GL Transcript Friday 6/28/02

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/28/02

From Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Ed: And then the pain, it comes down here, and when it gets there, it's like stabbing with a knife.

Michelle: Wait, here?

Ed: Yeah, yeah. There, too.

Michelle: Hmm, I hate it when that happens. All right, don't worry, we will get you fixed up in no time. How did I do?

Ed: Hey, you did great.

Michelle: Are you sure? Because I really don't want to miss anything.

Ed: No, no, no, no, you didn't miss anything. This is great. You're going to be terrific at this.

Bill: Nobody move. Well, except the girl, she's going to come with us.

Ben: It's a kidnapping.

Ed: Do we know those knees?

Michelle: Bill Lewis, Ben Reade.

Ed: Ah.

Bill: Hey, Dr. Bauer.

Ed: Bill, nice to see you again.

Ben: Hi, Dr. Bauer, hope we didn't scare you.

Ed: No, I’ll live.

Bill: Yeah, well, don't go sticking your husband on us, Mrs. Santos, okay?

Michelle: Oh, darn, are you guys going to kidnap me?

Ben: We didn't say that.

Bill: No, we didn't. Now go grab your suit, we're hitting the beach.

Danny: Look, look, look, I've got no furniture here. Do you think you could at least get a phone in here, as soon as possible. Yeah, thanks.

Tony: I got your message.

Danny: Great, have a seat.

Tony: Danny...

Danny: Little tough to do, isn't it?

Tony: Look, I can get new furniture here by...

Danny: Tony, that is not the point.

Tony: You want to know what happened?

Danny: No, no, I know what happened. I heard what happened from the guys. So what? Every last bit of my furniture had to be just tossed, is that it? Is it that bad?

Tony: I was sick of it anyway, all right? I'm going to get new furniture. What do you care? This isn't your problem anymore.

Danny: Yeah, it is. It is my problem. Tony, I know that something happened in here with you and Marah, something... something nasty. And I don’t... I don't want to pry, I don't want the details, but I need to know, are we looking at more trouble.

Tony: It's over.

Danny: Okay. And what about you? Are you looking for more trouble? I mean, the next time I come in here, is the club still going to be standing? Tony, I need you to check yourself. There are going to be some changes around here, and I need you to keep a lid on that temper of yours.

Tony: What kind of changes?

Danny: We'll get to that. Right now we're talking about you.

Tony: I'm fine. All right? Marah's gone, okay? Forget her, because I have. She's out of my life for good.

(Waves lapping)

Tory: Hi, I just couldn't wait until tomorrow, Ross.

Ross: It's all right, it's just... It's so good to see you, and I just wanted... Things to be perfect.

Tory: You're here, I'm here, what else do we need? Doesn't matter that I came early, does it?

Blake: (Sighs) Keep it together, Ross. Keep it together. All right, just get that tape recorder working. You have Tory’s plot to kill me on tape otherwise this whole thing's a waste.

Ross: It matters, Tory. It matters because I thought that you were gone forever, and I thought it was all my fault. But now you're here, and I owe you. I owe you so much. And to start paying you back, I wanted this, our reunion, to be picture perfect. I mean, I at the very least owe you that.

Tory: You do?

Ross: Yes. After everything that you've done for me, of course, I do. Tory, what are you doing? Tory, please, look at me.

Blake: What are you doing, Tory?

Tory: Are we alone?

Ross: Of course. I set it up so we...

Tory: And that's exactly what I’m afraid of. The setup.

Blake: Keep cool, Ross, keep cool. Of course, she's suspicious. She's a psycho, but she's not dumb.

Tory: You know, it did cross my mind that it could've been Blake who put that ad in the Law Review in order to trap me. Or maybe even you.

Ross: I deserve that.

Tory: Ross, do you even know how many times you told me that you didn't love me? Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?

Ross: Yes, I do. And I'm so sorry. Forgive me, because I was such a fool. And it took me so long to know what you always knew. Tory, I love you. No matter what happens, no matter what you do, I will always love you.

