GL Transcript Monday 6/24/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/24/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Cassie: You knew?

Reva: Yeah, I knew.

Cassie: You knew that Richard was having money trouble, and you knew that he was working at a car dealership? Did you guys think that I couldn't handle this? Was it just the money? I've been without money before, Reva.

Reva: He wanted to tell you himself.

Cassie: He doesn't get the chance now, does he? How long have you known?

Reva: A few weeks.

Cassie: A few weeks? You and my husband have been lying to me for a few weeks about a job?!

Reva: It wasn't like that.

Cassie: What was it like?

Reva: He wanted to be a success, and then surprise you.

Cassie: Well, he got his wish, didn't he? Surprise.

Rick: Well, man, this is great. Home, sweet home. And you guys redecorated the place-- you shouldn't have done that. (Coughs) it's so nice of you.

Michelle: Well, we thought it might be a good idea to have a command center down here. Easy access for all of us. Although we can move you upstairs if you want, but I took a few liberties, and brought down some of your favorite things: Your special pillow.

Rick: It's my special if it's a bad back. I didn't want to tell you before the wedding. Would you please lighten up? No, would you lighten up? I know you want to practice being a PA, but I'll let you know if I want any help, thank you very much.

Michelle: Okay, you forfeited all of your rights when you decided to come home instead of staying in the hospital to wait for your heart.

Rick: I was sick of that place, and I still...

Michelle: It's not like you haven't spent every waking moment there for years.

Rick: Well, as a doctor, not as a patient. Besides, I want to concentrate on torturing you guys, okay? And you know what? You know what I would like? You... What would really please me is if I could have one of those little bell things right next to the bed, in case I need any help, in case I need, like, you know, the remote to be changed to...

Michelle: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Rick: Or maybe not.

Mel: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Rick. When you're laughing and smiling, pretending like this is just a normal day.

Rick: (Coughs)

Mel: Like you're not sitting in a wheelchair, like there's a hospital bed where the sofa's supposed to be. You don't have the flu, Rick. You didn't give up your place in the cafeteria line. You are on the heart-transplant- recipient line and you gave up that place. You gave up your chance to live... Our chance to grow old together.

Rick: Well, we don't know...

Mel: Just face it, Rick: You threw our future away.

Tory: I really never thought you'd go this far, Blake. Setting fire to the cell. I mean, you even planted a body-- very twisted. I'm impressed, really. You set it up to make it look like I’m really dead, and that you murdered me. What I can't figure out is what you possibly could hope to accomplish by doing what you did.

Blake: Oh, Tory, admit it. You're here to gloat. You're the one who did this, I didn't do anything. You set me up.

Tory: No. No, you... Just stop right now, because it's not going to work. I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to confuse me, but I know that I didn't do this. I couldn't have done this. It had to be you. You-- you're the one who did this.

Blake: Why would I set myself up for your murder?

Tory: Well, that's what you're going to tell me.


Gus: You know something? If you want me to leave, I will leave.

Harley: What I want? How am I supposed to know what I want? I just know I'm not surprised that this isn't working out. These things never work out. They have been blowing up in my face all the time, but I should've known from the start with you.

Gus: What are you talking about? I've been trying. He I’ve really been trying.

Harley: You talk and you talk and you talk but you never say anything! You never tell me anything; I tell you everything. I tell you about all of my heartbreak, I tell you about my children. You know everything about my life.

Gus: I've told you my stuff! I've told you my deepest, darkest secret.

Harley: No, you only told me half of that. You told me that when you were younger, some guy went off a roof and you paid the price for somebody else, but you won't even tell me who that somebody else is.

Gus: It's not that I won't tell you. It's not that I won't tell you, it's that I can't tell you. Why don't you understand that part? I'm not like you, okay? I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. I don't have a child for every single heartbreak that I’ve had to prove it.

Harley: Well, at least I am connected to myself. At least I know myself.

