Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/29/02
From Cifuno
Proofread By Tanya
Danny: Honey, do you really think Rick will be up for this?
Michelle: Well, he really wanted to go to the funeral, and I told him I would report to him first thing, so... (cell phone rings)
Danny: Look, I got to take this. I don't want to get it near Rick's machines. I'll be right in.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Okay. Yeah. Boy, that was fast, Tony. Good work. Where's Edmund now? Mm-hmm. Oh, no, no, no, I'm sure. Hey, Edmund's messing with my family, he's going to pay the price.
Edmund: Beth?
Beth: Edmund, what are you doing here? I'm sorry about Richard. I know that you two had a complicated relationship, but I also know that you loved him in your own way. I'm so sorry.
Edmund: Thank you.
Beth: It can't be easy.
Edmund: It's not. Everyone... Everyone is gone now.
Beth: Well, if it's any help at all, Richard does live on; even in his death he saved others.
Edmund: Ah, you mean Rick Bauer.
Beth: Among others.
Edmund: Yes, of course, your good friend Rick Bauer. You're here to see him, I take it.
Beth: Yes. Yes, because of Richard, Rick is alive.
Edmund: Yes, I know that all too well.
Beth: Edmund, are you angry? Richard did a wonderful thing. This is a miracle for Rick.
Edmund: A miracle? What, Beth, made in heaven? Is that what you
think? No, this transaction took place far south of that. It wasn't a miracle, Beth,
it was a crime.
Older man: Promise me, son. (Echoing) Promise me... Promise me... Promise me...
Harley: Okay, take it easy. I wish somebody would've said that to me before I fell.
Blake: Well, it happened so fast, Harley. And you were so mad at Alan, you rushed out of Reva's.
Harley: All right, I don't need the recap. Thank you for everything. Thank you for taking me to the hospital, but you can go back to the Lewis' now.
Blake: Well, everybody's gone. And I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened with Alan.
Harley: I told you-- I don't want to talk about it.
Blake: Well, that's tough, because I want to know what happened.
Harley: It's nothing that I can't handle, okay, Blake?
Blake: Okay, Harley, do you think I'm not going to find out about this?
Harley: I'm telling you, okay? Listen to me: Phillip went out of the country and he took Zach with him.
Blake: He can't do that.
Harley: Yes, he can! He can do whatever he wants, can't he? He's Phillip Spaulding. But I will stop him.
Blake: All right, all right, calm down.
Harley: No, no, don't tell me to calm down, okay? You want to help me, great. Why don't you... I'm working with one arm here. You take your little cell phone there, and I need you to start calling some airlines, okay?That would help. I am going to find out if he took the jet. Ha-ha-- we'll see who knows who, because I have contacts of my own. I'm going to get some people on the phone, see if I can get some overseas information.
Blake: Huh?
Harley: Thinks he's so smart, he's a Spaulding-- woo-hoo!-- I'm a Cooper, right? Right? See who knows who. Thinks he's got all his little private detective people...
Blake: Oh, thank God you answered. Look, I'm at Harley's right now, and we're talking meltdown.
Harley: Nothing I can't handle on my own, right?
Blake: No, her wrist will be fine; she won't. Can you get over here? And bring reinforcements. Yes, that's exactly who I'm talking about. Hurry.
Danny: Tony, hey, listen to me. As soon as they have Edmund, I want you to call me immediately. I want to deliver this message myself. Yep.
Michelle: So, dad read your letter at the service...
Danny: Hey, Rick.
Rick: Hey, hi.
Michelle:...And it was beautiful.
Rick: I just wish I could've been there.
Michelle: Oh, come on. How? People understand-- they want you to get well.
Danny: Yeah, everybody was asking about you.
Michelle: Yeah.
Lillian: Someone turned it off.
Ed: I mean, what are you saying, like a mercy killing?
Lillian: Maybe.
Ed: Who would've done that? Someone in Richard's family?
Lillian: I don't know. When I walked into the room, Mel was in there,
and Michelle was nearby.
Ed: What do you mean? Do you think one of them?
Lillian: I don't know.
Ed: Hey.
Danny: Hey, Ed. Hey.
Ed: Rick, I'll come back and visit with you a little bit later, but I just need a moment with Michelle.
Rick: Okay.
Michelle: Sure.
Danny: So, I think Cassie really did appreciate that letter a lot.
Rick: Danny, how's she holding up?
