GL Transcript Wednesday 8/7/02

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/7/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: Hey. So did you find out where they took Rick?

Michelle: Yeah, he had to get some more tests done on the third floor, but the nurse said he shouldn't be long.

Danny: What's the matter? You look worried. What? Come on.

Michelle: The hospital staff is already starting to gossip about what happened to Richard. We just, you know, don't want Rick to accidentally overhear.

Danny: He's going to find out, honey, eventually. And it's going to be tough to hear, no matter when he finds out.

Michelle: I just... I just cannot believe that Reva is the one who turned off Richard’s ventilator.

Danny: (Sighs) I'm just glad it wasn't Mel.

Michelle: What a shock for Cassie, though.

Danny: Hey, you did the right thing. When you thought it was Mel, you did everything to protect Rick from that kind of stress. That was right.

Michelle: He wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Danny: No. You were ready to put your career on the line by lying to Dr. Grant, and that was the right thing to do. Thank God you didn't have to, but...

Michelle: Well, Rick is my brother, and I would have done anything that I could have done to keep him and Mel together. You know, I had to put my family first.

Danny: That's right. I know that one real well.

Edmund: Odd place for a rendezvous.

Carmen: You got my message.

Edmund: I'm here, am I not? What's this all about, Carmen?

Carmen: A peace offering. This is from the warehouse security camera.

Edmund: Oh, right. The visual proof that your son came this close to murdering me last night with your blessing.

Carmen: You're still upset, Eddie, I understand. But this will make everything all right again for you and me.

Edmund: How?

Carmen: Danny and Michelle are visiting with Rick. All we have to do is make sure this videotape gets into Michelle’s hands. Once she sees how willing Danny was to kill...

Edmund: To kill me.

Carmen: ...She'll leave him, without a doubt.

Edmund: Excuse me, Carmen, but wasn't it Michelle’s family that Danny was trying to protect? Isn't it possible that she might see him as a hero?

Carmen: Oh, no, no, no. The Bauer’s would never tolerate Danny’s level of commitment. Trust me, as soon as this videotape is finished, you will have your revenge on Danny for what he did to you, and I will have him rid of Michelle once and for all.

Edmund: Trust you? Trust? Never! Carmen, Danny is no fool. He'll see my hand in this in a flash, and then come after me again.

Carmen: Not necessarily.

Edmund: Well, those aren't odds that I'm willing to play. I know what your son is capable of, and quite frankly, I know how amenable you are to letting it happen, so as I’m quite fond of breathing, you can forget about your little scheme right now.

Blake: Ross, I thought you'd be at work.

Ross: I didn't have a court date on my schedule, so I took the day off.

Blake: Oh, to do something with the kids?

Ross: No, Clarissa's with Holly; I sent the boys to the Malone’s.

Blake: Just like that?

Ross: Yes, just like that, because today we need the house to ourselves.

Blake: What for?

Ross: To say good-bye.

Nun: I have something for you.

Harley: You remembered something else about Eden?

Nun: Oh, no. Here, to take with you.

Harley: Thank you. Thank you, sister. Thank you for letting me stay here last night. It's a really big help. But before I go, could you just... Could you just look at these pictures one more time? See if there's anything... anything at all that you remember about her. Anything.

Nun: Oh, no, I'm sorry.

Harley: See, I have to find her because I have to clear my friend's name or I will lose custody of my son.

Nun: Oh, mercy, this is important to you. Oh, believe me, Hannah.

Harley: Harley.

Nun: Harley, of course. I wish there was more I could do to help.

Harley: But you can't.

Nun: No, I'm sorry.

Harley: Okay, so, I’m going on a first name only, Eden; the fact that she went to school here about a million years ago; she might still live in Chicago, who knows; a couple of pictures.

Nun: Uh-huh. It's a start, at least.

Harley: Yes. Well, it's going to have to be enough because I’m doing this on my own.

Nun: Well, what about your friend, the man whose name you're trying to clear?

Harley: He can't help me with this.

Nun: Where are you going now?

Harley: I'm not sure. I think maybe I'll start with some police stations, see if they can help me out a little.

Nun: Bless you and good luck.

Harley: Thank you. Great.

Nun: How many years has it been, nine or ten?

Gus: Oh, I think it's more like 15, sister.

