Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/6/02
Gus: Coop? Coop? You okay? (Knock at door) Oh, there you are. Hi.
Phillip: You and I need to talk.
Harley: Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hey, sis. You left your cell phone here. Did you know that?
Harley: Yeah, I just realized that-- stupid me. Listen, can you do me a favor and look after Jude for just a little while longer? Just a night or two.
Frank: Yeah. That's not a problem. Not a problem at all. Where are you?
Harley: Actually, I’m at the airport, in Chicago.
Frank: Chicago? Are you out of your mind?!
Harley: Okay, just listen to me.
Frank: Harley, you're not allowed to leave town, that's violation of your bail.
Harley: Frank, I found the photos, okay? The ones that you told me about, the ones of the girl that Gus is covering for? I found them, and on the back of one of them is the name of a catholic school here in Chicago, that's where I’m headed.
Frank: No, you're not. What you're going to do is you're going to get back on a plane, and get back to Springfield.
Harley: I'll be back before anybody even notices I’m gone. I have to do this.
Frank: No, you don't have to do this. Actually, it's your choice right now, and I think it's a big mistake.
Harley: Frank, I'm fighting to get my son back. The only way I can do that is to find this girl, okay? So I will be in touch. Thank you.
Reva: It wasn't Ed, it wasn't Mel, it wasn't Michelle or Danny or anyone else-- it was me. I shut off Richard’s life- support system. I ended his life. Honey, I didn't want to. Believe me, I didn't want to, but Richard wanted it. I fought it, and I prayed. I prayed so hard, but in the end, it was what Richard wanted. It was his last wish, and I had to honor it.
Cassie: No.
Reva: Yes, Cassie.
Cassie: You couldn’t. You couldn't.
Reva: Yes, once I tell you about it-- once I explain this all to you-- I know you'll understand. Oh, Cassie.
Cassie: No!
Reva: I love you so much, and I am so sorry. Cassie.
Phillip: Real nice. I will never understand what it is that Harley sees in you.
Gus: Well, you know, she doesn't much care for guys that kidnap her kids, either.
Phillip: Yeah, I know. That was an unfortunate thing. The stuff you got to do to protect your kids sometimes.
Gus: Yeah.
Phillip: Listen, anyway, that's actually what I want to talk to you about. I'm back, I've had some time to think about this, and I really would like Harley to be able to start spending some time with Zach. As a matter of fact, I’m not completely opposed to the idea of him moving back in with her.
Gus: Really? Why the sudden change of heart?
Phillip: I'm going to tell you why, because I think that this is something that you can understand. If you do, in fact, care as much about Harley as you say you do...
Gus: Why don't you lay it on me, self-righteous one?
Phillip: The fact is this: When Zach and I went away, we had a great time together, but he really missed his mom-- a lot. Which is only natural-- the only home he's ever known is with Harley. I started thinking about this. You know, the only lapse in judgment that she's ever made is getting involved with you. Other than that, she's been a hell of a good mother. I don't want to have to keep Zach away from her, unless I have no choice.
Gus: So Zach must've been really, really miserable for you to admit this.
Phillip: Hey, Gus.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Phillip: Would you like Zach to be able to go back to Harley?
Gus: Come on, Phillip, what do you think?
Phillip: I don't know, tell me. Do you care about Harley’s happiness? I don't mean just as it applies to inflating your own ego. I mean, do you genuinely care about her well-being? See, I’m willing to drop all the charges against her right now. Zach can go back tomorrow. It's up to you.
Gus: What do you mean? How is it up to me?
Phillip: It's up to you. You can make it happen. If that's what you want, there's just something you have to do to get it.
Gus: What do I have to do?
Phillip: Leave town.
Gus: Oh, right.
