GL Transcript Thursday 6/6/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/6/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Reva: I have to say that these guys did a great job. (Cheers and applause) and it's not over yet, because one good turn deserves another.

Buzz: You go get them, girl. (Cheers and applause)

Billy: Okay, what's going on?

Cassie: I have no idea.

Billy: You have no idea? We're in trouble.

Reva: Come on, come closer. I want you right up here.

Josh: I don't think so. I'm a little scared right now. Watch the suit, big guy. Watch the suit, watch the suit.

Reva: Thank you, gentlemen.

Buzz: Ready and willing.

Cassie: There he is.

Josh: Speak for yourself.

Billy: Hey, somebody's got to catch her clothes.

Vanessa: Oh, no. Things around here never change.

Billy: Oh, no, they change a lot, so it's nice to be able to savor these moments when they are the same.

Reva: Okay, a long time ago, this gorgeous man sitting right here in front of me, carved a heart in a fireplace mantel, and then he carved our initials inside it. We were just a couple of kids, barely even kissing, but that day we pledged that we would love each other always. And I remember how it made me feel, because it's exactly how I feel right now.

When I fall in love it will be forever

or I'll never fall in love in a restless world like this is

love is ended before it's begun

and too many moonlight kisses seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

when I give my heart it will be completely

or I'll never give my heart and the moment that I feel that

you feel that way too is when I'll fall in love with you

when I give my heart it will be completely

or I'll never give my heart don't let me give my heart away

but the moment that I feel that you feel that way too

is when I'll fall in love with you... (Cheers and applause)

Caterer: Excuse me, miss, the rehearsal dinner is being held in town at Towers.

Olivia: I know. I know.

Caterer: If you need directions on how to get there...

Olivia: No, I don't need directions. I own this place; I'm not a bridesmaid.

Caterer: Oh, I see.

Olivia: I'm sorry, have you seen, like, a tall, aristocratic-looking guy walking around here anywhere.

Edmund: I'm sorry, you forgot charming, handsome, and debonair.

Olivia: I... Yes, I did. Would you excuse us, please?

Caterer: Of course.

Olivia: Come, let's chat.

Edmund: Olivia, I've arranged for an uninterrupted supply of materials, all the palms that need to be greased are greased. If everything goes according to plan, this place will rise up overnight like an Egyptian tomb.

Olivia: You know what? Edmund, you can forget it. I've taken care of all that.

Edmund: Thank you so much, Olivia, for keeping me informed.

Olivia: Don't sulk. Okay, I need your help more than ever.

Beth: "He held my face in his hands and kissed me. He was a wonderful kisser; his lips were soft and moist. It felt like we were one."

Phillip: Hey.

Beth: Hey.

Phillip: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. What are you reading?

Beth: Nothing, nothing.

Phillip: Nothing? That's a hell of a reaction for nothing. What is it?

Beth: Now don't pretend you're interested in what I'm reading, you've never liked those sweeping, girl-gets-guy romance novels.

Phillip: "Girl-gets-guy," that's good. Well, I guess it depends on how she gets him.

Beth: Something wrong?

Phillip: Ugh... Marina Cooper admitted she made up the story about Gus Aitoro.

Beth: So he never...

Phillip: Tried to seduce her, no. Apparently she crawled into bed with him, and then our daughter called everybody and invited them over.

Beth: Lizzie?

Phillip: Trying to prove that she's a big girl to Marina. What she was thinking... The two of them are damn lucky. This guy's got a criminal record and a short fuse, God only knows what could've happened.

Beth: When did you find out that he had a criminal record?

Phillip: Frank told me, and I had Olivia do some digging, pull a few strings, get me some information. He was a juvenile, I mean, he was a kid.

Beth: Well, what did he do?

Phillip: I don't know, I haven't read the file yet. I've been trying to figure out how to handle this disaster. And you know what? I don't give a damn what he did. I don't care if he was arrested for jaywalking, this guy is bad news, and I don't want him in Zach's life.

Alan: Phillip, if you're ready, we'll go drain Peter Drake's pockets.

Phillip: I'm actually dealing with another problem at the moment.

Alan: What could be more important than making money?

Phillip: Well, for one thing, your granddaughter. She has made a mistake that needs to be addressed.

Alan: Well, whatever she's broken, I'll be happy to pay for it.

Phillip: Oh, God, see, this is part of the problem, you know. There are no consequences for anything around here.