Nun: Oh, and you've hardly changed a bit, um...

Gus: Gus. But I was Nick, actually, when you knew me, sister.

Nun: Well, why aren't you Nick now?

Gus: Well, it's a long story. So I came here to talk to you about Eden.

Nun: You, too? You're the second person in as many days interested in Eden.

Gus: Is that right? Well, that's who I’m here to see.

Nun: Oh. You just missed the young lady.

Gus: I just... Right now? I just missed her right now?

Nun: Yeah.

Gus: Oh, damn it. God, I was... I didn't... Sorry.

Nun: You didn't find her.

Gus: No, I didn't. I was just... I went three blocks every direction. She probably rented a car or something.

Nun: Oh.

Gus: Did she say where she was going, direction?

Nun: To a police station, I think. She said it was very important that she find Eden because she has to clear her friend's name and get her son back.

Gus: Right.

Nun: You're that friend, aren't you?

Gus: Was she asking a lot of questions about Eden?

Nun: One after the other. I couldn't answer most of them. I could hardly remember Eden’s name, though that picture helped. Oh, your friend is a very determined young lady and very pretty.

Gus: Yeah, yeah, she is. Yeah.

Nun: I think she'll find Eden.

Gus: You do?

Nun: Well, she seems very unwilling not to, even though she said she has to do it on her own.

Gus: Really? Is that what she said?

Nun: Nick, I may be getting on in years, and maybe I’m not as sharp as I used to be, but one thing I'm certain of, your friend Hannah...

Gus: Harley.

Nun: Harley...

Gus: It's okay, yeah.

Nun: She was depending on you for help, and you didn't give it to her.

Harley: Excuse me. I was just at the station house across the street, they said I might find some off-duty cops here.

Waitress: You got a thing for cops?

Harley: Yeah, one in particular. I'm just... I'm looking for someone who might or might not still live in the Chicago area.

Waitress: Well, that's a heck of a lead.

Harley: Yeah, I know. I wish I had more than that, but that's the best I can do. So all these guys are cops?

Waitress: Everyone in the joint; take your pick.

Harley: Excuse me. I'm looking for this girl, it's important. Have you seen her? Do you know her?

Cop #1: Can't say that I do. Ask that guy right there.

Harley: Great, thanks. Excuse me, guys, sorry. Your buddy over there said you might recognize her?

Cop #2: Nope. Never seen her before.

Harley: No. Excuse me, can I bother you for a second?

Cop #3: You just did.

Harley: Yeah, well, I’m looking for somebody. I was wondering could you help me out?

Cop #3: Yeah, I’m in the middle of...

Harley: Breakfast, I know. This will just take a second. Do you recognize her?

Cop #3: Nope.

Harley: Well, what about this one? This is her a lot older.

Cop #3: How about that?

Harley: What? You know her?

Cop #3: No, I don't know her, but I arrested her a couple days ago.

Blake: Say good-bye to what?

Ross: To the rut that we're in.

Blake: Has it been that bad?

Ross: Blake, let's not kid ourselves. We survived the nightmare that was Tory Granger, but as a couple, we never woke up. We are sleepwalking, going nowhere.

Blake: Well, it takes time, Ross.

Ross: Well, it will take forever if all we ever do is talk about the pain and the misery of the past few months.

Blake: All right, yes, it's been very frustrating.

Ross: Blake, we are stuck in a relationship of words. I proposed to you, you turned me down. Then we start talking about how deeply I hurt you by sleeping with Tory. And then we talk about how many times that you betrayed me. And then we take a small pause and we start all over again. I don't want talk anymore, I want action.

Blake: Like what?

Ross: A change. Physical, palpable change. You know, the minute that Tory was dragged out of here, you wanted to redecorate the place or move out of it or blow it up or something, and I think that is the right idea.

Blake: Okay, so this is good. You're agreeing with me.

Ross: Yes. This house is where most of our problems happened. I mean, Tory tried to kill the both of us in this house. I found you with Ben Warren in this house.

Blake: This house was originally a wedding present to your ex-wife, Carrie.

Ross: I was wondering when you'd get around to that.

Blake: (Scoffs)

Ross: More and more I think that this place is haunted, and a fresh coat of paint is not going to drive out the demons. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than that.

Blake: What do you have in mind, Ross?