Danny: As you'd expect. She'll be okay. She's got a lot of family around her, supporting her, helping her out.
Rick: That's good because, you know, she needs her family right now.
Danny: Yeah, well, family takes care of family. That's how it should be.
Michelle: What's the matter? Is it Rick? Is the heart...?
Ed: Rick's fine. I want to talk to you about the heart, though. About Richard.
Beth: A crime?
Edmund: That's what I said. That's what it was.
Beth: Oh, of course. You're offended that a commoner has your brother's heart.
Edmund: No, Beth, I'm offended that this hospital recycled my brother for parts like an old car, and you should be offended, too.
Beth: Richard chose to be an organ donor. He wanted that. And one of my oldest and dearest friends is alive because of it. A good and decent man is alive because another good and decent man was generous.
Edmund: Oh, my God. In no time at all, Phillip has reduced your head to mush. "Good and decent"? Is that all you see when you look at the Bauer’s?
Beth: That's all anyone sees when they look at the Bauer’s.
Edmund: Well, of course, that's all anyone sees, and that's what the Bauer’s were counting on when they tried to cover their theft. If you really believed in goodness and decency, Beth, you'd be in that hospital right now screaming for an inquiry.
Beth: Theft? You actually believe that the Bauer’s stole Richard heart? That's insane.
Edmund: No, it's not. It's a fact, Beth.
Beth: You've lost your mind. You've lost your mind.
Edmund: Are you sure? How would you feel if you knew that Richard's death wasn't what it appeared to be. I mean, what would you think about the Bauer’s if you knew this donation didn't just fall into their laps?
Harley: No, no, not at the station, because I'm taking a few days off. You can reach me on my cell phone all the time, or you can reach me here at the house. Thank you so much.
Blake: Honey, you're going to wear out the buttons on the phone.
Harley: Well, you would, too, Blake. Remember, Tory took your children.
Blake: Harley, come here.
Harley: What?
Blake: Sit down. Phillip is coming home with Zach. You know that.
Harley: I don't know anything. All I know is that I'm an idiot! Because I trusted him, and I trusted Gus. Look where this got me. Now I'm on my own. I'm totally on my own here. Do you want to help me?
Blake: Well, I'm trying, but going off in a hundred directions isn't going to work. You have to take it easy, all right?
Harley: I need my child back, Blake. I want my son back. I want him in his house, here, with me now.
Blake: Yeah, your son will be home soon.
Harley: You don't know that. I don't know that. (Doorbell rings) But you know the Spaulding’s. You were married to the same ones I was. You know what they're capable of, and I opened myself up to him...
Blake: Answer the door.
Harley: Now, this whole thing with Gus... I want my life back. I just want my life back the way it was, okay? You know what this is? This is a summons. You know that. No, you know what this is? This is Phillip taking the house back. That way he can say that Zach is homeless and he really will get him. Well, you know what, bring it on.
Frank: Excuse me. Do you know this guy?
Harley: Hi. (Laughs) Come here.
Frank: Careful there, careful.
Harley: (Laughs) Oh, my pumpkin.
Frank: Well, you can thank Blake.
Blake: Yeah. It's not the same as having both sons home, but it's a start, right?
Harley: Welcome home. It's so good to have you home, my little boy... My little boy.
Frank: Good boy. Yeah, you're a good boy. Blake, can I talk to you for a second? I'm not any fan of Aitoro's, but Phillip's really pushing it.
Blake: Where is Gus?
Frank: Don't ask. But the main thing right now is I want to keep Harley very calm because she's already on suspension. If she pulls another stunt like breaking into the Spaulding house, they're going to keep her badge permanently.
Blake: Not to mention that Phillip's going to keep Zach.
Frank: Will you remind her of that, Blake?
Blake: Yeah, you take care of the other thing?
Frank: I will.
Blake: Okay. (Jude babbling)
Frank: Hey, kids. Hey. Glad to see your mama, huh? Um, you know, I'm a little disappointed in you, that you didn't injure your arm taking a swing at Alan.
Harley: Oh, me, too. That would have been so great. (Laughter)
Frank: I called the babysitter. She's on her way over here, so...
Harley: Why did you call Kristen?
Frank: Do I need to remind you that you injured your arm here? Okay, you're going to need a lot -of help, okay. And so Kristen and Marina and I are going to kind of trade off doing the heavy lifting for you.