Reva: Cassie. Honey, let me explain this to you. Look at me. If you'd been with Richard that night... I mean... I mean, if you had been with Richard in the hospital that night, but I know you needed that break, you and the kids both needed it, and it was absolutely right for you to take it. All I'm saying is that if you had been there with him I honestly believe you would've done exactly the same thing. When you left that afternoon, I went in and I sat with Richard, and I talked to him and I told him about how much you loved him and how much you needed him. And he must've heard me because he opened his eyes. I was so excited. I told him I was going to call you and I was going to get you back here, and when I reached for the phone, he shouted no. And then his head went back on his pillows, and he passed out again. That's when Lillian came into the room, and I told her what had happened. I told her that Richard had woken up, and that he had spoken to me, and she said it was probably just a fluke, that it was some neurological thing. And that it didn't mean that he was going to get better, and that it probably would never happen again. But I didn't believe her. When she left, I went back in to Richard and I held his hand, and I told him to not give up-- "Please come back to us." And he woke up again. I don't know how... I mean, he was in such horrible pain. He was having these horrible spasms, but I knew he used sheer force of will to come back, because of the drugs he was on, and the pain... I knew that there was a reason for it. He had to tell me something, something important. Cassie, he said three words. Three words. "Help me die." "Help me die." It was so horrible, Cassie-- so horrible for him. Okay, I'll just finish explaining and then...
Cassie: I don't want to hear any more of this.
Reva: But I have to tell you. It's the only way you'll ever understand.
Gus: So if I leave town...
Phillip: Zach goes back to Harley.
Gus: Just like that?
Phillip: Mm-hmm, just like that. I don't really have a problem with Harley, I have a problem with Harley being with you. If you're gone, there's no reason things can't go back to the way they were.
Gus: Well, what if I don't want to go? What if I don't want to give her up?
Phillip: Then you're as selfish as I thought you were and you never gave a damn about her in the first place. Come on, Gus, look at yourself. Look at this place! There you go, look at her. This is actually the right companion for you. Not Harley. I think you know that. I do-- I believe that somewhere inside, you know that. Don't bring Harley and the kids down with you; let her go.
Gus: What's in it for me, Phillip?
Phillip: You mean, just the satisfaction of doing the right thing isn't enough for you? Damn. Good thing I came prepared. There you go, here's enough to tide you over while you get relocated, and then some. You're going to lose her anyway eventually, Gus. At least this way you'd have something to show for it.
Gus: How do I know that you're going to give the kid back?
Phillip: Why wouldn't I if you're not here?
Gus: Well, spite, I don't know.
Phillip: I made you my offer. Take it or leave it.
Gus: All right, you give her the kid right now-- tonight, whatever-- I will leave.
Phillip: He's already sleeping, I'm not going to disturb him.
Gus: Well, then, first thing in the morning.
Phillip: Not first thing in the morning, I want you gone by the morning. And I got a meeting until 12:00, it'll be after that.
Gus: I tell you what, Phillip. I will call her tomorrow night, okay? And if you don't, if that kid's not back in her, I swear to God, no...
Phillip: I know, you'll come back and you will rain hell all over me, I understand. Do we have a deal?
Gus: Another thing: Harley never finds out about this. All right? Ever.
Phillip: Yeah, agreed.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: Sister Catherine?
Nun: Yes.
Harley: Hi, I’m Harley Cooper. Thank you so much for seeing me. I need your help.
Nun: Please.
Harley: Actually, I’m trying to help someone else, a friend of mine, but in order to do that, I need to find a young girl who would've been a student here at St. Anne's many years ago. She'd probably be in her mid- to late-20s by now.
Nun: What's her name?
Harley: I don't know that. But I do have a picture of her. This is what she would look like now, all grown up. Do you recognize her?
Nun: No. But there is something familiar around the eyes... Or is it the nose?
Harley: Here, I have a picture of her when she was much younger. Do you recognize her?
Nun: Indeed, I do. This one is trouble. Stay away from her.