Beth: Lizzie and Marina Cooper lied about Gus Aitoro. Turns out he didn't lure anyone over to his hotel room. They arranged the whole thing themselves.

Alan: I'm sure that Lizzie didn't know what she was doing.

Phillip: Oh, she knew some of what she was doing.

Alan: Well, then she was corrupted by the Coopers' kid. Lizzie is a very good girl; it's just the company you're allowing her to spend time with.

Phillip: Okay, I give up. There's no point to this.

Alan: You know, Lizzie was raised with solid background and deep morals. Morals are something that the Coopers wouldn't know from a fortune cookie. I just don't want you to be too hard on her.

Beth: I'm going to go get Lizzie.

Phillip: That's good.

Alan: Good, I値l wait here while you.

Phillip: No, you won't wait here, actually. Go ahead. You can go and deal with Peter Drake; I値l take care of my daughter.

(Applause) ("When I Fall in Love" plays)

Billy: Think we finally lost her?

Buzz: I think you got that right, cowboy.

Billy: Where's Holly?

Cassie: Aren't Josh and Reva a wonderful couple?

Richard: Almost as wonderful as we are.

Cassie: You know what, I bet you this is their favorite day, ever.

Richard: Do you know what my favorite day is?

Cassie: What?

Richard: The day I met you.

Cassie: You were my white knight. And you really did rescue me from so many things.

Richard: You rescued me, and you're the love of my life.

Vanessa: They look so comfortable together, don't they?

Billy: I wonder who's been married more: Them or us?

Vanessa: Well, they're the winner in that contest?

Billy: Yeah.

Vanessa: In more ways than one. I think they're going to make it work this time.

Billy: Yeah, just like we couldn't.

Vanessa: Are you getting maudlin on me, Billy Lewis?

Billy: No, I'm not getting maudlin. I put you through the ringer, and I'll always regret that, but I have this new philosophy.

Vanessa: What's that?

Billy: Only remember the good.

Vanessa: That's a nice philosophy.

Billy: It works. It's better than crying in your beer if you don't drink, you know? (Laughs) What about our boy, seems happy, doesn't he?

Vanessa: Yeah, he seems really happy. And I don't know, I think he's almost as handsome as his daddy.

Shayne: You know, I wonder if we'll ever be as happy as they are right now.

Marah: I don't know about you, but I'm counting on it. When I get married, it's going to be for keeps.

Shayne: Marah Santos. It kind of has a ring to it. I can see it on a "Wanted" poster.

Marah: Ha-ha. Tony gets a bad rap, and you know it. What time is it?

Shayne: Oh, they're probably here, we need to get moving.

Marah: They're going to be so excited.

Reva: We're getting awfully good at this.

Josh: Well, we have had a lot of practice.

Reva: So you think we'll do this again?

Josh: Absolutely. In the year 3003.

Reva: Yeah, I値l be jetting all over mars, and you'll be...

Josh: I'll be a little green man.

Reva: Oh, that sounds pretty silly.

Josh: Yeah. We will never do this again, because we're going to get it right this time.

Shayne: Okay, everybody, may I have your attention, please. Have a seat, and we're now going to begin our main event.

Reva: Main event? I thought we were the main event.

Marah: Where do you want them?

Reva: Where do we want who?

Josh: What is going on here?

Shayne: Well, since you guys have been married more than anyone we've ever known, we figured maybe somebody may be interested in hearing your story.

Josh: Somebody like who?

Marah: The Learning Channel, Dad. They're here to tape you guys for their show, "A Wedding Story."

Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute now. You're talking about broadcasting our lives all across this nation.

Crowd: Come on.

Josh: I don't think so.

Shayne: Please, please say yes, Dad. Please.

Billy: Oh, come on.

Crowd: (Chanting) Yes!

Reva: All right, all right. Who wants a private life, anyway. Come on, it'll be fun.

Josh: No, no, no, no. Oh, yeah. Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on.

Edmund: So when is this catastrophe meant to occur?

Olivia: I don't know, let's say tomorrow night?

Edmund: Aren't Josh and Reva getting married here tomorrow night?

Olivia: These things happen.

Edmund: And this catastrophe just couldn't have taken place, oh, let's say, last week.

Olivia: Oh, you know, it's just the way it timed out, Edmund.

Edmund: You wouldn't want to spoil things for Josh and Reva, would you? This wouldn't be about sabotaging their wedding, would it?

Olivia: I have one objective, and one objective only: To gain control of this place, because I知 not the sharing type. I'm not going to share with Cassie or anyone else. And hey, you know what? If I happen to spice up Josh and Reva's 89th wedding, then so be it.