Harley: Thanks, Frank. I owe you.
Frank: Yeah, well, you're about to owe me a little bit more. Yeah, because in a couple of minutes I have to go on duty, and maybe I'll kind of run a little quiet check and get a lead on where Phillip is.
Harley: Well, I... I can do that.
Frank: No, you can't do that. What, do you think you can just go to the station and jump on a computer and get a lead on him? No.
Harley: Well, why don't we just wait until the Chief goes home for the night?
Frank: Excuse me, you are on thin ice right now. All right? Your trial's coming up, your hearing, and you just let somebody else help you. (Jude babbling) Yeah, tell mommy that. Absolutely.
Harley: Thanks, Frank. I appreciate it.
Frank: You got it. All right. Who's baby-sitting who? (Laughter) You baby-sit your mommy.
Harley: And also, thanks for not saying "I told you so."
Frank: There'll be plenty of time for that.
Harley: Yeah, I figured.
Frank: Yeah, and if I hear anything or find anything out, I will call you. And if you think about, you know, committing another felony, you call me.
Harley: Deal.
Frank: Blake, see you around.
Harley: Thank you for everything. But I'm sure you have to get back to Ross and the kids, we're fine.
Blake: No, no, no, no, no. See, I have the rest of the night to take care of your arm and your problem.
Harley: Well, I don't think there's anything we're going to solve tonight. (Laughs)
Blake: Honey, I've spent the last several months being threatened by a professional. I can get you ready for this fight in one night. (Jude coos)
Beth: You're serious? You believe that the Bauer’s did something to Richard to make his heart available?
Edmund: What, is that so unthinkable?
Beth: Yes.
Edmund: Well, I guess that's the difference between us, Beth. I'm willing to see people for what they really are.
Beth: Oh, and your judgment is so good.
Edmund: No, it's not. For example, I thought you could be a Princess. I thought you had the makings of a remarkable woman, that we could build a life for ourselves that most people only dream about. Clearly I was wrong.
Beth: For both of us. I didn't reject being a Princess, Edmund. I rejected you, because I was incapable of seeing the world the way that you do.
Edmund: That's because you're prey. You're prey to your emotions, you're prey to your illusions, and you will always be disappointed. But I'm a realist, and I know what people are capable of when they're pushed.
Beth: From years of being the one shoving?
Edmund: Still, I know. The Bauer’s were at the end of their rope, their precious Rick was slipping away, and there was Richard alone-- unattended on that night-- and everyone had given up any hope for him. Is it so hard to think that one of them just tried to hurry things along a little bit?
Michelle: What about Richard?
Ed: I know this is all kind of new to you, seeing life and death up close. I mean, especially when there are decisions to be made. I just want to make sure that I answered all your questions the other day.
Michelle: You did. You did. And, like I said before, I guess there are some questions that there are no answers to.
Ed: But you still need to ask them. You can tell me. You can say anything you want to me.
Michelle: I would-- if there were something that I needed to say.
Ed: I've got an appointment across the street. Tell Rick I'll be back later.
Michelle: Sure.
Danny: What? What? What is it?
Michelle: Well, I just did something that I never wanted to do: I just lied to my father.
Danny: Honey, you think your father's suspicious of Mel? Of you?
Michelle: Maybe, I don't know. Something is bothering him. I mean, this is the second time he's brought it up. I'm just glad that he didn't come right out and ask me what happened to Richard. Because if I told him, Danny, this would just put him in a terrible position. It would do... It would do no one any good. God, why... Why did I have to see Mel in Richard's room? And yet I know that if she did do something, she did it to help Richard. There is no way, no matter what, that Mel would kill someone-- no. I mean, not even for Rick. I just want to forget about the whole thing.
Danny: I think that's a good idea. Honey, you're right. No good could come out of anybody else knowing. All right? So they won't.
Michelle: Thank God you're here.
Danny: (Laughs) Hey, I'm not going anywhere.
Michelle: I mean it. I mean it because I can tell you anything, and you don't judge me. You listen to me, and you help me, and you protect me. Thank you for that.
Danny: Come on, it's nothing.
Michelle: It's everything. It's everything in the world to me.
Lillian: Thank you, Ed, for coming.
Ed: Sure.
Lillian: Look, I... I'm as anxious as you are to get this all settled.
Ed: Well, thanks for giving me the time to, you know, sort things out.