Tory: Ross, do you remember that time when we were in the classroom? When you made love to me? You treated me so horribly after that.

Ross: I know. And what you said at the time was right. I was so overwhelmed by what I was feeling for you. I'm sorry I got scared.

Tory: You said you didn't love me. You said that I was a mistake, and that the only person you'd ever love is Blake.

Ross: You didn't believe that. You saw through all of that, because you never gave up on me. You never did. Whereas I, I felt this sense of, what, I don't know, duty. I felt a sense of obligation.

Tory: Yeah, of course, of course, because... because you've been with her for so long and you felt trapped. I know, you were trying to do the right thing, I know that because I know you, Ross. God, you're such a good man, you're just a good man.

Blake: I'm going to be sick.

Ross: To a fault, because I almost lost the most important thing to happen to me in my life, you. And when I realized that you had faked your own suicide, I understood how much you were willing to sacrifice for me, and that was humbling. Nobody has ever done that much for me, because no one has ever loved me this much. And by your actions, Tory, you're teaching me the meaning of true love.

Tony: You know, Danny, I'm surprised you're even here. I mean, I'm out now, free and clear. You don't have to worry about Infierno or anything, come on.

Danny: But I do, Tony.

Tony: No, you don't. Really, I got it covered, all right. Don't worry. Really. Go home. Isn't the Bauer barbecue this week? Shouldn't you be tossing salad or something?

Danny: I'm back, Tony. I'm running the family. I'm not going anywhere. And I will still be going to the Bauer barbecue. Nothing has changed for me and Michelle. I can do both.

Tony: You think so?

Danny: Yeah, I do.

Tony: So now you're... You decide you want to be back in the family, and now you're the boss?

Danny: Tony, you know the rules. Look, I know that I left you holding the bag, and no one should be asked to take charge as young as you were. But you did a hell of a lot better than anybody ever expected, really.

Tony: But now you're back for today, or for this week, or until Michelle throws a hissy fit, or you have a bad day, or any...

Danny: No, no, Tony, I'm back for good. I tried walking away. I can't leave this family. I don't want to leave it. So that means that I’ve got to make the Santos name something that I can live with, something that we all can be proud of.

Tony: You want to try and make us legit again? You already tried that.

Danny: Yeah, but, Tony, I walked away before the job was completed. It can be done, we were almost there.

Tony: Yeah, well, if I don't want to be a junior Spaulding, Danny? What if I don't want to be writing memos, or contracts, or any of that bull? Danny, what if I like being a Santos just the way I am?

Danny: There's going to be a place for you, whatever you want to be. I'm going to need you, okay?

Tony: Yeah, Danny.

Danny: So we're okay?

Tony: Yeah. Yeah, we're okay. Welcome back.

Danny: Hey, this is going to be good for all of us. It is, I promise. Carmen.

Carmen: You have no idea how good this makes me feel to see the two of you like this, back where you belong.

Danny: You know, your aunt and I have got a lot of business to discuss, so I’m going to buy her a drink at the bar. Can you stick around?

Tony: Yeah, I’ll go make some phone calls.

Danny: Upstairs.

Tony: Upstairs.

Danny: Where there's a phone.

Tony: Yeah, yeah.

Danny: Carmen. The usual?

Carmen: Yeah, why not. So how's Tony?

Danny: He's fine. He... I think he took the news well.

Carmen: News?

Danny: That I’m back. What, you thought I was joking when I said I'm in the family?

Carmen: Oh, Danny. Oh, this is so right. You will not be sorry about this, I promise you.

Danny: No, I won’t. You remember when I said that there were to be a price if I were to ever come back? I think now's the time to settle that little debt you owe me and Michelle.

Michelle: Oh, you guys, you guys, come on, I have homework. I have homework for my class.

Ben: Oh, come on. It'll be like the old days.

Michelle: Robbie's upstairs...

