GL Transcript Monday 8/12/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/12/02

From Suzanne 
Proofread By Tanya

Eden: I will only say this once. Take these off my wrist.

Harley: I will when we get back to Springfield.

Eden: Nicky, call off your dog.

Gus: Honey, maybe we're getting carried away.

Harley: Carried away? Phillip took away my son because he thinks you're a homicidal maniac. The only way to prove your not is handcuffed to my wrist. I'm not letting her go.

Eden: I am not going anywhere, so I guess you're stuck here with me.

Harley: You're going. Listen to me! All I am asking you to do... I am asking you to do this, Eden, okay? I am asking you to clear your brother's name. You're the one who pushed somebody off a roof, okay? He took the rap for you, I want you to tell my ex-husband that, and then I will release you.

Eden: Oh, let's see. So all I have to do is confess to a crime that happened a lifetime ago, and then you get your kid back. Do I care if you get your kid back? No.

Harley: Oh, I’ll make you care.

Eden: Yeah, give it your best shot.

Harley: Let's go.

Eden: I won't talk.

Harley: You'll talk... You'll talk, and you'll go with me now.

Eden: Promises were made.

Harley: And kept, okay? But enough is enough, Eden. You owe this to your brother. He wants you to do this. Don't you want her to do this? Tell her you want her to do this.

Gus: Eden, listen to me. I changed my whole life for you, okay, my whole life, and I need you to do this for me.

Eden: Oh, no, wait a minute. You don't mean...

Gus: Look, what Harley is asking you... What she's asking you, just do it... Just do it. Do it for me.

Marina: A museum?

Frank: What's wrong with the museum. I'll tell you what. Take a little ride with your old man, go up to the lake, find a nice motel.

Marina: Yeah, visit a lot of old wax war heroes and take pictures. I'm thrilled.

Frank: Come on, sweetheart, let's look at some of these brochures, there's some beautiful national monuments and parks and amusement parks and some great bed and breakfasts. There's a ton of places to go for Labor Day weekend.

Marina: Dad, aren't you supposed to be watching this place for grandpa and taking care of Harley’s kids?

Frank: Everybody's going to be back in plenty of time for us to go on vacation, okay? Oh, look who's here. Hi, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hi, Frank.

Frank: How you doing? We're just kind of going over some places here, you know, for Labor Day weekend and all that. You doing anything with your family?

Lizzie: Well, my dad's talking about France, but my grandfather wants to take the yacht to the south of Spain.

Marina: Oh, are there any good wax museums there?

Lizzie: Excuse me?

Marina: Never mind.

Frank: I'm going to go check on the dishwasher. It explodes all the time, water goes everywhere.

Marina: Hey, Lizzie, are you ever going to get over all that trouble I got you into? I mean, come on, sit down, talk to me, okay?

Lizzie: Okay, I guess. So... So where's your dad thinking of going for Labor Day?

Marina: Well, not the south of Spain, that's for sure. I guess more like the south of the dumpster out there.

Lizzie: What are you talking about?

Marina: Oh, nothing. I guess I'm just sick of doing coach when the rest of the world's doing first class, you know? Do you see that right over there? That is my upgrade certificate.

Ray: Hey.

Marah: Hey, Father Ray.

Ray: I'm sorry I startled you. I was going over to the lighthouse. Ed Bauer’s got this great idea for a free clinic, and I was going to check it out. And are you out here by yourself?

Marah: Yeah.

Ray: Doesn't seem like the safest place to hang out, Marah.

Marah: As safe a place as anywhere else is right now.

Ray: What does that mean?

Marah: Well, my Uncle Richard thought he was safe when he got into the car, right? He wasn’t. And he even thought he was safe when he was at the hospital, but he wasn't, so...

Ray: Look, Marah, I’m really sorry about your uncle. He and your aunt are really good people. It probably doesn't help to say right now, but he's in a better place, at least that's what I believe.

Marah: So does my mom.

Ray: And you don't?

Marah: It's how he got there that bothers me.

Ray: Car accidents can be the worst kind of tragedy.

Marah: No, not the worst. Sometimes it's the things that happen later.

Ray: What things? There's more?