Lillian: I don't want to be the one who points the finger of suspicion if there's any other way. Now, did you talk to Michelle?
Ed: I tried. She didn't say anything.
Lillian: She and Mel, I mean, they aren't capable of... Could they really have turned off Richard's ventilator?
Ed: No. Even though Richard's case was hopeless and he was... He was suffering. But, you know, the thing is Michelle doesn't trust me enough yet to talk to me about something serious like this, and I can't help her if she won't talk to me.
Lillian: I am so sorry. I am so sorry I know what I know.
Ed: You're a good nurse. You had to investigate what happened to that ventilator. You know, you... You found what you found, and you saw what you saw.
Lillian: Nobody but you and I know what I saw. Nobody in the hospital knows that Mel and Michelle were near that room. Maybe we should keep it that way.
Ed: Oh, Lillian.
Lillian: Ed, I owe you and your family.
Blake: Choose. Have I not been right about everything tonight? Is your youngest son not sleeping upstairs like a little baby?
Harley: He is a baby.
Blake: Okay, was your daughter not thrilled to have a long gab with you on the phone?
Harley: It was good to talk to Susan. That was a good idea.
Blake: Yeah, it was. So choose.
Harley: Okay. Blake, I'm not really sure I'm understanding how getting a pedicure is supposed to set me up for this fight.
Blake: Being relaxed, calm, and focused gets you ready for the fight. And it doesn't hurt to look good. So take care of what you can, you sit back, you relax, and plan your strategy.
Harley: Okay. But I think there's a lot of other things I could do.
Blake: Not tonight. Uh-uh. Frank's at the station, he's making phone calls. Ross is leaving messages all over for Phillip, and if anybody can get Phillip to reason, it's Ross. So, you, my dear, are to sit back, relax, let your mind float. And tell me about Gus.
Harley: (Scoffs) I thought I was supposed to relax.
Blake: And you can't do that until you're clear about Gus. Now, he's in the middle of this, right? And now he's out of the house and you are growling. I want to know what happened.
Harley: What happened? What happened is... Gus is a stupid jerk who only thinks about himself.
Gus: Hey, man. Sleeping?
Rick: It was a nice, deep sleep till you barged in.
Gus: Oh.
Rick: Did you smuggle my son in so I could see him?
Gus: No, I couldn't... I couldn't do that this time. It's just... Just me here. Got a minute?
Rick: Between my tennis game and my facial? Sure.
Gus: You're a captive audience, I like that.
Rick: Just come in.
Gus: Thanks.
Rick: What's on your mind, Gus?
Gus: Well, I just... I got to ask you... I didn't know who else to ask...
Rick: So, go ahead and ask.
Gus: Okay. You thought that you were going to kick up the daisies there. I mean, you know, expire. Thought you were going to die.
Rick: You have a very sensitive way of putting things.
Gus: You know, I'm just making... You know, it's just making sure that... I mean, everybody around you thought that you were...
Rick: Where is this going?
Gus: I need to know about deathbed promises.
Rick: You really know how to lift somebody's spirits. Thank you so much for coming by.
Gus: Look, I... I just need to know. Come on, Rick, look, if I needed to know about sex, I'd ask a hooker, okay. If I needed to know about... Oh, pizza, I'd ask my friend Vin-- his father owns a pizza shop. Who else do you go to about deathbed promises besides...
Rick: ...Somebody who's had a deathbed experience.
Gus: That's right. Right, and most of those experts are...
Rick: Dead.
Gus: Yeah.
Rick: What can I do for you today, Gus?
Gus: Did you make anybody promise you anything?
Rick: Yes, I did. I asked Phillip to watch my son. I had him promise that he'd take care of my son.
Gus: Instead of me?
Rick: Get to the point, Gus.
Gus: I'm just making sure. I mean, so you thought... I mean, everybody... You weren't looking good. It's my hypothetical scenario that I'm trying to...
Rick: Please, please, move this along.
Gus: So just say down the line somewhere, Phillip wasn't able to, you know, live up to that promise because he had a good reason, okay?
Rick: Well, it better be a good reason.
Gus: No, great reason. Like, there's new people in his life and you don't know them because you're dead, and he... He would hurt them if he kept his promise to you.
Rick: Could you be more specific?
Gus: No, I can't... I cannot. I can't.
Rick: Nurse!
Gus: Come on, take it... Take it easy.
