GL Transcript Tuesday 7/23/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/23/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

(Telephone ringing)

Frank: Hey, Patrick... (Baton clanging on bars) Okay, let's go, rise and shine! Everybody up!

Gus: Stop it!

Harley: Frank!

Gus: Stop.

Frank: All right, well, that's just great, sis. You got yourself arrested. What's the matter, couldn't find a hotel room?

Harley: How's my Jude?

Frank: Oh, Jude is fine. You, however, breaking and entering, assault, kidnapping, what the hell were you thinking?

Harley: I didn't have a choice. I didn't have a choice. Phillip is trying to take Zach away from me.

Frank: When did things get so bad with you and Phillip? I thought you had a handle on Zach.

Harley: Well, that was then. Now, it's war.

Gus: Coop...

Harley: No, no, no, no, no. It's war and I will not lose.

Phillip: That's a dinosaur.

Zach: That's a dinosaur...

Phillip: That's a dinosaur, right. Do you know what kind of dinosaur that is? I think that's a stegosaurus, but I'm not sure.

Beth: So, calm down a little since last night?

Phillip: I'm perfectly calm, Beth. It's my ex-wife that's acting irrational. What? She's breaking into people's houses. She's trying to steal children.

Beth: Phillip, don't you think you're overreacting just... Just a little bit?

Phillip: No, I really don't. And when I... I'll tell you, what really amazes me is that you are... You're taking her side in this. How can you possibly do that?

Beth: I love you and I want to support you. But, first of all, I don't believe that Gus would hurt Harley or those kids. And secondly, I have been in Harley’s shoes, fighting you for our children.

Phillip: Yes, when you wanted them to live with Edmund.

Beth: Oh, don't bring...

Phillip: No, hang on just a second. I think I have a right to say at least this much. Don't you think, looking back now, given everything that we know now, don't you think I made the right decision there?

Beth: You have no idea how much pain you're going to cause if you go through with this.

Phillip: Beth, sometimes it's necessary.

Beth: Not this time. Don't do this, Phillip. Don’t... Don't make this point of pride so important that you... That you lose everything else.

Carmen: I'm sorry about Richard. Despite your very complicated relationship, I know this must be a tremendous loss for you, Edmund. If there's anything that I can do to help...

Edmund: I'm not looking for sympathy, Carmen. I'm looking for revenge.

Carmen: I don't understand. I thought Richard’s death was the result of an accident.

Edmund: That, and the fact that the machine keeping him alive turned off for several minutes.

Carmen: What?

Edmund: And I keep thinking, "How convenient for Richard to die just in time for his heart to be donated to one of the members of the family that practically owns Cedars hospital."

Carmen: You mean...

Edmund: I mean Rick Bauer has my brother's heart.

Michelle: So, Richard’s funeral is tomorrow. I think the whole family should be there, don't you?

Danny: Well, yeah, I thought that was the plan. Us and your dad and Mel, right?

Michelle: Maybe Mel shouldn't go.

Danny: Honey, come on, you don't know for a fact that Mel had anything to do with Richard’s death.

Michelle: I saw her, Danny. She was in Richard’s room alone with her hands on his life support system when the alarms were going off.

Danny: Yeah, but Mel’s a doctor.

Michelle: I can't pretend I didn't...

Danny: Honey, she's a doctor. She could have been in... There are any number of reasons that she could have been in Richard’s room, right?

Michelle: Hm-hmm, and her husband got Richard’s heart. I know that that sounds awful, and I know that I should be grateful that Rick was saved by this transplant, but...

Danny: What? Can't you just forget what you saw?

Michelle: No, I don't think I can.

Rick: Hey, Dad.

Ed: Hey, son.

Rick: How's... How's Cassie holding up, Dad?

Technician: Nurse Raines?

Lillian: Yeah?

Technician: I have the results. You know, that diagnostic you asked me to run on the respirator that shut off.

Beth: Philip, going after Harley doesn't just affect you...

Phillip: I'm not going after Harley. I'm just trying to protect my son. That's all I’m trying to do.

