GL Transcript Wednesday 7/24/02

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/24/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Mel: He looks good, huh? He's getting some color back in his face.

Michelle: And he's not coughing anymore.

Ed: He's making a terrific recovery. (Heart monitor beeping) No, no, that's okay. That's okay. All our hearts skip a beat every once in a while.

Mel: Well, mine is racing a mile a minute.

Michelle: Maybe we should let him rest for a little while?

Mel: Yeah.

Rick: No, never again. I've rested enough to last a lifetime.

Ed: Hey.

Rick: Hey.

Ed: How are you feeling?

Rick: I'm tired, but I feel so much better, especially seeing all of you guys all dressed up. What's going on? Is it Sunday? I've lost track of time. What is it? What's going on?

Mel: It's Richard’s funeral later on today.

Rick: Oh.

Michelle: We thought we would go and pay our respects and thank Richard for giving you his heart.

Rick: Well, I need... I need to be there.

Mel: No. No, no, no. Not so soon after surgery, honey.

Rick: He just lost his life. If he didn't die, then I wouldn't...

Ed: Then you would have lost yours. We know that, and to a certain extent, it's true. But what you have to remember, Richard died because of an accident, and you were next on the list to receive a heart. You did not take that heart away from him. (Pager beeps) All right. I'll be right back.

Mel: Okay.

Carmen: Did you find out any more about your brother's death?

Edmund: I spoke to the technician in charge of Richard’s life support. According to him, the ventilator was in perfect working order.

Carmen: So there was no reason for it to stop and then start again?

Edmund: None.

Carmen: Someone...

Edmund: Pulled the plug on my brother, exactly.

Carmen: One of the Bauer’s?

Edmund: To ensure their beloved Rick got a heart.

Carmen: Do you know who?

Edmund: No. Any one of them could have done it-- would have gladly done it.

Danny: I can't believe it.

Tony: You want me to get rid of him?

Danny: No, no, no. I'll deal with him later. I've got some business to discuss. But just for your information, whenever you see those two together, heads up.

Reva: Read who's coming from San Cristobel for Richard’s funeral.

Josh: Wow. Your basic who's-who, huh? It doesn't surprise me at all. What's going on in there, sweetheart?

Reva: I just keep looking at that picture and thinking about how happy Cassie was.

Josh: Reva, you did not cause that car accident. You did not put Richard in the hospital.

Reva: Yeah, well, I let him die, though, didn't I?

Josh: You did what he asked you to do.

Reva: I did what he couldn't ask Cassie to do.

Josh: Have you made a decision yet? Are you going to tell her?

Reva: I have to tell her. But I just don't know when the right time is. I mean, first it was their wedding anniversary, and now his funeral.

Josh: Reva, I don't know that there will ever be a right time to tell her.

Reva: Yeah. But until I do, I'm going to have this huge weight on my shoulders.

Josh: You want to protect your sister?

Reva: Maybe. But maybe by not telling her, deep down I'm just protecting myself.

Cassie: Couldn't sleep either, huh? Didn't want to sleep alone? Well, it looks like that's not going to change.

Lillian: Thank you very much.

Nurse: You're welcome.

Ed: You know, I never would have figured you to be a regular at this place.

Lillian: Well, I'm not, to be honest. That's why I asked you to meet me here.

Ed: What?

Lillian: Well, I discovered something very disturbing, and I have to play it by the book, Ed, but I wanted you to know.

Ed: Tell me.

Lillian: The printout from Richard’s ventilator. Something's wrong, there's a gap in the figures.

Ed: Did you check the ventilator?

Lillian: Oh, I had it checked backward and forward. It's perfect, and there's backup for it. Someone turned it off.

Ed: Well, I mean, what are you saying? Like a mercy killing?

Lillian: Maybe.

Ed: Well, who would have done that? Someone in Richard’s family?

Lillian: I don't know. When I walked into the room, Mel was in there, and Michelle was nearby.

Ed: What do you think? One of them?

Lillian: I don't know.

Ed: I mean, I don't even know why you're telling me this.

Lillian: I'm telling you this because I care about you, and I care about your family. And once I go to the hospital administrator, who knows? We have an idea where this will go.

Ed: But you haven't spoken to anyone yet?

Lillian: No, but I will.

Ed: Don't.

Lillian: Ed...

Ed: Don't. I'm... Please. Look, I know that I don't have any right to ask you this, but you've got to give me... You've got to give me some time. I mean, maybe till the end of the day, just so I can figure out what I’m going to do.

Lillian: All right, for you. But just till the end of the day, okay?

Danny: Okay, Richard Winslow’s funeral is today, so there are a few things I want you to take care of while I'm gone.

Tony: Yeah, I still can't believe that the guy's dead. It makes you question your own mortality. All that can go just like that.

