GL Transcript Thursday 8/8/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/8/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Michelle: Okay, Edmund, what's this all about?

Danny: I say we toss it. You know, any gift from Edmund... Oh, well, you got it open.

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Oh, honey, did you bring this from home for Rick?

Michelle: No, it was in the basket, along with the rest of Edmund’s peace offering...

Danny: What? Well, how did he get his hands on a tape of our son?

Michelle: That's what I’d like to know. No... No... Danny, don't, I want to see it.

Danny: Michelle, look, if there's anything on this, I will look at it at home, and I will tell you.

Michelle: Danny, I want to see it now.

Danny: Why?

Michelle: Because if Edmund has some new, sick trip up his sleeve, we need to know about it, both of us.

Edmund: This gift basket business better do the trick.

Carmen: I'm sure it will. Danny will see your gesture as an apology and he'll feel that you have shown him the proper respect.

Edmund: The twisted logic of mob etiquette.

Carmen: It was necessary. It had to be done.

Edmund: Just as long as your son leaves me the hell alone.

Carmen: Oh, trust me, Edmund, by the time this day is over, Danny will have more important things than you on his mind.

Phillip: But you're sure, you confirmed it with the clerk at the desk? Oh, that's great. (Laughs) That... That's excellent. No, that's it. Thank you very much.

Beth: Good news?

Phillip: Yes, very good news. It was one of my investigators. Gus Aitoro left town last night. He is now out of Harley’s life, which means the door's open for each to be back in it. (Panting)

Ben: Admit it, man, I’m killing you.

Bill: I think you're making up for all those times I kicked your butt when we were kids.

Ben: What?

Bill: I did. I used to kick your butt in... Everything, everything.

Ben: Hey, come on, man, I got in shape a little later than you, that's all. My dad was a reporter, not an ex-football player. We read books in my house. Come on, let's go in. You got time for breakfast, right?

Bill: As long as you're buying.

Ben: All right.

Marina: Hello, boys. Don't get dressed on my account.

Gus: Okay, man, look, if you just take out my wallet, you'll see that it matches my badge, okay? I'm a cop. My ID is right in my... It's not necessary...

Cop #3: I said empty your pockets!

Gus: I heard what you said. Here you go, all right. Look... You said that my blond friend stole your notebook.

Cop: Yeah, which only has notes on every case I'm working.

Gus: Okay, so I’m sure your boss wouldn't be very happy about that, but your boss doesn't have to know. Just let me go, and I will retrieve your notebook for you.

Cop: I thought you just said you had no idea where your friend is.

Gus: No... Well, not specifically, no. But if you let me go, I'll get the notebook back for you, because I know that she's trailing someone named Eden. Does that name mean anything to you, Eden?

Eden: How did you get into my apartment?

Harley: Okay, just take it easy; I'm a cop.

Eden: Yeah, where's your warrant?

Harley: I don't have one.

Eden: You work for Charlie, don't you? I don't know why he's sending some chick to do his dirty work now, especially some one-armed chick. Usually he sends some guy named Rocco with 12-inch biceps.

Harley: Okay, well, I... I don't even know this guy, Charlie.

Eden: You know, just the same, give him a message: This girl's not going anywhere.

Harley: I don't work for Charlie, I really don’t. I've never even met him. My name is Harley Cooper. I'm here because... because we have a friend in common, and he needs your help.

Eden: What friend?

Harley: You knew him a long time ago. His name is Gus Aitoro.

Eden: Gus who?

Harley: Aitoro.

Eden: Never heard of him.

Harley: Oh, yeah, well, you probably would have known him by another name. Nick, Nick August or Augustino or something.

Eden: Nicky? You know Nicky? Oh, my God, where is he?

Harley: Well, up until a few days ago, he was living in Springfield... With me.

Eden: How is he? Is... is he okay? I've been looking for him forever. Oh, my God, Nicky, you got to tell me everything about him. So, you say he's living in Springfield?

Harley: Um-hmm, yeah, with me.

Gus: All right.

Cop: Eden, huh?