Marah: No, nothing. It's complicated, never mind.

Ray: Marah, in case you haven't noticed, I’m a priest. You know, if you need to talk, you can tell me anything.

Marah: I'm not catholic.

Ray: It's not just that, is it? You can't trust a Santos either, right?

Danny: Hey. I thought you were going to throw that away, the videotape.

Michelle: So did I. I guess I was too scared to do it.

Danny: Scared? What?

Michelle: Scared that I was fooling myself, believing it that it was a fake, engineered by Carmen, and scared of what it means if it's not a fake.

Danny: So what, that means watching it over and over again?

Michelle: No, not really, no. Your mother was here, actually, rattling my cage, trying to get me to think the worst of you. She swears that it's all true. That you were threatening Edmund Winslow.

Danny: Right.

Michelle: And ready to kill him.

Danny: Of course that's what she says.

Michelle: Well, what do you say, Danny? Is the tape real or not?

Eden: Promises were made, remember?

Harley: You don't owe her anything, not after all this time.

Gus: Honey, it's not even her, it's my father... I made the promise to my father that I would protect her.

Eden: Right. The day that you came to me and told me that you were going to take the fall for this, you sent me to go live at school. You basically put me in a convent, and you told me flat out that you were doing this for dad, remember?

Gus: Yeah, I remember.

Eden: That was the worst day of my life. I cried my eyes out.

Gus: Yeah, you cried. Come on, Eden, there, you cried.

Eden: Well, I felt bad.

Gus: Yeah, maybe you felt bad because you had to go to mass or something, it's not because of anything I did to you.

Eden: Being in a convent is kind of like going to juvenile hall.

Gus: Oh, don't give me that, please.

Eden: Well, a little bit it is. Well, it was worth a try.

Gus: It's not worth a try with me, honey, because I know you like a book.

Eden: Right, and now you want to change the ending, because Nicky has fallen in love. To hell with dad's memory.

Gus: No, you've got it the other way around, okay. I made a promise to dad-- I'd never break my promise, I'll take that to my grave, okay?-- But I fell in love, so sue me. I fell in love with her, and her ex-husband wants to take her kid away because of us. So now I’m up to here with promises, and I can't handle it anymore, okay? So as far as dad is concerned. As far...

Eden: You won't break your promise.

Gus: No, no, I won't! You're going to do it for me.

Marah: No, it's not that, Ray. I just can't... I can't talk about with this with anyone right now. It has to do with my mom and my Aunt Cassie, and maybe my dad, I don't know.

Ray: Family situation?

Marah: For now. I wouldn't be surprised if you end up reading about it in the paper.

Ray: It's that serious?

Marah: Everything's serious. Life with my family is just relentless. Sometimes I wish I could just curl up somewhere and the world would go away.

Ray: I guess my brother had a lot to do with that. He really hurt you, didn't he?

Marah: I think that we both hurt each other.

Ray: I'm so sorry.

Marah: It's not your fault. It's Tony, it's who he is.

Ray: You know, for what's it's worth, I know he really cared about you.

Marah: Maybe. Maybe as much as he was capable of caring.

Ray: He really loved you, Marah.

Marah: Love.

Ray: There are things inside all of us that are hard to fight, instincts that get us all into trouble, even the best of us.

Marah: I know.

Ray: See, the trick is is not letting other people pay the price for it.

Marah: Tony and I learned that one the hard way.

Ray: You know, Marah, sometimes mistakes are God's way of redirecting our path, leading us where we want to go.

Marah: Any idea where that's supposed to be?

Ray: No. You know, I have faith that you'll figure it out. Just do me one favor. No matter how bad this all gets, don't shut down. Life, all this, is for the living. Don't be afraid to live it.

Marah: Easier said than done, but I'll think about it.

Ray: I'll be praying for you, okay? And your family.

Marah: Yes, God help us all.

Marina: He's cute, he's cute, rich, all the right requirements.

Lizzie: Give it up, Marina, he's too old for you.

Marina: Oh, he is not.

Lizzie: And he likes Marah Lewis.

Marina: Well, he'll learn to like me.

Lizzie: Yeah, right. He didn't even say hello.

