GL Transcript Friday 8/9/02

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/9/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Carmen: What's wrong, Michelle? Have I said or done something to upset you?

Michelle: Don't patronize me, Carmen. I've seen what's on that tape. Danny threatening Edmund in some warehouse, give me a break.

Carmen: My Danny, threatening Edmund? About what?

Michelle: Please, you set the whole thing up for my benefit.

Carmen: Michelle, Michelle, isn't it about time we forgive, forget, move on?

Michelle: You know what amazes me is the fact that you think I'm still going to fall for your tricks.

Carmen: I really have no idea what you're talking about. You know, maybe you should show me what's on this tape. Show me.

Edmund: Glad you enjoyed the gift basket, Danny, but that doesn't mean we have to become swim buddies.

Danny: Oh, well, I think only one of us might be taking a swim. First I thought maybe we'd have a little chat, you and me, in private.

Edmund: What? No witnesses this time? No mother popping out to cheer on your murderous instinct.

Danny: No, just one witness. Hello, Marco. Marco never worked for my mother, so there's no chance he'll be tipping her off as to your whereabouts.

Edmund: Are you threatening me? Why, I bought you a peace offering to show that everything was forgiven between us.

Danny: Really? Your little peace offering, Edmund, was infested.

Edmund: Infested? What are you talking about?

Danny: Oh, is that what we're going to do? We're going to play this little game. You don't know, the little videotape must have just sprouted legs and walked its way into the gift basket. (Chuckles)

Edmund: Videotape.

Danny: Yeah, the one of me threatening to kill you.

Edmund: (Laughs) That's very... You're serious, aren't you? Danny, you can't imagine that I’d be so stupid as to do that.

Danny: Come on, Edmund, you can do better than that. And you better, fast.

Eden: How do you think he's going to feel when he finds out that you went against his wishes and tracked me down. (Knocking at the door)

Gus: Eden, are you in there?

Eden: It's Nick.

Gus: Eden? (Knocking at the door)

Eden: Nicky.

Gus: Hi.

Eden: It's really you. I never thought I'd see you again. Look at you, look at you. I can't believe you're standing right in front of me.

Gus: Yeah, did you miss me a little bit?

Eden: Well, look at you, scrounging for compliments. Of course I missed you. Did you miss me?

Gus: I might have a little bit.

Eden: Liar. Did you count the days and the weeks like I did?

Gus: I think you know the answer to that.

Eden: I imagined this moment so many times, but it was never as good as the real thing.

Gus: Okay.

Reva: Hello, is anybody home?

Marah: Here.

Reva: I got the message on my cell phone. So Cassie’s finally home?

Marah: Yeah, she's upstairs with Tammy.

Reva: Did she say anything to either one of you?

Shayne: Not a word.

Marah: She seemed really upset, though, probably about Uncle Richard.

Reva: Okay, don't worry, I'll take care of it.

Cassie: Like you took care of Richard? You're not taking care of anything for me or my children again. (Whispers) Come on, sweetie.

Reva: Cassie, why don't we just go someplace and talk?

Cassie: I think you've talked enough. My children have been put through hell, and I'm not going to put them through anything else. I really love you guys. It has nothing to do with you.

Shayne: Then what does it have to do with?

Cassie: Why don't you ask your mother?

Marah: Cassie, where are you going?

Cassie: I don't know, but when I get there, I will call you and I will let you know. And I will send for the rest of my things.

Michelle: Why? Why should I show you this tape?

Carmen: Well, I wouldn't be able to defend myself unless I see it.

Michelle: Forget it.

Carmen: Michelle, you claim that this tape is forged because you don't think Danny’s capable of violence... Well, at least not anymore.

Michelle: That's right.

Carmen: Well, if that's true, why would he have Tony escort me out of town against my will for a week. And Edmund, he'll be happy to tell you that he was taken prisoner in a motel room in New Jersey for a week.

Michelle: You and Edmund both got what you deserved. And it is going to take a lot more than a stupid video for me to lose faith in my husband.

Carmen: Very touching. Does that mean you won't testify against Danny if Edmund decides to press charges, Michelle?

Michelle: Don't say my name and don't come to my house. You see me, you get the hell out of my way, starting now.

Carmen: Oh, Michelle, you wouldn't be so angry if you really believed in Danny’s innocence.

Michelle: Get out!

Carmen: Hi, Ed.

Ed: Mrs. Santos.

Carmen: Oh, please, call me Carmen.

Ed: Ah, well, you can call me Dr. Bauer. What was she doing here?