Bill: Come on, grab your suit or you're going to go skinny dipping. And nothing too matronly, we want to see...

Michelle: Matronly, whoa.

Bill: We've got the cooler in the car, we got sandwiches.

Michelle: Wait, matronly?

Bill: Well, with the way you're dragging your feet, I got to stop and wonder, are you this boring on purpose? Come on now, I know that baby didn't ruin the figure, so that's not the problem.

Ben: Michelle, tell the truth: You joined the junior league, didn't you?

Michelle: Dad, help me out here, would you, please?

Ed: Honey, I would really like to, you know, but there's that brochure from the garden club in the kitchen, and the sales slip for the knitting needles.

Michelle: Oh no. No, no, no, no. That was Aunt Meta's. It's been there for ages.

Ed: Prove it. Prove it.

Michelle: I was just beginning to like you.

Ed: Look, I can baby-sit for Robbie, we can do the home later. Go, have fun.

Bill: You are still the man.

Ed: Well, last time I checked.

Bill: Yeah, well, come on. Let's go, let's go. Bring that husband of yours. He can eat.... I'm sure he could use the fun, too.

Ben: Where's Danny?

Michelle: Danny's got business to do. You know what? You guys hang on for two minutes, I’m going to get my suit on. (Doorbell rings)

Ben: We owe you.

Ed: I'll collect.

Holly: Hi, I came by to see Rick.

Ed: Rick and Mel are out for a drive, but come in, come on in.

Holly: Okay, thanks. Hey, you.

Bill: Hey.

Holly: It's a fine thing. I have to come to a friend's house to see my stepson.

Bill: What, you don't call, you don't write. And look at the way you're dressed. You're pathetic, Reade.

Ben: Yes, I am. I'm sorry.

Holly: What did you do? Rob a surf shop?

Ben: Kidnapping, actually.

Holly: Oh, funny boy.

Michelle: Bet you clowns forgot your towels, didn't you?

Ben: And you said you had everything covered.

Michelle: Hey, Holly.

Holly: Hi.

Michelle: See a mom, a mom, thinks of these things. Oh, Holly, I’m so glad you're here, because you can help my dad baby-sit. He's way too gooey to handle it alone.

Ed: Oh, come on. I'm a certified professional.

Michelle: Well, then how come it is that you go in there every five minutes kissing him, waking him up.

Ed: Oh, no, I am checking his vitals. Don't you remember how I used to check for your fever? Come here. Oh, 98.6, you're free to go. Have a good time.

Michelle: All right, I will. But please don't wake up the baby.

Holly: We won't.

Michelle: All right.

Holly: Good.

Michelle: Keep an eye on him, because I'm counting on you.

Ed: Ah-ha.

Carmen: So, you're taking the family legitimate?

Danny: That's right. And you are going to butt out. I will not tolerate your... Interference.

Carmen: Danny, I don't understand. If you're going to take over this family, my experience would be useful to you.

Danny: Sure, if I want to be indicted, your experience would be great.

Carmen: (Sighs)

Danny: Your help is poison, Carmen. You're not going to help with this business. Effective immediately, you're retired. And if you want to stay a part of this family, you will toe the line.

Carmen: Or else?

Danny: I understand you're feeling... A little out of sorts, like you won't have anything to do, you'll have a lot of time on your hands. But, hey, this will be a good opportunity for you to find some entertainment, look up your old buddy, Edmund.

Carmen: I've tried. No one has seen Edmund for weeks.

Danny: Really? Hmm.

Carmen: Danny, look at me. Have you done something to Edmund? Have you hurt him in any way?

Danny: The last I heard, Edmund was taking a nice, little vacation on the beautiful Jersey shore with a friend of mine.

Carmen: Why would you... How did that happen?

Danny: Well, you see, Edmund came to me with these ugly ideas. He threatened to tell Michelle these nasty rumors about business dealings that I have with Olivia Spencer at the Beacon. So in the end, he decided against it. He thought it would be better if he went away and reexamined his choices in life.

