Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/3/02
Proofread By Tanya
Rick: Honey, higher. No, just a little bit lower. High... Just a little higher. Just, wait a minute. Lower, just a little lower. I'm sorry, sweetie. That's fine. I just... I just want everything to be just perfect.
Mel: Well, you're the expert, honey.
Rick: Thanks. You know, in a way, the other day, the fact I didn't get my heart transplant just worked out perfect, didn't it? I mean, think about it. I would have been confined to some hospital bed and you and I would have missed out on our first Bauer barbecue together. Right? I mean, it all worked out for a reason.
Mel: Rick, I'm so glad you didn't miss out on the barbecue, and I hope that we can spend many more together, but please don't talk about giving up that heart like it's a good thing, okay?
Rick: Okay. What have you got there?
Michelle: Decorations.
Rick: I want to know when we're going to start squeezing the lemons. Michelle? Yoo-hoo, Michelle.
Michelle: We have a lot to be thankful for this year, don't we? I mean, you and Mel. Dad's back. We're all together. And you... You're going to be fine, I just know you are. It's going to be... It's going to be a really great barbecue. Yeah.
Rick: Well, you certainly don't seem too convinced of that. Michelle, is there something wrong?
Michelle: No. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah, there's something definitely wrong.
Danny: All right. Just keep your crew moving and I’ll make sure you have more supplies by tomorrow morning.
Foreman: Got it.
Danny: Okay?
Cassie: Danny? Hi.
Danny: Hey. Hi, Cassie.
Cassie: Um, are you here about the loan? I mean... Are you going to give me the money?
Danny: Actually, I have a friend on the crew here and he's working late. I just dropped by to say hi.
Cassie: Oh. Well, could you-- wait? I know that... I know we talked earlier and that you turned me down, and I just... I really need money, Danny.
Danny: Cassie, I know. Look, I told you, if I had the money personally to give to you, I would. But the amount that you're talking about would have to come from someplace else.
Cassie: I know where it comes from, and I'll pay ever penny back. I will. I will.
Danny: Cassie, I'm sorry. I really am. I've thought about...
Foreman: Hey, you want me to give Ms. Spencer the good word, tell her you're going to fix things? Sorry. I didn't realize. Sorry.
Cassie: How are you going to fix things?
Olivia: Oh, thank you. Oh, just a little harder, okay?
Alan: Your wish is my command. (Olivia gasps)
Olivia: Alan.
Alan: Well, who'd you think it was?
Olivia: Thomas.
Alan: Thomas!
Olivia: Thomas.
Alan: The new butler?
Olivia: Well, yes. He's amazing, he's talented, we're having a thing. Everyone knows about it, except you.
Alan: (Laughs) Well, it's nice to know that your sense of humor is still intact. I hope that your taste for fine jewelry is intact also.
Olivia: Sorry. No sale.
Gus: Well, look what you did.
Harley: What I did? Look what you did. This is ridiculous. You have no respect for these files. You know, your desk is starting to look like your hotel room.
Gus: This is my... This is my mess and I have it organized the way that I wanted it.
Harley: Are you kidding? I will organize it. I will help you to organize it.
Gus: I don't need you to organize my desk. You want to organize something, organize your own desk.
Harley: You know, you don't have to get nasty. I'm just trying to help you. Unless you're hiding something from me on the desk.
Gus: What the hell would I be hiding? That's ridiculous.
Harley: Okay, look. This is what we're going to do. We are going to do arrest reports, evidence reports, toxicology, fingerprints, okay? Four different piles. Because you've got them shuffled up. Your cases aren't even separated. What are you doing? And what is this? What is this? A missing person or a mug shot?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Yeah? This... You know, I think these are the same person. Oh, this is the same girl, just older. Who is this woman?
Gus: Who is what woman? That woman?
Harley: This woman. Hello?
Frank: What are you guys doing, bragging about my expert police work here, are you?
Harley: Oh. So you're the one who was playing with the new digitalized software. Nice job there, Frank.
Frank: Thank you very much. I was just trying to help this bum out, working on this missing persons case. But never again, trust me.
Gus: I would have... I said thank you. You don't have to help me, Frank.