Marina: He's going to be doing more than that soon.

Frank: Hey, Pop.

Buzz: Hey.

Frank: I didn't expect you until later. Oh, Dad, I’m so happy to see you. Oh, my God, thank God you're back, Dad.

Buzz: Oh, let me guess, you're tired of filling in.

Frank: Am I that obvious?

Buzz: Frank, you're pitiful.

Frank: Pop, no really, seriously, I missed you. How are the boys? Good weather, your flight okay, everything?

Buzz: Frank, don't go off the deck trying to cover, okay?

Frank: When are you coming back to work?

Marina: Okay, how do I look?

Lizzie: That lipstick's a little too red.

Marina: Shows what you know. Watch and learn.

Buzz: Hello, granddaughter.

Marina: Oh, hey, Granddad, welcome back. Hey, Ben. Are you even going to say hello?

Ben: Hello and good-bye. Hey, come on, give me a break, I just saw you at work today.

Marina: Yeah, but we weren't alone then, and we're alone now. Do you know what happens when we're alone?

Ben: Yeah, you come on like a freight train, no matter how much I tell you not to bother.

Marina: Well, you do know what they say about freight trains, don't you? Momentum. It's pretty hard to stop, huh?

Ben: How old are you, really?

Marina: Well, I’m a lot older than my friends my same age, if you know what I mean.

Ben: I think you're all talk.

Marina: Well, how's tonight, 8:00, on the beach, just the two of us. We'll have a little party, and then we'll see who's talk and who's not. What do you say?

Danny: What do you want to hear? Hmm? That the tape was a fake, something that my mother cooked up? I'm not going to lie to you. It's real, all of it.

Michelle: Why?

Danny: Because I was trying to protect you from something that you did not need to know about.

Michelle: Protect me?

Danny: Of course. What, you think I would've done something like that unless, I mean, if it wasn't completely necessary. Honey, Edmund... He gave me no choice, believe me. I tried to reason with him.

Michelle: Is that what's going on on this tape, because you know there's no sound. Are you just reasoning with him? Are you just reasoning with him?

Danny: Yes, yes. Well, the only way that Edmund understands.

Michelle: And what way is that, Danny, because I can't hear what you're saying, but I can see. Is it what it looks like? Are you threatening to kill him?

Danny: I'm threatening to do a lot of things.

Michelle: Are you threatening to kill him?

Danny: I am giving him an ultimatum.

Michelle: Are you threatening to kill him!?

Danny: Yes, all right. Yes. Is that what you want to hear? That's exactly what I'm doing.

Michelle: I can't believe this. You would murder a man for me, for my family. Can you explain this to me? I really, really need to know what you were thinking.

Ben: You keep pushing...

Marina: Mm-hmm.

Ben: And you might just get yourself in trouble.

Marina: Yeah?

Ben: Yeah.

Marina: Well, I hope so.

Ben: You know what, Marina? Maybe it's time we give this a go.

Marina: Oh, so we're on for the beach?

Ben: Yeah, only tonight's bag because I do lockup duty at the club, and this week I'm kind of busy, but how about a week from Saturday.

Marina: Yeah, yeah, a week from Saturday is great. It will give you some time to score your beer or whatever you need to relax, and we'll have a little party. Oh, and by the way, bathing suits, let's just say they're optional. Okay, so, Ben just kissed me.

Lizzie: No way.

Marina: Yeah. I told you he was interested, I just... I just had to get him there. And once this thing gets going, it's going to be like a roller coaster. I mean, there are going to be parties and benefits and maybe even like a vacation in the south of France or something.

Lizzie: All because of one date on the beach?

Marina: Look, a lot can happen in one night, okay? And on that night Ben Reade is going to fall in love. It's a week from Saturday.

Lizzie: That's the big party at the Beacon, that's the opening gala.

Marina: So?

Lizzie: So Ben’s invited, I’m sure. Everybody's going to be there.

Marina: So he... he must've just gotten his nights mixed up or something, you know. I mean, or maybe he... Maybe he just forgot to...

Lizzie: To ask you?

Marina: Well, that's got to be, like, the society event of the year, right? I mean, like, the papers, they send photographers down there to see who's wearing what, and who showed up with who, and it's in the newspaper...

