Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/21/02
Blake: Okay, okay, okay. We can do this, right? I mean, this is going to work?
Harley: Okay, look at me. Look at me. You gave the performance of your life before, when I arrested you for Tory’s murder, right?
Blake: Mm-hmm.
Harley: A woman we both know is alive, kicking, and psychotic.
Blake: But the point is, did she hear about it? And what if...
Harley: Listen, we're not doing that. No ifs or buts, okay? We're staying focused. We're staying focused. Now, think about it: You manipulated me a few days ago, right? If anybody can set the stage for drama, it's you.
Blake: Right. But the thing is, Tory wants to see me behind bars and more, right?
Harley: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Blake: Well, that's exactly what I’m going to give her.
Harley: That's good. That's the Blake I know and love.
Blake: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What about my mother? What if she doesn't keep up her end of the bargain?
Harley: Honey, honey, your mother wants this done as much as you do, okay?
Blake: Oh, gosh. You're right. It's amazing what guilt will do. All right. I'm sorry. I mean, I really have forgiven her for not telling me about Tory and Ross. It's just...
Harley: I'm so glad to hear about it. Can we talk about this over a few drinks? Can we get inside?
Blake: It's now or never.
Ross: For the last time, Mr. Walker, I have no comment about my wife's arrest. Thank you. All I want to do is drink my coffee in peace, all right?
Walker: Now, we've covered the arrest, Mr. Marler. It's her bail that I’d like to talk about.
Ross: I'm sure you would want to talk about that, but we are not going to, and I don't think videotaping a man drinking coffee is going to help your ratings.
Walker: Her bail was covered immediately.
Ross: Yeah? Well, that's what normally happens when the accused has sufficient resources. Now, if you don't mind...
Walker: Aid from the Spaulding’s, who could raise that kind of money?
Ross: I don't know, but if you want to think it's me, be my guest. But what I do with my money is my business. And don't even dream about asking me whether I think Blake is guilty or not.
Blake: Go ahead. Ask him, Mr. Walker. He won't answer you, though, because that's what lawyers do. They tap dance their evasive little feet up and down the courthouse steps and then the vultures like you in the media eat it up.
Ross: Blake, don't do this. You're only hurting yourself.
Blake: You not posting my bail is what hurt me.
Harley: Blake, maybe this isn't the time for you to do this.
Blake: What? To get advice from a friend who's arrested me and who's glued to my every move? Go ahead, Ross. Tell him what you think. Tell him the truth: That you think I killed your little tramp you had on the side.
Ross: All I know is that Tory Granger is dead and I haven't seen anything that indicates your innocence.
Beth: Lorelei sounds like fun. Wish I could be more like her.
Bill: But you are. I mean, you were. Somewhere in the back of that brain of yours, you've got to remember. You and me.
Beth: Phillip.
Phillip: Sweetheart. Bill. Nice to see you again. Coffee for anyone?
Beth: Uh, well, actually Bill and I are on our second cup, so... (Laughs nervously)
Phillip: I guess you've had enough, then.
Bill: Not me, man. I could sit here and drink that stuff all day.
Phillip: Oh, I don't know about that. (Laughter) I don't know how your father and Josh would feel about a coffee break like that. You are still working for Lewis Oil, aren't you?
Bill: Yeah, well, luckily for me, I can cover my break with Beth because I’m here on business.
Phillip: Oh, you are?
Bill: Yeah.
Phillip: What business?
Bill: Oh, just the usual. Olivia had me run by, pick up some insurance claim forms for the Beacon, and Beth answered the door. We just started talking about old times. (Laughs)
Phillip: Oh. So you just picked up right where you left off last time, huh?
Bill: Well, yeah. Yeah, pretty much. Pretty much.
Phillip: You know, Bill, since you never really knew Beth before, I assume when you say "old times," you're referring to when you knew Lorelei in Texas.
Bill: (Laughs) Well, does it make a difference one way or another?
Phillip: No, I guess not. I'm sure Lorelei had a lot of acquaintances. The important thing... The important thing is that Beth is back with her family and her friends.
(Monitors beeping)
Cassie: (Sighs) I was thinking about our wedding day. I remembered when we danced, and you held me so close and you looked into my eyes and even though I knew it before, I knew right then how much you loved me. And I do now, Richard. And when we're old and gray we are going to dance at our 50th anniversary party, and it's going to be wonderful. But you have to come back to me. And you're going to come back to me. I don't care what the doctors say, because they don't know you. They don't know us.
Josh: Hey.
Reva: Oh, hi. Hi.
Josh: Any change?
