Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/13/02
Proofread By Tanya
Tony: (Breathing heavily)
Marina: That's very impressive. You are a good runner. I only run when I'm, like, chased or chasing, you know. Either way works for me.
Tony: Well, I bet it does.
Marina: Yeah, at least most of the time, if your ex would get out of my way.
Tony: What?
Marina: Look, Marah is... She's just... She's out of control, and she's on the loose, and... Are you sure that you guys are completely over?
Tony: Marina, right?
Marina: Yeah.
Tony: Is that any of your business?
Marina: Yeah, yeah, it is, because if you still care about Marah at all, then you need to help her.
(Doorbell rings)
Marah: Sorry. The phone lines are all still down.
Bill: Ah, you trying to reach Uncle Josh?
Marah: Yeah, all day and all night, but I haven't been able to get a hold of him, and mom really needs him.
Bill: Yeah, listen, I... I heard about Richard. How you doing?
Marah: Oh, I'm peachy.
Bill: Yeah. How's Cassie?
Marah: She took the kids and moved out as soon as she heard what happened. And Shayne just hugged mom and said that he understood.
Bill: What did you do?
Marah: Nothing. I couldn't. I... I don't know.
Bill: Well, Reva helped a man die.
Marah: Or she killed him.
Bill: Well, either way it's... it's heavy stuff.
Marah: Yeah.
Bill: So, listen, do you... Do you need anything? You know, your cousin Bill can make it happen.
Marah: How about a new life?
Bill: Well, we'll go shopping for one tomorrow.
Marah: What's that stuff?
Bill: Oh, it's your mail. Well... well, see, now, maybe that... That's good news. You know, maybe it's a... a mail-order new life.
Marah: It's an invitation to the Beacon Gala. Gala at the Beacon.
Bill: Well, a party is almost as good. You know, it's a vacation from life.
Marah: Yeah, well, I don't really feel much like dancing. But I told Ben Reade that I would go with him. You know, I want to be there to support Aunt Cassie. You going?
Bill: Me? I really haven't thought about it.
Marah: Oh, come on. Give some poor girl a chance.
Bill: Are you making fun of me?
Marah: (Laughs)
Bill: Is that what you're doing?
Marah: Come on, I’m sure there's somebody that you want to ask.
Bill: Uh, well, there is, but...
Marah: But what? I'm sure she would say yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to go with you?
Bill: She wants to go, but I just don't think she could admit it.
Alan: (Clears throat) Well, I see you're drawing again.
Beth: Uh, yes, yes. I actually don't even remember starting. I just set up the easel and it was like I was someplace else.
Alan: Well, it looks like Mexico. You haven't been there since you were Lorelei.
Swim instructor: I'll be right back, Mr. Spaulding, for Zach's swim lessons.
Phillip: Okay, great.
Olivia: I missed you so much.
Sam: I missed you, too, sis.
Olivia: I mean, the e-mails are great, but it's not the same, and I can't get you on the phone; it's a lost cause.
Sam: Well, I've had a lot of research to do this semester. I mean, look what's going on in the world today. Ground-breaking news and politics, economy. I've been working nonstop.
Olivia: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's your story?
Sam: Yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. (Laughter) Come on, you got my grades.
Olivia: Yes, straight A’s. But you can do that in your sleep. Now, come on, you're having a good time breaking hearts, right? Tell the truth.
Sam: The truth is that in journalism, life is the real classroom, and I’m studying very hard.
Olivia: Good, good. I'm glad. So does that make me a lousy sister because I’m encouraging you to play?
Sam: No, you're still the best sister...
Olivia: Good, then you're going to give me details, right? Because I want to know everything.
Sam: Absolutely.
Phillip: Hey.
Sam: Hey, Phillip.
Phillip: How you doing, Sam?
Sam: Good to see you.
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: Hi.
Olivia (stammering): I didn't know you'd be at the Country Club today.
Phillip: Yeah, a little fun with Zach.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: Look at you.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: I almost didn't recognize you with that smile on your face.
Sam: Is all happiness banned from the Spaulding mansion these days?
Phillip: Yeah, pretty much. (Laughter) We occasionally hire servants to smile for us. It doesn't usually end up looking like that.
Olivia: Well, you're embarrassing me, okay? So... There are some things that I do smile about in the house.
