GL Transcript Tuesday 7/30/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/30/02

By Cifuno
Proofread By Tanya

Alan: Magnificent, Olivia. You know, I have to admit, when you told me about your vision for this place, at first, I was... I was skeptical. But you have turned this into a palace, a monument of Grace. You must be on top of the world.

Haven't seen her lately and she never calls
she don't ask my friends about me
gives no clues at all
I'd say she's about as gone as a girl can get
she don't even show up in my dreams at night
but my stubborn old memory keeps holding on tight
sure makes it hard to forget she's about as gone as a girl can get.

Rick: So, am I going crazy from this anesthetic, or is something really strange going on around here? Lillian, everybody, every single person's walking around here. They're whispering like they're keeping some sort of secret from me. Am I dying?

Lillian: No, you're not dying. No, no. You're doing beautifully, absolutely beautifully, Rick.

Rick: I am?

Lillian: Yes.

Rick: Cross your heart?

Lillian: I cross my heart.

Rick: Okay. So if I'm going to live, why don't you tell me what the hell's going on around here?

Tammy: Dad knows we brought him flowers.

Cassie: I'm sure he does.

Tammy: I wonder if it's cold down there, in that coffin?

Cassie: You know, he's... He's not down there. I mean, his body, yeah, but his spirit, you know, the part that we loved so much, it's free, Tammy.

Tammy: Why are we here?

Cassie: So we can be close. We can talk about him, you know, like we are now.

Tammy: Are we coming every day?

Cassie: I think I'll be here every day, whether I come or not.

Tammy: I'll come with you here anytime you want me to.

Cassie: Do you know that he was so proud of you? He loved watching you grow up.

Tammy: I miss him.

Cassie: And you always will.

Tammy: Sometimes I think the hardest part is seeing you so sad.

Cassie: I'm going to get better. You know, it'll get better. It will.

Tammy: It's hard.

Cassie: Yes, it is.

Tammy: Do you think it's harder this time because I'm older?

Cassie: Maybe. But, you know, we're lucky. We have a family around us, you know. You have your Aunt Reva, your Uncle Josh, Shayne, Marah.

Tammy: Do you ever notice how two people never cry at the same time? It's like we all take turns.

Cassie: Well, I don't want you taking a turn. I really... You know, if something's going on, I really want to know about it.

Tammy: Even if it's weird?

Cassie: Especially if it's weird.

Tammy: Okay, then. I want to see Rick again. You know, Rick Bauer, who got dad's heart. I want to visit him.

Cassie: I don't think it's a really good idea for you to go see Rick.

Tammy: I won't disturb him. I just want to say hello, and see if he's different.

Cassie: Different? Tammy, you don't think that just because he has your dad's heart...

Tammy: It's part of dad. It's the only part that's still here with us. And if we get to know Rick, who knows? Maybe we'll feel closer.

Cassie: Oh, he's a sick man, Tammy.

Tammy: Who's alive because of dad. Why don't you want me to go over there? What's the big deal? It sure beats putting flowers on a stupid grave.

Cassie: Listen, try and understand...

Tammy: You're the one who doesn't understand. Rick will be grateful. You'll see. We'll tell him it's okay, that we don't blame him for... I'm going over there.

Cassie: Tammy, no.

Tammy: Yes, I am.

Cassie: Tammy, sit down. I want you to sit down, please. I don't want you going to see Rick right now, not while this grief is still new to us, because if you get upset, then you might upset Rick and...

Tammy: I won't get upset!

Cassie: Would you just wait until he's a little stronger?

Tammy: Yeah, sure. And if he doesn't make it, this will be my last chance. I don't understand why you don't want me to go over there.

Olivia: You've got to be the most insensitive man on the face of the earth.

Alan: Wait a minute. What did I do now? I pride myself in being sensitive, Olivia. I was more than sensitive last night.

Olivia: It's Richard, okay? I can't come to terms with the fact that he's gone, so quickly and so pointlessly. I mean, if he had... He'd be here if he had his seat belt on. He just deserved better.

