GL Transcript Thursday 8/15/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/15/02

From Suzanne 
Proofread By Tanya

Phillip: And you think that I want what my father has.

Olivia: Don't you?

Phillip: You know, I don't think that that's a question that I really want to answer.

Olivia: Phillip, don't do this, please. It's just the two of us. Don't lie to me anymore, and don't lie to yourself. That kiss was real.

Phillip: What is this?

Olivia: Oh, just don’t... don't look at it. Don't look at it!

Phillip: Lorelei's diary?

Olivia: Just let it go. Let it go.

Phillip: No, I want to see this. I think I do want to see this. What's in here? How many guys did she sleep with?

Olivia: It's a diary, all right? She's exaggerating.

Phillip: Right. I don't think you believe that. If you did, I don't think you would have pretended to destroy it in the first place, would you?

Olivia: I just wanted to protect you.

Phillip: Oh, God. Where is she? Where's Beth?

Olivia: I don't know. I don't know.

Phillip: Don't lie to me. Is she with Bill? Is that where she is?

Olivia: She's... I... Bill is fixing a cottage for me. She went in my briefcase and got the address, but that doesn't mean she's going after him!

Phillip: Oh, that's exactly where she is, because she can't stay away from him.

Olivia: Are you going after her?

Phillip: Should I?

Olivia: No.

Phillip: That's exactly the answer I wanted to hear. Olivia, I don't know what you're doing Olivia, I don't know what you're trying to do here, but I don't want any part of it.

Bill: I don't know how long I’m going to be here. I guess it just depends on how long this project takes.

Ben: I can't believe you got sucked into this in the first place, man. Renovating a Spaulding love nest for Olivia Spencer? Your uncle would love that one.

Bill: Yeah, well he's in Russia, and the money was right. Besides, it's good to be working with my hands.

Ben: I bet that's what your wife says. ( Laughs)

Bill: Ha, ha, ha. I'm sure that's funny on some planet, just not this one.

Ben: Hey, come on. You're the one who brought it up first, hubby.

Bill: Like I said, I was only kidding. ( Knock at door) Oh, look, the lumber's here. I got to go. Yeah, coming, coming. Keep your pants on.

Reva: So you're sure you want to go through with this?

Cassie: I'm the one who asked Dr. Grant to get it all out in the open.

Reva: You know they're just going to rehash everything in there, Cassie. You're going to have to relive the nightmare all over again.

Marah: Mom, I don't think she wants you to protect her anymore.

Reva: So there's nothing I can say to change your mind?

Cassie: I don't want there to be any more secrets. I want everything out in the open.

Charles: We're ready to begin whenever you are.

Cassie: I'm ready.

Charles: I want to remind everyone that this is not a criminal trial. This is simply an in-house inquiry to sort out the facts involving Richard Winslow’s demise following his car accident. Our purpose is to determine only if Cedars was at fault. Our first witness is nurse Lillian Raines. Please state your name and position for the record.

Lillian: I am, um, Lillian Raines, and I've been head nurse of Cedars. And when I realized that Richard’s ventilator had been turned off, probably causing his death, I called in Henry Marshall to check if the machine had malfunctioned or not.

Charles: Let the record show that equipment technician Henry Marshall has provided us with a sworn statement saying that the ventilator had been working properly and that the period of time in which it was shut down was not due to mechanical error. Nurse Raines, were you informed of this by Mr. Marshall?

Lillian: Yes, I was.

Charles: Did you immediately report this discrepancy to the hospital authorities?

Lillian: No, I didn't. I thought... No, I did not.

Mel: That's when I discovered that Mr. Winslow's ventilator had been turned off. So I turned it back on immediately.

Charles: Hadn't the alarm sounded?

Mel: No. Those were shut off as well. I immediately switched those back on, and that called in nurse Raines and the other hospital staff.

Board member #1: Did you tell anyone what you had found?

Mel: No, I didn't.

Board member #2: Did you suspect that his life support was turned off deliberately?

Mel: Yes, I did.

Charles: Dr. Boudreau, were your reasons for turning the ventilator back on personal?