Carmen: Will he be back?

Danny: When I heard about Richard’s accident, I told my friend to get Edmund back here as soon as possible. So I think you'll be seeing him soon. It really matters that much to you, huh?

Carmen: Well, I do enjoy his company. And he is my only friend around here.

Danny: Guess there's no accounting for taste.

Carmen: I guess there isn't. Danny, let me ask you a question. How's Michelle going to feel when you tell her about the news of you taking over the family, hmm? Isn't this going to be a problem for the two of you?

Danny: Oh, no. No, it won't. So you can forget about that. Michelle's great.

Carmen: What a relief.

Danny: Mm-hmm, yep. Michelle's behind me 100%.

Michelle: All right, it's time to tan. I'm going for the moonburn, baby, whoo! See? See what knitting needles can do?

Bill: Snippety snap, I take it all back.

Ben: You did not make that.

Michelle: No, but I could have. So next time you are making fun of married ladies and arts and crafts, you ought to think about that.

Bill: Reade, how can she still be the cutest girl in town?

Ben: I don't know, man. It beats me. Clean living.

Bill: No, that doesn't work.

Michelle: Well, what about you guys? The awkward, scrawny things that you were. How'd you grow up to be such


Bill: Well, that's just all smoke and mirrors.

Ben: Oh, cut it, man. The gym.

Bill: Well, now, the gym is a good place to meet women, I'll give you that. But I mean, who wants to stand in front of the mirror all day going... (Grunts) "Can you give me a spot?" Work with me, son, I’ll get you a working man's body.

Ben: All right, sounds good.

Michelle: I bet his body works just fine.

Ben: Oh, I am still as in love with you as I was when we were 12.

Michelle: Aw.

Bill: Yeah, well, who isn't, huh?

Michelle: You remember when we used to come up here with our bikes in the summertime?

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Bill: Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

Ben: Big plans we had, guys. Doctor.

Michelle: Reporter.

Ben: Bill Gates. (Laughter)

Bill: What? What? Wait a minute, now, I'll just settle for Lone Ranger, all right? Michelle, seriously, though, you're still going into medicine.

Michelle: Yeah, a little later than I had hoped but...

Ben: Hey, who said there was a deadline?

Michelle: Yeah, I guess. I guess you're right. And you could probably still find your way around a computer.

Ben: Inside and out of it. Rebuild it, rewire it.

Michelle: Yeah.

Bill: It's true, it's true, it's true. But, you know what, I've... I've lost interest. You know, I think that was... Traveling around the world, to kind of opened my eyes up. You know, I realized I don't want to be in front of a computer all day, going, "Hey, how you doing?" You know, it's just like I want to live life. I want to touch and feel and taste what it has to offer, you know? Like you've got the right idea. You go out, you wrestle with everything, you write about it, you tell the world what's going on. Just like Fletcher does.

Ben: Yeah. Well, that's dad.

Michelle: What, it's not you? I mean, that's all you ever talked about, being a reporter. What happened?

Ben: I'd rather own the world than write about it.

Bill: Yeah, well, you got the right trust fund for that, my friend.

Ben: That's right.

Michelle: Here, here.

Ben: That is right.

Bill: All right, enough about world domination, all right. We got to talk about domination of another sort-- women. Michelle, back me up on this one. Since I've come to town, our friend here has been living nothing but a pitiful, moping, woman-free life. What is wrong with you? Hasn't anyone caught your eye?

Ben: Yeah, yeah, but it didn't work out.

Bill: What, like she had issues? Things to... Things to process, problems to solve, that sort of thing?

Ben: Something like that.

Bill: Yeah, well, you're better off kicking her to the curb. (Laughter)

Michelle: What an enlightened man you've become, Bill. God, he's going to make a sensitive partner for some poor woman.

Ben: Oh, yeah, Don Juan, Don Juan. Listen, man, if you don't plan right, you're not going to meet the right woman, okay, any woman.

