GL Transcript Monday 8/5/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/5/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Harley: Yeah, I’ve got... I've got extra bottles in here, and there's diapers and there's his toys. But the most important thing is Buddy bear. Cannot forget about Buddy bear.

Frank: Whoa... whoa, slow down here. Where are you going?

Harley: I'm going to prove Phillip wrong; that Gus didn't kill anybody. I'm going to find that woman he's covering for.

Frank: What woman? What... what, that girl that pushed that kid off the roof? That was a zillion years ago.

Harley: But this is the only way I'm going to get Zach back, Frank. I've begged him to tell me who she is. He won't.

Frank: Well, maybe there's a good reason for that. Maybe he's just keeping everything under wraps because there's maybe more here than meets the eye.

Harley: That's exactly what I think. He promised her. Well, I didn't, so, I'm going to find her.

Frank: And where do you think you're going to start looking?

Harley: Well, I know that it took place years ago in Chicago, when he was a teenager. That's my starting point. I also know that she had to be very close to him to be willing to go to...

Frank: You know what, there's got to be a picture of her floating around somewhere. Come on, I mean... Wait a minute, maybe a picture of her... Out in the open that’s... No one's going to question.

Harley: What? What are you thinking? What?

Frank: Remember that photo that I found on Gus' file? That missing persons file from a couple of weeks ago? And I did that computer enhancement to see what she looks like today?

Harley: Right, right, and he said the case was dead.

Frank: No, it's a long shot, forget it...

Harley: It's not a long shot, it's perfect. No, no, no, I asked him, too. I asked him questions about her. He kept changing the subject. That's it! Frank, you have figured it out. That's brilliant. I'm going to go to his place. I'm going to go find that picture.

Frank: Wait, wait, you can't do that!

Tony: I don't think I heard you correctly. When did you say that concrete shipment was coming in again? When?

Man: It's coming any day now.

Tony: Any day now? I see. You want to tell my cousin, Danny, that yourself? Because he was promised there was going to be no more delays. In fact, he invited me down here to remind you of that, so...

Man: I explained to Miss Spencer.

Tony: No. No, no, no. The names on the contract may be Spencer and Winslow, but when you think Beacon Hotel, you're going to think Santos. You got that? This is our gig.

Man: I understand. I'll take care of it.

Tony: Good, that's good. Just so you do.

Marah: If you think I’m going to let you ruin my aunt's worksite like you ruined my dad's, you're crazy.

Reva: Marah? Sweetie, I have the tea. Marah?

Mel: What's this about?

Ed: Richard Winslow, how he died.

Mel: You know, too?

Michelle: I saw you, Mel, that night. And I didn't say anything because I knew what it would do to Rick and you. But now my dad wants to take the blame for you.

Mel: What... what?

Michelle: He told Dr. Grant that he turned off Richard’s ventilator.

Ed: This is done. You understand? I mean, I signed a confession. It's on record. The board has to accept this, so this protects you from any fallout.

Mel: Oh, my God, you guys think I did this?

Cassie: You... you pretended to be my friend. How could you do it? How could you kill my husband?

Ed: Look, let's go someplace quiet.

Cassie: What, someplace secret? So, you can whisper what you did?

Danny: What's going on?

Cassie: Ed... Ed turned off Richard’s ventilator. And all along, I... I thought that he died on his own, but, no, he did it. You took this in your own hands, and you murdered my husband.

Mel: Cassie, no, it wasn’t...

Cassie: It was murder. No? What was it, mercy? Compassion? Or just plain convenience? You know, Rick’s down the hall dying, needs a heart, and, hey, there's Richard!

Michelle: No, no, no, Cassie, it wasn't like that...

Cassie: Well, then what was it like, Michelle? Tell me! Am I going out of my mind? Am I delusional? Please, somebody set me straight here! What the hell happened?

Ed: Richard's life support went down.

Cassie: So now you're going to tell me it was a mechanical failure, is that it?

Ed: No, I’m not. Look, there's going to be an investigation about this. But until that point, Dr. Grant has told me to keep what I know to myself.

Cassie: So he can sweep it under the rug-- you know, one medical colleague to another. Is that it?

Ed: Cassie, you don't understand...

Cassie: Well, then make me understand, Ed! Please, I really want to understand. I want to know how the hell you thought you were going to get away with this! Tell me, Ed, I want to know.

Ed: Look, I don't... I don't know who you've talked to, who's told you what, what you know.

Cassie: Are you denying that you did this?

Ed: I want to give you all the information you need.

Cassie: Are you denying that you killed my husband?

Ed: Cassie.

