Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/16/02
From Suzanne
(Tapping glass)
Buzz: Stop that-- you're driving my customers away.
Marina: Not to mention my tips.
Frank: I'm so mad at Harley.
Buzz: Harley.
Marina: Harley.
Frank: You know what? They move up her hearing date, and what? She goes out of town. And then you know what? She could lose everything if she doesn't come back.
Marina: Dad, dad...
Gus: Thank God for air conditioning. Glad you paid your Bill there,
Buzz. Alrighty, go ahead, honey. Take them off.
Harley: What, are you crazy? She'll bolt. No, she's staying right here by me until Phillip gets down here and she tells him that you're not the menace he thinks you are.
Eden: Oh, meaning I'm the menace.
Harley: Was there a question mark after that statement?
Frank: Excuse me, would someone like to fill me in here, please?
Gus: Not at the moment, Frank, no.
Harley: This is Eden, Gus's sister, the one who actually did the terrible thing that everybody thinks Gus did all those years ago.
Eden: What, so now the whole world knows about this?
Harley: Oh, I'm sorry, this is my brother, Eden. By the way, be nice, he's a cop, too.
Eden: Oh, so let me guess, what, is your father a judge?
Gus: No, actually, her father's right... That's... Owns this place, so...
Eden: Are they all as nuts as she is?
Gus: Worse.
Frank: Why don't I get some coffee and then we'll just figure this all out.
Gus: That's... That's nice, Frank, yeah.
Harley: Would it really kill you just to step up to the plate just once and do the right thing?
Eden: You know what? Don't pretend like you know one thing about my life, you little small-town...
Harley: Oh, I'm small-town?
Eden: Small...
Harley: Oh, miss sophisticated...
Gus: You know what? Why don't... Listen, just sit down for a second, we'll take a little time-out, okay?Time out, all right. Here you go. Nicey-nice, okay. Eden, back in Chicago, you said you would do the right thing, right? You said that you'd straighten Phillip out.
Eden: Yeah, for you. Not for her.
Gus: Okay, all right, but, you know, can I count on you for that? Can I? Is that A... Is that a what? What?
Eden: Yes, all right?
Gus: Okay, all right, okay, good. Well, so, there you have it. She's... Okay.
Harley: What?
Gus: There.
Harley: No.
Gus: What?
Harley: Absolutely not, no.
Gus: Honey, we brought her down here, right, so that she could take responsibility for her actions.
Harley: Yeah, ten years later.
Gus: All right, so it's time for a little quid pro quo, right? Just, you know, do the thing, take the...
Harley: Frank.
Frank: Yes?
Harley: Can I have the key, the one that I gave you before I left?
Gus: She wants the key.
Harley: I'll take that.
Frank: There you go.
Gus: Okay.
Eden: Chicks in chains.
Frank: Oh, you're definitely his sister.
(Cell phone rings)
Gus: Hello? Okay. Listen, it's the station, so just play... Just be nice to each other.
Harley: You made a promise to your brother-- try to stick to it, okay? I'm not doing this. I don't feel good about this. Let's wait till he gets back from phone.
Eden: Oh, come on, for the love of... You have not even given me a bathroom break since we first hooked up.
Harley: Okay.
Eden: So, you know, unless you want to go with me.
Harley: Fine. No, no, no, no, no. I don't need to know that, okay. Take it. Just don't say that I never did anything nice for you, okay? Because I can be a good person, too, okay? What are you doing?
Eden: Don't you ever do that to me again.
Claire: For the record, Carmen, I don't usually make house calls.
Carmen: For the record, Claire, I don't usually get poisoned.
Claire: Poisoned? Who? Danny? Michelle?
Carmen: Edmund. He slipped something into my drink, and then told me I have only 24 hours to live.
Claire: ( Laughs ) how romantic.
Carmen: Oh, I'm glad you're getting so much amusement over my distress.
Claire: So what did you do to deserve it, Carmen?
Carmen: Nothing, nothing. He's been a little testy lately. Overreacting.
Claire: I'll say. Over the Richard Winslow situation, perhaps?
Carmen: You know about that?
Claire: I came back to town, I found the whole hospital abuzz. I mean, especially since the person who pulled the plug has just stepped forward and confessed.
Carmen: You know who it is? Don't tell me-- it's Rick's wife. Oh, no, no-- the sanctimonious Dr. Ed?
Michelle! Oh, please tell me it's Michelle.
