GL Transcript Friday 6/7/02

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 6/7/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Josh: Hey.

Reva: Oh, oh.

Josh: (Laughs) What?

Reva: If those are your wedding vows, you're cutting it awfully close.

Josh: Oh, I know that. I'm usually so good with deadlines.

Reva: Oh, boy. Here we are again, breaking all the rules, waking up on our wedding day.

Josh: Well, I like to think of it as a tradition. Now how did you know I was working on my wedding vows?

Reva: Because when... Oh.

Josh: (Laughs)

Reva: ...When you were dozing off last night...

Josh: Yeah?

Reva: ...I wrote mine.

Josh: You did?

Reva: Mmm.

Josh: And you were happy with what you came up with?

Reva: I'm happy with you.

Josh: That was a good thing to say.

Reva: It's going to be a beautiful day.

Josh: Yes, it is.

Reva: And by this time tomorrow...

Josh: Yeah, I know. Let's get out of here.

Reva: Ooh, right this second?

Josh: Yeah, right this second.

Reva: Oh, yeow. Oww.

Josh: You see, the sooner we get out of here, the sooner we get to come back, read these last-minute vows to each other.

Reva: You're always thinking.

Josh: Mostly of you these days, yeah.

Rick: No. No! Oh, God.

Ed: Shh, shh. It's okay. It's all right.

Rick: (Gasping)

Ed: Try to go back to sleep. It's still early.

Rick: I just... I was just having a bad dream.

Ed: I know.

Rick: So how long have you been here?

Ed: Not long. Here, take some of this.

Rick: (Coughs)

Ed: Can I get you anything else?

Rick: No, I'm fine. Is Mel here? I can... I think I could smell her perfume.

Ed: There's nothing wrong with your nose. No, she just stepped out to get a bite to eat. She'll be back any minute.

Rick: So what's it like outside?

Ed: It's nice. She's holding up very well, Rick. I mean, she's really encouraged that you've been, you know, jumped ahead on that transplant list.

Rick: Yeah, that is good news. It was totally unexpected, right? I mean, if I知 going to play the waiting game, it's nice to wait when you're at the top of the list.

Ed: Absolutely.

Rick: So, come on, who are we kidding?

Ed: Rick, don't.

Rick: You know, you asked me if I wanted something else, damn it, well, you know, I do want something else. I want another month with my wife. Can you give me that?

Tony: Hey. Well, you're up early.

Carmen: Out late, actually, and you?

Tony: I was having breakfast with Jan Kowski. You know, iron out those hassles with his delivery guys...

Carmen: Good.

Tony: ...And I took care of it.

Carmen: So you're back into the swing of things, huh?

Tony: Yeah.

Edmund: Most people I know take some sort of vacation after beating a murder rap.

Carmen: Antonio, I have some ideas of how to improve Infierno, in case you're interested.

Tony: Is that right?

Carmen: Yeah. You have some time to listen to them?

Edmund: Actually, not now. Why don't you two put your heads together and come up with something? I have a meeting I need to take, all right? Excuse me. May I?

Olivia: Sit, stand, I don't care, as long as you have a viable plan worked up.

Edmund: Well, this day is off to a rousing start, isn't it?

Olivia: Well, do you or don't you?

Edmund: Have a plan? Olivia, my sweet, I always have a plan, and you are just chomping at the bit to ruin Josh and Reva's wedding, aren't you?

Olivia: The wedding is a backdrop for a much bigger event.

Edmund: Oh, which would just happen to take place as those two are exchanging saccharine endearments, 'eh?

Olivia: If all goes well, I知 going to walk home with a prize.

Edmund: Wait a minute. The Beacon.

Olivia: Exactly. And I won't have to share control with little Miss Princess Airhead. And the best part, Edmund, is she's setting herself up to be squeezed out. Just one little unfortunate event.

Edmund: Wait. So Josh and Reva...

Olivia: Are not my primary objective, no. But if I can help them add a little excitement to their, what, 50th wedding, then...

Edmund: Well, what has the decency to stand in your way?

