GL Transcript Thursday 6/27/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/27/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Mel: Okay, check his line. Give me 150 units of DTS now! (Monitors beeping)

Cassie: I can't stand to see him in so much pain.

Reva: Don't look, don't look. Mel will take care of him. Mel will...

Cassie: (Sobbing)

Reva: Cassie...

Cassie: Why can't you do something? Please, can't you stop this?

Mel: Cassie, I know this is hard for you to understand, okay, but we can't give Richard anymore medication right now, all right?

Rick: Hey, Tina, it's... it's Dr. Bauer. Oh, hanging in there. Listen, I left a message for Dr. Boudreau on her cell, and she hasn't gotten back to me. Could you just do me a favor? Could you track her down? Just tell her that... I'd love to talk to her. Thanks, Tina. Bye bye. (Coughs) Well, great minds think... Hey. Hey there. (Laughs)

Harley: Hey, yourself.

Rick: That's my little boy. I haven't seen him for a couple of days.

Harley: Well, he just woke up, so I don't know if he's going to go to you right now. Give him a second. (Laughs)

Rick: That's okay.

Harley: Well, you've been busy is what I hear.

Rick: Yeah, I have, and actually I’m glad that you came by. (Coughs) Excuse me. This is going to take a little while, so you might have to sit down. Harley, we need to talk about Jude and his future.

Harley: I don't want to talk about that.

Rick: Why not? (Coughs)

Harley: Because I want to talk about this wild rumor that I heard, about somebody giving up a donor heart. I can't imagine who that would be. Can you?

Rick: Well, I guess that somebody might be me.

Harley: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, I'll tell you something, Bauer: If that sick ticker doesn't kill you, I just might-- oh, if your new wife doesn't beat me to it.

Marina: How long have you stopped smoking for?

Gus: (Mumbling) Like it's been a long time, like 13 hours or...

Marina: Oh, wow, 13 hours. You've only stopped smoking for a whole day. (Laughter)

Gus: Yeah.

Marina: He's almost stopped smoking for a whole day. Isn't that great? (Applause)

Gus: Oh... Please don't do that. It makes me think about it. I go a little crazy. I... I... I... Let's talk about something else. Let's talk about you.

Marina: What about me?

Gus: How are you doing? How's it... What... How are you doing? How's your summer? What are you doing this summer?

Marina: I'm working.

Gus: You're going to work, that's good, that's good. On your tan? You work on your tan?

Marina: On my feet, here, eight hours a day. You know what? I mean, it's summer. It's summer right now. If I have got to be like having a job, couldn't it at least be somewhere where I could be, oh, outside, maybe at the beach, like... That, of course, yeah....With him, for instance? (Laughs)

Gus: Who, Ben... Ben Reade?

Marina: He's so hot. Come on.

Gus: You think so?

Marina: Oh, yeah.

Gus: He's kind of a cute guy. Yeah, he's cute... Well, not... I mean, not, you know, not my... my speed or... For you...

Marina: Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, he's my speed. He is so my type.

Gus: Yeah, it's funny.

Marina: Yeah.

Gus: You get that little naughty sparkle in your eye. It makes me... Makes me think of somebody that... That I know.

Marina: Yeah, Aunt Harley, I know, I've heard it.

Gus: No, it's somebody that I knew a long time ago.

Woman: Hi, do I just sit anywhere?

Marina: Oh, yeah, wherever you want.

Gus: (Imitates funk guitar)

Marina: Excuse me, excuse me. What was that?

Gus: What was what?

Marina: What was that? Well, don't you turn into the creep I once thought you were, okay?

Gus: Oh, please. Give me a little more credit than that. Give me a menu.

Marina: What... what are you doing?

Gus: Shh. Hello.

Woman: Hi.

Gus: And welcome to Company.

Woman: Thank you.

Gus: May I recommend moi?

Woman: (Laughs)

Blake: What was that sound?

Ross: Neighbor's cat knocked over a flower pot.

Blake: Stupid cat.

Ross: Yeah, well, it's okay. We're both a little jumpy.

Blake: Yeah, well, with good reason, Ross. This is exactly the position I didn't want us in, waiting for Tory’s next move.

Ross: We're not. We are making the moves, and Tory is reacting. And so far she's reacting exactly as we predicted.

Blake: So far.

Ross: Yeah, well, she's already bought into the lie that I put you up for murder, and that she's thinking that I want you out of the way so I can be with her.

Blake: Yeah, well, now comes the part of the plan I’m not so thrilled about.

