Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/19/02
Rick: (Coughs) Hey. Is it still raining out there, Mrs. Bauer?
Mel: That's Mrs. Dr. Bauer to you.
Rick: Oh. I really married me a saucy one.
Mel: (Laughs) you knew what you were getting into. I was hoping we can get some fresh air today, but it looks like it's still stormy out.
Rick: Yeah. They say it's good luck when it rains on your wedding day, but I’m not so sure about the honeymoon.
Mel: Hey, if it means that we can stay inside and cuddle up all day, I’d call it good luck.
Rick: Yeah, me, too. (Breaths heavily)
Mel: Hey, you okay?
Rick: Hey, I got my beautiful wife. I couldn't be better.
Mel: We're going to get you a heart donor. I can feel it.
Rick: Yeah. I don't know, honey. The way I've been feeling lately... Look, you know, we're both doctors. We've got to be realistic here. There's only so much time.
Mel: Hey, look, the only time that matters is now, okay? You're here, I’m here. I say we grab life by the horns, okay? I propose a bold new idea.
Rick: My beautiful wife, always proposing. Proposing marriage, proposing new ideas. What else could it be?
Mel: Well, this time I propose that we just have a normal day, like normal people.
Rick: I don't know, honey. We might have to set some new ground rules. It's been a while since we've had a normal day like normal people.
Mel: Okay. All right, how about no shoptalk? We're off-duty.
Rick: That works for me.
Mel: Yeah?
Rick: Yeah.
Mel: No hospital talk. (Thundering)
Rick: Check.
Mel: No transplant talk.
Rick: Check again.
Mel: Okay, just lots and lots of talk on our fabulous lives together.
Rick: Oh, yeah, it sounds so good. A normal day. You got yourself a deal.
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: Hey. Hi.
Michelle: Hi. Oh, God, I’ve been needing this hug all night long. Where's Robbie?
Danny: He's with the sitter. Honey, you look so tired.
Michelle: No time to sleep. The ER was just completely swamped. My dad even came with me, but even with all the volunteers, the staff was just completely overwhelmed with all the patients. So many accidents.
Danny: Come on, sit. Take a load off. What's the matter? Are you okay?
Michelle: I don't know. I signed on to be a physician's assistant to help people. But I just don't think I can watch people suffer like that.
Danny: Yeah, well, you watch them recover, too, right?
Michelle: Yeah, but when they don't? They're not just patients, you know? They're somebody's father, somebody's sister, son.
Danny: Brother. I know. I know.
Michelle: Danny.
Danny: Hmm?
Michelle: I saw Richard Winslow.
Danny: Yeah, I heard about his accident on the news. How is he?
Michelle: He's bad.
Blake: Richard's still in surgery. Oh, poor Cassie. I can't believe this is happening to her. After everything she's been through.
Reporter: Hi, Holly. Mrs. Marler.
Holly: Oh, yes. I haven't forgotten about our meeting. I just have a few more moments with my daughter and then we'll discuss the news reports. Thanks. All right. The reporter is here. When does the charade begin?
Blake: Any minute.
Holly: You know, with everything that's going on right now, do you really need to do this today?
Blake: Mom, I am going to be separated from my children until we smoke Tory out. Now, we can't fight her if we can't find her. So yes, we're going to do it now.
Holly: If you say so.
Blake: Besides, this is just the beginning. Show time.
Ross: Well, look at this: The incredible disappearing wife.
Blake: I'm sorry. We're not officially married, Ross.
Holly: You know, Blake, Ross, do you have to do this here? Wasn't the scene at the wedding enough?
Ross: No, we are not married but we live together-- or so I thought. And can you explain to me why I woke up in the middle of the night last night and found you gone yet again?
Blake: I'm sorry-- I need permission to leave my own house? You didn't ask for my permission when you slept with that slut of a student.
Ross: Now, Tory had nothing to do with this, so leave her out of it, all right?
Harley: Blake. Can you account for your whereabouts last night?
Holly: Can't we do this somewhere else?
Blake: My whereabouts? What are you talking about?
Harley: The Harbor Master's office-- the one where Tory did or did not hold you hostage? It went up in flames early this morning.
Blake: What does that have to do with me?
Harley: Nothing-- unless you set it.
