Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/31/02
By Cifuno
Proofread By Tanya
Michelle: Here comes the train, choo choo. Wave to the people. Wave to the people when they're going by. Say, "Bye-bye." Choo choo. There goes the train. There goes... Choo choo choo choo choo choo choo. Choo choo. (Laughs) You like that train, don't you?
Danny: Whoo-hoo.
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: Hey. Hi. How are my two favorite people?
Michelle: How long have you been standing there?
Danny: Not long enough. Hello. You want me to give you a kiss? How was your day?
Michelle: It's been a rough couple of days, hasn't it?
Danny: Yeah, I know. Are you doing okay? As if Richard's funeral wasn't enough, all this worry about how he died.
Michelle: I just keep seeing Mel in that room with her hand on the ventilator switch.
Danny: Hey, you're not changing your mind, are you?
Michelle: No.
Danny: About reporting it?
Michelle: Uh-uh. No, like you said, what good is it going to do? It's not going
to bring Richard back.
Danny: Right.
Michelle: And at least he's not suffering anymore.
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: Right?
Danny: Honey, I know that you're... you're bothered by... by this, by looking the other way, but...
Michelle: It's more than that, Danny. I'm actually breaking the law.
Danny: Well, but you are doing the right thing. It's just really important for you to remember that, okay? Soon this... This will all be past us.
Michelle: You know, you just seem so sure that we're going to roll past all this.
Danny: Honey... Robbie, I want you to listen to this, too. If there was ever anything that I knew was going to hurt you, I would stop it. Do you believe me?
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Okay, so don't worry. Nothing's going to happen.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: I love you both.
Michelle: Say okay.
Danny: Nothing's going to happen to either one of you.
Michelle: I love you, too, daddy. (Cell phone rings)
Danny: I've got to... I've got to take this, okay? I'll be right back.
Michelle: Okay. Is he gone?
Danny: Okay, talk to me.
Thug: I'm giving your friend a good buzz on, like you told me to.
Edmund: Yeah, good buzz on!
Danny: All right, I'll be right there. Hey...
Michelle: Why'd you have to answer the phone outside?
Danny: Just better reception I get out here. Listen, I have to... I have to go. I have to deal with something. I'm sorry.
Michelle: Right now?
Danny: Yeah, yeah. But it won't take long, I promise. So you two keep the trains running for me while I'm away. Huh?
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: Say okay.
Danny: I love you.
Michelle: I love you.
Danny: You, too. And I promise you I won't let anything happen to you, okay? Just remember that.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: I love you. Bye.
Charles: According to the data, the ventilator in Richard Winslow's room stopped working for several minutes. But the technician swears the machine was working properly, and, of course, the thing had backup. Now, do you have any idea why this thing mysteriously malfunctioned?
Lillian: It might have been switched off.
Charles: Not a pleasant thought.
Lillian: Charles, I had intended to come to you earlier, but...
Charles: Well, my friend, you're just a little bit too late. Richard Winslow is dead. Rick Bauer just got his heart. You knew the thing stopped working, and you said nothing. You must know how that looks.
(Monitors beeping)
Rick: Why don't you come on in?
Tammy: Yes. Come in, Mom. Rick tells the goofiest stories.
Rick: I'll take that as a compliment.
Cassie: You know, maybe I should... (sighs)
Rick: Cassie, maybe it's time that we talked.
Tammy: Yeah, you guys hang out. I wanted to go to the cafeteria anyway.
Cassie: Tammy, wait.
Tammy: See you.
Rick: Why don't you have a seat? Please?
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Rick: No, it's okay. Cassie, it's okay. I didn't know Richard very well, but I really have a good idea of what a good and honorable man that he was by how much he was loved. And I just want to tell you how deeply sorry that I am for your loss.
Cassie: You know the best part about Richard?
Rick: What's that?
Cassie: It was his heart. So strong, but so kind. He was a beautiful man.
Rick: Well, I think he was a pretty lucky guy, too.
Cassie: I wouldn't say that right now.
Rick: He was. He had a tremendous wife, wonderful children, and this willingness to just embrace all these changes that he had to face. I mean, you couldn't ask much more than that.
Cassie: How about another 40 years?
Rick: I'm sorry. Do you want me to turn that up so you can listen to the heartbeat?
Cassie: I already did.
Rick: When?
Cassie: The other night, I came in while you were sleeping.
Rick: This has to be very... very strange for you.
Cassie: Is it for you?
