Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/10/02
Provided By
Proofread By Tanya
(Missed the first minute or so)
Alan: Another Josh and Reva wedding? I know, we can go to Towers, have a wonderful dinner together. Or, we can stay here, and go to bed.
Olivia: Oh, you know what? That sounds really lovely, but something has come up and I have other plans.
Alan: Really?
Olivia: Yeah. Business meeting.
Alan: A business meeting dressed like that?
Olivia: Well, it's important.
Alan: Well, cancel it.
Olivia: It's important, Alan. I just told you.
Alan: And I said cancel it, Olivia.
Olivia: I can't. It's a personal project of mine and tonight is crucial to its success. Look, I'll tell you all about it once it's all in the bag, okay? Give me a rain check?
Alan: Don't mistake my fascination with you as weakness. And don't ever dismiss me like some lapdog.
Josh: In fact, we think it's fitting that we are in this old building-- a building that's under construction, that is still undergoing renovation-- a work in progress, much like our marriage.
Billy: I think you better get a hard hat, buddy. (Laughter)
Rusty: Amen to that.
Josh: But, like this old building, if the foundation is strong, if the structure is sound, we will weather any storm that comes our way.
Reva: I know what they're all thinking. They're all thinking why should they believe this because they've heard it before... (Laughter) ...And it never stuck, so why should it this time? Why should it be any different? Well, because, it will be.
Josh: That's right. It's already different because we're older.
Reva: And wiser.
Josh: Yes, we're much wiser. In fact, we were pretty smart when we were kids, because even then we knew that we belonged together. Right?
Reva: We knew that when we were six. It was never a question of our not knowing each other. It was the fact that we were a couple of kids that didn't know ourselves.
Josh: I'm just thinking now about our first wedding... (Laughs) ...And something you said to me that day. For those of you who weren't there, it was a beautiful day on the banks of a river. We were in a field with daisies and there was a sweet smell in the air and you were wearing that big, white hat. ( Laughter) And there were tears in your eyes.
Reva: I believe I said, "This is heaven."
Josh: You said, "This is the day where the past meets the future."
Reva: "Right here, right now."
Josh: And it still is. Reva, it still is.
Reva: And then you said to me, "My whole life is yours."
Josh: Okay, at our second wedding... (Laughter) ...As we move forward in this story... (Laughter) ...At our second wedding, Reva got so emotional that, in the beginning, she couldn't even speak.
Rusty: Ah, there's a first time for everything. (Laughter)
Reva: Well, excuse me, I didn't have to speak because you all did enough talking for both of us, but I believe that it was my sweet son Dylan who summed it up best that day when he said that the best things in life don't change, they grow.
Josh: We have been through a lot of changes, haven't we? Some changes when we were together, and some when we were apart from each other, but our love for each other-- that never changed.
Reva: Never.
Josh: It just grew.
Reva: When Joshua proposed to me at Cross Creek... Actually, this last time he proposed to me. (Laughter) He created a ritual for us by lighting candles, and each candle represented a memory from our life together. Lots of memories-- some good and some not so good-- and we decided that we'd kind of like to share that ritual with all of you in hopes that maybe it'll bring us all together today, this evening. So, if you reach under your chairs, there's candles.
Josh: Marah and Shayne, come on up here. Thank you, son.
Reva: This is the true test. (Laughter) Thank you. Thanks, sweetheart. This is a unity candle and when we light this candle, we'll be making two lights one, and making two separate lives one, as well.
Josh: And then we will share that flame with all of you, and we will create a circle of love and light. (Soft music)
Olivia: Yeah, I know. You want to... You want to run the show, you want to own me. Tell me something I don't already know.
Alan: No, you tell me. Tell me what is so special about this business meeting of yours tonight that you can't discuss it with me.
Olivia: You know what, Alan? I'm not cheating on you, if that's what you think.
Alan: There are all sorts of ways to cheat.
Olivia: Look, I don't ask to know every detail of your life. I expect the same courtesy in return. If you can't give me that, I値l have to find another place to live.
Alan: You don't want to do that.
Olivia: No, what I don't want is to be trivialized or marginalized and told what I can and cannot do! Not by you, by Cassie, by Beth, by anyone!
Alan: When are you going to stop this insecurity of yours?
Olivia: Perhaps when you stop patronizing me. Why is it that no one can respect me for who I am? Why is it no one wants me to succeed on my own terms? I have worked my whole damn life for respect, and I have started from the bottom, Alan, something you have never known and never will.
Alan: Oh, yes, you were totally destitute in San Cristobal, weren't you?
Olivia: I deserve a place in life and I am going to find it, and I am going to find it right here in this little town. You be very nice to me, I might just tell you how, but right now, I have plans.
Alan: We're not through talking, Olivia.
