Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/11/02
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Proofread by Tanya
(missing first 15 min.)
Michelle: Didn't. But I just thought that they could have worked it out. Not that I don't love Mel, because I think she's great.
Danny: Yeah. What's great about Rick?
Michelle: Everything. Don't ask me that. That's too hard.
Danny: Okay. How about... What about Rick makes you mad? When did he make you mad?
Michelle: Well, Rick’s never really made me that angry.
Danny: What? Come on.
Michelle: Well, I guess the time that he sided with you when you wanted to leave and he just kept trying to keep us apart. It made me furious.
Danny: Well, he was trying to protect you.
Michelle: He's always doing that. He was just born to be a big brother, you know. That's why I don't know how I'm going to live without him.
Danny: Honey. Hey. You will never be without him because all those memories are going to be inside you. Hey, look, I don't know what's going to happen, but Rick will always be a part of you always. Nothing will ever, ever take that away from you. Nothing.
(Monitors beeping)
Harley: I... I got a message from Michelle. Is he all right?
Ed: He's asleep.
Harley: You would not believe where I just came from. Something crazy as usual. But I don't want to tell you about it because it's all cop stuff and I know that just bores you to tears. Just like your hospital stuff use to bore me to tears. Oh, don't be mad, but I lost the number to that allergist again. I know it's terrible. But you think that he's the best one for kids, and I want to take both boys in now because... Because it's allergies. You're right. I know you're right. It's allergies. Oh, my God, the prints back. I finally go the prints back. And you have to tell me how many copies you want because there's this one beautiful picture of you and Jude. Rick, I... I was in bed with Jude last night and he sat up and he spit out his little pacifier and he said "da da, da da," and I know that he was asking for you. And I said... What I said to him, okay, it's just two more weeks till you see daddy. I don't know what to say, but you're going to have to work that out with him, okay? Because... Because all this laying around, you know, there is going to be payback for that. So... So you'll give me that number for the allergist, right? Of course you will, because you never let me down. You have never let me down. Don't do this to me, Rick. I can't raise this little boy on my own. (Sobbing)
Mel: Harley?
Harley: Hi. I was just visiting with him.
Mel: I'm glad you're here.
Harley: When did all of this...
Mel: Earlier tonight. His father found him in full cardiac arrest and I was here when they brought him in.
Harley: Oh, no. Did you have to...
Mel: No. I was the doctor on call. But as soon as I got him stabilized another doctor took over. It wouldn't have been ethical. He's my husband.
Harley: He's so crazy about you. You know that, don't you? He couldn't love anybody more. Do you know that thing with us... That was just two friends trying to do right by each other. But it didn't take us long to figure out that our true loves were still out there waiting patiently.
Mel: Sometimes maybe not that patiently.
Harley: I was jealous of you. I was. Because you guys, you just seem to fit together so easily. It just seems like it's so easy for some people, and it's an uphill battle for others.
Mel: It's never really easy, Harley.
Harley: Well, I guess it isn’t.
Mel: Just promise one thing: That Jude will always be in my life.
Harley: Mel...
Mel: I know. I know how it sounds, but I'm just asking you.
Harley: Mel, you are so nice. Jude is Rick’s son and you are his wife. So whatever is Rick’s is yours, okay? Everything.
Mel: Oh, thank you.
Holly: Are you okay?
Ed: No. I want a drink. Just a good shot of something. I don't care what it is. Anything. Just a drink.
Holly: Believe me, I know the feeling lately. Oh, you don't know, do you? I... I am an alcoholic, too.
Richard: Help me die. (Echoing) help me... Help me die... Die... Die... Die... Die... Die.. Die... Help me... Help me... Die... Die... Die... Help me...
Reva: I can't! It's not up to me.
Lillian: Reva? Reva?
Holly: And then Fletcher left with Meg. And I... I did some things I don't think about anymore. So I started to spend time with my flask, my best friend. My only friend. We spent our evenings together.
Ed: How's it working out now?
Holly: Oh, you know, one day at a time. That's why I was here tonight. I was going to a meeting.
Ed: That's a late one, isn't it?
Holly: Yeah, it's a good one. It's a good way to end the day. You could come. I remember AA used to be really important to you. You sponsored Billy, didn't you?
Ed: Yeah, I did. It's... You're right. I've got to get back to meetings. It's been a long time. But you know they don't exactly have chapters out in the African bush, so... I had to learn how to handle it on my own.
Holly: It's all the more reason. Reason. You're back now and we both know...
Ed: We both know it's not the way it's suppose to work ideally, but it's the way I've had to adapt, you know. And with Rick, I don't want to be away from him.
Holly: I understand. But there may be no better time.
Ed: I got to go check back in with him. Have a nice meeting, Holly.
Lillian: Are you okay? Are you okay?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just Cassie doesn't know anything about Richard’s stroke and I can't seem to get her on her phone.
Lillian: I know. And it's going to be awful for her when she first sees him on that ventilator. I know it will. But she has you here to help her.
Reva: Help her?
Lillian: Yes, you can help her. You can help her understand. You can explain what this means.