Cassie: Answer me! Did you turn off my husband's life support? Did you cheat me out of his last moments on this earth? Did you do that?

Ed: Cassie, can we please go outside?

Cassie: I don't want to go outside! I want an explanation! What made you decide to play God?

Mel: Cassie, nobody decided to play God, okay? Richard was in a tremendous amount of pain. We gave him all the medication that we could.

Ed: He was terminal. You know that. You must know that.

Cassie: So, what's a few more hours, right? What's a few more days?

Ed: He was only being kept alive by a machine. That's not... Really living. At least now he's at peace.

Cassie: Well, what about his children, Ed? Are they at peace?

Ed: (Softly) No. And neither are you. But Richard is not suffering anymore.

Cassie: I can't believe this. That day at the beach, you were so nice to me and my kids. And then you turned around and you did this. You waited for me to leave the hospital, and you ended my husband's life! I didn't get to say good-bye to him. You took that away from me. My children didn't get to say good-bye to him. Who the hell gave you the right? (Alarm ringing)

Michelle: Oh, my God.

Mel: Rick.

Ed: I'll come back. It's my son...

Cassie: Go save your precious son! (Alarm continues ringing)

Reva: Oh, Cassie, it could have been so much different. It should have been so much different.

Cassie: Miss Martha’s ring is old.

Reva: Right, old, new, borrowed... I don't have anything blue.

Cassie: Me, I'm blue. (Laughter)

Reva, I am so blue. I'm so blue. Get off... Get off my lap. (Laughter)

Cassie: I am. You don't understand, I am so blue. This is terrible. The bills are piling up, things are awful.

Reva: Well, I wouldn't worry if I were you.

Cassie: What do you know?

Reva: (Stammers) Well, nothing, really. It's just something I... I gave my word that I wouldn't tell.

Cassie: Uh-uh, see, telling your sister is not breaking your word.

Reva: Cassie.

Cassie: Please, please, please...

Reva: Okay, okay, okay. Because I don't want to keep anything from you, but it's supposed to be a surprise.

Cassie: My lips are sealed. You never said a word to me about anything.

Reva: Richard took a job as a car salesman. But luxury automobiles, big ticket items.

Cassie: Well, why didn't he tell me?

Reva: Well, because he wanted to wait until he was a huge success.

Cassie: So, what does he think? I'm the little girl who needs coddling or something?

Reva: No. Maybe he thinks you're the wonderfully sexy woman that he wants to sweep off her feet. I feel so much better. Oh, I'm so glad I told you.

Cassie: You can't keep a secret from me anymore than I can keep a secret from you.

Reva: True. So, let's make a pact.

Cassie: No more secrets.

Reva: Ever. (Laughs) If only...

Edmund: God, how far the mighty have fallen. Buried in a common grave, left to molder into dust. You, who banished me to this land with the terrible swift sword of an invincible ruler. And me, threatened by a boy like Danny Santos. When just a few years ago, I had an entire army at my command. That's right, Richard. Danny Santos tried to kill me. God, do you think he'd be alive today if he tried that in San Cristobel? He'd be dead by firing squad. As dead as... as dead as you are. (Sighs) Well, I can't bring you back. But I can make those responsible pay. So, this is my solemn vow to you. I will not rest until the perpetrators of this crime are begging for mercy. And then I’ll deny them.

Frank: Sit down and listen.

Harley: Are you giving me a time-out?

Frank: You are out on bail right now for breaking and entering the Spaulding place. What the hell do you think's going to happen if you're caught breaking into Gus' motel room?

Harley: Oh, please. Gus would never report me.

Frank: What happens if Gus is not the one who catches you? Like the manager, a maid, another guest.

Harley: Am I that bad a cop? I'm going to sneak in...

Frank: If you get thrown in jail again, I won't be able to get you out this time. You're only a couple of weeks away from your hearing.

Harley: Frank, I have to find this woman, to keep my son, and to clear Gus' name. But to keep my son.

Frank: Well, what about your name? You lose your job, what, are you going to come back here and ask pop for your old waitressing job again?

Harley: I'm not going to lose my job.

Frank: Would you just stop? Just for once, just stop and think about what you're doing, not what you're feeling. If you lose your job, you're not going to be able to support your children. Now, you're going to give more ammo to Phillip, to come keep getting after you. Love and passion aren't necessarily always the same thing. I think sometimes you... you confuse the love of fighting with just... just love. I honestly believe that the most successful relationships out there are the more peaceful ones.

Harley: Well, I wouldn't know anything about that. Come on... Are you going to watch Jude for me or not?

Frank: Of course I will. But you watch your back.

Harley: You know you are the best big brother in the world. Pretty much.