Rick: Very much. Cassie, I don't know if I could put this into words or even if this is the right time to try, but you and Richard, you guys, have given me the one thing I've always wanted-- that's a future. And I will never, ever take that for granted. I promise you.
Ed: Hey.
Michelle: Hi.
Ed: Room for two?
Michelle: Sure.
Ed: I saw that Robbie's asleep already.
Michelle: Oh, he was so tired.
Ed: How are you?
Michelle: I'm fine.
Ed: I used to have dreams about doing stuff like this in Africa.
Michelle: Dreams of sitting on a bench?
Ed: Yeah, I know it's weird, but, you know, when I was in Springfield, my dreams were totally chaotic: Wandering around an airport, or lost in a city, looking for an address, not being able to find it. But then when I got in Africa, when my real life was chaotic to the point of madness, my dreams were totally serene: Sitting here with you, shooting hoops with Rick, making eggs. Everything very peaceful.
Michelle: That sounds nice.
Ed: Dreams kept me going for a while.
Michelle: You think about Africa a lot, don't you?
Ed: I think about the time I've missed with you and Rick.
Michelle: Dad...
Ed: Honey, that's not a mea culpa, I'm just saying that I know now that
those four years probably cost me your trust. I may never be able to regain
it, but I really want to try.
Michelle: Of course.
Ed: Then talk to me. Don't shut me out.
Michelle: What are you talking about?
Ed: Sweetie, I know what's going on. At least I think I do. Look, Richard Winslow's ventilator was turned off deliberately. That's what killed him-- or allowed him to die, depending on your point of view.
Michelle: And?
Ed: And you were seen near his room at the time it happened. I just want you to know I will support you no matter what happens.
Michelle: What do you mean support? You think it was me that shut off that machine? You think I killed Richard? (Gagging)
Edmund: Well, it if isn't Danny the dog. Heir apparent to all that's nasty and foul.
Danny: Having some cocktails, Edmund?
Edmund: At your invitation, I'm told.
Danny: I heard you liked bourbon.
Edmund: Well, well, well, Danny, I didn't think you had it in you to look me in the eye.
Danny: Well, you're wrong again. I have a little question for you, Edmund.
Edmund: Well, why don't you just ask away.
Danny: What do you think is behind that door? A ramp that leads right into the lake.
Edmund: Oh, really? Then this must be one of Carmen's waterfront warehouses. They're very famous, you know? I think she has dozens of them.
Danny: That's right. That's right. And no one would ever think to look for you here, ever.
Edmund: Well, I suppose it's a good thing no one will be looking for my car, either.
Danny: No, I had your car brought here. Not to keep you company. You see, the steering wheels and the brakes have been... What do you call it?
Thug: Adjusted.
Danny: Adjusted. Adjusted. That way, when you're put behind the wheel and that door's opened, there's nowhere for you to go but straight down to the bottom of the lake. I hear there's great parking there.
Carmen: I remember. It looks like you're having a party, but someone forgot to send me an invitation.
Edmund: Carmen, darling, I've always adored your timing.
Danny: What are you doing here?
Carmen: I should ask you that same question. Edmund tucked away and all trussed up; something's going on.
Danny: And it doesn't involve you.
Carmen: It involves the man that I'm involved with.
Edmund: Little Danny's threatened my life.
Carmen: Really?
Edmund: He wants me to go on the one-way joyride to the lake bed.
Danny: How did you know that I'm here?
Carmen: You forget, Danny, some employees remain loyal to their first bosses.
Danny: You-- I will deal with you later.
Edmund: Oh, brilliant. A menacing show of power.
Danny: Shut up, shut up. Get out of here now.
Carmen: I own this building.
Edmund: Carmen...
Danny: I said shut up!
Carmen: Danny, what did you think I was going to do when I found out about this? Sit quietly while you do in the man that-- I hate to be so blunt-- the man that I'm sharing my bed with?
Danny: Edmund threatened Michelle and the entire Bauer family, and he is not going to get away with it. And you are not going to stand in my way.
Carmen: I didn't say I was going to stand in your way. All I said was I wasn't going to remain quiet.
Danny: What does that mean?
Carmen: It means that I'm proud of you, Danny.
Edmund: What?
Carmen: Having a family of your own, you finally realized just how important family is. Even if it's the Bauer’s, in this case.
Danny: I'm doing what I need to do.
Carmen: Protecting the ones you love. That's always been the way of
the Santos’. And now you're finally acting like one-- like my son.
Michelle: Dad, do you honestly believe that I could have gone into that room and flipped that switch that turned off Richard's ventilator? Like I was doing nothing more than turning on a light? Do you?
