Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/22/02
Proofread By Tanya
Rick: I must be in heaven.
Mel: No, but you're as close as you're going to get for a very long time. The operation was a success. Everything went just the way we planned.
Rick: What's my blood pressure, sweetie?
Mel: Right where it should be.
Rick: What kind of meds am I on?
Mel: Shh...
Rick: So you're not going to tell me.
Mel: No, you were just transferred here from the OR and you need your rest. The prognosis is very good, Doctor.
Rick: The truth, now, Doctor.
Mel: That is the truth. As of today, you have a brand new, healthy heart beating inside of you.
Rick: It's funny; it's as full of love for you as the last one was.
Olivia: Yeah, no, go ahead. I have my punch list right in front of me. Moldings, what about them? Uh-huh. No, yeah, no, the punch list. Look, I... Can I... Can I call you back some other time and talk about this? I don't know when-- later. (Cell phone rings) What? Oh, yeah, no, I can hold for Mr. Masterson. Michael, hi, I’m sorry I haven't returned your call. You heard about Richard Winslow. Of course it's in every paper. Of course. It's been difficult. Right, all the more reason to focus on work. Yes, I still want to publish Lorelei’s diary, but I can't talk about it right now. I don't know when. Let me call you back later.
Alan: Michael Masterson?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Alan: Huh. Well, you two seem to be as thick as thieves.
Olivia: Well, I told you I...
Alan: Yes, I know. He's doing an article on the Beacon-- so you say.
Olivia: Alan...
Alan: Time for Michael, but not for me, huh?
Olivia: Well, in case you've forgotten, I made time for you.
Alan: I want more.
Olivia: Well, you're insatiable.
Alan: When it concerns you, yes. But, at the moment, you seem to be drifting away.
Olivia: Well, Richard died. That's not exactly an aphrodisiac.
Alan: On the contrary. You know, losing someone you love, Olivia, can make you focus on things that really count.
Olivia: And what's that?
Alan: I know you've been in mourning, but I just wanted to make sure that you hadn't forgotten.
Olivia: Forgotten what?
Alan: My marriage proposal?
Olivia: Oh.
Alan: 48 hours has come and gone and, given the recent unpleasantness, I've decided to extend the proposal-- until now. I wonder how many dinosaurs had to die to create that stone. Now, Olivia, you wouldn't want to disappoint T. Rex or me, would you?
Gus: Let's go, come on.
Phillip: Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?
Harley: Get out of my way. Get out of my way.
Phillip: Thomas... Hey, what happened to Thomas?
Thomas: I'm sorry, my back.
Gus: "Thomas."
Beth: Are you all right?
Thomas: Yes, I just didn't expect to be shoved.
Phillip: Oh, so you attacked him, Aitoro? Is that what happened?
Harley: No, no, no.
Gus: I haven't attacked anybody, okay?
Harley: Thomas attacked me and I pushed him out of the way. Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going home. Step aside.
Phillip: No, no, no, you're not going anywhere. Wait a minute.
Gus: Whoa, whoa, whoa, people! All right, all right, all right, let's just take a step back, okay? Cool heads will prevail, okay? And some day, I promise, we'll all be laughing about this over a cocktail.
Phillip: Get your hands off me. Give him to me.
Harley: We're going home. We're going home now. We're going home.
Phillip: We are home.
Gus: Let's just calm...
Harley: Not according to the custody agreement, we're not.
Phillip: I don't know what custody agreement you're reading, but this is where he is right now.
Beth: Hey, Zach... Zach, why don't we go and see Grandpa Alan’s new chess set, huh? Just for a few minutes, give you two time to talk?
Harley: Okay. Okay, go with Beth for a few minutes-- just for a few minutes.
Gus: I'll be with her.
Harley: Uh-huh. And we'll talk. Then we'll go home, okay?
Phillip: I want to know what the hell you thought you were doing when you broke in here.
Harley: I didn't break in, I used the security code.
Phillip: It's been changed.
Harley: No kidding, I figured that out.