Reva: I know how hard this must be for you to hear. It's one of the reasons why I didn't want to tell you. But now that you know, Cassie, you have to know it all. Richard said it twice. "Help me die"-- he said it twice. The first time, I... I thought I misunderstood, but he used all the strength he had to say it again, clearly, so that there'd be no mistake. And I was so shocked. I said, "No, you can't possibly mean that. I can't help you die. That's not my decision to make." I said that was Cassie’s decision or God's or somebody's, but certainly not mine. He kept having these terrible spasms of pain, but yet he was able to speak to me. He pleaded with me, he said "No, it has to be you. You have to be the one to do it. Not Cassie, but you." He said, "Please don't make Cassie have to live with this because I love her too much." And that's when he had the stroke. The doctors came in and they started working on him, and they put him on that ventilator, and they said there was very little hope of recovery now. And they said that for as long as Richard was alive, that machine was going to have to breathe for him and he'd be in excruciating pain. I know those doctors and nurses hated prolonging Richard’s pain like that-- I know that-- but there wasn't anything they could do. They didn't have any choice because Richard didn't have a DNR. I know you didn't want him to suffer that way, Cassie. If you had seen him, you wouldn't have wanted it, I know that. So something had to be done; I called you on your cell phone but you didn't pick up, so I left a message, and then I went to the chapel... I went to the chapel and I prayed. I prayed, I begged God to just give me a sign, tell me what was right, don't make me have to make this monumental choice.
Cassie: I can't listen to this.
Reva: No, I called you, Cassie. I called you again and again. There was no answer. So I knew I had to do something. I went back in and I sat with Richard, and I watched him with that ventilator. And somehow, miraculously, he woke up again, only because of the machine, he didn't speak to me with words, he spoke to me with his eyes and he pleaded with me, with this message board, the board that Lillian gave me to communicate, he was able to help me spell out the word "please." Cassie, one word, and it was "please." Help me die. And then he had another spasm and that was it. I couldn't stand to see him in that agony. So I did what Richard asked me to do, what he wanted me to do. I turned the alarm off, so that no one would come in and try to revive him. And then I flipped the switch on the machine to off. And he was so still. I sat with him, and I held his hand, and I sang to him until I was sure he was calm. It was what he wanted, Cassie. I didn't do it impulsively. I thought about it and I prayed, I prayed, I prayed. I tried to call you so it could've been your decision. If Richard had been any less clear, any less certain about what he wanted, I never could've done it, Cassie. But he was certain. He was so certain.
Cassie: You're a murderer.
Chief: Hey, Cooper.
Frank: Oh, hey, Chief.
Chief: Tell me, how's your sister doing?
Frank: She's doing fine. I mean, you know, considering and everything.
Chief: Yeah. Yeah, I feel really bad about what went down the other day, cuffing her and throwing her into the cell. But I pulled some strings and I got their court date moved up.
Frank: You did?
Chief: Yeah. You don't sound too happy about it.
Frank: Oh, no, hey, no, no-- please, I think it's great. Harley will be pleased, trust me.
Chief: Well, good. I put myself on a limb for her, Frank, because Harley’s a great detective, and I want her back on my watch, but I just wish she'd sort out her personal life.
Frank: Yeah, you and me both. That court date, that's set in stone, is it? I mean, exactly when is it?
Chief: In a couple of days. I've been trying to call Harley on all of her numbers, but she's just not picking up. So why don't you find her ASAP and tell her what's happening. This is one court appearance, Frank, that she cannot afford to miss.
Frank: Okay, yeah, thanks, Chief. All right.
Harley: So she was trouble, huh?
Nun: (Sighs)
Harley: Well, what are we talking about here? Skipping class, smoking in the bathroom?
Nun: Everything and anything you can think of-- and worse. What a hellion. Oh, God forgive me for saying this, but this girl poisoned everything and everyone she came in contact with.
Harley: Really? Well, what was her name?
Nun: Isn't that strange? I can remember everything about her but that. Her name... What was her name? Nope, it's not there.
Harley: Take your time. It will come to you.
Nun: Ellen? Edna? E-something, I think.
Harley: But I couldn't help but notice, are those... Are those yearbooks over there?
Nun: Oh, yes. Every year since the school opened.
Harley: Would you mind if I look through some of those?
Nun: Oh, I'll get them for you.
Harley: From the mid-80s, I think.
Nun: Ah. Here.
Harley: Thank you so much. I don't know if she's in here. That's odd.
Nun: What is?
Harley: This picture's been cut out, so has the name. Oh, but look here. Well, listen to this. Favorite song: "Rebel Yell." Favorite hobby: Cutting class. Sounds like it could be our girl. Let me see... She might be in the year before or the year after. Look, it's the same thing. Look, this picture. And this picture. Look, this is cut out, too. This has to be the girl that I’m looking for-- it has to be. Sister, please -- please -- try to remember. What could this girl's name be?