Edmund: Be careful, Olivia, because sometimes plans can go terribly wrong.

Olivia: Not when I've hired the best man for the job. Are you with me or not?

Edmund: Well, let's get to work, shall we?

Beth: It's okay, sweetie, your father just wants to speak to you.

Phillip: Sit down, young lady. I think you know what this is about. Marina made up that story about Gus Aitoro. He did not invite her over to his motel room. She invited herself, didn't she?

Beth: Lizzie, we have reason to believe that you knew about this ahead of time.

Phillip: Elizabeth Spaulding, I want you to tell me what you're involvement was in this situation right now.

Lizzie: It wasn't much.

Phillip: What does that mean?

Lizzie: I just called Harley on the phone.

Beth: To get her to go over to Gus's?

Phillip: Why would you do that?

Lizzie: Because Marina asked me to.

Phillip: Even though you knew you would be causing trouble, you didn't care about that? That didn't bother you at all? Lizzie?

Lizzie: No.

Beth: Why not?

Lizzie: Because he is so mean to Harley.

Phillip: How do you know that?

Lizzie: Marina told me. He's exactly like...

Beth: Carl?

Phillip: What? Lizzie, have you ever seen him hurt Harley?

Lizzie: No.

Phillip: Mistreat her in any way?

Lizzie: No, no, no, you never do. At least not at first, but then it gradually gets worse and worse and worse, and all I was trying to do was save Harley before... All I was trying to do was help her.

Beth: Sweetie, you... You've helped people a lot of times, but this isn't one of them, I think you know that.

Lizzie: I knew that maybe it wasn't such a good idea, but Marina's now in town, and she's cool, and so I just...

Phillip: Honey, listen to me. You're not a little girl anymore. You're getting to an age where you can't run to your mom and me every time you have to make a decision, and we understand that. But you have to understand that helping Marina in this way was a mistake.

Beth: And hopefully, if you're not sure what to do the next time, you will come to your father and me, because we're always ready to listen and to help.

Lizzie: I'm sorry. I'll do that next time.

Phillip: Promise me you'll never do anything like this again?

Beth: Lizzie?

Lizzie: I promise.

Phillip: I love you, sweetheart, and I think I understand why you did what you did. But it doesn't excuse what you did. I want you to sit here for awhile and think about that. Your mom and I will check in on you in a little while.

Shayne: All right, lock it up, and we're rolling, guys. We're rolling.

Cameraman: Everybody ready? Okay, just start this with, like, how you guys met? Questions like that, and let's do it, okay. Jerry, focus this time, please.

Josh: Okay, the first time I ever saw Reva, she was, I don't know, four or five years old, she was covered head to toe in mud, except for her knees, which were both skinned. And she was beating the daylights out of some poor boy, and I didn't even think she noticed me.

Reva: I only had eyes for Joshua-- only him. Of course, I had to go out there and make sure, and I did go out there. I remember the first time he proposed to me.

Josh: She was drunk; she was tanked. In fact, I didn't even think she as going to remember the next day that she had said yes.

Reva: Yes, yes, yes. I couldn't believe it. I spent the entire next day thinking, "Oh, my God, Josh Lewis proposed to me, and I said yes."

Josh: Of course she'd almost missed the wedding, you know, I mean, I thought she stood me up. But then there she was, coming across the lake in a rowboat with her son. I was just glad she made it.

Reva: We didn't make it, not that first time, for a whole lot of reasons that are really not important anymore.

Josh: Some people... Some people think of them as mistakes, but I think we were just growing up, that's all. We were learning things about each other, and that's what makes these times so wonderful. We're older and wiser, and we know what to expect from each other.

Reva: He doesn't hog the remote control, he never leaves his dirty clothes laying around on the floor, and he... He could care less about sports. He's perfect.

Josh: She's a mess, a wreck. You should see her closet, it looks like a typhoon hit it. One time I tripped over her shoes, threw out my back for a week.

Reva: He doesn't leave the toilet seat up.

Josh: She never puts the cap back on the toothpaste.

Reva: He never snores.

Josh: Come here. She talks in her sleep. You know, sometimes she keeps me up all night. And I don't mind, but I mean, she says stuff that, you know, it will make your skin crawl.

Reva: Qualities about Joshua. Ah, there's just so many of them, so many things that I appreciate about him.