Olivia: Too bad, I am.
Alan: Olivia!
Josh: And we are also grateful for all of you and for sticking with us for all these years and, believe me, we both know that that's not always been easy. Now, there are three others that we want to take a moment to acknowledge, three people who are not with us here physically but who are always with us in our hearts. The first is my father, our father, H.B. Lewis, who loved his family fiercely, who always put us first-- right?-- And who taught us by his example. Now, the next would be my mother, Miss Martha, who died far too young, but who managed to somehow put a whole lot of love into her short life. And we carry her love with us here tonight.
Reva: And I壇 like to thank my mama, Sarah, who was probably the wisest, most wonderful woman that I致e ever known in my life, because she used to tell me all the time to believe in myself and to follow your heart. And I heard you, Mama, and that's what I'm doing here. (Laughs) Thank you.
Josh: Reva and I feel truly blessed to have found each other, and to still be together after all these years, and we are very thankful for all of you.
Reva: We've written some personal vows so I guess we'll do those now.
Billy: All right. (Laughter)
Josh: No. You know what? No. Sit down, please. Sit. We're not going to do this.
Reva: What? We're not?
Josh: No. (Laughter) Stay... Don't hit me, okay? Just stay with me on this thing. (Laughter) We said this was going to be different so let's not make a bunch of public promises right here and now. Let's save those for later when we're alone, just the two of us, okay? Because what we say in those vows is going to be very important.
Reva: Can we... Can we still exchange the rings? (Laughter) Or are we not going to do that, either? (Laughter)
Josh: (Laughs) No, we're going to exchange the rings.
Reva: All right!
Josh: I want to exchange the rings, okay, because I am proud to be putting a ring on your finger and I want to do that in front of the whole world, and I also want to say this, that when I do that, you will have my mind and my heart and my body-- lucky you-- and my soul. Okay?
Reva: You sure you're ready to give me all those things?
Josh: I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Are you sure you're ready for it?
Reva: Yeah. So bring on the rings and everything that comes with them.
Josh: Okay, baby, you got it. Barbara, come on up. You all... Some of you know Barbara Conrad. She sang beautifully at my father's memorial service and she is going to sing for us here tonight again at this much more happier occasion.
Barbara: Amazing grace how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
was blind but now I see
t'was grace that taught my heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed
through many dangers toils and snares
I have already come t'was grace that brought
you safe thus far and grace
will lead you home... (Applause) (applause)
Josh: Okay. Well, now that we have exchanged the rings, it's time to make it legal, so you are on. After you, darling.
Reva: Oh, yes. Oh, I forgot this part.
Josh: I think we have to sign something over here. There we go.
Reva: Thank you so much.
Josh: Thank you very much.
Justice of the peace: You're welcome.
Josh: All right. Don't anybody get up because we're not done yet. We've got just a little more to do here. After our two previous false starts, we figured it would be a good idea to just hedge our bets a bit. You know, take out a little insurance, something to seal the deal.
Reva: A lot of countries have certain traditions that they perform, uniting newly married couples. So we decided to have our family help us perform some of those traditions, because we thought that the more we did, the more people we got involved, the better our chances would be of having a lot of love and luck and happiness. So Cassie, Richard...
Richard: Actually, this custom is from right here in this country. In native American marriage ceremonies, the bride and the groom wash their hands, and it's said that the water will wash away evil spirits.
Cassie: It also washes away all the hurt and the mistakes from the past to make room for all the fresh, positive energy to enter your lives. So dive on in. Oh! (Laughter)
Reva: I feel it!
Josh: This part's nice. I like this.
Reva: I like this, too.
Josh: Baby.
Cassie: Okay.
Rusty: Now, another tradition is from the Philippines and it's called the "Veil and the Lasso." This is the Filipino way of sealing the marriage union.
Hawk: All right, now, that there's the veil.
Josh: Okay.
Hawk: Now, you know, out there in the Philippines, they use a little piece of silk cord for the lasso. I'm sure it's real pretty and all that, but this here... This here is an Oklahoma wedding.
Josh: Uh-oh.
Rusty: So we're going to use the real McCoy.
Hawk: All right. You get up real close together now.
Josh: Is this going to hurt?
Hawk: Close, close, close, close.
Reva: Okay, okay.
Josh: All right, okay.
Hawk: Hello. Here we go. Here we go.
Josh: There we go.
Reva: Oh, dear, oh, dear.
Rusty: Pull her tight.
Hawk: Pull her tight.
Josh: Very nice. You know what? I like this one. (Laughter) This is my favorite so far.
Rusty: Could we be serious for just a second?
Reva: Yes, yes. Sorry.
Rusty: Go ahead, Pa.
Hawk: All right, now. Here we go. (Laughter) You all behave under there.