Nun: Oh, I'm sorry. My mind is a sieve. I really must go up to my room now. I'm... I'm suddenly feeling very drowsy.
Harley: Sister, before you go, can you just recommend a hotel nearby?
Nun: Do you need a place to stay? Stay here at the convent. We have plenty of room. I'll have sister Roberta fix a bed for you.
Harley: Thank you, you're very kind. Sister? One last thing. This girl that I’m looking for, did she... Did she have a boyfriend?
Nun: Oh...
Mel: I'm so glad Rick slept through everything that went on out here.
Ed: You okay?
Mel: Ed, I knew all along that it was Reva who shut off Richard’s ventilator. Well, I didn't know for sure, but that evening in the chapel, Reva was on this rampage against God, about how Richard had begged her to help him die, and she didn't know what to do.
Ed: But you didn't share your suspicion with anyone. Why not?
Mel: Because I had the same thoughts myself. When I saw how much Richard was suffering...
Ed: But you didn't act on them.
Mel: I couldn't. He's not my family. It wasn't my decision to make.
Cassie: How dare you take it upon yourself to make that your own decision.
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: I mean, who do you think you are? God? What, because you prayed to him, you are him? Is that it, Reva? That you get to choose who lives and who dies?
Reva: That's not what it was. I... God knows I didn't want to have to be the one to make this decision. It was a terrible burden.
Cassie: But you did it anyway.
Reva: Out of love for Richard and for you.
Cassie: Listen to yourself. Listen to you. You know, it's like you love being in the know when everybody else is in the dark. It's like you've got some kind of handle on the truth that nobody could possibly understand. And then you completely justify taking matters into your own hands and making a decision that is not yours to make.
Reva: I didn't do this on my own.
Cassie: You lied to me about Richard’s job.
Reva: Because he asked me to.
Cassie: He asked you to so you just did it.
Reva: Yes.
Cassie: And then he asked you to kill him, and you go, "What the hell, I can do that, too. And Cassie doesn't need to know, she doesn't need to know, because, well, she couldn't possibly understand."
Reva: Oh, Cassie, no, that's not it. I agonized over this decision.
Cassie: Oh, God, it's so hard being you, isn't it? It is so hard being you. You are always right. Reva always knows best. She knows better about my husband than me. But you know what, Reva? This time you were wrong. This time you made a decision that you had no right to make. No right to make.
Reva: I didn't make it on my own. Richard asked me to because he didn't want you to have to make the choice.
Cassie: Do you think that makes me feel any better? Assuming that even one word you're telling me is true.
Reva: Oh, Cassie.
Cassie: Do you think it warms my heart to know that in his final hours, that he entrusted the most important decision of his life-- to end his life-- to you. And now I'm supposed to sympathize with you? Oh, yeah, you're suffering. Well, you've got your husband. You know, if you feel so right about what you've done, why didn't you tell me? When I showed up to the hospital after Richard died, why didn't you come clean?
Reva (weakly): I was going to.
Cassie: Right.
Reva: But when you came to the hospital, Cassie, you already knew he was gone. You told me about the dream you'd had, and you were so calm and so at peace with it all, and I didn't want to add to your grief.
Cassie: You did not keep this to yourself to spare me any pain. You kept this to yourself because you felt guilty, because you knew you had done something horribly wrong. Isn't that right, Reva? I mean, call it what you want, make all the excuses, but you killed Richard. My best friend, the love of my life... You took him away and I will never forgive you for that.
Reva: Cassie.
Cassie: No, I want you to go, because I don't ever want to see your face.
Reva: Cassie, you don't...
Cassie: You know, you and the Bauer’s, you took something so precious from me. You got his final moment and Rick got his heart. What do I have? What's left for me, Reva?
Nun: Did the little terror have a boyfriend? Oh, my dear, she had a whole slew of them.
Harley: But there was no one in particular? No one special?
Nun: Now that I think back, yes. There was a young man. They were very close, as a matter of fact. Inseparable, soul mates. More like partners in crime.
