GL Transcript Tuesday 6/25/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/25/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Beth: Okay, Olivia, where is it? I've searched everywhere in this house and it's nowhere to be found, which leaves one possibility: You took it.

Olivia: I took what?

Beth: Oh, come on. Lorelei's diary. Hand it over.

Olivia: (Sighs) You know what? Do you have any sense that life exists outside your precious, petty, privileged little world, Beth, or are you self-absorbed you don't give a damn?

Beth: Oh, that is rich, coming from you. And nice try, by the way, trying to change the subject, but I’m not buying. I want the diary.

Olivia: Fine. I'll give you back your stupid diary, and I’m not surprised you want it back. It's one heck of a steamy read.

Alan: Phillip, did you get my message about Zach?

Phillip: Yeah, I got it.

Alan: Well, I went over to Harley’s yesterday to pick him up, and Aitoro is still there under the same roof as your son.

Phillip: And?

Alan: Well, you're not going to allow this to continue, are you? After all, he's a bad influence on him.

Phillip: I'll tell you what, Dad: Your... your concerns are duly noted.

Alan: Well, they should be. I'm his grandfather.

Phillip: You know, this may come as an enormous shock to you, but I am actually the one who makes the decisions about my son's life, not you.

Reva: So, there's no change in my brother-in-law's condition? And what about my sister, Cassie? Did she stay there all night again? Can you do me a favor? Can somebody maybe take a sandwich in to her, or something to eat, because when she gets upset like this, she has a tendency not to... Great, I'd appreciate that. Thanks so much.

Josh: You know, you should take her that sandwich.

Reva: And I said I can’t. Because she wouldn't take it, much less let me in the room. I just... I should have told her about Richard’s moonlighting.

Josh: Richard practically begged you not to.

Reva: Yeah, well, I should have followed my instincts. Then maybe he wouldn't have been driving at that exact moment, and he wouldn't be in the hospital right now.

Josh: And maybe Cassie would have been with him, and he... Well, both of them would be in ICU right now. Reva, hindsight is futile. You didn't keep Richard’s secret from Cassie because you wanted to hurt her. You did it because it's what he asked you to do.

Reva: And it backfired.

Josh: Well, she's had the night to think about it. Maybe she's not so angry now.

Reva: Yeah, ha-ha. You know we women, we don't let go of things all that easily. I guess I just have Marah on my mind, too. Why hasn't she come down yet? I want to hold her. I want to talk to her about this. You know, if Tony Santos tries to come within 100 yards of her... I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and he hurt our little girl.

Josh: Tony Santos isn't going to go anywhere near Marah. I made sure of that when I saw him last night.

Reva: I always knew he had a violent streak, but I never thought that he would raise his hand to her. I mean...

Josh: I'm just thankful he didn't go further.

Reva: And you're absolutely sure about that?

Josh: That's what she told me. If you want to ask her again, woman to woman, I think that would...

Marah: Ask me what? Hi, Mom.

Reva: Hi, sweetheart.

Danny: So if you have any problems, you call me, okay?

Tony: Yeah, sure.

Danny: You all right?

Tony: Yeah, I’m fine. I'll see you later.

Danny: Okay.

Tony: Bye.

Michelle: So?

Danny: So... so what?

Michelle: The number you gave Tony?

Danny: It's about Romeo.

Michelle: What about him?

Danny: Michelle, one of Romeo’s running buddies is willing to give up information to the D.A. about stuff he did back in Chicago.

Michelle: Illegal stuff, right?

Danny: Well, yeah. I mean it may not be admissible during the trial, but hopefully at sentencing, if the judge has all the facts...

Michelle: He'll get a stiffer sentence and the Santos name will never be connected.

Danny: Michelle, do you or don't you agree that Romeo is dirt and needs to be put away for a very long time?

Michelle: I... I agree.

Danny: Okay.

Michelle: But...

Danny: Okay. Romeo did what he did, then and now. I'm just making sure the judge has all the facts.

Michelle: Fine.

Danny: Well, thank you. I am glad I have your approval.

Michelle: It is amazing how finely you can split hairs. No, no, no, no, you know what? Maybe... maybe because Rick is so sick right now, or poor Richard is struggling in the hospital, but I am not going to leave things unsaid. I don't want this to fester anymore. It's time.