Ross: An exorcism, a release, I don't know. I just... I don't know about you, but I just need some sort of a release from things like that.

Blake: The painting?

Ross: The painting. You know, a hundred years ago, when we trusted Tory and we actually wanted to help her, she went on and on about how lovely that painting is. And she said it was my impeccable taste that brought it into our house.

Blake: It was.

Ross: Yeah, well, it doesn't matter anymore, because I can't look at it without thinking about Tory, and I'm not... I'm just... I can't stand it anymore.

Blake: What are you doing?

Ross: I am going to do this.

Carmen: Oh, Eddie. Eddie, you're so tense.

Edmund: Can you blame me? Further up.

Carmen: You don't have to worry about Danny, I can take care of him.

Edmund: Yes, well, Danny nearly took care of me last night, and you seemed to think it was a capital idea.

Carmen: I am trying to make amends.

Edmund: No, you're not, Carmen. You're trying to get me to risk my life so you can fulfill your dream of breaking up Danny and Michelle.

Carmen: Eddie...

Edmund: And I’m not going to do it, Carmen. I'm not going to do it. As a matter of fact, I have half a mind to go over there right now, find Danny, tell him about your little home video, so he can defuse the bomb before you have a chance to drop it.

Carmen: You wouldn’t.

Edmund: I would, Carmen. You used me. Now, I know we made no promises to one another. I know that we can still date other people, but there's a simple matter of respect, and you crossed the line, Carmen, and I will not allow myself to be used as a tool to pry apart Danny and Michelle.

Carmen: You're right. You're right, Eddie. I have disrespected you. But I would like to gain your trust again.

Edmund: Well, then put it on a Christmas list.

Carmen: Oh, come on, Eddie. I'm willing to prove my sincerity to you right now.

Edmund: How?

Carmen: A gesture. Garcia, I want you to take this tape and destroy it immediately. Go, now.

Edmund: Garcia... (Tape crushing) Now you may go.

Carmen: I like a man who covers the angles.

Edmund: My stock and trade. Are we done here, Carmen?

Carmen: Not quite. Oh, Eddie, I lied to you again. I would worry about Danny if I were you. As close as he came to killing you, that's how freely he would go through with it if you offended him. But you can smooth things out with Danny if you make a gesture yourself.

Edmund: What kind of gesture?

Carmen: You have to apologize to Danny and make him believe that you mean it.

Michelle: I wish they'd bring Rick back from those tests already.

Danny: Will you relax? They will. He's fine. Okay? So what do you think you're going to tell Rick about Richard when he comes back?

Michelle: I don't know. I really think I should have my dad here for that. I'm just wondering how long it's going to be before the story goes public.

Danny: Well, that's going to depend on Dr. Grant, and how he wants to proceed with this inquiry, and it's going to depend on how much noise Cassie makes. You know that.

Michelle: You don't think Cassie would bring charges on Reva, do you?

Danny: I don't know, honey, maybe. It depends on how upset she is.

Michelle: Oh...

Danny: She could.

Michelle: Reva's her sister. I just feel awful, awful for both of them. I mean, I know that Reva only did what she had to do because she probably couldn't stand to see Richard suffering anymore. I'm sure of it.

Danny: Well, it doesn't make it any easier for Cassie.

Michelle: You think Reva was wrong?

Danny: I don't know. Who am I to say? I have no idea what was going on in her head. But I mean, I can bet when she made that decision, she probably thought that she was helping Richard and Cassie. And that's what people do. They put their families first, and they deal with the consequences later. It's exactly what you did when you were going to lie to Dr. Grant; so did your father...

Michelle: Right, but there are limits, Danny.

Danny: Yeah, but who's to say what they are? Honey, it's going to... I mean, who's the judge of that?

Ray: Hey, I’m not the first visitor today.

Danny: Hey.

Michelle: Hey.

Ray: Where's your patient?

Michelle: Oh, he's getting some tests done on the third floor. I'm actually going to go check on him. I'll be right back.

Ray: Is Michelle all right?

Danny: Yeah. Yeah, she's fine.

Ray: Are you?

Danny: Yeah. Yeah, just fine. I've got a lot of stuff on my mind.

Ray: You want to talk about it?

Danny: Talk, as in what? Confession?

Ray: Is that what you want it to be?