Ross: Yes. Now that my message to her is online, I hope to hear from her tonight so we can arrange a meeting for tomorrow.

Blake: Yeah, and you're going to end up somewhere alone and secluded with Tory. God knows what could happen.

Ross: Blake, what's going to happen is that I am going to get her to incriminate herself on tape.

Blake: (Stammers) Assuming everything goes according to plan, Ross, but what if it doesn't?

Ross: It will. The only way to get Tory Granger out of our lives for good is to essentially get her to confess on tape. And she is not going to hurt me.

Blake: Oh, you hope.

Ross: She's been waiting all this time to be with me. Why would she hurt me?

Blake: I don't know, Ross. Why don't you ask her dead husband, the one she killed?

Ross: Her husband died in a car accident.

Blake: After Tory tampered with his brakes. Ross, she killed two other people, at least this is what she claims. Somebody... A classmate in grade school and a high school boyfriend. So she claims.

Ross: How do you know this?

Blake: Because this is all she boasted about when we were locked up in that hideous cell together. I thought it was just lies, delusions. But what if it was all true? And you're alone with Tory, she finds out that you're out to get her, you will be her next victim.

Gus: Or baby back ribs. (Laughs)

Marina: Ben Reade. That's a great shirt. What can I get you?

Ben: Hey, hey, Marina. Just coffee, thanks.

Marina: Okay. (Sighs) Man, I am like so exhausted from all those double shifts I've been pulling. You know, it... it is really amazing to me what carrying around a big stack of plates can do for your arms. Come on, will you check out my biceps? Will you check them out, huh?

Ben: It's impressive.

Marina: Yep. (Grunts) I am overworked, underpaid, exhausted. Hey, I guess that's what happens when you're so good at your job, and I am good, Ben Reade. I am very, very good. You know, a lot of customers... A lot of customers come in here, they ask for me. "I want Marina," they say.

Ben: Wow, well, it must be your humility.

Marina: Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's just the idea of being, like, cooped up indoors all summer really bums me out, though, you know. And, I mean, I was just thinking. Why can't I get a job somewhere where I could be, oh, outside, you know. Maybe... maybe... Maybe in the sun and... Wait.

Ben: What?

Marina: Did I hear that you are going to be managing the new club at the Beacon? You know what? I think that I did, and that's it, you have got to hire...

Ben: No, no, no, Marina, no.

Marina: No, what? No, what? What are you talking about? You haven't even heard what I want to say yet.

Ben: No, no, I will not hire you to waitress at the Beach Club.

Marina: And why not? Because I'm so overqualified, it's not even funny.

Ben: Yeah, but you're also underage. I'm only hiring college students.

Marina: Well, I think that's age discrimination, and I could probably talk to...

Ben: No, it's hotel policy.

Marina: Fine. Well, I could do something else, you know. It's not like I have to waitress. Like, you got child care there, right? Me, I'm great with kids. I baby-sit for my Aunt Harley. I baby-sit for the Marler's all the time. And I'm also a fantastic swimmer. So maybe I could like lifeguard or something?

Ben: Have you passed your lifesaving?

Marina: Please, like when I was ten. And I'm also perky, I'm charming. I look really fabulous in a bikini.

Ben: Wow, there's that humility again.

Marina: Yeah, and if you want someone on your Rec staff, right here you have an accomplished tennis player, an accomplished ping-pong player. I play a mean acoustic guitar, right?

Ben: Tennis, ping-pong, and acoustic guitar. Well, is there anything you don't do?

Marina: Well, not if you say pretty please, Ben Reade.

Ben: (Laughs)

Marina: Come on, will you just hire me? I'll love you forever if you hire me. I'm going to love you forever anyway, because, let's face it, you're a total hunk, but I’ll love you even more if you give me a job. Please.

Gus: You know, these menus are so scruffy. I'm going to complain to the management. By the way, I'm Gus.

Woman: Oh, Monica.

Gus: You are... Hi, Monica. Hi, Monica. And what is it that you do, Monica?

Monica: Me? I'm a travel agent. I specialize in...

Gus: You don't specialize in anything, honey. Listen, I'm a detective, okay, former FBI. And just a little word to the wise. If you are following somebody and you don't want them to know that you're tailing them, you should probably try to be a little less obvious with the whole flirting thing, okay? I mean, I... I... I know I’m kind of cute. I mean, I'm not that cute, but I’m cute enough.

Monica: No, no, no, no, no, you've very cute. And you're also very paranoid.

Gus: Oh, you think so?

