GL Transcript Tuesday 7/9/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/9/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

(Missed the first few minutes)

Police officer: Whoa, Mrs. Marler, you're not supposed to be here.

Blake: Officer... Keevan, look, I don't care, I'm going in.

Police officer: Look, my orders were to take you...

Blake: Keep me at the station, I realize that, but you know what? I think that idea stinks. And don't worry, I will... I will clear this with Detectives Cooper and Aitoro.

Police officer: When? Look, they're at the cabin right now. And if they find Tory Granger...

Blake: Then everything will be fine, right? But what if Tory’s not at the cabin? For all we know, that lunatic could have Ross tied up in this very house! Get out of my way.

Police officer: Whoa, whoa, if Tory Granger is inside with your husband, then you're in as much danger as he is.

Blake: That's a risk I'm willing to take.

Police officer: Yeah, well, I'm not. I've got a career to think about here.

Blake: A career? You want to think about your career, get ahead? Oh, honey, come on, you've got to take risks. You bust Tory Granger tonight, you will make detective, third grade, tomorrow.

Police officer: I hadn't thought about that.

Blake: Well, you better start thinking, pal.

Tory: There. This bubble bath's a little over-scented for my taste, but that's Blake for you. Oh, Ross, don't fight it. Do you remember that shower we shared in San Cristobel? It was wonderful. Well, it would have been wonderful if you hadn't gotten so concerned about Blake showing up. We don't have to worry about any interruptions now. Do you want candles? Music? I know-- I’ve got something much better. Mm-hmm, this will be much better.

Bill: I'm sorry. Mrs. Raines, how are you?

Lillian: Hello, Bill, I didn't recognize you. You've gotten so handsome and grown up.

Bill: Thank you, thank you.

Lillian: Are you just visiting someone?

Bill: Uh, yeah, actually, I came by to see Cassie, but I was told she just stepped out.

Lillian: Yeah, I imagine she needed some air, the poor thing.

Bill: Yeah, I can't imagine what she's going through.

Lillian: No, I don't think any of us can. Did you hear anything when you were up at Richard’s room from the nurse?

Bill: The nurse, she didn't have time. I don't know, something happened. All these bells and whistles went off, so I thought it was best I get out of the way.

Lillian: Yeah.

Bill: Listen, Mrs. Raines, is Beth... Is she all right? I... I've been trying to get in touch with her. Left her a few messages, but I haven't heard from her.

Lillian: Well, that's probably because she's in Texas.

Bill: She's in Texas? Really? Why'd she go to Texas?

Lillian: I think they were personal reasons. She lived there for a little while.

Bill: Well, yeah, when she was Lorelei.

Lillian: You know about Lorelei?

Bill: Well, just a little bit. But I mean, why... Why did she go back?

Lillian: Well, I think she went to fill in the blanks. You know, she wanted to clear up some things in her past, so she could get ahead with the present.

Bill: Right. Well, thank you, thank you. Good to see you.

Lillian: Yeah, you, too. You look great.

Mel: Oh, Lillian, I have Mrs. Meyer's vitals for you. Hey, is something wrong?

Lillian: No, no, no, no, no, absolutely not. Thank you. But what are you doing here? You should be home with Rick?

Mel: Yeah, I should.

Lillian: Oh, but the waiting game is too much for you, isn't it?

Mel: Well, work keeps me busy, distracted.

Lillian: Mel, believe me, I understand.

Mel: It's so hard for Rick, though. There's nothing he can do to distract himself.

Lillian: But he's hanging in, isn't he?

Mel: You know, Rick. Even if he's having a bad day, he won't admit it. But you know, he seemed okay today, or else I wouldn't have come in.

Lillian: Well, I'm thinking about him probably every minute of the day. And I'm praying for him, and I think all the nurses are. Will you tell him that?

Mel: I will. Thank you. In fact, I promised I would call him right now on his cell phone, make sure he eats, so, I’ll tell him.

Lillian: Okay, give him my love.

Mel: I don't want your voice mail, Rick, I want you.

Danny: What is this? What...

Michelle: What?

Danny: What is this? What's... You're going to tell me what's going on?

Michelle: You don't want me to be a supportive and loving wife?

Danny: Oh, I see.

Michelle: What?

Danny: You are, honey, you are, a loving and supportive wife. That doesn't mean that you have to want to... Be a part of my business life. I know that you hate it.

Michelle: No, well, I hate the way it tears us apart, I do. I don't know, I guess that balloon ride that we took the other night, it just was so... So romantic, so wonderful.

Danny: It was.

Michelle: It made me think of the way our marriage used to be. I want that back.

Danny: Me, too. And we're doing that, we're finding it. You know, we're figuring out that what... Our marriage does not have to hinge on what I do for a living, right?