Frank: Can I ask you a question? Why do you have all this garbage on your desk here if you're never going to work on any of this?
Harley: Welcome to my world.
Frank: Yeah, well, good luck. He's all yours. I've got to go down to the morgue and look after this autopsy, okay?
Gus: I tell you, Frank, that's a good way to spend an evening.
Frank: If you see Cassie, just give her and Richard my best, okay?
Harley: Oh, I will. So sweet. Right, I’ll see you.
Frank: Good luck.
Harley: I've got it.
Gus: I've got it; it's my desk.
Harley: What is wrong with you?
Gus: Hey, nothing's wrong.
Harley: Okay, look, this is all I'm saying. If somebody is following you, I just want you to tell me about it, okay? And vice versa. I'll tell you about it. It's just, it's the only way we're going to stay one step ahead of the Spaulding’s, okay?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: So you're not going to keep me out of the loop.
Gus: No, of course not. Are you kidding?
Harley: Because I sort of have this funny little thing, you know? When I tell someone I love them, I like them to keep me informed about stuff going on in their life. Just one of my little rules.
Gus: She's got rules. I tell you something, honey. I got some rules, too, okay?
Harley: Oh, you do?
Gus: Yes, I do. The first one is: Less talking. Less talking is better. And more kissing is nice, too.
Harley: That's my rule.
Gus: You're kidding. Is that right? Yeah!
Harley: All right, I've got to go.
Gus: Yeah, yeah. It's... Well, okay, you should go. And I'll call you.
Harley: I'll tell you something, she's a pretty girl.
Gus: Yeah, you are. You're a beautiful, beautiful woman.
Harley: Good answer.
Gus: (Exhales forcefully)
Alan: Olivia, if you didn't want these, a simple "No" would have sufficed.
Olivia: Don't get me wrong. I would love it if you wanted to buy me jewelry, Alan, just... Just because.
Alan: I just did.
Olivia: No, you didn’t. I sensed an ulterior motive.
Alan: Well, you sensed wrong. I thought we might reach a truce. I was using this as sort of a peace pipe, if you will.
Olivia: A peace pipe? For what? Oh! That's right. I'm stuck with Cassie Winslow as a partner for the rest of my life because you decided to pay her repair bills. I was this close to getting my hotel and you offered her cash!
Alan: Olivia, please. I was just having a little fun, that's all.
Olivia: Fun? Fun?
Alan: Sure.
Olivia: Is that really why you did it?
Alan: You know why I did it. I told you many times before, I don't like to be toyed with. Now, I enjoy the games we play. I enjoy this bantering, but there are limits.
Olivia: (Laughs)
Alan: And I just want to make them clear to you.
Olivia: Am I supposed to feel properly chastised?
Alan: Well, I think you've learned your lesson, yes.
Olivia: Unlike you, who never learns a thing! You have been trying to mold Phillip his entire life. You're trying to do the same thing to me.
Alan: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Why did this conversation all of a sudden become about Phillip?
Phillip: Alan!
Alan: Enter Phillip!
Phillip: I understand you had a conversation with Gus Aitoro.
Alan: Yes, on his way to the track.
Phillip: I detest him. There is nothing I want more than to get him out of that house and away from my son.
Alan: Then do it.
Phillip: But Harley and I will deal with it! You stay out of it!
Alan: Phillip, Phillip, still trying to be the hero to all of your women. But this time... This time it may come at the expense of your son.
Olivia: (Sighs)
Phillip: You know, there have been a lot of rich men out there.
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Why would you pick him?
Olivia: I wonder sometimes.
Danny: Cassie, Olivia and I are not doing anything to compromise you or the hotel. It's just that Olivia has an impossible deadline to meet, and I’m making it possible for that to happen.
Cassie: How?
Danny: It's not what you think. Believe me, every brick in this hotel is going to be quality. It's going to go up fast, but it's going to go up right. I'm giving my guarantee on that.
Cassie: How much did that guarantee cost? I mean, I'm sure Olivia paid a pretty penny, didn't she?
Danny: Cassie...
Cassie: I mean, I’m standing here begging you for a loan, Danny, I am. And Olivia comes to you for help, and like that you help her?
Danny: It was a very different situation with Olivia.
