GL Transcript Monday 6/17/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/17/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Harley: It's pouring out there. I mean buckets. I mean buckets of rain out there. Oh, my boots are ruined. Is Jude asleep?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: I can't believe this. I hate it when I’m on call on nights like this. We have to pray that I do not have to go back out there again tonight. Oh, my gosh. Well, what do you want to do for dinner? I think I've got some leftover chicken in the refrigerator. I can make pasta, or I can make a salad, or we can just take the easy way out, and we can order a pizza. I've got a coupon left over, that new place that just opened up.

Gus: Are you done?

Harley: Am I done with what?

Gus: Not talking about this. My sealed juvenile record, which is now unsealed, because somebody's got a very nosy ex-husband.

Harley: (Sighs) Well, I told you I didn't open it.

Gus: So should we just pretend it doesn't exist?

Harley: I'm just trying to do what I thought you wanted me to do. You said that if I trusted you, that I would take your word for it, and I would drop it. Well, I'm dropping it.

Gus: And you're all right with that?

Harley: I don't know. I don't know. I mean, yes, I... Yes, I trust you. And yes, I believe in you. I do. Totally and completely. So I guess when I think of that, and I look at that envelope, I realize that it is enough for me, it has to be. So I don't need to know what's in that envelope. I don't, okay? Not now, not ever.

Gus: What if I want you to know?

Cassie: Excuse me. Excuse me. This must be a really bad accident to be blocking up both lanes of traffic. I hope no one's hurt.

Cop #1: I can't say firsthand, I’ve been stationed back here. But from what I can see, it doesn't look good.

Cassie: Okay, well, I have a trunk full of blankets, I mean, if there's anything I can do to help.

Cop #1: Best thing you can do is sit tight.

Richard: Hello.

Cassie: Richard?

Richard: This is Richard Winslow. I can't take your call at the moment, but leave a message after the beep, and I will take your call promptly. Thank you. (Voicemail beeps)

Cassie: Hi, it's me. I am sitting in really horrible traffic on route 3. I think you're probably sitting in it, too. Looks like traffic is backed in both directions for miles. But unless something starts moving, I am going to be late meeting you at the Beacon for a second honeymoon rendezvous. But I promise I'll make it up to you, okay? I love you. See you soon. (Sirens blaring)

Marah: Tony's at the police station right now, you're sure?

Carmen: Look, Marah, I really don't know why Romeo asked Tony to go down there. Maybe he just wants to say good- bye to my nephew before he's transferred to prison.

Marah: No, no, Tony and Romeo hate each other now.

Carmen: Wouldn't it be just like Romeo to spill the beans about you two now? Purely for revenge.

Marah: Oh, no. No, this is what I’ve been afraid of all along. Why didn't I tell Tony the truth when I had the chance? I got to talk to him before Romeo does.

Romeo: Yep, while you were in jail, me and Marah got it on. And it was her who came on to me, not the other way around. She was all over me, my man.

Tony: You're so full of it.

Romeo: Oh, look at you. You don't believe me? All right, all right. I'll prove it to you. I'll tell you every filthy detail about what Marah's like in the sack. Oh, but that probably wouldn't help, would it? Since the whole time you were with her, you never even got past first base, whereas me, one night and we're doing all kinds of nasty, naughty things.

Tony: What are you getting at, Romeo? What are you trying to pull here? What? What?

Romeo: Just telling it like it is, pal. The girl stepped out on you, Tony, I thought you should know.

Tony: Well, here's some news for you, pal. Even if you were the last guy on earth, Marah wouldn't look at you twice, let alone let you touch her.

Romeo: You know what? That's what I thought, too-- before. But that night she admitted to me: She's got a thing for bad boys. Look, Tony, you were her first choice, I admit that, but after you blew her off, and told her how you really did kill Catalina, the girl felt betrayed by you, man. She was ticked off and hurt, sobbing those big, blue bedroom eyes out. She figured she could get comfort and revenge all in the same place, and I was only too happy to oblige. What do you think you walked in on that night in Infierno?

Tony: You're lying. You're lying.

Romeo: You sure about that?

Tony: Yes, I'm sure.

Romeo: Think about it. Really think about it. (Tony's cell phone rings) I'm sure you'll figure out that it all makes sense. Sad sense. Well, sad for you; Me, I had a blast.

Tony: Shut up! Shut up, Romeo. Shut up, Romeo, not another word out of you. I swear, you're a dead man. I don't care. I don't care where we are. (Cell phone continues to ring)

Marah: Why isn't Tony answering his phone?