Gus: Yeah.

Cop: That chick gets around.

Gus: Fabulous, then you know her.

Cop: She's a rent squatter among other things. Royal pain in the butt. I just busted her the other day. Your girlfriend is asking about her, too.

Gus: Okay, what did you tell her?

Cop: To ask someone at the house. I was on my break, so she stole my notebook, little witch.

Gus: Okay, okay, so, is Eden’s address in the notebook?

Cop: What's your name again?

Gus: Aitoro, it's Gus Aitoro.

Cop: Is this business or personal...

Gus: You must let me go, man, and I will get your notebook back, okay? Because if you give me the address, I’m sure that's where she went.

Cop: No, you know what, I think I'm going to book you. Then I’m going to go over there and book blondie, too.

Gus: Well, why don't you do that? Then blondie and I can tell your boss how you managed to get your little notebook stolen from under your nose. Yes? No? Maybe?

Bill: Hey, Marina, how's your summer going?

Marina: Oh, it's not bad. How come we never see you around the beach club, Bill? I ask Ben about you all the time. He never seems to know where you are.

Bill: Well, I’ve been busy with working, stuff.

Ben: Yeah, don't ask what kind of stuff. Bill's a man of mystery these days.

Bill: Nice that you're asking about me, though.

Marina: Oh, yeah, sure. Any friend of Ben’s is a friend of mine.

Ben: Yeah, yeah, Marina, speaking of the beach club, I think you're a little late for work, aren't you?

Marina: Isn't he amazing? He is just so amazing. Yes, I’m late for work. It's because my dad is watching this place while grandpa's away, and it's a total mess because we're shorthanded...

Frank: You know what, Marina, I need... Oh, hi. Hey, guys. Hey, what's up?

Ben: Hey, Frank. How's it going?

Frank: Good, man, good, good. Hey, Bill. It's actually a little crazy inside, so, anyway. Hey, Ben.

Ben: Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you what a great job Marina's doing at the beach club...

Marina: Yeah, and I’m late, and I got to get over there now.

Frank: Well, thanks... thanks for saying that, but, uh, listen, I need a favor. Do you mind covering for her for a couple of hours? I got to do a little something for my sister and... I mean it won't take long.

Marina: Dad, what about Jude? I can't babysit and run the entire restaurant.

Frank: I'll bring Jude with me. Don't worry about it. Is that all right with you? Can you do that for me?

Ben: Yeah, not a problem. And I'll tell you what, I'll make a call, and I can get her covered for the next three hours. Will that work?

Frank: Totally. I appreciate that. Customers are waiting. Why... why don't you buy the guys some breakfast? But uh... Put your shirts on first.

Bill: Still doesn't let you off the hook, Reade. You go buy next time, all right?

Ben: All right, all right.

Marina: Oh, no, no, no. Why don't you guys eat your breakfast out here? I mean, I could... I could bring it outside to you. It could be like... A picnic. It's a beautiful day, right?

Bill: Uh, I don't know about Mr. Fitness here, but I could use some air conditioning.

Marina: Yeah, see, that's the... That's the thing, though. The air... The air, it's kind of not working very well, so...

Bill: What's the problem? You're acting like we're the board of health. Do we smell or something?

Ben: You smell.

Marina: Fine, come in, whatever.

Michelle: How did Edmund get this? I mean, is this this one that we made? Did he break into our house? He's been shooting videos through our windows?

Danny: No, of course not. He probably got it from Carmen. You know, she's got tons of these...

Michelle: Right.

Danny: ...That we gave to her.

Michelle: Right, Carmen, okay. So, we can assume that Carmen gave this to Edmund. It still doesn't explain why he sent it to us. What's this? Danny, that's you.

Gus: All righty, you just give me the address, and I will give you the notebook.

Cop: Is that a bribe?

Gus: No, dude, it's not a bribe, it's a suggestion. (Laughs)

Cop: It sounds like a bribe to me. You know, before I was just yanking your chain about busting you. But now you're really ticking me off.