Danny: Time for what?

Michelle: It is time to deal with the elephant in the room, Danny.

Danny: The elephant in the room? What elephant, honey?

Michelle: Danny, like you don't know? My father, returning from Africa courtesy of you, for which I am eternally grateful, and if I haven't said that enough, I'll repeat myself. You did the impossible, and you did it purely out of love, and I will love you forever for that.

Danny: But?

Michelle: But I... I want to know how many laws you had to break to pull it off.

Danny: (Sighs) All right. I know this has been bugging you, I know. First, you need to understand something. These people who were holding your father over in Africa... You think my family's bad? We're angels in comparison. These people, Michelle, were armed to the teeth. They were... Well, desperate and coldhearted. There was only one thing that was going to get their attention.

Michelle: Money. A million dollars, I... I know that.

Danny: Right.

Michelle: I just want to know how you got it.

Danny: The fastest way I could. Michelle, look, you and Rick wanted your father here. It was a matter of life and death, literally. I mean, every day counted.

Michelle: I know this. These are things I already know. My question is still the same, Danny. Did you break the law to get this money?

Danny: Michelle, why does it matter?

Michelle: Oh.

Danny: No, I mean, really. What difference does it make at this point...

Michelle: Because it does!

Danny: ...How I got the money? Why, unless you want to pay it back.

Michelle: I do. I do, actually.

Danny: Michelle, that's ridiculous.

Michelle: What? I don't want my father freed at someone else's expense!

Danny: Are you sure? Are you sure about that, honey? Because if I’d come to you and said, "Sweetheart, your father is in a hellhole over in Africa, and he could die any day, but I can get him out of there tomorrow, but I may have to bend the rules, bend the law a little bit to do it," what, you're telling me seriously that you would have said, "No, no, honey, that's okay, just let him rot over there"? Come on. Besides, the person that I got the million dollars from is hardly the paragon of virtue. Trust me.

Michelle: Okay, so you did get the money from your mother. You got the money from Carmen.

Danny: No, I got it from Olivia Spencer, all right? And believe me, it was a very small price to pay for her to get what she needed.

Michelle: Which is?

Danny: The renovation of the old Beacon Hotel. You know, it's very difficult to keep the costs down on a project that size. You're dealing with trade unions and suppliers, and they pad the costs of everything...

Michelle: So?

Danny: So I guaranteed Olivia that she wouldn't run into those kinds of problems.

Michelle: I cannot believe that you are telling me this.

Danny: Michelle, if it hadn't been me, it would have been one of the other families. At least this way, the money went to a good cause.

Michelle: You blackmailed Olivia, and now you're justifying it?

Danny: Hey, when this is the end result, you're damn right it's justified.

Alan: Last week you told me you had some dirt on Aitoro that you were going to use as leverage to get him out of Harley’s house. I go over there yesterday and he's still there. My question to you is, why haven't you acted?

Phillip: If it were any of your business, Dad, I would tell you.

Alan: I repeat, it is my business, Phillip...

Phillip: Actually no, it isn't, but it's irrelevant because the information that I had on Aitoro, I gave to Harley.

Alan: You did what?

Phillip: Yeah, I gave it to Harley. I made a decision to trust her in this matter, and that's that.

Alan: Well, I assure you bedlam is about to ensue.

Olivia: ...Then you'll have to report me to the police, go ahead. I'm sure they can use the laugh, Beth.

Phillip: Hey, hey, hey, ladies. What's going on?

Beth: Lorelei's diary-- Olivia has it. Or to be more precise, she stole it.

Phillip: What?

Alan: You stole Beth’s diary?

Olivia: Lorelei's diary. There is a distinction, right?

Alan: What is wrong with you, Olivia? Why do you have this perverse need to goad Beth on about something she is trying desperately to forget?

Olivia: Are you? Are you trying to forget it, Beth?

Alan: There you go again. Give it back, Olivia...

Olivia: Don't order me around like I’m one of your lackeys, Alan.

Alan: Olivia!

Phillip: Dad...

Olivia: Okay, look, fine. I admit it. I'll give you back your precious diary, but I have to warn you, it's not in the same condition as when I found it.

Beth: You shredded it?