Frank: Yeah, I know.

Harley: I'll call you.

Frank: Yeah, yeah, do that.

Harley: Okay.

Frank: Oh, hey, sis, you forgot your cell phone...

Tony: Thanks.

Marah: "The name Winslow may be on the contract, but this is a Santos gig." Since when is what I want to know-- when did you take over the Beacon?

Tony: I didn’t.

Marah: Oh, oh, but you're going to? You're going to lean on Aunt Cassie until you get what you want.

Tony: I am not leaning on Cassie, okay? She came to us.

Marah: Oh, really? Was that before or after you threatened to break her kneecaps?

Tony: Man, Marah, you really have a high opinion of me.

Marah: Well, you earned it.

Tony: Did you ever think that I may be helping? You know, not every problem in this town stems from the Santos family.

Marah: Tell it to the police.

Tony: The police?

Marah: Frank... Frank! Come out here!

Tony: What... what, don't do that. I'm sorry. I didn't...

Marah: Yeah, I know. I know you didn't mean to. You never do.

Edmund: Cassie? Is there anything I can do?

Cassie: You can just say I told you so and get it over with.

Edmund: Told you so?

Cassie: Yeah, the Bauer’s. They're the hypocrites that you said they are.

Edmund: Oh, so you know.

Cassie: Everything, yeah. I know what they did to Richard and why. They... (Sighs) ...They shut off his life support. And I wasn't there to stop them. They said that he was suffering, and that he's at peace now.

Edmund: Peace?

Cassie: God, what a fool! What an idiot I was! I played right into their hands, bestowing a heart on Rick like some stupid noblewoman. It was their plan all along!

Edmund: You're not a fool, Cassie. You're a kind-hearted, generous woman who's being taken advantage of in the worst possible way. And we won't let them get away with it.

Cassie: What... what do you mean, Edmund?

Edmund: We'll sue them. All of them. The hospital, the staff and the Bauer’s. Obviously, it's best if my name's left out of it, but I’ll support you, Cassie. I'll help you fight.

Cassie: You'll help me?

Edmund: Of course I will. And not just in the criminal courts, I'll help you in the civil courts as well. We'll go after everything they have. Take them for every cent they're worth.

Cassie: I don't want money, Edmund.

Edmund: What about the children, Cassie? What about support? How can you raise three children on justice alone? We'll ask the judge how much a heart is worth. Ask him how much Richard’s life is worth.

Cassie: There's not enough money in the world for that.

Edmund: Of course there isn't, Cassie. Of course there isn’t. But we'll take what they have and just be done with it. We'll demand the respect that Richard deserves. It's exactly what he would do for us if the situation were turned round! Cassie, if you won't do this for yourself, then for God's sake, do it for Richard.

Reva: Marah, where are you? (Phone rings) It's about time, young lady. Hello?

Danny: Yeah, look, I wasn't sure if I should call you or not, but I think you need to get over here.

Reva: Why? What's happened?

Danny: Cassie thinks that Ed Bauer killed Richard.

Reva: She what?

Danny: Well, it looks like Richard’s life support was shut off, and... Look, Cassie’s going a little crazy here.

Reva: (Stammers) I'll be right there.

Rick: I might... I might be sick, but I'm not deaf and dumb. Now, I could hear what was going on inside this room. Cassie was upset. And I want to know why she was upset.

Mel: Just relax and calm down...

Rick: Just tell me why she was upset.

Ed: Cassie is angry. She's grieving, and we are lucky not to be. We are so lucky to have you with us, so, please, just get your rest.

Nurse: Okay, everybody. We need some privacy.

Ed: All right, we'll be right back.

Danny: Hey, how is he?

Ed: He's stressed. I mean, he's really too stressed. Have you seen Cassie?

Danny: No, no, not in a while.

Michelle: Oh, maybe she went home.

Ed: This is why I have to take the blame. It's going to be hard enough on Rick when he finds out how Richard dies, but if he knows that you had something to do with it, we could lose him. Now, I know you did what you did, because for all of us, but...

Mel: Ed, I did not do anything, okay? That's what I've been trying to tell you. I didn't turn Richard’s ventilator off. Why would you think I did?

Michelle: (Stammers) I saw you, I saw you... you had your hand on the switch while his life support was down.

Ed: You weren't the only one. I mean, Lillian saw you, too.

Michelle: Yeah.

Mel: I wasn't turning his life support off; I was turning it back on.

Harley: Okay. If I were a couple of pictures, where'd I be hiding? You again. All right, move over, sister. I wish you could help me find what I’m looking for. Nice place. A manila envelope, please. Bingo! Frank was sure right. These pictures do mean something. "St. Anne's summer picnic." Well, okay, St. Anne's.