Rick: Okay, I give up, I give up, I give up. Okay, fine. You made somebody a promise, right? Okay, so you're afraid that you're going to hurt somebody to keep this promise, and if you don't keep, you're still going to hurt somebody, so, is that it?
Gus: I'm going to hell. I'm going straight to hell.
Rick: You know what? Sometimes we think there's only one way of doing things. Have you considered there might be a second or third or maybe... (coughs) ....a fourth approach to this?
Gus: Oh, please, I'd be happy with a third. That'd be great.
Rick: All right, so maybe you can keep your promise and still do what you need to do.
Gus: Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks, Rick.
Harley: So what was I supposed to say? I mean, it's not like I thought I was the first woman in Gus' life, but I'd like to be first to him now.
Blake: Well, you are. You are. Come on, Harley, has he even looked at another woman since you've been together? He hasn't. You know that.
Harley: What does that matter now? Gus knows what is at stake here. Phillip is crucifying me! Because of something that Gus didn't even do, and he will win. He will be able to keep Zach away from me, all because Gus cannot get this woman to step forward and just tell the truth.
Blake: All right, you got me, that sounds bad.
Harley: It's not bad. Gus is willing to sell me and my children out for a promise he made to some stupid woman a million years ago. What am I supposed to think about that?
Blake: Gus is a goofball. He's just odd.
Harley: Odd? Okay, great, thanks. I'm glad I broke up with him.
Blake: No, that's not what I mean. I mean, he just... Well, Gus has a different code in life. So it doesn't mean that he cares more about this other woman than he does you. The entire time you were together, did you ever doubt that Gus loved you? For a minute?
Harley: No.
Blake: And it's not like he was cheating on you.
Harley: I never thought that.
Blake: And he didn't even have contact with this other woman, I mean, that you know of.
Harley: But see, that's the problem is that he won't contact her. He won't get in touch with her. It's like her comfort level is more important to him than me. I can't live like that. I'm sorry, okay, so it's over. He is history, okay. I am moving on.
Blake: Harley, where'd you just go?
Harley: That's it. That is it.
Ed: Look, I asked you for time so I could figure out what happened. I'm not asking you to...
Lillian: You're not asking me. I am volunteering.
Ed: Sometimes... I mean, you really think it helps?
Lillian: Ed, I don't want to be the person who brings pain to your family yet again-- especially not Michelle.
Ed: But lying can just make things worse.
Lillian: Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut this time.
Ed: No, Lillian.
Lillian: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Ed: Look-- look, we both know that you can't hide from your actions. If Michelle or Mel turned off Richard's life-support system, then...
Lillian: Then what? We both know what happens.
Ed: Rick is just recovering. These are the two most important women in his life. I mean, I'm the father who came back, supposedly to help everyone, you know? And I will-- I will-- it's just...
Lillian: Ed, I'm willing to help you.
Ed: No. I don't want you to compromise yourself like that. I couldn't live with that, and you couldn't, either. Look, this isn't your fault. You got to let yourself off the hook about this. But trust me, I will find a way to help my family.
Michelle: So the nurse just said that Gus Aitoro was here?
Rick: Michelle, you don't want to know.
Michelle: Oh, sure I do.
Rick: He's got to be the strangest man I've ever met in my life.
Danny: I'm surprised Mel didn't just sic the staff on him.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Where is she?
Rick: Oh, thank God, she's taking a nap. Thank God, she's finally taking a nap. You know, she's... She hasn't left the hospital in days. I mean, she works her shift and she comes here and she takes care of me.
Michelle: She really, really loves you. You know that. You found someone that loves you completely.
Rick: Yeah, I know.
Michelle: She'd do anything for you.
Rick: I know. I still find that kind of confusing.
Michelle: Hey, we all love you. We want you to get out of this bed and we want you to get home. There's a pile of dishes in that sink waiting for you.
Danny: Oh, yeah, and the fridge is... All the leftovers are just sitting in there, going bad because you're not home.
Rick: You and I need to talk about Michelle's leftovers. Oh, yeah. You've got to be very careful what you find in that fridge. (Cell phone rings)
Michelle: What is that?
Danny: Ooh, ooh, sorry, sorry. Is it done? Well, Tony, what the hell is taking so long? Uh-huh. No, of course, we don't want any witnesses. They should wait until Edmund's alone, and then as soon as he is, you know what to do.
Edmund: I can prove it. I will prove it.
Beth: You're actually going to pursue this?