Carmen: It's probably his service. Or maybe he just doesn't want to answer the phone for some reason. Don't assume the worst, Marah. Where are you going?

Marah: I have to get to Tony before Romeo does.

(Sirens blaring) (horns honking)

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment on oh

You're the reason I believe in love

Tammy: What do you think about that guy over there?

Lizzie: He's cute.

Tammy: He's really cute.

Lizzie: I guess.

Tammy: You guess?

Marina: All right, refills are on me, but don't tell anyone, because if get busted, it's hasta la vista, back to mom in L.A. I go.

Tammy: Wait, Marina. Marina, you think that guy over there is cute?

Marina: Eh, I mean, so what if he is. I guarantee you, in a week he's going to be in here playing kissy-face with some other girl, and that poor girl is going to be at home bawling her eyes out.

Lizzie: Why do you say that?

Marina: Because he's a guy, Lizzie. They're totally untrustworthy. I mean, take it from one who knows.

Tammy: But how do you know?

Marina: I just do because I’m older.

Tammy: Do you have a boyfriend?

Marina: No, and I don't want one. Look, I've got better things to do than to bend over backwards for some jerk who's not even going to appreciate me anyway.

Lizzie: I'd love to have a boyfriend.

Tammy: Me, too.

Marina: You know what? I think the only condition under which I would even consider having a boyfriend would be if he were, like, my business manger, or my agent, or something. You know, if he could help me become a big success, then maybe I could put up with him.

Lizzie: What do you need an agent for?

Marina: To become a big star, of course. What? I already know how I’m going to get my first break.

Lizzie: How?

Marina: I'm going to get myself picked for one of those reality TV shows. You know, like, the ones where you have to run around on an island and eat bugs with a bunch of strangers and stuff?

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Marina: And once people get a load of my sparkling personality and how great I look in a bikini, I guarantee you, the offers are just going to come pouring in.

Lizzie: That's cool.

Tammy: But once you're a big star, then you'll get a boyfriend, right?

Marina: Well, it depends. I mean, once I’m so in control and adored by millions and millions and millions of people that nothing that a guy could ever do or say would hurt me, then yeah, I might consider going out on some dates.

Lizzie: I wish a guy would ask me out on a date. And Tammy wishes that guy would ask her out on a date.

Tammy: Oh, shut up.

Marina: That guy's not Tammy’s type. She's going to follow in her mother's footsteps and marry some blue-blood brit.

Tammy: No way. I would like a guy like my cousin Marah’s boyfriend, Tony. He is so cute.

Romeo: I bet Marah's still telling you she wants you to be her first, right? Well, sorry, sucker, I beat you to it. Think about what you saw that night in Infierno. I'm sure Marah told you that she was only pretending to come on to me. Think about what it looked like when you walked in. Be honest now. And when do you think I gave her that St. Anthony medal? When we were playing pinochle?

Tony: I'll never let you touch her. Never.

Romeo: We did it right there on the couch in your office. We would've done it again, too, if you hadn't walked in.

Tony: Not another word, Romeo, so help me God!

Romeo: The girl is hot, man. Seriously. With some of the moves she was showing me...

Tony: Damn it, come here. I'm going to choke the life out of you...

Cop #2: Break it up.

Tony: (Grunting)

Cop #2: You want to go back in that cell, Santos? Because that's where you're headed.

Tony: Let go of me. This isn't over! (Romeo coughs)

Gus: I haven't talked about this since it happened. Not that I haven't thought about it every single day of my life.

Harley: Okay, listen to me. I will... I'll just sit here. I won't say anything, I won't go anywhere, I'll just sit and, you know, you just take your time with it.

Gus: Right. I was... I was 16 years old, and I used to hang out with, you know, a pretty bad crowd. And sometimes we'd get into some trouble. And on this one particular night we were on a roof and we were drinking some beers and things got a little out of control, there was a disagreement. And this person pushed me and took a swing at me, so I pushed him back. And he fell.

Harley: He fell off the roof?

Gus: Yeah. He fell off the roof, and he died. Well, obviously. I mean, I don't know too many people who can survive a six- story fall. But I didn't do it on purpose. I mean, on the other hand, you can't really say that it was an accident. You know, you get into a situation like that and-- oh, God-- bad things happen. And in this case it did. And when that is the case, you have to take responsibility for your actions, and so I did. And they booked me for manslaughter. But I was a minor. And they took me to juvie hall. And I did my time, so... Look, I understand if this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Or if you don't want me around your kids, I understand. Of if you can't have me around because of your custody case with Zach, I understand. If you need me to leave, take my things, and walk out that door, that's what I'll do.