Tony: Marah, I shouldn’t... I shouldn't have grabbed your arm like that. I just was trying to stop you. You're not... You're not hurt, are you? I didn't... I didn't bruise you or anything, right?

Marah: No, not this time.

Tony: I... I won't touch you again. I just... I wanted a chance to explain before you went running off to Frank. You know about Cassie.

Marah: All right, I’m listening.

Tony: You think in black and white, like it's the good guys versus the bad guys. You know what? Sometimes the bad guys, they come through. Now, look, I’m not out to hurt Cassie and neither is Danny. We know she lost her husband. And believe it or not, we're actually helping her with something.

Marah: Something you don't want the police to know about?

Tony: Okay, so it's not exactly legal. But like I said before, she... she came to us. Look, she needed help with something big, and we came through. And if you go to the cops, it's not going to only be us in trouble, but your aunt, too.

Marah: Is this a money sort of thing?

Tony: I can't really talk about it.

Marah: So, I'm just supposed to believe you?

Tony: Do you?

Marah: Sort of.

Tony: Well, that's good enough for me.

Marah: It's just that when you grabbed my arm like that...

Tony: I know, I know, and I’m sorry. I've been spending so much time trying to figure out a way to apologize for the way I treated you. Marah, I am sorry.

Marah: My arm's fine.

Tony: I wasn't just talking about your arm.

Marah: Well, I guess apologies cut both ways.

Tony: What does that mean?

Marah: It means you hurt me; I hurt you. It's this vicious cycle that we're in and... I don't see it ever ending.

Mel: I went to Richard’s room, just to check on him. And that's when I realized he wasn't breathing. At first I thought the ventilator malfunctioned, but then I checked and it was turned off. I flipped it back on, activated the alarms, and, of course, they went off, so that's probably when you saw me.

Michelle: Yeah, I was looking through the window, and that's when Lillian went in.

Mel: Well, Michelle, why didn't you say something to me?

Michelle: What was I going to say? "Mel, did you kill Richard?" I mean, what if you had confessed to me? What would I say then? I thought I was protecting you by leaving it alone.

Mel: That's why you were treating me so strangely. And you, I mean, what you did was unbelievable. What if you were thrown in prison?

Ed: Mel, it was just a fast, desperate fix.

Michelle: That only you didn't have to fix it because none of us did it. And if we didn't do it, then who did?

Edmund: We'll alert the press. Let the world know what the almighty Bauer’s did to Richard Winslow. How they scrapped his body for parts, misappropriated his heart, all in the guise of those white jackets and stethoscopes, and we will ruin them!

Cassie: Stop, no. I can't listen to this. I can't listen to this, Edmund! What you're suggesting is wrong! It's hateful and it's vindictive.

Edmund: It is classic, it is biblical, and it is just. Think about what they stole from you, Cassie.

Cassie: This is you! This isn't me!

Edmund: Oh, I see, so you're just going to turn the other cheek, is that it?

Cassie: I don't know what I’m going to do. But I am not going to let Richard’s death turn me into a carbon copy of his brother. I am hurt and I am angry. But I am not so filled with bitterness that I want to destroy everyone around me, Edmund.

Edmund: Why not? The Bauer’s destroyed Richard. But if we work together...

Cassie: I am not going to work with you! I don't even want to associate myself with you. I will handle this on my own. But it's not going to be with someone who doesn't even know the difference between good and evil.

Edmund: What about the Bauer’s? Is what they did evil?

Cassie: You can't get to me, Edmund. You're not going to get to me.

Edmund: You're going to need me, Cassie. One day, you are going to need me.

Cassie: When hell freezes over.

Gus: What are you doing here? God, what happened to your hand?

Harley: I fell after the funeral, at the Lewis', I fell...

Gus: Why didn't you call me? I would have helped you. I would have come. I would have helped you. Is that why you're here? Is that why...

Harley: This is why I’m here.

Gus: So, you were missing me a little bit, maybe? Like I was missing you, and I haven't seen a lot of you, since the police station. And everything, and maybe we need some attention. Someone to pay you some attention.

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Maybe a little lonely?

Harley: I've been lonely, uh- huh. But... See, I didn't even call you or anything. I feel bad, I should go.

Gus: No, that's okay, no, no, it's fine, because I know... I know how you're feeling about this whole thing. And we take it slow, and... and, you know, take our time to... You know, get things all right.

Harley: You know what? It's going to take a long time for us to get back to where we were. Wow.

Gus: Wow.

