: I don't know. But your father was in a tremendous amount of pain, and maybe... I don't know. Maybe he just didn't want you to see him that way.

Tammy: Do you think he was afraid of dying?

Rick: I... I was. I was terrified of dying. And I think your father was a much braver man than me.

Tammy: I just wish he would have talked it over with us first.

Mel: I... I just spoke with one of the nurses. Reva's been arrested. There's a bail hearing going on at the courthouse right now.

Tammy: She was arrested because of my dad?

Mel: I'm so sorry.

Tammy: I've got to get over there.

Mel: Well, I'll give you a ride.

Tammy: Well, R.J. And Will are in the daycare center here. I can't just leave them.

Mel: Okay. I'll tell you what, I'll keep an eye on them while you head over to the courthouse.

Tammy: Thank you.

Mel: Okay.

Rick: Did Cassie press charges?

Mel: I don't know. Even if she didn't, it's still a mess.

Rick: Tammy is trying to heal, and that's never going to happen if she keeps getting ripped apart like this.

Reva: Why do you think Cassie would want to put herself through this kind of pain again?

Ross: Reva, you can't be thinking about that right now. We have to focus on getting you out on bail, all right?

Blake: Hi. You hanging in there?

Reva: Yeah, by my fingernails and not much more.

Blake: Don't let go, okay? Can I borrow him for a minute?

Reva: Sure. Just be sure to bring him back.

Ross: What's wrong?

Blake: Well, I almost had Cassie convinced this afternoon that this was going too far, but then the dark prince arrived.

Ross: Well, that can't happen. If Cassie sides with Edmund, Reva could find herself in jail for a long, long time.

Shayne: Hey, Ma.

Reva: Oh, hey, guys.

Shayne: I spoke to Uncle Billy and he's trying to find dad now.

Reva: No luck yet?

Shayne: Well, we know he's in the North Sea on one of the oil rigs. We just don't know which one.

Marah: Isn't there any way we can get a postponement until he gets back or something?

Reva: Even if we could, I wouldn't. Because I have you two here with me. Cassie's all alone.

Edmund: I noticed you speaking with Cassie. Is she going to testify against her sister?

Doris: She won’t. It just means I have to work a little harder. But I still think I can persuade the judge to deny bail.

Bailiff: All rise. The honorable Judge Steven Hazen now presiding.

Judge: This is a bail hearing for Mrs. Reva Lewis charged with second degree murder. How does the defendant plead?

Reva: Not guilty, your Honor.

Ross: Your Honor, we requested the court that Mrs. Lewis be granted bail and be released on her own recognizance.

Doris: That's ridiculous, your Honor. The defendant turned off the life support of Richard Winslow, which resulted in his death. She did not have consent of his wife or his brother...

Ross: Mrs. Lewis had the consent of her brother-in-law, Richard Winslow, the man's whose life we're talking about.

Doris: You mean his death.

Judge: Enough. I'll hear arguments on witnesses from both sides before I decide the manner. Ms. Wolfe?

Doris: Thank you, your Honor. The state would like to call Edmund Winslow to the stand.

Gus: Chief, I need to talk to you.

Chief: Not now, Aitoro. Look, I have a meeting with the mayor.

Gus: Well, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.

Chief: He's after my town. He's using Cooper's arrest to bring me down. You know why? Because he doesn't think I know how to control my own detectives.

Gus: That's the thing, see? You've got to make the mayor understand. She's been through a very tough time here. She needs a break. You know that she's one of your best detectives. You know, you've got to help her out.

Chief: Yeah, I'd like to, but the mayor is...

Gus: But the mayor... What? He's got to understand. She's sick over this thing. Sick; very sick. She can't make the meeting today.

Chief: Cooper's sick?

Gus: Yeah. She's not doing too... I mean, I don't think she's contagious or anything, but I think she’s... She's not doing well. That's what I'm saying. The mayor, he's got phobias. You know, she shouldn't go near the mayor.