Josh: We can actually read each other's minds; I know that sounds pretty weird. See, we've known each other for centuries. Well, okay, we appreciate who we are to each other.

Reva: He's my life. He's my best friend. He's my destiny.

Josh: She's my destiny, that's it, that's everything. We just feel blessed to have found each other.

Cameraman: Cut, that's a wrap. (Laughter) Good stuff, guys. Good stuff. Good stuff.

Billy: Everybody grab your champagne.

Cameraman: You were great. You did very well.

Josh: Thank you.

Cassie: I can't wait to see it.

Billy: Everybody all together now.

Crowd: Josh and Reva! (Cheers and applause)

Reva: Oh, my God. Drive safely.

Josh: Yeah, yeah. Come here, my darling.

Reva: Have a good night's sleep.

Josh: Oh, I love you, sweetie. Thank you so much.

Buzz: My sweetie.

Josh: Ah! (Laughter)

Buzz: You got something, so what can I say? Take care of her.

Josh: I will.

Buzz: Never been more beautiful, more...

Reva: Yeah.

Buzz: I've known you so many years, and you've come into your own.

Reva: I think you're right.

Vanessa: Oh, I don't know, maybe there's a little hope for the rest of us, do you think?

Reva: Maybe.

Buzz: I think you're going too far. You want me to walk you out?

Vanessa: Yeah, wait a minute. Come here, you. Miss you.

Reva: Yeah.

Vanessa: Listen, I'm counting on the two of you to observe decorum, all right? Now this is for my father I'm asking you this. It's very bad luck for you to see her.

Reva: Oh, really?

Josh: I'm actually bunking with Billy.

Buzz: Ugh.

Vanessa: You might want to rethink that.

Josh: Thanks for the tip.

Vanessa: I don't know if that's a good idea.

Reva: Good night.

Vanessa: You look beautiful.

Reva: Sleep well. Thanks, Buzz.

Vanessa: Beautiful and happy.

Josh: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Vanessa: Bye-bye.

Richard: Break it up, break it up. We've got to go.

Reva: Oh, not you.

Cassie: I know, I don't want it to end, either, I don't.

Richard: And I brought these in case we need to take it on the road.

Josh: You get to keep those for playing our game, yes.

Richard: Thank you.

Cassie: Can I have, like, one more glass of champagne.

Reva: Uh-oh.

Richard: One more.

Josh: Go ahead, party on, party on. Go ahead. Oh, baby doll.

Billy: Hey, little brother, come on, time to go home and get our beauty rest, got to look good for tomorrow.

Josh: Well, I intend to.

Billy: No, I'm not talking about you, I知 talking about me. I got to get some sleep.

Josh: I guess I better go, doll.

Billy: Yeah.

Reva: I'll dream of you.

Josh: Oh, I値l have the same dream.

Reva: Just think, by this time tomorrow...

Josh: You know, some men would be scared by that thought. I'm with you, baby, because I love you. I adore you, Reva Shayne.

Reva: I love you, too, Joshua Lewis.

Josh: And I値l see you tomorrow.

Olivia: Hey, Lizzie, what's up? Hey, what's wrong?

Lizzie: Can you keep a secret?

Olivia: Are you kidding me? I taught the course.

Lizzie: Well, I have this friend who needed some help and she asked me if I could tell a fib for her, and I did. Only now I知 thinking that it wasn't such a good idea.

Olivia: And this friend, she was going to get in trouble if you didn't fib for her?

Lizzie: No, actually, she was wanting me to tell the fib to keep somebody else from getting in trouble.

Olivia: Oh, oh. Well, you know, I don't think I'd feel too bad about that.

Lizzie: Really?

Olivia: Well, it's just that the truth can be a tricky thing. Okay, for instance, let's say that you have a friend that comes to a party in this really ugly dress, right? And she asks you how she looks. Are you going to tell her that she looks ugly in the dress?

Lizzie: No, I try to think of something nice to say.

Olivia: Right, right. So in this case, it's not a bad thing. It's a kind thing. It's a good thing. Okay, let's say that your dad is throwing a surprise birthday party for your mom and your mom comes to you and ask you what you're doing that night. Are you going to tell her?

Lizzie: No, I guess I would just make something up.

Olivia: Okay. So another little fib, right?

Lizzie: Right.

Olivia: So sometimes a little fib could be a good thing.

Lizzie: Wow! Thanks. You're awesome.

Beth: Lizzie, would you mind? I need to speak to Olivia alone for a minute.