Reva: Why is it that food always tastes better when you're having it outside?

Josh: I know the answer to that question. It's because there's more air outside. It's true. It circulates around your head, stimulates the taste buds.

Reva: Well, then, maybe we should test that theory. We could have a nice little picnic.

Josh: We could do that, or we could forget about the picnic and just, you know, lay on a blanket and neck for a while. How would that be?

Reva: Mmm, sounds stimulating.

Josh: (Laughs)

Reva: I think we'd be tempting bad luck doing that.

Josh: Oh, I don't care about that kind of thing. Come on. What's our next risky activity going to be?

Reva: I'm open for suggestions.

Josh: Are you? Okay. Maybe a quick change of clothes, we'll go for a little walk, and then maybe take a little nap together.

Reva: Mm...

Josh: And then after that, I don't know, let's see. Around sunset, maybe we'll get married? How would that be?

Reva: Sounds good to me.

Josh: Yeah?

Reva: I'm free.

Josh: Come here. That's why I love you. (Laughter) You taste like muffins. (Laughs)

Cassie: Where have you been all night, young lady?

Josh: Uh-oh.

Reva: Out.

Marah: It's about time you brought her home.

Cassie: Mm-hmm.

Josh: I'm sorry. We didn't know there was a curfew.

Mindy: You call that an excuse?

Josh: Hey!

Reva: Mindy, when did you get in?

Mindy: Hello.

Reva: Hi, sweetie.

Mindy: I took a redeye in. I got in before sunup.

Josh: Come here, darling. Oh, hello, Melinda Sue. Paris most definitely still agrees with you.

Mindy: Oh, only when I think like a French woman.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: And speaking of women...

Marah: Ah, we've got something planned for you.

Reva: You do?

Mindy: Oh, we do, and I got here just in time, my dear.

Josh: Well, this just sounds like so much fun. I'll make coffee.

Cassie: I don't think so, big guy. Look, I'm sorry. We have some words of wisdom for Reva, and it is strictly a female affair, so you and your coffee, you need to go.

Josh: (Scoffs)

Shayne: Oh, come on, Bill. You cannot tell stories like this and not finish them. It's just not fair.

Bill: Your dad's going to be here any minute now. If he hears me telling you that one, he's going to kill me.

Shayne: I'm not going to tell him.

Josh: Hey!

Billy: Whoa! Get yourself...

Josh: What the heck is going on here?

Billy: Just get in here and be quiet.

Shayne: Just two words: It's a par-tay.

Dylan: That's why I showed up.

Josh: Hey, how are you?

Dylan: Josh.

Josh: It is good to see you. Your mom didn't think you were going to make it. And I just saw Mindy.

Billy: No, Mindy woke me up this morning. As a matter of fact, all my kids are flying in like a flock of wild geese for you.

Josh: How are things in Minnesota?

Dylan: Oh, great, man. Oh, Bridget couldn't come because Peter's finishing school. You know how that is.

Josh: Oh, that's okay. I'm just glad to see you. And you are looking less and less like your daddy every day, and that's a good thing.

Billy: Oh, very good.

Bill: Uncle Josh, Uncle Josh, have a mimosa. Come on.

Josh: No. Thank you, thank you. But it looks like you already started without me, huh?

Bill: Well, last night, actually, but, you know.

Richard: Yes, and Bill was just regaling us with tales of urban exploration. Josh, did you know that there were four singles bars within a 100-yard radius of Towers?

Josh: Well, there's actually six, if you look carefully.

Richard: See, that's...

Josh: Now let me get this straight. You all just showed up and a party broke out, is that what happened?

Billy: No, no, actually, rumor has it that all the women are taking Reva into a little marriage counseling session.

Richard: Actually, that's not a rumor, I have that information on good authority, actually.

Josh: I was there. I was there when they dragged her off into the house of wisdom.

Billy: Well, gentlemen, I think that kind of green lights us, then, what do you say?

Dylan: Yeah. Well, we figured the least we could do was make sure you had the advice coming from this end, too.

Bill: Yeah, and except to do it right, I think we'd probably need about a week.

