Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/20/02
Provided by
Proofread By Tanya
Danny: Hey. Honey, why did you turn off the AC?
Michelle: Oh, it's because it's a brownout. They said on the news that they wanted everyone to turn off their air conditioning.
Danny: Okay. Is that why you woke up? Because of the heat?
Michelle: I wasn't really asleep.
Danny: Oh, you were faking it? Hmm?
Michelle: Only the sleeping part. Since I was awake, I just thought I would do some stuff to get ready for Rick coming home.
Danny: Here you go. That was nice earlier. You said that you wanted to forget things... Everything that happened with Edmund. Did it work?
Michelle: No. You almost killed a man, Danny. It's hard for me to get that picture out of my mind.
Eden: Drinks? You serve them here, right?
Tony: Well, there's a brownout. We're closed for the night. So...
Eden: Oh, that explains the heat. There's plenty of electricity in here. Having a private party?
Tony: Hey, lady, you can't do that. We're not open.
Eden: Oh, okay, just a glass of water, and then I’ll be out of here. I can get it myself.
Marah: You know what? I should go find Shayne.
Tony: Wait, wait, wait. Let me at least... Let me at least get the lawyer's number for you. It will just take me a minute. Don't move, okay?
Marah: Okay.
Tony: Please.
Eden: Want a drink? I can make anything.
Marah: No thanks.
Eden: So what's your boyfriend's name?
Marah: Uh... No, we're not a couple.
Eden: Really? I would've bet you guys were hot and heavy. It sure seems like it.
Marah: Yeah, well, things aren't always as they seem.
Phillip: Beth, it's me. Um, it's... I don't know what time it is. I don't know what the deal is here. I don't know if you're checking your messages, I don't know where you are, I don't know what to tell the kids. I don't know a hell of a lot other than the fact that it's unGodly hot here, and it has been one hell of a day all in all. So, wish you were here. Call me. (Sighs)
Olivia: (Shrieks) Oh, you missed me.
Phillip: I'm not aiming at you. Unless of course you're one of my ex-wives.
Olivia: Okay. Well, tonight I'm glad to be one of the few women in this town who can't claim that title. I'll leave you to do your venting.
Phillip: Hey, please, stay. I could use the company.
Marina: All right, there you go.
The role of Lizzie Spaulding is now being played by Allison Herschlag.
Marina: Sorry about that.
Marina: Of course, my grandfather would be like a closet survivalist or something. I mean, who ever heard of a restaurant with a private generator? You know what? He's thinking, like, even in a national emergency, everyone's going to run down to Company and be all, "I need a cheeseburger." You know what I bet? I bet he's going to make us stay open late, too, because every place else is closed, and the entire town has decided to show up. So if you're interested in ordering food, I suggest you do it now. Shayne.
Shayne: Hmm, what?
Marina: Did you miss everything I just said?
Shayne: Yeah, I’m sorry, I'm just really not here right now.
Marina: Yeah, there were some nurses in here earlier, and they were talking about your mom and...
Shayne: Yeah, I’m sure the whole world knows by now.
Marina: No. No, no, no. It didn't sound like that. It sounded just like it was hospital gossip or something. Can I do anything?
Shayne: No, there's nothing you can do. You know, I've been sitting around my house all day, and I was just trying to think of, you know, something to give me... Anything just to give me a little clarity on the situation and know how to accept it.
Marina: Yeah, well, I bet you need something to eat, so, you know, anything you want, it's on the house, okay?
Shayne: Thank you.
Marina: Yeah, of course.
Ben: Hey, Marina.
Marina: Hi, Ben. Baby-sitting?
Ben: That's very funny. No, no, we were at the beach club, but the grill's closed. They were hungry. Marina, look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings the other day, okay? I'm trying to make it up to you.
Phillip: Well, if you come a little closer I won't have to throw it to you.
Olivia: A beer?
Phillip: Peace offering.
Olivia: Oh. I've just never seen you drink beer before.
Phillip: Well, it's a beer kind of night.
Olivia: Oh, oh, oh. Well, maybe you can swim in it instead. You turned off the air conditioning.
Phillip: It's a brownout. It's a citywide request.
Olivia: No, no, I heard. I just figured if anyone would ignore a city edict, it would be the Spaulding manse.
Phillip: No, that doesn't apply to us. Lizzie's over spending the night with a friend. I had Thomas take the boys down to the pool house. There's an AC unit down there.
Olivia: So, what, the grownups have to sweat?
Phillip: We'll survive.