Alan: Why would you do such a thing?

Olivia: For a reason you'd never believe, Alan.

Phillip: Try us.

Olivia: All right. If you must know, I was trying to help Beth.

Josh: I have some phone calls to make.

Reva: Okay. What can I get you?

Marah: Nothing.

Reva: Oh, come on. Juice, toast? Your daddy said you didn't have any dinner last night. Okay, I'm going to come right out and say this. I... I want to kill Tony Santos. I mean, look at your bruises and... Are you sure you don't have anything else to say to me? You're sure?

Marah: (Sobbing) Mom, I’ve never seen anything like it. He was so angry at me. You know, I tried... I tried to talk to him and I tried to explain it to him, but he didn't care why or how it happened. He just... All he wanted to do was hurt me, and to get back at me.

Reva: And it didn't go any farther than that, right? I mean, it... Because you'd tell me? You do know that you can talk to me about anything, Marah...

Marah: I know. I know, Mom. I would have, you know, but I know you've got Richard, and you're really upset about...

Reva: Don't. No, no, no, don't do that, don’t... don't do that. Don't try to protect me from your life. Being your mother is the most important thing to me.

Marah: I know, I know. I'm just... I'm not thinking.

Reva: I know. I understand that. Just tell me, Marah, what... what happened that made Tony so angry? You said that you were trying to tell him something and he wouldn't listen?

Marah: Romeo.

Reva: Romeo? But Romeo’s... Romeo's gone. He's out of the picture.

Marah: Yes, now. But before, when it was Tony that was in jail, do you remember when he confessed, how upset I was?

Reva: Upset is... You were devastated.

Marah: Yeah, I was... I was really angry, you know. I felt so betrayed and... You remember I was here that night, and then I left?

Reva: And you took the fifth of vodka and you didn't come home until the next morning. You... you were with Romeo?

Marah: Trust me, Mom, you can't be any more disappointed in me than I am in myself.

Reva: I mean, you didn't go so far as to...

Marah: I know. I know, Mom, I know. It's... I feel horrible. I was just... You know, I was so... I was furious and I was wasted and I... I just... I wanted to lash out at Tony. I wanted... I wanted him to pay, and Romeo was just... He was there.

Reva: So last night you went to tell Tony about Romeo?

Marah: Well, yeah, I was going to. I was on my way to, but... You know, now I'm glad that I didn't, because how it happened, what Tony did, I finally got to see him for who he really is.

Nurse: Now, Mrs. Santos, those tests weren't so bad, now were they? You wait right here and I'll arrange for the van to take you home.

Tony: Oh, that's all right, you don't have to do that. I'm her grandson. I'll take her home. But you know what? You may not be alive when I get you there. So, Abuela, the doctors say you've been making great progress, especially with your speech. So I want you to repeat after me. "I've been a very bad person. I nearly let my grandson go down for a hit I ordered, and now I deserve to pay for it."

Maria: (Laughs) Antonio, I... I would never let you pay for my mistake. You know that.

Tony: Do I?

Maria: Why do you think I... I called the family together that time, huh? Because I... I wanted to confess everything. But... but then I... I had my... Stroke, and I could not speak.

Tony: Isn't that convenient. You ordered Romeo to rub out Catalina, Abuela.

Maria: I will not apologize for that. Catalina betrayed you.

Tony: I would have handled it.

Maria: So I beat you to it. What's... what's the difference?

Tony: The difference? The difference is, is that you wanted Marah to take the fall.

Maria: Too bad. Too bad it didn't work.

Tony: What the hell is the matter with you, Abuela?

Maria: Me?

Tony: Yeah.

Maria: Me? What's the matter with you? Taking up after those stupid little girls who don't deserve you? Yeah, that Marah Lewis, that Marah Lewis has been nothing but trouble since the day she... she came close to you. And now you are back with her again.

Tony: I am not back with her again.

Maria: What does she have to do to you, huh? How will she have to humiliate you before you decide to have enough character and stay away from her?

Tony: I said I am not with her anymore, Abuela. Marah and I are over, finished. And this time it's for good, all right? Let's go.

Marah: You know in my head, I actually believed that if I told Tony about Romeo, and really, really explained it to him, that he would understand. That's how deluded I was.