Phillip: Yeah?
Olivia: Yeah. (Laughs)
Phillip: Occasionally. In the gloom.
Olivia: Yes. Can I... You need help.
Phillip: Actually... Yeah, you know, spot in the back.
Olivia: Okay.
Phillip: Can you reach? Thank you. So, Sam, how are you?
Sam: Well.
Phillip: School is good?
Sam: School is very good.
Phillip: Getting good grades?
Sam: Yeah, it's tough, it's challenging, but very rewarding.
Phillip: Well, you're not having enough fun if you're getting good grades.
Sam: Right, I... It's going well. (Clears throat)
Phillip: (Laughs) Okay. I know what yore doing, and it's not going to work. Okay, you know what? If you want my help, ask for it; or at the very least, warn me first.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: Well, I know Alan’s on his way over here, so I assumed the extended rubdown I was getting there was supposed to be for his benefit.
Olivia: It was... It was suntan lotion.
Phillip: Yeah, which is, you know, an okay start, but I think you're going to have to do a little more than that after the hot tub if you want to upset him. Maybe if I were stretched out on a chaise lounge and you were stretched out next to me with your arms wrapped around me applying the lotion when he walked in, that might... That might upset him. Hmm, I seem to have touched a nerve. What's the matter? Alan revoke your limo privileges? Close a bank account?
Olivia: Actually, he interrupted a pedicure-- you know how much I hate that-- so I’m going to embezzle a ton of money from the company. You might want to get yours out while you can.
Phillip: Olivia...
Olivia: No, that's right. It's okay, because you're right about me. It's all a game. It's about how much I can get from Alan and who I can use to get it. I don't have one genuine feeling anywhere inside of me.
Alan: Is that someplace you remember going?
Beth: No, I don't... I don't remember. It just started coming out when I was drawing.
Alan: Hmm. Is it...?
Beth: Yes, yes, it could be someplace that Lorelei went. And yes, I am going to keep drawing until I remember. Alan, don't you have to meet Olivia and Sam at the Country Club?
Marah: I knew it. I knew there was a woman in your life. You've been so quiet ever since you came back.
Bill: What? I'm never quiet.
Marah: About your love life.
Bill: Well, you know I don't kiss and tell.
Marah: Well, you can tell me.
Bill: Yeah.
Marah: Come on! Trust me. I can keep a secret. I'm sure you're dying to tell someone.
Bill: No, not really, because there's nothing going on.
Marah: Right.
Bill: I'm serious. Nothing is happening.
Marah: Well, then get out there and make it happen.
Bill: Well, it's not that simple. First of all, okay, there's things she doesn't know about, things...
Marah: Whoa, you are not keeping secrets from her?
Bill: I'm doing it for her own good.
Marah: No, Bill, you can't even say that, all right? Whatever it is, no matter how bad or how much it may hurt her...
Bill: Listen, these things could wreck her life.
Marah: Okay, then all the more reason that you have to tell her now, because if you don't, she's just going to find out later, and that's going to make it worse. I mean, look at... Look at my mom and Aunt Cassie, and me and Tony. It just... It doesn't work out, Bill.
Bill: Look, this... I have to protect her from...
Marah: No! You don't have to protect her, okay, because in the end it's going to be the fact that you lied to her that hurts her the most. So, trust me on this.
Bill: Okay.
Marah: No, don't just blow me off.
Bill: Listen, I’m not blowing you off. I just... Look, I know you mean well, I really do, but...
Marah: No, no, no, stop it. Your little cousin knows this time, okay? All right, keeping this secret from this woman will kill whatever you have with her, so don't do it. Promise me.
Bill: Okay, okay, I promise you, all right? But you have to promise me something.
Marah: Okay, what?
Bill: That you will get the heck out of this house. You're getting way too intense. See, now that's better. See, there's the smile I know, okay? Come on. Hang in there.
Marah: Okay, and you, too.
Bill: No, really, I mean it. Don’t... don't just hole up in here and hide, okay? Give the world a chance to treat you right.
Marah: Well, only if I can wear a helmet.
Bill: Whatever it takes. All righty.
Marah: All right. Bye.
Bill: Bye-bye.
Tony: Marah doesn't need my help. Thank you.