Beth: And what about us? Have you given any thought to that?

Phillip: Beth, we're going to be fine.

Beth: But we are just starting to make it back to each other. We're still on shaky ground.

Phillip: I don't know where this is coming from. I really don't.

Beth: I'm just... I'm just asking you to stop disrupting everyone's lives with this assault on Harley.

Phillip: That's not what I'm doing. I'm sorry that you see it that way.

Olivia: Trouble?

Beth: Save it, Olivia.

Olivia: Excuse me. I was just trying to be polite by not interrupting...

Beth: Actually... Actually, I'm glad that you're here, because there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.

Olivia: Really, what?

Beth: When I was in Texas, I ran into Bill Lewis. Did you know that? Well, of course you did! Because you're the one that sent him down there chasing after me.

Phillip: Yeah, I understand that. I just want to clarify something else. Given... Given our custody arrangement, because Harley was arrested, I don't need her consent to take him across state lines, right?

Frank: You know, you guys seem to be spending a lot of time on the wrong side of the bars here.

Gus: Blah, blah... Frank, just open up, please stop lecturing us, all right? Get your sister out of here, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Frank: I wish I could, but we got one little problem here. I read the arrest report. Both Phillip and Thomas-- Thomas being the butler that you pushed around-- are pretty serious about pressing charges against you.

Gus: Oh, stop it, you can't be serious. That chisel-jawed freak is going to let the mother of his child spend the... Her days in the clinker? Come on.

Harley: Phillip is not... Doesn't want me in jail. This is his way of intimidating me. He's flexing his muscles.

Frank: You sure about that?

Harley: I am so positive about that. He is trying to scare me into breaking up with Gus for something that he thinks Gus did a lifetime ago. That's what this whole thing is about.

Frank: All right, I’m going to see if I can post your bail. I'll be right back.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: You know, he's not going to back down.

Harley: I know he's not.

Gus: He's not going to back down until I’m out of the picture.

Harley: I know. I know, but I'm not backing down either, because I know who you are. He doesn't.

Gus: Well, I can't say that... I mean, if it was me and that... If it was this guy that was the cause of somebody's death, I don't know if I’d want that guy near my kid.

Harley: Okay, first of all, that was a lifetime ago. You were just a teenager. And second of all, you didn't do it. You told me that you lied to protect somebody else, right? Did you?

Gus: Yeah. Right.

Harley: Yeah. Yeah, so... So we can fix this. Because now all you have to do is tell the truth and we can clear this whole thing up.

Gus: It's not that simple.

Harley: Okay, Gus, it's my kids.

Gus: I could tell the whole world what I did, okay. They're just going to want to know more information. They're going to want to know who...

Harley: Okay, that's fine, that's fine. Then we will just... We'll find this person, that's all.

Gus: You don't understand. I can't just track her... I can’t.

Harley: What did you say? Did you... Did you say "her"?

Gus: Coop...

Harley: That's what you said.

Gus: No.

Harley: Yes, you did. Wait, wait, wait. "Her"? You mean this whole time... You mean this whole time you have been protecting some other girl?

Carmen: Rick Bauer got Richard’s heart.

Edmund: Yes. And isn't it fortunate that Richard was hooked up to a faulty life support machine. If not, it might be the Bauer’s burying one of their own tomorrow instead of... I saw them, Carmen. I saw them celebrating their little triumph. Their Dr. Rick, given the heart of a prince, as if he deserves it. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if that heart rejected him-- I know mine would.

Carmen: Edmund, you and Richard haven't been close for years and years. Frankly, I’m a little surprised by all this talk about avenging his death.

Edmund: Carmen, you of all people should know how complicated family ties are.

Carmen: Yes, you're right about that, I do understand.

Edmund: And Reva and Cassie didn't even think I deserved to know that Richard died. No, no, I had to find out with the Bauer’s rubbing their bloody hands together, having robbed my brother's heart. Well, they are all going to pay for all of that if it's the last thing I do.

Danny: Honey, Rick has got a second chance at life. Mel's got her husband. Jude has his father. Can't you just focus on that?