Gus: I do know exactly who I am. I tell you every day who I am. My past has nothing to do with you-- why can't you leave it alone?

Harley: All right-- fine, fine, fine-- then keep your past. Keep your secrets, and keep it... Keep it all, I don't care. But I'll tell you this, you can take your stuff, and get out of my house. (Jude crying)

Alan: Well, hello to you, too, Harley. I've come to pick up my grandson, and from the looks of things, I got here just in time.

Harley: Alan, you should've called.

Alan: I did call. Actually, I had my secretary send a memo. We're having family photos for the next couple of weeks.

Harley: Weeks? Sounds complicated.

Alan: It's not. We're going to start with the grandchildren today.

Harley: Okay, fine, I will get Zach for you, and I'll even pull one of those cute suits you keep buying him that he never wears.

Gus: Oh. I always wondered where he got those little suits.

Alan: I have them tailor-made for him.

Gus: Right, of course you do.

Alan: Well, how long have you and Harley been co-habitating, huh?

Gus: A few weeks now. Several weeks. Hey, listen, pardon the mess, we're trying to clean up.

Alan: Have you ever spent much time in the house with young children?

Gus: Well, I do fine with children, thank you very much.

Alan: My guess is that you barely manage to take care of yourself.

Gus: Harley's an excellent mother, and I've already explained to you why this place is such a mess.

Alan: Well, she was never my first choice to be a mother of one of my grandchildren, but I did find that she had a rather working-class diligence about motherhood. She would never let me smoke a cigar around Zach, she practically baby-proofed the entire Bentley, and for that, I respect her. But since her relationship with you, I think she's lost some of her mothering skills. To be honest with you, I’m a little surprise that she didn't hold out for more than flashing tattoos and spiked hair.

Gus: Wow. Well, I don't mind standing here while you insult me-- I kind of think it's fun-- but I will not stand here with you in this house, Harley’s house, while you insult her. She's the mother of that little boy that you say that you love so much, and do you want to know why he's so special?

Alan: Because he's a Spaulding.

Gus: No. Because he's being raised by a wonderful and strong, caring woman. Who Zach is is defined by who Harley is. I don't care how many times... How many drive-by visits your son pays that little boy, or how many memos you "CC" him, because at the end of the day it's really all Harley.

Alan: Not anymore. Now you're in the picture, a part that I want to have cropped out.

Gus: Well, that's cool, because with or without me, you and Phillip combined couldn't be half the parent that she is. So you can say whatever you want about her-- that's fine-- as long as you don't insult her, not in front of me. Take it out on me, not her.

Harley: Gus? What's going on?

Gus: Alan and I are just getting acquainted.

Marina: Thanks for the swim. (Laughs) Yeah... yeah, I'm definitely going to live in a place like this someday, I think. Only maybe not so stuffy, though, you know? I don't know, but you have got it made, Lizzie. Oh.

Lizzie: Thanks.

Marina: No, thanks. Well, it's been real. Tammy, I’m really sorry about your dad. You know, I really am, and my dad is, too, so... All right, let me get out of here.

Lizzie: Marina, we can't just leave her here all alone.

Marina: We're not; you're here.

Lizzie: Well, her dad is in the hospital. It is really bad.

Marina: Yeah, I know. It's just... I mean, I told her I was sorry. Look, Lizzie, you have to understand, helping people, it just isn't really my thing. You know, I mean, I try... I try to do the right thing, and then it's just like-- boom-- disaster and everything goes wrong. So I think the best thing for me to do right now would be to just leave Tammy alone.

Lizzie: That is not true. Just please... please just stay. I mean, we don't even have to talk about Richard. We can talk, you know, about whatever.

Marina: Look, I’m sorry. I can’t.

Lizzie: Hey, Tammy, we can do whatever you want. I've got books, video games, movies, whatever, just name it.

Tammy: Whatever you want, Lizzie. I don't really care.

Marina: Yeah, if I had a place like this, I would've never run away from California.

Tammy: Marina, I thought you left.