Marina: Yes, she does. Marah is making a terrible, terrible mistake, and it could ruin a lot of people's happiness. Okay, well, yeah, it's mostly going to ruin my happiness, but still...
Tony: (Laughs) What'd she do, huh? Did she... Did she take your lip gloss? Is that it?
Marina: Marah's going to the Beacon Gala with Ben Reade.
Tony: That was fast.
Marina: Yeah, no kidding, because, like, two minutes before, he had a date with me. I mean, it wasn't for the Gala, but it was for the same night. And I know if it wasn't for Marah, I could have talked him into taking me, and it would be our picture in the paper.
Tony: Is that what this is about? You want your picture in the paper?
Marina: Uh, hello? With Ben Reade? Like, completely gorgeous guy. I mean, biggest trust fund in town, best family...
Tony: Marina, do yourself a favor. Forget it. Look, your... your family runs a diner, and your dad's a cop. You know? It's not your crowd.
Marina: Yeah, well, it could be.
Tony: Come on, like you'd want that?
Marina: Well...
Tony: You're smarter than that, come on.
Marina: Isn't that what you wanted?
Tony: No, no, it's just... I wanted... Look, all the other junk is just... It's just that; it's garbage. Anybody who cares about money, social position, or any of that, they're... You don't want it, okay? Anyways, you know, they're going to kick you to the curb the minute you step out if you're not one of them, so...
Marina: Yeah, but the thing is you can think like that. You can afford to think like that because you have money. And, I mean... I don't know, you have, like, trucks full of stereos or something.
Tony: (Scoffs)
Marina: Look, don't you know what it's like to want something for yourself, something that everybody else is telling you you can't have?
Tony: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Marina: So.
Tony: So.
Marina: Tell me about this thing that you want and everybody tells you you can't have it-- as if I didn't already know what that was.
Tony: Well, if you know so much, then why the questions?
Marina: Well, because you got to admit it before you're going to actually let yourself have it.
Tony: That's deep. You're a deep girl, Marina Cooper.
Marina: Well, yeah, actually I am. So, come on, say it.
Tony: Don't you have work or something?
Marina: Say it! Will you just say it?
Tony: Stop it. Just stop. Come on.
Marina: It's Marah.
Marah. You still want Marah. All right, you know what? This whole strong, silent thing, it's just... It's so not cool. So why don't you just talk to me and spill your guts?
Tony: You are really, really getting on my nerves.
Marina: Well, that's because I’m speaking the truth, and it tends to drive people really kind of crazy. You know what drives me really crazy?
Tony: I have a feeling you're going to tell me.
Marina: Well, a lot of things, actually. Like for example, curfews. Also the fact my dad refuses to give me his car keys.
Tony: That's a smart guy.
Marina: I think the main thing is Marah. I mean, I just... I don't get what the big deal is with her. I don't get what has all of these guys completely falling all over her, you know? And I keep asking. I keep asking, but no one will give me a straight answer.
Tony: Well, I’m not going to speak for anybody else, and I do not feel like talking about Marah Lewis. So what else?
Marina: What else what?
Tony: What else besides fancy boy Ben Reade?
Marina: Well, this may shock you, but my family. My family is really important to me. I worry about them a lot. I worry about my dad. I want him to get a life so I can get a life and stop worrying about him.
Tony: Oh, so now we're back at your life.
Marina: My life.
Tony: Yeah.
Marina: My life... The life Ben Reade is going to give me if he'll just wake up.
Tony: What do you have to offer Ben?
Marina: A lot. I have a lot. I mean, I'm pretty, aren't I?
Tony: Oh, there's no argument there.
Marina: Yeah, and I’m fun. I'm fun. And I... And I like people, so I would be great at all of those, like, society things and all the other things, and I just think I’d be really good for him.
Tony: You know, I bet you would be good for him, too. But I don't think that Ben has anything real to offer you.
Marina: Come on.
Tony: No, no, no. Marina, take some advice. Find a real guy from your world. Crossing the line just doesn't work. Trust me, save yourself some pain.
Marina: I can't, I can't, I can't, because I want what I want, and Ben is the guy who can give me what I want, and... Just come on. Let's go back, okay.
Phillip: Hey, wait a minute. Did I miss something here? Why are you upset?