Claire: It is nobody you would ever suspect. But I really shouldn't say anything more. I mean, it was just a rumor. A very loud rumor, that is, but still, I shouldn't say anything, not until it's official.
Carmen: Doesn't matter. It will soon be public knowledge anyway. I can wait-- assuming I'm still alive.
Claire: It was Reva.
Carmen: Reva Lewis?
Claire: Cassie's sister killed her husband. Yep, the hospital board is meeting behind closed doors right now to discuss this.
Carmen: ( Laughs ) Edmund knows nothing about this.
Claire: Speaking of Edmund, what did he put in your drink?
Carmen: I have no idea.
Claire: Well, then how do you expect me to give you an antidote, my dear.
Edmund: Did someone mention the word "antidote"? Hello, Dr. Ramsey. Always so refreshing to see the two of you here together. Two grandmothers sharing afternoon tea.
Carmen: Hand it over, Edmund.
Edmund: What? You mean this little concoction? Sorry, it's not for sale.
Carmen: Well, then let's make a trade, because I have information you need in return.
Charles: We've completed our internal investigation of Richard's death, Mrs. Winslow. And since we found no negligence on our part, and since we've taken what we feel are the appropriate disciplinary measures, anything that happens beyond this point-- or doesn't happen-- would really be a family matter, and should be handled as such.
Cassie: Meaning what?
Charles: Meaning that we're under no obligation to contact the authorities, Cassie. And we won't.
Cassie: So that's it?
Charles: That's it. Any further prosecution would be a family matter.
Cassie: Prosecuting, making someone pay, that's never been what this was about. I just wanted there to be a record of what happened to Richard, a public record, so everybody would know the truth: That because of one selfish, thoughtless person, I was cheated out of my husband's last moments on earth; how I never got to say good-bye to him, how the last face he saw wasn't mine. Now, I'm wondering: What was the point? Why was it so important? It doesn't change anything. Richard's still dead, right?
Charles: Why don't I leave the two of you to talk?
Cassie: There's really nothing else to say.
Charles: Just the same.
Reva: Richard never wanted you to have to go through this.
Cassie: Don't assume anything on my husband's behalf, please.
Reva: His greatest wish was to spare you pain, and that's why he asked me to help him do what he felt he had to do.
Cassie: God, you just don't stop, do you?
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: No, Reva, I was his wife. I should've been in the room with him, not you. It was my decision to make.
Reva: Oh, believe me, I know. I know that. And I said so to Richard. But he... That's not what he wanted.
Cassie: I could almost accept that because Richard was so noble and so protective, so that I can almost accept. But not you. How could you do this? If you didn't agree, how could you do it?
Reva: The same reason I didn't tell you that he was moonlighting: Because he asked me not to. He was noble and he was protective of you. And that's how he wanted to leave this earth, as his last gift to you.How could I take that away from him?
Cassie: So you took him away from me instead.
Edmund: You think you have something I need?
Carmen: Claire, would you mind?
Claire: Oh, Carmen, really, in case you need medical assistance, I should stay.
Edmund: Oh, well, shortly she will, but without this, your efforts will be in vain.
Carmen: Oh, you won't kill me, Edmund. You'd be signing your own death warrant.
Edmund: Oh, that's right. Your son is so madly in love with you, he's going to come after me with a vengeance.
Claire: Or send you a bottle of champagne.
Carmen: You'd be foolish to kill me. I'm your only ally in this town.
Edmund: Shortly you'll be saying I should trust you.
Carmen: Okay, okay, forget about me, then. What is it you want more than anything else in the world right now? Revenge for your brother's death. Yes? Retribution?
Edmund: So?
Carmen: So, I can make that happen and get you a nice cash settlement in the process, because I'm privy to information you don't have.
Edmund: Somehow I doubt that very much.
Claire: ( Laughs ) actually, she's telling the truth.
Carmen: Well, thank you, Claire. Now, not another word.
Claire: I was just trying to...
Carmen: I know who killed Richard, and it wasn't the Bauers or the hospital, and I can still get you that profit... That nice, little profit. But I'm not going to say another word until you give me that vial.
Harley: Okay, what are you going to do now? What are you planning to do, Eden? Are you going to bail again? Leave your brother holding the bag, as usual, after you promised him that you wouldn't.
Eden: Hope you have a spare.
Harley: Frank!
Frank: Hey, what's going on.
Buzz: What happened to you?
Harley: Just please, please, please tell me that you have the spare key to this.