Olivia: Oh, I wonder what Alan’s going to say about that.
Phillip: Well, he called, and he's not going to be back from Chicago till tomorrow morning, so you'll have to wait till then.
Olivia: Where's Beth?
Phillip: I don't know. She's off somewhere chasing down something.
Olivia: Lorelei? So she's in Texas.
Phillip: Who knows? See, I can't be trusted with that kind of information. You know why? Because I am an obnoxious control freak-- that's right, that's right-- who becomes unreasonable and asks questions like, "Beth, honey, where are you running off to this time?" Or "Harley, dear, why would I want to believe this convicted felon that you have raising my son?"
Olivia: I know, I know it doesn't seem fair.
Phillip: Oh, no. Please, God, don't do that. I don't need any help feeling sorry for myself.
Olivia: Oh, oh, okay, I’m sorry. Well, maybe I'll go find Blake and encourage her to sue you for back alimony. (Laughs)
Phillip: Okay. Thought I'd thought of just about everything, but that actually might complete my day.
Olivia: (Laughing) I'm so hot.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: What's this?
Phillip: Oh, that's actually the best thing that happened to me today.
Olivia: "For mom and dad"?
Phillip: Mm-hmm. Yeah, Lizzie downloaded some songs from the internet, and she burned us a cd. You see what it says?
Olivia: High school oldies?
Phillip: Oldies.
Olivia: High school hits. Make it stop!
Phillip: Oldies! '80s oldies. And this is from my daughter, someone who is supposed to love me.
Olivia: Look, I’m sure that, you know, every dad just becomes...
Phillip: Old.
Olivia: No, I was looking for a much better word.
Phillip: No. No, no. No other word. "Old" is the word. God! You know, I've been sitting here wondering, how did this happen to me? You know, when... When... When did my music become oldies?
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: How do I have a teenage daughter and ex-wives and a best friend that needs heart surgery? I mean, wasn't it like a day and half ago I was in high school, I had my whole life ahead of me? (Sighs) Okay.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: Never mind, sorry, I'll shut up.
Olivia: No, no, no. Please don't.
Michelle: Is it straight?
Danny: Uh-uh. Just lift... Lift your arm a little higher. Just a little bit. That... That... That...
Michelle: Right there?
Danny: Down a little bit. Yeah, that's good.
Michelle: Can you hand me the tape? Thanks.
Danny: You know, I'm doing what I said I would do. I am. Things are going to be different now.
Michelle: Wanting to kill Edmund isn't anything different, Danny. It's the same Santos problem- solving technique.
Danny: I did not... I did not want to kill Edmund.
Michelle: But you would have, right, to protect my family?
Danny: From him, yeah. From what he threatened to do.
Michelle: That wouldn't have...
Danny: Of course.
Michelle: (Sighs) Are we really going to go through this again?
Danny: I guess not, not since you haven't changed your mind.
Michelle: Or you. Danny?
Danny: Yes?
Michelle: If somebody had pulled a gun on me or pulled a gun on Robbie, then I would get it.
Danny: Michelle!
Michelle: But somebody shooting their mouth off?
Danny: It was a real threat. It was a very real threat.
Michelle: Using your logic, you would have gone ahead, and you would have killed Edmund, and an hour later found it was for nothing. Doesn't that bother you at all?
Danny: Yes. What do you want me to say? Yes, honey, yes. Next time I will be more careful.
Michelle: And still, still, still there's a next time, which just tells me that it's still your instinct. That's your first impulse.
Danny: No, it's not. That is not my first impulse. Not my first.
Michelle: But you could do it.
Danny: Yes, if I had to, yes. I would do whatever it takes to protect you and Robbie. I'm not going to apologize for that. You know, sometimes you don't have the luxury of waiting to find out if the other person is going to get you first. And it's not fun for me. It's not some kind of game. It's not something that I take lightly. And if you can't tell the difference... If you don't know me well enough by now to know that, I mean, there's just no point in talking about it. I...
Michelle: Well, finally we agree on something.
Danny: Finally. (Sighs) You know what? Forget it. I'm going to the club, all right? Don't wait up for me.
Tony: Cass Winthrop said he would represent your mother.
Marah: Well, we don't even know yet...
Tony: Well, if you need him. He said he has other clients, but he said he'll drop whatever he's doing if you call him. Just mention my name, and he'll take care of you. So...
Marah: Thanks. Um...
Tony: Look, if you need anything, you know, you can always call me, or, you know...
Marah: Yeah, I know. Uh, well, welcome to town.