Ed: The other day in the hospital, you were asking me questions about the ethics of keeping someone alive. There's no hope of recovery. I mean, your conscience was obviously driving you crazy, I am just trying to understand why.
Michelle: How did you find out about the ventilator?
Ed: Lillian.
Michelle: What?
Ed: She came to me when the monitor showed that the life support system had been turned off that night.
Michelle: And did she think that I did it?
Ed: Sweetie, she saw you... She saw both you and Mel around the room at the time it happened.
Michelle: Okay, Dad, if Lillian had even the slightest suspicion of someone doing something like that, she'd go to the administration or the authorities.
Ed: Well, she didn't.
Michelle: Because I'm a Bauer.
Ed: No, because she didn't know how to handle it. I don't know.
Michelle: Okay, what did you tell her?
Ed: That she should forget that it was about us and that she should try to do her job the best way she knows how.
Michelle: Dad, it wasn't me.
Ed: Well, thank God. But that leaves...
Michelle: Mel. And I haven't stopped thinking about it since the minute that it happened. I was near Richard's room that night, close enough to see Mel in there, just flipping the switch on his ventilator alarm. That's what was on my mind when I was asking you all those questions, because I was trying to figure out whether I should report what I saw.
Ed: But you didn't. Oh, I mean, I know that Mel loves Rick, but to the point of turning off the ventilator so that he could get that heart. I mean, I just pray to God that's not true.
Michelle: Dad, if Lillian reports this, Mel could lose her medical license, right? She could even go to prison.
Ed: It's possible.
Michelle: We can't let that happen.
Ed: Well, Michelle.
Michelle: Dad, this would be a disaster, not just for Mel, but for Rick, for all of us. It would tear our family apart. You've got to call Lillian right now, and you have to tell her not to say a word about this.
Lillian: There is no proof that any member of the Bauer family disabled Richard's ventilator.
Charles: But we do have proof it was done.
Lillian: Not necessarily on purpose.
Charles: Oh, Lillian, come on. If anyone accidentally threw that switch, that alarm would've been beeping all over the place. He or she would have realized his mistake and immediately corrected it. The ventilator would have been down for a few seconds, maximum. Not several minutes as this data indicate.
Lillian: All right, I didn't see anything. I don't know anything for certain.
Charles: Except the Richard Winslow is dead and Rick Bauer has his heart.
Lillian: You do not have to keep repeating that information to me, Charles. I am very aware of the facts.
Charles: You may hear it many more times, Lillian, before this is all over with. Cedars didn't just simply lose this patient, the guy may have been murdered.
Lillian: For his heart? Do you honestly believe that?
Charles: I can't rule it out. I do know one thing, though-- this matter will be investigated, and there will be consequences.
Rick: Hey.
Mel: Hi.
Cassie: Oh, you know, I'm going to go check on Tammy.
Mel: Cassie, I know that we spoke the other day, but I just wanted to let you know again that you've given me the most precious gift that anyone could give another person.
Cassie: A future.
Mel: Yes, a future. I don't know why you chose Rick to receive Richard's heart,
but I am so thankful that you did. You gave Rick a chance to live, a chance to
see Jude grow up, and maybe even our own kids.
That's all Rick's ever wanted was a family, and you've given him that chance. I
can't tell you how blessed I feel right now. Oh, Cassie, I'm sorry. Maybe I
Cassie: I wasn't there when Richard died.
Mel: I know.
Cassie: When I got to the hospital, they told me he was gone, and that's when Lillian brought up organ donation. I wouldn't have even thought about it, but Richard wanted it. I couldn't even discuss it.
Mel: Well, how did his heart come to be donated so quickly?
Cassie: I started wandering the halls, in shock, and I saw you and Michelle and Ed, and you were all gathered around Rick, and he was so pale and sick, and I just... I knew he was dying. I just thought, "Another family can't be ripped apart like mine." So I found Lillian and... Oh, I think I did the right thing, so...
Mel: Yeah, you did. You did the right thing.
Cassie: I have to go, sorry.
Mel: You look like you could use some rest.
Rick: It's been a long day.
Mel: Okay, well, you sleep. I'll check on you later.
Rick: All right, sweetie.
Felicia: Honey, what's wrong? Is it Rick?
Mel: No. No, Rick's okay. Cassie Winslow was just here.
Felicia: Oh, the downside of empathy.
Mel: No, it's not that.
Felicia: What, then? Guilt? Melissande, listen to me. As emotionally loaded as this situation is-- her husband having to die so that yours could live-- there's nothing you could have done about it. Now, this just happened.