Michelle: So I should just look the other way because things worked out for us? I can't do that.

Danny: I guess that's where we're different. I'm just saying maybe you don't need to pursue it any further.

Michelle: And then I do what? I forget what I saw? I mean, how am I supposed to look Cassie in the eyes knowing what I know?

Danny: But that's my point. Honey, you don't know. You don't, not for sure. Look, honey, Richard was on life support. It was only a matter of time. I just think it's time to move on for everybody's sake.

Michelle: Okay, I have to go. We have to go.

Danny: Time to go? Already? Don't forget.

Michelle: Oh, yeah, we need that. Can you hand me my purse, too?

Danny: And Goldie.

Michelle: And that down there.

Danny: And Billy. Hey. Hey, I love you.

Michelle: I love you. Say bye-bye.

Danny: Bye-bye. Good. Don't forget. Bye.

Lillian: I've been so worried that Richard Winslow’s life support machine stopped working for several minutes. Did you find the problem?

Technician: I went over that machine forwards and backwards. Ran every test I could think of.

Lillian: And?

Technician: And there's nothing wrong with that machine. It has a built-in backup system in case anything goes wrong. If it was off, then somebody...

Lillian: No, don't! I'm sorry, just don’t... Don't say anything, please.

Ed: Look, you can't drive yourself crazy by feeling guilty about this.

Rick: How can I not, Dad? I mean, what did I do to deserve this?

Mel: Honey...

Rick: What's so great about me that I get to live and this man has to die?

Mel: Please, baby.

Rick: He had three children and a wife. It just... It doesn't make any sense to me.

Ed: I want you to listen to me. Richard's case was hopeless. He was never going to recover.

Rick: So you're saying that his death was a blessing? Is that what you're saying, Dad?

Mel: Honey, you're alive because of him, but you didn't kill him. He signed an organ donor card. He wanted to help people and he did-- he helped you.

Ed: This transplant gives his death some meaning. I mean, if you don't embrace that as a gift, it's like it was for nothing.

Rick: I didn't want it to happen this way.

Olivia: Did Bill Lewis say I sent him chasing after you?

Beth: It wasn't hard to figure out. You've been pushing us together ever since you found out he knew me when I was Lorelei.

Olivia: Maybe I was simply trying to help you remember.

Beth: Oh, just being a friend.

Olivia: Friend, what an interesting word. That's something you and I were once, Beth-- friends.

Beth: Friends? Well, I'm not an expert on friendship, Olivia. But you turned on me. That doesn't sound like a friend.

Olivia: I turned on you? You're the one who backed away from me once we were both in this house.

Beth: (Laughs) You're wrong.

Olivia: No, that's the one thing I know I’m right about. You know, everyone around here has told me that I’m not good enough to breathe your air, Beth.

Beth: That is ridiculous...

Olivia: Yes, it is, but it's true. You want to know why I’ve done some of the things I’ve done lately, Beth? I felt threatened by you. You're the golden girl on the pedestal around here. It's like sacrilege to look sideways at you, and that gets pretty hard to live with. I'm tired of competing.

Beth: So, that gives you the right to meddle in every area of my life?

Olivia: Aren't you exaggerating just a little bit?

Beth: No. No, I'm not, and don't think that I don't notice that you're using Phillip to do it.

Olivia: Oh, please, I don't need Phillip. I'm very happy with Alan. He proposed to me, did you know that? And I'm seriously considering saying yes.

Beth: Well, congratulations.

Olivia: Do you mean that, Beth, from the bottom of your heart? Since we're being honest here, there's one more thing you should know. The diary, the one you wrote when you were Lorelei?

Beth: Yeah, what about it?

Olivia: It was never shredded.

Beth: Do you still have it?

Olivia: Not exactly. When you confronted me about taking it, I didn't think you would understand, so I lied, I said that it was shredded.

Beth: I see. But you're going to tell me the truth now. Okay, Olivia, I'll bite. What happened to the diary?

Olivia: It was stolen.