Ed: Richard's still in surgery.
Cassie: Okay.
Ed: Look, why don't you go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat.
Cassie: No, no. I just want to stay here until he's out.
Ed: It's going to be a while.
Cassie: It's okay. Will you keep checking on him, please?
Ed: I'll come and get you when he's out of surgery.
Cassie: Please, God. Please don't take him from me.
Reva: Cassie?
Cassie: I'm okay. What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be on your honeymoon.
Reva: Well, we got to the airport and our flight was delayed, so we went back to the house and we got up this morning and heard the news.
Josh: How is he?
Cassie: He's been in surgery for hours. I haven't heard anything.
Reva: But have you seen him?
Cassie: He was banged up pretty bad. And the car... The car... It's just... (Sighs)
Ed: Hey.
Josh: Hi. I heard you were back, but I didn't know that you were on staff here.
Ed: No, I’m not. I'm just volunteering. The ER was hit pretty bad last night.
Josh: I see. Tell me about Richard.
Ed: It's not very good. The accident caused severe damage to the central nervous system. Most patients in Richard’s condition do not survive.
Josh: Oh, boy.
Ed: But you can't underestimate the strength of the human spirit. I mean, it's what's keeping Rick alive while we're waiting for a heart donor and it's what Cassie has to concentrate on now.
Josh: Okay. Is it possible that you could continue to monitor this case?
Ed: I've been out of this kind of medicine for so long. I mean, there are so many more doctors here with more extensive medical expertise.
Josh: Yeah, but you have life expertise and that's what Cassie needs right now. Please?
Ed: I'll stay close.
Josh: I appreciate that, thank you. We will continue to pray that Rick will get the heart that he needs.
Ed: Thanks.
Reva: And the kids, do they know?
Cassie: No, no. We were supposed to be spending the night at the Beacon so they are staying with neighbors.
Reva: You want me to call them?
Cassie: No. Will, he's just a baby, and Tammy and R.J., I just... I don't want to tell them anything until I know what's going on.
Reva: All right.
Cassie: The boys are too young and Tammy, she's been through so much already with her father and then Hart dying, and now this. I just don't want to worry her. Reva, I just keep thinking if I had been with him, this would not have happened. My head just keeps spinning with what-ifs, you know? What if he wasn't rushing to get back to see me? And what if he wasn't called out of town on business? I mean, what could he possibly have been doing in Chicago? What kind of ambassador duties would have him in Chicago?
Reva: Cassie, you can't... You can't do that. I mean, you can’t. You'll make yourself crazy with all the what-ifs.
Cassie: I've got to go splash some water on my face. Will you please come get me if...
Reva: Of course, of course. What was I thinking, not telling her about Richard’s new job? I mean, if she'd known, this whole thing would have been different, if he had just told her.
Josh: But he didn't and that was his choice. You were respecting his wishes, that's all. That's all.
I never thought that there could be
a love like yours and mine I never dreamed that I would see
the day that I would find a love that feels so right
but here we are tonight and now the only thing
we really need is time no one can be sure
when the loan will finally come due
but I’m loving all of mine I know what time is for
I’ve borrowed it so I can spend it all right here with you
there was a time when I believed that life held guarantees
there was a time when I was sure
my future was secure
but life had other plans the future's in God's hand
and knowing that has let me live and love you more
we live on borrowed time yesterday is past
tomorrow seems a million miles away
but I promise you that I'm going to make love last
by living every moment every hour every day...
Blake: I don't believe this. I'm a novelist, not an arsonist.
Holly: Will you please lower your voice? People are staring.
Blake: I am not going to lower my voice, mother. Not when my friend here is talking to me like some perp. Do you believe that I did this?
Holly: I don't know what to believe anymore.
Blake: What about you, Ross? You think that I set fire to this building?
Ross: I don't know what to think, but it wouldn't be the first time you've told a lie, would it?
Blake: (Laughs) Okay, all right, that's enough, you know? I really don't have to take this at all. I am so out of here.
Harley: You don't want to forget your... Unleaded or regular?
Ross: That's gasoline. My God, you did do it, didn't you?
Blake: I did not.
Harley: Blake, give me a break. Come on, let's finish this.