Mel: I'm a doctor. I did what I was trained to do.

Charles: It's clear to this board that both Nurse Raines and Dr. Boudreau acted directly against Cedars hospital when they withheld information vital to Richard Winslow’s passing. They let their devotion to family and friends be put above the interest of Cedars and its staff. They are therefore being put on indefinite suspension and pending further deliberations, effective immediately. Nurse Raines, Dr. Boudreau, you're excused from these proceedings. The board would now like to hear from former Cedars Chief of Staff Dr. Ed Bauer, regarding the physical condition of Mr. Winslow.

Ben: Dad says you called.

Holly: Yes, well, I was worried about Meg. She has a cold. You know how serious that is.

Ben: But she's fine, right?

Holly: Yes, she's fine. She misses you.

Ben: I bet she misses you, too.

Buzz: (Clears throat)

Holly: Hey there.

Buzz: Hey yourself.

Holly: How was England?

Buzz: Oh, England was good.

Holly: Rocky and Coop?

Buzz: They're all good. It would have been nice if you were there.

Holly: Well, next time.

Buzz: So, Ben, I hear my granddaughter has a little crush on you. That would be my underage granddaughter.

Ben: Hey, hey, I'm innocent. I swear. Whatever she told you, do not believe her. (Cell phone ringing) Oh, would you look at that? That's the Beach Club. Got to take that. I get better service outside. Excuse me.

Buzz: Yeah, me too. Still stunning. Still take my breath away.

Holly: No, I don’t. My hair doesn't look good and my stockings aren't the right color today.

Buzz: In London I saw a store, great store, filled with stuff that I thought you'd like. I didn't get you anything because I was afraid.

Holly: Of what?

Buzz: Of you not accepting it.

Holly: Why wouldn't I?

Buzz: You tell me. What is this? What's going on?

Holly: What are you talking about?

Buzz: For about, what, a year now we've had this thing. I take you out, we have a good time, and then when I try to move things a little further, a million walls go up around you.

Holly: So what are you saying? That you want something more?

Buzz: I'm asking, where do I stand? I feel like I'm totally naked, all alone, in the freezing cold.

Holly: Oh, come on. You're exaggerating.

Buzz: Am I? I left for London, couldn't even find you to say good-bye. I come back and you don't call to ask how the trip was. What are we doing?

Beth: May I come in?

Bill: Yeah, please. How did you get out here? I thought they only ran one seaplane out a day.

Beth: I got here.

Bill: I don't suppose you made the trip all the way out here just to check up on my work.

Beth: No, no. I wanted to ask you some questions.

Bill: Questions. Ah. And they couldn't wait until I got back to Springfield?

Beth: No. No, actually they couldn't. I've wanted to ask you about... about this mission, and this time I wanted you to tell me the truth.

Bill: Look, Beth, I already did, okay? Lorelei and I, we got drunk, we snuck into this place and spent the night making out in the pews. I would even call it a religious experience.

Beth: No, Bill. Bill, stop it, because I’m not buying it, because you see, I'm starting to remember.

Bill: Like what?

Beth: A priest.

Bill: Is this what you're starting to remember?

Beth: Don't do that.

Bill: Why, Beth? Isn't that why you're here? You need me to help you remember.

Beth: Not like that.

Bill: Then like how, Beth? You come all the way out here, and now you're pulling away. What are you so afraid of?

Olivia: (Sighs) Well, I don't know what you're talking about, because I wasn't do anything. I was just having a little fun.

Phillip: Really? Is that what you call it?

Olivia: Oh, please. Alan's a wonderful man. I have no reason to look anywhere else. And if you think that I'm looking at you, well, your ego is just as big as your father’s.

Phillip: Then I apologize. I must have misinterpreted the situation.

Olivia: Apology accepted. I mean, maybe you thought that kiss in the hot tub was something more than what it was. And you're good. You're good, but you're not that good.

Alan: Olivia, you're just the person I want to see. I want you to know that I checked Sam out of that fleabag boarding house he's staying in, and I insist that he stay here with us.