Marina: Yeah, I realized I had a few extra hours to kill before I had to get to Company.

Lizzie: So what was it like when you ran away?

Marina: Why? Are you thinking of making a break for it?

Lizzie: No, I actually ran away a couple times when I was younger. I never got anywhere, though.

Marina: Hmm... Yeah, I guess every kid wants to get away from home, huh?

Tammy: I didn't. I never really had a real home until Richard came along. I guess I was just happy that I had a real home.

Lizzie: What was it like when you were out there all by yourself?

Marina: I don't know. I, like, ate what I ate, slept where I slept. I mean, it was... It was pretty basic stuff, I guess.

Lizzie: Well, what did you do about food? I mean, you told me that you left with only the clothes you had on your back.

Marina: I took the stuff I needed.

Lizzie: And you never got caught?

Marina: Well, I did get caught once.

Tammy: What did you do?

Marina: Actually, I didn't do anything-- Shayne did.

Lizzie: Shayne? You mean, like, our Shayne?

Marina: "Our Shayne"?

Lizzie: Yeah, I mean, like, Tammy’s cousin, Shayne.

Marina: Anyway. Yeah, I was at the mall, and there was, like, this mall rent- a-cop, right? And he saw me borrow a shirt. And Shayne pulled this whole, like, knight-in-shining-armor routine, and he convinced the cop that I was actually going to buy it. Come to think of it, though, I think Shayne bought it for me.

Lizzie: Well, that was cool of him.

Marina: Yeah, actually, it was, but... You know what? Don't tell my dad that story because I think if he thought I was leading you into a life of crime or something, he'd, like, have a conniption

Tammy: Okay, guys, this isn't working. I can't just sit here pretending that my dad isn’t really sick.

Lizzie: No, Tammy, that's not what we were trying to do.

Marina: Yes. Yeah, it was what we were trying to do, and we're really sorry.

Tammy: I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this. I got to go.

Marina: I told you I couldn't fix this. I mean, it's like I can't fix anything.

Lizzie: It wasn't you.

Cassie: Was he embarrassed? Was he embarrassed that he had to have a regular job? Is that why he kept this from me?

Reva: No, that wasn't it.

Cassie: Please... please help me understand why he kept this from me, because I just... I'm his wife, Reva.

Reva: He knew how hard you'd fought all your life, you know, for... Fought to keep your kids, and fought to stay afloat financially, and he didn't want you to ever have to go through that again. He didn't want you to ever have to worry about money. And he said you'd had enough fighting. And you know what? There's more, though, because he loved what he was doing. He... His whole life had been a series of silver platters, you know, and he really liked this work.

Cassie: Without me.

Reva: He just... He wanted to get to Chicago and make this big deal.

Cassie: Mr. McBride and the fleet of cars.

Reva: Yeah, he wanted just to close on that deal and then come back here and be able to tell you all about it.

Cassie: I should be hearing this from him. Not you.

Reva: Yeah, and if I could do anything to change that, I would.

Cassie: I should've been with him, Reva. I should've gone to Chicago, Reva. If I would've been with him, he wouldn't have been rushing to get back to me. I could've changed everything if you would've told me. We'd be having our second honeymoon, Reva. I would've been in his arms right now if it weren't for you.

Blake: Let's look at this objectively, Tory. You're the only person in this world who would want to see me locked up for the rest of my life. The only one. And the only people who know about the cell are you, and me...

Tory: And Ross.

Blake: Oh, my God, Ross knows about the cell. I was going to say the cops.

Tory: Yeah, but the cops? Why would they want to lock you up forever? I mean, Harley’s your best friend. Of course, it makes... It makes perfect sense. Ross did this. He had to, because... because he knows that if he divorced you, he'd never get custody of the kids, and he had to do this because this is the only way that we can all be together as a family. Oh, my God, it's perfect and it's so brilliant.

Blake: It's demented and a lie. Ross is not capable.