Harley: Who was he? What was his name?
Nun: Eden!
Harley: What?
Nun: That was the girl's name. The one you're looking for? Eden.
Harley: Eden. Eden. Eden what?
Nun: Oh, I haven't a clue.
Harley: Eden.
(Bangs on door)
Gus: Coop?
Frank: I need to talk to you.
Gus: Déjà vu.
Frank: About Harley.
Gus: Yeah, Frank, I’ve been trying to call her...
Frank: She doesn't have her cell phone. She's in Chicago right now.
Gus: What is she doing in... Wait a second, if she went to Chicago...
Frank: She's jumping bail right now, as we speak. And you know why she's doing that? She's doing that for you.
Gus: What are you talking about, Frank? How is she doing that for me?
Frank: You missing anything?
Gus: Like what? Frank, talk.
Frank: A couple of pictures of some girl that you used to care about. I mean, you used to care about her enough that you were willing to do time for her. But unfortunately, you don't care enough about my sister to come clean with her.
Gus: That's why she came here. Great.
Frank: Yeah, she's on her way to some school in Chicago right now to find this girl's name.
Gus: She's going to St. Anne's?
Frank: The Chief just told me that he's doing Harley a huge favor: He's moving up her hearing date.
Gus: That's not good.
Frank: It's going to go down in a couple days. Do you know what happens if she misses that date?
Gus: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, Frank. Look, I'm ahead of you, okay? I'm ahead of you. I want to clear up this situation just as bad as you do, okay? But if she finds the girl first...
Frank: What? What's going to happen?
Gus: You don't want to know, Frank. You don't want to know.
Ed: If it matters, I know what you're going through. Listen, why don't I... Why don't I call up Josh, have him come pick you up, take you home.
Reva: Josh is in Russia on business.
Ed: You can still call him. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to hear his voice?
Reva: I did this alone, so I have to face the consequences alone.
Ed: Yeah, but you could have your family around you.
Reva: Like my sister, who never wants to see me again.
Ed: She's in shock, sweetie. It's a lot to digest. You just got to give her time.
Reva: She accused me of being self-righteous and arrogant. She said that I betrayed her trust, that I had no right to make the decision that I made. And you know what? She's right.
Harley: Eden... Eden... there's no mention of you anywhere in these books. Look at these girls, all their dreams for the future. "Antonia’s wish: Six children-- three girls, three boys." Hmm, very ambitious. Here's Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret’s wish is to lead a life of virtue and prayer. Sounds like somebody sucking up to a nun. There's Sarah... Jill... Eden. Eden-- something about Eden. Eden... Eden's wish: "To have Nick back forever." Nick is Gus.
Frank: This one's for the record. If my sister loses her job and loses Zach, it's on your head. You got that?
Gus: She's not losing Zach.
Frank: You don't know that.
Gus: Yeah, I do know that, all right? Phillip came by just before you did and he said he'd give the kid back if I left... If I left town. You see me packing? What does it look like, Frank.
Frank: Oh, you're just going to leave that quickly, huh?
Gus: Well, Phillip made it worth my while.
Frank: Beautiful. Not only do you dump my sister, you do it for a price.
Gus: Frank, please, man, don't be an idiot. I made Phillip believe I accepted his bribe. Let him... Let him give the kid back, that's fine. I'll take this money, I'll shove it down his throat. I hope he chokes on it. Frank, we have another problem.
Frank: We just have one problem? I don't think so.
Gus: No, listen, we have to get... We have to get the kid picked up tomorrow. Okay? We have to give Phillip some sort of legitimate reason why Harley can't be there.
Frank: Don't worry about Zach. I'll pick up Zach.
Gus: Good. Good, I'm out of here.
Frank: You know, Gus, all this because you promised someone something about a half- lifetime ago.
Gus: That's right, Frank. See, my promises mean something. Listen, your sister... Your sister means everything in the world to me, Frank, okay, and I’m going to make it right. I'm going to make it all right. But... All I can tell you is if she gets to that woman first, she's going to find out what the definition of trouble really is.
Cassie: Why did you leave me? Why did you ask to die? I miss you so much. Please come back to me. Richard, come back to me.