Bill: Plan? Did you say plan?

Ben: Yeah.

Bill: Okay, well, take that logic and throw it out the window, all right? You have to live your life. You have to roll with it. You have to take things as they come, because, trust me my friend, when that right woman comes along, you won't even think of the word, "Plan."

Blake: Say something, Ross. Why aren't you talking? You're kissing her now, aren't you? There's your answer. All right, it's just an act. It's just an act. It's just an act! Oh, I can't handle this. I can't handle this! You underestimate her! You... Okay, okay, I’m taking care of this myself. I'm going up there myself.

Holly: Still my favorite pasta. What is that?

Ed: A frozen burrito.

Holly: Ed?

Ed: No, no, no, it's hot, I nuked it for five minutes. And you should see the freezer. (Laughs)

Holly: Freezer?

Ed: Michelle... She gave me the car. She let me go to the grocery the other day, and I got to the frozen food section, and I didn't want to say it was exactly like your religious experience, but it was awfully close.

Holly: (Laughs)

Ed: I mean, I just stood there and I stared. (Laughs)

Holly: Oh, but that's terrible. You never ate like that before.

Ed: Ah, come on. And the car wash is a close second to the groceries.

Holly: Where have you been?

Ed: Yeah.

Holly: It's good to have you home.

Ed: Well, it's good to be here.

Holly: So, did you talk to Cedars about getting your old job back?

Ed: No, why would I?

Holly: Well, because... Sorry, I’m assuming. It's just that... You're such a good doctor, and I know Cedars would love to have you back.

Ed: They've been holding it together fine since I left. You know, I've had a chance to look around. I've been over there a lot with Rick and Richard... His accident. That place will do just fine without me.

Holly: What about you without it?

Ed: I mean, without all the paperwork, the insurance forms, and regs? Yeah, I think I'll survive without that. Sort of lost my stomach for that fight anyway.

Holly: You... You're giving up medicine?

Ed: Well, actually, I’d kind of like to think of it like I'm finding medicine. I'm thinking of opening up a free clinic where people could come and get medical attention. No questions asked.

Holly: That is a great idea.

Ed: Well, that's all it is at this point, you know, an idea.

Holly: Well, you would need a space for it. You know, Buzz still has that property on fifth street where the old diner used to be.

Ed: That's okay.

Holly: No, I'm serious. You should call him.

Ed: I don't want to get involved with your boyfriend. It never worked out before, did it?

Michelle: Are you hungry? Because they brought enough food for an army.

Marah: No, thanks.

Ben: What are you doing swimming alone? It's not very safe.

Marah: I felt like I needed to swim.

Bill: Well, I don't think your boyfriend would be too happy about that. Where is Tony anyway?

Marah: I... I don't know.

Michelle: Didn't you guys come here to swim? Like... What... Get in the water, we'll start the fire.

Bill: All right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go, let's go. Last one in is a...

Ben: You all right, Marah?

Marah: Yeah, I'm fine. Go ahead.

Michelle: I think Bill's a little bit behind on what's going on.

Marah: Yeah. He means well, though. He always makes me laugh. It's probably better that he doesn't know anyway. You know, he's always so protective of me.

Marah: You know, Marah, I know that what happened with you and Tony was bad. I just... I want you to know if you need to...

Marah: Oh, Michelle, I'm sorry. I'm never like this.

Michelle: I know, I know you're not. You’re not. You’re not.

Marah: I was so stupid, you know, and I know that. And I wish that I could change it. Tony was so... He was a stranger, Michelle. How can you love somebody so much and think that you know them inside and out, and then... It just... It... it changes, and you don't even recognize them at all.

Michelle: If you figure that out, let me know.

Danny: Oh, hey.

Tony: Hey.

Danny: Is that...

Tony: Yeah.

Danny: Is it? Great.

Tony: I found an extra upstairs.

Danny: Great, mine just died. Hey, stick around for a minute, because I've got a job for you, if you're up for it.