Reva: She's not going to be able to hear him speak again. That's right, isn't it? I mean they said that they can't never take him off the ventilator. As long as he's on the ventilator, he can't talk.
Lillian: That's right.
Reva: So how am I suppose to help her with that? Come on, Lillian, you got to give me something. You got to give me a little hope that I can give her. I mean, can we take him home?
Lillian: Yes, yes. You can take him home. I mean some patients go home... But to be honest you have to take the whole hospital room home with you. You need all that equipment, because that equipment is the only thing that's keeping him alive now.
Reva: Okay. Okay. Will he wake up?
Lillian: Probably not.
Reva: So we will never be able to communicate with him again?
Lillian: In case he wakes up, I bought something in for Cassie. Wait. It's called... It's called a message board, all right? And he's paralyzed so he can't point, but he can blink.
Reva: So you what, point to the words or the letters?
Lillian: Yes. You point to different things and you ask him to blink. Usually saying yes or no is much easier, because it's less tiring.
Reva: Okay. Well, that's something.
Lillian: Yeah.
Reva: It's something. Thanks, Lillian. Thank you.
Lillian: I wish I could do more for you.
Reva: Oh, wait. If we do get him out of here, will the pain go away? I mean, I know that I've asked you that so many times.
Lillian: You can ask me a million, billion times. Oh, God, the truth is he's going to keep needing medication.
Reva: But he's still in such horrible pain even with the medication.
Lillian: I know. That's true.
Reva: Will it ever go away? I mean, what are we talking about? Days? Weeks? Years?
Lillian: It can be long, or it can be short. It's up to God right now, Reva. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Reva: (Sobbing)
Cassie: God, that was just a few days ago. I remember every detail that night, everything you said to me, how we were going to recreate our wedding night. I know, I know, that you would... I know that you would give anything if you could be here, but you know, we can... We can do the same thing again... When you're better. I don't want you to worry. The only thing I want you to worry about is getting well, and coming home to us. You've got to come home to us. Oh, Richard. I love you so much. (Monitors beeping)
Mel: You'll have to forgive me, Rick. Because I had a chance, an opportunity to do something for you, and I didn't take it. There's this man, a man we both know who is in so much pain. And when I looked down at him, God forgive me, all I could think of was maybe he could be a match for you. I wanted his heart. I just want you to live so it's not that I wanted him to die, I just want you to live so badly. And all I kept thinking was that it's going to happen anyway. He's going to die anyway, so, why not take care of things for Rick? (Crying) But I couldn't. I just couldn't do it. I'm not God. And I would give anything to keep you alive, but, I just couldn't. It wasn't my place.
Moderator: Thanks for sharing, Holly. Would anybody else like to speak? Anybody?
...When I live without you never going to run away...
Ed: (Clears throat) Hello, my name is Ed and I’m an alcoholic.
All: Hello, Ed.
Ed: I've been away for...
...I came to you when no one could hear me
I’m sick and weary of being alone
empty streets and hungry faces the world's no place
when you're on your own a heart needs a home.
Some people say that I should forget you
never going to be a fool I’m never going to be a fool
a better life they say if I’d never met you
I’m never going to be a fool I’m never going to be a fool
tongues talk fire and eyes cry rivers
Indian givers hearts of stone paper ships and painted faces
the world's no place when you're on your own
the heart needs a home.
(Ventilator pumping)
Reva: Richard. Richard, I have to tell Cassie. Don't look at me that way. This is my sign, isn't it? Only it's not the one I was looking for. I know how hard this was for you to open your eyes again. And I'm afraid of the reason why you did. But what you want me to do... I can't, Richard, I can't do it. It's not... It's not up to me. I know you want me to do it to spare Cassie, and I want that too, but it's not up to me or her to do this. It's just... It's not fair. It's not fair. You can't ask me. You know what this is? You can communicate with this. I pass my finger along letters or... Or words, and you blink if you see something that's right. Okay? Okay. I know where your heart is, unspeakable, I know it, Richard, but... Let's try, okay, let's just try. Please. Do you want to live? Tell me you want to live. I know why you're doing this. You think this will make it easier for Cassie, but it won’t. You can’t... You can't ask me to do this because I can’t. Watch this? Okay. You want to say something else. Please. Please. (Monitors beeping)
Mel: Is he...
Ed: No, he's the same.
Mel: What time is it?
Ed: It's late.
Harley: Did you guys just get here?
Michelle: No, we were in the garden.
Harley: Let's go in. Is he awake?
Ed: He's sleeping. And you need to get some rest.
Mel: I got about an hour.
Ed: No, I mean real... Real rest, in a bed, away from a hospital.
Mel: No, I can't waste any time to sleep. I can't waste a minute. I mean... If I was home and the phone rang...
Michelle: It's okay. It's okay.
Harley: You know, Rick will beat this. He will. Because so many times at the station, we have someone... You know, a victim, and we think we're going to lose him and then they recover. And they're not half as... As strong and courageous and... And good as Rick is. He can do this, he can.
(Ventilator pumping) (Richard grunting)