Chief: Yeah, yeah, I know. His germ thing.

Gus: Yeah, the germ thing. You know what anyway? Listen. It's better. It's better to postpone the meeting for a couple of days and then he'll calm down, he'll forget all about it. Something else will come up. He'll forget all about you.

Chief: Well, that's not bad, Aitoro. That's not bad at all. Okay, I'll call the mayor. I'll postpone the meeting.

Gus: That's good, Chief. Good thinking. I'm going to tell Cooper the good news.

Chief: Gus?

Gus: Yeah?

Chief: I want to see her.

Gus: All right. Wait. What do you mean you want to see her?

Chief: I want to see Detective Cooper. I want to let her know that I'm doing everything that I can to help her. So take me to her. Now.

Gus: Now?

Harley: Wow. What are you going to do with all these beautiful flowers?

Rick: I'm going to send those over to pediatrics. There's a couple of real cute little kids over there that could use some cheering up.

Harley: You're such a good guy, Dr. Rick.

Rick: Gee, I can't believe that you're being so happy for me even though I’m going to live.

Harley: Darn.

Rick: By the way, thank you.

Harley: For what?

Rick: For, you know, letting Mel and I take Jude while I was in rehab.

Harley: Oh, please. You know, you're actually... You're doing me a favor, you know, broken arm and all.

Rick: Yeah, and until this thing with Phillip gets resolved, right? He told me what was going on with Aitoro.

Harley: Okay, okay. Gus is not the problem here.

Rick: So then what is the problem?

Harley: The problem is Gus has a sister who is the problem. And his father made him promise to look after her. See, she's the one who pushed that guy off the roof. Gus just took the blame. That's what really happened.

Rick: Oh. Nice sister. Did she admit to this?

Harley: No. Not in front of Phillip like she should have. No, she took off before Gus and I could get the two of them together at Company.

Rick: I'm sorry.

Harley: Well, don't worry about it, because it's not your problem. And besides, I’m going to have it resolved. By the time you get back from your rehab, Phillip will realize that Gus is not the bad guy he thinks he is, and Zach will be home with his mommy where he belongs.

Rick: Well, I hope so. (Both laugh)

Harley: Thank you. Because I really miss him, you know? (Pager beeping)

Rick: Yeah.

Harley: It's really bothering me. Oh.

Rick: You got it?

Harley: Yeah. I actually have to take this call, okay?

Rick: Please use my phone.

Harley: I was planning on it.

Rick: I thought so.

Harley: Hello?

Gus: Hi, Coop, it's me. I've got good news, and I've got bad news.

Harley: Just tell me you got my meeting with the mayor postponed.

Gus: Oh, yeah, I got the meeting with the mayor postponed.

Harley: Really? That's great. (Laughs) That's great. I can't imagine that there's any bad news. Uh-huh. Yeah. What? Are you crazy? No, no, no! I don't want to hear any excuses from you, okay? Just take your time. I... I... I need your help.

Doris: Mr. Winslow, your brother was murdered. You must be angry. Angry enough to take revenge perhaps.

Ross: Your Honor, Ms. Wolfe is leading the witness and the District Attorney has not established that Ambassador Winslow was murdered.

Judge: Sustained.

Doris: Mr. Winslow, how did you feel when you learned of your brother's death?

Edmund: First I was stunned, and then I was angry because no one bothered to call and tell me about it. My brother and I had a difficult relationship to say the least. But I loved him. Through it all I loved him.

Doris: Had you visited your brother in the hospital?

Edmund: Yes, I had. And while I was there, she arrived. She told me I had to leave. I felt as if I had no right to my own grief.

Doris: And when was the last time you saw your brother?

Edmund: That was the last time.

Doris: Mr. Winslow, did the defendant or the hospital tell you how your brother had died?

Edmund: No, it was covered up. Reva lied to her sister by keeping quiet about it. It was as if she knew turning off my brother's life support system was wrong.

Ross: Your Honor, this is supposition. I object.