Cassie: Well, this is a very different situation, Danny. I need help. I need money and I need someone to give it to me. Please.
Danny: Cassie, I feel terrible about what happened to Richard, but you've got to understand, Cassie, this would not be my money that we're talking about. There would be investors that I would have to answer to. People who would expect a very large return on their cash. I would not be helping you.
Cassie: Danny, don't you understand that I don't care about that! Okay, I know all this. I know all this. I knew what I was getting myself into when I came to you. I don't want a special favor. I don't want a special rate. All I'm asking for is money, here.
Danny: All right. Michelle and I have a little saved up.
Cassie: It's not going to take a little, okay? I mean, I could come up with a way to pay for this if I had the time, but I don't have the time right now. I can't worry about this. I have to worry about Richard. I have to concentrate on him. He needs my undivided attention right now, and I need him. I need to be with him while he is still... I just need to be with him, okay?
Danny: Cassie, I really wish that I could help you.
Cassie: Then help me, Danny. Please? Please? Please help me. I can't keep worrying about this. I can’t. And I will pay you back, every penny, I promise. Somehow I will. Look, I raised thousands of dollars for people in San Cristobel. I did. And I can certainly find a way to raise some money to keep my husband alive, but I need someone to trust me enough to give me the cash, Danny.
Danny: It's not that I don't trust you. It's not about that. I just... I really think... Why don't you go to Reva and Josh?
Cassie: I'm coming to you. Okay? I'm asking you. Do we have a deal or not?
Danny: Don't make me regret this.
Cassie: Thank you.
Danny: Okay. Okay.
Cassie: Thank you.
Danny: You're welcome.
Gus: (Sighs) I'm kidding myself. I'm kidding myself. What... what.. Where are you?
Brian: Must be some case. Anything I can do?
Gus: No thanks, Brian. I appreciate it. Hey, Brian, do you know how to use that software, the missing persons... The new software that came in?
Brian: Yeah, it's a snap. What have you got to work with?
Gus: It's just a... Well, if you show me how to use it. It's a Jane Doe.
Brian: No, it's okay. I've got it covered.
Gus: I just was looking. I just need some answers. If she's even there.
Alan: Excuse me, Harley, but we're having a private meeting.
Harley: Not anymore. I was going to do this later, Alan, but since we are together now, why don't we just get down to business? You're going to fire this woman.
Alan: I am?
Harley: Yes, you are. Because what I do with my life is none of your business. You gave up any rights you had the day I divorced Phillip.
Alan: I seem to recall a child, my grandson?
Harley: Yes, my son-- who is going to stay with his mother, where he feels happy and safe and secure. Need I remind you, grandparents have no rights when both parents are involved and competent. So you can huff and puff, you can blow the house down if you like, Alan, but Zach is staying with me. And you, you're going to back off. Am I clear?
Alan: I've been asked that question a lot today.
Blake: Harley.
Harley: There's my meeting. So nice knowing you.
Monica: So, am I fired?
Alan: Yes, you are.
Harley: Well, so much for staying in touch with me.
Blake: I'm sorry, I’m sorry.
Harley: We are supposed to be looking for Tory Granger, remember?
Blake: We found Tory, all right? Ross and I lured her in, but it didn't go exactly according to plans.
Harley: You went ahead without me?
Blake: Yes.
Harley: Are you nuts?
Blake: I'm starting to think that I am.
Reva: Blake. Blake. Grab Harley, let's go!
Blake: We can't talk about it right now.
Harley: No. Where are we going?
Blake: I'll tell you in the car. Come on, come on. I'll tell you in the car.
Harley: Blake.
Monica: I thought you were happy with my work.
Alan: I am.
Monica: And you're firing me?
Alan: That's right. From now on, you work for my son, Phillip.
Phillip: A thicker skin than mine if you're going to stay with my father. I don't know what I have to do to get him to stay out of my life. Clearly kissing you in the hot tub was not enough.
Olivia: Yeah. Speaking of that, I've been meaning to tell you that I’m having... I'm just, I'm...
Phillip: Sorry?
Olivia: What?
Phillip: You're trying to say you're sorry?
Olivia: Because it happened?
Phillip: Or for blurting it out in front of Beth and making it sound like it was more important than it was. My God, was that really necessary?