Phillip: I could bring you up on charges for this. Do you realize that?
Harley: Are you joking me? After you kidnapped my son?
Phillip: I told you, he is staying here until you make some changes in the living arrangements.
Harley: You're not going to tell me how to live my life, Phillip.
Phillip: When it comes to the safety of my son, yes, I am. I absolutely am!
Harley: Oh, bull! This is about control for you. You are turning into your father.
Phillip: Well, you know what? Then you don't really want to make me angry, do you? This would be a good time for you to take him and get out of here.
Harley: I'm not going anywhere until I get my son.
Phillip: You're not taking him, Harley, you understand? I'll call the lawyers, I’ll get it all taken care of.
Harley: You won't have time to call the lawyers, I’m going to get my son.
Phillip: You're not taking him.
Harley: Let go of me!
Phillip: You're not taking him anywhere, you understand!
Harley: I'm warning you, Phillip.
Phillip: What are you going to do? Shoot me?
Harley: Now, there's an idea.
Phillip: I want to see you take it out and point it at me.
Harley: Don't tempt me.
Gus: Come on! You guys, please, can we just try to get along?
Phillip: Shut up. Do it. (Doorbell rings)
Thomas: Shall I get that?
Phillip: Yes.
Harley: No. I'm walking out of here, and I’m taking my son home where he belongs.
Phillip: I'm calling the police.
Harley: Really? I got news for you, Phillip: I am the police.
Gus: We don't need this thing to get out of hand.
Phillip: Oh, I think it's a little late for that. My ex-wife is threatening to pull a gun on me.
Harley: I am not threatening anything.
Phillip: Could've fooled me.
Harley: You drive me to this, Phillip. With your actions; you sit here, you think you can do anything to anybody and to hell with what they think. Well, you're wrong. You're not getting away with it this time, not with my kid.
Thomas: Sir, it's the police.
Phillip: Great.
Chief: An alarm was called in, I thought I'd take it myself, but it seems that two of our finest have already beat me to the punch.
Gus: Chief, it's not like that at all.
Phillip: No, one of your "finest" broke into my house, assaulted my butler, and just tried to pull a gun on me.
Harley: I did not try to pull a gun on him.
Chief: Wait a minute, you broke in?
Harley: I didn't break in. I overrode the security system to get my child back, that he kidnapped.
Chief: Well, isn't he the father?
Phillip: You're damn right. I want her arrested.
Mel: Well, there's only about a gazillion people waiting to crowd in here. But, I just needed you to myself, for just a little while.
Rick: Yeah? I needed that, too, sweetie.
Mel: How are you feeling?
Rick: Oh, like somebody hit me in the chest with a shovel.
Mel: It hurts.
Rick: I don't know, not as bad as it probably should.
Mel: Yep, there it is. That's you.
Rick: I really like the looks of those numbers.
Mel: Yeah, me, too. I could stand here and stare at these numbers all day, but you know what? I... I got to go find Dr. Pierce and let him know you're awake, okay?
Rick: Hey, Mrs. Bauer?
Mel: Yes? Yes, Mr. Bauer?
Rick: You know that fantasy we had? House full of children?
Mel: Of course. How could I forget?
Rick: Well, it won't be long now, sweetie.
Cassie: I was just...
Mel: No, no, it's okay. Look, I'm glad you're here.
Cassie: Look, I’m not here, you know, to see... I was looking for a nurse. How's Rick doing?
Mel: He's stable. Everything went, well, better than we expected. Look, I never got to thank you.
Cassie: Oh, you don't have to do that.
Mel: No, please. Cassie, I really need to. You saved Rick’s life. If you hadn't donated Richard’s organs, if you hadn't allowed Rick to be the recipient... You gave him such a gift, Cassie, and you gave me a gift. And there aren't words to describe how grateful I am.
Cassie: I really can't do this.
Mel: I understand.
Cassie: No, I really... I need to go find a nurse. Garcia?
Mel: Anna Garcia, yeah. She's down the hall, three doors to your left.
Cassie: Thank you.