Eden: Yeah, see you around.
Tony: That's water, huh?
Eden: Well, once the ice melts.
Tony: Look, it's last call. I want to close, so...
Eden: Okay, well, this will be the nightcap. Sweet kid.
Tony: Marah?
Eden: That's her name? That sweet little girl going back to the cradle where you found her.
Tony: She's not that young.
Eden: Maybe you're not that old. You're a kid, aren't you? See, I like to know when I’m having illegal thoughts.
Marina: You're trying to make it up to me by bringing country club girls in here to watch me bus tables? Thanks.
Ben: Well, I thought maybe you could make some friends. I mean, Lizzie is your friend, right?
Marina: When no one else is available, yeah.
Ben: Okay. Okay, you know what? Forget about it. Treat them nice, maybe they'll leave you a big tip.
Lizzie: Stop saying that.
Shannon: My dad told me Shayne's mom killed that prince guy.
Marina: Lizzie, hi. Could you please tell your friend to put a sock in it because Shayne is right over there.
Lizzie: Did he hear?
Marina: Yeah, every word.
Shannon: Big deal. It'll be in the news tomorrow.
Marina: The big deal is that he's my friend, and he came in here to have a quiet dinner, not to feed your appetite for trashy gossip.
Olivia: So... So what's on this anyway? She said hits. That could be bad.
Phillip: Well, what kind of crack is that? You didn't listen to good old American hits in San Cristobel.
Olivia: Some yeah, but you know, mostly, like, Euro bands.
Phillip: Oh, Spandau Ballet? Wang Chung? Were you a Wang Chunger?
Olivia (in southern accent): I never Wang-Chunged in my life, I swear.
Phillip: You Wanged.
Olivia: No, it was more like Peter Gabriel and the Oolice, and...
Phillip: Oh, the Police.
Olivia: ...Roxy music and Madonna. Madonna, Madonna, Madonna.
Phillip: Oh, well, that was a safe bet. A personal idol of yours, I'm sure.
Olivia: Well, she once said-- and I quote-- "I want to rule the world."
Phillip: Yeah, she did, didn't she?
Olivia: And all the boys loved her, so yeah.
Phillip: There might be some Madonna on here. Let's see what we got. That was a lay up. (Lionel Ritchie’s "Hello" playing)
Olivia: Oh, my.
Phillip: Be nice. I'm having a major flashback here.
Olivia: Oh, I’m so sorry. Where are you?
I've been alone with you inside my mind...
Phillip: Dancing at my senior prom.
Olivia: Prom, yeah. We never had those, but I've seen them in movies. That's where you really weren't dancing, you were just sort of draped over each other.
Phillip: Well, that was the idea, but you really couldn't do that. You had to be careful or else the chaperones would pull you out. Although, you know what? Hey, no. I went to boarding school. I learned how to dance.
Olivia: Wow, yeah, that's some tripping box step in there.
Phillip: Actually, I had a little Astaire thing going.
Olivia: (Laughing)
Phillip: Very Fred. That was very Fred.
Olivia: Yeah, well... I don't buy it.
Phillip: Oh, really?
Olivia: Yeah, no. It's just not you. Uh-uh.
Phillip: Come here.
Olivia: No, what are you going to do?
Phillip: Come here.
Olivia: What, what, what? (Squeals) (laughs)
Phillip: See? You didn't think I could do that, did you?
Olivia: I... I was... Yeah, I'm stunned. Oh, my...
Phillip: Getting a whole different opinion of my dancing?
Olivia: I'm definitely getting a different opinion of your dancing.
Phillip: So...
Olivia: How was your... Tell me about your prom. I'm curious.
Phillip: I took Mindy Lewis.
Olivia: Josh's niece, hmm.
Phillip: Rick took Beth.
Olivia: Wait, I thought that... I thought that you and Beth had always been together.
Phillip: After that night we were. Well, yeah, it was weird. We were nuts about each other, but she was Rick’s girlfriend, so nothing had really happened. But that night we were elected king and queen of the prom.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Phillip: So we had to do this. We had to dance.
Olivia: Oh.
Phillip: Which would have been okay, except Beth was unbelievably shy with everybody, but particularly with me. But we didn't have any choice. It was tradition. We had to dance. So... God, I remember this like it was yesterday. I led her out on the dance floor, and she was shaking. And then I took her in my arms. And it was like the world just stopped. It was just the way I'd pictured it. And I never wanted it to end. I just wanted to stay on that floor in that moment for the rest of my life. (Lionel Ritchie’s "Hello" continuing to play)
Marina: If you say one more word about Shayne or his mom, you're out of here, okay?