Edmund: I object to you, sir. My brother was killed. And no legal maneuvering on your part is ever going to change that fact. That woman made a presumptuous and selfish decision to end my brother's life without consulting me or his wife. Neither one of us had the opportunity to say good-bye to him. I was not given the opportunity to try to make things right between us, and Cassie was not given the chance to say she loved him one last time. I'm not looking for revenge, your honor. I'm looking for justice.

Doris: No further questions.

Judge: Mr. Marler?

Ross: I have no questions of this gentleman, your Honor.

Judge: Mr. Winslow, you can step down. Any further witnesses, Ms. Wolfe?

Doris: None, your Honor.

Judge: Mr. Marler?

Ross: Your Honor, it is our view that this case speaks for itself. Richard Winslow on any number of occasions begged to be allowed to die. You have his medical records. He was not about to recover. My client performed no less and no more than an act of mercy. Thank you.

Judge: In that case, I am ready to make my ruling.

Cassie: Wait. I would like to say something if there's still time.

Chief: You just concentrate on getting yourself better, Detective. I'll deal with the mayor.

Harley: (Coughs) Chief, I really appreciate it.

Rick: Hey, everything okay in here?

Gus: Hey, it's the doctor.

Chief: Are you Detective Cooper's doctor?

Rick: Yes, I am.

Chief: Dr. Bauer, isn't it?

Rick: Right, right. Right. Yes, I am.

Chief: They put you back to work pretty quickly after your transplant.

Rick: Well, to tell you the truth, I put myself back to work. When I found out what was going on with Harley, I knew right away that she needed a shrink... Doctor.

Chief: Look, Cooper, I have to get back to the station. But if there's anything you want, don't hesitate to ask, all right?

Harley: Thanks, Chief.

Gus: You know, I'll walk you out, Chief. I'll...

Chief: All right. Take care.

Harley: Shut the door, please.

Gus: Thanks, Doc.

Harley: I'm going to kill that Aitoro.

Rick: Oh, he was just trying to help.

Harley: Don't defend him-- don't-- because he is the reason that I lost my son and he's the reason I’m going to lose my job.

Rick: Oh, come on. Did you see the way he was looking at you? Like a little puppy dog begging for a biscuit. It was cute.

Harley: You know what happens with those puppy dogs when you start to love them?

Rick: What?

Harley: They pee all over you. He's complicating an already complicated life. I don’t... I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Gus: So, Chief, I think that Cooper's looking okay. She doesn't look well, actually; definitely not that well. But I think that she'll probably make a speedy recovery, you know, by tomorrow.

Chief: That reminds me. There's something I forgot to tell her.

Gus: Right. Chief?

Doris: Mrs. Winslow, how did you feel when you learned of your husband's death? Mrs. Winslow?

Cassie: To be honest, I feel like I’ve been living on an emotional roller coaster. I don't know what I've been thinking or feeling from one moment to the next except this. Everyone is looking to me to say what I think should happen next, because everyone thinks that I’m the injured party. But nothing I do is going to bring Richard back to me, and nothing I say is going to heal my family. What happened to my husband is a family matter, and I want no part of this proceeding.

Doris: Obviously the court would like to respect your wishes. So I just have one final question. Do you think what your sister did was right?

Cassie: I thought I made it clear. I don't want any part of this.

Doris: Yes, you did. But you also volunteered to take the stand. And you took an oath to tell the truth, Mrs. Winslow; the whole truth.

Judge: Please answer the question.

Cassie: I don't think she should have done what she did. And, yes, I think it was wrong.

Judge: Mr. Marler?

Ross: I have no questions, your Honor.

Judge: You may step down. We'll take a brief recess while I make my decision.

Marah: Please, your Honor. Don't keep my mom in jail. Just like my aunt said, this is a family matter.

Judge: Unfortunately, the minute this case was brought into my courtroom, it became a legal matter, not a family matter.

Reva: Edmund!

Edmund: What?