Reva: How did Tony find out?

Marah: Romeo told him. Yeah, it's okay, really, Mom, because now I am able to see what Tony’s really capable of.

Reva: That's a good thing?

Marah: Well, if I had told Tony myself, then maybe he would have stuffed his emotions inside and then he might have exploded later on, right, maybe when I would have been more invested in the relationship, or after we would have been married or had kids or... It's just... It's better that it happened now.

Reva: Well, that's a very rational way to look at it.

Marah: Well, I'm... I'm being honest.

Reva: I know, and that's good, but you have to know that it's okay to feel things.

Marah: Yeah, I do, I do. I feel fury, a lot of it.

Reva: And pain.

Marah: Mom, don't... don't do that, okay? Please, don't feel sorry for me, all right? At least half of this is my fault, so I need to take responsibility for it and... and learn from it, all right? Because I am... I'll be damned if I’m going to let this happen to me again.

Olivia: You know, you keep talking about how you want to get past this Lorelei thing and move on with your life with Phillip and the kids. But ever since this diary popped up, you've been a little preoccupied. So, okay, I made the decision to stop it. You're welcome.

Beth: And this shredded paper's supposed to be the diary?

Olivia: No, Beth, it's the Magna Carta.

Beth: I don't think so, but it certainly could be the Spaulding annual report, couldn't it?

Olivia: Okay, what, now you're accusing me of lying about this?

Beth: Uh, yes, that would be correct.

Phillip: You know what? If it's the diary, I’m not going to shed a tear over this.

Beth: How can you defend what she just did?

Phillip: I'm not... I'm not defending what she did. I'm just saying that I think the diary is Pandora's box full of things that are best left forgotten, okay? Whatever her motivation, I do think she did us a favor.

Alan: If she destroyed it.

Olivia: Well, there's only one way to find out. Why don't you gather up all these little pieces of paper and paste them back together. It's going to take a few months, but in my opinion, it's a more productive way to spend your time than... Let's say hanging out with Bill Lewis.

Alan: Olivia, you'd better be telling the truth.

Olivia: Stop threatening me.

Beth: Well, I guess we'll never know if this is the diary or not.

Phillip: Does it matter?

Beth: No, it doesn’t. You're right.

Alan: Just one minute.

Danny: That picture would not have been possible without Olivia’s money. So go ahead. You want to tell me? Tell me that I was wrong to make it happen; tell me.

Michelle: Danny, those words will never pass my lips.

Danny: All right.

Michelle: I will love you forever for what you did, and so will Rick and so will my dad.

Danny: But you don't like the way I did it. Michelle, I'm not crazy about it either. You think I... I wanted to hit up Olivia? There was no other way I was going to get my hands on that kind of money. Oh, you think that there was? Okay. Honey, how would you have handled it? What would you have done differently? And remember, we're talking about a million bucks here, so your bake sales and barbecues are... are not possible.

Michelle: Well, what about going to the Spaulding’s? It wasn't that long ago that we saved them from a massive security breach. I'm sure they would have coughed up at least part of the money as a thank-you, and Rick could have mortgaged the house for the rest. Or I could have done a fund- raising drive at the church, or Holly could have done it through the "Journal."

Danny: Those are good ideas.

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: They are. No, they are. They're good, and they might have worked, in a few weeks or months. But honey, the goal was to get your father here yesterday. You always think pie in the sky.

Michelle: And you always think in the gutter.

Danny: All right. Maybe... maybe those alternatives never occurred to me, Michelle. Maybe... maybe I was faced with a situation, and I solved it the only way that I knew how.

Michelle: Exactly. Exactly, Danny. That... That's why I’m worried.

Phillip: You know what? If this is about Zach, I don't want to hear it again.

Alan: That's his nickname. His given name is Alan. He is my namesake and my grandson.

Phillip: Yes, a mistake that was made during a moment of sentimental weakness. He happens, though, to be my son, and I will decide where he lives.

Alan: Yes, but that's the point. You haven't decided anything. You've abstained from making any kind of decision because you don't want to have a row with Harley. You know, that is so unlike you, so un-Spaulding.