Michelle: You don't want to know.

Edmund: Danny, I had absolutely nothing to do with placing that videotape in the gift basket.

Danny: Hmm... Convince me.

Edmund: Well, think about it, why would I do anything so obvious? I came to the hospital to make amends, not to wave a red flag in front of your face.

Danny: Yeah? Or maybe you were setting me up.

Edmund: If I was doing that, I think I'd be a great deal more subtle about it. You were about to kill me, and that's an experience I don't want to go through again.

Danny: I don't know, Edmund, you're not doing a very good job of convincing me.

Edmund: All right. How would I know about a security camera in a warehouse I’d never seen before? A warehouse to which your goons dragged me. If anybody knew about such a camera, it's probably the owner of the building.

Danny: And why would my mother do something like that?

Edmund: Could it possibly be because she hates your wife, and that she'd go to any extent to drive a permanent wedge between the two of you.

Danny: (Sighs) I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Edmund: She showed me the video camera, where it was hidden in the warehouse, she seemed very proud of it.

Danny: Then why didn't you tell me?

Edmund: Well, I thought I destroyed the damn thing, which makes me a complete idiot. Danny, I think she's setting up both of us.

Danny: All right, Edmund, you're off the hook-- for now. Just stay out of my way.

Edmund: With pleasure. Oh, and Danny, I know you'll go to any extent to protect your family, but I was wondering if Michelle has seen that videotape, do you have any family left to protect?

Danny: I'd get out of here, if I were you, before I change my mind.

Edmund: What are you going to do to your mother?

Danny: Nothing. I'm going to let you take care of that for me. See ya.

Gus: Well, I certainly hope you haven't been breaking the law and that you haven't been chasing any criminals or any criminals chasing after you.

Eden: (Laughs) I was beginning to think you didn't care. You don't write, you don't call...

Gus: Believe me, my life would go a lot easier if I didn't care about you. And plus, where am I going to write to? Do I have an address for you? No. Do I have a phone number for you? No.

Eden: Okay, so I've been a little out of touch, but what about you?

Gus: I've been a little out of touch. Coop. So I see you beat me here. (Clears throat)

Harley: I guess I did.

Gus: How's the arm?

Harley: It's great, like everything else.

Gus: I spoke to Frank before I left town, and they moved your hearing up. I mean, you got to get home.

Eden: Hearing, what hearing?

Gus: It's none of your business, Eden.

Harley: Of course it's her business. Why the hell else would I be here?

Gus: I see you're really mad at me still.

Harley: Mad? Just because I lost my son because you won't break a promise.

Gus: It's not...

Harley: I don't even understand why you bothered to follow me here. Oh, no, yes, I do. Of course I do. You couldn't stand to be away, and it's just so obvious why.

Marah: Mom, what happened between you and Aunt Cassie?

Reva: Something that I hope she'll forgive me for one day.

Shayne: Are you going to tell us?

Reva: Of course. Of course I am. I just wish it wasn't such an ugly situation.

Shayne: You just need to stop protecting us. You know, since dad is in Russia, maybe we can protect you from it.

Reva: Thanks, sweetheart, but it's not your job.

Marah: Well, maybe we can help.

Reva: Sit down. You know the pain that Richard... How badly he was hurt in his car accident.

Shayne: He was paralyzed.

Reva: And in a coma. And he was having these hideously painful seizures from the blood clot that he had in his brain.

Marah: That is so awful.

Reva: None of the medications were working. And he was going to be in that pain for the rest of his life.

Shayne: Did aunt Cassie know this?

Reva: She knew, but she couldn't really accept it. There was a period of time that I spent alone in Richard’s room with him. And he woke up briefly.

Marah: Was he able to talk?

Reva: A little bit.

Shayne: What did he say?

Reva: He said, "Help me die."

Marah: Are you sure?

Reva: He said it twice.

Shayne: Did you tell this to aunt Cassie?

Reva: I tried. But I couldn't... I couldn't find her, so I knew something had to be done, but I went to the chapel, the hospital chapel, and I prayed and I screamed at God, I asked him to give me a sign.

Marah: Did you get one?

Reva: I knew... I knew that the decision about whether Richard was to live or die should've been made by Cassie, I knew that. But Richard was in so much pain, and he was suffering so much.

Marah: Mom, you didn’t...

Reva: Yeah, I did. I helped Richard die.

Cassie: Well, you know, the Beacon is almost finished, Tammy, and, you know, we don't have to pay to stay there.

Tammy: I can get a job this summer if money's a problem.