Olivia: Alan, that was really nice. You didn't have to do that.

Alan: Of course I did. I saw the look on your face, how happy you were to see him. How could I have done otherwise?

Olivia: Thanks.

Alan: You're very welcome.

Olivia: I missed him. I've missed him more than I can say. Sometimes I think he's the only one who understands me, and that I can turn to, to make things better.

Alan: I remember when I used to be that person. Why did that change? I want... I want to make you happy, Olivia, but it seems that every time that I try, something wrong happens between us.

Olivia: Alan, maybe it's because every time I ran to you for help, there was a price tag attached.

Alan: I never saw it that way. I always saw us as a team, fighting the world together.

Olivia: I did, too.

Alan: How can we get that again, hmm?

Sam: Hey, here you guys are. I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt. Hey.

Olivia: Hey.

Sam: Do you guys know some guy named Thomas? He waltzed into the boardinghouse like he owned the joint, he packed up all my bags, and then he split. He told me to follow him here.

Alan: Thomas is my butler. I want you to stay with us for the duration of your visit.

Sam: Liv, did you have a hand in this?

Olivia: No, no. And this time I'm not going to override Alan Spaulding. Sometimes he oversteps, but... And sometimes he does things for the right reasons.

Sam: Okay. Consider me your houseguest. Thank you.

Alan: Well, I’m delighted. Now, I know that brother and sister have a lot to catch up on; I've got some business I need to catch up on. But I do want to continue this conversation later.

Sam: What conversation, or is that none of my business?

Alan: Nothing that you need to be concerned about.

Sam: You sure about that? Because I don't want to be here to be some buffer between you and Alan.

Olivia: You're not a buffer. Don't be ridiculous.

Sam: You know, sooner or later he's going to figure out that you have feelings for Phillip.

Olivia: Well, whatever happens, I can handle it.

Sam: No doubt. But what about Phillip? See, I know you, sis. You always go after what you want. So what about this time? Are you going to let it lie, or are you going to go after him?

Beth: You know what? I'm not afraid of anything. I want to know... I want to know what happened between us at that mission.

Bill: Oh, yeah? You really want to know, even if it turns your world upside down? Even if it changes the way you see yourself, your kids, and Phillip?

Beth: Lorelei is a part of me. I think that I can handle...

Bill: Oh, you think you can handle it? Let me tell you something about Lorelei. She was wild, and she was free, and she was passionate. And let me tell you something. She blew into my life and then she blew right out, and I haven't stopped thinking about her since.

Beth: And then you saw me at Josh and Reva’s wedding.

Bill: No, I saw her. I saw her in you.

Beth: Bill, I’m Beth. You've known me since you were a kid. I was married to Phillip.

Bill: Listen, then why...

Beth: I have children with Phillip.

Bill: Why do you look at me like that life wasn't enough for you?

Beth: You're imagining that. That's not true.

Bill: It's not?

Holly: I'm so sorry. You know, I've just been so distracted. It's been one nightmare after another. Blake and that mess with Tory and Ross, and then Richard’s death and Rick’s surgery. It's just all been surreal.

Buzz: Well, there you go, you know? You just haven't had time to miss me.

Holly: No, it's not that.

Buzz: No?

Holly: I knew you were having a great time with the boys. And then there's the time difference. Every time I thought to call you, I thought it'd be too late. I didn't want to wake you.

Buzz: I wish you had, you know, like once. I mean, any couple that I know that really is a couple, it's okay to wake each other.

Holly: You're so intense, and wonderful. I don't know, I thought we were fine just keeping it casual, you know? Just easy.

Buzz: I'm not good at casual and easy. I never have been. I just... You know, when it comes to relationships, whatever that means, I just... I need to dive in, you know, whether I fall flat on my face or not. And so I think it's time for us, you know, just to dive in, or not. But we should make up our minds.

Charles: Dr. Bauer, could you tell us, please, what was Mr. Winslow's physical condition when he was brought to ER?

Ed: He'd suffered a severe blow to the head which had caused a blood clot in his brain. Emergency surgery couldn't remove the clot or relieve the paralysis. You know, Charles, you have all the medical records right in front of you. Do we really have to put Mrs. Winslow through this?