Monica: Yeah. I'm not following you, Mr. Policeman, I promise.

Gus: (Sighs)

Monica: Would you like to search me or something?

Gus: I'll pass. But I do want you to... I want you to know one thing. I do know who hired you, okay, so you can tell him that.

Marina: Stop it!

Gus: Listen, Marina, if Harley shows up in a little while, just tell her I’ll be back in, I don't know, just a little bit, okay?

Marina: Okay.

Gus: And that girl over there, you see that girl? If she orders anything, a refill, a cup of coffee, just spit in her cup, okay? Thank you. What's happening?

Ben: Hey, what's happening?

Rick: Boy, Mr. Charisma. With my son for what, one minute, and he's out like a light.

Harley: Well, I knew when he woke up in the car that he was going to go back to sleep. Sorry about that.

Rick: That's all right. Now, let's get to the subject at hand here.

Harley: Which is, how could you have rejected that donor heart?

Rick: Which is, we need to talk about our son's future.

Harley: Which is, Mel is furious with you and I don't blame her.

Rick: You women, you guys, you always stick together. Now, this is about Jude and about his future.

Harley: Rick, how could you do that? How could you just flat-out say no without consulting her?

Rick: How many times do I have to explain this? (Sighs) (breathes deeply) God. I didn't plan to say no, okay? I was fully prepared for that heart transplant. But this other recipient came by...

Harley: I know, I know...

Rick: ...And it was a life- and-death situation.

Harley: I know, the guy that was behind you on the list. I know what happened, Rick. You saw his little boy and you thought, "I... I want his daddy to have the heart," so you told the hospital, "give the heart to the other guy," right?

Rick: Well, if you know all this, how come you're asking me?

Harley: This is why there's a list, a recipient list, because there's a protocol, because there's a process so that, you know, it's understood who gets what first.

Rick: All right, I'm the sick guy. Can we talk about what I want to talk about, please? Which is... Which is setting up our son's future in case something were to happen to me.

Harley: I don't want to talk about it...

Rick: Why not?

Harley: I don't want to talk about it because...

Rick: Because?

Harley: Because it's just too depressing.

Rick: You just got through yelling at me for not being practical here.

Harley: Well, this is different.

Rick: No, we are going to sit and we are going to talk about setting up some financial goals. Now, look, I set up a trust fund for Jude. And I... I got a portion of the estate that's going to go to you. We're going to...

Harley: Okay, I... I get it, and we will talk about this, I promise we... we will talk about it at some point. But not right now, okay? It's too soon.

(Monitor beeping)

Cassie: Richard, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. God, if I could do anything to make the pain go away, I’m so sorry.

Reva: Mel, isn't there anything more you can give him for the pain?

Mel: Reva, he's on so many powerful medications already. I mean, steroids, muscle relaxants, antibiotics. We have to be very careful what we add into the mix and what dosage. We don't want to make things worse than... Any worse.

Reva: "Worse than they already are," that's what you were going to say, right? So the best-case scenario is that he does come out and he has severe brain damage, but he's paralyzed. And the worst case is...?

Mel: Worst case is he continues on like this for days or weeks or months and then dies.

Reva: (Softly) She thinks he's coming home. She thinks he's going to walk again.

Mel: Reva, I know. I've tried to have that conversation with her so many times, but she just...

Reva: I know. She won't hear it, I know.

Mel: Reva, I'm sorry, I have to...

Reva: It's okay. Go. (Monitor beeping) Cassie?

Cassie: Oh, his hands, they're so dry. He needs... Have you seen that hand lotion anywhere?

Reva: No, I don't... I...

Cassie: It's around here somewhere.

Reva: Oh, okay. Relax, we'll find it.

Cassie: You know, he also needs a cold compress. I mean, what are they doing around here? I'm going to take care of you. And when you wake up and you come home, we'll be together and everything's going to be fine.

Reva: Honey, just hold off on that...

Cassie: No, he needs this right now, Reva.

Reva: Cassie, Cassie, wait. I just had a conversation with Mel, and she said that it was time that we... we sit down and talk about Richard’s condition.

Cassie: What?

Reva: Well, that we... That we sit down and be realistic about...

Cassie: Reva, I think that you should... I think you should go now, because I'm trying to take care of Richard, and you're distracting me.

Reva: I know you don't want to hear this...

Cassie: I said I think you should go because I want you to leave.

Mel: Thank you.

Nurse: Dr. Boudreau, I just got a call from your husband. He said that he'd like you to come home, and that he loves you.