Olivia: I guess not! No. Sorry. She wasn't jealous.
Phillip: No, of course she wasn't jealous. I don't know what the deal is with the two of you right now, but I want you to lay off of her. She's got a lot on her mind.
Olivia: Of course she does. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I have not been myself. That was hitting below the belt. But you can be sure I was only doing it to get to Alan.
Phillip: I thought we had already accomplished that. I don't think we want to push him too far.
Olivia: No. Nor Beth. Wouldn't want to push her.
Phillip: Look, I'm just trying to protect her. That's part of who I am. It doesn't matter. She's fine. She’s... She will be fine, mentally and physically. These memories will start to fade. Thank you.
Olivia: Thank me for what?
Phillip: For getting rid of that diary. Dwelling on that thing was confusing her. I appreciate it. Oh, well. Onward and upward. Have to go see Rick.
Olivia: How... how is he?
Phillip: I don't know. I'll see when I get there.
Olivia: Sorry, Phillip, but I have a score to settle with Alan.
Cassie: I think fairy tales can happen anywhere, even in an old wreck of a grand hotel. And because I'm with you. Reva.
Reva: Oh, good. Oh, you are here.
Cassie: What, has something happened to Richard? Is he okay?
Reva: No. No, no, no. No bad news.
Blake: No, no. Just a night off.
Harley: You've been in the hospital for days, hon. You need a break.
Cassie: I don't know if I can do this.
Reva: We've got food.
Cassie: I'm really not...
Blake: Hungry? Of course you are. You just don't know it yet.
Cassie: I can't leave Richard alone.
Reva: He's not alone. He's not. Josh is with him. And there's four cell phone numbers that he has, so in case anything were to happen... Just stay a while and relax.
Blake: Oh, sweetie, Richard and your kids, you're not going to do them any good if you get sick.
Cassie: Okay. Okay. I can do this.
Reva: Good, good. Come on, let's eat. You know, I cleaned out that Mexican joint over by the main highway. Everything. The one with the wooden cactus.
Cassie: Richard loves that place...
Reva: It's okay. Cassie, it's okay to talk about Richard. That's why we're here.
Cassie: I guess I’m a little hungry.
Reva: Now, aren't you glad you're not mad at me anymore?
Cassie: I'm very glad I’m not mad at you anymore. I was kind of mad at her for keeping secrets, but you know.
Reva: Secrets. Well, I'm not keeping secrets anymore, I promise.
Blake: Okay.
Reva: Except, of course, those ones about Josh that I never told you. (Laughter)
Blake: Please give the girl a drink. Come on, let's get going.
Harley: So what do you want to toast to, ladies? We need a theme.
Blake: Well, I don't know about you guys, but I say we toast to girl power. I look around and it's painfully clear. That's a big power. (Laughter)
Reva: You know what, though? I like a man with power, but that's just me.
Blake: Well, you know, think about it. There isn't a need that can be met or a desire that can be filled that wouldn't benefit from a woman being in charge.
Harley: Whoo.
Blake: Hear, hear. I mean, the bottom line is, we don't need men, period. I say good-bye, good riddance to all of them.
Sayonara. I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I mean, I don't mean... Um. Well, of course we... Well, I love men. I live with one. You know that. Aw, I'm just rambling. I'm not here today.
Cassie: You know, guys, this isn't working.
Rick: You don't think he skipped it on purpose, do you?
Michelle: No, no. He would never do that. I just... I had something planned, something that I wanted to spring on him, and how can you surprise somebody when they're not even here.
Rick: Michelle, why don't you just give him a call?
Michelle: What am I going to say? "Hey, Danny, can you come home because I've got an anniversary present. A present... You don't even remember about the anniversary."
Danny: Hey, hey, hey, now. I didn't forget. You thought I forgot?
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Excuse us for a second.
Rick: Sure.
Michelle: I thought that you did. I mean, you didn't say anything about it earlier.
Danny: Well, that's because I’ve been feeling, I don't know, awful. After last night, seeing you with Ben and Bill having all this fun at the beach, and I just... I felt really bad because I have not been the one giving you any fun lately. Lately I’ve really been the one causing you a lot of worry. And it just didn't feel like a great reason to celebrate. But that's all going to change. I've been working on it.