Mel: Cassie, Rick doesn't know yet that he received the heart from your husband. Maybe you can go in there and tell him. I'm sure he'd like to say thank you.
Cassie: Well, I’m sorry-- I don't want to see Rick. I can't see him. I'm sorry. I can't see him. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Mel: No, you don't have to apologize. I don't even know how you're functioning.
Cassie: You know, when I get up in the morning, for a moment it's like it never happened. And then everything comes crashing in, and Richard’s gone, and he's never coming back. And I'm never going to hear his voice again, and I’m never going to see his face again. But his heart is beating, and how is that, you know? Because I understand it logically and medically, but...
Mel: You want him back?
Cassie: Yes, I want him back. Even though I know that that's impossible, and I know I did the right thing by donating his organs, I hate every bit of this and I want him back, yes. I didn't know that Rick was on this wing. I came here because I have a meeting with a nurse who is going to coldly and factually tell me where Richard’s organs went. Just a one-on-one conversation, just the two of us, with a clipboard. I was not expecting a real-life reminder, okay?
Mel: Cassie, maybe a real-life reminder is exactly what you need right now. If you go into his room for a minute-- just one minute-- and see what you did for Rick...
Cassie: I don't think I’ll be able to do that. I don't think I'll ever be able to do that.
Olivia: Why?
Alan: Why what?
Olivia: Well, as the farmer said, "Why buy the cow if the milk is so cheap?"
Alan: I never thought of you as a cow.
Olivia: Why do you want to marry me, Alan?
Alan: Why do I want to marry you? Because we belong together. We complement each other. We bring out the best in each other.
Olivia: We sound like a condiment.
Alan: You want me to say it?
Olivia: Yes, I do.
Alan: Because you fascinate me. You infuriate me. You intoxicate me. I think you're incredible, and 100 more reasons I sit up at night, thinking about why I can't live without you.
Olivia: You love me?
Alan: I didn't say that.
Olivia: You love me. Alan Spaulding loves Olivia Spencer.
Chief: Mr. Spaulding, tell me your side of it.
Beth: Phillip? Phillip...
Phillip: My side of it is...
Beth: What is going on? A police officer just came in...
Phillip: Yeah, he's going to watch Zach for me. Come here, tell him what you saw when we walked in here earlier.
Beth: I saw Harley and Gus.
Phillip: Right, and Thomas?
Beth: Was on the floor.
Phillip: On the floor. On the floor.
Beth: He said he'd been shoved.
Phillip: Right.
Gus: He wasn't shoved. He wasn't shoved. He was grabbing at her.
Phillip: So it's obvious-- obvious-- what's going on here. We have breaking and entering, we have assault, and we have kidnapping.
Gus: Oh, please.
Harley: Well, then why don't you go ahead, make his day, cuff me.
Chief: If you'll keep quiet, Cooper, we can handle this internally.
Phillip: No, no, it's fine, I think she's right. Go ahead, cuff her. I think she's given up every right to be treated like a civilized human being. Give her the whole nine yards. Fingerprint her, cuff her, get her out of here.
Gus: You are a trip! You're such a trip sometimes.
Harley: Unbelievable.
Phillip: Let me tell you something, sweetheart: You crossed the line.
Harley: I crossed the line?
Phillip: That's right, but that's what happens, I guess, when you live with something like this.
Chief: Are you pressing charges?
Phillip: You're damned right I am.
Chief: Okay, Cooper. You're under arrest.
Gus: Chief, seriously.
Harley: What? Don't you even want to hear my side of the story?
Gus: Chief.
Chief: We'll take her downtown. Read her.
Harley: I know my rights.
Chief: Watkins? Watkins, get in here.
Gus: This is crazy. Does everybody see how crazy this is?
Chief: Pipe down, Aitoro, or we're going to have to cuff you, too. Get the kid, we're going to have to deliver him to social services.
Gus: Chief, you don't want to do that.
Harley: What? No, no, no, absolutely not. No, no, no, no.
Chief: Those are the rules, Cooper.