Olivia: Come on, it's how you see me, okay? It's what everyone thinks.
Phillip: Everyone thinks what?
Olivia: That I'm a heartless, manipulative witch who is only out for money and power.
Phillip: Isn't that what you want everybody to think? Okay, okay. Look, Olivia, I don't think that. I don't think you're heartless. I don’t. I saw you in the hospital with Richard.
Olivia: And I’m sure you took it as a moment of weakness. You know, it was the last bit of genuine person that I might have been once, because the rest of the time, I see it in your eyes. Phillip, I do. You got your guard up. You're so sure if I'm nice to you it's because I want something. You know, I actually do have feelings that are just feelings. I do cry, and I do hurt, and I actually do love.
Phillip: Olivia...
Olivia: No. You know what? Just forget it. I'm just... I'm having sunstroke or something.
Phillip: I don't know what to say here except, you know, maybe you ought to be saying this to the right person.
Olivia: Yeah, like who?
Phillip: I assume Alan. Right behind you.
Olivia: Hi.
Alan: Well, you look lovely.
Thomas: Mr. Lewis is here.
Beth: Thank you.
Bill: Hey, Beth.
Beth: Hi. What are you doing here?
Bill: I just made a promise to... Did you... Did you draw this? This is... This is perfect.
Beth: Do you recognize this place?
Bill: Well, yeah, it's the... It's a church, isn't it?
Beth: Yeah, Phillip and I went to a mission like this when I was Lorelei. I mean, he thought he was trying to jog my memory, but I made the whole thing up. The mission wasn't even real, but then when I was there, I had the strangest feeling like it was real.
Bill: Maybe it was.
Beth: And then later I thought maybe I'd gone there after the storm to recover.
Bill: Well, yeah, that makes sense.
Beth: Bill, stop it. You recognize this place. I saw it the minute you came in the room. Was I there? Were you there? Were we there together?
Bill: Do you really want the answer?
Beth: Yes.
Sam: Hey, Alan, I’m sorry I didn't get you a drink.
Alan: Oh, that's all right, Sam. That's why they have help.
Sam: Oh, with bright, smiling faces, so I've heard.
Alan: Phillip, I need to speak with you right now.
Phillip: Okay.
Alan: Olivia, if you will excuse us?
Olivia: Sure.
Phillip: What's wrong?
Alan: You need to get home right now.
Phillip: Why? Is everything all right?
Alan: Do you have any idea what Beth is doing?
Phillip: What?
Alan: She's sketching.
Phillip: Oh, well, let's call the police.
Alan: She's scribbling as if her life depended on it.
Phillip: She happens to be an artist, and she enjoys that. That's good news; that's not bad news.
Alan: No, it is not good news because what she is... What she is drawing is pictures of Mexico where Lorelei was.
Phillip: So?
Alan: So? Don't you understand what's going on? She's dredging up all of those embarrassing pieces of Lorelei. Now, you have got to stop this. Put your foot down right now.
Phillip: Alan, I don't even know where to start. One, as usual, this is none of your business. Two, I don't tell Beth what to do. And, three, her doctor thinks it's a good idea for her to be sketching. I happen to agree.
Alan: Don't be a fool. What good memories could come of Lorelei’s adventures? Now, look, we have no idea where she was, what she was doing, who she was with...
Phillip: You know what? Hey, that's enough.
Alan: Yes, that is enough. Now, are you going to take control of the situation, Phillip, or are you going to lose her again?
Phillip: You know what? You're such a hypocrite, it's unbelievable. You want to talk about me taking control? You mean like you have with Olivia? You want to talk about losing control?
Alan: What are you saying?
Phillip: Just that you're in no position to be giving me advice. You should've heard the way she was talking about you before you came in here.
Alan: Whatever she was saying to you, she will speak to me about.
Phillip: Really? You think? I wouldn't count on it. Apparently, you're not giving her everything she needs.
Alan: What the hell does that mean?
Phillip: It means that you take care of your own house. You know what? Beth and I will be fine. You worry about yourself.
Sam: So, Phillip?
Olivia: Look, it's nothing, all right. He just... Something he said rubbed me the wrong way.
Sam: Funny, you seem to be rubbing him all the right ways.