Frank: I don't have the spare y-- it's down in my locker in the station.
Harley: Okay, don't anybody panic. I... Give me a saw.
Buzz: A saw?
Harley: A saw, bolt cutters-- bolt cutters. I don't care, just get me out of this thing, because I need to strangle that woman.
Gus: Can... Let... I'm going to call you back. Okay, so how is it? How's it going in there? You guys making nice?
Eden: Yeah, you could say that.
Gus: Good.
Eden: It's a sauna out here.
Gus: Yeah. Oh, no, thanks.
Eden: What? You switched to menthols?
Gus: No, oxygen. Remember? I told you I quit.
Eden: Seriously? I thought you were just saying that to get the girl scout off your back.
Gus: No, I really did quit, and she's not a girl scout, okay? We're serious, by the way.
Eden: Right. When have I heard that before?
Gus: You've never heard that before, Eden, because I've never said it before, because I've never been in love like this before.
Eden: Remember when we used to go and hide in Mrs. Calabresky's tool shed and smoke? You taught me how to blow smoke rings.
Gus: Yeah, I was such a great brother; I taught you all the real important things in life.
Eden: You were a great brother, Nicky. You're the best, and don't ever think differently. Come back to Chicago with me.
Gus: Oh, Eden, please don't. Don't start this.
Eden: Please! Yes, please, Nicky? It will be you and me against the world again. And then I'll feel safe.
Gus: What is the... I'm here now. What, you don't feel safe? Hmm?
Eden: That's just... You know, just a phrase, figure of speech.
Gus: Wait a second, I want to ask you something: Are you in trouble? Talk to me, be honest with me.
Eden: What? Me? Yeah, I'm always in trouble. Yeah, I'm trouble, baby, all right, so you better watch it.
Gus: Well, I'll tell you what, just save these moves for Phillip Spaulding, okay?
Eden: Phillip who?
Gus: He's Harley's ex, remember? When you tell him the straight dope on everything, you've got my full permission to hit him. You can sock him. All right? What is it? What? What?
Eden: Nothing.
Gus: Oh, Eden. Are you going to back out on me? Because I... You promised me. You promised me.
Eden: No...
Gus: Oh, yes, you did. Yes, you did. Inside, five minutes ago, you promised me. You said you'd have my back, you said you'd help me out.
Eden: And I meant it. I will help you out. I will help you get rid of that witch of a girlfriend.
Gus: I don't... I don't want to lose Harley. I love her.
Eden: Oh, don't say that word.
Gus: I do love her. I love her, kitten. What?
Eden: I don't know what you see in that woman. Trust me, she needs you a lot more than you need her.
Gus: No, actually, I need her, believe me.
Eden: She is a drill sergeant. I mean, turning yourself inside out is so beneath you, Nicky.
Gus: No, I'm not turning myself...
Eden: If she loved you, she would love you just the way you are and accept you as you are.
Gus: I am who I... I'm completely me with her.
Eden: Complete with all your baggage, your smokes, your criminal past, everything.
Gus: Your... Your... your criminal past.
Eden: Same difference.
Harley: Eden, Eden, Eden, bad news. She is seriously bad news. Not that it matters, because once I get my hands on her, she'll be dead. It's irrelevant.
Frank: Can we just clear you of breaking and entering and assault charges before we add homicide to the list? Do you know they moved up your hearing date?
Harley: Gus told me.
Frank: Have you talked to Phillip?
Harley: Don't mention that name because I'm going to kill him next.
Frank: Okay, you got it.
Harley: Great, I mean, it's not a baseball bat, but it will do. Thank you, out of my way.
Buzz: Not on your life.
Edmund: You know who killed Richard? How?
Carmen: How doesn't matter, it's what I know, and whether or not you want me to go to my grave with this knowledge.
Edmund: If there really is something to know, Carmen, and you know it, then the whole town will know it soon enough. And if that's the case, why should I spare your life when I can just wait?
Carmen: Oh, you can wait. You can wait days, possibly weeks before the hospital releases that kind of information, and you know they won't before that time. And they certainly won't give you any information because you're not significant enough. I guess the real question is why would you want to walk around seething with all this frustration and anger when you could be doing something about it? Such sweet revenge.
Edmund: Because I'll be so overjoyed by your demise, I'll hardly notice.
Carmen: Too bad I won't be around to see your face when you find out who this person really is.(Laughs ) You are going to love getting back at this person. Oh, Edmund, it's going to bring new meaning to your life.