Josh: That's funny, very funny. Is he on our payroll?

Billy: Josh, seriously, we're all tickled to death that you and Reva are getting hitched for a third time, but we want to make it very clear that we do not want to do this a fourth time, do you understand?

Shayne: All right. Come on.

Josh: Neither do I.

Shayne: Let's just talk about some voluptuous women. That's what we need to be talking about.

Josh: Oh, excuse me? The expert speaks?

Shayne: Yes, Bill over here's been telling me some very valuable life lessons.

Josh: Let me understand this now. You are going to educate me on the ways of the opposite sex?

Billy: Well, actually, all of us are. You see, it's a well known fact that if you can't keep a woman's interest, hell, you can't keep her, period. Now, that's enough, all right?

Mindy: Rev, we want this to be your best marriage yet.

Marah: Hey, mama, try some of the brie.

Cassie: You know what? It's going to be such a beautiful day.

Mindy: Oh, Cassie's chicken salad is incredible.

Cassie: Thank you.

Mindy: You'll have to try it.

Marah: You have your shoes and everything all ready, right?

Reva: I... Yes.

Cassie: And you know what? We probably shouldn't overwhelm Reva. Today is going to be tough enough, you know, not to mention the rest of her life.

Reva: Well, that's how long this marriage is going to last.

Cassie: Right, with our help.

Reva: Like I need it.

Marah: Excuse me, isn't this trip number three down the aisle for you and dad?

Reva: The first two were rehearsals. (Laughs)

Cassie: Face it, Reva, you need us.

Mindy: And I'm here to give you a little perspective on being a Lewis.

Reva: I've been a Lewis several times.

Cassie: Yeah, but see, you're not marrying any old Lewis, you're marrying Josh Lewis. And yes, it's true, you can take the boy out of Oklahoma, but you cannot take Oklahoma out of the boy.

Reva: Or the girl.

Cassie: The point is Josh is the personification of wholesome, all-American, every man virtues.

Reva: And the problem?

Cassie: The problem is thinking of him like that.

Reva: You've lost me. Pass me the chicken salad.

Marah: Mom, pay attention.

Cassie: Look, the reason why you messed up the first two times is because you... You thought of Josh as some paragon.

Mindy: Yeah, and he's my uncle and I love him like crazy, but come on, he's still a guy.

Reva: I've noticed.

Mindy: Well, then you've noticed that guys don't always think with their brains.

Billy: Now, Josh, the only way to deal with a woman in this day and age is to think like them. And to think like them-- hey, hey, hey-- you got to get in touch with your feelings.

Bill: Yes, to feelings.

Shayne: Feelings.

Josh: Feelings.

Dylan: Feelings.

Marah: Feelings don't make it, Mom, because men don't think like us, and they never will, so we have to try and think like them.

Reva: You mean think with another part of my anatomy?

Richard: That's right, Josh. You cannot trust your animal instincts-- all those lusts and passions, no. It's time for you to get in touch with your inner self, you know, your sensitive side.

Bill: It's true. To your inner self.

Mindy: All that heart-on- your-sleeve stuff, it's just a waste of energy. It won't get you anywhere with a man.

Cassie: Except backed into a corner. You've got to be tough, and you've got to be strong, and you've got to be in control.

Mindy: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Like a man.

Mindy: Yeah. The only way to go.

Reva and Josh: You call this


All: Yeah!

Rick: All those years in Africa, and I haven't heard one single story yet.

Ed: They'll keep.

Rick: No, come on. Give me a sample, Dad. Go ahead. Like say why you couldn't make it back for Michelle's trial, or Robbie's birth, or my son's birth. Or, hey, I would have taken a phone call. Don't they have phones in Africa? (Coughs) Do they?

Ed: It's a long story.

Rick: Hey, I'm not going anywhere, Dad, unless a spare heart comes here in the next ten minutes. (Coughs)

Ed: I was sick, Rick. I had malaria. So I couldn't get to a phone. I couldn't get on a plane. I didn't want you and Michelle to worry about me, so I just thought it would easier if you thought of me as some kind of a deadbeat dad rather than, you know, someone who was at death's door.