Danny: Confession is when you regret something that you did, and I don’t. You know, it's funny that life can change so much. You get married, you have a kid, everything around you changes. And so you think that you change along with it. But then something can happen, and you find out that maybe you haven't changed all that much. (Sighs) I almost killed somebody last night, and I don't mean that as a figure of speech. I was... I was this close to putting Edmund Winslow at the bottom of the lake.

Ray: Why?

Danny: Because he made threats against Michelle and her family, and that does not fly with me.

Ray: But you didn't...

Danny: No, I didn't. It turned out that the ammunition that he was prepared to use against the Bauer’s was taken away from him, so he really wasn't a threat anymore. I let him walk. But I was ready to see him die, Ray. I guess I thought that this new life of mine would keep me from thinking that way. I guess not.

Ray: Danny, that was one isolated incident. You're obviously under a lot of stress. Look, it's easy for our minds to go to those dark places, especially when we feel threatened like that.

Danny: Right. But it wasn't just an isolated event, Ray. The truth is that if somebody were to come after my family again, I would handle it the same way, without hesitation or regret.

Edmund: So I simply stroll up to Danny and I say, "I’m sorry," and all will be forgiven? Is that it? Because if it is, Carmen, I think you've had a bit too much sun.

Carmen: Well, Edmund, you're the one that brought up respect. Threatening the Bauer’s, Danny’s other family, that was a huge insult to him. I mean, I do realize you are from royalty, and you have probably never apologize to anyone in your life before, but consider the alternative, Edmund, especially if you do offend Danny again. In other words, how badly do you want to live?

Edmund: Carmen, the idea of begging forgiveness from Danny seems a fate worse than death.

Carmen: Oh, it doesn't have to be so torturous. I mean, I'm not talking about getting down on your knees and groveling or anything like that. You don't even have to be there in person.

Edmund: All right, what do you mean?

Carmen: Well, a simple gift basket would suffice, oh, and a nice card.

Edmund: A gift bask... A gift basket? What is the card supposed to read: "Thanks for not releasing the brake"?

Carmen: Well, it doesn't have to be that explicit. Danny will understand the gesture. A proper and meaningful token of respect. If you'd like, I can arrange to have the basket sent to him.

Edmund: I suppose it's a politic thing to do.

Carmen: Good. I'll do it right now.

Edmund: No, no, no, Carmen, I'll handle this myself.

Carmen: Whatever works best.

Harley: You... you, you just arrested her? You just arrested her? Yes! Okay, what is her name? All I know is it's Eden something. Do you know where I can find her? Where is she?

Cop #3: Listen, honey, I just got off a killer 12-hour shift, okay? All I want to do right now is finish my eggs and go home to bed.

Harley: I got you. I totally get that. I just need a little information.

Cop #3: Well, you know what you should do then, go across the street to the station and get some.

Harley: Listen, I’m a cop, too, out of Springfield. I'm just working on a case. If you just give me your name, I'll go across the street, and I’ll follow up over there.

Cop #3: You know, most cops I know show a badge when they're on official business.

Harley: You know, well, if I had a badge, I’d show it. I mean, I have a badge, I do have a badge, I just don't have it here.

Cop #3: You never heard that expression "Go through channels"? Then do it.

Harley: That could take weeks. I don't have that kind of time.

Cop #3: Not my problem. All right, have a nice day. I said, "Have a nice day."

Harley: Yeah, yeah.

Cop #3: You want trouble instead?

Harley: Thanks for all your help.

Gus: Sister, I made a promise a long time ago, and I would have to break that promise if I was going to help Harley.

Nun: Well, she felt betrayed.

Gus: Well, I think she knows that I love her. And I don't know. Maybe that's just not enough. You know, so she took all this upon herself, she took the matters into her own hands.

Nun: So why are you here if Harley’s on her own, and you're not willing to help?

Gus: Sister Catherine, I'm trying to make it right. I mean, maybe it's too little, too late, I don’t... You know, but that's the case, I’m just going to have to live with it.

Nun: Oh, I wish they had sent you back to us instead of that hideous reform school. Maybe then you wouldn't be in this situation.

Gus: You would have taught me some useful lessons?

Nun: Yes. Like the fact that life isn't meant to be half lived. Now you love Hannah.

Gus: Yeah, I do.