Alan: People don't get what they deserve in life. They get what they take.

Olivia: You know, when I look around this place, instead of triumph, I see him. I see the four of us rolling around in the mud, and the two of you placing bets like a couple of schoolboys. And the last time I saw him, at the wedding right here.

Alan: You know, you're talking as though you lost your lover.

Olivia: Well, he was my fiancé. He was the first man that I ever fell in love with. I'm not just mourning Richard. I'm mourning the person I was when I was with him, this innocent, sweet... I was sweet. I was sweet, and very simple.

Alan: You were never simple, Olivia.

Olivia: I was. I would tremble when he touched me. I could look into his eyes and see all my dreams reflected right there. I was pure.

Alan: Well, maybe you were, but all that purity does have its drawbacks. Look at you now. You're independent. You're powerful. You're a woman of today. Now, none of this would have happened if you had still been with Richard.

Olivia: Well, who knows?

Alan: I know. All you have to do is look around. This is what you want, Olivia. This is who you are. So I say take it and move forward.

Olivia: What? What does that mean? I should... I should take advantage of Cassie, maybe come up with another insurance disaster, cancel out your loan?

Alan: Well, business is business. Now, you're not going to let a little sentimentality get in the way of getting what you want.

Olivia: I have never felt less sure of what I want!

(Music playing on jukebox)

Bill: Well, obviously, you're still stalking me.

Beth: Excuse me, what?

Bill: It's okay. Gorgeous women do it to me all the time. They chase me until I catch them, make them buy me a drink.

Beth: Oh, I see. You make them pay for their crimes?

Bill: Yeah, by doing this free t-shirt that says, "Have you had your Bill today?" It comes in all sizes and colors, just... Just like my women.

Beth: Well, that... That's kind of hard to pass up. (Laughs) Okay, okay, sit. But stop playing that song.

Bill: Wait a... Whoa, whoa, whoa, what song?

Beth: You know what song.

Bill: That song? You can't ask me to do that. That song there, that reminds me of this gal I used to love.

Beth: Don't you mean half a dozen gals you used to love?

Bill: Not all of them-- just my favorite one.

Beth: So...

Bill: So, what about the other? Think things will heat up?

Beth: (Stammers) I really wasn't prepared to see you today.

Bill: Oh, but you're happy to see me, aren't you?

Beth: Because we have some unfinished business.

Bill: All right, now you're talking.

Beth: Oh, God, you are so cocky!

Bill: I'm just being hopeful.

Beth: This is about something else: Lorelei's diary. I had it in the study at home, and now it's nowhere to be found. And I just thought you might, might know what happened to it.

Bill: Wait, so you think that I stole Lorelei's diary?

Beth: A-ha. Now you admit that I kept a diary. You wouldn't admit that before.

Bill: All right, all right, I know, I know, I lied to you about it because I didn't think that you could handle the truth.

Beth: I could... Oh.

Bill: I was looking out after you. That's all I was doing. Now, why do you think I would take it?

Beth: Because I was told that you were in the study just before it disappeared, and I thought that you might find it interesting.

Bill: I did. That's why I took it.

Beth: You took Lorelei's diary?

Bill: Yes, I did.

Beth: Why? Why would you take someone's diary?

Bill: Wait a minute now. Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute. We're talking about two different times. I didn't take it here. This was back in Texas.

Beth: Texas. Oh, now, how did that work...

Bill: After the night we made love, the night that I will never forget. I wish I could say the same about you. But I don't know, maybe it's all starting to come back to you again?

Beth: No, it's not. I wish that it would.

Bill: I wish it would, too, and for your sake. I mean, because it was the greatest night of your life. In fact, I was amazing.

Beth: (Laughs)

Bill: I was... I was amazing. Truth is, truth is, you're the one who's amazing.

Beth: Let's get back to the diary. I still don't understand how you got a
hold of it.