Reva: How dare you?

Edmund: I beg your pardon?

Ross: Reva, not now.

Reva: You just... You love to stir the pot, don't you? You conspired with the D.A. You're using my sister's pain for your own profit.

Edmund: You turned off my brother's life support system and you watched him die, and now you have the nerve to come and tell me what I’m doing is wrong?

Blake: Reva, walk away.

Reva: You have no compassion. You know nothing about love.

Edmund: What, and you do? You have no sense of guilt. You have no sense of wrong. You take my brother's life, take him away from Cassie 1,000 times over if you think you needed to, because you apparently think everything you do is right! You know what's best for everyone! Well, the omnipotent Reva Shayne.

Reva: You son of a...

Marah: Mom, no!

Shayne: You leave my mother alone!

Judge: What is going on here? Escort Mr. Winslow out of my courtroom.

Edmund: I am not at fault.

Judge: Out! Everyone else take a seat. Now! I'd like an explanation.

Doris: Your Honor, the defendant attacked Mr. Winslow without provocation.

Ross: That is not true. Edmund Winslow verbally attacked my client.

Reva: Ross, it's okay. I did go after Mr. Winslow, your Honor. It was wrong, and I'm sorry.

Judge: It's been an emotional day, but there's now excuse for that type of behavior. Now I have made my ruling. I originally was going to set bail at $200,000, but I'm not finished yet. Bail is revoked for the present time. As for your outburst in court, Mrs. Lewis, I'm holding you in contempt. You will remain in jail until you learn how to control yourself. Court is dismissed.

Bailiff: Please rise. Put your hands back, please.

Mel: R.J. And Will are fine. I just put them down for a nap.

Tammy: Thanks for bringing them home.

Mel: No problem.

Cassie: You know, you really didn't have to do this.

Mel: Well, I wanted to, you know. Whatever Rick and I can do.

Cassie: Well, I guess you don't need to hang around. So thank you.

Mel: Sure. Anytime.

Tammy: Mom, you could have been a little nicer to her.

Cassie: Yeah, I could have. I'm sorry. Sorry.

Tammy: You're still upset about the bail hearing.

Cassie: I am so sorry that you had to see that, Tammy.

Tammy: Why? If I hadn't shown up, would you have said something different?

Cassie: Look, what Reva did, I don't know if I can forgive. And I really don't know if I could ever understand it. But I don't want our feelings played out in public. Can you understand that?

Tammy: Public? You mean, like reporters banging on our door asking us about Aunt Reva being arrested.

Cassie: That might happen. Look, Blake said we could stay at her place. I mean, maybe we should.

Tammy: Maybe.

Cassie: You don't think so.

Tammy: I don't know. How many times can we keep moving around?

Cassie: Well, I know that, but you know, is it smart to stay in a not quite renovated hotel while we're trying to get our life back together?

Tammy: This is the last place I saw dad before the accident.

Cassie: Josh and Reva’s wedding.

Tammy: You were so happy then, Mom. You were both so happy. That's what I try to remember. Not how he was at the hospital.

Cassie: Me, too.

Tammy: So would it bother you if we stayed here just for a little while?

Cassie: No. It wouldn't bother me at all.

Gus: Wait a minute, Chief. Hold on a second. You can't just barge in on her like that. You know, she's not a well woman.

Chief: Look, I'm not going to take up that much of her time. I just want to tell her about the PBA event that's coming up, and if she's feeling up to it, I'd like her to attend. Despite her suspension.

Gus: Well, are you kidding me? Remind her about the PBA event? That's all she talks about. PBA event, PBA event. Like, you know, what to wear, her shoes, her accessories. She's driving me crazy with the PBA event. She'll be there.

Chief: Sounds like my wife.

Gus: Yeah, well, then you know what I'm talking about. But you know what? Hey, you want to talk to her? I don't blame you. Deal with her. I don’t... I don't... You know...

Chief: Well, as long as she's aware of it, I guess I don't have to bother her with it right now.