Nun: And she loves you. She wouldn't be so angry if she didn't. So, you two have to work a way past this. It's obvious that neither one of you is willing to give up their position without a fight.

Gus: Well, how do you do that?

Nun: You fix it for both of you, if you're up to it.

Gus: Sister, I was trying to leave Eden out of it. I mean, leave her out of the mix. She complicates things. I mean, do you remember how tough she is?

Nun: I'll pray for you and Hannah.

Gus: Thank you. Thank you, sister. Sister, take this.

Nun: Oh...

Gus: No, just take it. For the kids, all right. For the kids

Nun: Where did you get so much money?

Gus: My fairy Godfather gave it to me. Oh, and those... those prayers that you're talking about, could you, because I think I’m going to need them.

Nun: (Gasping) Oh!

Waitress: They want you back at work, Sal.

Cop #3: I don't believe this. Yeah, how come I got... Hello? Hello? Hey, come back here! Hey!

Blake: Ross, I'm impressed. This is something I would do.

Ross: Stop talking! We have talked about moving on, and now we're actually going to make it happen.

Blake: By, what, throwing things out the win... The front door.

Ross: If we lose a lamp, if we lose a painting, so what? Who cares? And you know something else? This couch, that's no longer a couch. What you're looking at is a symbol. Every damn thing in this house is a symbol of how one or both of us went wrong. And I want you to tell me something. Would you ever again consider taking a bath in our bathtub after what happened?

Blake: No.

Ross: No. Blake, I want things to be right between us again, and I will do anything to make that happen.

Blake: Okay, including gutting our house?

Ross: We have tried to fix things from the top down. Let me tell you that that is not working, so let's go from the bottom up. Let's go primal and see where that leads us. It will probably lead us to this chair, wouldn't it? This damn chair where Tory sat.

Blake: That's where I gave her her infamous makeover.

Ross: Mm-hmm. And she acted like the ugly ducking who could never be made beautiful.

Blake: Yes, and I convinced her to let me try. I made it happen.

Ross: Yes, that's because she was trying to set you up. She allowed you to fawn all over her, and she believed... She made you believe that she changed.

Blake: I know, and the entire time it was an act.

Ross: And we both fell for it. So you tell me something, can you possibly stand to live with this piece of furniture?

Blake: No, I can’t. I can’t.

Ross: Yes!

Blake: Ha-ha! Okay, what next?

Ray: Danny, I know what it's like to think that killing is a way to solve your problems, I know too well. I'm a Santos, too, remember?

Danny: Right, then you should understand me, Ray.

Ray: Those are impulses, Danny, not laws of nature. You don't have to give into them.

Danny: But what if I want to? Hmm? Ray, I am not sorry for what I did to Edmund.

Ray: Would you listen to yourself?

Danny: I am listening to myself. You know, for the first time in a really long time, I'm really paying attention to what's going on inside of me. And, yeah, I was freaked out about it, I was a little scared that maybe I was turning into someone like my mother, but I'm not. I'm not... I'm not anything like her.

Ray: Murder is murder.

Danny: Ray, I would only do it to protect the people that I love. That's the bottom line.

Ray: No, the bottom line is the person you love the most, Michelle, Danny.

Danny: Well...

Ray: She would never stay with someone who believed that taking a life is a way to preserve life.

Danny: Right, but she's not the one who has to take care of this family and keep it safe.

Ray: Hey, you can rationalize this all you want, but you're wrong. And you know that's the way Michelle would feel.

Danny: If it happened, if she found out about it. But what she doesn't know can't hurt her, right? Hey.

Ray: Hey.

Michelle: Hey, you guys look so serious. What are you talking about?

Danny: Oh, nothing, just family stuff.

Michelle: That will do it.

Danny: Mm-hmm. So what's the story with Rick?

Michelle: Oh, he's going to be done in a few minutes, and he's doing great.

Danny: Good. That's what I like to hear, that my family's okay.

Edmund: One cellophane- wrapped gesture is on its way to Danny Santos, though I fail to see what a basket of cheese logs is going to do for the situation.

Carmen: You'll be amazed what effect that basket will have.

Edmund: Yes. Well, I'm late for an appointment, Carmen, but we'll be in touch one way or another. Oh, and Carmen, as loathe as I am to reassure you, I think you'll find there are other ways of weaning Danny from Michelle will present themselves, so don't fret too much over that videotape.