Michelle: Working on it?
Danny: Mm-hmm. You want to come with me and find out?
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: You trust me?
Michelle: Mm-hmm. Okay. Let's go. Bye, Rick.
Rick: See you, guys.
Danny: Hey.
Mel: Hey. Okay, Mr. Eavesdropper.
Rick: Yeah?
Mel: Where did Danny take Michelle?
Rick: Oh, I don't know, but at least he didn't forget their wedding anniversary.
Mel: Think they'll make up?
Rick: Oh, I don't know. I think deep down they really want to... (Gasping)
Mel: Rick? Rick, are you okay?
Rick: I'm fine. (Breathes deeply) I'm fine.
Phillip: Hey.
Rick: Hey.
Phillip: You okay?
Rick: Yeah. Just trying to keep Dr. Boudreau on her toes.
Mel: I'll go get your meds.
Rick: Okay.
Mel: Phillip, can you...?
Phillip: Yeah, I'll be here. Sure. The place looks great, as always.
Rick: Thanks.
Phillip: I can't believe it's time for another barbecue. Where does the time go? So, how are you?
Rick: I'm fine. It's just... Well, you know, I have my good days and I have my bad days.
Phillip: I'm guessing it was a real good day when you decided to hand over that heart they were going to give you.
Rick: Oh, come on. Not you, too. Please. Please. Everybody is lining up to tell me what an idiot I am-- Mel, my dad...
Phillip: Hey, you can't blame them. They love you. They want to see you get on the other side of this thing. Of course, the reason they love you is because you are the kind of guy that sees a little kid that is about to lose their father and does something.
Rick: Anybody else would have done the same thing.
Phillip: No, Rick. We'd all like to think that we would, but thinking it and doing it are two entirely different things. No, the fact is, most of us wouldn't. You did.
Rick: You know, you're a good friend, pal. I don't care what anybody says. (Laughter)
Phillip: Well, I'm glad you feel that way because you're going to be stuck with me for many years to come.
Rick: I'm going to need you to keep saying that, okay?
Phillip: I will.
Cassie: This was a great idea. It was. I just don't want to... I don't want you guys walking on eggshells around me. I don't want you worrying if you're going to say something...
Blake: Stupid.
Cassie: It wasn't what you said. Blake, it wasn't. It was how everybody else reacted to it.
Reva: Oh, so it's our fault.
Cassie: Yes, it is. I want you guys to be you, you know? I want to laugh, I want to cry. I want Blake to put her foot in her mouth. You know?
Blake: Yeah.
Cassie: I don't want you guys to treat me like...
Reva: Like your husband's in the hospital.
Cassie: Yeah. I mean, at least you said it. So it's out there. We can just move on, you know?
Reva: Okay. It's out there. Let's move on.
Cassie: We're moving.
Harley: Where are we moving to?
Cassie: I have a story. It's about Richard. It just kind of popped into my head today, and I haven't been able to shake it. That's if you guys want to hear it.
Reva: Absolutely.
Harley: Say it.
Blake: Tell.
Cassie: Okay, well, it was one of those days we were living in San Cristobel, and I had a really early doctor's appointment. And even though we had an entire staff to help, you know, take care of all the kids and everything that we had to do, Richard decided to pick this morning to be a hands-on dad. You know what I'm saying?
Reva: Uh-huh.
Cassie: Well, Tammy had a school project, R.J. had a play date, and Will had a checkup. And he was certain that he could handle it all. He couldn't handle anything. I came back, the place was a wreck. Not one kid made it to anything he had to do that day, and I was livid. You know, I mean, usually I would think those things are kind of cute, but for some reason, I was like, "Why, why can you not do something that is so simple?" And I was like screaming at him and yelling at him, you know what I mean?
Blake: Oh, do I ever.
Cassie: And all of a sudden he looked at me. And he just smiled. And he said sheepishly, "Do you want some breakfast?" And that's when I stopped and I realized what he had been doing. He gave the cook the day off, and he wanted to make breakfast, pancakes. With all the stuff that he had to do that day, he wanted to do something special for the kids and for me. And so he made these pancakes, heart-shaped pancakes. And when I saw them, my heart melted. You know what?