Lizzie: The society pages. I've been on it lots of times with my parents and my grandpa and...

Marina: Well, I haven't. So you know, maybe this could be, like, my debut or something, you know. I could even get discovered if I play it right.

Lizzie: Discovered for what?

Marina: For being me.

Lizzie: You haven't even been invited yet.

Marina: Well, then I just need to make sure that I am. I mean, who needs beer on the beach when you could be sipping champagne with the cream of the crop. Besides, who else is Ben going to take?

Lizzie: Marah.

Marina: Lizzie, they're not even seeing each other anymore. I'm the one that Ben wants, okay? And I'm going to be a perfect date, I just need to remind him to ask me.

Eden: Nicky, I can't believe you want me to confess.

Gus: I didn't want it to go that way...

Harley: This is not going to be a police lineup, okay? That's not what this is. I just want you to come back and tell my ex-husband that you made a mistake.

Eden: Oh, tossed a guy off a building, let my brother take the rap, I’m sure he'll be really impressed.

Gus: I made a commitment. Why can't you respect that?

Eden: Yeah, what about the commitment you made to me? Gus, if I tell... If I tell her ex about this, the cat is out of the bag, and then my butt is in a sling.

Gus: It doesn't have to be a huge deal.

Eden: Just because you went to reform school does not mean that the crime has been paid for. If they find out that I did it, they will open up the case and retry it. I could go down for life for this. And I am not going to do it because Nicky’s in love. I have more to lose than you do in this case. I can't believe you are selling me down the river like this.

Gus: Just calm down. Calm down, take a deep breath. For God's sake, I spent my life protecting you, I'm not going to stop now, I'm a cop. Harley is a cop. You know we would protect you.

Eden: Sure you will.

Gus: No, we will. Look, just tell it to one man. Just tell the truth to one man, and we will take care of you. Look, I wouldn't ask you if I didn't have to, but I have to. I have to.

Danny: Come on, Edmund is still alive, that's what matters, right?

Michelle: Is it?

Danny: Hey, do not judge me unless you have all the facts.

Michelle: The facts are right there on this tape.

Danny: No, they are not on this tape, Michelle, they're not. You want to know what happened? Edmund found out about Richard, okay? That somebody turned off the life support. He came to me with all kinds of threats that the Bauer’s were going to go down because they ripped Richard’s heart out of his body so that Rick could live.

Michelle: But we didn't, there was nothing...

Danny: But we didn't know that at the time. We didn't know, we thought it was Mel. Honey, Edmund was going to go to the police, he was going to go to the hospital. And worse, he said that we all were going to pay with our own lives.

Michelle: Oh, so you had to take him out first.

Danny: I had to stop him. Believe me, I tried to talk to him, he would not listen to me.

Michelle: So you decided to kill me.

Danny: He had me backed against a corner, Michelle.

Michelle: Danny, come on, there was no other way.

Danny: There was no other way. Believe me, I mean, didn't you hear what I said? Edmund threatened all of our lives, what was I supposed to do? Do, just stand back and watch that happen. I had to protect you, I had to protect this family, that's what I do, that's who you married. I look out for my own, and I’m not going to apologize for that. I'm not.

Michelle: So what happened then? Edmund escaped?

Danny: I let him go, obviously.

Michelle: You couldn't do it? You decided that it was the wrong thing?

Danny: Because I decided that it wasn't necessary. You called me, you told me that the information had already leaked out at the hospital, so...

Michelle: If I hadn't called you, would you have gone through with it?

Danny: I didn't, Michelle, I didn't.

Michelle: That's not what I’m asking you. No, I'm asking you if I didn't call you, would Edmund be dead right now?

Danny: No, I am trying very hard to tell you everything, but honey, do not ask me a question unless you're prepared to hear the answer.

Eden: Remember that dog?

Gus: Easy, easy...

Harley: All right, take it easy.

Eden: Remember he was blind and deaf and he only had three legs.

Gus: Our dog Tripod. Yeah, who could forget.