Gus: All right. Well...

Chief: Keep me informed about her condition.

Gus: Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah. Good idea, Chief.

Chief: Thanks, Gus.

Gus: No problem. Hey, what are you doing...? He almost came back in here. And now you're dressed again like... I... I'm going crazy.

Harley: What am I doing? What am I doing lying in a hospital bed pretending I'm sick?

Gus: Well, we got the whole mayor thing postponed, right?

Harley: Listen to me. I want you to stop helping me.

Gus: But why? I mean, you know, Eden’s not going to be able to...

Harley: Eden's not going to help me anyway, okay? And I've been thinking about the Eden thing. I've changed my mind. I want you to keep Eden as far away from Phillip as possible. Until I have figured out a way to solve this thing.

Gus: Right. But I, you know, I got you into this thing and I can help you get out.

Harley: Let me tell you what I need, okay? What I need is to get my son back. What I don't need is any more hair-brained schemes to get me into more trouble, okay?

Gus: What if I can come up with a better hair-brained scheme?

Harley: No.

Gus: No? Okay. All right. Fine. Okay.

Harley: Remind me why I’m with that guy.

Rick: Because you love him.

Harley: Right.

Rick: How are you going to fix this mess?

Harley: Oh, I’m going back to Chicago.

Ross: Judge Hazen's contempt charge is ridiculous. Reva, she shouldn't be in jail.

Blake: No, she shouldn’t. But then again, attacking Edmund wasn't her brightest idea she's had. Maybe a night in jail will give her a chance to cool down.

Ross: You don't actually believe that, do you?

Blake: No. No, no, no. Can I get you to not think about the case for tonight, though? Hey, maybe the judge needs to cool down.

Ross: Yeah, you're right. That is to say, of course you're right. You're always right. You're right about the flowers. They're nice.

Blake: Oh, look at this. Olivia left us a card. "Enjoy the place. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Ross: Good lord, that leaves an awful lot of leeway doesn't it?

Blake: I think it's perfect.

Ross: It is. It's perfect. It's just temporary until they're done remodeling our place.

Blake: Understood. Besides, there's no place for a playroom for the kids. I mean, these kids are going to bust out of here.

Ross: Well, tonight they have Diane all to themselves and what's not to like about Diane? Videos and pizza and staying up late. I don't think they're going to miss us.

Blake: Are you going to miss them?

Ross: I can try not to think about them for one night. Maybe. I'll stay up late.

Blake: Oh. Kiss me.

Marina: Hey, you rang? Are you okay?

Tammy: I'm fine.

Marina: You don't look fine. Here.

Tammy: Thanks.

Marina: No, I just... Did something happen? I mean, did something else happen? Like is your mom okay?

Tammy: It's like she's right there in front of me and I can't reach her. There's nothing I can do, you know?

Marina: Actually I don't know, but I'm really sorry. I really... I have no idea what it would feel like to go through what you're going through right now. Why did you call me anyway? Did, like, does he have a croquet lesson or something? Yeah. Well, it's fine. I know that's more her forte. But I'm good at other stuff. I'm good at, like, going on wild mall excursions and talking about your love life. And this... This is just way beyond me. Truth.

Tammy: The truth is Lizzie has piano lessons. But I would have called you anyway. With you, I don't have to pretend to be strong or pretend like everything's okay. With you, I can just listen. It's kind of a relief.

Marina: Really? That's nice, Tammy. That is really, really nice. So start talking. Distract me. Okay. Whoa! Let's talk about... Well... How about, um, Ben?

Tammy: Yeah.

Marina: Okay, I have a better idea. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about your dad. And don't worry, you don't have to be strong with me.

Tammy: Okay.

Reva: Thanks for being here.

Shayne: Where else would we have been, Mom?

Marah: But we weren't much help to you.

Reva: You were. Just being there.

Marah: Even though I'm not sure if I believe what you did is right?

Reva: Even then, you were there and that's all that matters.