Cassie: It's okay. I want everyone to know what it was like for my husband at the end.

Ed: He suffered a massive stroke, and at times he was in extreme pain that could not be controlled by medication.

Board member #1: What was the prognosis?

Ed: More of the same.

Charles: Dr. Bauer, I think what the question refers to is, would he have lived had measures not been taken?

Ed: Charles, when we became doctors, we both took an oath: Do no harm. Does that mean you keep someone alive when...

Charles: There was no "do not resuscitate" order.

Ed: All right, I'll speak for myself, then. I think "do no harm" means not allowing someone to exist when they are in the excruciating pain Richard Winslow was.

Reva: Please. Stop. Stop torturing her like this. If you want to know what happened, you don't need to talk to doctors and nurses. You talk to me, because I was there-- only me.

Charles: All right. Dr. Bauer, you're excused from this proceeding.

Ed: Reva, listen...

Reva: It's okay, Ed, really.

Charles: Mrs. Lewis, you understand that this is for the record.

Reva: I understand. But Cassie, you don't have to listen to all of this. Marah, why don't you take her out...

Cassie: No, I want to hear every word.

Charles: You may begin whenever you're ready.

Reva: As Dr. Boudreau and Dr. Bauer stated, Richard was in a coma. But there was a period of time when I was in his room with him and we were alone, that he suddenly woke up. I wanted to get help, and I wanted to call my sister, but Richard stopped me. He said he wanted to talk to me and only me. And those words will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Richard: Help me. Help me die. Help me die.

Reva: I was horrified, and I refused. And I prayed. It actually wasn't so much a prayer. It was me yelling at God, asking him to show me the way. And he did. Richard somehow managed to fight back from that dark place that he was in. And he couldn't speak, but he communicated with a message board. He wanted to die. And he wanted me to be the one to help him do it. I didn't want to. But he wanted me to do it, for you, Cassie. He didn't want you to see him like that. So I did it. I did it because I loved Richard. And I did it because I love my sister.

Mel: Oh, Dad.

Holly: Maybe I should leave and we'll talk about this another time.

Buzz: Is there anything to talk about? If you don't want to see me anymore, why don't you just flat-out tell me? Oh, good, Ed's here.

Holly: Is that what this is all about? You feel threatened by Ed?

Buzz: No, I feel threatened because you hold back from me. I feel threatened because when you kiss me good-night, it's always outside the door. And you never pick up a phone just to call me for the hell of it, or, you know, to hear my voice, or to share how your day was. You never do that.

Holly: And Ed’s presence has nothing to do with this?

Buzz: No, this was going on long before Ed blew into town, although he's not making it any easier, especially now.

Ed: Hey, guys.

Holly: Hey.

Ed: Thought I’d say hello.

Holly: Hi.

Ed: Am I interrupting?

Buzz: Yeah.

Holly: No. I'm glad you're here. I want to say something to both of you.

Olivia: All right, let's just say that I’m starting Phillip on a path away from Beth and towards me. But it's a top-secret mission, and you don't have security clearance.

Sam: You're really going to do this, aren't you?

Olivia: Phillip may think that he loves Beth, but he doesn't really know her, Sam. But he does know me, the real me. I don't care what he says. He finds me attractive.

Sam: Liv, face it. You don't have the world's greatest track record with men. First, Richard, then Josh...

Olivia: If the point is that they fell in love with other people, I get that, Sam.

Sam: Do you? Phillip genuinely seems to love Beth. And Alan, as much as he may not be on my favorite list, I do know he cares about you. Why don't you just go with what works?

Olivia: I wish I could.

Sam: Alan, Phillip; Phillip, Alan. You know, to me, it's six of one, half a dozen of another. They're both tall, good looking-- I guess-- rich, powerful. Why do you have to make waves going after the tough guy?

Olivia: Because... because Phillip knows how to love, Sam. And with Alan, everything is so conditional. I just want to be loved the way that Phillip loves...

Sam: The way that he loves Beth.