Harley: I don't give a damn, you're not taking my kid to social services. Hey, no. No.
Chief: Cooper.
Gus: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Chief: He'll be fine in social services.
Harley: Are you crazy? You can't do this. You cannot do this. How can you let him do this?
Phillip: I'm not letting him do anything. Zach will stay here.
Chief: No, I'm sorry, Mr. Spaulding, but there are certain regulations that we have to deal with in this kind of dispute.
Harley: I can't believe this. First my ex-husband steals my son, and now you're taking him away from me, too?
Chief: Look, my back is against the wall here. Spaulding is demanding action, and given what you've done, I have to provide it. Now, if you don't want Zach in this house-- if you don't want him here-- this is the only thing that I can do to help you.
Harley: I can't do that to him!
Gus: What do you want to do, babe?
Harley: I want to see my son. I want to see my son.
Chief: Watkins. Watkins, bring the kid in here. Over here, hurry up.
Harley: Hey. Hi, baby. What a crazy day for you, huh? (Sighs) I miss you, too. Okay, this is what's going on, mommy's telling you what's going on. What a crazy day. You know how... You know how mommy and daddy take turns, and sometimes you stay with daddy, and sometimes you stay with mommy? And I know it's my turn, and I know I said we were going home, but plans have changed. Would it be okay if you stayed with daddy for a little while longer? Because I know how much you love to stay with daddy. Would that be okay? Okay? Here, daddy, take him.
Phillip: Come here, buddy. Here, pal.
Harley: Can he go to his father?
Chief: Yes. Now, let's go.
Phillip: Okay, just a second. Where's Jude staying? He's Rick’s son; I need to know.
Harley: Frank can take him, unless you disapprove of Frank, too?
Phillip: Oh, I've got no problem with Frank. Oh, and by the way, Rick made it through surgery okay-- not that you bothered to ask about that. It's really great news, isn't it?
Harley: It's wonderful news. At least now he'll be around to witness you harassing me and Jude and Zach-- everyone.
Chief: All right, all right, let's go.
Harley: You happy now?
Phillip: Always happy to see justice served.
Harley: You bet it will be.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Gus: Come on, honey. Come on.
Phillip: Hey, pal. Come here, buddy. Come here, buddy. Oh, I know, too much noise around here today. Too much noise. All right. Hey, you know what? You want to go upstairs and put a video in? You don't know what you want. Let's go do that. Let's go find a video. What?
Beth: Well, if you don't know, I'll be happy to explain it to you when you get back.
Olivia: You love me.
Alan: As much as I'm capable of loving anything that doesn't mature in five years with tax incentives.
Olivia: You know something? I haven't heard that voice in a really long time, that little boy's voice behind all that bluster. I mean, even when you blackmailed me into your bed, it had some tenderness to it. And lately, all we've been doing is just glaring at each other, and gauging our next move and circling each other like tigers, and I hate it. I hate living under your roof only because it's the nicest roof in town. I want more.
Alan: This is about Richard, isn't it?
Olivia: You love a man once, you love him forever, and when he dies, you ask yourself what went wrong.
Alan: Olivia, I know you're upset, but I’m going to tell you something: I think you were too good for Richard.
Olivia: Oh, please, Alan, he was a prince.
Alan: Yes, he was from royal blood, but you have more class in your little finger.
Olivia: Stop it.
Alan: Love him for his memory, but don't make him out to be something he's not. He failed you-- so did Josh. You are a woman who needs to be wanted for who you are. Both of them wanted someone else.
Olivia: Yes, I know. Reva.
Alan: Yes, Reva. But I don't want anyone but you. Just the way you are. The way you were meant to be. Now, this ring would look tacky on Reva, but on you-- oh!-- Merely decorative.
Olivia: Please, come on, I'm greedy and you know it.
Alan: Greed is good, the man says.
Olivia: I'm greedy for more than just diamonds, Alan.
Alan: So am I. You haven't said it yet.
Olivia: Said what?
Alan: Forget it. Let's go home.