Carmen: (Laughs) My, my, my. That Blake Marler always puts on quite a show, doesn't she? Well, it's nice to see the Springfield P.D. suspecting someone other than a Santos for a change. (Laughs)
Danny: What do you want, Carmen?
Carmen: Now, Danny, is that any way to greet your mother? Your sitter told me that I would find you here. I was worried about you, Danny. I wasn't sure if you got caught in that storm or not.
Danny: I didn't, but Michelle did. She was helping her father with all the accident victims at the hospital.
Carmen: A family who works together. So few do these days. How is your brother, Michelle?
Michelle: You know, Carmen, you don't have to pretend you care to spend time with Danny.
Carmen: Forgive me for asking. I thought we'd gotten past our little differences. (Pager beeping)
Michelle: Danny.
Danny: What?
Michelle: It's cardiac care. It could be about a heart for Rick.
Danny: Go, go. Go, go, go. I'll meet you at the hospital.
Michelle: Okay. I'll see you there?
Danny: Yeah. Go.
Carmen: So, where were we?
Danny: What? I think one of us is leaving.
Carmen: Oh, no, Danny. Come on. Stay with me, please. Talk to me. You've been so strange lately.
Danny: Me? That's funny coming from you. All that hanging out with that boyfriend of yours that you've been doing.
Carmen: Surely you don't mean Edmund Winslow.
Danny: Yes, I do. That's the one. You know, Carmen, you should be a little more careful about the company you keep. Small men with big ideas tend to rub certain people the wrong way.
Carmen: Did Edmund say something to you?
Danny: Mm.
Carmen: He's obviously late for our meeting. I'll have to talk to him about that when I see him.
Danny: Don't bother. I spoke with Edmund. He got the message.
Carmen: And what message would that be?
Danny: That threats don't fly with me. I really hate to spoil one of the surprises, but let's just say that I sent Edmund on a little elevator ride. Going down. I don't think you'll be seeing Edmund today.
Siren wailing)
Harley: Excuse us. Come on, out of the way, out of the way.
Reporter: Listen, boss, I think there's a story here.
Holly: Look, I know you're doing your job, but if Blake is involved in this-- and that's a very big "if"-- she's innocent until proven...
Reporter: Right, right. I got it.
Blake: Look, I don't like this, okay?
Harley: Fine. Just stay here while I figure this out.
Ross: Now you listen to me: This could be your last chance. I can't help you unless you tell me the truth, right now.
Blake: Oh, like I want your help. Aitoro.
Ross: Gus?
Blake: Aitoro's here. He's going to blow our plan.
Harley: I'll take... I'll take care of it. Hey, hey. What are... What are you doing here? You're not working. You're not on duty. Right?
Gus: No. I don't understand. I... I heard about Winslow’s car accident on the scanner and then I woke up in the middle of the night. I guess you didn't come home from your shift.
Harley: No, no. I spent the whole night at the hospital with Cassie, and then Richard was still... He was in surgery when I left. I just went straight to the station. I changed and showered there. I'm really sorry that I didn't call you.
Gus: That's fine.
Harley: I know we've got to talk about stuff.
Gus: We can talk about everything later. It's fine. Jude's fine, by the way, as well.
Harley: Thanks.
Gus: In case you're wondering.
Reporter: Detective Cooper, can I get a statement about Blake Marler?
Gus: Oh, is this about Blake Marler? Is that what this is about? What was it? I take it it's not one of her book signings.
Reporter: No, sir. Arson.
Gus: Is that right?
Harley: Could you go away, please?
Gus: Arson.
Harley: Look, I don't... I don’t... I don't know why you're here. You don't even have to work. You can go.
Gus: No, it's fine. I'm here. I'm fine.
Harley: Okay, well, if you want to help me, why don't you interview the onlookers and see if they saw anything?
Gus: Is that what you'd like me to do?
Harley: Do you want to help me or not?
Cop: We've got something here. We got a body in the basement.
Gus: Maybe it's the arsonist.
Harley: No, more likely it's the victim.
Mel: Here you go.
Rick: Thanks. You deserve so much more than this.
Mel: Hey. You're about to break the rules of our normal day. No heart transplant talk, remember?
Rick: I know, but you deserve... You deserve children, honey. You deserve happiness. You deserve...
Mel: I have all of that with you. I am thrilled to be Jude’s stepmom and I'm happy with you every day. And there's more to come.