Olivia: Watch it, okay? You may be too big to spank, but I’ll give it a try.
Sam: Hey, Liv, it's me. You can tell me.
Olivia: It wasn't supposed to happen like this, okay. It was just a game. We were both mad at Alan, and we both wanted to stick it to him and...
Sam: Hey. Did you?
Olivia: It... You know, it was a silly kiss; that's all.
Sam: Seemed like it was a little more than that. I can tell you're attracted to him. You can see it a mile away.
Olivia: Better give up poker, huh?
Sam: Yeah. Look, Liv, this whole thing could get so twisted. I mean, Phillip’s with-- what's her name?-- Beth, right? And you're with Alan. And, I mean, sure, okay, Phillip’s a good-looking guy or whatever, and yeah, he's more in the ballpark as far as age is concerned, but you're fighting this, right?
Olivia: Yes, I am. I'm... It was... I... Look, attraction is easy, okay, when that's what it was when it was just a game. But it just started to change. He was there at the hospital when Richard was dying and other times. We just connect, Sam. You know what I mean? And everything is just changing.
Sam: And now what?
Phillip: Hey, I’m heading home. I'll see you both later.
Sam: All right.
Bill: We took a trip across the border into Mexico. And...
Lizzie: Mom, wait till you see my new bathing suit; it's hot. Sorry.
Beth: Hey, sweetie, you remember Bill Lewis.
Bill: Hey, Lizzie.
Beth: Well, you just missed Grandpa Alan. He could've given you a ride to the club.
Lizzie: No, that's okay.
Beth: Wait, wait, wait, wait. I want to see this bathing suit.
Lizzie: Mom.
Beth: Well, you are going to wear it in public, aren't you?
Lizzie: Hello, of course I am.
Beth: Okay, okay, so show it to me. Actually, you have to show it to me to make sure your father would think it was okay for you to leave the house in it. Wow, you look great! That's terrific.
Lizzie: Really? You think... You think it'll pass the dad test?
Beth: Oh, honey, your dad still wishes you were wearing swimsuits with ruffles on the bottom.
Lizzie: He's going to hang around me the whole time. Mom, it's so annoying. He glares at the guys.
Beth: Well, he's your dad; that's his job.
Lizzie: But then he stands up and he's so, so big, and I...
Beth: Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what, I'll tell you what. I will call him and make sure he sits at least five deck chairs away, okay? I'll keep him on the phone if I have to.
Lizzie: Thanks, Mom.
Beth: You look so beautiful. Have fun.
Lizzie: Okay.
Beth: So you were telling me about that place. What happened between us at that mission?
Bill: I mean, really nothing. Just had a little fun.
Tony: If you want to go ahead, set yourself up, fine. But you know what? It's not the right move.
Marina: Okay, well, how else am I ever supposed to get out of that diner and become a star.
Tony: Oh, so now it's a star instead of society girlfriend.
Marina: Okay, star, society girlfriend, singer, restaurant owner. I mean, my own clothing line, the whole J. Lo trip, I'm doing it.
Tony: Yeah?
Marina: Yeah.
Tony: Yeah? Well, how about you do Marina first? You're a good kid. You got a good family that loves you. Be happy with that.
Marina: Are you? Are you happy being Tony Santos?
Tony: Sure. I'll see you around, all right?
Marina: You know what? Marah's an idiot. I mean, how did she ever let you get away?
Tony: Because she wanted to make your life miserable.
Marina: No, I’m serious. I mean, I see... I see the way that she looks at you and the way that you look at her, and, I mean, it's just... It's so obvious to me that you guys are so crazy about each other. So... I mean, what happened? Maybe I could help you fix it.
Tony: You know, Marah and I were too different. And that's just like what I'm saying. You got to be who you are.
Marah: Tony, I need to talk to you.
Marina: Oh, like you needed to talk to Ben?
Marah: Could you please just give us a second?
Marina: You are such a freak. Ben is so blind.
Tony: Why did you do that, hmm?
Marah: I saw you with her and...
Tony: And what? You thought I'd hurt her? It wasn't like that, Marah.
Marah: Tony...
Tony: I was leaving. She pulled me down; that's why she had her hand on me. That's all that it was.
Marah: Stop explaining.
Tony: Right, why would you believe me?
Marah: I do.