Eden: You missed a really big game at Wrigley Field one day to go find him for me. You came through for me in a big way, Nick, and you always have. It's always been you and me. I mean, people have tried to come between us before, but they never will.

Gus: Honey, honey, Harley’s not trying to come between us, okay? She just needs our help, that's all.

Eden: Okay, I’ll do it. And if I didn't go through with it sooner, it's only because, you know, sometimes I can just be a little selfish.

Gus: No, you can be a lot selfish. So, just do it, and I'll watch your back.

Eden: Okay, all right, fine, can we just get this over with? It's so taxing. I need a smoke.

Gus: Well, don't look at me, I quit.

Eden: What?

Gus: Yeah, I quit.

Eden: You quit?

Gus: Yeah, pretty recently.

Eden: You quit for her?

Gus: Ah, well, I actually... I quit for me, a little bit for her... All the ads in the television, they just were making me nauseous.

Eden: Liar.

Gus: Well, I gave up coffee and cigarettes for coffee and her, that's what I did.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: You're welcome.

Eden: You must be so worth it.

Harley: God, were you always this sweet?

Eden: Were you always this blonde?

Gus: Okay, can we hit the road, take what we need, hit the road.

Eden: Yeah, can we get this over with, please?

Gus: I just want to thank you, I really, really appreciate it.

Eden: Could you bend your arm? I love you, Nicky.

Gus: I love you, too.

Michelle: Don't ask. Don't ask? What kind of an answer is that.

Danny: An honest one.

Michelle: Don't you dare give me half an explanation for this, Danny.

Danny: I'm not.

Michelle: We have come a long way. And you know what? I look at this tape, you know where it takes me? It takes me right back to that day.

Danny: What day?

Michelle: That day where you took me down to the docks to shoot me because your mother ordered me dead. But you couldn't do it then. And I'm hoping and praying, I'm praying that you couldn't do it now.

Danny: What do you want me to say?

Michelle: I want the truth! I want all of it! I want to know who I’m living with!

Danny: You don't know who you're living with?

Michelle: I look at this face of Edmund pleading for his life! And I just want to know that if I hadn't called you, would you have gone through with it?

Danny: No! All right? No. I don't know. Yes. Yes. Yes, I would have gone through with it. For you, for Rick and Mel and Robbie. But mostly for you.

Michelle: My God, Danny, oh, God.

Danny: I'm not anything like the rest of my family, Michelle. I would never... Do something like that unless I had reason. But you know, I realized that killing Edmund will be pointless, so I didn't do it. I let him live, that's what counts.

Michelle: No, no, that's not what counts. What counts is you didn't do it because of a phone call. What counts is that you could do it. What counts is that you can kill, and not even think about it!

Danny: That is not true! I did think about it. I thought about it very hard. Do you think I would have done something like that for pleasure? I would have done it to protect you and to protect this family because I love you.

Michelle: No, don't say that. Don't you ever say that again!

Buzz: I cannot believe everything that's happened here in the last few weeks. Richard Winslow? Such a good guy.

Frank: Yeah, that... That was definitely a rough one.

Buzz: And your sister. Arrested and released. She's chasing down some mysterious woman. Do you think she's ever going to track down this woman?

Frank: (Laughs) Let's put it this way, Pop, there's no way she's coming back until she does. And after that, who knows what?

Buzz: You didn't try to stop her, did you, Frank?

Frank: Of course I did. What do you think? Come on. So, how are the boys?

Buzz: Oh, lord. Rocky is becoming a Brit. He actually orders bangers and mash for breakfast. And Coop, he wants to be a constable like you. I mean, every day, more and more like Jenna.

Frank: Well, what about Holly? I mean, did you get a chance to talk to her while you were over there?

Buzz: Oh, she's busy.

Frank: With?

Buzz: Lots going on in Cedars. You know, Ed needs a shoulder to cry on. As shoulders go, he picked a good one.

Frank: Well, for what it's worth, Blake’s, she's got her own problems, too.

Buzz: Well, that explains it then. I mean, she is a full time job.

Lizzie: Hot?

Marina: You better believe it. I'll see you around.

Lizzie: Let me guess, you're going after Ben?

Marina: Um-hmm. And I'll see you at the Beacon thing-a-ma-jig. We can trade air kisses.