Rick: Dad, come on. You can do better than that.

Ed: I didn't say it was the smartest decision I ever made. And the fact is, I'd still be over there if it weren't for Michelle痴 tenacity and Danny's courage.

Rick: Are you sorry you came back?

Ed: No, Rick, no.

Rick: Well, whatever happens, I think it's a good thing that you're here, for Michelle痴 sake. Because... Well, not that she can't take care of herself, because she can, she's one tough cookie, your little girl.

Ed: She must have gotten that from Maureen.

Rick: The point is, Dad, things... Life is going to get pretty complicated here in the next couple of weeks, and I just want my little sister to have her father to lean on, that's all.

Ed: She'll have me.

Mel: Hey.

Rick: Hey. Where have you been?

Mel: Well, I thought I'd give you two some time. I wouldn't have come at all, but Nurse Whitfield's due any second.

Rick: Oh, God. No, no, no.

Mel: Yes. You know these tests have to get done, okay?

Rick: I know, but you know, isn't there going to be more tests done tomorrow that we can take. I mean...

Mel: Yes, we just want you to get well, honey.

Rick: Well, maybe I won't be around here tomorrow.

Mel: Rick, please don't say that.

Rick: I'm sorry, I'm just...

Mel: Frustrated and impatient, I know.

Rick: Yes, I am. I'm just... I'm sick... I'm just sick of being here. I just... I wasn't kidding about yesterday. I just want to... I want to go to the Bauer cabin.

Mel: What?

Rick: Just for a couple days. I'm just going stir crazy in here. I want to get the hell out of here. Just, let's just go for... Just for a couple days; it will be good, you know? We just need to get out of here.

Mel: No, you can't leave the hospital.

Rick: Why not?

Mel: Because if a heart becomes available, what?

Rick: I'll wear my beeper. We'll get back here in a couple hours. Let's just do it.

Mel: No, you can't, okay? Just forget it.

Rick: Fine. You know what? I got an idea, why don't... Let's go a couple of more tests.

Nurse: It won't be so bad, Doctor.

Rick: See you later.

Mel: Look, I realize that we don't know each other that well, but I was hoping you could back me up just then.

Ed: If he wants to get out of here for a couple of days, maybe it's not worth it fighting him on it.

Mel: Dr. Bauer, I can't believe that I have to tell you this, but it seems you need reminding: If Rick leaves this place, he may never come back.

Ed: A father shouldn't have to outlive his son. It's supposed to be the other way around.

Mel: That is exactly my point. I mean, Rick can live. He will live if we do the right thing.

Ed: You know, there are a lot of times I've had to recognize that what happens to a patient on mine doesn't depend solely on me, no matter how right the treatment.

Mel: Are you talking about God, karma?

Ed: Honey, try to look at this from a different angle, just... Just a different perspective. Rick is always helping people. He is working so hard to make this easy on you, to make it easy on Michelle, to make it easy on me, and I don't deserve anything. Now, all I知 saying is that we have to be aware of what he needs, too, emotionally.

Mel: He needs to get well, and the hospital is the best place to do it in.

Ed: I don't want to fight you on this. If my boy's time is going to be limited, it should be the best damn time of his life.

Mel: I don't...

Ed: You know what I think he wants? I mean, aside from a new heart and getting well. I think that he wants to know that there are going to be some memories.

Mel: Memories?

Ed: Oh, honey, he wants you to have some memories of him. And I'm not talking about sad ones, I'm not talking about memories in a hospital, lying there on a... On a bed with the sound of the monitor beeping behind him and all that other stuff over there. I mean, can't you see? He just wants to know that there will be some memories where people are laughing, and you and he are happy, and you're alive. Because that's who it is. So just... Just think about that when you're deciding what's right, you know?

Mindy: All right, I知 getting back to the hotel and changing.

Reva: You're a Lewis. Lewis' don't change. (Laughs) Come on, I'll walk you out.