Shannon: I thought waitresses were supposed to take orders, not give them.
Lizzie: She's right, Shannon. Shayne’s my friend. I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Shannon: He'd better get used to hearing people talk about it, or else...
Marina: All right, you know what? That's it. You're out of here. You have no manners, you have no clue, so you get no service, okay? Leave. Out!
Shannon: This place is a dump. Lizzie, you're spending the night, remember?
Lizzie: Yeah. I'm sorry.
Shayne: You know, Marina, you really didn't have to kick her out.
Marina: Oh, no, that's okay. It's the only fun I've had all night, okay? Look, Shayne, that girl, she's a prissy air-head, and you shouldn't listen to a word she says.
Shayne: I know, but some of what she said is right. My mom is going to be all over the media tomorrow. You know, I'm not even worried about me. I'm just worried about if she's going to handle this.
Marina: Yeah, well, from what I’ve heard about your mom, I think that she's way too tough and she's way too smart to let little people like that get to her.
Shayne: No, I think my mom would've kicked them out, too. You know, it's... I mean this as a compliment, but you really remind me of my mom a lot sometimes.
Marina: Really?
Ben: Aren't you the little spitfire?
Marina: Yeah, well, you'll never know, will you, Ben? Because you missed your chance.
Ben: What? You're done with me. So if I were to rearrange my plans and ask you go to the Beacon dance, you'd shoot me down.
Shayne: It's kind of too late, because she's already going with me, Reade.
Ben: (Laughs) Is that right?
Marina: Yeah, yeah, that's right. I'm already booked for the Gala. Sorry.
Eden: I'm drinking.
Tony: Yeah.
Eden: I'm gulping. Great. And you know what? I'll pay you for this.
Tony: Oh, that's great.
Eden: I don't want you to get in trouble.
Tony: What?
Eden: I seem to have left my wallet somewhere. Could I write you an I.O.U. Or work it off?
Tony: You know, that is a great idea. Stairmaster, it's right over there. Go ahead.
Eden: You are so gone on the blonde.
Tony: Don't talk about her.
Eden: I wouldn't dream of that. I'm Eden.
Tony: Tony.
Eden: And I will pay you for the drink. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your boss.
Tony: I am the boss.
Eden: Really?
Tony: Uh-uh.
Eden: I love proprietors. This is a great place, too.
Tony: Yeah.
Eden: You own it?
Tony: Well, it's my family business. I run it.
Eden: I love families and business. I love family businesses. Especially a great place like this. You guys must make a killing. So like what would you bring in on an average night?
Tony: Oh, you want to see the receipts? I feel the love, really, I do.
Danny: What's going on? I thought I told you to close up.
Tony: We are. She just wanted a quick drink.
Eden: Hi, I’m Eden.
Danny: Hi, I'm Danny, Danny Santos. Excuse me.
Tony: You should leave. The drink will be on the house.
Eden: You know, the one thing that kept me breathing? The thought of you going after the Santos’s and getting them.
Gus: I have given up living a life of revenge, Eden.
(Lionel Ritchie’s "Hello" finishes)
Phillip: Boy, that music takes you back.
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: Listen... I was in a really bad mood tonight, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the company, but... Look, I know that... I know you and my father are having a rough time right now. But I'm not the answer here. I'm really not. You know, Beth and I are going through a bit of a rough patch, too, but we are... But we're still together, and that's what I want.
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: You do?
Olivia: Yeah, I know.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Yeah. Just, you wanted to show me your fancy dancing, and I thought I’d let you, so, you know, if you think this was a ploy to get you alone...
Phillip: No. No, no, no, no. I don’t... I don't, and that's not at all what I meant by that. I... You know, it's a little odd with us, because I... I mean, I feel like we know each other better than we really do. And, you know, one of the things that I appreciate about you is I feel like we can be straight with each other, you know. And if I’m... If I’m off on this today, then God, please, I’m very sorry. But it just... I mean, it sort of felt like something else was going on for you.
Olivia: No. I... Okay, I think you're handsome, and I think you're really charming, because I'm alive and I have a pulse. But I also think Alan is very handsome and very charming. And we have our rough patches, just like you and Beth. My point is that, you know, I'm taken, too.
Phillip: Okay. I'm going to go check on the boys. Good night.
Olivia: Good night.
Marah: Did you... Were you able to get a hold of dad?