Edmund: So it's someone I know? All right, all right, just give me the name.
Carmen: The antidote. Oh, Edmund, it's going to bring new meaning to your life.
Edmund: So it's someone I know? All right, all right, just give me the name.
Carmen: The antidote.
Edmund: Give me the name first.
Carmen: In your dreams.
Edmund: Claire, is she telling the truth?
Claire: Am I allowed to speak?
Carmen: By all means.
Claire: She's lying. ( Laughs ) just kidding. No, actually, she probably is telling the truth for the first time in her life right now. I'm going to have to excuse myself because this is just getting a little too perverse for me. If you really need medical attention, call 911, Carmen. Okay? Toodle-loo.
Carmen: What will it be?
Edmund: Oh, very well. The name.
Carmen: Then will you let it go?
Edmund: You have my word.
Carmen: It's one of your favorite people, Edmund: Reva Lewis. That's right. She took it upon herself to turn off your brother's life support system. ( Whispers ) Reva.
Reva: Prosecute or don't prosecute, the choice is yours, and whatever you decide is fine with me.
Cassie: Well, thanks for your permission.
Reva: All I meant was that if my going to prison is what it's going to take for you to feel vindicated or for us to get back on the road to some sort of understanding...
Cassie: You've got to be kidding.
Reva: It's been a long and very difficult day for both of us, and you have to do some thinking.Whatever decision you make, I'm sure I'll hear about it. Marah, you waited.
Marah: Yeah. I wasn't sure if you might need a ride home.
Cassie: I'm fine.
Marah: Are you sure? My car's just right out front.
Cassie: There's somewhere I have to go. Thank you.
Reva: I'm sorry that you had to hear what you heard in that room.
Marah: Me, too.
Reva: So, what are you feeling? What are you thinking? Are you disappointed? Shocked? Just tell me -- and I want the truth.
Marah: Okay. You want the truth? I'm not just disappointed in you, Mom. Oh, it goes way beyond that. For the first time in my life, I'm ashamed of you.
Reva: Go on.
Marah: How did you think that Cassie was going to react? I mean, how could you expect her to be anything short of devastated?
Reva: I don't know. And I don't expect you to understand what I did. But I want you to know that I agonized over my decision. I cried and I prayed and I begged for God to give me any reason at all not to have to do what I did. But in the end, I had to go along with what Richard wanted, because I felt like it was the only....
Marah: Mom, you went on your own instinct. Haven't you learned by now? Your instincts stink. You can't trust your gut anymore, it's wrong. You have to stop and think for a change.
Reva: There's one good thing that came out of all this. You're starting to be more like your father every day. And you're right, I don't look before I leap. But my gut instincts have brought me the greatest joys of my life and the greatest sorrows. But no, but I never meant to ever hurt anyone.
Marah: You never do.
Reva: I... I can't stay here any longer, so are you coming? Okay.
Edmund: Reva?
Carmen: Apparently, the
Edmund: Reva?
Carmen: Apparently, the entire hospital knows about it.
Edmund: God, it would be just like her to take matters into her own hands. If you're lying to me, Carmen...
Carmen: The hospital board is conducting an inquiry as we speak. If you don't believe me, call over there now.
Edmund: So righteous! Little tramp! Her years of meddling and patronizing are about to come to an abrupt and well-deserved end.
Carmen: Edmund.
Edmund: I'm going to rain vengeance down on her the likes of which this town has never seen before.
Carmen: Edmund, was this all I needed? Was this all I had to do?
Edmund: Where's the board meeting? Grant's office?
Carmen: I have no idea.
Edmund: Ah...
Carmen: Edmund!
Edmund: What?
Carmen: The antidote.
Edmund: What about it?
Carmen: You didn't really poison me, did you?
Edmund: Maybe I just did.
Buzz: Harley...
Harley: Out of my way. Out of my way.
Buzz: Or what? What are you going to do? Hurt me.
Harley: If I say yes, will you get out of my way?
Buzz: Listen, Frank has filled me in on this situation...
Marina: Well, no one filled me in.
Buzz:...And it seems to me that if you need Gus's sister to talk to
Phillip, she can't say much if she's dead.
Harley: Oh, please, I'm not really going to kill her, dad. I'm just going to inflict so much pain, she'll wish I killed her.
Buzz: Oh, well, then she's going to be oh-so-happy to cooperate. Just like when you dragged her in here.