Mel: So I should just focus on the wonderful gift that Rick got from Richard, right? That's the advice I'm going to get next. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mom.
Felicia: I hope you're not feeling like you failed as a doctor in some way, because you couldn't save Richard's life.
Mel: I was in that room that night, alone. And for one horrible moment, I thought for sure that I could turn Richard's ventilator off.
Felicia: But you didn't?
Mel: No.
Felicia: Thank God you came to your senses.
Mel: But Mom, someone else had the same idea that I had.
Felicia: How do you know that?
Mel: Because whoever it was, did turn Richard's ventilator off. Richard Winslow's death didn't just happen; somebody made it happen.
Ed: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You can't ask Lillian to lie for us.
Michelle: No, no, not lie for us, just hold off for awhile until we figure out what to do.
Ed: I can't put her in that position. She's probably already catching hell as it is.
Michelle: So what? We're going to do nothing, just wait?
Ed: No, I didn't say that. Look, we have to talk to Mel.
Michelle: How? We're going to ask her did you pull the plug on Richard so that Rick could have his heart, Dad?
Ed: I don't know. I don't know how to approach this. I do know that because Mel loves Rick, it doesn't mean she necessarily turned off that ventilator.
Michelle: Right, right, but now we're back to having to ask her.
Ed: I knew... I knew as soon as I saw Richard after that accident that he wasn't going to survive.
Michelle: But Rick did, and we need to protect him.
Ed: Whatever we need to do, we need to do it together. That's how this family is going to operate from now on. So I'm saying we go over to the hospital, we try to find Mel, and we talk to her.
Michelle: Okay. I'm going to call Robbie's sitter and see if she can come over. I thought Danny would be home by now.
Danny: You telling me you don't care that I'm going to kill Edmund.
Carmen: I can always find another lover, Danny, but I only have one son.
Edmund: Carmen.
Danny: You're something else. You really are something else. Happening here?
Carmen: For so long you've been trying to be someone else, someone you're not, and now you're finally getting back to your roots, which are pure Santos. You're more like me every day.
Danny: I am nothing, nothing, like you. I am protecting Michelle and her family.
Carmen: Exactly. You're taking care of your own. So, I will leave you and let you do what comes naturally.
Edmund: Carmen.
Carmen: I love you, my son.
Edmund: What about me?
Danny: Remember when I had you sent out of town a couple weeks ago?
Edmund: Do I. Viva New Jersey.
Danny: That was a warning to stay away from me and the people that I love. Obviously the message did not sink in, because here you are, threatening my family again, now with some nonsense about Richard's life support being turned off.
Edmund: It was turned off.
Danny: I love my family, Edmund, and I'm not going to let them get hurt. That's why you're here. And it's the only reason that I would kill you.
Edmund: Really? It's not for sport?
Danny: Well, I'm not like my mother, contrary to what you think. I don't enjoy seeing people die. That's why I'm going to give you one more chance.
Edmund: One last chance.
Danny: Edmund, I understand how angry you are about your brother's death. But somehow you have got the idea in your head that if you destroy the Bauer’s that that will make things right, but it won't. You can cause all the pain in the world, it is not going to bring back Richard.
Edmund: Oh, you presumptuous little...
Danny: I am asking you to drop this petty, vindictive garbage and just let it go.
Edmund: Just like that, huh?
Danny: Well, it's not going to help you if you don't let it go. But you will be saving your life if you drop this idea of going after them. So it's up to you; you make the choice. But don't make me kill you, Edmund.
Felicia: Richard's ventilator was turned off?
Mel: Yes.
Felicia: Are you sure?
Mel: I'm the one who turned it back on. Strange, huh?
Felicia: Did you report this?
Mel: No. Mom, Rick is two days out of surgery. Attitude and emotional state can sometimes mean everything in a patient's recovery after a transplant.
Felicia: But this transplant came from a man who may have been killed.
Mel: Mom, that is my point exactly, okay? Rick would never be able to make it if he knew that he's only alive because someone else's life was ended on purpose.
Felicia: Honey...
Mel: You're the psychiatrist, why don't you tell me how you think Rick's going to survive that?
Felicia: Well, I'm wondering how you plan on handling this.
Mel: I just... I will, that's all.
Felicia: Honey, laws have been broken, and now you're breaking more of them? Melissande...
Mel: You didn't see Cassie's face. I mean, she's barely holding it together. Richard would have died anyway, Mom, no matter what. And Cassie saved Rick's life. Am I going to be the one to put her through an inquiry? No, no way.