Gus: Just a tough guy, Sal. You're a tough guy. Why don't you just slow down, take it easy, think about what you're talking about, okay? Think about what you're doing.

Cop: I will think about it. I'm not sure I’m hearing you right, but it sounds to me like you're resisting arrest.

Gus: Can I resist arrest? Oh, my God!

Cop: Is this guy giving you a problem, Sal?

Gus: No, sir, he's not. I'm trying to talk to Sal... Hey, that’s... that's my dad right there.

Cop: Excuse me, come again?

Gus: That's my dad on the wall, third picture over from the left. Joe August, he was Chicago PD, detective third grade. Joe August.

Cop: Your old man was on the job? Yeah, right.

Gus: He's my father. He wasn't only on the job, he was the best cop this town has ever seen. Joe August, nobody... Does that ring a bell with anybody, Joe August? He had a little kid named Nick, Nicky? Nicky August, that's me.

Eden: Well, then, why didn't he come find me himself? He's not... He's not sick or something?

Harley: No, he's fine.

Eden: Well, then, why didn't he...

Harley: Because he doesn't actually know that I’m here. And he wouldn't be too happy if he found out. See, Nick hasn't actually told me anything about you, Eden.

Eden: Nothing?

Harley: No, I had to go through other channels. He's very protective of you.

Eden: That's Nick.

Harley: Yeah, that's Nick. Still taking the rap for a mistake you made all those years ago. At great personal cost, I might add.

Eden: Mistake? I have..

Harley: ...No idea what I’m talking about? Please don't insult me.

Eden: Insult you? Excuse me, you are the one that broke into my apartment.

Harley: Yeah, with news you were pretty happy to hear. Look, let me recap this for you, okay? There's a fight, a fall from a roof, big lie. Any of this ringing a bell for you? Your boyfriend takes the rap for you and does your time, and you are off scot-free to wreak more havoc, and to make a shining success of yourself with the opportunity you're given.

Eden: Who do you think you are?

Harley: Do you have any idea what this has done to Gus, you not coming clean?

Eden: His name is Nick.

Harley: His name is Gus. He's trying to make a whole new life for himself, only this criminal record he's got is ruining everything!

Eden: How's that?

Harley: Because my ex-husband found out about it. And he doesn't think that Gus is fit to live with our child, and he has started a custody battle.

Eden: So, how is that my problem?

Harley: Because the truth that Phillip found out is the lie that Gus has been telling to protect you! Get it? It's got to stop, Eden. It is costing him too much.

Eden: Costing him or costing you?

Harley: We are together now. It's the same thing.

Eden: Okay, explain something to me. If this record that Nicky supposedly has-- if this happened when we were both kids-- then wouldn't that make it a juvenile record? And don't they usually seal those things up so they don't come back to haunt you?

Harley: Usually.

Eden: Well, then how'd your ex get his hands on Nick's record?

Harley: Because he pulled some strings.

Eden: Isn't that illegal?

Harley: Yes, it is illegal! But that has never stopped Phillip or his family before. And right or wrong, Eden, this is where we are now, okay? You, you, are the only person who can help Gus.

Eden: Look, I don't know Gus, I know Nick, and that is all I know.

Harley: Look, listen to me. I am not... I'm not asking you to come back to Springfield, in a legal sense, okay. I just... I just want you to come back for one day, okay, one day out of your precious social schedule. Just tell Phillip the truth.

Eden: Oh, your ex, the one that plays by his own rules?

Harley: Yes! Tell him that Gus never pushed anybody off a roof. He was saying that to protect you. That's all.

Eden: Well, if it's that simple, then why doesn't Gus go do it himself?

Harley: Because he's still honoring a promise that he made to you years ago! Because that is the kind of guy he is! My God, Eden, he saved your butt once. Isn't it your time to return the favor?

Eden: Well, I guess if you put it that way. Nope, I can't do it.

Phillip: No, that's fine. Just... just delete that paragraph and send the letter. Yeah. Okay. Sorry.

Beth: Do you mean it? You're not going to prevent Harley from seeing Zach anymore?