Danny: Yeah, I know. So all you can do is your best, and try not to hurt anyone along the way.

Tony: Well, that's funny coming from you.

Danny: Why do you say that?

Tony: Well, what we do. What you came back to, people are going to get hurt.

Danny: Not if I can help it. We're a little busy here.

Carmen: Yes, I see. I see. I came to deliver a message. You didn't give me a chance earlier.

Danny: Okay. What is it?

Carmen: I ran into a couple of your investors last night. Apparently there's a problem with payments.

Danny: Okay. Thank you.

Carmen: I'm just trying to help.

Danny: No, you're not, you're trying to butt in. If my investors have a problem, they can come to me personally.

Carmen: Maybe they don't want to.

Danny: It never ends with her, does it?

Tony: You know, Danny, she's not wrong.

Danny: What? What are you... Are you taking her side on this?

Tony: Look, I’ve heard rumblings. Okay, people aren't happy that their cut isn't being paid as it should.

Danny: Whoa. It's a business, Tony. You know, there are good months and there are bad months. Are you saying that that's my fault?

Tony: Yeah. You know why? Because it is. Danny, look. Look at this. People are going to threaten your position if you don't produce. Now maybe you don't want to be in charge anymore.

Danny: Let's take a look.

Tony: Okay.

Danny: Shall we? (Sighs) Okay, Clark, not a problem. I can take care of that today. Cowling, Dean, Walsh, Wood-- no problem.

Tony: Yeah. What about Winslow? Cassie Winslow? You okayed that loan personally, Danny, and that cost a small fortune.

Danny: Yeah. You know, Tony, her husband just died. I'm not...

Tony: I know. Look, if you want, I can handle it.

Danny: No, no, no, no, no, no. Thank you...

Tony: Because I can...

Danny: No. Tony, I said I can handle it.

Cassie: Hi. I hope I’m not interrupting.

Reva: No, but what are you doing up, Cassie? You were going to sleep in.

Cassie: Yeah, I was going to, and then I realized that I couldn't sleep, so...

Josh: I don't think any of us got much sleep last night.

Cassie: Have you seen Tammy anywhere?

Reva: Yeah, actually, she went out. She said there was something she needed to do.

Cassie: Did she say what?

Josh: I think she needed some time alone.

Cassie: Yeah, this is really hitting her hard. Will doesn't understand what's going on, and R.J. thinks that Richard’s on a trip.

Reva: What can we do to help?

Cassie: You guys have done plenty. Reva, you're doing everything.

Josh: Can I help you with that, whatever that is?

Cassie: No, this is... This is some of Richard’s things. You know, I couldn't sleep, so I went through the bureau last night.

Reva: Cassie, you didn't have to do that so soon.

Cassie: I know. I... I wanted to, and I think it helps. But look, these are some poems that Richard copied when he was a child.

Reva: You should hold on to those.

Cassie: I read through this last night, you know, I just got lost in it. I kept thinking maybe there was something in here that I could read at the service, but I didn't find anything. Reva, I really wanted to ask you a favor. I was hoping that you could deliver Richard’s eulogy for me.

Reva: Sweetie, I don't really think that's appropriate.

Cassie: Oh, Reva, you know, I just... I... It would just really mean so much to me. Please?

Reva: Well, of course I will.

Cassie: Thank you. (Doorbell rings) No, no, you know what? I think it might be Alonzo, so I should... Hey, Alonzo.

Edmund: Sorry, it's the other brother.

Cassie: I can't talk to you right now, Edmund.

Edmund: I think you should, Cassie, and I think you'll be glad you did once you hear what I have to say.

Reva: Edmund, you are not welcome here or wanted.

Edmund: I'm not leaving until I speak with Cassie.

Cassie: Give me five minutes, and if I’m not back, call the police. I know why you're here. You want to come to Richard’s funeral service.

Edmund: Richard was my brother -- a fact you forgot when you failed to notify me of his death.

Cassie: You're right. I'm sorry. I should have called you.

Edmund: Thank you. Cassie, I know that San Cristobel will be well- represented at Richard’s funeral, but I want to be there as his brother, not as a member of the royal family.

Cassie: You know, you really weren't much of a brother, Edmund.

Edmund: I understand why you feel that way, Cassie, really I do. But I want to honor my brother, and I hope that you'll let me.

Cassie: You know what? You can come if you want. I'm not going to stop you.

Edmund: Thank you. But Cassie, one more thing. Neither one of us had the opportunity to say good-bye to Richard, but maybe neither one of us would have had to. Maybe he'd still be here with us today if someone had not taken matters into their own hands.

Cassie: What are you talking about, Edmund?

Edmund: Richard's heart beats inside of Rick Bauer’s body, a man who not so long ago was so desperately in need of a heart, that I’ve begun to wonder how far someone might have gone to provide him with one.