Cassie: No, I don't want you getting a job, do you hear me? I know things are tough.

Tammy: Just like the good old days.

Cassie: But we're together, you know. We have these two little guys, and we're going to be together, until you meet a handsome man and you fall in love. Sorry.

Tammy: Mom, it's okay.

Cassie: No, it's not, but it will be, I promise you. There's somebody here I need to speak to, can you take him? Dr. Grant.

Charles: Mrs. Winslow, how are you?

Cassie: I'm not doing very well, actually.

Charles: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

Cassie: There is, and I’m sorry to bring this up to you here, but this is very important.

Charles: If it's about your husband, please, rest assured the hospital is doing everything in its power to investigate his death.

Cassie: I read Ed Bauer’s confession, and he's not responsible.

Charles: How do you know that?

Cassie: Because my sister, Reva Shayne, killed my husband. And I want you to do something about it.

Gus: I guess I have some explaining to do.

Harley: I guess you do.

Gus: Wow. You're not thinking one single nice, positive thing about me right now, are you?

Harley: No, I wouldn't say that.

Gus: Well, I have to be honest, you know. I couldn't... I couldn't stay away from her for the rest of my life. And I'm sorry... I'm just sorry that it took me so long to figure that out.

Harley: Well, I’m so glad you got back in touch with those feelings. And I guess I have myself to thank, you know. Give myself a big old pat on the back for bringing you guys back together.

Gus: Well, you know, now that we're all here, I mean, shouldn't we talk?

Harley: About what?

Gus: Eden and me.

Harley: Well, I think I’ll pass. You know, I seem to have figured out most of it by myself.

Gus: Yes, but shouldn't you hear it from me? Let me tell you. Coop, my father was shot down in cold blood as I watched, you know.

Harley: I know.

Gus: Yeah, but what you don't know is that when he was dying, he made me promise that I would take care of her, that I would protect her, that I would keep her safe.

Harley: Wait a minute, you made that promise to your father, not her.

Gus: Yeah, I mean, I know I made you think that... I made you think it was to her because that just... I don't know, it seemed easier. I'm sorry for that part. I'm sorry.

Harley: So why does your father care so much about her? And why are you still protecting her now?

Gus: Well, didn't Eden... Didn't you tell her?

Eden: She didn't give me the chance.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: What? Tell me what.

Gus: What? Eden's not just some girl from my past; she's my sister.

Charles: Could we please talk about this inside? Are you saying your sister turned off your husband's life support?

Cassie: That's right.

Charles: How do you know this?

Cassie: Because she told me.

Charles: And you want the hospital to pursue this. Are you sure?

Cassie: Absolutely.

Charles: Mrs. Winslow, this is your sister. Think about what this means. You're talking about taking a private matter and turning it into what could become a very public spectacle.

Cassie: That's right.

Charles: Are you certain of the consequences of your actions?

Cassie: I want my sister to know the consequences of her actions, Dr. Grant.

Charles: Very well. I'll notify the hospital board. We'll get on it right away.

Marah: You helped uncle Richard die-- how?

Reva: I turned off his life support. He went very peacefully. It was the way he wanted it.

Marah: And what about Aunt Cassie, is that what she wanted?

Reva: Well, it's very complicated.

Shayne: But you didn't talk to her about it.

Reva: I tried, I told you that. I tried to reach her, but even if I had, Cassie was in denial about Richard’s condition.

Marah: Are you sure about that?

Reva: Marah, if Cassie had seen the pain Richard was in, she never would've agreed to continue this life that way, not like that.

Shayne: But that would've been an awful decision for Aunt Cassie to make, and I'm thinking maybe Uncle Richard knew that, and that's... Maybe that's why he asked you to do it.

Reva: I think so, too. He wanted to protect her; we both did.

Marah: But how long would Uncle Richard have lived if you hadn't done...

Reva: I don't know. I don't know. But the doctor said that he was not going to get better, that he would be paralyzed and in pain for the rest of his life. Marah, honey, are you okay?

Marah: I don't know. I don't know, this is so huge.

Shayne: But Mom, I think you did the right thing. I'm just sorry that you had to be the one to do it, or anybody did.

Reva: Me, too. Thank you.

Shayne: You must be fried, I mean, after all that's been going on. Now that Aunt Cassie’s mad at you.

Reva: Well, as long as I have you in my corner, things can't be all that bad, can they?

Marah: What about... What about dad, does he know about this?

Reva: Yeah.

Marah: And he's okay with it?