Olivia: Who's to say he can't love me the same way? Sam, I have lost every man that I have ever wanted to another woman. I won't lose this time. I can't lose this time.

Phillip: You need to sign this. We signed the deal with Lee Sato. We can start shipping as soon as next week.

Alan: Excellent. Well, that seems to be everything.

Phillip: Not quite. We need to talk about the Beacon, and about our investment with Olivia.

Alan: How is that your business?

Phillip: Because Spaulding money is my business, and we have a lot of it tied up with Olivia and the Beacon. If something goes wrong, we need to be protected.

Alan: What could possibly go wrong?

Phillip: Well, it seems to me that you and Olivia are on a little shaky ground at the moment. You proposed; I haven't heard that she's given you an answer.

Alan: I don't believe that's any of your business.

Phillip: Okay. Then I take it she hasn't accepted.

Alan: Has Beth accepted your proposal? I thought so. By the way, I haven't seen Beth. Where is she?

Phillip: She’s... I... She'll be here soon.

Alan: I don't think we should plan for a double wedding anytime soon, Phillip.

Beth: (Gasping) That was a bad idea. That was really, really a bad idea.

Bill: Beth, listen to me: You didn't come all the way out here just to ask me a bunch of questions. You could have done that on the phone.

Beth: You know, you're really something, aren't you? You... you just thought that I was going to walk in here and take one look at you and want to just hop into bed with you. Is that what you thought?

Bill: Fine! Fine, fine. You want the truth? Is that it, you want the truth? Here it is. Rio Bravo. That's the town where the mission's at. That is in Mexico, just south of the border. Just go. Just go and find your truth. But let me tell you something. Don't say that I didn't warn you.

Beth: Bill, look...

Bill: Just, please, you know what? I got work to do. Just... just go.

Holly: Look, both of you know what a difficult time I've had in the past.

Buzz: I was there; Ed wasn’t. I know how much better you're doing now.

Holly: It may appear to you that I am more stable than I am. And I feel that you are starting to pressure me, and I don't know if I can handle that.

Buzz: My darling, you cannot live half a life. Think of everything you'd be missing.

Ed: I think the fear is that you let yourself go and you don't lose half a life, you lose your whole life.

Buzz: Well, I was there when she lost it. How many times have I lost it? I put my life back together; you can, too.

Holly: It's not that easy for me...

Buzz: It is that easy. Listen, I'm not Fletcher, I'm not Roger, I’m not even him. But I'll be there for you.

Holly: I... On second thought, this was a mistake. I... I have to go.

Buzz: You know, just for the record, I'm not happy you're back.

Ed: I don't blame you.

Clayton: You know, I came by to see Rick, but it looks like you're the patient at the moment, huh?

Mel: Well, Rick’s having some tests done, which I'm so grateful for, because I don't want him to see me like this.

Clayton: Well, if he loves you, and I know he does, he'll understand.

Mel: I just feel so humiliated, Dad. I mean, having to tell the nursing staff and all the other ER doctors... I don't think I want to come back, even if I’m reinstated.

Clayton: Oh, come on, now, don't say that. You're a terrific doctor-- you know that.

Mel: Not a perfect one.

Clayton: No, you're not. You care about your patients too much. It's a big mistake. (Laughs)

Mel: You're teasing me? At a time like this, you're teasing me?

Clayton: If I can't tease you now, at a time like this, I might as well hang up my father badge right now, you know? Let me tell you something. Now, hospitals are political animals, same as universities. And I have fought my wars with the college board. And you will, too, with Cedars. The point is, you can't give up.

Mel: Yeah, but I don't want to change who I am just to survive.

Clayton: Well, I don't want you to, and neither does Cedars. You know, it's a good thing that you were put on suspension. Oh, yeah, because sooner or later, they're going to realize just what they're missing.

Mel: Oh, Dad, you're just saying that because I'm your daughter.

Clayton: No, no, no. I'm saying that because it's true. You do good work, baby, every day. You know some days, I wake up in the morning; I got this big old smile on my face because I gave life to someone who saves lives. You got a second chance with your man, baby. Now, forget about this hospital stuff. You know, take the time off and use it to love Rick the best way that you can, because you deserve it. You both do.