Marah: All this talk about men and their feelings, it's kind of hard to know how to deal with them.

Cassie: Okay, let's have it.

Marah: What?

Cassie: What? What's wrong?

Marah: Is it that obvious?

Cassie: Yeah.

Marah: All right. Well, if you know something that would hurt the person you're with, but he'd probably never find out unless he heard it from you, do you think you should tell him?

Cassie: We're talking about Tony, huh?

Marah: He's just been through so much horrible stuff lately, and I don't want to make it any worse.

Cassie: What's the downside?

Marah: What do you mean?

Cassie: Well, if telling Tony something he doesn't know, I mean, is that going to hurt you?

Marah: Well, I don't really care if it hurts me, I知 just worried about him.

Cassie: Marah, you know what? You're putting him first, and that's great, because I think that's very important in a relationship to an extent. If what's best for Tony is to tell him, then you should probably tell him. But if it's best to protect him, then maybe that's what you should do.

Marah: Well, how do I know what's best for him?

Cassie: I think you have to listen to your mama. And she always says, "Trust your heart."

Reva: (Laughs) You know, as much as I love Mindy, she's a little too high energy for me. I'm going to go take a nap.

Cassie: No, eh-eh-eh. No, no, no. You can't go anywhere, sister.

Reva: You mean this gabfest isn't over?

Cassie: It is. It is. That was actually just for fun, but it is crunch time here.

Reva: Meaning?

Cassie: Meaning you're not going to walk down that aisle until I get a few things straight with you.

Shayne: Come on, man. I'm so hungry, and there's no more food left.

Billy: Well, you're just going to have to starve until the wedding reception, how's that?

Shayne: No, I知 not going to do that.

Dylan: I'm still hungry.

Josh: You know what? I got a great idea. Why don't you guys go somewhere else, and eat somewhere else, so it's not on my tab, and it doesn't cost me my money.

Billy: I like that!

Bill: Whoa, whoa. How about that little Italian joint we passed by with that cute little redhead?

Josh: Come on, come on, come on!

Shayne: See you, Dad.

Josh: Let's go, guys.

Bill: Come on.

Shayne: We're coming.

Josh: And listen, thank you, really.

Dylan: Billy, make sure he doesn't party too hard so he's ready for his wedding.

Josh: Thank you, thank you. I had a great time. Go away. Take care of my son, will you? (Growls) If they had stayed here any longer, they would have started eating the furniture.

Billy: (Laughs)

Richard: Uh-oh. That's not a good sign.

Josh: Oh, no, I知 just tired. I didn't get a chance to take a nap.

Billy: Oh, hey. You're not going to take no nap, not on my shift. Look, you've got to suck it up, because we got to get you to the church on time!

Josh: Oh, no, no, no, no.

Richard: We'll take the long way to the Beacon. You can catch a nap in the car.

Josh: I appreciate the... Oh, no, my tuxedo.

Billy: What about your tuxedo?

Josh: Well, your wife, and let me see, your daughter and my daughter wouldn't let me stay at the house, and that's where...

Billy: Well, as Mindy would say, little brother, voila.

Josh: Oh.

Billy: Isn't that sweet?

Josh: Well, thank you.

Billy: Here you go. I had Shayne to bring it over.

Josh: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Billy: Okay, now just take your shirt off.

Josh: Don't be telling me to take my shirt off, all right?

Billy: Easy now. Easy. Unbutton one button, two button, three button, it's all gone.

Josh: You know, I知 just thankful I don't get married every day.

Billy: Well, you've been married enough, haven't you?

Josh: This guy has been such a pain.

Billy: Five marriages.

Josh: Me? How many times have you been married?

Billy: We don't count anymore.

Richard: Is it always like this between you two?

Josh and Billy: Like what?

Richard: You know, you just seem to get along so well. ( Laughter)

Josh: No, it has not always been like this, believe me.

Billy: Believe me.

Josh: Sometimes... Sometimes things between brothers can change.

Billy: Yeah.

Richard: I tried to change things last night with my brother, and it...

Billy: No go?