Rusty: Now, Josh and Reva?
Reva: Yes?
Josh: Yes? (Laughter)
Rusty: Serious now? May you always be as close as you are right now.
Hawk: And wherever you look, may you only see each other.
Rusty: All right, that does it. (Cheers and applause) Oh, look, they caught them.
Reva: That's it?
Rusty: Not unless you want us to brand you.
Reva: Uh, no. Brothers.
Billy: Now it's our turn.
Trish: Yep, it's our turn. Mindy, come on. Come on, sweetie.
Billy: Now, Cassie and Richard already took care of all the evil spirits from the past, so we have a little tradition here from-- oh, my goodness-- India, to prevent all the evil spirits from the future from getting their hooks into you. And God knows you all need it.
Josh: Oh, thank you so much.
Billy: No, no, we love you. We're just looking out for you and want to protect you. So here's to the third time being the charm. And may the love between you always flow, and may you have smooth sailing and clear skies for the rest of your life.
Josh: All right.
Reva: Absolutely. (Cheers and applause)
Shayne: And now we have one last tradition to perform and this'll all be official.
Marah: In the Jewish faith the groom steps on a glass and crushes it at the end of the wedding ceremony.
Shayne: And why they do this, we don't know. (Laughter)
Marah: Yes, we do. There are many explanations as to what this tradition symbolizes, but there are two that Shayne and I both really liked. The first one is that it symbolizes the frailty of marriage.
Shayne: Yes, and I hope you guys have realized that by now.
Marah: And the second is that, like the wedding ceremony, the crushing of the glass is a transformational event. Once done, it can never be undone, so you guys-- Dad, like you said-- once you guys get married, that's it, all right? There's no going back.
Josh: Okay, sweetie.
Shayne: And one last thing. We all know my mother very well, and I know she would not be too content with just my dad breaking the glass, so we got her one, too, to smash. (Cheers and applause)
Reva: Do they know me or do they know me? We love you guys so much.
Josh: With all of our hearts we do, yes.
Shayne: Let's make sure we've got them in there.
Reva: You might want to lay them sideways. (Laughter)
Marah: All right. Everybody help them out.
All: One, two, three! (Cheers and applause)
Josh: Okay. I think we've done everything we need to do. I think that's it. So, by the power vested in us by us, I now pronounce us husband and wife.
Reva: You can kiss the bride.
Josh: All right. (Cheers and applause) (Fast-paced fiddle music)
Harley: Champagne.
Gus: I will have just a ginger ale, no ice, thanks.
Frank: I have something to say to you.
Gus: I'm sure you do, Frank.
Frank: The other night when my daughter came forward and admitted that she lied about what happened in your hotel room? Well, I kind of got caught up in everything that was going on there, and I didn't take the opportunity to apologize.
Gus: To who?
Frank: To you. I accused you of something without having all the facts in. It was wrong and I am sorry.
Buzz: My son just apologized to you.
Gus: Yeah, I know.
Buzz: Aren't you going to say something?
Gus: Uh, I'm glad that you finally saw the light there, Frank.
Dylan: I missed you, too.
Vanessa: Now, come here, you. Tell me all about Peter. How is he?
Dylan: Oh, he's great. His new thing's fishing. He loves it.
Vanessa: Fishing?
Dylan: We're going to take him out on the boat practically every weekend.
Vanessa: Does he catch anything?
Dylan: Oh, yeah. He caught a little fish the other day. He tried to cast one and he grabs his pants and he rips his pants up the back. (Laughter)
Vanessa: Was he embarrassed?
Dylan: I'm just impressed he didn't cut himself.
Cassie: Hi, there. Hi, Vanessa.
Vanessa: It's such a beautiful wedding. It's just so lovely.
Cassie: Thank you. Um, I'm sorry, but we need to take some family photos, if you don't mind.
Mindy: Yeah. We'll be right back, all right?
Ross: Still quite a bit of tension.
Vanessa: Well, it's understandable, with Dinah and everything.
Ross: Vanessa, I had no idea you were going to be here. It's good to see you.
Vanessa: It's wonderful to see you. And you. Tell me, how's everything? What's going on in your lives?
Blake: Wonderful. Everything's great. We're very happy.
Vanessa: Oh, good. And the children? How are the children?
Ross: Well, you could tell me that. I mean, I hear from Dinah every once in a while in a letter, but they're very vague and there's always a different postmark. Is she all right emotionally?
Vanessa: Well, she's all right. I mean, she's holding her own. She's not any worse. Oh, hi, honey.
Bill: Hi.
Vanessa: Thank you so much. We were just talking about Dinah. Bill just saw her not too long ago. He's been traveling all over the world.
Ross: Really? Doing what, Bill?
Bill: Well, as little as possible, really.
Blake: Well, there's a philosophy.