Tony: But you were still scared. See me alone with a girl like this, and you think about that day. You think about what I did.
Marah: No, no! Yes. Yes, I think... I think about what happened-- a lot. And I'm scared. I'm terrified to be around you, but not for the reason that you think.
Tony: Great. Was there something else that I did wrong?
Marah: No.
Tony: Well, then what is up with you?
Marah: I was jealous. I hated seeing you with another girl.
Ben: Hey, cutie.
Marina: Hey. Are you waiting for some service?
Ben: I'm waiting for you. I told them I only want the best.
Marina: Well, I am so glad you know who that is.
Ben: You got any suggestions?
Marina: How about taking me away from all of this?
Ben: I was thinking more along the lines of breakfast.
Marina: Okay, well, how about some dinner first and then some dancing and then breakfast.
Ben: Didn't you leave something out?
Marina: No more than you did. Ben...
Ben: Marina.
Marina: Our date?
Ben: I didn't forget.
Marina: Yeah, but don't you remember what night that is? It's the Beacon Gala.
Ben: Right, yeah. It's no problem, okay.
Marina: Oh, so... so we'll go together?
Ben: No, I'll tell you what. I'll leave early, and I'll just meet you after.
Marina: So you're going?
Ben: I have to.
Marina: Well, why don't we just go together? I mean, we did have plans, right? So we could just go and make an appearance, and then it would be fine.
Ben: We can't, okay. Marina, the truth is I got the nights mixed up, okay, and I’m already booked for the gala.
Marina: Okay, well, just get unbooked.
Ben: I can't do that.
Marina: But you can squeeze me in later after your real date with Marah Lewis.
Ben: You knew about that? Then why did you just go on about the...
Marina: I was giving you a chance, Ben.
Ben: Marina, look, you'd hate the Gala, okay?
Marina: You mean you'd hate taking me.
Ben: No, it's not your scene.
Marina: My scene? What would that be? Like, a six-pack of beer on a dark beach where you don't have to explain me to your friends?
Ben: Hey, hey, you're the one who wanted to go to the beach.
Marina: Yeah, and now I want to go to the Gala.
Ben: (Sighs)
Marina: (Sighs) God, you could be a Spaulding you're such a snob.
Ben: Marina, come on. You're making a big deal out of nothing here.
Marina: Nothing? Well, that's how you see people like us, isn't it?
Ben: Who's us?
Marina: Me, my dad, Harley. We're the service people, right?
Ben: Whoa. What movie are you in right now, because I don't understand...
Marina: You know what? Don't even. Don't even, because this is my life, where people like you pretend that you're so open- minded and all that matters is what a person is on the inside. But that is such bull, and you just proved it. I mean, you think I'm only good for a grope on a dark beach, and you're going to go and you're going to take the blond bimbo to the gala...
Ben: Whoa, Marah is...
Marina: ...I mean, never mind that she's only using you to get over the guy that she really cares about, because she is the daughter of Lewis Oil, and she's going to look great on your arm, and that's what really counts, isn't it?
Ben: I don't need this, all right?
Marina: Yeah, that's where you're wrong, because you do need this. You need me; you just haven't figured it out yet. But you think I'm not good enough for your world. Well, you just wait.
Alan: Sam, would you mind if I had a word alone with your sister?
Sam: Not at all. I'll see if there are some cute girls at the pool.
Olivia: Phillip certainly left in a hurry. Is everything okay at home?
Alan: Once he steps up to the plate, everything will be fine.
Olivia: There's a problem. Is it Beth?
Alan: Everything is just fine.
Olivia: Alan, I haven't seen my brother in months. So if there really isn't a problem, I’d like to spend some time with him.
Alan: What were you talking to Phillip about?
Olivia: What?
Alan: Before I came here today, what were you discussing with him?
Olivia: Nothing in particular. Why? What did he say about me?
Alan: I won't put up with this.
Olivia: What?
Alan: I will not allow you to use Phillip as a hockey puck to shoot at me.
Olivia: Excuse me?
Alan: Olivia, you listen to me. Phillip is my son. He is not your confidante; he is not your friend; he is not your sounding board. What goes on between us stays between us. It is none of his business.
Olivia: I will talk to whoever I want about whatever I want. What are you so afraid of?