Tony: Sure, yeah.

Danny: Great.

(Phone rings)

Ed: Hello?

Danny: Hey, Ed, it's Danny. Is Michelle there?

Ed: No, she went to the beach.

Danny: The beach?

Ed: By the lake.

Danny: Oh, well... well, good, good. I mean, I know she needed a break.

Ed: I don't think she took the cell phone, though.

Danny: That's okay. It's not important. I'll... I'll... Just... I'll talk to her later. Thanks, Ed.

Tony: So, what's up?

Danny: I need you to take a vacation.

Tony: Danny, look, I... I don't do vacation. I need to stay busy. I need a real job.

Danny: Oh, this will be a job, believe me. I want you to take my mother with you.

Tony: You want me to take Carmen with me?

Danny: Hm-hmm. Yeah, I think I need her out of my life for a little while, and I think she need a little time to think about hers.

Holly: You know, Buzz is a good guy. You can trust him. Ask anybody. Ask everybody besides me.

Ed: Oh, Holly, I didn't mean...

Holly: Yes, you did, and I know why. But you want to open this clinic; Buzz has a property. You really shouldn't let me get in the way.

Ed: I'll think about it. How's Blake?

Holly: (Stammers) Blake, yes. Well, Blake is in hot water, swimming hard.

Ed: Well, I know a little bit about what happened with her and Ross. I mean, do I want to know more?

Holly: I don't think so. I know about half of it-- the half that I contributed to, with the best of intentions, but she still doesn't see it that way.

Ed: Some things never change.

Holly: No.

Ed: (Laughs)

Holly: No. Yes, they have. We get along. Things are much better between us now. They really are. Of course, it's always going to be...

Ed: Complicated.

Holly: Right. That's my life, isn't it? Everything can be very calm and going along just so, and then, "Whoof." I started having dreams about him again. Ever since you got back.

Ed: Who? Ah.

Holly: I don't know why it's so hard for me to say his name. Roger. Roger Thorpe, my first... Addiction.

Ed: Oh, come on, what is he like, that first drink out there? Just waiting for you?

Holly: No, no more. That's gone. I know I said that before, but it's different now, it's... it's really true. Roger and I would never get back together again.

Ed: I don't know what... Why do you say it like it’s... it's like you're trying to convince me?

Holly: I don't know, I just am.

Tory: Oh, Ross, we've waited so long.

Ross: I know, I know, and we are almost there, Tory. Thanks to you and everything that you've done, Blake is now under arrest for your murder. And that letter from your friend incriminating Blake, and the eyewitness who said that Blake paid him to talk.

Tory: You're okay with that? You are... You are okay with everything I had to do?

Ross: I wasn't at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was brilliant, and it is the only way.

Tory: And that's when you added your little touch to the plan.

Ross: Yes.

Tory: Ross, you are the one who is absolutely brilliant. I mean, burning down the cell, planting that body.

Ross: Actually, I got that idea from Blake’s absurd story. And it was crazy, wasn't it? To expect that you could or would kidnap Blake like that?

Tory: (Laughs) It sounds pretty crazy. But like you said, Blake’s always been unstable. We're just lucky that the cops are going to lock her up.

Ross: I hope so, Tory, I hope...

Tory: What... what do you mean, "You hope so"?

Ross: Well, you're the best law student I ever had. You know how things go in court. Any number of things could happen. Not enough evidence, whatever. I just wish...

Tory: What?

Ross: I wish that we could be free of Blake forever. I just wish we could get rid of her.

Tory: You're tense. Look, why don't you just let me help you relax.

Blake: Oh, Ross! Oh! (Horn honks)

Tory: What... what was that? What was that?

Holly: Well, I should get going now.

Ed: You don't have to.

Holly: No, I promised Buzz I’d come by.

Ed: Oh. Well, thanks for keeping me company.

Holly: Anytime. You know, it's not everybody who could sit and watch you eat that cardboard food.