Olivia: Do you want me to say that I love you?
Alan: That would be nice. Do you?
Olivia: Well, maybe I don't know what love is.
Alan: Maybe you do and you're just scared.
Olivia: Maybe.
Alan: I can make you happy. But you will have to take the risk, just like I took the risk, and told you how I felt about you. And I don't tell my feelings. I’m not Richard, I’m not Josh-- thank God-- I'm just little, old billionaire Alan. If that's enough, Olivia...
Olivia: I really hate it when you try and act so vulnerable.
Alan: I'm not acting when it concerns you. You may have just found the man of your dreams, and he may be me. I've made my proposal, and I won't do it again. So whenever you figure out what it is you want, I want you to get down on one of those beautiful knees of yours and politely ask me.
Rick: Dr. Pierce... (Clears throat) He just left. He gave me the thumbs-up.
Mel: That's right. There's no signs that your body's rejecting the heart.
Rick: It likes me. It really likes me.
Mel: Rest.
Rick: I think whoever's heart this was liked telling bad jokes, too. What is it? What is it?
Mel: Nothing. Nothing, honey, just go to sleep.
Rick: Wait a minute, does it bother you talking about the donor? Hey, hey, I know this is crazy, I mean, the one person I owe everything to, and I’ll never be able to thank them. Mel, what is it?
Mel: Well, I wasn't going to tell you this until you were a little bit stronger, but I might as well tell you now. Your heart didn't come from Atlanta or Boston or any other donor bank. Your donor was a man we both knew.
Rick: Who is it?
Mel: Richard Winslow.
Rick: Richard? Wait a second, wait a second. He was in this car accident, but I thought...
Mel: I know. Honey, he was in so much pain, medication couldn't even help him. He was paralyzed, hooked up to a ventilator... It was a blessing, for him and for you. Are you okay?
Rick: Just all the time we were hoping and praying for a heart, it just never occurred to me it would come from someone we both knew. How's Cassie doing?
Mel: Well, she's hanging on. It was so hard, but she managed to pull it together and make sure you got the heart.
Rick: So Richard obviously didn't make it.
Mel: No. Were you guys close?
Rick: We just met each other a couple of times, but I know that Cassie was just very much in love with him.
Mel: I'm very sorry for Richard and for his family, but if it had to happen...
Rick: Yeah, I know, sweetie. Honey, I’m sorry for asking this again. How's Cassie holding up? Is she going to be all right?
Mel: Well, she's as well as can be expected. It all happened so quickly.
Rick: Richard Winslow.
Phillip: Zach's unbelievable. I get him up there, he makes me put five videos in before he finally picks one, and of course it's not number five that he wants to see, it's number one.
Beth: So everything's okay now?
Phillip: Yeah. Why, shouldn't it be?
Beth: It doesn't bother you the least little bit that you just had your ex-wife arrested? You just had her sent downtown to spend the night behind bars.
Phillip: She broke into my house, she assaulted my butler, and she threatened to pull a gun on me.
Beth: Okay, did she pull a gun on you?
Phillip: Did she actually get it out? No. Did she threaten to? Yes.
Beth: Okay, you know, Phillip, she wanted her little boy.
Phillip: It's our little boy. She wanted to take our little boy and take him back to live under the same roof as a convicted murderer. What do you think I should've done?
Beth: Well...
Phillip: No, you know what? Never mind, I know what you're going to say. I know what you're going to say. Unbelievable, you're defending Harley. That's great. Last time I checked, you two weren't exactly the best of friends.
Beth: You are separating a mother from her child. I don't have to be somebody's best friend to understand what the means. And you did the same thing to me when I took Lizzie and James to San Cristobel.
Phillip: Yes, because I didn't want them to be around Edmund for roughly the same reasons I don't want them around Aitoro.
Beth: Okay, would you listen to yourself? It's all "I want, I want, I want."
Phillip: No, no, no, hang on just a second now. Was I right about Edmund? I seem to remember you taking a fall down the side of a palace. I think my instincts have served us pretty damn well. Unbelievable. (Chuckles) Try to protect your children...