Phillip: Hey, buddy, come here. Come here. Oh, there's my big boy. You're getting so big I can't stand it. I got to talk to you. We got to have a little man-to- man here. Don't shoot me. Don't shoot me. Your mom wants to shoot me. You know what, I know life's getting real complicated lately. You got all these adults yelling and screaming at each other. And I know that scares you, and I’m really sorry about that, buddy. But you know what? The bottom line is I love you, and the day you were born, I promised you that I would take care of you, and I would protect you. And that's what I'm trying to do. So you're not going to understand this right now, but you and I, we have to take a little trip. Is that okay? Is that okay if you take a trip with daddy? Just you and me? That's my boy.

Harley: Okay. Okay. So I get arrested protecting you, and you are protecting some other girl. Why didn't you... Why didn't you tell me about her?

Gus: I didn't not tell you...

Harley: Okay, don't even try that tactic.

Gus: No, it's just when we... Remember, when we... We would fight about it, you would say "That person, that person," so I just let it go...

Harley: Yes, and you let me think that it was another guy. You did. You let me think... It was convenient for you to let me think it was some guy, some high school guy that you made a promise to.

Gus: I did make a promise!

Harley: Yeah, you did make a promise.

Gus: I made a promise.

Harley: You did make a promise, and obviously she is still more important to you than I am or my children.

Gus: No, no, no. It's different.

Harley: Yeah, I’d say different, since she let you ruin your life for something that she did. I can't believe this. (Sighs)

Gus: Coop, come on.

Harley: No, no, no. You're all the same. You and Mallet and Phillip...

Gus: No, don't lump me in there with a whole bunch of losers. They're not me!

Harley: Some other girl. You know what, then fine, can you fix it? Will you fix it? Will you let go of this promise that you made to some other girl, a lifetime ago, so that I can get my child back?

Gus: What do you not understand? I made a promise! What do you not... What do you not understand about that?

Harley: I think I understand everything.

Gus: What, you want me to leave? You want me to leave?

Harley: As far as I’m concerned, you were never here.

Gus: Patrick! Can you get me out? Thanks.

Beth: Who would take my diary, Olivia?

Olivia: That's where it gets a little tricky.

Beth: Really.

Olivia: I don't know who took it.

Beth: But you're sure that somebody did?

Olivia: I know it was in my briefcase and I never took it out. And the only people here that day were Alan...

Beth: Alan would never take it.

Olivia: Phillip.

Beth: If Phillip had it, he would give it to me.

Olivia: Bill and Edmund.

Beth: Bill and Edmund?

Olivia: I know, I didn't mean for this to happen.

Beth: Oh, don't give me that. You probably gave it to one of them. This is exactly what you wanted to happen. That was my diary, Olivia, and no matter where it ended up, it is your fault that it's missing.

Olivia: It was a mistake, all right? I was curious about your life as Lorelei. I never meant for this to...

Beth: What, you never meant for what? To embarrass me? To cause me trouble? I think that is exactly what you want. And I'll tell you something, Olivia. You thought we were in competition? You thought you could take me on? Well, now you have. So, you better be ready.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Frank: Okay, little sister, you can go. But the chief is pretty serious about following up the charges against you. And, unfortunately, you're suspended until further notice. I'm sorry. Where's Aitoro?

Harley: He’s... He's moving out. (Sighs)

Frank: You okay?

Harley: No.

Frank: I don't get it, sis. What the hell happened? I mean, one minute you're fighting the whole world to get him, and then he's out? I mean, that doesn't sound like you.

Harley: (Laughs) No. Actually, that is exactly like me. That is so like me. Good old Harley, good old Harley who will never be first in anybody's book, that's for sure. You know what? This whole thing... It all comes down to Gus' stupid juvie record. That's why Phillip was after him.

Frank: Well, what was in the file?

Harley: The file... The file said that Gus, he got into a fight when he was a teenager, with some guy. They were on a roof, and it got out of control and the guy fell. Gus said it was an accident.

Frank: He killed someone?

Harley: No, I mean... Yes, this poor guy died. But he didn't do it. Gus didn't do it. He lied to protect somebody else.