Bill: Well, you carried it around with you everywhere you went. You see, you had this old woven bag. And after we made love, you fell asleep. I saw it sticking there, out of your bag, and... Well, I know I shouldn't have read it, it's private stuff, but I was a little curious. I just wanted to know everything there was to know about you.

Beth: I guess you probably found out more than you bargained for.

Bill: Hey, look, look, look, I didn't care where you'd been-- only that you were with me. Then, well, when I started reading, I saw some stuff about me-- us-- and I was touched. So I tore out the pages, and I was going to tell you the next morning, I did, because I felt bad. Only you were gone, gone without a trace. And all I had was these torn-out pages of a diary.

Olivia: Have you always been this cynical, Alan? Have you never had a Richard in your life, someone who saw the better side of you? Have you never been vulnerable?

Alan: Yes, I have. But every time I was, I was taken advantage of.

Olivia: Sorry. I know what it's like not to trust people that easily.

Alan: Even if it's your own sister? Fool me once, and shame on you. Fool me twice, and you're dead to me.

Olivia: Is that what she did to you? She fooled you?

Alan: We're not talking about her.

Olivia: It's just you never talk about her.

Alan: There's nothing to talk about...

Olivia: Her name is Alexandra, right?

Alan: There's nothing...

Olivia: Wait, you don't... She's your sister, Alan. Don't you miss her the way I miss Sam?

Alan: No! Never!

Olivia: What did she do to you?

Alan: We're talking about you, and this pattern you have about dwelling on things you cannot change.

Olivia: What, so Richard's dead, I should just forget about it?

Alan: No, don't forget about it. Remember it. Let it remind you that we are mortal, and that we have to seize each moment to its fullest.

Olivia: You keep saying that. You keep saying it. It's true. I have to go.

Alan: Wait a minute, what do you mean you have to go? Olivia?

Tammy: Sorry, Mom, I don't want you to be upset.

Cassie: I know. But, you know, it's okay to be angry, too.

Tammy: I'm so... I don't know what I feel.

Cassie: There is no... There's no right way to deal with this, you know. We just have to... We just have to try and get through it.

Tammy: Sometimes I hear the phone ring, and I think it's him.

Cassie: So do I. So do I. You know, if you want to go see Rick, I won't stop you.

Tammy: It's just... Rick's all that's left.

Cassie: Okay. I will drive you over to the hospital, but I can't go in.

Tammy: Why not?

Cassie: Because... You know, if we sit here talking, we're never going to get there, so why don't we go, okay?

Tammy: Thanks, Mom. I love you.

Cassie: This was all so easy when you were here. Just tell me how. How am I supposed to do this alone?

(Monitors beeping)

Tammy: Hi.

Rick: (Groggily) Hi.

Tammy: Did I wake you?

Rick: I'm okay. I was... I was just in the middle of this wonderful dream. I was... I was riding horseback on the beach, and I was... I just felt like a million bucks.

Tammy: Was it a white horse?

Rick: Was it white? I don't remember.

Tammy: My dad had a white horse. He used to ride on the beach all the time.

Rick: Really? I'm not much of a rider. I'm good at chess and basketball and surgery. You know, surgery, there I can give you a run for your money.

Tammy: So how does it... I mean, how do you feel?

Rick: I'm hanging in there. How are you doing?

Tammy: It's been hard.

Rick: Yeah, I'm sure it has been.

Tammy: Can I ask you something?

Rick: Sure.

Tammy: Do you feel like a whole new person? Or do you feel exactly the same?

Rick: That's a good question. I feel... Feel like a brand-new person, because I do... I feel so good. I mean, I actually feel better than before I was actually sick. I can breathe better and not... I'm not exhausted all the time, like I was before. But, you know, up here and what's going through my head, I guess I feel like the same old Rick.

Tammy: Are you sure?

Rick: Well, my emotions, you know, they come up much more easily than they did before. Sometimes I feel like crying, and sometimes I actually do. But that's... You know, that's pretty normal after you've had surgery. I'll tell you what I appreciate. I appreciate life so much more than I did before. And I sort of took it for granted. And I guess part of it is that... You know, I came so close to losing my life, you know.