Michelle: Yeah, but maybe I could get used to being the wife of the most feared man in town.

Danny: (Groans) (laughter) I think we're getting a little carried away here, don't you?

Michelle: You are who you are, and you have a certain reputation in Springfield. And I don't want to ignore that anymore.

Danny: So, what... Are you going to embrace it?

Michelle: Yeah, I’m ready for a whole new attitude, you know, whole new, new look. In fact, I was thinking about calling your mother and asking for her... You know, a couple of fashion tips, maybe.

Danny: Really? So.. Oh, does this mean you're going to be wearing leather and spiked heels

Michelle: Oh, okay, all right then.

Danny: Seriously, all joking aside, I think I know what... What this is about.

Michelle: Really?

Danny: Um-hmm, yeah. You don't want to get angry or uptight, but you're worried about me. And you know I don't want to have this argument anymore.

Michelle: You got me.

Danny: Sweetie, you are not a nag. And you have every right to feel the way you feel. But, like I told you, I'm going to make this work, I promise.

Michelle: I want to believe that, Danny.

Danny: I am...

Ed: Michelle! Rick's in cardiac arrest.

Michelle: Oh, my God.

Danny: I'll dial 911.

Ed: All right, go.

Danny: Yeah, we have an emergency here. We're at 1713 Coventry Road. Right away, we need an ambulance, right away.

Michael: "He was a wonderful kisser. His lips were soft and moist. It felt like we were one, as he pulled my body to his. Every curve seemed to fit. I didn't want it to stop." She then goes on to describe in great detail what happens next.

Olivia: Well, it's a great read, that's for sure.

Michael: Now, before I put my reputation on the line, I need to know that everything in this diary is fact, not fiction.

Olivia: Oh, Michael, it's the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Michael: Then I think I should meet Lorelei Hills. I'm assuming that's a pseudonym?

Olivia: Well, it's more of an alter ego. I'm afraid that the author wishes to remain anonymous.

Michael: It's not you, is it, Olivia?

Olivia: Michael, I'm surprised to hear that you would think that I would engage in such naughty behavior.

Michael: Sorry.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Michael: I lost my head there for a moment.

Olivia: So, look, you will help me find a publisher for it, right?

Michael: Count on it. There isn't a publisher in town who wouldn't want a copy of this. I'll make some phone calls, get the ball rolling. But I think you're going to have a bidding war on your hands.

Olivia: Oh, thanks. Keep me posted, okay?

Michael: Sure. Of course.

Alan: Well, Michael Masterson. I... I'd like to say this a pleasant surprise, but it's not. Pleasant, I mean.

Michael: Good to see you, too, Alan.

Alan: So, how's your magazine doing?

Michael: The magazine is surviving quite well, thank you. Despite your pulling your advertising.

Alan: Well, now, I told you from the very beginning, if you want my money, you've got to deal with me, too, Michael.

Michael: And I told you there's only one chef in my kitchen, and that's me.

Alan: So, if you don't want my money, why are you here?

Olivia: He's here as a favor to me, Alan. And you don't want to miss your plane.

Michael: No, I don’t. Good to see you, Olivia.

Olivia: You, too.

Michael: I'll be in touch. Alan.

Alan: Michael. You and Michael Masterson putting your heads together? Tell me, should I be scared?

Olivia: No, no, I just asked him to do a profile on the Beacon's opening for his magazine. But if you continue to twist his screws, he's not going to be very helpful to me.

Alan: Well, it's just as well he left. Because I need to talk with you alone.

Olivia: What about?

Alan: You know what about. My marriage proposal.

Olivia: Oh. You mean the hostile takeover.

Mel: Hey, Michelle, it's me. I've been trying to call Rick on his cell phone, but he's not picking up. Where are you guys? Look, just give me a call at the hospital and let me know that Rick is okay. Thanks.

Lillian: We've got an emergency situation. The ambulance is coming in. I've prepared cubicle one.

Mel: Okay, what kind of emergency?

Lillian: It's a cardiac case. White male, '30s...

Mel: It's not him. No, it can't be him.

EMT #1: We've got the BP 80 over 40, rapid irregular pulse.

Mel: Rick...

EMT #2: He went into v-fib on the way here. We shocked him back in, gave him an...

Lillian: JVD third and fourth heartbeat present.

Mel: Okay, call cardiac, stat. And we need to get x-ray and respiratory down here. Get them into cubicle one. Okay, we've got to set up an (inaudible). Get a dopamine drip and then we'll set up for an a-line. It's going to be okay, sweetheart. It's going to be okay. It has to be okay.