Beth: At their expense. You keep putting them in the middle, Phillip. You should've seen Zach’s face in there. He's sitting with a police officer he doesn't know while you're in here.
Phillip: She broke into my house. Do you think that's okay?
Beth: No, I don't think that's okay. But neither is taking Zach without permission.
Phillip: You know what, Beth? You know what? I appreciate your opinion-- I really do-- but I'm going to do what I think is right for my son.
Beth: No, Phillip, that's the problem. You don't appreciate my opinion, you don't value my opinion. You're just doing what you've always done. What you want, when you want, how you want to do it.
Alan: I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Beth: Oh, Alan! Alan, congratulations. You're here. You've finally done it. You've cloned yourself.
Harley: Okay, you happy, we're here. Where's the key?
Chief: In my pocket.
Harley: What are you waiting for? Get me out of these things.
Chief: You really messed up this time, Cooper. You're supposed to be upholding the law, not breaking it.
Gus: Chief, you know, it's not like it looks.
Chief: You back off.
Gus: The kid. He took the kid. I mean, what do you mean, "Back off"? I'm a material witness, okay.
Chief: No, you are a police officer that used your badge to make a phony arrest that involved your partner. I can have you thrown off the force for this.
Gus: Okay...
Harley: Okay, whatever. Can you just get me out of these things? Game's over.
Chief: This is no game, Cooper. You're in a lot of trouble.
Harley: Are you serious?
Chief: I am dead serious. You haven't given me a whole lot of maneuvering room here.
Gus: Chief, honestly, all she did was try to get into the security code of her ex-husband's house, and really, what's the big deal?
Harley: Yeah, he took my son.
Chief: The big deal? The big... It shouldn't have been a big deal. Why didn't you do more to head this off?
Harley: He tried.
Gus: You know what I should've done? I should've called for backup...
Chief: Shut up. Shut up. Look, because of your glowing conduct today, this department's going to receive a black eye, and that is not alright. If I don't throw the book at one of my best detectives, the press is going to come down on us like... Damn it. Lock her up.
Harley: What? Chief!
Chief: And Cooper, consider yourself suspended until further notice.
Gus: All right, Frank, I appreciate it. All right, buddy. Honey, Frank said he would take care of Jude, all right?
Harley: Fine. Don't you have to lock me up?
Gus: It's not my choice, but it...
Harley: I don't care. I don't care. Not about any of that. My son is not home where he belongs, okay? That's all I care about.
Gus: Want me to get you a sandwich or a drink or something?
Harley: I think you should go home. I need time to think.
Gus: You might have some thinking to do, but I wouldn't let you ever do it alone, okay? It's all right. It's all right.
Alan: Harley Cooper in jail. Well, good work, Phillip.
Phillip: It was either that or let her have Zach. And I told you I wasn't going to let that happen as long as Aitoro was in the house.
Alan: I'm proud of you.
Phillip: Well, I didn't do it for you. That's not necessary. I did it to protect my son. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go put my son to bed.
Beth: Phillip. Phillip, wait, wait, wait, wait...
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Beth: I'm sorry. I didn't mean that when I said you were like your father. I was just angry, I was just frustrated. I don't believe that.
Phillip: Okay, well, what do you believe?
Beth: That you're upset about Gus Aitoro, about his criminal record. And you're afraid that he is going to do something to Harley and Zach.
Phillip: There's a very real possibility, Beth.
Beth: Well, then deal with him, not with Harley. He's the one that you have the problem with.
Phillip: No, before today, that was true. Now, she almost pulled her gun on me. Our problem isn't just with him anymore.
Nurse Garcia: A teenage boy can see again because of Richard’s retinas. One of his kidneys saved the life of a teacher.
Cassie: Thank you. I mean, Richard would be very happy to know that he helped so many people.
Nurse Garcia: I know you're grieving, but you've brought joy and hope into so many lives. That must help you.
Cassie: It does, thank you.