Harley: I'm sorry.

Gus: What are you sorry about?

Harley: I'm sorry that what happened happened. I'm really sorry that somebody died. And I'm sorry you went through what you did. God, it must've been terrible for you. But you paid your debt, right? I mean, it's over, right? Because I know I made a lot of bad choices when I was that age, too. Or, actually, I didn't even make any choices, I wasn't capable of thinking, I just did what I did. And I wound up getting pregnant, just like you wound up on that roof. God, thank you so much for telling me about this. I know that was so hard for you. It means so much that you trust me with this information. And I just feel... I feel... I just never felt so close to you before. Never. (Pager beeps)

Harley: Please tell me it's not mine.

Gus: It's not yours.

Harley: Oh, no, no.

Gus: They're calling you back?

Harley: Traffic duty. Somebody hates me.

Gus: Well, it must be an accident or something in this terrible weather.

Harley: Yeah, I guess there is. I'm sorry.

Gus: It's okay. You've been saying that a lot.

Harley: I know.

Gus: You shouldn't be sorry for anything tonight.

Harley: I feel like I... Well, I was really sort of looking forward to staying here and having dinner or something with you. Because I thought maybe we could talk a little bit more because I feel like you don't believe me.

Gus: That I don't believe what?

Harley: That I accept what happened, you know? That I’m not going to judge you for it, or hold it against you.

Gus: I believe you.

Harley: Okay, then, what is this thing that I feel? I feel like there's a distance here, like you're holding back or something. I feel it.

Gus: No, there's nothing.

Harley: Okay. Well, I mean, I'm not happy that I have to go, but I'm glad that everything's okay with us, right? Okay. Well, I...

Gus: Go ahead.

Harley: Maybe I’ll pick up a pizza or something on my way home. You know, when I’m coming home in my boat from this rainstorm. I can't believe I have to go out in the rain like this. Please take care of Jude for me. (Laughs) Okay, bye.

Gus: Bye. Can you hurry... Will you be able to hurry back? All right. Coop, can you not... Can you not... Can you not go yet?

Harley: Oh, no, I have to go. I have to.

Gus: Please, because I haven’t... You can't... I got to tell you more. I didn't tell you the whole story.

(Horns honking)

Female motorist: I saw you talking with the police officer, I guess it's pretty bad up there.

Cassie: Yeah, well, he wasn't sure, but it looks that way.

Female motorist: Well, did he have any idea when we might be moving?

Cassie: No, but I have these blankets, so I’m going to take them up there and see if there's anything I can do.

Female motorist: Well, you've come prepared.

Cassie: Well, prepared to spend the night with my husband. But the night's still young, right? If I hear anything, I'll come back and let you know.

Marah: Where is he? Where is he? Where's Tony?

Romeo: Just missed him. Don't worry, while Tony was here, I told him all about our special night together.

Marah: I think you are the most vile, most disgusting person I have ever met.

Romeo: Really, well, you did a little bit more than just meet me, didn't you, baby? And I told Tony all the gory details.

Marah: Tomorrow, I hope they transfer you to the worst prison in the state, and I hope you rot there for the rest of your miserable life! You think that you've turned Tony against me, but you're wrong.

Romeo: You sure about that?

Marah: Yes, I’m sure about that, because Tony and I love each other, and somehow, some way, we are going to get past this. We're going to beat this, and we're going to beat you.

Romeo: You're wrong, Marah! Tony will never forgive you. Never!

Lizzie: If I ever brought a guy like Tony home...

Tammy: Your dad would kill you.

Lizzie: And if he didn't, my Grandpa Alan would finish the job. He doesn't want me dating, period.

Marina and Tammy: Why not?

Lizzie: Well, he says it will interfere with his plans for me. According to him, I have a destiny.

Marina: You have a destiny?

Lizzie: Yeah, he says I’m going to run Spaulding Enterprises one day. I'm going to beautiful and powerful, and men will quake when I enter the room. Well, that's what he says.

Marina: Sounds good to me.

Tammy: Well, yeah, but he's with Olivia.

Lizzie: Excuse me, but in case you've forgotten, your dad was engaged to Olivia before he met your mom.