Nolan: Excuse me, Mr. Spaulding. I'm sorry to interrupt you.

Alan: It's all right, Nolan. I was expecting the gentleman, if you can call him that. Thank you.

Nolan: My pleasure.

Gus: Hey. All your butlers that uptight, or do they genetically come that way programmed? Or maybe it's that they work for such a pompous snob like you, and then they turn into that.

Alan: You know, I don't have time to stand here and trade insults with you, Mr. Aitoro.

Gus: Detective Aitoro.

Alan: I'm a very busy man. So what say let's cut to the chase?

Gus: What say we do, old chum, what say we do, because I’m a busy guy myself.

Alan: Mmm. Miss Parker keeps me fully apprised of your demanding schedule.

Gus: So you mean to tell me that her come-on to me at Company was just a ploy to get me over here? I never, never would have thought that.

Alan: Well, you're smarter than I thought.

Gus: And you are such a supercilious windbag.

Alan: Ah, supercilious, very big word.

Gus: I realize that you probably think you were God's gift to the universe the minute you popped out of the womb. You like to throw your weight around. You wanted me to come over here and see your big old house so I would be duly impressed by your conspicuous consumption. But I got to tell you, I’m not. Kind of the opposite, in fact. I... I'm actually feeling a little superior to you at the moment. You want to know why? Because I feel that your values are all screwed up. I don't think you realize that rich people like you, you're really, you know, quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Alan: Clearly you don't see that you are either. You're starting to irritate me. And when I become irritated, I become very unpleasant.

Gus: You're kidding me. More unpleasant than you already are?

Alan: Do you think that Monica Parker's the only detective I had tailing you? No, I've got an entire staff looking into your background.

Gus: See, now that, Al, is exactly what I’m talking about. An entire staff digging into my background. That's the way you want to waste your millions of dollars, when there's children starving in third-world countries?

Alan: I'm concerned about one child a little closer to home. And I didn't like what I walked in on at Harley’s.

Gus: You didn't? Oh, my... I... I never would have known that.

Alan: I'm doing what any concerned grandparent would do. I'm looking into your past.

Gus: Oh, please, big Al, please. This isn't about Zach’s welfare, because if it was, you would spend a little more time with the kid. Nah, this is about your desire, your need to mark every single tree in the forest.

Alan: No, it's about my grandson, whose given name, may I remind you, is Alan.

Gus: That's why Harley changed it. Now I know.

Harley: The future that I want to talk about is the best and brightest one possible, okay?

Rick: Which is?

Harley: Which is a donor heart comes through, and you are well again. And you and Mel are very happily married and you have a few kids of your own. And you grow old together. And Jude has the best childhood any kid could ever ask for. (Laughs) And he grows up to be just like his dad.

Rick: Sounds good to me. But that we both know is... You know, as much as we want good things to happen for us, Harley, you know, bad things do creep in there every now and then.

Harley: I think there's a self-help book in that.

Rick: You know what I’m talking about.

Harley: I know what you're talking about. Hey, I was there the other night at Richard’s accident. I was there when the EMT's were cutting him out of the car, when Cassie showed up.

Rick: Richard Winslow? I'm sorry. I had... I had no idea.

Harley: The look on her face. So see, I'm not turning a blind eye to the bad things, you know, to the tough choices. I just want to cherish what's good right now.

Mel: I'll second that. Got your message.

Rick: Hey, sweetie.

Mel: Hey.

Harley: Well, I am going to take that as my cue to leave.

Mel: No, Harley, you don't have to go. (Jude crying)

Harley: See how smart our child is? He knows his cue to leave, too. (Laughs) I'll just... I'll let myself out the back, okay?

Rick: Thanks.

Mel: Well?

Rick: Sweetheart, I made a mistake. I wasn't a good partner to you, and I'm sorry. So will you please give me a second chance? And before you answer that, just remember one thing, okay? I'm a sick man.

Cassie: Is that better? (Monitor beeping) You know, I didn't tell you that Tammy got an “A” on that paper that you were helping her with, the only “A” in the class. I wanted you to know that... If you think that I’m angry with you because, you know, you were moonlighting and you didn't tell me, I'm not. I'm not angry at all. I mean, if that's why you're not coming back to me, I’m not mad. If anything, I’m just so happy and proud that you found something that you love to do, that you were good at, on top of all your other accomplishments. So, you know, I'm not mad, and we won't have to discuss it, and it can just be water under the bridge, you know. I also have the... Going to have the farmhouse ready for you, and it will have anything you need. I just... I need you to wake up and come back to me, Richard. Please, I really need you. And if you can't wake up, maybe you could give me a sign, maybe you could squeeze my hand or something. Or maybe you could blink. But could you please just do something so I know that you're there? (Monitor continues beeping)

Tory: Let's see, "Springfield Law Review," personals... No, no. Oh, my gosh, this is depressing. There's so many lonely people. No. Wait a minute. "Lonely law professor seeks super bright, sexy, brunette legal assistant. I won't fall off a horse if you promise not to leave the stove on. Let's start over. I miss you." Oh, Ross. I knew it was you.