Reva: Well, you know, if he'd been wearing a seat belt, he'd be walking today.
Josh: Have they called in other specialists?
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, and they all say the same thing, you know? Spinal cord injuries are typical for auto accidents, and if it was just that they had to worry about, it'd be one thing, but the fact that they can't seem to relieve the pressure on his brain... And of course, Cassie can't accept that. Hell, if it were you, I wouldn't be able to accept it, either. Is everything okay at home? I know that look. What's wrong?
Josh: No, everything's fine. It's just the usual, you know, bedlam. Oh, I found these on the kitchen counter. I guess the kids must have picked them up for us.
Reva: Oh. Wedding photos. Cassie and Richard. They look so happy together. Mindy must have taken these.
Josh: It's hard to say. There were cameras on every table.
Reva: They're so beautiful together.
Cassie: What is it? What's wrong? What do you have there? These are perfect. I mean, they're perfect. Could he be any more handsome? (Laughs) Take a better picture?
Reva: He looks great.
Cassie: When he comes back to us, he is just going to love seeing these. Can I take them in there and show them to him?
Josh: Yes, most definitely.
Cassie: You know, he can hear me. He can, and it's really important that he knows what's going on and that he knows that we believe in him.
Reva: I believe in miracles as much as the next person, but she is deluding herself, because the chances are...
Josh: Chances are he's not going to make it.
Reva: And if I can't even say it, then how is she going to accept it? A woman who loves him more than her own life.
Josh: I don't know, Reva. I don't know.
Gus: Okay. Truck, no battery-- kid's room. Boxers, dirty-- laundry room. Pizza, not eaten-- why not? Okay. How the hell did this get in there? It wasn’t me.
Harley: What wasn't you?
Gus: It wasn't me who was responsible for that accident. It wasn't me.
Harley: It was somebody else. Hello.
To right field...
Gus: Oh, no. No ball games. I won't get my cleaning done.
Reporter: We're coming to you live on the scene in the midst of a breaking story.
Harley: Blake, trust me, okay? You are making this worse for yourself.
Blake: Oh, it can't get any worse.
Ross: All right, stop videotaping or I’m going to slap you and the television station with a lawsuit that'll probably destroy the both of you.
Blake: Oh, that's fabulous. Send me to jail and ruin my mother's business all at the same time. Good move, Ross!
Gus: Blake's out on bail? Well, where the hell was I? Kristen? Kristen, I got to go, all right? Jude's bottles are on the stove. Thanks!
Ross: Now, before you put this on the air, you better check with Holly Reade. She doesn't like this kind of reporting.
Blake: Not bad for a...
Harley: Just keep looking at me like you hate me, okay? We'll be fine. I'm just trying to help, Blake.
Blake: What? What? What?
Harley: No, no, no. It's just that this is a not-so- old hiding place of mine.
Blake: Oh. I thought that Tory was...
Harley: No.
Ross: Blake? Blake, don't worry about anything. Harley's had two guys on surveillance all day. There's no sign of Tory.
Blake: Okay. So let's hope that she saw the news, all right? So what's next?
Harley: We split up. We split up just like we planned, right? I'm going to go back to your place, I’m going to check it out. We meet there, right? Right? Right?
Ross: See you there. You were wonderful. Truly wonderful.
Blake: I hated saying those things.
Ross: Well, yeah. I hated hearing them. But we have to do this. We have to end this nightmare that Tory’s brought on us and we have to move on.
Blake: "We" and "us"? Wow. I remember those words. I think I remember what they mean.
Ross: You'd better. You'd better believe in them, too, because I believe in us, what we are right now and what we're going to be. Even though we have a ways to go.
Blake: Wait a minute. I'm not going to blow this now. Not now. I'll see you in a few, okay?
Ross: You can depend on it. Blake.
Blake: What?
Ross: I love you.
Reva: I don't want Cassie to give up, but at the same time...
Josh: At the same time, you're her sister and you want to spare her as much pain as possible. But Reva, this is something that she's going to have to come to by herself.
Reva: I just wish I’d told her that Richard had a new job at that car dealership, because then she probably would have gone to Chicago with him, and maybe they would have stopped for the night.
Josh: You know what? People's lives are filled with maybes, you know? Maybe if she had gone with him, she'd be in a hospital bed here herself.
Reva: Don't even say that.
Josh: Reva, that's the way life is. We make choices, we make decisions, and then we live with the consequences.
Reva: Great. Then do you want to help me decide about telling her the truth and when?
Josh: I think that when the time is right for Cassie to know the truth, you'll know it, too. And you'll deal with that. In the meantime...