Cassie: Wait a minute. You... You think...

Edmund: Richard was taken from us before his time, Cassie, deliberately.

Ed: Hey, I had to take care of something, I'm sorry.

Michelle: That's okay. Rick's asking for you. He's trying to write a letter to Cassie. Would you mind giving it to her at the funeral?

Ed: Of course not.

Michelle: Great. I'll tell Rick. Dad, are you okay?

Ed: Are you?

Michelle: Sure. Why wouldn't I be? My brother's got a healthy new heart beating in him.

Ed: And that's what matters.

Michelle: Well, it's not all that matters. I mean, you know how much I hated that Richard had to die for Rick to live.

Ed: And that's why you asked me all those questions about medical ethics before?

Michelle: Well, I mean, it's bound to come up if I'm going to be a physician assistant.

Ed: And the whole issue of a dying patient's quality of life, like Richard’s?

Michelle: Well, Richard was in a lot of pain, and he was going to be on life support for the rest of his life, and he wasn't able to talk to anyone, so...

Ed: So we can't really call that living?

Michelle: Why are you asking me?

Ed: Because you seemed concerned. I mean, you brought it up. You asked questions, and I couldn't... I couldn't answer them.

Michelle: Well, you tried. I'm just not sure there are answers to them.

Ed: Just please promise me something. Just tell me that if you ever have to say something to me, if you ever have to tell me anything, anything, just do it because I'm here. I'm not going to run away this time.

Michelle: Thanks. I guess the only thing I have to say is I’m happy for Rick. We do deserve this break.

Rick: "Dear Cassie, no words can possibly express how..." I'm right. No words could possibly express how I feel. What can I possibly say?

Mel: Rick...

Rick: How can I possibly say this?

Michelle: You don't have to do this right now. I'm sure Cassie’s not expecting anything from you, especially today. Why don't you wait until you're feeling better, and then you can talk to her in person.

Rick: I don't want to wait that long. Her family just lost a husband and father, and ours gets to celebrate, does that seem fair to you?

Mel: Rick, I don't want you stressing out about this, okay? Rick?

Rick: Hey.

Michelle: Tammy, hey. How long have you been here? Is your mom with you?

Tammy: I came by myself. I hope that's okay.

Rick: That's fine. Come on in, Tammy. Actually, Michelle and Mel were just leaving.

Mel: Yeah. Yeah, just buzz the nurse if you need us.

Rick: Please sit down. Tammy, I’m so sorry about your father. I hope you know that.

Tammy: His funeral's today.

Rick: Yeah, I know. Do you want to talk to me about something?

Tammy: I'm sorry.

Rick: No, please. Please don't be. Do you want to tell me what you're thinking about?

Tammy: I'm glad you're alive. But why did my dad have to die?

Cassie: You think that someone cut off Richard’s life support? You think they pulled the plug?

Edmund: Yes. I spoke with the technician who's in charge of running the test on Richard’s life support equipment. He says there's something wrong with the readout.

Cassie: Because you probably paid him to say that, Edmund! What, so you could sue the hospital and make a bundle? Is that it?

Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, you're wrong. Have it checked out for yourself.

Cassie: I am not going to have it checked out.

Edmund: Cassie, if you just listen to me, you'll...

Cassie: I want you to leave. I'm not going to listen to you because I want you to leave. And don't you dare show your face at my husband's funeral, do you hear me? (Door slams) Sick, twisted man.

Reva: What did he say?

Cassie: You know what? I don’t... I don't even want to talk about it. I just... I just want to... I just want to go through Richard’s things. You know, that will help me get my mind off of Edmund.

Reva: If you need anything, honey, just yell for us, okay?

Cassie: Thank you. (Sobbing)

Richard: "My dearest Cassie..."

Rick: I got a gift here; an incredible unexpected gift, and I will never ever take it for granted.

Tammy: You won't forget?

Rick: Never. Tammy, your father was... Your dad was a very honorable man. He was a special man, and I feel this incredible responsibility to live up to his standard.

Tammy: My mom would like that.

Rick: I'm going to earn this heart, Tammy, and I hope that you'll be around to help me.

Tammy: I'd like that.

Rick: Well, I... I'd like that, too

Tammy: Could I... Could I feel his heart? I mean yours.

Rick: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. That's your dad. He's in there, Tammy. And he loves you.

Carmen: Where's Danny?

Tony: He had some business he needed to take care of.

Carmen: I hope it's about the business I warned him about. So I see he's trained you well.

Tony: If you mean he's trained me not to trust you, then you're right.

Carmen: Loyalty, Antonio, that's very good. Very good. But I know you've heard the rumblings like I have.

Tony: Carmen, I’m not going to get into this with you.

Carmen: Well, you should if you want to protect your cousin. Oh, come on, Antonio. You know what they're saying about Danny, that he's too soft for the business. And it's not the first time it's been said.