Mel: Thanks. I love you, Dad.

Clayton: I love you, too, baby. I love you, too.

Reva: Cassie, I’m sorry you had to listen to all of that, because none of it really matters. What matters is that Richard went peacefully, and he loved you until the very end.

Cassie: I can't hear anymore of this.

Reva: What's going on?

Charles: I wanted to get rid of the board. I'd like to speak to you and Mrs. Winslow alone, if I can.

Marah: I'll be outside if you need anything, okay?

Charles: I know this is an emotional situation for both of you. A family has been shattered. I've been there, and it's not an easy thing to repair. But I have an offer that I hope will bring this thing to a close.

Olivia: Hmm, it's nice. Where'd you get it?

Phillip: Actually, Beth did it.

Olivia: It looks like Mexico.

Phillip: Mm-hmm. It is. It's a place that she remembers from when she was sick.

Olivia: You seem okay to talk about that. Are you?

Phillip: Well, I wasn't, but I’ve decided I’m going to be. As a matter of fact, you know what I’m going to do? I'm going to get it framed as a way of apologizing to her. What do you think?

Olivia: I'm sure she'll love it. (Phone rings)

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: Hi, it’s... it's me.

Phillip: Hey. I was just talking about you. Where are you?

Beth: I... I took a little side trip. Look, I'm... I'm not going to be home for a few days. Something came up and I really need to look into it.

Phillip: Is it... Is it Lorelei again?

Beth: I have to do this, Phillip. Please, please understand. Tell Lizzie and James that I’ll call them later.

Phillip: Beth, I don’t. I do not understand.

Beth: I'll call you soon, I promise. Tell... tell Lizzie and James that I love them.

Phillip: Beth! Damn it! Unbelievable! Oh, she’s... she's gone again! She's gone on another trip! She's gone God knows where, doing God knows what! I'm sorry, you're going to have to excuse me. I have to break a few things. It's usually better if I do that in private.

Olivia: Hi, it's Olivia Spencer. Is he there? Hi, Michael, how are you? Good, good, I'm fine. Listen, I was just calling to reconfirm the publication date on Lorelei’s diary. No, I don't think that's too soon. In fact, it's perfect timing. No, I haven't managed to find the pages, the missing pages. But don't worry, I’ll make sure we have them for the sequel.

Ed: Buzz. Listen, I don't know if this matters, but I... I think I understand a little bit of what you're feeling.

Buzz: Really? You know, I'm not sure I do. I'm usually very sure when I get into stuff like this. But this time I'm wobbly.

Ed: Holly has that effect on men.

Buzz: She does, doesn't she? I... You know, I don't.. It doesn't feel right to stake a claim. You know, she says that we're causal. That's her favorite word, so... I mean, you two have such a history together and I... Yet, at the same time, I mean, we've stuck together this last year, so...

Ed: I know. I mean, she told me. You know what? In... In an odd way, you're doing for Holly now what I used to do for her. You're giving her someone to lean on, someone she can feel normal with, and that's important. I mean, she needs that.

Buzz: If I'm the normal guy, she's in more trouble than she knows.

Ed: See, when I knew her, she was in all sorts of trouble all the time. And I was always trying to... to fix it for her. I couldn't help myself. And now, I feel like I’m stirring things up, and I'm the one who's causing the trouble.

Buzz: Ed, we're guys. What are we doing talking about our feelings?

Ed: Okay. Well, who do I... Who do I have to know to get some food around here? Okay.

Charles: It's clear the hospital was not involved in your husband's death, Mrs. Winslow.

Cassie: I never said they were.

Charles: I know, but still, we had to make that determination officially. By all accounts, this was a tragic occurrence between family members, and Cedars would like to leave it as such.

Cassie: What's that supposed to mean?

Charles: That neither I nor any board member will be contacting the authorities. This is between you and your sister, Mrs. Winslow. This can end right here, right now, or you can go straight to the DA. It's up to you, and only you.


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