Richard: I don't know why I bothered. No. No, I mean, all I got was the trademark...

Billy: Well, I'll tell you what. You're a little short on a brother? We can make you an honorary Lewis.

Richard: Really?

Josh: Oh, yeah. Come on, you could do worse.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: We're a lot of fun.

Billy: We are definitely fun.

Richard: Well, I mean, what? Is there some sort of a ceremony involved? You're scaring me. Do we have to cut our fingers and exchange blood or something, or?

Josh: Oh, no, nothing like that. No, no, no. It's just... Just this.

Richard: Really?

Billy: Welcome.

Richard: Thank you. (Laughter)

Billy: Brother.

Reva: Come on. You have more advice for me?

Cassie: No. No, no, that was all for fun.

Reva: Glad to hear it.

Cassie: The truth is, there's nothing about men and life that you don't already know, and you've come out better for it.

Marah: You are pretty amazing, Mom.

Reva: Thanks, sweetie. So why exactly is it that you made me the center ring in this circus?

Cassie: I just wanted to get rid of any pre-wedding jitters.

Reva: Oh, really? I didn't have any until you started talking about it.

Cassie: Oh, right. But you know what? You're going to be fine, because you know yourself and you know the man you're going to marry, even though it takes a lot of guts to do it for the third time.

Reva: In case I壇 forgotten.

Cassie: No, I guess I知 trying to say is that you have the kind of courage that I really hope that I could find in myself one day if I had to start over.

Reva: What are you talking about? You and Richard are...

Cassie: Going to last forever. I'm not talking about him, you know. It's just you never know what life can throw at you, and it's full of surprises, and it's full of challenges.

Reva: Which you've had your fair share of.

Cassie: Maybe. But when I think about bravery, and I think about true grace under fire, I think about you.

Reva: Cassie.

Cassie: I'm going to finish, because I'm going to cry.

Reva: Hurry up, because I知 right behind you.

Cassie: Not only am I so lucky to have you for my sister, I'm so proud.

Reva: Sweetie. I'm lucky, too.

Ed: Mrs. Santos?

Carmen: Yes?

Ed: One of your associates at Infierno said I could find you here. My name is Ed Bauer.

Carmen: Oh, you're back from the bush.

Ed: Thanks to your son. And I just thought that since we're family now, in a sense, we should meet.

Carmen: Well, of course. Would you care to eat? Have you had breakfast yet? Please, come join me. Sit. So, how do you find Springfield? Has it changed much since you've left?

Ed: Well, my daughter's married now; she's a mother.

Carmen: Yeah. Robbie's an angel, isn't he?

Ed: He's very sweet. There wasn't much sweetness where I've been the last four years. I got quite an education in Africa.

Carmen: How so?

Ed: Well, for instance, this tribe that I was with for quite some time, very primitive people, wonderful storytellers.

Carmen: Really?

Ed: But at the same time, they were basically killers.

Carmen: Oh.

Ed: They could come up with the most creative ways of getting rid of their enemies. You know, one of them involved a very small knife and a large number of red ants.

Carmen: Why are you telling me this?

Ed: Just making conversation, Mrs. Santos.

Carmen: Carmen.

Ed: I've also been told that you and my daughter don't get on very well, and that on occasion this animosity has been carried to extremes. I certainly hope that's changed.

Phillip: Hey, buddy. You busy?

Rick: Yeah, can't you see I'm in the middle of something? Nice purse.

Phillip: Thanks.

Rick: Aren't you supposed to be at a wedding?

Phillip: Yeah, yeah. I just decided that, oh, I need to make one detour because there was somebody who wanted to say hi to you.

Rick: Beth. Oh, my God, Mindy!

Mindy: Hi.

Rick: I can't believe this! I thought...

Mindy: Hi.

Rick: (Coughs) Oh, my God. I can't believe this. I heard you were in town. What's it been? 13 years? I can't believe this.

Mindy: Yeah. How are you?

Rick: How are you? I'm fine, I'm great, ever since you walked in the door.

Mel: Wow, you're Mr. Popularity today, huh?