Edmund: To the bitter end.
Beth: "Bitter." Yes, that is the word. (Sighs) Oh, I know this look. I saw it so many times when we were together. World had dealt you an unfair blow, and someone would be blamed. Someone would pay. Someone always did, but no matter how many people you managed to hurt, who was the person who paid the most in the end?
Edmund: I've earned my fate, Beth. I have what's coming to me, but Richard did not deserve this end!
Beth: No, no, it just happened.
Edmund: No, it didn't just happen, that's the point!
Beth: Yes, it did! His car crashed. He died. Nothing can change that. You can't bring him back. You can't make amends. And you can't save yourself with this ridiculous fight.
Edmund: I'm not trying to save anyone.
Beth: Yes, you know, you're right. See, that's the problem, because all you do is destroy, and this scenario of yours is the worst way of...
Edmund: Because you don't understand. You won't... You won't see it, you won't believe it.
Beth: Because it's not true. The only person who will get hurt if you go through with this is you! You may actually destroy yourself this time. Is that what you want?
Edmund: Beth... Beth, you're trying to protect your friends...
Beth: I am trying to help you.
Edmund: (Laughs) There's a switch. Forgive me if I am a bit suspicious of your motives.
Beth: Can you hear yourself? Can you hear me? I loved you once, Edmund. We both know that. And I don't deny it.
Edmund: Thank you for that bit of Grace.
Beth: Because I saw things in you that no one else believes are there-- but I know. You have the makings of a remarkable man. It's in there, and you can find it even now, so please...
Edmund: For the Bauer's sake?
Beth: No, for your sake. Find that man. There is a core of decency in you. Use it to be human again before it's too late.
Gus: Hello, Frank.
Frank: What's going on, Gus?
Gus: You mean down at the station? No, you don't mean down at the station.
Frank: I've heard Harley's version. Is there anything you would like to tell me?
Gus: (Sighs) Ah, Frank, you know, I cannot do another heart-to-heart conversation today. I mean, we're dudes, and it doesn't usually end up going too well.
Frank: Okay, fine. Then I'll talk and you listen. If you're not going to help Harley, I would like for you to stay away. Let her get her son back. That's all I care about.
Gus: Well, you might not believe this, Frank, but that's... That's all I really care about.
Frank: Really? I heard you had competing interests. What do you plan on doing about that?
Gus: Well, I have a little... I have a little time off coming my way, so maybe I'll just take it starting right now.
Frank: I mean, is that leaving town?
Gus: Look, I just want this to turn out in Harley's favor, so I'm going to go find the third way. (Car alarm chirps)
Harley: I'm doing it again. It's the same thing again. It's the same thing. I did it with Mallet, the same thing I did with Phillip.
Blake: You threw Gus' clothes out the front door?
Harley: What? No... Well, yes, I did, but I'm... I'm giving up, you know? They betray me. I'm convinced they want to be with some other woman and what do I do? I slink away. But you didn't do that, right? You fought for Ross.
Blake: I did.
Harley: You did. And look what you have, Blake. You... You have your husband, you have your children, you have your life because you didn't give up.
Blake: It wasn't easy.
Harley: No, but you hung in there. You didn't give up, and you gave him a chance.
Blake: You gave Phillip a chance.
Harley: No, I didn't. Not really. Not really. Not in my heart I didn't. No, when I found out that it was Beth, that was it for me. You know me-- my wall, it just came right down, and-- boom-- I could not get it open again. Well, I'm not doing that again. This is it. This is it. I'm making the change. I am not going to keep making that same mistake over and over again.
Blake: Well, you sound good-- and you look good-- but you're not making any sense.
Harley: What I'm saying is I am not giving up on Gus. He loves me. I know he loves me, and I... I care about him. I care about him enough to give him a chance to prove himself to me. So you know what? If he can't go out and track down this woman, I have to believe that it's for a good reason. So I will do it. I will find her myself.
Rick: Yes, it's true-- it was Maureen's bra and a huge box of tissues. (Laughter)
Michelle: I had a cold. I had a cold and I was doing laundry.
Rick: Not even remotely plausible.
Michelle: You know, that was a secret.
Rick: It was not a secret.
Michelle: It was. It was... It's a family secret, okay, so you're initiated.
Danny: Hey, I'll never tell.
Michelle: Thank you for everything.
Danny: Haven't you figured it out yet, hmm?