Frank: Then who?

Harley: Some girl. Some girl. Some girl. I didn't even know it was some girl until he told me today. But he said, "You know, a promise is a promise," and that's it. So, basically, he chose her over me. That's what he did.

Frank: Aw, sis, I’m sorry.

Harley: When am I going to learn? I mean, really. You know what, it doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter because... Because I can't think about that. I'm thinking about Zach. I have to... I have to do whatever I can to protect him, to get him back.

Frank: You will get him. You will get Zach back, I promise you. Okay, especially now that Gus is out of the picture.

Harley: Absolutely. Absolutely. I feel better already.

Frank: Well, good. I honestly believe that it's a good thing that Aitoro is gone, okay?

Harley: You know, Frank, I'm having that dream again.

Frank: Dream? What dream? What, the dream with the crib?

Harley: I'm a little girl in the crib and then I'm on the cliff and... I feel like the crib is going to go over. And all of a sudden this hand is there. Just when I'm reaching out to grab that hand, it disappears, and I fall. I always fall.

Frank: Sis, you haven't had that dream in a long time.

Harley: I know. But I am not going to abandon my children the way that you and I were abandoned, Frank. I will not do that-- no way.

Frank: I know that. I know that, Harley. Okay, I know this isn't going to help you right now, but... I do love you.

Harley: I love you, too.

Frank: Hey, what do you say we get the hell out of here, okay? I'll drive you home, maybe stop off, get a little breakfast.

Harley: I can't go home yet, because he might... Still be there. So I’m just going to go for a walk. I need to go for a walk. And then I’ll just call you, okay?

Danny: Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.

Carmen: Danny.

Danny: Good morning.

Carmen: Morning.

Danny: Morning, Edmund.

Carmen: Would you like to join us for some coffee?

Danny: Sure.

Edmund: Danny, a question: How is Rick Bauer?

Danny: He's doing just fine.

Edmund: Would you ask him to keep an eye on his medical equipment for me?

Danny: Excuse me?

Edmund: Well, you know how those pesky machines of Cedars can just shut down at the most inopportune moments.

Danny: And what makes you say that? Mm-hmm... All right, you two, listen to me: I don't know what you're insinuating, but I'm assuming it's got something to do with Richard.

Edmund: Oh, smart boy. You might want to tell my concern to your other family, the Bauer’s.

Lillian: Oh, no, no. It just couldn't be.

Ed: I'm glad you're here. Maybe you can convince your brother that he deserves this heart.

Rick: I'm grateful, Dad. I really am. But Richard Winslow should be alive. He should be alive. It wasn't his time.

Michelle: Can I talk to you for a second?

Ed: Sure.

Michelle: Just a P.A.-Doctor question. We'll be back in just a minute.

Ed: What's on your mind?

Michelle: I need to talk to you about Richard Winslow’s death. Rick's guilt over receiving his heart, I don't know what to tell him about... About Richard, about how he died.

Ed: "How he died"? He was in pain. He was suffering and his death gave many people, your brother included, a second chance.

Michelle: Because he was an organ donor.

Ed: It was an incredibly selfless gift on his part.

Michelle: Well, what do you do in a situation like this, as a doctor, when prolonging one life means denying another theirs?

Ed: Oh, you just... You try to make everyone involved as comfortable as possible.

Michelle: Even when the quality of their life is gone?

Ed: You can't get into that. I mean, you can't play favorites. We're not God.

Michelle: Right, but somebody has to make those decisions. Who is responsible?

Ed: The patient. The patient's family. I mean, in this case, Richard’s family didn't have to make that decision, and they were spared that. I mean, that's a gift, too. I know that you're Cassie’s friend.

Michelle: I just feel so bad for Cassie, losing Richard the way she did. I mean, then again, if she hadn't, we would have lost...

Ed: ...So much ourselves.

Michelle: I feel horrible. I feel relived. I feel guilty.

Ed: Oh, honey, I know, I know.

Michelle: And, you know, if I’m feeling this way, I mean, Rick must be... I can't even imagine what he must be feeling.