Lizzie: Can't wait.

Marina: My shift is over!

Frank: Hold on one second. Come here, come here. What'd you do to your shirt?

Marina: I cut it.

Frank: Never mind. Say hello to your grandfather. You haven't seen him in a couple of weeks...

Marina: Okay, okay, okay, okay. His timing was just off.

Buzz: (Laughs)

Marina: You know I'm glad to see you, don't you?

Buzz: Oh, yeah, sure I do.

Marina: I'm sorry. I just... I had to talk to someone and I didn't mean to ignore you.

Buzz: It's okay, forget it.

Marina: You look really tired. Is it like jet lag?

Buzz: No, I’m... I think I'll go upstairs and unpack and lie down.

Marina: Okay. See you guys.

Frank: Hold on. That somebody that you're running off to see right now, that wouldn't happen to be Ben Reade, now, would it?

Marina: Well, yeah, he's my boss, Dad.

Frank: Uh-huh, and I know that.

Marina: You don't like him?

Frank: Uh, well, I don't know him well enough to form an opinion, but first impressions tell me that he’s... Maybe a little too sure of himself.

Marina: Well, yeah. He should be, though. He's smart and he's educated and he's rich and he's...

Frank: And he's way too old for you.

Marina: Well, aren't you a couple of years older than mom?

Frank: Young lady, it's different at your age.

Marina: Daddy, will you please just get a life? I mean, when was the last time you went out on a date? I think what you need to do is you need to stop worrying so much about me, and you need to just get it together, you know. I mean... I mean, you could, like, actually be kind of hot with a few adjustments.

Frank: "Hot?"

Marina: I mean, like, okay, yeah, the hair has got to go. And... Well, the shoes are a little regulation. But, I mean, we could... We could fix a few things up, and I bet you could score with maybe like a wealthy widow or an heiress from the society pages.

Frank: Where is this all coming from?

Marina: I care about you. And it's not bad to shoot high if you're going to shoot at all.

Frank: Well, to be honest with you, I am very happy with myself right where I’m at right now. Okay?

Marina: You're happy bussing tables and fixing dirty dishwashers?

Frank: Uh-huh, and being with my family, my loved ones, and everything else.

Marina: Yeah, well, to each his own, I guess. Anyway, I'll see you.

Frank: Yeah. Marina?

Marina: Bye, Daddy!

Frank: Marina!

Marina: Bye!

Ben: Hey.

Marah: What are you doing here?

Ben: I was just on my way to lock up the club. What are you doing here?

Marah: My Aunt Cassie is staying at the Beacon with her kids, so, I was over there for a while and just stopped by to look at the water. It's beautiful, isn't it?

Ben: Yes.

Marah: It's like a kaleidoscope. Just when you think you're seeing the real picture, a wave comes and everything shifts.

Ben: You got a lot on your mind?

Marah: I guess.

Ben: Want to talk?

Marah: The only time it's good to talk about things is when you know what you think. And right now, I don't. Things are just really strange lately.

Ben: Well, maybe they're strange because you haven't figured them out. I'm a pretty good listener.

Marah: No, it's too late.

Ben: For us or for this situation of yours?

Marah: You and Tony are always doing that. Bringing it back to the past. He came by the house to talk to my Aunt Cassie and we actually ended up talking.

Ben: So, there's still hope for you two again?

Marah: No, no, never, not after what happened.

Ben: Oh, wait a minute. What happened?

Marah: I can’t... I just can't talk about it, not with you.

Ben: Well, whatever it is, if it's got you this upset, maybe it's time you put Tony behind you once and for all, okay? Forget he exists.

Marah: And how do I do that?

Michelle: Don't you ever say that to me again.

Danny: What? What, that I love you?

Michelle: Don't you ever say that you would kill for me! I don't care.... I don't care what words you use to justify it. I don't care how much you wrap it up in that twisted logic of yours, I don't want to hear it...

Danny: Michelle, calm down! Nothing happened, all right? Nobody died!

Michelle: By the grace of God, Danny. What if I hadn't called you that day? What if I called somebody else? What if... What if I had waited an hour? Or I’d gone to the cafeteria? You would have killed Edmund. And then later you would have found out that your reason wasn't even valid. How would you feel about it then?