Reva: Well, he's been very supportive. Marah, what can I say, what can I tell you that will make this easier.

Marah: I don't know if there's anything that you can say. I'm sorry that you felt that you had to be the one to do this.

Reva: Sweetheart.

Marah: I got to go upstairs, I need some time to be alone and think about this.

Reva: Marah?

Michelle: Carmen hired someone to help her cook this up with the help of a digital computer, it's a total fake.

Ed: Okay.

Michelle: You don't think so?

Ed: Why would she do something like that?

Michelle: To break up my marriage, it's the same thing she's been doing since the day that Danny and I met. She wants me to believe that Danny has this darker side that he keeps hidden from me.

Ed: So she figures you see this, you confront Danny with it. Did you?

Michelle: Well, confront isn't exactly the word, I mean, he watched the tape with me. I guess I didn't really give him a chance to agree.

Ed: Or not. Look, I don't want to... I don't want to play her game, but I mean, the tape looked real.

Michelle: I know.

Ed: I mean, I’m sure there's another explanation.

Michelle: No, I know there is.

Ed: All right, good. Good. All right, if you need me, I’m around.

Shayne: Hey, I got you some of that stress tea with a lot of ice.

Reva: Thanks, sweetheart.

Shayne: Now you know we need to talk about this. Does the hospital know that you did this?

Reva: I don't think so.

Shayne: Were you planning on tell them?

Reva: I haven't really thought about that.

Shayne: I know you're thinking about Aunt Cassie.

Reva: I am, I just don't know how I'm going to manage all this, though, with her. I mean, she doesn't even want to speak to me.

Shayne: Well, I say you just give her some time to cool off. You know how she is.

Reva: Hey, where are you going with those?

Marah: Aunt Cassie called, she's staying with the kids at the Beacon.

Shayne: But it's not even ready yet.

Marah: That's why I’m bringing her these.

Reva: That's thoughtful, Marah. You know, maybe we should throw in some sheets and pillows and...

Marah: I don't really think that she needs these, I think she just wants the company. She's hurting so much right now, and I don't want her to feel like she's all alone.

Reva: Well, she's not alone.

Marah: I don't know when I'm going to be back, so don't wait up.

Edmund: A funny thing happened to me today, Carmen, while I was minding my own business. Danny told me about a videotape that was in the gift basket I gave him.

Carmen: Was it "The Godfather"? That used to be Danny’s favorite film.

Edmund: You've played me for a fool, Carmen. Once again I fell for it.

Carmen: Oh, grow up. Yes, I sent the tape in the basket, and yes, Michelle will finally see Danny for who he really is.

Edmund: What, a Santos just like his dear old mom?

Carmen: You think I lied to you? That's nothing compared to the lie that Danny’s been living with Michelle. She has a right to know what he's like.

Edmund: Well then I suppose congratulations are in order, assuming Michelle’s seen the tape.

Carmen: As we speak, the images of Danny threatening you are worming their way through her conscience.

Edmund: You must be very proud.

Carmen: Yes, I am. I am proud. Danny's marriage will soon be over, and you escaped relatively unscathed. I don't understand, what's your problem.

Harley: Eden is... Your sister?

Gus: Yeah, yes. She's my sis... Don't you... No notice the resemblance at all, don't we look... A little bit?

Harley: Well, I was... I was distracted by other things.

Eden: I guess she jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Gus: Wait a second, you didn't... You... Why would you... Why would you ever think something like that?

Eden: Yeah, why would you think something like that? I guess you and Nicky aren't as close as you thought you were.

Gus: Eden, stop it, please.

Harley: You know what? You know what? It's okay, really, it's okay, because I have a big brother, too, who would move heaven and earth for me, just like you're doing with your sister. But you know what? As close as Frank and I are, he is twice as protective of Marina, just like I'm protective of my kids.

Eden: Oh, no, we're not talking about the jerky ex again with the kid.

Gus: Oh, so you told her.

Eden: Big yawn.

Gus: She told you everything, right, so.

Eden: Yeah, she thinks that I’m the one that pushed that guy off the roof instead of you.

Harley: Eden, Eden, Eden. If you come back to Springfield and you tell the truth, I promise you will not be charged with murder.

Eden: I wish I could help, but I don't know you, I don't know your kid, and I’m not that noble.

Gus: All right, listen, please. I did my best to keep my promise to dad, okay? I tried to keep you out of trouble for as long as I could. You could help me out a little bit here.

Eden: I wish I could help, Nicky, but I’m not responsible for Harley’s life. She got herself into the mess, she should get herself out.