Reva: What?
Cassie: Those were the worst pancakes I have ever had in my entire life. And I ate every bite. (Laughter) They were really bad. (Laughter)
Michelle: Oh, wow, it is so beautiful.
Danny: You like it?
Michelle: You are amazing.
Danny: I thought you would like it.
Michelle: Do I like it? It's like the best... best anniversary present ever. What made you think of a balloon ride?
Danny: What? Just, you know, I wanted to do something fun that would... That would make you smile, and make you laugh and... I also thought it would be good to, you know, get a different perspective on things.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: You cold?
Michelle: Things definitely look smaller from up here. Whoo.
Danny: Small, but full... full of memories. That's where we met, where we fell in love, where we got married and had Robbie. You know, honey, even though our life has its ups and downs, sometimes when you're in the middle of it, it's a little difficult to see that maybe we're not changing as much as we think we are. But if we... If we step back and get a different perspective, you can see that we're the same two people. Same two people who have loved each other for such a long time now. Do you think that's possible?
Michelle: I know it is.
Michelle: Oh, Danny, look, look. Is that Laurel Falls?
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: How long do you think till we get over there?
Danny: Well, honey, the thing is I only got this thing for an hour. Somebody has it booked after us, so we're going to have to take it back soon, I'm sorry.
Michelle: No, we don’t. We won't.
Danny: We don't. What do you want? Are we going to hijack the balloon?
Michelle: Well, see, the person who booked it after you is me.
Danny: What, are you kidding? You're kidding.
Michelle: Great minds think alike. Happy Anniversary.
Danny: You're amazing. Have I told you how much I love you?
Michelle: No, but you can start now. We've got 60 minutes.
Danny: Only 60?
Michelle: Well, yeah, and hour and a half.
Danny: That's better. (Laughter)
Reva: So Billy always had a huge crush on Cassie.
Cassie: Oh, he just likes our family. And you like his.
Reva: Whoo, yeah.
Blake: The poor guy is still single. Who could we set him up with? Harley. (Laughter)
Harley: Yeah. I think Billy’s a very nice man. But I don't think so. And besides, I’m not single anymore, remember? Even though you guys don't like my choice.
Cassie: Well, I don't like or dislike because I don't know him.
Blake: Ah, well, get to know him, and then you'll disapprove. Oh, good kisser, though.
Reva: (Laughs)
Harley: Does anybody want to help me clean up? Blake?
Blake: Come on, give us a scoop. Just how close are you and Gus? I want to know.
Harley: It's none of your business.
Blake: It is.
Cassie: I don't think Harley kisses and tells.
Harley: And I’m not telling Darlene Lacrosse anything, it could end up in one of her books.
Blake: Oh, you wish. Clean up.
Cassie: Thank you.
Reva: Oh, it was just a quickie get together.
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you for knowing what I need, and for making up with me and for being my sister. Thank you.
Reva: Oh, it's so easy.
Cop: I ran it through missing persons, and I came up with zip.
Gus: Okay. You know what? Want to try this one?
Cop: Already did. Do you have a name?
Gus: No, I never did have a name. All right, thanks, Brian. Leave it alone. Leave it alone.
Alan: Aitoro's file?
Monica: Straight from the halls of the juvenile justice system. It's all there. Everything you asked for.
Alan: Everything Phillip asked for. I want you to keep repeating that so you won't slip up.
Monica: Well, Phillip’s going to be very interested in what he sees in there.
Alan: Really?
Monica: It seems our Gus and some other kid got into a fight on the roof. The other kid did a free fall straight to the ground floor, landed in the street on his head.
Alan: Murder?
Monica: It couldn't be proved, but there's an interesting wrinkle. It seems there was a witness. A female, who was obviously a minor because her name does not appear in this file.
Alan: So she could have some very important information, huh?
Monica: Information that could make things a lot worse for Gus Aitoro.
Alan: Good, I want you to find her, because I hate, rather Phillip hates to be disappointed.
Olivia: Hi, it's Olivia Spencer. Good, thank you. I have a book that I want to have published. Yeah. What kind of book? Well, it's a diary. It's a very steamy diary.
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