Rick: What? More children or more happiness?
Mel: Both. This is how it's going to be. We're making the bunny rabbit orange.
Rick: Hi, honey. I'm home.
Kids: Daddy! Daddy! Rick: Oh, my little Bauer’s.
The way you guys are growing up so quickly, daddy's going to have to build another cabin.
Little Rick: Can I help you build it, Daddy?
Rick: Oh, not this time, little Rick. Daddy will have to build it himself. We'll have to wait until you get older.
Little Mel: Daddy, you're so strong.
Rick: Oh, honey, thank you. All the better to hug you with, little Mel.
Mel: Oh, Jude, why don't you take your brothers and sister out to play for me, okay?
Rick: All right. All right guys, you be careful.
Mel: Let's go. And I'll join you guys as soon as I finish whipping up my cure for the chicken pox, okay? Bye.
Rick: Bye.
Mel: Bye.
Rick: Wow. That's quite the brat pack there. I don't know, it's going to be kind of hard to keep track of six kids while we're both working. I've got a better idea. How about this? So that's how daddy fixes a broken leg.
Kids: Wow.
Rick: Yeah.
Mel: Hey, honey, I'm home.
Kids: Hey, Mom.
Rick: Hey!
Mel: Hi. How was your day?
Kid: Daddy taught us how to read an x-ray.
Mel: Really? Well, that's because your daddy is very smart, and that's why he's Chief of Staff at the hospital.
Rick: Mm. And your mommy's pretty smart, too, kids. Oh, honey, the Nobel prize people called. You won it.
Mel: Again? (Laughter)
Rick and Mel: Yay!
Mel: Well, I'm glad you changed your mind about having more than one kid, but I don't know, your fantasy doesn't really cut it.
Rick: Come on. Hey, I gave you the Nobel prize. What else could you possibly want?
Mel: I miss little Rick and little Mel.
Rick: All right, all right. The more the merrier.
Kids: We're back!
Rick and Mel: Yay.
Rick: Come on, guys. Hey, big hug, little Mel.
Mel: (Laughs) See? If we can dream it, we can do it.
Reva: Richard's accident is my fault.
Josh: No, Reva, that's not so. Just think about it, now.
Reva: What am I supposed to think? I mean, if Cassie had known about his job, she would have gone to Chicago with him and maybe they would have waited out the storm together.
Josh: It was a car accident. An accident. No one caused it. No one could have prevented it. Reva, there's only so much we can do to protect the people we love. You know that. It's okay.
Cassie: Is he... Is he all right?
Danny: Luca.
Luca: Hey, Danny.
Danny: I'm assuming you took care of things with Edmund Winslow.
Luca: I tracked down Mr. Winslow and dealt with him, just like you said.
Danny: Good man. That's what I like to hear.
Luca: Right, boss.
Carmen: Danny, um, that was...
Danny: I know who that was, Mother.
Carmen: Did I hear right? Did he call you "Boss"?
Danny: I don't know what you heard, Carmen.
Carmen: Danny, if you did something, I need to know about it.
Danny: Did something? You mean, like, to Edmund? I thought you didn't care about him anymore.
Carmen: I never said that. Of course I'm not in love with the fool, but I hope you didn't hurt...
Danny: Well, you certainly talk about him enough.
Carmen: (Sighs)
Danny: You're always saying I don't do enough for this family.
Carmen: Look, Danny, I'm sorry that I pressured you into...
Danny: Yeah, you did. Maybe this time you pressured me a little too hard.
Carmen: What are you saying?
Danny: I'm not stupid, Mother. I know that you want me to take my place as head of this family. But I'm warning you, be careful what you wish for.
Carmen: You know I don't like to be warned.
Danny: Oh, I know. And I also know that if I were to take over this family, I'm sure you wouldn't be too happy with how I ran things. I think Edmund isn't too happy about it right now. So long.
(Telephone rings)
Mel: Hello?
Michelle: Mel? Hey. It's happened. There's a heart. They found a heart for Rick’s transplant. Mel? Hello, are you there?
Mel: Yes, Michelle. Yes, I’m here.
Michelle: You've got to get Rick back to Cedars as soon as possible. Look, the roads up there are pretty narrow and I'm sure they're still slick from the storm. I don't think an ambulance could get up there and back in time.