Carmen: I won't. Do you have it?

Garcia: Right here.

Carmen: Good, good. Oh, by the way, what tape did Edmund actually destroy?

Garcia: Some Hitchcock movie, "The Man Who Knew Too Much."

Carmen: (Laughs) Oh, Garcia, I like the way you think.

Ross: We almost have it.

Blake: All right.

Ross: Just one more time, on three. And one, two, three.

Blake: Whoo-hoo!

Ross: So, what do you think? Do you think it worked?

Blake: Do you think... You mean throwing every stick of furniture we have out into the street, did it exorcise our demons, put our past behind us, get rid of all of our troubles?

Ross: Yeah, I think that's what I’m asking.

Blake: No, I don’t. But I don't care.

Ross: You don't care?

Blake: Yeah. Do you want me to tell you why I don't care?

Ross: Yeah, I’d like to know.

Blake: Because at least we kept the rug.

Ross: Yeah. The rug would be important because?

Blake: I'm going to show you.

Ross: Mm!

Harley: Nice place. Eden Adams, 5-C. 5-C. Okay. (Knocking at door) Hello? Wow.


Cop #1: Hey, did you catch her?

Cop #3: No. You believe she clipped my notebook?

Cop #2: Oh, tough luck, Sal.

Cop #3: The captain will chew my butt over this.

Gus: That's... Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt. You guys look like a bunch of cops.

Cop #3: So what if we are?

Gus: Well, maybe you can help me.

Cop #1: What's your problem, pal?

Gus: I was across the street, I'm looking for somebody, and the desk sergeant said maybe I should come over here.

Cop #3: She? Blonde about this tall, busted up arm?

Gus: Yeah, that's right, yeah. You know her? She was here?

Cop #3: Yeah, she was. You know her, huh?

Gus: Yeah, very well.

Cop #3: Well, then you're in a world of trouble, pal.

Gus: Hey, what’s... what's going on?

cop #3: She stole something of mine.

Gus: What?

Cop #3: A notebook.

Gus: Come on. That's got to be some misunderstanding.

Cop #3: No, no, no. I saw her with my own eyes.

Gus: All right, well, she's a cop. She wouldn't steal, she wouldn't steal-- just calm down-- she wouldn't steal anything, all right?

Cop #3: That's what she said, but she didn't have a badge.

Gus: Well maybe she didn't have it with her, is that possible?

Cop #3: Yeah, you know what? I'm wondering why you know all this stuff. Let me guess, you're a cop, too.

Gus: Yeah, I am a cop. And I got a badge, all right, mouth.

Cop #3: Really? Springfield, huh?

Gus: Yeah, now do you know where she went? Does anybody know where she went?

Cop #3: No, but you're going to tell me.

Gus: I don't know. What don't you understand? I'm just asking where she went. Could you help me out here? You're cops, right?

Cop #3: Listen, smart guy, this is the lamest excuse for a detective shield I’ve ever seen, all right? Where'd you get it, the prop house?

Gus: What are you talking... This is my shield, this is my badge. You want another form of id?

Cop #3: No, no, no, you know what? Save it for the cop who's going to book you.

Gus: This is insane.

Cop #3: That's right, I’m running you in on impersonating an officer. And if you don't tell me where Blondie is, I'm going to throw in obstruction of justice, too.

Gus: Hey.

Cop #3: Now spread 'em.

Harley: What am I looking for? Oh, my God. Eden.

Eden: Lady, you want something of mine? You better be ready to fight for it.

(Door slams)

Carmen: Is it done?

Garcia: Just the way you wanted it.

Michelle: Edmund.

Danny: What? Let me see that. "Goodies for Rick, and apologies to all the Bauer’s for thinking so ill of you. Edmund."

Michelle: It's amazing, huh?

Danny: Not really.

Michelle: Well, should we open it up, or you think everything in here is poisoned?

Danny: I doubt we'll be able to get in here. It's like mummy wrapped. I'm going to go get some scissors from the nurse's station, okay? I'll be right back.

Michelle: Mm-hmm. Oh, wait, Danny, I have a... There we go. Oh, Edmund, you are such a weasel. Wow. Hmm. Wonder what kind of goody this is.


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