Tony: And you know these people always resent the guy on top. They want to take him down.

Carmen: Maybe. But they see Danny as weak. And since now you are the number two guy, you don't want their perceptions about Danny being rubbed off on you, do you?

Tony: Yeah, right. Okay.

Carmen: I'm just trying to warn you, Antonio. After all, you have a future.

Danny: Hey.

Cassie: Danny. What are you doing here?

Danny: Well, I had some business here, and I saw your car parked outside, and I... Isn't today...?

Cassie: Richard's funeral, yeah. It's later today.

Danny: Oh. You came here to be alone. I'm sorry. I interrupted. I'll catch you later.

Cassie: Danny, wait. Thank you.

Danny: For what?

Cassie: For not hounding me about the loan. I know I’m behind on my payments.

Danny: You know what? Don't worry about it. I know you've had other things on your mind, so...

Cassie: I know people in your business. They're not too compassionate, and I just hope that me being late hasn't caused you any problems.

Danny: No. No. And the people that I represent aren't... Not quite as understanding as I am, but it's okay.

Cassie: You know what? Take this, please.

Danny: Oh, hey, look, Cassie, no, no, no... No, no. Please, I couldn't. No.

Cassie: You just really need the money.

Danny: Don't worry about it right now, okay? You've got other things to think about. So it's fine. If you need the time, you take the time. You're not going to get any pressure from me.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Danny: I'm sure.

Josh: I was able to postpone my trip for a week or so.

Reva: Oh, thanks. I know how much the company could probably use you out there.

Josh: I think they'll survive. Is that the eulogy?

Reva: Yes. How can I possibly write a eulogy when Cassie doesn't even know the truth-- that there wouldn't even be a funeral if it weren't for me.

Josh: Reva, Richard is at peace. You did what you felt was the right thing to do.

Reva: Yeah, but you couldn't have done it.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: You've been so wonderful, and you've supported me. But there are times when I see you looking at me and wondering how I could have possibly done what I did.

Josh: That's not true. I'm just trying to work it out in my own mind.

Reva: I know. I know. But I'm thinking if... If you can't understand why, then how can I possibly expect Cassie to understand?

Danny: Hey. What's up? I got your message.

Michelle: Oh, I’m glad you're here.

Danny: Are you okay?

Michelle: Yeah. I'm not sure if I'm being silly or not.

Danny: What? Tell me.

Michelle: My dad and I had this conversation before about ethics and Richard dying.

Danny: Mm-hmm. Yeah?

Michelle: I think he's beginning to wonder about what happened to Richard.

Danny: I mean, I thought that you... You were going to keep quiet about it.

Michelle: I was, I was. Look, Mel shut off Richard’s life support, and my brother has a new heart.

Danny: Michelle...

Michelle: But now it's becoming a little more complicated.

Danny: Do you think your father is starting to suspect something?

Michelle: I don't know. I want to protect Mel and Rick. But if my dad or somebody else asks me, I’m not sure I can lie.

Reva: Richard asked me to do one thing for him-- to spare Cassie pain so she wouldn't be forced to make the decision between his life, which to him wasn't a life, and death.

Josh: I'm mad at Richard right now, I really am, for putting you in this horrible position in the first place, Reva.

Reva: Well, he knew me. He knew I'd make the right decision. That's why I have to continue to honor his wishes.

Josh: By keeping this secret from Cassie?

Reva: By loving her, and protecting her, because I don't think I could ever explain what I did to her and expect her to understand it, because it will just open up all the wounds again. And she'll feel like she would have wanted to have been there to make that decision herself.

Josh: Maybe she had that right.

Reva: Maybe. But maybe by taking it away from her, I spared her and protected her from having to bare that responsibility of what happened to her husband.

Josh: So you'll bare it alone?

Reva: Am I?

Josh: No. No, you are not alone.

Richard: My dearest Cassie, I know that as you look at this letter, you are debating whether to read it or to toss it across the room. Well, please read it and give me a chance to explain. I've been a fool once again, and once again I’ve made the mistake that I’ve made so often during our time together. In my desperation to protect you and the children, and to be the prince that you fell in love with, I’ve kept something from you without thinking through the consequences of my actions. I'm so sorry, darling. I... My reasons for not telling you the truth about my work were purely selfish to boot. See, somehow I thought that it would be best to wait until I could bring the gift of my success to you and lay it at your feet. I realize now that the true gift would have come in allowing you to share every step along the way, to comfort me and comfort me when I was discouraged as well as rejoicing my success. I'm learning, Cassie. I really am. Please be patient and bear with me as I try to find my way in our new life. Loving you is where my life begins and ends. I hope you will forgive me, and let's walk together into the future, a new beginning. My love always, Richard.


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