Blake: I've spent more time with Tory than you have. I know what she's capable of, Ross. She's twisted. She's psychotic, and you underestimate her.

Ross: Okay. We can give up on this plan of ours, and I can certainly clear you of the phony murder charges, but then where are we? We're back at square one.

Blake: I don't want to do that. I just... I don't want you to go into the phase two of this plan alone. Are you sure that we can't tell Harley about this?

Ross: I'm positive.

Blake: She doesn't have to do anything. She just waits in the woods as backup.

Ross: Harley is a police officer, a detective. If Harley knows what we're doing down the line, Tory will claim entrapment. And a judge will most likely agree with her, and then she will go free, and then all our hard work will have gone for naught. Now, you listen to me. This is well-thought out. It's a good plan. It will work.

Blake: Well, of course. Who thought of it?

Ross: All right. Now, Tory’s going to read my ad online. She's going to email me and then...

Blake: And then I don't want to think about it, Ross.

Ross: Blake, this has to be done.

Blake: I know, but I don't have to like it.

Ross: No, you don't. Nor do I. So let's just take this a step at a time.

Blake: All right. One step at a time. This is it.

Ross: Tory just emailed me.

Blake: Did you respond?

Ross: I told her to meet me at the Bauer cabin tomorrow morning.

Blake: And you made it clear that your intentions are...

Ross: ...Are romantic, just like we discussed. I have to get going now.

Blake: Wait a minute. Tonight?

Ross: Yeah. Is the tape recorder in here?

Blake: Well, yes, but...

Ross: Extension cords?

Blake: There are two of them in there, Ross.

Ross: Good, I need to get my other stuff.

Blake: Wait, why are you going tonight? Why don't you wait until tomorrow morning?

Ross: Because there are quite a few things I have to take care of before Tory gets there. I have to make some test recordings, some other stuff. This may be our one chance to get her on tape. I don't want to make a mistake.

Blake: Well, you're... you're coming back here tonight, aren't you? I mean, you're not going to sleep there.

Ross: Well, yeah, I have to come back here because we have to discuss exactly what I'm going to say to Tory, all right? Now, the wine is in here. What else? The candles in there?

Blake: Yes. CDs of soft jazz. Would you like some massage oil, too?

Ross: At a time like this, you can't possibly be jealous.

Blake: Of course I'm not jealous, Ross; I’m scared to death! What if something happens to you?

Ross: Nothing, nothing is going to happen to me.

Blake: You'll call me as soon as you get there?

Ross: I will.

Alan: See, now, this is becoming very tiresome.

Gus: (Sighs) Yes.

Alan: I want to tell you why I brought you here. I wanted to inform you that your life is under a microscope. Now, Phillip’s dug up some dirt in your past, and I intend to get my hands on that, and any other unseemly thing in your past.

Gus: Oh, so you're telling me that Phillip’s also a part of this whole little witch hunt, is that what you're telling me?

Alan: When it comes to my grandson, Alan, Jr., We are of like minds.

Gus: Oh, I see. So why isn't he here right now trying to double team me? Why? Never mind. Now it's my turn to give you a couple of my little words of advice, okay? I am committed to Harley and her children, so dig into my past all you like to your heart's content, because all you're going to find, big Al, is that I’m not very nice when I am crossed. And you're pushing it. You are pushing it. Back off.

Reva: Cassie?

Cassie: Reva, would you please leave, please?

Reva: I'm sorry. What, Richard? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know she's stubborn. It's her best and her worst quality. I know she needs a hug right now more than anything, but will she admit it? No. Oh, no, of course I know why she's acting this way, it's because she's scared that you're not going to come back to her. And thanks to that little lie that you roped me into, she has every excuse in the world not to want me anywhere near her. Because when the going gets tough, Cassie goes alone. You know that. But I don't care. She can push me away all she wants, but I’m not going anywhere. And if she doesn't like it, tough.