Tory: Well, you always underestimated him, Blake. You didn't think that he was capable of falling in love with me, but he did, and this... This whole thing is just the next logical step.

Blake: Oh, so you're going to move in here after I’m convicted of murdering you? I have a feeling that the police are going to have a problem making that conviction stick.

Tory: No, they won’t. Because, clearly, Ross has thought this all through very carefully. And he'll just have to leave town with the kids. And then I’ll go meet them after a while, and we'll assume different identities, and it will be like a big adventure. And then we'll all live happily ever after.

Harley: Well, grandpa, Gus can be a little bit of a jokester.

Gus: Actually, I was dead serious.

Alan: You know, Harley, he was just saying that you were the best mother in the world.

Harley: Well, that's great, thanks. I'm sorry the house is such a mess. We're going through sort of a transitional period right now and, of course, we didn't expect company because you didn't call.

Alan: Obviously. Well, little man, are you ready to go smile for the camera? Harley.

Harley: Alan.

Alan: You know, when you had yet another child out of wedlock with Phillip’s best friend, Rick, I didn't say anything. But this... This Don Juan de garbage has caused you to stoop to a new low.

Harley: You don't want to be late for your photo shoot.

Alan: I find what I’ve seen here today appalling.

Harley: What you've seen here today is none of your business.

Alan: What I've seen here today has crossed the line and I’m sure that Phillip would agree with me.

Harley: Oh, please. Phillip has signed off on all of this.

Alan: Not all of it.

Harley: You've been here for five minutes, Alan. I am here every minute of every day raising these beautiful, little boys. I make sure they are fed and clothed and happy.

Alan: If you say so.

Harley: My God, Jude’s father is in the hospital, waiting for a new heart; my best friend's husband is paralyzed from the waist down. I'm sorry if cleaning up a messy living room is not a priority for me right now.

Alan: Harley, this is about more than an untidy living room. Things have changed. We both know that. Give it some thought. And change it back to the way it was.

Gus: Honey, honey... Come on.

Reva: I'm sorry, Cassie. I am so, so sorry. I thought that I was helping Richard do something for you and the kids. When he told me about how hard you'd fought all your life, that resonated with me. And I wasn't there when you were growing up. I wish I had been, because if I had known, I would've helped then. I guess I just wanted to help this time.

Cassie: You know, Reva, even the smallest lie can hurt people. You know that.

Reva: I know. I know, and I know you're hurt and if you... If you need someone to, you know, rail at, then I want that person to be me.

Cassie: Well, that's just so noble of you, Reva. Thank you. My big sister, steamroller of good intentions. Well, look where your big heart got us this time. And I don't know if we can recover from this. I'm not talking about Richard, because he... He's going to be fine. I'm talking about me and you. Do I want you to go, because I really need to be... I want to be with Richard right now.

Rick: (Coughs)

Michelle: Mel, I know that you're upset, but Rick didn't voluntarily give up his chance for a heart. He had a high fever; it would've been dangerous for him. We're all disappointed.

Mel: Tell your sister, Rick. She deserves to know the truth.

Rick: Um, Michelle, do you remember when you were a little kid, how much you used to hate spelling bees, not because you couldn't spell, just because you had a terrible case of stage fright?

Michelle: What does this have to do with?

Rick: Do you remember what you used to do?

Michelle: I used to take the thermometer and heat it against the bedside lamp.

Rick: That's right.

Michelle: Rick...

Rick: Dad fell for it, but Marie never did, did she?

Michelle: Why? Why would you do that?

Mel: Arnold Carmichael. He was next in line on the transplant list and Rick thought that man needed the heart more than he did.

Rick: It wasn't just because of him, it was because of... I didn't set out to do this. But I saw that little boy-- I looked in his eyes-- and I knew I couldn't take his father away from him, I couldn't. It's not that I don't want to live-- I do. I want that more than anything in the world.

Mel: Just not enough to take the heart that was waiting for you.

Rick: Mel, you didn't see the look in that little boy's eyes.