Danny: I would know that I had done what I believed was right for this family at the time. I didn't rush into it.

Michelle: And this makes it acceptable? Where do you draw the line, Danny? Is there even a line? Am I just in... In for a lifetime of worry, because anytime anything comes up, my husband's going to use muscle to take care...

Danny: I did what I had to do to take care of you, and to protect you and Robbie!

Michelle: What about...

Danny: What is so hard to understand?

Michelle: ...Some kid who pushes Robbie on the playground? Are you going to have him taken out?

Danny: Come on, that is ridiculous!

Michelle: I just want to know what my parameters are! I don't want to be surprised here. "Oh, I’m sorry, Mrs. Smith, I'm so sorry about your loss."

Danny: That's enough!

Michelle: Well, you know what, that's how it works. No, you don't know because you're not married to a mobster!

Danny: Stop it! Please!

Michelle: Why? What are you going to do if I won't?

Ben: You see, the trick with Tony is finding another place to put your attention.

Marah: Just move on?

Ben: I know it sounds easier than it actually is, but people do it all the time. How about this, okay? Put a rubber band around your wrist, snap it every time you think about him, then redirect your energy.

Marah: On what?

Ben: Someone who's good for you. Someone who's made a lot of mistakes, but still thinks you're the best thing going. And the most beautiful. Hey, I got an idea. The... the big party at the Beacon... The gala opening, are you going?

Marah: I hadn't thought about it.

Ben: Well, it's coming up pretty soon. Why don't we go together, huh? Come on, let's do it. It will be fun. The start of your new life.

Marah: Ben, I don't... I don't think so.

Ben: Hey, look, I’m just trying to help you out here, okay? You know, forget about what's- his-name.

Marah: And a big party might just make it worse.

Ben: It's your Aunt Cassie’s hotel. You want to be there to support her, don't you? So, how about it?

Marah: Maybe.

Ben: Maybe yes?

Marah: Okay, yes-- yes, for my Aunt Cassie.

Gus: All righty, let’s... let's get going, all right, ladies?

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: I promise you, you're going to be holding Zach within a few hours, I guarantee it.

Harley: Thank you. Thank you for putting me first. I know how tough this is for you.

Gus: Yeah, it has been, but, you know, I put you... Through a lot. I got a lot of making up to do, and it's a start.

Harley: Well, it's a very good start. Thank you.

Eden: Excuse me.

Gus: All right, okay, can you undo the cuffs?

Harley: What? Now?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: No, I have come too far to blow it now.

Gus: Come on, Harley, seriously.

Eden: Let me go.

Harley: Okay, seriously, I can’t.

Eden: Fine.

Gus: All right...

Eden: Drag me.

Gus: Come on...

Harley: Oh, that would be my pleasure.

Gus: Honey, where's the keys? Come on.

Harley: I'm not kidding. I don't have it. They're not my cuffs. And you know what, unless you want to be shackled to me for the rest of your life, you'll get up and you will come back to Springfield and you'll keep your promise to me.

Eden: Where did you find her anyway?

Harley: Oh, Eden, come on. Think of it this way: We are really going to get to know each other by the time we get home. Come on.

Gus: Okay. Here we go. I'll get your pocketbooks for you, ladies. We're going to have fun.

Danny: Honey...

Michelle: No, no...

Danny: Please...

Michelle: I can't breathe. I need some air. I need some air.

Danny: Honey...

Michelle: No.

Danny: Stay. We need to talk about this...

Michelle: No, no, no, I’m talked out, Danny!

Danny: Please.

Michelle: I'm all talked out. All the things... All the things that Carmen has done to us throughout the years to try to break us up, we weathered all of this...

Danny: We can get through this.

Michelle: No.

Danny: We can get through this, too.

Michelle: Danny, this is different. This isn't from Carmen. This isn't coming from someone on the outside. This is here, this is in this house, this is in this room!

Danny: What are you saying? I mean... What are you going to do?

Michelle: I don't know. (Sighs) I just don't know.

Schaeffer: Good afternoon.


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