Phillip: There's no reason to if Aitoro’s out of the picture.

Beth: Oh, thank heavens.

Phillip: When... when did you become such a champion of Harley’s?

Beth: Oh, Phillip, Harley and I have pretty much settled our differences. And besides, even when I was my most annoyed with her, I still thought she was a terrific mother. And I certainly know how I would feel if you were to keep me from our kids.

Phillip: (Grumbles)

Beth: Well, my goodness, you did that, didn't you? (Laughs)

Phillip: Yes, I did. Why did I... Why would I do something? Oh, that's because you were married to a sociopath. And I don't think that Gus Aitoro is much better than Edmund was, I don’t...

Beth: Oh, you're comparing apples and oranges. Gus Aitoro didn't even do what you're accusing him of.

Phillip: That... That's according to Harley. You know, why are we talking about this? It doesn't matter, it's history, he's gone. Zach can go back to Harley.

Beth: Do you mean that... That... (Stammers)

Phillip: Yes, he can move back in with her. Yes, why not? Of course.

Beth: Oh, Phillip. (Laughs)

Phillip: Now, I’m suddenly a nice guy again.

Beth: You are a nice guy, you are. And you're a very sexy one, too.

Carmen: Your loony tunes ex is across the room. Why don't we give her a show?

Edmund: Beth would never be jealous of you, Carmen.

Carmen: Oh, I don't know about that. I'm sure that deep down inside she still cares about you just a little bit.

Edmund: No. I meant Beth would never be jealous of you, Carmen, period.

Carmen: Oh, ouch. I see someone is still cross with me. How long are you going to hold onto this grudge? Just because I sided with my own son?

Edmund: Just as your son was about to kill me. For some reason, that sticks in my craw. Now, enjoy your meal. I seem to have lost my appetite.

Carmen: Oh, dear, dear, he's upset. What should I do for you? Should I buy you some chocolates and flowers? Oh, I know, a nice gift basket.

Edmund: Why don't you eat some of Danny and Michelle’s? If there's any justice, the lot of you will choke on the chocolate.

Carmen: If there's any justice indeed.

Michelle: Danny, tell me that that is not you threatening Edmund. It's a wooden threaten, actually. I mean, it looks...

Danny: Michelle...

Michelle: It looks like you're getting ready to...

Danny: Hey.

Michelle: No, no, forget it. I can't take it anymore.

Danny: Honey, I know what that tape looks like.

Michelle: Yeah, what it looks like is garbage. This tape, it’s... it's obviously a fake. It's not even a good one at that. I don't know how Edmund put this together, but I guarantee you, Carmen had something to do with it.

Danny: (Sighs) Yep, she must have.

Michelle: When is your mother going to stop breaking us up, Danny? You know what her plan was, don't you? She wanted me to look at this tape, go ballistic, and then it would be the end of us. Well, sorry, Carmen, no cigar.

Danny: I'm sorry.

Michelle: Why are you sorry... You didn't do anything.

Danny: Because... Just... You had to see that. I'm going to talk to Carmen...

Michelle: Yeah, for the hundredth time, it doesn't do any good. I wish we could put your mother on a tape, freeze her permanently.

Danny: (Laughs) Come on. I will make sure that she doesn't get away with this, okay?

Michelle: I'm just glad that we saw through this...

Danny: Me, too.

Michelle: ...Before it did any damage. Look, could you stay here until Rick gets back from his tests, because I just suddenly feel this overwhelming need to check on my son.

Danny: Honey, he's fine. I'm sure he's fine.

Michelle: I know. But I just need to look at his face all the same, okay?

Danny: Okay. All right, give him a hug for me, okay?

Michelle: I'll see you at home.

Danny: Well... Hey, what are you going to do with... What are you going to do with the tape?

Michelle: I'm going to throw it in the incinerator, like the trash that it is...

Danny: Well, hold on, maybe... Just, why don't you... I want to take another look at it.

Michelle: Why?

Danny: Because I want to see... Try to figure out how Carmen did that.