Rick: Oh. What a great surprise. Mel, this is my good friend from way back. This is Mindy Lewis. And this is my wife, Mel Boudreaux.

Mel: The Mindy?

Mindy: Uh-oh. What have you been telling her about me?

Rick: Oh, please. Carefully selected, edited, stories.

Mel: You guys all grew up together, right?

Rick: (Coughs)

Beth: I don't know if you could actually call it growing up. (Laughter)

Rick: Maturation had nothing to do with it.

Phillip: Hey, speak for yourself, pal.

Rick: Hey, we saved you guys in New York City.

Phillip, Mindy and Beth: Oh, yeah.

Mel: What happened in New York City? (Laughter)

Phillip: Oh, jeez, oh. Beth and I had to take a little trip east.

Rick: Yeah, they tried to make their money doing street mime.

Phillip: Tried?

Rick: Tried.

Phillip: You said tried. You know what? I resent that. We were good. We were... We were at least decent.

Rick: Yeah, I loved the little dog thing.

Mindy: They arrived in New York with about five dollars between the two of you.

Phillip: $8.50. If you're going to tell the story, tell it right. $8.50.

Rick: Yeah, Mindy and I, I'll tell you, we... You know, we heard about these two clowns going-- I'm sorry, mimes-- they took off to New York, and we actually had to follow them out there.

Mindy: And then we stayed.

Rick: Yes, we did.

Beth: Yeah, and we spent our time hustling for jobs before we made it home. It was pretty crazy.

Phillip: It was crazy. Oh, God. I don't know what made me think about this, but as we were coming over... Do you remember about 15 years ago we took this ski trip up to the Bauer cabin?

Rick: Oh, my gosh.

Mindy: The ski trip.

Rick: The infamous non-ski trip.

Mindy: Right, right.

Rick: I had completely forgotten about that.

Beth: It was January, and we got up to the cabin, there wasn't a speck of snow on the ground.

Phillip: It was unbelievable. We...

Mindy: Yeah, no. Well, a freak... There was just no snow. It was a freak warm spell.

Phillip: And literally, the four of us idiots are standing there, we've got parkas, we've got gloves, and sweaters, and literally nothing. I mean, it was like 75 degrees.

Rick: We didn't touch our skis the whole time we we're there, and then... Then the last day we're there...

Phillip: Oh, God, I forgot about that.

Rick: ...This huge front came in.

Phillip: That's right. There was a blizzard. We're there the whole time, and there's no snow whatsoever, and then we wake up that morning, and we can't get out the doors because there's too much snow backed up there.

Rick: Still couldn't ski.

Beth: Oh, I thought we were going to starve to death.

Rick: But that didn't happen, did it? Because... Because?

Phillip: Because your...

Rick: Candy bars.

Phillip: That's right. That's right. Because you had the candy bars. Well, I think we also owe a little debt of gratitude to the volunteer fire department that dug us out.

Rick: That's right.

Beth: Yeah.

Rick: That was... Those were great times.

Phillip: Yeah, they were.

Rick: Those were great times.

Mel: You guys had some good memories up at that cabin.

Phillip: Oh, man. I think that cabin means more to you than your own house.

Rick: Yeah.

Cassie: Olivia?

Olivia: Hi. It's nice. It's really nice. Looks like you're ready for the big event. I just came by to make sure.

Cassie: Well, that's very thoughtful of you.

Olivia: Yes. Are you sure that you want to have the tables spaced out like that?

Cassie: Well, that痴... That's the exact layout that I gave the people, yeah.

Olivia: Good. Well, then I should go. Enjoy the festivities.

Richard: Hello.

Olivia: Hi.

Richard: What's Olivia doing here? Did she come to crash the party?

Cassie: I don't know, that's just quality control, I guess. Wow, you look amazing.

Richard: Well, you look pretty amazing yourself. Ah, we're still standing, I see.

Bill: Yeah, well, not for long, if this party's any good.

Dylan: Yeah, my brother, the wild man.

Cassie: (Laughs)

Shayne: Wow, would you just look at our great family?