Reva: I wait. We all wait.
(Monitors beeping)
Cassie: Don't these look great? I mean, they're going to look much better on the walls at the farm, but you know, I guess this will just have to do for now. I think I can do better than this, you know? We have so many pictures, so I could... I could bring some stuff from home in. I don't have my purse with me, but you have some pictures in your wallet that would be perfect. Let's see. All of these can go up. "Buy present for R.J.." "Call McBride to confirm car deal. Give final price." Oh, I could handle that. Mr. McBride? Hi, this is Cassie Winslow, Richard Winslow’s wife. No, we haven't met. I just wanted to call and let you know that Richard is in the… Mr. McBride? Hi, this is Cassie Winslow, Richard Winslow’s wife. No, we haven't met. I just wanted to call and let you know that Richard is in the hospital and, well, he's probably going to be here for a little while, so I don't know what kind of car that he was buying from you... Excuse me? You were buying a fleet of cars from Richard? I'm sorry, I just... I don't understand. No, I don't know when they're supposed to arrive. I don't know anything about this at all.
Phillip: Bill, tell me again, what exactly is it that you're doing for Olivia?
Bill: Uh, well, actually I'm just looking out for Cassie’s interests in the hotel Beacon during the renovations. With Richard in the hospital...
Phillip: She needs somebody to run back and forth and take care of a little business for her.
Bill: Just happy to do what I can.
Beth: And Cassie is certainly lucky to have your help.
Phillip: Still, don't get stuck here in Springfield. A young man your age, you want to be footloose and fancy-free. (Pager beeping)
Bill: Would you excuse me? I've got to take this. Do you mind if I step out to the terrace?
Phillip: Yeah. Although if you have to go, I'll be happy to make sure that Olivia gets the papers.
Bill: That's all right.
Beth: What was that all about?
Phillip: What was what?
Beth: Oh, come on. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're treating Bill like he's a kid.
Phillip: Well, he is a kid. What do you expect, Beth? I've known the kid since he was in diapers.
Beth: Well, he's not a kid anymore. Is this because he knew me when I was Lorelei?
Phillip: Oh, no. Of course not. No. I just... He's... He's a Lewis, you know? With a Lewis in the house, I’m always a little careful.
Beth: Oh, now that sounds exactly like...
Phillip: Like my father, yes I know.
Beth: Yeah. Scary, isn't it?
Phillip: Look, you know what? I'm sure Bill is a perfectly nice kid. I'm just being a little cautious, that's all. End of story. Okay?
Beth: Okay. I'm going to go to the kitchen and get some dessert. Do you want anything?
Phillip: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Bring me something. We'll split something.
Beth: Okay. (Whistling)
Phillip: Hey, here we are again.
Bill: Hey. Where'd Beth go?
Phillip: Uh, she's busy I guess.
Bill: Aw, shoot. Well, listen, I've got to hit the road, anyway.
Phillip: Okay.
Bill: All right.
Phillip: Oh, Bill, before you go, do you mind if I make a suggestion to you?
Bill: Uh, yeah, go ahead. But no promises that I’ll take you up on it.
Phillip: I just wanted to remind you that Olivia has an office-- actually a very nice office-- and in the real world, that's where big boys do business.
Ross: This, I’ve been wanting to do this all day, even when you were...
Blake: Screaming like a banshee, huh? I was a banshee. When I think about getting on the boys for screaming and yelling.
Ross: Soon the kids will be back home, you will be safe and Tory will be in jail.
Blake: I hope so, Ross, because I hate this. I especially hate pretending to hate you.
Ross: That's the sweetest thing you've said to me in months. You're very brave. You know how dangerous Tory is and yet you're willing to go out there and trap her into telling the truth and give us a case. That's courageous. (Knocking at door)
Blake: All right, we don't need any. Thank you.
Gus: Give me a break, will you please?
Blake: Okay, Gus. I'm going to ask you this once: Please leave. Otherwise I'm going to call the police.
Gus: Well, I am the police. So how can I help you?
Blake: Leaving my house would cover it.
Harley: Blake, no one is going to catch onto us, I promise. I mean, even Gus is oblivious to it, and he is a pretty good barometer, you know?
Gus: Is that right?
Cassie: Yes, I am listening to every word you said, Mr. McBride, but just none of this makes sense to me. No. No. My husband is not a car salesman. He's an ambassador to... Never mind. Look, you know, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say to you. I don’t. I just... It's clear that someone is using his name to sell cars, or you have my husband confused with someone else. Okay. We'll straighten all of this out after he recovers. Yes. Thank you.
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