Shayne: No, I wasn’t. The phone wasn't working still, but... You know, I’m sure he'll find out, since mom's going to be all over the media tomorrow.
Marah: But it was a closed hearing.
Shayne: Yeah, but maybe you should tell that to the nurses at the hospital, because all of a sudden Shannon Lucas comes in here screaming, "Reva Lewis is a killer," you know.
Marah: I can't believe it's happening already.
Shayne: Well, have you seen her?
Marah: No, not since the hearing. She didn't come home yet?
Shayne: No. I wonder who she's with.
Marah: I don't know. I got her a lawyer, though, in case things get worse.
Shayne: Why would she need a lawyer? She has Ross Marler.
Marah: No, Cass Winthrop. He's a real shark, and he doesn't care whether you're guilty or innocent.
Marina: (Clears throat) Yo. See, we don't have bibs here, so, you know, if you drool, you're going to have to wear that shirt.
Ben: What do you care who I look at, huh? You're done with me. And besides, you're going to the Beacon dance with Shayne, right?
Ben: Hey, Marah, you guys going to be okay?
Marah: You heard, too?
Ben: A little. Some. Look, it's not like I'm going to say anything to anybody. I want to help you.
Marah: Well, I don't need any help, not yet at least. Hopefully not ever. I'm just really worried about my Aunt Cassie.
Ben: Yeah, but we're helping her, though. We're going to support her by going to the Beacon dance.
Marah: Yeah, it's really hard to think about a party right now, though.
Ben: But we're still on, right?
Marah: Yeah. I need to support my Aunt Cassie right now more than ever.
Shayne: Hey, you know you really don't have to come with me to this thing, right?
Marina: What? I'm sorry.
Shayne: The Gala. I just did that to help you bust Ben.
Marina: Oh, no, no, no. I want to go with you to the... The Gala... I mean, Shayne you were a total star for asking me, and of course I want to go. I mean, I deserve to be there as much as anybody, right?
Tony: So are you going to spend the night here or what?
Danny: I don't know. I just had to get out of the house for a while. (Knock at door) What?
Tony: It's probably that Eden chick. Don't worry. I'll get rid of her. Hey. Hey, how's my Godson? How you doing? Michelle, you know what? I can take Robbie if you want some time.
Michelle: Oh, no thanks. I need him here for this.
Tony: Okay, well, I’ll be over there if you change your mind.
Danny: Honey, it's late. Why did you bring Robbie here?
Michelle: Danny, it's all about Robbie. We can't keep going round and round like this, you know. It's not fair to him.
Danny: Hey, look what I got. Here you go. There's your little truck. We're not going around and around. We won't. We'll get through this. Honey, we always do. What?
Michelle: You remember the time before Robbie was born, and you didn't want to be together? You kept pushing me away, pushing me away. You didn't even want to know your own son.
Danny: Yeah. I mean, but you... You stuck with me and you... Because you really believed that we needed to stay together. You were right. And that I could be a good father, and that we could make it work, and we are.
Michelle: And you knew that any son of yours would be faced with the same choices that you are. And you didn't want that for him.
Danny: Right.
Michelle: Oh, Danny, God help me. I love you enough, I do. And if were just me, I could live with it. I really could. I could live with all of it. I know how hard you've tried and how much you've changed, and that we're still here. And there's our son, and if he's raised as a Santos, he's going to have the same fight that you do, the same choices. I can’t... I can't let that happen, Danny, because I’m his mother. I'm his mother. And as much as I love you, I’ve got to love him more.
Danny: And I love you, too. What are you saying?
Michelle: You were right. You were right. And you knew even before he was born, and you tried to tell me, and I wouldn't listen. But you can do it now, okay?
Danny: What?
Michelle: You can walk away.
Danny: Walk...
Michelle: If you love me, if you love Robbie, just let us go, please.
Danny: What?
Michelle: Come on.
Danny: Michelle.
(Lionel Ritchie’s "Hello" playing)
I’ve been alone with you inside my mind
and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
hello is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes I can see it in your smile
you're all I've ever wanted and my arms are open wide
'cause you know just what to say and you know just what to do
and I want to tell you so much I love you.
I long to see the sunlight in your hair
and tell you time and time again how much I care
sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
hello I’ve just got to let you know
'cause I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do
are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you
tell me how to win your heart for I haven't got a clue
but let me start by saying I love you.
Hello is it me you're looking for
because I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do
are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you
tell me how to win your heart for I haven't got a clue
but let me start by saying I love you.
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