Mel: I know. Don't worry. I'll get him there. You can count on it.
Michelle: Is he well enough to make the trip?
Mel: We'll be there. (Whispers) Hey.
Rick: Hey. What's wrong, sweetie? What? (Coughs)
Mel: Happy honeymoon, baby. You got yourself a new heart.
Rick: What? Oh, my God. (Telephone rings)
Michelle: Excuse me. Dad, can I talk to you a minute?
Ed: One sec, Michelle, okay? Give us a little time to get him set up in here, all right? We'll come and get you. Richard? I'm a doctor. You're in a hospital. You were in a car accident.
Richard: Where's Cassie?
Ed: She's fine. She's right outside.
Richard: I... I can't move.
Ed: I know.
Richard: Forever?
Cassie: Can you tell me? Please?
Ed: The surgeons tried to relieve the pressure on the brain, but there was also injury to the spinal cord.
Cassie: What does that mean?
Ed: That means that Richard is paralyzed from the waist down.
Cassie: Will he live?
Ed: I don't know.
Cassie: Well, I do. Because he will.
Reva: Cassie, honey...
Cassie: Reva, he's a survivor. Richard is strong and he's going to survive this because he has to.
Harley: Stop playing games with me. You give me no choice. You can make this easy or you can make it hard.
Blake: Harley, I don't know what you're talking about.
Harley: Well, then, let me review the whole thing for you. You go down to the station, you report that Tory Granger has held you hostage in this basement, then you retract the whole thing. Then, said basement goes up in a puff of smoke.
Holly: This is all circumstantial evidence. It means nothing, right?
Ross: I think we should let Harley finish what she's started.
Blake: Ross.
Harley: Well, I think that sums it up, except that we just found a body in that same basement, and coincidentally, your Tory Granger is nowhere to be found, dead or alive.
Blake: Look, Tory is dead! She is dead. She jumped off this dock and she killed herself. She was dead, she's been dead, she's still dead, and I had nothing to do with it.
Holly: The police are railroading your wife, Ross. Are you going to do something?
Ross: I think Blake just did it.
Harley: How many times do you want me to go over this? A fire, a body. An accident? Maybe. Maybe not. But once I get that report back, Blake, I’m going to know something.
Cop: Detective Cooper? I got the fingerprints that you asked me to get. It's just what you thought.
Gus: What exactly did you think?
Harley: Just let me take a look at this, okay?
Gus: I'm so confused.
Harley: I cannot believe I have to say this.
Blake: Say what?
Harley: The body they found was Tory Granger.
Gus: Are you kidding me?
Holly: That's impossible. Tory committed suicide weeks ago.
Ross: Apparently she didn't.
Harley: You leave me no choice, Blake. I have to put you under arrest.
Blake: Under arr... I didn't burn that building down.
Harley: I'm not arresting you for the fire. I'm arresting you for the murder of Tory Granger.
Ed: I'll be right down the hall if you need me for anything.
Cassie: Okay, so... Surgery went well, right?
Reva: Sweetie, why don't we sit down?
Cassie: I don't want to sit down. You know? The surgery saved his life. It did. And he looked good. He looked so good for someone that just came out of major surgery. I mean, most people couldn't survive an accident like that and Richard did. He is a survivor and he is going to be walking. No, he's going to be running. Tomorrow. He is.
Reva: Sweetie, did you hear what Ed said? Were you listening to him...
Cassie: Yes, I was listening. I was listening, and I know that this is going to take some time, okay? I do. I know that it's not going to happen overnight and Richard’s going to take a little while to get better, but that's okay because I can handle things in the meantime. I can. I can... I can get everything moved to the farm and I can take care of everything at the Beacon and everything will be fine, you know? And Richard and I, we can go there and we can take the kids and we can have picnics. We just had a picnic there, before.
Reva: Look at me. Look at me. Richard is paralyzed.
Cassie: No, Reva, he's not! No, he's not.
Reva: Cassie, Cassie. Sweetie, you're going to have to face the facts here so that you can help him.
Cassie: (Sobbing)
Nurse: Mrs. Winslow, you can see your husband now.
Cassie: (Whispers) Richard, I’m here. I'm here.