Mel: No, I did see that kid. And I've seen your kid. Jude, remember? And he deserves Christmases and birthdays with you just as much as little Bobby.

Rick: I know I'm in bad shape, but at least I have some time. This man, this little boy's father, had no time. He was going to die.

Michelle: And you gave him some. Of course you did.

Rick: I couldn't let that little boy grow up without his father. I just couldn't do it. I can't control how I'm going to die-- nobody can-- but I can control how I'm going to live.

Blake: You thought of everything, haven't you?

Tory: No, I didn’t. Ross did. That's what makes it so sweet, because he's finally coming through for me.

Blake: Well, I think he forgot one... Well, actually a couple of things, Tory. He forgot to fill you in on his plan.

Tory: That's because he's going to surprise me.

Blake: Oh, it's going to be a surprise, all right. He also left behind the one piece of evidence that could clear me.

Tory: What?

Blake: You. You know, I could have the police here in no time. And then, once they saw you alive and kicking... Well, they would have some questions for you and Ross.

Tory: No, they wouldn't, because I was never here. I'm dead, remember, Blake?

Blake: No, you're not. No, you're not, Tory. You and Ross are never going to be together. He is going to spend the rest of his life with me, and you're going to spend the rest of your life in a dirty, tiny, little cell. Tory! Tory!

Ross: Do you think she bought it?

Blake: I think so. I hope so, for our sakes.

Gus: Hey. Coop, you know, I think you're an amazing mother, and I don't think you should let Phillip or Alan ever make you feel any other way, not even for a second, okay?

Harley: Thanks. And thank you for stopping me from strangling Alan and taking my son back. I was very close. So, what are we doing? I mean, is this you leaving?

Gus: I'm not going anywhere.

Marina: No. Nope, don't really miss California at all. You would not even believe where I am sitting right now. It is... It's kind of like Gosford Park, only without Ryan Philippe and the whole, you know, murder mystery thing. (Laughs) You know, it's that movie with the big mansion and the million servants.

Alan: (Clears throat)

Marina: Okay, never mind. I got to go because Daddy Warbucks just got home. (Laughs) Okay, bye. Hey, Mr. Spaulding, I came home to swim with Lizzie. There's no need to worry, I was really careful. I didn't get any of my working class germs on her... Hey, little man. (Loud kiss) You know, he is half a Cooper. All right, I’m guess I’m going to be going now.

Lizzie: You don't have to go yet, do you?

Marina: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do have to go. Thank you for the swim, and look, if you hear anything from Tammy, will you call me.

Lizzie: Mm-hmm.

Alan: Elizabeth, you know how I feel about that little girl and her family.

Lizzie: Marina is my friend.

Alan: Well, I’m sure there are many more appropriate friends that you could have out there.

Lizzie: Grandpa...

Alan: Come here. You have to be very careful. You live a life of privilege, and there are many people who would want to be a part of it.

Lizzie: Marina is not like that. She... If you must know, she came over to help me comfort Tammy.

Alan: How's Tammy doing? I'm sure she's pretty worried about her father.

Lizzie: She is. She's a mess, and we didn't help much. Grandpa, do you think that people just like me for all the money I have, and all the things, and all this stuff? I mean, it's not even mine.

Alan: Well, one day, it will be. You have a lot to look forward to. You and Zach and James, and I am here to make sure that you get everything that you deserve.

Cassie: Richard... You had to know that I wouldn't care about the job. If anything, I’d love to hear all about it. Well, I know everything now. I know we're running out of money. I know you got a job at a car dealership, and I know about this whole secret life that you had. I just wish... I just wish you would've told me.

Gus: I'm not going anywhere. But, my little friends? I think they have to go.

Harley: Your friends?

Gus: Yeah. My constant companions. My companions that have been with me through the good times and the bad-- when it rains, it pours-- they're always there for me, and I think, you know, maybe it's time to work on myself, you know? The kind of person I am. The kind of guy that could be a good influence on the little guys, your little guys. So I’m thinking... I'm thinking it's time... I'm thinking-- hold on a second-- I think it's time to let it go. Bye-bye. Say bye-bye.