Phillip: God knows that a Spaulding can't be reasonable. A Spaulding can't possibly give somebody the benefit of the doubt. You know, you're... you're living proof of that. The way you live your life and the way you treat everyone in it, it's got to be your way or the highway.

Alan: Only when I’m right, which is most of the time.

Phillip: But not all the time. You do know that. You do know that you're not always right. I'm not doing this. Why am I doing this? I made a decision to trust Harley. I don't need to defend that decision to you.

Alan: If you could have seen the environment that she is raising Zach in... He needs to be with us. We are his family.

Phillip: Oh, and Harley’s not his family?

Alan: We are his nurturing family. There are three generations of Spaulding’s under one roof here. We can give him academic opportunities, cultural opportunities, a richer environment.

Phillip: Literally.

Alan: And look, look. You and Beth’s relationship... It has stood the test of time. How many times do I have to explain that to you?

Phillip: Dad, and? And you're here.

Alan: Yes.

Phillip: Right.

Alan: I'm here.

Phillip: Right. I just want to make sure you didn't bury the lead there, Dad, because the most important part of this environment is that you're here and you could watch Zach, and you could pull the strings, and you could control him just like you like to control everything else in your life. Just like you would like me to control everything in my life. See, which is what this is really all about, isn't it? You... you want me to be exactly the way you are in that regard. And you know what? God help me, sometimes I am. Fortunately, we don't share the same genes, so there's actually a little hope for me.

Alan: You're not... You're not going to play the adoption card again.

Phillip: No, I'm just telling you that I am...

Alan: Family is family. You and Zach are my family blood or choice, it's my responsibility to take care of you. And one of these days, you're going to thank me for that.

Phillip: I'll thank-- I know.

Alan: And until then, I will soldier on and do what I have to do.

Phillip: What does that mean?

Alan: Well, when you didn't return my phone call, I took action.

Phillip: What kind of action?

Alan: Well, let's just say the Harley-Gus Aitoro problem will resolve itself very soon.

Phillip: What did you do? What did you do?

Marah: Thanks, Mom.

Reva: Oh, here you are, sweetie.

Marah: I am feeling so much better. Everything is getting really clear, really fast.

Reva: Well, that's good.

Marah: Yeah, I'm going to learn something from this experience with Tony or I'm going to die trying, because I’ve been so self-absorbed the past few months. I've been all caught up in my own little dramas.

Reva: Little things? Marah, they're not little dramas. You... you witnessed a murder, honey, and your... The man you loved was charged with it.

Marah: Yes, loved, past tense. Meanwhile, you and dad got married.

Reva: Yes, and you were right there with us.

Marah: Well, not like I could have been or should have been.

Reva: Sweetheart, you were right there.

Marah: Rick Bauer is waiting for a heart transplant. Richard, my own uncle, R.J., and Will and... and Tammy’s daddy, a man... One of the best guys that I know is struggling for his life right now in the hospital, and I'm... I'm, you know, sitting here feeling sorry for myself.

Reva: Marah, you've been through an ordeal.

Marah: Yes, well, now it's over, so I am going to get my life back on track and I’m going to get back to being me, and back to being a part of this family.

Reva: Where are you going?

Marah: I'm going to go visit Aunt Cassie in the hospital. You want to come?

Reva: Uh, no, no, later.

Marah: Okay. I love you. Thank you for this talk.

Reva: Sure.

Marah: I feel so much better.

Reva: Marah, I'm so proud of you, the way you're so determined to move on. But you loved Tony, and love doesn't just disappear once you start thinking clearly.

Marah: Yeah, well, it's over.

Josh: What happened?

Reva: She went to the hospital to see Cassie.

Josh: You should have gone with her.

Reva: I told you I can’t.

Josh: And I’m telling you, you're making a mistake.

Olivia: Why, Beth, you make me blush. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Come on in. (Laughs)

Phillip: You know, I really prefer to unwind alone.

Olivia: Well, not me. Besides, I think we're both here for the same reason: Alan. Your father can be... Trying.

Phillip: You noticed.

Olivia: Listen, a good hot soak will make you feel better. It's helped me. Oh, come in, Phillip. I'm not going to bite.

Josh: Reva, Cassie is in a whole lot of pain right now. She's emotional. She's raw. She's doing what anyone would do facing the same circumstances. She's trying to find somebody to blame.