Michelle: Danny, who cares? It's over and it's done with. We're just going to forget about it, okay?

Gus: All right, come on, you guys. Somebody's got to recognize the name Joe August, right? Lead detective in Chicago, Organized Crime Task Force? No? He was mowed down by Miguel Santo’s people right in the street, cold blood?

Cop #1: We all knew Joe August, all right?

Cop #2: Or we know of him.

Gus: Okay. Well, I'm Nicky August. I'm telling you straight.

Cop #3: Yeah, how come you said your name was Aitoro before?

Gus: Because I changed my name. I was working undercover with the FBI... It's a long story. Look. I'm Nicky August. I was a skinny, little kid. I used to... The ball games, the ball games, they used to let me throw the first pitch out all the time. (Stammers) I know you. I know you, you're Bobby. Bobby, first baseman. And, Bobby, there was a night... There was a night, one night, the ball popped up, it did a weird... It hit you in the eye. It gave you a huge shiner on your face, no? Does that... Isn't that... And you. I would... Did you play cards with my dad? You used to play poker in the back room at Romano’s. He never liked hoagies, he only liked roast peppers and provolone heroes. That was his thing.

Cop #1: Sal, he's telling the truth!

Gus: I'm telling the truth...

Cop #1: This is Joe’s kid! (Laughs)

Gus: Yes.

Cop #1: Hey, Nicky! (Laughter) (talking at once)

Gus: I'll take a rain check, man. I'm just looking for this chick. I'm looking for... Two chicks...

Cop #3: Nah, hey, that can wait. This is more important. Come on. (Talking at once) Get this guy some coffee.

Gus: I got to take... Look, I would love to. I can’t.

Cop #3: Oh, come on, how about a hero? Provolone, roasted peppers? (Laughter)

Eden: See, I'd really like to help you, Hayley.

Harley: Harley.

Eden: (Laughs) Whatever. But I can’t.

Harley: Because?

Eden: Because you have no idea the can of worms you'd be popping open.

Harley: I told you no one will press any charges against you.

Eden: I wasn't talking about me.

Harley: Then who, me? I don't understand. How could your coming back to town be any worse for me?

Eden: Well, think about it. Me and Nick seeing each other after all this time? Are you sure you want to do that to yourself?

Harley: Do what?

Eden: Honey, me and Nick was intense. I mean, he told you, right? Because you guys are so close?

Harley: Maybe you weren't listening before. I said he told me the bare bones about you, Eden.

Eden: See, that's what I don't get. I mean, why he wouldn't be honest with you if you guys were so tight?

Harley: Because he made a promise to you.

Eden: Oh, promise, shmomise. If a guy is that gone on you, he doesn't keep... (Laughs) ...But I mean, hey, I mean, who am I to say? I have no idea what goes in on that naughty little brain of his. I mean, so, we were inseparable, couldn't get enough of each other. But that was ages ago. I mean, who knows, if we saw each other again, maybe we wouldn't want to rip each other's clothes off...

Harley: If there's a point, could you get to it? I'm parked at a meter.

Eden: No point, just a question. How much of a gambler are you? Are you sure you want to bring me back into Nick's life? Are you sure you're ready for the consequences? Because if he hasn't spilled the truth to you by now, then who do you think he cares more about, Hayley, you or me?

Harley: Well, I guess we're going to find out.

Phillip: I can't reach Harley at any of her numbers.

Beth: Maybe she saw your number on the caller ID and isn't picking up. Don't look so annoyed with me. You took the woman's son away from her. You filed charges against her. Her career is on the line because of...

Phillip: I'm calling her with good news, okay?

Beth: She doesn't know that.

Phillip: Well, if she picked up her phone she would, wouldn't she?

Beth: Did you leave her a message?

Phillip: Yeah, I left her a message. I left... Everywhere, I left her a message.

Beth: Then she'll get back to you, when she feels like it.

Phillip: All right, I’m feeling the chill of your disapproval over here.

Beth: Phillip, if I thought Gus were bad news-- violent and dangerous-- I would be the first to say keep Zach away from him. I have my own history with domestic abuse, remember?