Ed: Nah, come on. I think that's just a phase I'm going to, you know, pass through.

Holly: Good. (Laughs)

Ed: So... Say hello to Buzz.

Holly: I will. How am I doing, Doc?

Ed: 98.6. You're doing fine.

Holly: I am. I am, I am. Good night.

Bill: Everything okay up here?

Marah: Yeah, fine.

Bill: Yeah? So, did you dissect all of mankind in our absence?

Michelle: Like we don't have better things to do with our time?

Marah: Yeah, actually, we were talking about our careers. Michelle was telling me about the new PA program she's in. Sounds really cool.

Bill: Yeah, I got a prediction: Four years, running Cedars.

Michelle: Really?

Bill: Yeah, I think so. I think so. So listen, we got to get you something... something to eat because you're getting too skinny, girl. Pringles is good. And if anyone needs dissecting, you'll let me know. Huh?

Marah: Okay.

Bill: Who's got your back? Hey, who's your friend? Who's your pal? Who destroys all meaning with one single ugly glare?

Marah: (Laughs) Cousin Bill, he's my hero.

Bill: That's right. And don't you forget it, kiddo.

Ben: Ah, man, I don't believe it.

Marah: What?

Ben: You kept this tape?

Bill: No, no, no, no, no.

Ben: Check this out.

Bill: I didn't keep it. I actually found it. My dad had it, if you can believe that.

Marah: "The Reade-Lewis summer mix?"

Michelle: What, let me see that label. Wait, wait, my name is down here in tiny letters at the bottom.

Bill: Yeah, that's because we only let her put one song on it.

Michelle: Wait a minute, this is that tape? The tape?

Bill: Yes.

Michelle: Oh, I remember that summer.

Bill: Do you remember that summer? Well, do you remember the great music that was coming out of the west coast and Seattle? We had, what, Nirvana.

Ben: Pearl Jam, Soundgarden.

Bill: Soundgarden, that's right, that's right, that's right. But what... what did Michelle want to hear?

Michelle: Well, I think we should do it.

Ben: All Miss Bauer wants to hear is the cheesiest pop song of the year. And who sings it?

Ben and Bill: Right Said Fred.

Michelle: Oh, stop it. Like you guys didn't like it, too?

Ben: Oh, no, we liked it, Michelle, but we have the good sense to be embarrassed about it now.

Michelle: There was choreography. Do you remember?

Ben: Ah, man, we were stupid in love with you. Was there choreography? I don't remember any choreography.

Michelle: Here it is. (Music starts playing)

Marah: I remember this song.

Michelle: Come on, guys.

Ben: I don't know this. (Laughter)

Michelle: Ready?

Bill: Wait, you remember this song?

Marah: Yeah.

Bill: You do not. You do not remember this song. You were playing with dolls when this song came out...

Marah: I was dancing with my dolls. (Murmuring)

Michelle: And one, two, one, two. (Laughter)

Bill: Here comes the...

Michelle: And the turn.

Bill: I can't believe you remember this.

Ben: Remember this one? Remember this one?

Bill: Remember this one? There we go. Funky chicken, you all.

Michelle: That's not the dance.

Ben: MC Hammer. Oh, here we go.

Bill: Cramp. I got a cramp.

Tory: What was that? I heard something. I think it was a... a car horn.

Ross: Now, it's just noise from the highway, Tory. At this time of year the sound just carries very easily across the lake.

Tory: It is quiet.

Blake: Why is it so quiet? Oh, nice move, Blake. I lost my connection. Oh! Damn it. Oh, no. Oh, no.

Tory: Where were we?

Ross: Well, you were going to tell me about taking care of Blake. How would that happen? What would you do?

Tory: You are so impatient. We'll take care of Blake when the time is right. But right now, we have a lot more important things to do. Ross, I need to feel how much you want me. I've missed you. I need to know.

Ross: Tory, I do want you. I want you more than you will ever know.

Tory: All right, then show me. Make love to me, Ross. Now.


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