Tory: Soon, you'll be feeling so much better, Ross. Don't worry, sweetheart, it's just a muscle relaxant. Which means that whether you like it or not, you will be relaxing very soon. Unfortunately, it also means that you literally won't be able to keep your head above water. So, while we're waiting, I think that you could use a little entertainment. And I would be more than happy to provide that for you. Come on, Ross. I want you to get a good look at what you could have had, and gave up. (Rattling sound outside) What was that? Don't go anywhere.

Blake: I really feel as if she's been here, I do.

Police officer: I'll check the perimeter.

Blake: Okay, you do that. I'm going to stay here in case Ross calls. Officer Keevan! Hello, I think she's been here! Officer, where are you? Hello? All right, fine, checking the perimeters? I'll do this myself.

Alan: That's the first time I’ve ever heard a marriage proposal called a "hostile takeover." Especially my marriage proposal, Olivia.

Olivia: Well, it wasn't really a marriage proposal, was it? It was more of a proposal to be engaged, which you made sound about as romantic as a stock split.

Alan: Well, you know, in some instances, a stock split can be extremely romantic.

Olivia: You know, Alan, that is sad. That is just very sad.

Alan: Please. Now, the last thing you would want me to be is gushingly sentimental. If I had dropped to my knees and swore my undying love to you, you would have thrown me out of my own home.

Olivia: So, instead I get a proposal that would turn water to ice? Look, I... I enjoy you.

Alan: I'm glad to hear that.

Olivia: I enjoy us. And I even enjoy the little games that we play. But sometimes, you know, sometimes I just want something... I just want some true feelings.

Alan: I've given you true feelings and more. And if you haven't seen them, it's because I don't wear my feelings on my sleeve like my son, Phillip.

Olivia: Well, okay, maybe you could learn a lesson from Phillip.

Alan: Oh, is that so?

Olivia: No, I’m just... I mean... All I'm saying is that he seems to know how to love a woman.

Alan: You know, you may want to give it some thought, not to use Phillip to get under my skin...

Olivia: Okay, I’m not, I'm not trying to...

Alan: Because remember this, he is totally devoted to Beth, and I applaud him for his good taste.

Olivia: Oh, yes, good old Beth. You know, everyone puts her on this pedestal. I'm surprised you haven't gone after her yourself, Alan...

Alan: Olivia, don't...

Olivia: No, I mean it, I mean it. If she is so perfect and so wonderful, why do you even bother with me?

Alan: Tell me something. What happened between you two? You were once very close friends.

Olivia: Yeah, were, were close friends, but then she dismissed me once my usefulness ran out.

Alan: Well, that would explain you trying to humiliate her and floor her.

Olivia: Oh, fine, fine! I'm the bad girl; blame it all on me.

Alan: Olivia, the reason I want you in my life is because I can see beneath that tough girl exterior of yours. And I see someone very vulnerable. Someone with unfulfilled dreams. Now, you can turn on me, you can turn on your family, but I think the person you're most angry with is yourself.

Olivia: So, what are you, a shrink now, too?

Alan: Olivia... No, no, I’m not a shrink. I am someone who wants to take care of you. Someone who wants to help you fulfill those dreams.

Olivia: Alan, I just...

Alan: What, what?

Olivia: You don't know me at all.

Alan: Whatever you say, Olivia. But I want you to know that the clock is ticking on my marriage proposal. And it's conversations like these that make me wonder why I made it in the first place.

Olivia: Ugh!

Mel: Hang in there, Rick. Just hang in there, honey.

Michelle: How is he?

Dr. Pierce: He's stable for the moment, but he's not responding well to treatment. Rick is now considered to be a class four category.

Ed: He needs a heart transplant.

Lillian: He needs it immediately.

Dr. Pierce: He didn't require intubation, but we may need to put him on L-vad if we can't manage him medically.

Michelle: Is that some sort of an assist device, to help his heart pump more efficiently?

Lillian: Yeah, it is.

Dr. Pierce: If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to page me, okay? I'm just really sorry I couldn't give you better news right now.

Lillian: Ed, I am so sorry.

Ed: What did Dr. Pierce say before I came out? Tell me.

Lillian: He said with any luck and God's grace, he might last through the night. And then after that...

Ed: I don't believe any of this. Why wasn't I there? And what was it that made me think that I could miss so much of my children's lives?

Lillian: Ed, at the time you didn't think you had a choice.

Ed: I had a choice. I'm just so tired of burying people I love.

Lillian: If it's any help, we're all here for you. (Monitors beeping)

Rick: (Weakly) Hey.

Ed: How you feeling?

Rick: Like somebody... Who just went into cardiac arrest.

Michelle: Don't let it happen again, okay?

Rick: So, what are my numbers?

Mel: Rick, no. You're the patient, not a doctor.

Rick: I have a right to know that, sweetheart. Dad... Dad?

Ed: You know what's going on without knowing the numbers.