Phillip: I know you do. That's why I don't... I don't know why you don't see this my way.

Beth: What I see is a man who cares too much sometimes. A man who wants everyone to do things the right way, his way. A man who is just like...

Phillip: Don’t... don't... Don't say it. Don't say like my father. (Laughs)

Beth: I know you feel things intensely, just like Alan...

Phillip: You know what, I feel there are some things-- particular things-- I feel very intensely. Do you? Give me that.

Beth: (Laughs)

Phillip: Do you feel things intensely?

Beth: I think you're trying to change the subject.

Phillip: Is it working?

Beth: (Laughs) Maybe.

Phillip: I can't help it. I can’t... I can't think of anything more interesting than being with you. How's that?

Beth: Well, when you put it that way. (Laughs)

Phillip: How did I ever live without you? You still got your wedding ring?

Beth: Which one? Yours! Yes, of course. It's in my jewelry box.

Phillip: Good. You never know when you might need it. (Mexican music plays) Hey?

Beth: What?

Phillip: You okay? Where'd you go?

Frank: Hey, Phillip, Beth. Listen, I got your message for Harley at Company. Something about taking Zach back, right?

Phillip: Uh, yeah, how did you know that? I thought I was pretty vague.

Frank: Well, I ran into Gus Aitoro last night on his way out of town. So, I... I know that you're ready to give Zach back to Harley, and she's dying to see him, so, where is he?

Phillip: Well, if Harley is so grateful to have him back, why didn't she come down here and get him herself?

Frank: Did I say grateful? Because that's kind of like the last word I'd choose right now.

Phillip: Well, if Harley is so eager to have him back, why didn't she come get him?

Frank: She's a little uneasy walking back in here.

Phillip: Harley is uneasy? Since when?

Frank: Since someone didn't formally drop the charges against her.

Beth: You haven't?

Phillip: Oh, come... It's just a formality. The lawyers will take it... Wait a minute. Let me make sure I got this right. Harley sent you down here in her place to get Zach, is that the deal?

Frank: Phillip, I would just like to babysit my nephew until she's free. I mean, you don't have a problem with that, do you?

Phillip: Uh, actually, Frank, yeah, I do.

Phillip: You know, Frank, Harley and I have another arrangement that you may or may not know about. It's sort of a right of first refusal when it comes to babysitting. So, if Harley can't take care of Zach this afternoon, I guess it will be me.

Frank: Spend some time with your son, huh?

Phillip: Yeah, you know, as much as I can.

Frank: Well, good for you. Then where is he? I don't see him.

Phillip: He's down at the pool right now.

Frank: Oh, doing a little long distance bonding, are you, Phillip?

Phillip: Frank, when Harley’s ready to come get Zach herself, have her give me a call.

Frank: Just a welsher on top of everything else.

Phillip: Oh, now, see that hurts.

Frank: See, I know that you went to Aitoro’s motel room last night, practically forcing him out of town. Telling him that's about the only way that Harley’s going to get to see her baby again...

Phillip: Wait, wait a minute.

Frank: But now you can't uphold your end of the deal...

Beth: You did what?

Phillip: I know he's exaggerating wildly. I did not force Gus into doing anything.

Frank: I'm sorry. You know I stand corrected. My mistake. You bribed him.

Beth: Bribed him? Bribed him how?

Frank: How do you think, Beth? With money, a big, fat wad of it... He didn't tell you that?

Phillip: Frank, tell me that you think he was an appropriate partner for your sister. Tell me how much you loved having him as a part of your family. Good God, you thought so much of him, you accused him of molesting your daughter.

Frank: That's not important right now.

Phillip: Really? Sure as hell was important before. Important enough for you to come over and ask me to get his juvenile file open for you. And then when we do that, what do we find out? In addition to all his other charms, he happens to be a murderer. And you're... You think I'm the bad guy here? Come on.

Frank: Looks like I’m not the only one. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, huh, Beth?

Phillip: Don't start. I am not going to apologize for what I did.

Beth: I'd reconsider that if I were you.