Reva: And if that's going to be me, then that's... that's cool. I mean, I... I can live with that.

Josh: Yeah, but can she? See, that's the big question here. She needs you. She needs her sister. She needs your love and your support more than she needs to blame you. And if she doesn't see that for herself, you have to help her see it.

Reva: What if I make it worse? I'd never forgive myself.

Josh: Come on, sit down, sit with me. I can't believe I'm hearing you talk like this. I can't believe you're even saying these things. Reva, you never give up. That's why we're here right now. That's why we're both wearing these wedding bands again-- because you follow your instincts and you trust your heart. Now, what is your heart telling you right now? Is it telling you to stay away from Cassie, or is it telling you to go to her and be with her and comfort her? What are you waiting for?

Tony: Excuse me, nurse? Hi. My grandmother left her medication.

Nurse: Here it is. I was just about to phone her.

Tony: Thank you.

Nurse: You're welcome.

Tony: What are you doing here?

Marah: What are you doing here?

Tony: Like I care.

Marah: I certainly don’t.

Danny: Is Robbie okay?

Michelle: Yeah, he... he went right back to sleep.

Danny and Michelle: I'm sorry.

Danny: No.

Michelle: Me more.

Danny: No, me, me.

Michelle: I... I really... I hate it when I get that nasty edge in my voice.

Danny: I hate it when I get so sarcastic and, you know...

Michelle: Patronizing?

Danny: Yeah, and that, too. You know, honey, as long as we've been together, we have been fighting and fighting...

Michelle: No, we haven’t...

Danny: Yeah, fighting who I am and where I come from. I love you so much, you and Robbie. I love you both more than my own life. But you know, this... This thing with your father, it's made me realize that I... I can't be anyone but me.

Michelle: Oh, baby, I’m not asking you to be.

Danny: Yeah, you are. You are. And I mean, I don't want to have this... This argument forever. I don’t. It's just... It's exhausting. I am who I am. Just like you're a Bauer, I'm a... I'm a Santos. Please, don't ask me to change anymore than I already have, because I can’t. What you see right here, I mean, it's... Right now, it's what you get. Can you live with that?

Alan: Beth, is everything all right? You look like... You look like you're going somewhere.

Beth: I am. I'm going to visit Rick. Lizzie made him a card. It's right here, and I’m going to take it to him.

Alan: Well, will Phillip be going with you?

Beth: No. No. His shoulder is sore from tennis, so he's going to go to the hot tub.

Phillip: Yeah, I pity people who don't have a hot tub. You should make sure you get one in your new place.

Olivia: Well, you've been working on your subtlety.

Phillip: I just call it like I see it.

Olivia: Yeah, right. No kidding. So how long do you think Alan and I have, exactly?

Phillip: Till you spontaneously combust?

Olivia: (Laughs)

Phillip: Beats the hell out of me. Too many variables.

Olivia: No, I want to know what you think, I do. Go on, give it your best shot. In fact, let's make it a wager. But I have to warn you, I'll win. I usually do.

Phillip: Well, see, that's your problem. So does Alan.

Olivia: Not when he backs down.

Phillip: Yeah, well, you know, we see that with about the same frequency that we see Haley’s comet. Although I will say, if there's a woman around that's going to make him heel, it might be you.

Olivia: Well, you know what? I'm flattered.

Phillip: You're bright-- maybe you're as bright as he is. Certainly as driven. And you understand that you have to keep him guessing. That's very important. It's a very odd relationship, not one that I would ever want to have any part of, I don't think. But what the hell; to each his own.

Olivia: What kind of relationship do you want, Phillip? The kind you have with Lorelei... I mean Beth?

Phillip: I wonder where that pesky diary is? Do you think it's in Olivia’s room? Maybe it's in Olivia’s bag. It doesn't really matter. Just as long as it's someplace that Beth can't find it.

Olivia: My, you're being naughty. So you admit I did you a favor.

Phillip: A big one. Thank you.

Olivia: Well, you did me a favor, too.

Phillip: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: How's that?

Olivia: You actually stood up for me, and that's something... No one has done that in a really long time. So thank you. Really, I mean it. Thank you.

Phillip: You said that already. We have an audience.

Olivia: Well, then...


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