Harley: Where did that come from? Wait, you know what? No, no, no, no, no, no, no...

Gus: What... What's what? What... what... Why?

Harley: You know, it's not what I came here for.

Gus: We should... You want to talk? You want to... You want to talk? Yeah, I'm sorry. (Stammers) So... About... (Sighs) ....What's happening with the Phillip thing?

Harley: He's on the lam with my son.

Gus: Right. He's not calling you. Is he getting in touch...

Harley: Me, a jailbird? No, I don't deserve a call. (Laughs)

Gus: How's the suspension going?

Harley: Bad, yeah, I miss my badge. Broke my arm. I miss my son. It's been a bad week.

Gus: I can't believe that. I can't believe it. Maybe you miss your... Maybe... Do you miss your lover at all? Somebody to, you know, comfort you at night?

Harley: The house is lonely. Empty. Clean. Doesn't have your stuff lying all over the place, but...

Gus: Yeah...

Harley: I hate it.

Gus: I miss you, too.

Harley: I miss you.

Gus: I miss you.

Harley: If you would just tell me about this girl, her past.

Gus: I can’t.

Harley: Why can't you? It was such a long time ago. Please tell me...

Gus: Why do you have to... I just... I can’t.

Harley: You can't. You mean you won't. You won’t. You would rather see me suffer. You ruined my life, do you care?

Gus: (Growls)

Harley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't believe this. I never thought it would come to this.

Gus: I never thought it would, either. I'm sorry, too. Look at you. Sorry.

Ed: You know, I don't know who took mercy on Richard Winslow, and there's a part of me that doesn't even want to know. I'm just so glad it wasn't you.

Michelle: But, Dad, you told Dr. Grant that you did it. How are you going to get out of that?

Ed: I've known Charles a long time. I mean, I'll just... I'll be able to explain it when the time is right. All we have to worry about now is Rick.

Danny: Well, I think it will help that it wasn't one of his family, so...

Ed: Yeah. It has certainly cast a shadow over what should be a happy time for us. Look, you guys, go on home, go...

Danny: Yeah, we got to get...

Ed: Give Robbie a kiss for me, and I'll see you later.

Danny: All right, we'll see you in a little while.

Mel: I still can't believe what you did for me.

Ed: You're part of the family.

Mel: Wow. Well, if I didn't feel like a Bauer before, I certainly do now.

Marah: I never told you because it didn't make any sense to me. It still doesn't' make any sense to me. I mean, I don't know how something could get so mixed up.

Tony: You never told me what?

Marah: The night that you found me with Catalina, you were so sure that it was me who killed her.

Tony: I'm sorry.

Marah: No, no, don't be sorry. That's not what this is about. This is about Romeo, and how none of this even started with him. It started with you going to jail, confessing to Catalina’s murder because you thought that I did it. That sacrifice that you were willing to make, I never said thank you for it. And... and if I did, I didn't say it the right way.

Tony: It doesn't matter.

Marah: Yes, yes, it does matter, to me. I'll never forget what you did.

Tony: Well, Marah, I guess there's just some memories we'll never be able to shake.

Marah: You mean Romeo? Well, I can say I'm sorry for that, but... but not to you, just to me. Tony, wait.

Harley: We will be together soon, I promise. You, me, my kids... I'm going to make it happen.

Cassie: I'm going to give you one more chance. I want you to tell me why you did it.

Ed: All right, let's go someplace where we can talk. Walk down to...

Cassie: I don't want to take a walk! I want you to tell me: Did you or did you not turn my husband's ventilator off? Because I read your signed confession, Ed.

Ed: It's a lot more complicated than that.

Cassie: You bet it's complicated. You killed my husband. You made a decision that wasn't yours to make!

Mel: Cassie, look, we're all very sorry...

Cassie: Yeah, you're sorry, okay, you're sorry. Everybody's so sorry! Well, you can apologize from here to eternity, but that won't bring Richard back to me.

Mel: Cassie...

Cassie: No! I don't want to hear that he was suffering, and I don't want to hear that this was mercy, okay? You did this to save Rick, because you needed a heart. And Richard was dying, so you thought, why not? But I want to know how long? I want to know how long it took him to die. How long, Ed?

Reva: Cassie, stop it.

Cassie: No, Reva, you don't know what he did!

Reva: No, I do know! Ed had nothing to do with this. He wasn't even there.

Cassie: He was!

Reva: No, Cassie, I was.

Cassie: No, you were there earlier that day...

Reva: I was in Richard’s room when he died.

Cassie: No. No, you weren’t...

Reva: It was me. Cassie, it was me. Honey, I was the one who turned off Richard’s life support system.


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