Tammy: Well, yeah, but she was a whole lot nicer back then.

Lizzie: And your uncle, Josh, was married to her, so she can't be all that bad, can she?

Tammy: Let's ask Shayne what he thinks?

Shayne: Ask Shayne what he thinks about who?

Tammy: Olivia Spencer.

Shayne: Oh, yeah, my wicked ex-stepmother.

Tammy: See? Lizzie? Lizzie.

Shayne: Yeah, you know, you sure picked a fine day to ask for a ride, you know.

Lizzie: Yeah, I know. Is it still raining out there.

Shayne: No, I actually just decided to take a shower with my clothes on.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Tammy: Why are you laughing so hard?

Lizzie: Because it's funny.

Tammy: It isn't all that funny.

Marina: Shayne, you are soaking wet, and you're dripping all over my floor.

Shayne: Look, since when is it your floor? I thought this was your grandpa's establishment.

Marina: Yes, it is. But if some customer comes in here and slips into this little puddle that you made and sues us, it's going to be my hide that Buzz takes it out of.

Shayne: Yeah, that's a nice hide at that.

Marina: Will you go in the bathroom and dry off.

Shayne: Come on, just towel me off.

Marina: Go.

Lizzie: Shayne, can you give me a ride home along with Tammy?

Marina: Lizzie, I thought your mom was going to pick you up?

Lizzie: No, I... I need a ride home, if that's okay?

Shayne: Yeah, sure, whatever, I guess. Oh, boy, I’m dripping another puddle.

Marina: All right, you are asking for it Shayne Lewis. Move.

Lizzie: What? What?

Tammy: Lizzie likes Shayne. Lizzie likes Shayne...

Lizzie: Shh. No, I do not. Was it that obvious?

Tammy: Way obvious.

Harley: There's more to the story?

Gus: Yeah. This is so much harder... Harder than I thought.

Harley: Okay, wait. Somebody went off a roof when you were 16, yes or no?

Gus: Yes.

Harley: And you went to juvie hall for that, right?

Gus: Yeah. Yes. Yes, everything that I told you... Most of what I told you is true.

Harley: Okay. Okay. Okay. What haven't you told me?

Gus: It wasn't me.

Harley: What wasn't you?

Gus: It wasn't me who was responsible for that accident. It wasn't me; it was somebody else.

Harley: You mean it wasn't your fault? You didn't...

Gus: Why did I take the blame? I took the rap because I had to. I stepped in and I said it was me.

Harley: Wait a minute, you lied to protect somebody else? You put your whole future on the line?

Gus: Yeah, well, I had to. It had to be done. Listen, if you understood all the details, it would be clear to you. But it's not about that, okay? This is about you and me, and I don't want you to think that I purposely kept something from you not to be honest with you or something. This has been inside me for such a long time, I’ve never told anybody about this. You're the first person that knows about this, okay? So it’s...

Harley: In all these years?

Gus: Yeah, so. I mean, the story I told you before, it's just been my cover story, and I’ve been saying it for such a long time, I'm starting to believe it myself, you know. But I don't want you to think... I mean, you looked at me the way that you did, and I just thought that you deserve... You deserve to know the truth.

Harley: Okay, wait a second. Let me catch up here, okay? All these years, you have had this... This sealed file hanging over your head. And everybody has thought that you did this terrible thing when you were a kid.

Gus: No, no, no, nobody thought I did anything because nobody knew about it. This was a suppressed file. Nobody was supposed to be able to get their hands on this. And how Spaulding did it, I don't know how, but he pulled it...

Harley: But still, you were found guilty for something that you didn't do, right?

Gus: Yeah, but that's fine. I wanted it like that. I wanted it like that.

Harley: Okay, but why would you want it like that? Why would you want to pay the price for somebody else's mistake?

Gus: I just did. That's the way I wanted it, that's all.

Harley: Why? Why? I mean, fine, you know, when you're a kid, that's fine. Gang loyalty or whatever, but don't want you want your name cleared?

Gus: No, I don't! I don’t.

Harley: Why?

Gus: Look, my life is fine, okay? I've gotten ever... It's never slowed me down, I've gotten everything I wanted. I went to college, I went to law school, I got into the F.B.I., I got into the Springfield police... My life is fine. But if this person, I mean, if their identity ever got out that they were ever found responsible in any way, it would just ruin their life.

Harley: Okay. Who is this person?