Tammy: You know, I don't think you'll ever be exactly the same as you were.

Rick: Oh, really? Why do you say that?

Tammy: Because my dad's in there.

Lillian: Cassie, I was hoping you'd stop by. I wanted to tell you how really sorry I am about your husband. Richard was... He was a wonderful man.

Cassie: Thank you. And thank you for taking such good care of him, Lillian. Thank you so much. I wanted to ask you a question. But I really need you to promise me that you're going to tell me the truth.

Lillian: Well, I'll certainly do the best I can.

Cassie: I want to know what happened when Richard died. I don't want you to sugarcoat it like Reva did and try to protect me, okay? I want you... I want you to give it to me straight. What happened here that day?

Beth: So, you read all of Lorelei's diary?

Bill: Well, guilty as charged. What's the punishment?

Beth: I don't know. Do you still have the pages that I wrote about you?

Bill: No, no, I don't. I burned them. A little ceremony out in the desert.

Beth: A little ceremony?

Bill: It's a native American thing, a cleansing. You know, something to get you back on your feet when your heart's gone off in another direction. I think the spirits were on a 15-minute break that night.

Beth: Well, at least no one else will have the chance to read it.

Bill: Nope. Just you and me. I mean, I may not have those pages, but we have the memories. Well, at least I do. Look, I want you to know something-- that that time we had together, that was real. That counted. And I know you know that.

Alan: Well, look who's here, Beth and little Billy Lewis.

Bill: (Laughs)

Alan: Now, Billy, aren't you supposed to be in school?

Bill: Well, only they're calling it work these days.

Alan: Ah.

Bill: Well, it's good to see you there, Mr. Spaulding. I wish I could stick around and have a drink with you. But I've got to take off. Oh, I'll drive real slow, in case you want to tail me.

Beth: What are you doing here?

Alan: Well, I was on my way to a meeting at Cedars, and stopped in to have a bite of lunch. What are you doing here?

Beth: Well, the same thing. I was hungry, and so here I am.

Alan: I see. Well, tell me, have... Have you heard from Phillip?

Beth: (Stammers) I'm sorry, what?

Alan: Phillip? The father of your two children, Phillip Spaulding? You do remember him?

(Cell phone rings)

Bill: Hello?

Olivia: What are you doing?

Bill: Well, that depends who this is and what you're wearing.

Olivia: Spare me. Look, I have a business proposition for you. Can you be at the Beacon in 20 minutes?

Bill: Don't you ever say hello?

Olivia: 20 minutes, Bill. It's the offer of a lifetime, or at least yours.

Cassie: I wasn't here the day Richard died. I took the kids to the beach. And I can't seem to get that out of my mind. And I just keep imagining all sorts of things that probably didn't happen. So I really need to know what really did happen.

Lillian: Cassie, I was not in the room when... When he died.

Cassie: So you don't know, huh?

Lillian: No. But if it helps you, I have been through this many, many times. And after he had that terrible stroke, I really felt that Richard was ready to die. After that, he couldn't recover, and he was in great pain.

Cassie: Well, I guess... I guess he's kind of lucky then, you know, that he went so quickly on his own.

Lillian: Well, he's certainly not suffering anymore.

Cassie: Yeah, it's just like Richard to... To save the people that he loves, you know, from having to make such a horrible decision. Thank you. Thank you for being honest with me and telling me everything you know.

Lillian: Cassie, I... I really do need to tell you something else. I... Oh... I... I have to go right now. Excuse me, okay? I have an appointment. I'll talk to you later.

Olivia: Timely. I like that in an employee.

Bill: Well, I like that in a boss. So, what's up?

Olivia: All right, I'll get right to the point. I am purchasing an island as a gift for Alan.

Bill: Well, for a man who wants to own the world, that's a start.

Olivia: It's all but deserted except for a home facing the beach, which is in a sad state of disrepair.