Frank: Hey, hey, dad's making sense here.
Harley: Please, please! Would you just let me scratch her eyes out?
Marina: Cat fight! ( Meows )
Harley: Look, I know what you guys are trying to do, okay? I get it. I can't go out there unarmed with one arm, get it?
Frank: What are you talking about?
Harley: Frank, I have to break her down, I have to get her to cooperate, okay? Listen to me, what about this: You and me, good cop/bad cop.
Frank: Which one do you want me to be?
Harley: Great, thank you. Just give me five minutes, and then you can come out and save me from myself, okay? Okay?
Frank: Not with this. Not with this.
Eden: What kind of a weak, pathetic excuse for a woman expects a man to fix all her problems anyway?
Gus: Eden.
Eden: And not just a man, but the man's sister, too?
Gus: Yeah, well, first you said she's a drill sergeant, now you say she's weak. You got to make your...uh-oh.
Eden: Oh, good, look who's here.
Harley: You're still here, good. Listen, I wanted to tell you...
Gus: A-O.
Harley: Really. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I listened to a word out of your lying, little mouth!
Gus: Come on. Break it up. Break it... Come on.
Gus: Easy, easy. And watch her arm, okay?
Eden: Harley's arm?
Gus: Come on, yes.
Eden: Are you kidding me? She attacks me like an animal and you're worried about Harley's arm?
Gus: I'm just trying not to take sides.
Harley: Maybe he doesn't want to hurt your feelings, Eden.
Eden: Oh, maybe he doesn't want to lose a sure thing until it's on his terms, and then you'll be history just like all the others.
Gus: Eden, don't, please.
Eden: You know how many girlfriends Nicky had in high school?
Harley: His name is Gus; call him Gus.
Eden: One every week.
Gus: Eden...
Eden: So don't flatter yourself. You're just another one in a long line, honey.
Gus: Listen...
Harley: Really? You know this how? Because you've stayed in such close contact with your brother all these years, right?
Eden: We didn't have to, because we were in contact here, where it counts, and we always will be. See, lovers come and go, but sisters are forever.
Gus: Eden, I...
Harley: Oh, please! Did you get that off a greeting card? Wake up. In all those years that you've been gone, your brother has grown into a man, Eden-- a mature man who wants a real relationship with a real woman.
Eden: Now, if he could just find one.
Harley: Why don't you try growing up? I mean, really, why don't you try offering something to society instead of sucking off it all the time? Try to be someone he can be proud of instead of ashamed of, Eden.
Eden: Oh, you are so asking for it.
Harley: No, give me an excuse to hit you, I am telling your right now.
Gus: Cooper, stand away.
Harley: What?
Gus: Step away from the sister.
Eden: Well, looks like he's made his choice. So long, officer Cooper. You're history. Oh, but just remember, I owe you one, so you better watch your back. ( Screaming )
Frank: Hey, pop, turn the ac up, it's hotter than hell in here. How's it going out there?
Marina: Things have definitely cooled off. But back to the burning question of the day.
Frank: Which is?
Marina: Your love life. Daddy, when was the last time you were out on a date, seriously?
Frank: I'm not dating because I'm spending the majority of my time keeping an eye on you.
Marina: Well, as you can see, I've turned out to be a perfect angel, so now we can focus on you. I'm going to turn you into a babe magnet. Now, I am thinking some hipper clothes. I'm thinking... I'm thinking a different haircut.
Frank: Excuse me. Now, while I'm out wining and dining the women of Springfield, what are you going to be doing? Ah, let me guess. Maybe cozying up to Ben Reade perhaps?
Marina: Ben's a nice guy.
Frank: Yeah, he's a little too old for you.
Marina: Dad, he's only a couple years older than me. Come on.
Frank: Marina, he's too old for you, and that's that.
Marina: ( Scoffs )
Edmund: Am I too late?
Marah: For what?
Edmund: You know bloody well for what. The inquiry into Richard's death.
Marah: Yes, you're too late. It's over.
Edmund: Well, what happened?
Marah: I don't know.
Edmund: You don't know or you won't say? Tell me, Marah, what's it like to be the daughter of a murderess?
Marah: My mother was just trying to end Richard's suffering.
Edmund: Oh, God, is that what the board decided?
Marah: That's is none of your business.
Edmund: They're going to do it, aren't they? They're going to sweep it under the rug, just pretend it never happened.