Cop #1: I'm sorry it's past the visiting hours.

Reva: I love you. I love you, too.

Shayne: Me, too.

Reva: (Laughs) I love you both so much.

Rick: Okay. All right, here's your reservations to Chicago.

Harley: Oh.

Rick: You sure you want me to schedule a haircut and coloring for you?

Harley: Only if you'll do it yourself. Hey, I was just talking to the nurses. They're going to make sure an orderly gets in here so you can get home as soon as possible.

Rick: Um, you know what? I'm going to wait for my wife.

Harley: Do you want me to wait with you?

Rick: Don't you have to fly off to Chicago?

Harley: Is that a hint of disapproval in your voice?

Rick: Oh, no. I am just savoring the moment when your chief walks back in here looking for his sick detective. Please.

Harley: Tell him I'm under quarantine, you know? Highly contagious.

Rick: What exactly do you think you're going to accomplish in Chicago?

Harley: Oh, I’m going to find something to hold over Eden’s head.

Rick: Oh. So you're going to blackmail her?

Harley: You don't know this girl. Okay, you haven't met her. I'm just doing to her what she's probably done to a million other people.

Rick: It doesn't make it right, does it?

Harley: I'm doing this for Zach. You would do the same thing for Jude, wouldn't you?

Rick: Well, hopefully I won't get myself in this kind of situation.

Harley: You wouldn't get yourself in this, because I would never stop you from seeing your son the way Phillip has stopped me from seeing Zach. Which you know is wrong.

Rick: Oh, tisk, tisk, tisk.

Harley: I know you do.

Rick: I'm a sick man. What do you want me to tell your... Your... Whatever he is when he comes back?

Harley: Nothing. Don't tell Gus anything. I don't want him to know where I am.

Rick: Okay.

Harley: Okay.

Rick: Okay.

Harley: Thank you. I'm sorry. I'll see you.

Rick: Oh, okay.

Harley: You take care of yourself.

Rick: All right, bye. Have a good trip. Good luck.

Harley: Feel better, okay?

Rick: I enjoyed doing reservations for you this morning.

Harley: Hey, tell Gus that... Just tell him that I love him. Okay.

Rick: Okay.

Cop #2: Detective Aitoro!

Gus: Hey, Manny, thank you.

Eden: Let me go.

Cop #2: I found her.

Eden: This is police brutality!

Gus: No, don't, don't hit him. Sorry, Manny. Thank you. I owe you one now.

Manny: You owe me six. She's a handful.

Gus: I know. I know.

Eden: Well, you're cute, too, Officer Manning. Why don't you give me your number so I can have my lawyer call you and sue you for false arrest?

Gus: Leave him alone please. He's helping me out. You help me out. Thanks. I... I'll talk to you at the station.

Eden: I want my wallet back.

Gus: Oh, really? You think you deserve your wallet back after what you did to me leaving me high and dry like that?

Eden: Oh, you're getting all big brotherly on me?

Gus: No, I am going to get all in your face until you go to Phillip Spaulding and you tell him the truth.

Eden: It's not going to happen.

Gus: No. Oh, you think so, huh? You think so?

Eden: I know so.

Gus: Oh, no. Let me tell you... Let me tell you how it's going to be. I've got to tell the woman that I love that she could trust me. I have to prove that to her. And at this stage of the game, you're going to help me do that.

Eden: You're not listening to me.

Gus: No, you're not listening to me! Do you remember when we were kids we've have these little problems, little fights. Remember how we solved them?

Eden: Oh, no.

Gus: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

Eden: Don't tell me.

Gus: And that's what we're going to do. And if I win... If I win, you're going to go in front of Phillip Spaulding and you're going to tell him the truth.

Eden: What if I win?

Gus: Well, we're just... We're discuss that on the way over there, all right.

Eden: If I win, I want you to dump Harley.

Gus: Well, if I lose, that's going to happen anyway. All right? Come on. Let's go!


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