Bill: Hey, little cousin. What's going on?

Marah: Oh, just trying to figure out classes for next semester. Why don't you sit? Hi, Ben.

Ben: Hey. You sure we're not interrupting anything here?

Marah: Well, yeah, you are...

Bill: Come on, but we don't care. Besides it's easier for Marina, one table, right?

Marina: Thanks.

Marah: Oh, actually, Marina, I was just talking to your dad about how much I used to love your family's diner when I was a kid. I was so sad when it burned down.

Ben: Yeah, man, I used to love that place, too. You know who used to take me there all the time was Miss Spaulding.

Bill: Alexandra Spaulding would take you to the Fifth Street Diner? I would've thought she could have done better than that. No offense, Marina.

Marina: Whatever.

Ben: No, no, it was back when we used to live with her. She used to have the car come pick me up at school, and she asked me if I had a lot of homework. Of course I'd say no. She'd say, "Good, and let's get a snack on the way home." And she would take us there, we'd get dessert at the diner. She'd talk with your dad and your grandfather, and I would stare at your mom.

Bill: Oh, Eleni was beautiful.

Marina: Gross.

Bill: That was around the time my dad was married to Nadine.

Marina: Yeah, so it's like we're all related or something, huh? (Laughter)

Marah: Eleni, huh? And here I thought you only had eyes for Michelle.

Bill: Hey, you know what they say about women? Like a bottle of red wine. It only gets finer with age.

Marina: Okay, okay, I’ve heard enough of this. I'm going to get you guys some menus.

Bill: All right. So, how's things at the house with Cassie and everything?

Marah: As well as can be. You know, my dad is out of town, so it's kind of hard. He's the one who usually holds everything together.

Bill: Listen, I’m going to be... I'm going to be off for a few days, so if you or Shayne, you need anything, just... Give me a call, all right?

Marah: Thank you.

Ben: So, let's see what class you're taking this year. American Lit, Art History, Italian.

Bill: Italian? Wait a minute. Is that fair? You lived there when you were a kid.

Marah: Exactly.

Marina: You lived in Italy? Wow.

Marah: Well, I was really young, and my dad and... Moved Shayne and I out there. It was long story, but it was a difficult time for us.

Marina: Wow, Marah, you've just led like this totally fairy tale life, haven't you?

Marah: A fairy tale? (Scoffs) Hardly. I mean, growing up as Josh and Reva’s daughter isn't exactly easy.

Marina: Yeah, but I mean like even... even the stuff that was really bad, it was just so dramatic. You know, like your mom drove off that bridge, and then she was like a princess and...

Marah: Yeah, well, I would have traded all that for a mother who just would have stayed home and baked cookies all day.

Marina: Yeah, well, my mom baked just about everything and she still managed to screw up my life. But, I mean, just admit it. It's like you've led this charmed life, you know. I mean, last year, it was like Tony Santo and Sam Spencer practically fought over you. And then Tony who is just... He's absolutely gorgeous, right? I mean, he like goes to prison to protect you? That's just... It's the most romantic thing...

Ben: Marina, Marina.

Marina: ...I've ever heard. It's wonderful.

Marah: Uh, you know what, guys? I got to get going. My car's in the shop, I took the bus here, so you know how that goes...

Ben: Hey, I’ll drive you home, I'll drive you home.

Marina: Ben, how? You... you... You ran here, didn't you?

Ben: No, Bill and I met here. My car's in the parking lot.

Marah: Uh, Ben, you know what, you don't have to.

Ben: Of course I do. Come on.

Marina: (Mutters) Of course he does.

Bill: Hey, look, you guys I’m going to stay here. I'm going to take Marina's dad up on that free breakfast.

Marina: Oh, no, no, no. Why don't you go with them? You want to see your family, don't you?

Bill: Not really.

Marina: Come on.

Bill: No, I’m kidding. I'll see them later, all right?

Ben: Great. Okay, Marina, I'll see you at work in an hour-and-a-half.