Bill: That's very sad.

Olivia: Well, not for the freelancer who's handy with a tool belt. You know anyone like that?

Bill: I might.

Olivia: Well, good, because I want a dream getaway with a huge bedroom and a view of the water.

Bill: Sounds romantic. Going to rent the place out?

Olivia: You interested?

Bill: What, me? No, no.

Olivia: Come on, Bill, there must be some lucky girl out there you'd like to hide away with.

Alan: Beth, why does it seem to me that Billy Lewis is following you?

Beth: Do you think that he's following me?

Alan: Yes, I do. Now, if he's bothering you, you just let me know, and I'll handle it.

Beth: I can take care of myself, Alan, despite rumors to the contrary.

Alan: I'm sorry. Of course you can. Beth, can I... Can I ask you a question?

Beth: Sure.

Alan: Do you think I'm insensitive?

Beth: (Laughs) Some... Sometimes, yeah. Why?

Alan: That's not exactly the response I was looking for, Beth. Do you think it's good or bad?

Beth: Oh. A fight with Olivia.

Alan: Fight with Olivia? You don't fight with Olivia, you negotiate. She seems to have this dream of dewy-eyed love.

Beth: Olivia dewy-eyed?

Alan: Mm-hmm. You see, she and I are a lot alike. My feelings for her sometimes frighten me. I'm just not certain how I should handle it.

Beth: Be careful.

Alan: Careful?

Beth: Olivia is a damaged woman, and that can be a dangerous thing. She can be your friend one instant, and then she can turn on you. I've seen it. Just be careful.

Alan: Now who's protecting whom?

Beth: One bad turn deserves another.

Alan: And I appreciate your concern, Beth, but you know I can take care of myself.

Beth: Oh, Alan, you just keep believing that.

Bill: You know, I like to keep my love life private. So, back to your dream house. Where is this place?

Olivia: Well, you'll have to fly there. But if you're ready to leave in a few days, I can set things up.

Bill: Why me?

Olivia: Well, do you have another job?

Bill: No, not really, now that this place is on track.

Olivia: Okay, so why not you?

Bill: Yeah. Yeah, why not?

Olivia: And if you're anything like your Uncle Josh, I know I won't be disappointed.

Bill: Well, I'll guarantee you won't be disappointed. Well, I better get back to my place, start packing up my gear.

Olivia: There's just one more thing. No one can know about this. Like I said, it's a surprise for Alan, so you can't tell anyone where you're going.

Bill: I got you there. Don't worry about it.

Olivia: Good. I think we've got ourselves a deal. I'll call you tomorrow with the details.

Bill: Yeah. (Clears throat)

Olivia: What?

Bill: You're certainly a woman who goes after what she wants.

Olivia: Well, Alan is my mentor. He taught me to seize the day.

Rick: Tammy, tell me more about your dad. These are great stories.

Tammy: I always felt safe when he was around.

Rick: Yeah. Your father was your hero, wasn't he?

Tammy: Yeah, I guess he was. Once I saw him pick up a rattlesnake and throw it 20 yards.

Rick: See, that... That would have scared me. I don't have a brave bone in my body.

Tammy: No, but you have a brave heart.

Rick: Well, next time I see a rattlesnake, you need to remind me of that, okay? Hey, Cassie.

Cassie: I can't stay. Tammy, come on.

(Knock on door)

Dr. Grant: Come in.

Lillian: Am I too early?

Dr. Grant: No, you're right on time. Come in, take a seat. Mr. Marshall was just telling me that you asked him to check on the equipment in Richard Winslow's room.

Lillian: Yes, I was afraid that perhaps the ventilator had malfunctioned, because the printout from the data system...

Dr. Grant: ...Was absolutely correct. The ventilator was down for several minutes, but not because of an equipment failure. Isn't that right, Mr. Marshall?

Technician: Everything's working just the way it should be.

Dr. Grant: Any thoughts on what happened in Richard's Winslow's room that day?


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