Marah: At least my mom cared about Richard. That's more than I can say for you.
Edmund: You're wrong. I cared about my brother very much -- now more than ever.
Marah: Really great timing.
Cassie: I know you were with me at the hearing. I just wish I could have been with you in the end, you know. Just five more minutes alone with you to touch your cheek or to see "I love you" in your eyes. I would have done anything you asked. Why didn't you ask me? You should've asked me.
Gus: Ha-ha. Oh, yes. There's a girl. ( Laughs )
Harley: All right, what did I miss?
Gus: Nothing.
Eden: Oh, Nicky, Nicky.
Gus: So, it still works, huh?
Eden: I missed you. You're the only one who knows how to handle me.
Gus: The only one who knows how to calm you down, cool you down when you crazy. See, she used to get crazy, she gets crazy. When she was a little girl had all these tantrums, and then you've got to, you know... You see... You get it.
Harley: Yeah, I think I do.
Frank: What's happening, huh? Oh, man, hey, pop, check this out.
Buzz: Oh, my God. Your sister needs our help. Look, we got to get... Remember that's Gus's sister out there. Harley needs her, so let's give her the Cooper welcome.
Frank: Hey, what's going on out here?
Buzz: Oh, look, Gus, you're watering the azaleas. That's so thoughtful. Hi, I'm Buzz Cooper, and you would be...?
Eden: So out of here.
Buzz: Oh, that's so... You know, that sense of humor, got to be your sister. I think you've already met my son, Frank.
Eden: Yeah, the kinky one.
Frank: What is that supposed to mean?
Buzz: And this is his daughter, marina.
Marina: Are you single?
Eden: Who wants to know?
Marina: It's just a question everybody gets asked in Springfield, standard thing.
Eden: I am definitely out of here.
Harley: No, you're not. You are staying put until Phillip gets down here.
Buzz: Yeah, at least till you get dry. Come on, are you hungry?
Gus: He's a nice man most of the time.
Buzz: Anything's on the house. As a matter of fact, I told you I just got back...
Harley: Come on, come on, come on. Give me a cell phone, a cell phone, your cell phone. I got to call Phillip. I got to get him down here. No, I know you think she's going to stay put, but I don't believe that. I've got to call...
Gus: Simmer down. Simmer down, give me five minutes alone with her.
Harley: You know what? This is not some sweet little reunion between you and your sister. I know you think that's what's going on, but it's not. She's standing between me and my son. And as long as she does that, she's the enemy.
Carmen: Oh, come on. Don't leave on my account, little girl. Are you looking for someone?
Marah: Yeah, is Michelle here?
Carmen: Michelle? ( Laughs ) come out, come out wherever you are. No Michelle. She doesn't usually come here to meet people. Maybe you're looking for someone else. Antonio, perhaps?
Marah: Is he...?
Carmen: Unfortunately, no. It's just little, old me. Oh, come on, don't run off on my account. I've had a rough day. I could use a little girl talk. Orange juice. It's perfectly safe, I promise. Although I had a close call with a drink earlier myself. Fortunately, I landed on my feet.
Marah: Like a cat.
Carmen: Very much like your own mother.
Marah: You are nothing like my mother.
Carmen: No? Oh, I think we have a lot in common. It's funny, people are always so anxious to separate themselves from people like us when the reality is we're no different than anyone else. You know, I have to think, I mean, I admire your mother. Sticking her neck out like that for someone she loves, it was very brave, very loving.
Marah: Was it?
Carmen: The way I see it, it was.
Marah: Well, I wish I could say that that made me feel better. But, from what I hear, you don't have much trouble putting people out of their misery. You know what? You don't know anything about my mom or my family.
Carmen: No one knows anything, little girl. Oh, people always think they're just so different from us. I don't understand.
Reva: I'm sorry, I didn't see your car.
Cassie: Wait, no. I got to get home to the kids, so... I want you to know that I... I didn't ask Marah to come with me to the hearing. No matter how angry I am with you, I would never try to turn your daughter against you, I wouldn't do that.
Reva: You don't have to. I'm doing that all by myself. Oh, Richard, together we have made such a mess of things.
Edmund: Hypocrite, murderer. Here she is, boys. Please, please allow me. Reva Lewis, you're under arrest...
Cop: You have the right to remain silent.
Edmund:...For the murder of Richard Winslow.
Cop: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you refuse an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Reva: ( Gasps )
Cop: Do you understand these rights as I've read them to you?