Gus: I'm sorry, I cannot tell you that.

Harley: Oh, come on. You're still protecting them, even from me?

Gus: It's not like that. Don't say it like that.

Harley: Tell me what it's like.

Gus: This is not about... This is not about whether I trust you or not, okay? This is about a promise that I made to somebody a long time ago. This is way before I ever met you... I made this promise for a very good reason, and as long as... As long as they exist, this person exists, I can't give up their identity, I can't give it up to anybody, and that includes you. I'm sorry.

Harley: Okay, fine. But I hate it that people think that you're guilty of something that you didn't do. I hate that.

Gus: I could care less what people think about me. I don't care what they think.

Harley: You know what?

Gus: I only care about you.

Harley: But for me, it's another example of people thinking that you're guilty of something terrible. And if they just knew you the way that I know you.

Gus: That's fine, but I don't care. I only care what you think. I only care about your opinion, okay? So if you... If you're hearing me, if you believe me, if you trust me, can we just let it go now?

Harley: Yes. But if you ever did want the real story to come out, I would support you. I mean, I'm going to support you no matter what, okay?

Gus: Ditto. Mushrooms.

Harley: What?

Gus: On my pizza I would like... I would like to have some mushrooms, please. And I would like to have some sausage. And I'd like to have some onions. And I would like some peppers, but I don't like the green peppers.

Harley: You know what? I hope that the person... This person that you're protecting, whoever they are, I hope he appreciates it. I hope he appreciates you.

Tammy: Why didn't you tell me that you liked my cousin?

Lizzie: Because I didn't want this to happen. You're never going to let me get over this. And if he ever found out, I’d be so embarrassed, Tammy.

Tammy: Don't worry, I won't make fun of you at all, Lizzie. But you know, don't forget that he likes...

Lizzie: Marina. Marina, I know, I know. Because she's his age, and she's really cool, but I can dream, can't I?

Marina: Hey, Lizzie, can I talk to you for a second?

Lizzie: Sure.

Marina: Okay, I just wanted to say that I’m really, really sorry for roping you into all that mess with my Aunt Harley, and Gus Aitoro in the hotel room. You know, I just thought he was really bad news, and I was trying to help Harley get rid of him, but it just... The whole thing backfired. I mean, it was just a big mess.

Lizzie: Tell me about it.

Marina: So your parents came down on you pretty hard on you for your part in it, didn't they?

Lizzie: Not too bad.

Marina: No?

Lizzie: Well, they made me sit for a long time and think about the consequences of my actions. And they said they were disappointed in me, that hurt the most.

Marina: Wow, really? I don't think Phillip was ever that mellow when he was with Harley. Beth must be a good influence on him.

Lizzie: Listen, I understand why everyone is so upset with you. But I also understand why you did what you did. Olivia says that it's okay to tell a lie sometimes, well, for a really good reason.

Marina: Olivia doesn't sound that bad. Still, if there's anything I can ever do to make it up to you, just let me know, okay?

Lizzie: Okay, thanks.

Marina: Yeah.

Lizzie: Marina, what do you think about Shayne? I mean, do you, like, like him?

Marina: You mean do I, like, like him like him? No. Okay, first of all, I just told you, I’m not interested in dating guys right now. And I don't know, even if I was, he's nice, but he's way too young for me-- emotionally speaking, that is.

Lizzie: But he's so cute.

Tammy: I'm ready to go whenever you are.

Shayne: We're not in a rush or anything; we can hang out for a little bit.

Tammy: Fine with me. My parents aren't going to be back until morning. They're on their second honeymoon.

Harley: I've got her!

Cassie: What's going on?

Harley: Cassie, listen to me, you have to stay here, okay?

Cassie: Is it that bad? Harley, what's...Harley, what's...

Marah: Tony. I know what Romeo told you.

Tony: There's only one thing that I want to know, Marah. One thing. Is it true? Did you have sex with him? Did you have sex with Romeo? Huh?

Marah: Yes. Yes, I did.

Gus: Well, I kept our little secret. But it wasn't easy. No, it wasn’t.

Harley: Cassie. Cassie...

Cassie: Richard! That's Richard. It's Richard. Oh, my God.

Cop #1: Ma'am, please. Ma'am...

Cassie: Can he hear me? Richard, are you okay? Richard... Harley, what happened?

Harley: I don't know. I don't know.

Cassie: Richard, are you okay? Can you hear me? Richard? Is he hurt? Is he hurt? Richard?


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