Ed: If anyone on this earth deserves that heart, it's Rick Bauer. What happened to Richard is horrible. His death is horrible, but it's not like we haven't been there ourselves. I mean, think of the lives that have been taken from us too soon.

Michelle: You mean mom?

Ed: Your mom, Eve. This was a miracle that we were due. We were due.

Danny: Edmund, I am terribly sorry about Richard’s death and I know that you're in mourning, but if I were you, I would drop the baseless accusations. They will only make this situation worse.

Carmen: Worse for whom?

Danny: For both of you. I want you both to leave. This place isn't open yet.

Edmund: Awfully defensive, wasn't he?

Carmen: Yes, I wonder what he was being so defensive about.

Edmund: Not sure.

Carmen: Where are you going?

Edmund: To the hospital. I'm going to take my own advice and go straight to the source.

Harley: Oh.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: I thought you'd be gone by now.

Gus: Well, this is the last...

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Coop?

Harley: Yeah?

Gus: You're still my favorite.

Harley: Good-bye, Gus.

Phillip: Yeah, you can bring the car around. No, no stops. We're going to go straight to the jet. Thanks.

Olivia: Going somewhere?

Phillip: Yeah, I'm going to take my son on a trip. Given what happened here yesterday, I don't need anybody's consent to do that.

Olivia: Any kid would be lucky to have you as a dad.

Phillip: Well, not everybody feels that way, do they, buddy?

Olivia: Talking about Beth? Well, she'll come around-- she will, when she realizes how much this means to you and how important it all is.

Phillip: Maybe, maybe not.

Olivia: Look, it's just this thing with Lorelei and Bill Lewis and Texas. It has her all out of sorts.

Phillip: Did she say that to you?

Olivia: No, it's just something I picked up on.

Phillip: Oh.

Olivia: I take it she's not going with you?

Phillip: No, she's not.

Phillip: Yeah, that's me.

Beth: Are you really going to do this? Are you really going to take him out of town without telling her?

Phillip: I'll be happy to wait for you if you want to pack a bag.

Beth: I can't.

Phillip: Okay, fine.

Beth: I think what you're doing is wrong. I think you're making a big mistake.

Phillip: I understand that, I understand. You made that very clear. So, car's waiting. We should really get going.

Beth: Okay.

Phillip: You all set to go?

Beth: Okay.

Phillip: You going to take your stuff? You going to take your stuff? Okay, there we go. Where are Lizzie and James?

Beth: They're in the playroom.

Phillip: Okay. I'll give you a call when we get where we're going.

Beth: Okay.

Phillip: I'll go say good-bye to the kids. I'll see you.

Olivia: Hi, Bill, it's Olivia. How are you? Great. Look, I was wondering if we could get together? Just to talk. Well, if I told you what about, it wouldn't be a surprise. Okay. See you then. Hi.

Phillip: Hey.

Olivia: Have a safe trip. Bye, Zach.

Phillip: Say good-bye. Say good-bye.

Olivia: Okay, see you when you get back.

Phillip: See you.

Gus: I don't remember this place being such a dump. Oh. Thank you. Got your patch... Eden, Eden, Eden...

Danny: Hey, you. Mm... Whoa. What was that for?

Michelle: See, you were right. You were so, so right. If something happened to Richard in the hospital, and Mel was involved, the truth... It's not going to help anyone. In the end, it's just going to make the situation worse.

Danny: Good. I'm glad to hear that you're letting go.

Michelle: I am. I am. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I have to act like I never saw Mel in Richard’s room.

Edmund: Can I have a word with you, please?

Technician: Sure. Could you let go of me, please?

Edmund: I saw you talking with Nurse Raines yesterday. You mentioned something about faulty life support equipment.

Technician: I don't really know...

Edmund: I want to know what happened to Richard Winslow, and I want to know that right now.

Technician: The machine was working fine. I swear, it wasn't a mechanical failure. If anything happened to that Winslow guy, somebody must have shut the machine off or something.

Edmund: Shut it off?

Technician: Yeah.


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