Michelle: Dad. Feel like hearing some good news?
Ed: What?
Michelle: They found a heart for Rick’s transplant. I called Mel at the cabin. They're on their way.
Ed: Oh, thank God! But they've got to get here fast. I mean, and the roads up there, with the rain and everything...
Michelle: Don't worry, Dad. I know Mel. She's going to have Rick here if she has to carry him down the mountain.
Mel: Phillip, the chopper. Did you get it? No! All grounded? Why? (Thunder) I realize there's an electrical storm outside, but the rain's stopped. Phillip, we have to get Rick to the hospital, okay? His transplant won't wait. No, no. Don't do that. If an ambulance can't make the climb, I don't want you to try, either. The last thing Rick needs right now is his best friend ending up in the hospital bed next to him. (Thunder) Okay, thanks for trying.
Rick: (Coughs) So, I guess we won't be flying the not-so-friendly skies, huh? We don't... Hey, where are you going?
Mel: Look, if they can't get up here to us, then we just got to get back down there to them.
Rick: Mel, in our car? I mean, we'd have to break the sound barrier to get there in time.
Mel: Baby, Mario Andretti ain't got nothing on me, okay? I'm going to bring the car around, and you're going to get your heart.
Rick: You already have my heart.
Harley: You have the right to remain silent, Blake.
Blake: You can just stop, Harley. I know my rights. My own friend.
Harley: Come on, let's go.
Cop: Clear the way.
Gus: I've got to... Marler. Marler. You're a lawyer. I don't understand. Why aren't you getting in there and defending your wife? ( Siren wailing)
Cop: Clear on out of here. Nothing more to see here.
Tory: Excuse me, Officer? I just heard all the commotion. What happened?
Cop: There was a murder here, ma'am.
Tory: Oh, my goodness. Who was the victim?
Cop: Uh... Granger? Tory Granger.
Tory: But I...
Danny: She's going to be so... Hey, this is such great news about Rick. Your father was just giving me all the details.
Ed: Some people are on the transplant list for months. We are lucky. We are so lucky to find a heart so soon.
Danny: Yeah. What's the matter? You okay? What's wrong?
Michelle: Yeah. I just checked in with this family. The sweetest family. They've got five little kids and their father's waiting for a heart, too. He's on the list after Rick.
Ed: Honey, they're here in case Rick doesn't make it in time.
Danny: Right. Like a backup.
Ed: It's a protocol. I mean, there's a very narrow window of opportunity to do a heart transplant.
Michelle: I just don't know how to handle it. I mean, if I’m going to work in a hospital, you can't play favorites. It's not that I don't want this guy to be okay. I just want my brother to be okay more. Does that make me a monster?
Ed: No. It makes you a human being. Look, if you want a career in medicine, you have to learn how to separate the head from the heart. That's the only way you can do it.
Michelle: Is that how you did it?
Ed: Me? No. I never could.
Rick: I didn't hear the car.
Mel: Rick, the car won't start.
Rick: All right, let's not panic. Did you check everything?
Mel: I checked everything, okay? The battery must be dead. (Thunder) I can't believe this. There's a heart waiting for you at Cedars and we're stuck here. (Medical monitors beeping)
Cassie: Richard, I'm here. I'm here and I’m going to be here. Do you remember when I was sick at the palace and you took care of me? You brought me breakfast in bed and you rubbed my feet. You kept me alive, and I’m going to keep you alive. Do you hear me? I'm going to keep you alive.
Michelle: Cassie? I have Richard’s things from when they brought him in. I thought maybe you'd want to have them with you.
Cassie: Thank you.
Michelle: We're all praying for Richard.
Cassie: Thanks. I gave this to him on our first anniversary. Initials. He kept losing his handkerchiefs. Smells like his cologne.
Reva: What's that, honey?
Cassie: Tammy gave that to him.
Reva: From San Cristobel.
Cassie: She found it... Yeah. For good luck. A picture.
Reva: What's that?
Cassie: Tammy and R.J. and Will, and... What's this? "Luxury sports cars?" Why would he have a car dealership?
Michelle: Maybe he's found a new hobby. You know how guys are about cars. Right, Josh?
Josh: Yes, absolutely.
Cassie: Maybe this was the place he was going to buy me the car.
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