Rick: I was very impulsive. I didn't consider your feelings, and I'm sorry. And I swear to you, I'll never make that mistake again. But I have to warn you that, you know, I occasionally make mistakes. I'm not perfect.

Mel: Well, neither am I. I had every right to get mad at you, but not that mad. I mean, I don't know, I guess I’m just scared.

Rick: Scared of me dying?

Mel: Yeah. And I made you bear the brunt of it, and so I’m sorry, too.

Rick: Okay. Wow, I think we had our first fight and we've made up already, just like that.

Mel: Kind of anticlimactic, huh?

Rick: Now it is. But a couple of hours ago when you were really mad at me and you stormed out and were furious and weren't returning my phone calls, I thought, "Well, that's it. That's it," you know. "She probably thinks that I'm not worth all of this trouble."

Mel: Well, you know, I considered it. And then I thought about how much I loved your Groucho imitation, and I then thought I’d stick around a little longer, on one condition.

Rick: What's that?

Mel: The next heart that comes up, Rick, you're taking it, no matter what.

Rick: Yes, ma'am. Can we kiss and make up?

Ben: Marina, you're cute. You're a cute kid, but you're a kid. Now, keep the change and have a good day, okay?

Harley: Marina, have you seen Gus? Marina, hello? The cute guy is gone. Can you focus here for a second?

Marina: I'm sorry, what?

Harley: Have you seen Gus? He was supposed to meet me here?

Marina: He's right there.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: I need to talk to you outside.

Gus: Why? What did I do? Did I do something? I just got... My candy bar, and I didn't even get to eat it.

Harley: I just need to get this out of my system, okay?

Gus: Okay.

Ross: Hi, it's me.

Blake: Oh, thank goodness. I was getting so worried.

Ross: Well, I got involved getting things ready, sorry.

Blake: Did you get the tape recorder working?

Ross: Well, I got it situated, I got it plugged in, now I have to test it.

Blake: Okay, and then you'll come back home, right? You'll call me?

Ross: Blake, hold on a minute. I got to check something.

Blake: Ross, what are you checking on? Ross?

Ross: Tory?

Blake: Tory? Oh, my God. Ross?

Tory: Hi, Ross. Did you miss me?

Ross: Tory, I thought that we said tomorrow morning?

Tory: We did, but I couldn't wait.

Nolan: Excuse me, sir. Ms. Parker is here.

Alan: Oh, good. Thank you, Nolan.

Nolan: You're welcome. Right this way.

Monica: How did it go with Gus Aitoro?

Alan: Well, pretty much as I expected.

Monica: So what's next?

Alan: Well, it seems that Aitoro was involved in some kind of criminal activity when he was a minor.

Monica: What sort of activity?

Alan: I don't know, exactly. The file is sealed by the court. I want you to get it for me.

Monica: I'm sorry, Mr. Spaulding, but I can't...

Alan: Don't say it can't be done. My son Phillip managed to get his hands on it, and if he could, so can I.

Gus: Lord, you're like superwoman. Not that I’m complaining, I like it. But what is...

Harley: Listen, I want you to tell me something-- be honest. Did you break down and have a cigarette?

Gus: No, I didn't have... No. Look at me. I got all my stuff. I got worry beads, I got my juju beads.

Harley: Okay, that's good. That's good, because I don't want you smoking at all anymore, okay? And I want you to start watching what you eat, and exercising a little bit more, and be careful when you slice bagels.

Gus: Are you saying I’m fat?

Harley: No. And I want you to always, always, always wear a bulletproof vest on the job.

Gus: Bulletproof vest...

Harley: No negotiation, okay?

Gus: Why?

Harley: Because if something happened to you, I don't think I could handle it. I couldn't handle it, because I just... Because I just... I love you so much.

Gus: I... You know... Could you say that one more time?

Harley: I love you.

Gus: (Sighs) Could you say it one more time?

Harley: I'm not saying it again, because now I’ve said it twice. You haven't even said it once, I'm so embarrassed.

Gus: The only reason... The only reason that I haven't said it is because, you know, because I’ve just been chicken scared. I got luggage, I got baggage.

Harley: Don't say it if you don't want to say it.

Gus: Doesn't fit in my overhead compartment sometimes, but it's not that... I do love you. I do. I love you like crazy. I love you.

I don't know what is going on

you turn around and touch my heart

a silent moment speaks the truth

something has happened all at once

it should have scared me in advance

but I was falling in those eyes of yours

and so fear was gone

I know there was nothing else I’d ever want

I know you you're not from here

I’ve waited for you to appear to take my breath away...


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