Felicia: Melissande, please. Think of the consequences.
Mel: I am thinking of Rick. Look, Mom, I know... I know you're worried that I'm possibly opening myself up, and maybe this hospital, to some serious charges if I keep quiet, but Rick is more important to me than this place or my job or even the law. That's just how it is. And maybe if I don't say anything, no one else will, and maybe this will all go away.
Felicia: Okay.
Reva: Where have you been? I was starting to worry.
Tammy: We were visiting Rick.
Cassie: Can you go upstairs and check on the boys, Tammy?
Reva: I didn't think you'd be ready to do that just yet.
Cassie: I wasn't. Walking into that room was torture.
Reva: Why would you put yourself though something like that?
Cassie: I live in Springfield. You know, I'm going to see Rick everywhere. I might as well get used to it, right?
Reva: I'm very proud of you.
Cassie: It wasn't his fault Richard died. It's nobody's fault. I'm just going to have to get used to it, right? Life goes on. I've got to get something out of the car. (Sobbing)
Danny: This is your last chance, Edmund. Forget about this thing with Richard, and we'll forget that there's a lake on the other side of that door.
Edmund: Let's have a drink.
Danny: Don't be an idiot.
Edmund: Why don't you go to hell, Danny. Look, even if you did kill me, which you don't have the stones for, what difference could it possibly make? I have nothing.
Danny: You have your life.
Edmund: My life? My life. I don't have a life. Do you remember the life I used to have ruling San Cristobel? Money, power, position? And now it's all gone. And as if that's not humiliating enough, the women I'm sleeping with doesn't care whether I live or die?
Danny: Do you?
Edmund: No, Danny, I don't. I don't care. I have nothing left. As if I had much to start with. Families, families. You keep on talking about families. The Bauer’s, the Santos’, just brimming with love and loyalty. I came from a family, too, Danny. The Winslow’s, and I was their precious little afterthought, their problem child, their second best, the word just branded across my forehead. Richard... Richard got all the love and devotion. I got nothing. I got nothing, Danny. So, you see, I'm somewhat acquainted with misery, and I think it's about time the Bauer’s got their fair share. God knows they deserve it.
Danny: You're out of your mind.
Edmund: No, Danny, I have my priorities. So, no, Danny, I won't forget about this little thing with Richard, I want it all to come out. I want everyone to know that the Bauer’s... The Bauer’s all but ripped my brother's heart out of his chest still beating.
Danny: That's enough. Shut up.
Edmund: Why? Why is it enough? I'm a dead man anyway, aren't I? And I think dead men... I think all dead men should have their final statement Danny, so here's mine: I hope you all... I hope all of you suffer every bit of the torment that I did. All of you: Your mother, your father-in-law, Dr. Rick of the stolen heart, Dr. Mel, you, Michelle, and why not your little dog, too. I hope you all rot in hell.
Danny: Well, let's see who gets there first. Open the door.
Edmund: Danny... Danny, what are you doing?
Danny: Hey, I gave you your chance.
Edmund: Danny...Danny. Wait!
Michelle: Lillian, what are you doing outside of Dr. Crane's office this late?
Ed: It was about Richard, wasn't it?
Lillian: Charles knows. Henry Marshall, the technician, told him earlier. I am so sorry.
Michelle: Does this mean...?
Lillian: Yes, there's going to be an investigation. There really is.
Michelle: Oh, God.
Ed: What did you tell him?
Lillian: The truth.
Ed: So you said that you saw Mel and Michelle outside Richard's room the night he died.
Lillian: Yes, I am sorry. I had to tell him the truth.
Ed: Of course you did. This isn't your fault. You did the best you could. It's our problem. We can handle it.
Lillian: It is not going to be easy.
Ed: Do you have any idea who they're going to question first?
Lillian: Michelle.
Mel: It's going to be okay, Rick. Everything's going to be okay.
Cassie: Why did this happen?
Reva: I don't know, sweetie. I don't know.
Cassie: You know, Mel and Rick, they have a life together, they have a marriage. Everything I had with Richard was taken away. It's not right, and I don't care how it sounds.
Reva: It's okay. Just let it out, sweetie.
Cassie: I mean, Jude has a father. What do my kids have? They have a grave to go to. What the hell is that, you know? It wasn't his time. Richard and I, we were supposed to have years and years and years.
Reva: I know. Of course you should have.
Cassie: I wish I had more time. I wasn't ready for this. I would have never been ready for this.
Reva: Cassie, would you have wanted Richard to live if he would have been in pain every minute?