Marina: Oh, Ben, do you think maybe you could give me a ride... No, he probably thinks it would be character building for me to take the bus. What does he see in her? I'm sorry, I know she's your cousin, but...

Bill: Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's no problem. I don't think she's interested in him anyway. I wish I could do something to help you.

Marina: Well, you could. Why don't you convince him that I’m not too young for him? I mean, what's the big deal?

Edmund: Well, I hope I'm not... Where's your brother-in- law? He didn’t...

Danny: He's having some tests done.

Edmund: So, he's still in good health then?

Danny: Hm-hmm.

Edmund: Good. Well, I see you've got my basket of goodies. I hope it conveyed my message adequately.

Danny: Oh, yeah, yeah, I got the message loud and clear.

Edmund: The selection of cheeses to your liking?

Danny: Fine.

Edmund: And the fois gras?

Danny: (Laughs) I'm sure it will be delicious.

Edmund: So, then, everything's all right, right?

Danny: You know, Edmund, Edmund, I feel bad about what happened the other day, about our little misunderstanding.

Edmund: You do?

Danny: Yes, I do. And I'm glad that you stopped by because I... I think we should clear the air. But not here. Why don't we... Why don't we go for a walk?

Edmund: Right now?

Danny: No time like the present.

Carmen: Michelle. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I startle you? The door was open. I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd drop in and visit with Robbie. Michelle, is there something wrong?

Michelle: No, Carmen, nothing's wrong. Absolutely nothing. I love Danny and Danny loves me. And everything between us is just fine.

Carmen: I'm very happy for you.

Michelle: Do you want to know why it's fine? Because Danny and I trust each other.

Carmen: How rare is that these days? So, Robbie is...

Michelle: Jennifer took him to the park. And if you had bothered to call first, you could have saved yourself a trip.

Carmen: Michelle, are you sure something is not bothering you?

Michelle: You mean am I upset by this? This tape that you sent us, the obvious forgery? No, Carmen, I don't give a damn about this. Sorry to burst your bubble. But another one of your pathetic attempts to break Danny and me up has just failed miserably.

Beth: First you separate Harley from her son, making her so crazy that she broke into the house to see him. That you bring her up on charges for, and now you're blackmailing her boyfriend to get him to leave town?

Phillip: I was doing what was in the best interest of my son.

Beth: Zach is fine. Harley is fine.

Phillip: They are now.

Beth: And although I barely know him, I am willing to bet that Gus Aitoro is fine, too. No, the only person in this picture who needs to take a long, hard look at himself is you, Phillip.

Phillip: Wait a minute.

Beth: No.

Phillip: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute... Don’t... Beth.

Frank: Kind of tough to hear the customers out here.

Marina: Lynn's here. She took over for me. Where's Jude?

Frank: I dropped him off at the Bauer’s.

Marina: Did you do what you needed to do for Harley?

Frank: I tried.

Marina: Hey, she's lucky to have you. You're always looking out for her.

Frank: She needs to get here soon, because there is some things that she needs to take care of herself.

Harley: News flash, Eden. I'm not scared of losing Gus to you or anybody else.

Eden: Nicky.

Harley: Whatever. Because even though you claim to care so much about him, the truth is, when the going got rough, you turned your trashy, little tail and ran away without so much as a thank you. Whereas me, I've had Gus' back on countless occasions. And considering the way he's been there for me, through the good times-- which were fabulous-- and the bad times-- which weren't so bad because he was holding my hand-- I don't see any reason at all why you shouldn't come back to Springfield with me. As a matter of fact... As a matter of fact, I say bring it on.

Eden: My, aren't you a tough, little cookie. But you know, I think there's one more part of this scenario that you've overlooked, Harley.

Harley: Really? I think I'm right on target.

Eden: Are you sure? Because if Nicky has protected me all these years... What did you say, great personal cost, then how do you think he's going to feel when he finds out that you went against his wishes and tracked me down? (Knock on door)

Gus: Eden, are you in there?

Eden: It's Nick.

Gus: Eden.

Eden: Nicky. It's really you. I never thought I'd see you again.


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