Rick: I need a new heart yesterday.

Michelle: Rick?

Rick: I'm okay.

Mel: No, he's fine. He just.. He just needs to rest. Lillian, can you call upstairs and make sure there's a room ready? South wing, not north. Nurse Pryor’s in... In north, and she and Rick don't get along. Oh, and alert Dr. Sands of Rick’s meds. I know it's on his chart, but I just want to make sure she doesn't come up with... She can come up with a new combo to keep his heart stabilized.

Rick: Sweetheart, don't do this.

Mel: Rick, I have to, okay? A heart's going to come. It's going to come.

Rick: What if... What if it does... Doesn't?

Mel: Would you stop talking like it's over?

Rick: Sweetheart, I can't change what's going to happen.

Mel: Yes, you can. And so can I.

Thomas: Ms. Spencer.

Olivia: Didn't we have a conversation about knocking?

Bill: It's my fault. I need to see Phillip. He's not here. So, I thought I'd wait in his study.

Olivia: No, please, by all means. Thank you, Thomas. Bill, help yourself to a drink. And if you don't mind, make me one while you're at it.

Bill: Sure.

Olivia: So, you're here to see Phillip.

Bill: Yes, yes, I am.

Olivia: Anything I can do to help?

Bill: I doubt it.

Olivia: Thanks. This is about Beth, isn't it? She's not here, she's in Texas.

Bill: I know.

Olivia: Well, if you know, then why do you need to see Phillip?

Bill: Well, that's between Phillip and me.

Olivia: That's what you think. (Laughs) I think you want to know where Beth is in Texas. Do you really think Phillip is going to tell you?

Bill: Why wouldn't he? I mean, if Beth went to explore her past as Lorelei, I think I can help her with what's important or what's not.

Olivia: I think you're right, Bill. I think you should get on a plane and go to Texas right now.

 (Knock at the door)

Tory: Excuse me, officer? Can you help me, I lost the soap.

Police officer: Soap?

Blake: Oh, my God, Ross! Ross, Ross, what happened? What happened?

Ross: Tory is here. Be careful. She's here.

Blake: Forget, Tory. I'm going to get you out of here. What is going on?

Bill: Wait a minute, you want me to go to Texas and find Beth? Now, why would you want that? Oh, let me guess. Because you have her best interest at heart?

Olivia: Does it really matter why I think you should go, Bill? You obviously want to go, so go, follow your instincts.

Bill: All right, not so fast, let's think about this. See, you're the one that arranged it so I’d find out that Beth was Lorelei. And you did it in a way that really embarrassed her, so...

Olivia: So, what? This isn't about me.

Bill: You're right, you're right, it's not. But, you know what, I... I don't even know where I'd begin to look.

Olivia: Well, I’m afraid I really can't help you with that. You're going to have to ask Phillip. Or, I remember hearing Beth once say that when she was Lorelei, she used to hang out at this bar called the Palomino. Ring a bell?

Bill: Maybe. Well, I better go.

Olivia: Okay. Have fun.

Mel: A heart can be found in time.

Rick: (Weakly) Sweetie, I love you. And believe me, I don't want to die. But I might... Might not have a choice here...

Mel: (Crying) You do have a choice. And I wish you would stop talking like... Like you don't. Ed, please, please, no lectures right now, please.

Ed: I just want to tell you that you're saying to Rick exactly what Michelle and I want to say to him.

Mel: So I’m not crazy to expect him to live?

Ed: Of course not.

Mel: But you know how many times I have told Cassie Winslow to face reality about her husband? But when it comes to mine...

Ed: That's because you want so desperately for him to live, just like Cassie wants Richard to live.

Mel: I feel like such a hypocrite, telling her to accept something that I can't.

Ed: When you're with Cassie, you're a doctor. When you're with Rick, you're a wife.

Mel: I don't want him to die. (Crying)

Danny: I'm going to try to reach Phillip, okay?

Michelle: Good idea.

Danny: All right, okay.

Rick: (Weakly) Hey.

Michelle: Hey yourself.

Rick: So, on a scale from one to ten, how upset is she?

Michelle: Mel? I don't think there's a scale large enough to calculate.

Rick: I... I was afraid of that.

Michelle: She's right, you know. You can't quit. So, shoot me, I believe in miracles, okay?

Rick: Me, too. Miracles named... Robbie, Jude... And my little sister.

Blake: All right, all right, I'm going to get you out through the back door, before that lunatic gets back. Come here.

Tory: Hello, Blake. So glad you could join us.

Blake: I have a cop in the house with me, Tory.

Tory: Oh, actually, I believe your cop is out cold, so forget about him riding into your rescue. Now, you're going to turn the water back on, Blake. Ross hasn't finished his bath yet.


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