Richard: Yes, astounding.

Phillip: The only thing we're missing is Rick.

Mindy: Oh, yeah. Rick would have definitely loved to have been here.

Phillip: Yeah. Well, at least you got to see him. I know that meant a lot to him.

Mindy: Yeah, and who knows when all of us will be together again? I'm going to go find daddy.

Phillip: Okay.

Mindy: Okay.

Phillip: Hmm. It looks beautiful. Enjoy it. In another 20 minutes, this place will be packed.

Beth: So Gus and Harley aren't here yet.

Phillip: Yes, I see that. Thank heaven for small favors. It should be nice and awkward.

Beth: It doesn't have to be unless you make it that way. Phillip, Gus didn't do anything to Marina.

Phillip: No, he's done plenty of other things, trust me.

Beth: And that was years ago. You know what I think? I think that digging into Gus Aitoro's past isn't just about protecting Zach.

Phillip: That is my only concern in all of this.

Beth: Yeah?

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Beth: Well, you were in trouble when you were young, too, and that doesn't make you an automatic threat to a child.

Phillip: You know what? You're very pretty, but if you're suggesting that I do nothing about this...

Beth: Just let it go. And then the forgetting will take care of itself. It's not worth fighting over.

Phillip: Is that how it works?

Beth: Yeah.

Phillip: Okay.

Billy: Y'all seen my kids?

Richard: Actually, they're everywhere. Absolutely everywhere.

Billy: That's about par for the Lewis'. You know, you might as well start making grits for breakfast for this boy, because he's definitely an honorary Lewis.

Cassie: (Laughs) Oh.

Billy: Oh, princess!

Mindy: Daddy! Hey.

Billy: Come here. Oh, my gosh, you are pretty. Look at you. Hey.

Cassie: So...

Richard: Huh?

Cassie: You're a Lewis?

Richard: Apparently, yes. Yes, I値l explain all about it later. But, you know, speaking of explanations, would you care to explain what you were dreaming about last night? You were tossing and turning.

Cassie: Just that lion. Again, having that dream again, and...

Richard: Where was he this time?

Cassie: Here. Here. At the Beacon, right outside the window.

Tony: You looking for somebody?

Marah: No. Actually, I'm here on my own. But they say weddings are great places to pick up guys.

Tony: Well, you just keep playing hard-to-get. It always works.

Cassie: Do you think something's strange?

Richard: Something's... No, why? What?

Cassie: This is a wedding, right?

Richard: Right, right.

Cassie: The two most important people...

Richard: Oh.

Cassie: ...Are no-shows. Where's the bride and the groom?

Mel: So, is it faster to take 63 all the way or county Route 2 at Chesterton?

Rick: I believe Route 2.

Mel: Personally, I feel like I致e been set up.

Rick: Excuse me, what?

Mel: You know, talking your friends into dropping by to see if you can make your point about the cabin.

Rick: Oh, this is great-- paranoid and beautiful, what a combination. I'm such a lucky guy.

Mel: You're keeping the beeper on the whole time. And I mean the whole time.

Rick: Fine, fine.

Mel: And I'm bringing a backup just in case.

Rick: Fine.

Mel: And it's a two-day trip only.

Rick: Agreed. So what made you change your mind?

Mel: Let's just say I wanted us to make some memories.

Shayne: Weren't you with mom, Marah?

Marah: Not every minute. Where's dad?

Shayne: Well, he was supposed to be here.

Billy: Now, I hope they're not trying to pull one on us. I don't like putting on a tux for nothing.

Beth: So do you think there's a problem?

Phillip: I don't know. It's Reva and Josh-- anything is possible.

Cassie: Where are they?

Richard: Don't worry, darling, they'll be here.

Cassie: Oh, God, I wish I could be sure. (Violin playing) I am now. (Violin playing)

Reva: Been here, done this.

Josh: Not like this, we haven't. We have finally come full circle, Reva, and this is a whole new beginning for us. So, what do you say? Let's do it.

Reva: I'm with you, Bud. And I always will be.


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