Gus: Please, please, just think about it, think about how much time I spent.

Harley: You know what? Forget it. I mean, really, just forget it. You've been separated from this chick from how long? And she has not changed a bit. You are still the selfish person who allowed your brother to take the rap for a crime that you committed. Well, you know what? That's going to stop, starting now.

Eden: Ow, ah.

Gus: Stop it, come one. Isn't there...

Harley: I've got a hearing to attend, and I've got a child to take home, I’m not fooling around anymore.

Eden: She's not very smart, is she?

Harley: Yeah, well, when I get my kid back, I’ll tell you how sorry I am.

Gus: Okay, can't we just maybe work it out some other way.

Harley: Work it out, how? You made your sister a promise, well, I promised my kid that I’d be there to watch him grow up.

Eden: Oh, would someone pass me the tissues; I'm crying buckets.

Harley: Shut up.

Gus: All right. There's got to be another way...

Harley: Another way, another way. Let me think, let me think. I get my kid back, we all live happily ever after, no. Let me tell you what I’m thinking. I'm thinking that sister dearest comes back to Springfield with me, and she tells Phillip the truth, or she gets to stay shackled to me for the rest of her life.

Edmund: Oh, no, Carmen, you have it all wrong. In fact, I’d like to offer up a toast.

Carmen: To?

Edmund: To you, of course, darling. Long may you reign.

Carmen: You're not drinking.

Edmund: No, I’m thinking. Champagne always reminds me of Paulo.

Carmen: Oh, that servant you had executed in San Cristobel for dipping into your champagne stock.

Edmund: Who? Oh, no, not him. Paulo was a chemist. He was from San Cristobel, and he was also an amazing inventor.

Carmen: Really, what did he invent?

Edmund: Poison. Tasteless, colorless, odorless.

Carmen: Let me guess, it leaves no evidence, especially when mixed with champagne.

Edmund: Absolutely none. It has always been my favorite lethal cocktail. Hmm, Carmen, you're not drinking your champagne.

Carmen: I wonder why.

Edmund: Scared, are you? Maybe you know what it feels like know. Do you? To be facing death, and the only person you thought you could trust is standing back and applauding.

Carmen: Maybe I’m starting to.

Edmund: Any last thoughts, darling.

Carmen: (Gags)

Edmund: Carmen. Carmen. Water. Water, we need water over here, come on!

Carmen: (Laughs) Oh. Got you!

Edmund: Oh, but Carmen, the poison I was talking about, it takes 24 hours to take effect. Got you.

Cassie: You sleep tight, okay. And you have the sweetest dreams. All right, I think this place is okay, right? It's nice. We're going to be okay.

Tammy: Life's so different, mom. I want it to be how it used to be. I want dad back.

Cassie: So do I. So do I.

Marah: (Clears throat) Hi.

Cassie: Hi there. Hi, thank you for coming so quickly.

Marah: These are the blankets, I won't stay long.

Cassie: No, you stay as long as you like. Here you go, Tammy.

Marah: If you guys need anything, I'd be happy to get you whatever you want.

Cassie: Will you keep an eye on the boys for a minute? What's going on, Marah?

Marah: Nothing, I’m just really sorry.

Cassie: Your mom told you. Are you okay?

Marah: It's just weird, you know, I can hardly believe it.

Cassie: Yeah, well, that makes two of us.

Marah: I'm sorry. You must feel terrible after everything that's happened, and now you have to go through this.

Cassie: Everything's going to be okay, all right? Do you hear me. Everything is going to be okay. I promise you that.

Marah: I didn't come here for you to make me feel better, okay? I want to be the one to help you. I was so glad that you called me, I just... I want you to know that you can trust me, okay. And somehow, some way, we're going to make this all right.

Cassie: Thank you. I only wish it were that simple, Marah.

(Doorbell rings)

Reva: Charles.

Charles: Hello, Reva. Sorry I didn't call first.

Reva: It's okay. Come on in.

Charles: This won't take long. I just wanted to let you know that I spoke to your sister.

Reva: So she told you.

Charles: She did, but I want to hear what you have to say.

Reva: I turned off Richard’s ventilator. He was in so much pain, and he begged me to help him die.

Charles: There is no doubt in my mind that you did what you felt was best for your brother- in-law. But you have to know, the hospital must conduct a thorough investigation.

Reva: I understand.

Charles: Okay. Can you come to a meeting at Cedars tomorrow?

Reva: Of course.

Charles: Thank you. And Reva, I think you should bring a lawyer.


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