Bill: You just thought it would be fun, so we snuck in the back door and hid in some pews and had some fun. Had some beers with us. Well, I guess it's a little sacrilegious to make out in a church, but...
Beth: So that's it? We kissed.
Bill: Yeah, that's it. It was a... It was a fun night.
Beth: When you looked at that sketch when you came in, it looked like it was more important than that.
Bill: Well, Beth, I was just happy that you remembered something-- anything.
Beth: So what did you come over here for? You said something about a promise you were keeping.
Bill: Yes, well, I promised myself that I'd come by and say hello, and I wanted to see you.
Beth: Bill, what is it that you aren't telling me?
Bill: Look, Beth, that's it, okay? That is all, that's everything, all right? In fact, I got to get going. So here's your picture, and I'll see you soon, all right? It's a great picture, by the way. It's, like, a perfect likeness. It's nice.
Phillip: Hello, Bill.
Bill: Hey there, Phillip.
Tony: You saw me with Marina and you were jealous. But what does that mean?
Alan: I'll tell you what I'm afraid of, Olivia. I'm afraid that I may become bored with you.
Olivia: Oh, right. Well, God forbid I should lose my entertainment value for even a few minutes.
Alan: As if I haven't put up with enough. I catch you...
Olivia: Please.
Alan: Well, hello, Lizzie. Well, you just missed your father.
Lizzie: Oh, that's okay. I'm going to go for a swim. You guys can go back to your fight.
Olivia: No, no, don't go anywhere, because we are not through here.
Lizzie: Grandpa, this is probably a silly question, but if you and Olivia fight all the time, how come she still lives in the house?
Alan: Well, I’m not convinced that we fight all the time.
Lizzie: Yes, you do. So why is she around?
Alan: Well, this may be hard for you to understand, but I simply adore her.
Lizzie: Too weird.
Alan: No, not exactly. I mean, sometimes it's good not to let people know how you feel.
Lizzie: Why?
Alan: Well, they may think you're weak, take advantage of you.
Lizzie: You mean if you love someone?
Alan: Exactly.
Lizzie: Do you love Olivia?
Alan: I'll never tell.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Alan: (Chuckles)
Sam: Well, looks like you're ready to leave?
Olivia: Yeah, it was just way too crowded in here today, Sam.
Sam: So let's go.
Olivia: No, you stay here, you hang out. I have one meeting to go to then we're going to hang out for the rest of the night, okay? Dinner, you and me, you're life, nothing else.
Sam: But yours is so much busier.
Olivia: Yeah, but not the way I like it.
Sam: Then why are you with him, Liv? Alan, huh? Why?
Olivia: I like being with him, Sam. I do. I do, he... We're great sometimes. We're... He's good to me. He's just been so good to me. He helped me get the Beacon.
Sam: I don't believe you. Keep trying.
Olivia: I'm trying to be smart about this, Sam, okay? Except...
Sam: Except?
Olivia: Except I think I'm falling in love with his son.
Phillip: Do you remember being in this place, or is this someplace that Lorelei went?
Beth: I don't... I don't remember. But I know that Lorelei was there, and she was there with Bill.
Ben: Hey, be real nice when you order, okay?
Bill: Ooh.
Ben: Marina Cooper is starting a one-woman class war, and it is ugly. Say "please" and "thanks a lot." Hey? (Snaps fingers) Where are you, man? You know, we got to get you out for some fun soon.
Bill: Listen, I don't need...
Ben: Oh, the Beacon Gala. It's coming up soon, and you're going.
Bill: Absolutely not.
Ben: Come on, man. It's a gala, but it can still be fun. You got plenty of time to get a date, and you can come with me and Marah.
Bill: Look, thanks but no thanks, man.
Ben: And you were the one bugging me about a woman-free life. Is that it? Because I can hook you up, man. There is a TA at the university that is hot.
Bill: Reade, Reade, Reade, the day I let you set me up on a blind date, is the, like...
Ben: Then get one yourself, okay, but you're coming. What's with you, man? What are you? Married or something?
Bill: Yeah, I am.
Phillip: Well, what did Bill tell you about this place? What were he and Lorelei doing there? Beth? Listen to me, listen to me. I am here with you right now, not Bill and not Lorelei. It's me.