Harley: I'm gathering you're going to stop smoking for me. Haven't we been through this before?

Gus: Oh, yeah, I know. Uh-huh. But I'm going to do it for you, and Zach, and Jude, and myself. And Alan Spaulding is, like, on the warpath. He's got this thing in his head that he wants to put all the little Spaulding heirs under one roof.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: I don't know what that's all about, but I’m not going to give him any extra ammo to land Zach.

Harley: Well, you've been smoking for a long time.

Gus: Very long time.

Harley: How are you planning to... Just quit?

Gus: Willpower. It's true, you know? True strength, man.

Harley: This is big.

Gus: Oh, it's tremendous.

Harley: Really big.

Gus: Grand canyon-sized. But I would do anything for you. And, you know, I’m not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. But... I just wanted to say I’m glad, because I wanted to call a truce. I know it's still a fight, but I just... I know they're very healthy for some people, not for me. But it's you that's good for me. You're so good for me. Lord.

Alan: Elizabeth, tell me: How would you would feel if Zach came to live with us full-time?

Lizzie: I'd love it, but Harley would never move here.

Alan: Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, I know what Zach is going to wear for the photo shoot, but what are you going to wear?

Lizzie: This. Just kidding, Grandpa.

Alan: Phillip, I just got back from Harley’s, and I think it's time that you and I straightened out this Gus Aitoro situation.

Blake: Yeah, well, I think that she bought it hook, line, and sinker. I do.

Ross: We did give her what she wanted.

Blake: Yeah, oh, yeah. Proof that you love her. You know, nothing says love more to Tory than having me arrested for her murder so you could live happily ever after.

Ross: This is where I start to worry about you, because we take this next step all by ourselves, and that makes it that much more dangerous.

Blake: Ross, why can't we tell Harley?

Ross: We can't tell her because she'd never allow us to do it. The police need a solid case, but because of the entrapment question, they can't be involved. We are the ones who have to do it.

Blake: Well, I will feel a lot better when she's behind bars.

Ross: Okay, now, I went online and I put an ad in the "Springfield Law Review," which Tory always reads, and I framed it so that she'll get the idea that I’m desperate to see her.

Blake: She won't be able to stay away.

Ross: At least that's what we're counting on.

Blake: She's not going to leave my conviction to fate, Ross. And the only way to make sure that I don't come between the two of you is to kill me.

Ross: Blake...

Blake: Ross, we've gone over this before, and we have to give her what she wants. We have no other choice.

Rick: You know, this is our first fight as a married couple. So let's not, okay? Mel, it's going to work out. I know it is.

Mel: I don't think so, Rick. When that man's son came to you, he was suddenly real to you. His life was suddenly real to you. You think our future is a fantasy because it hasn't happened yet. Well, it's real to me, and it's real to your little boy. And, what's more, it's not your future to give away. It's ours. I mean, when we got married, we joined our lives together, and it didn't even occur to you to ask how I felt, or what I wanted.

Rick: You would've stopped me.

Mel: Rick, I love you more than anyone I've ever loved. And I would do anything to save you. But I can't stand by and watch you throw it away. I won’t.

Cassie: You rode into my life, a prince on a white horse. You had to know that none of that meant anything-- not the crown, that it was you. That it was you, Richard. You were all I wanted, and you were all I needed. You had to know that. Reva said that... That you wanted to keep this a secret until you made a huge deal. That you didn't want me to fight anymore, that I had fought enough. What you don't realize is that I fought alone before. With you by my side, I can do anything, and I still can. But you've got to come back to me. Richard, do you hear me? You have to wake up, and you have to come back to me so we can fight, and we can kiss and we can make up, but you have to come back to me. You have to wake up, Richard. You have to come back to me. You have to come back to me.


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