Vanessa: Now, wait a minute. You worked everywhere you were.
Bill: And played. I mean, balance is everything, right?
Vanessa: Does that sound like his father's son?
Ross: Yeah, it does.
Blake: Where were you traveling?
Bill: Well, I went everywhere. Europe, Australia, the far east. Down south.
Olivia: You know the other day, Beth, when I tried to give your daughter some advice and you told me to butt out? Right back at you.
Beth: I really don't know what you expect to accomplish here, but this is...
Olivia: You know, I知 keeping an eye on my investment. See, I own the place. I'll step foot in here anytime I damn well please.
Ross: Yeah.
Blake: Ross.
Ross: What?
Blake: Either I知 losing my mind or I think I just saw Tory.
Ross: Where?
Josh: Yes, I mean right now. I can't wait any longer.
Reva: Okay, don't push.
Josh: Walk this way.
Reva: Oh, me, neither. Okay. Where? Here?
Josh: All right?
Reva: Okay. So, who goes first?
Josh: You go first.
Reva: Oh, you see, I don't have to read mine, though, because I was up half the night writing it, but I kept coming back to the same three words. Four words. I will love you forever, Joshua. Always. What? What is it?
Josh: Read this.
Reva: We wrote the same thing. (Laughs)
Josh: Of course we did. I will love you forever, Reva. Always. (Cheers and applause) I don't like our friends anymore. (Cheers and applause) I don't like our friends anymore.
Reva: (Laughs) Wouldn't you like to know? (Fiddle music playing)
Phillip: I'm tired.
Beth: No, come on!
Phillip: No, I'll tell you what: Next really, really slow one, I知 your man.
Beth: I'm going to hold you to that.
Phillip: Okay. (Fiddle music playing)
Ross: I don't know. Are you sure it was Tory that you saw?
Blake: I'm not sure of anything, Ross, but for a fleeting moment, I thought I saw her.
Ross: Well, if your first response was, "It's Tory," trust your instincts, because I do.
Marah: There is not going to be any better time than now. Come on. Hey, gang?
Everybody: Yeah?
Marah: This is Tony Santos. Tony is very important to me.
Everybody: Oh, hi.
Marah: This is my Grandpa Hawk and my Uncle Rusty and my Aunt Trish, and Dylan, and my cousin Mindy.
Tony: Nice to meet you all.
Hawk: So you are the one, huh?
Trish: Do you go to Springfield U., Tony?
Tony: No, actually, I own my own restaurant.
Trish: At your age? That's very enterprising. I'm impressed.
Hawk: It really is a nightclub, too, isn't it, son?
Tony: It's a nightclub and a restaurant. And you know, while you all are in town, you guys can come over, I'll hook you up with a free meal. Huh?
Hawk: That does sound good.
Trish: Thank you very much. We'd love that. Listen, would you mind if I borrowed her for just a minute?
Tony: No.
Trish: Thank you. See you guys in a bit. He is so cute. Is it serious between you two?
Marah: Very.
Trish: Oh, sweetie. Well, as your auntie, I guess I should give you some sort of advice, but you know what? I think you're so smart you don't need any.
Marah: Well, I'm not as smart as you think I am, Aunt Trish.
Cassie: Olivia? Can I talk to you? This is Josh and Reva's wedding. I think you need to go home-- now.
Olivia: And if I don't?
Cassie: Well, I値l toss you out myself, and don't make me. You've already humiliated yourself enough.
Olivia: Edmund? Do it.
Blake: I don't know, but I'm sick of waiting for her next move.
Ross: You know, Blake, why don't we take control for a change? Why don't we make the rules?
Blake: You're right. That's exactly what we should do. From now on, we call the shots.
Mindy: Oh, you've never had to stand in line.
Frank: Look at you. You look terrific.
Mindy: Thank you.
Frank: You really do. It's been a long time since we've done something like this.
Mindy: It's good to see you, too.
Bill: I can't get over how you look.
Beth: Me? Oh, no, no, no. You're the one who's changed. I hardly recognized you.
Bill: No, you look exactly the same, exactly like her.
Beth: Like who?
Bill: This woman that I knew down in Texas. When I first met her, I thought the resemblance was uncanny, but now that I see you again, it's, like, God, you could be twins. I mean, although she was a redhead and quite a handful. Her name was Lorelei.
Billy: Little brother.
Josh: Yeah?
Billy: Time for the first dance with your new wife.
Cassie: Well, that would be the third first dance.
Billy: Who's counting?
Josh: Well, thank you.
Billy: You're welcome.
Reva: Oh, hello. La-la-la-la-la. (Laughs)
Josh: Well, now, may I have this dance, Mrs. Lewis?
Reva: Well, wow, yes. You absolutely may, Mr. Lewis.
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