Billy: Hey, Josh, what's all this about you and Reva being apart till the wedding starts. Are you superstitious?

Josh: No, it's a mutual decision, you know. I just wish I had made a reservation here. Who would have guessed it'd be all booked up?

Billy: Well, you know my casa is su casa.

Josh: Oh, thanks a lot. Such a great room, too. One queen-sized bed.

Billy: Hey, we slept in a bed smaller than this when we were kids. Oh, yeah.

Josh: And you're not even going to brush your teeth?

Billy: Yeah, I did it with my tongue.

Josh: Such a pig. Billy? Hey? Oh, come on, you can't possibly be asleep already. Billy?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Just like when we were kids--taking up half of the bed. Come on. Slide over.

Billy: (Moans)

Josh: Stay. Stay.

Billy: I'm cold.

Josh: Billy, get your hands off me. Ow! Hey, hey. Come on. Okay. Okay. This is good. This is really good. Oh, ouch. (Sighs)

Billy: (Snoring)

Josh: Billy!

Billy: (Snoring)

Josh: Billy! This is not going to work.

Billy: Oh.

Marah: Tony? Dad. I thought you were staying with Uncle Billy?

Josh: Hi.

Marah: Hi.

Josh: It didn't work out. Where's your mom.

Marah: You just missed her. She went out for a walk.

Josh: She did. It's kind of late. Where did she go?

Marah: I have no idea.

Josh: Okay. I'll see you later. Excuse me.

Marah: You're going after her?

Josh: I'll see you later.

Marah: You can't do that. It's bad luck!

Cassie: Why are we here when we could be home making love?

Richard: Why are we here?

Cassie: (Laughs)

Richard: Can I have the check please?

Cassie: Oh, great.

Richard: Edmund. Hello.

Edmund: Richard. Cassie.

Richard: May we... Would you like a drink?

Edmund: Why not? Bourbon on the rocks please. Make it a double. So, you two seem all warm and cozy.

Richard: Thank you. We are.

Edmund: Good. Well, I think we should have a toast then. What do you say? Thank you. A toast to... A toast to Springfield. You have made a remarkable adjustment here.

Richard: Thank you. But you know, it's actually been a lot of fun. And who would have thought that be a commoner could be such fun. You know, forging a new path and testing mettle, you know, making my way just as anyone else would.

Edmund: What does that mean? You're working in a shoe store? Making telephone solicitations? Selling used cars?

Cassie: Won't you back off? At least he's not making deals with the mob, Edmund.

Edmund: Well, I wanted to work as a burger chef, but they weren't hiring.

Richard: Well, perhaps they didn't hear about the fire that you set to our kitchen when you were a boy.

Edmund: Well, it was the cook's fault for not letting me actually bake mud pies. (Laughter)

Richard: Actually, it was her fault, you know? You were just a child.

Edmund: God, I hadn't thought about that in years.

Cassie: Maybe we should go.

Richard: No, this is a new beginning, you know, for both of us. The power struggles of the past, and they're just that: In the past. There's no crown, there's no throne standing between us now, and I was thinking, you know, perhaps if we could find a way to put some of the terrible things that have happened behind us, that you could, you know, that we could... Be brothers again. Here. No olive branch available, but here's what I have to do. What do you say?

Edmund: Well, Prince Richard, the favored son, makes his beleaguered and ignoble brother a peace offering. That's very royal. It's very aristocratic. And it is completely impossible to accept. Our time has long, long past, Richard. Thanks, but no thanks.

Reva: (Whispers) Joshua. Honey, I知 here. Hey, wake up. Wake up, sweetie. I've got something for you. (Gasps) Billy!

Billy: I don't drink anymore, Reva. What are you doing here?

Reva: Leave it up to me to crawl into bed with the wrong man.

Billy: (Murmuring)

Reva: Where's your brother? Where's your brother.

Billy: I don't know.

Reva: Where's Josh?

Billy: He's here, somewhere.

Reva: Where? That's it? You're just going to go back to sleep?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Reva: You're not going to help me?

Billy: Uh-uh.

Reva: It looks like I知 marrying the right Lewis man. (Laughs) Sleep tight.

Beth: I don't want to fight with you, Olivia. I really don't. But if Lizzie needs advice, she has a mother to come to.

Olivia: I wasn't trying to be her mother. I was just trying to be a friend, but rest assured, from now on, I will keep my distance.

Beth: I'm not telling you to avoid Lizzie. I'm saying be careful about what you say.

Olivia: What do you want to do? Do you want to chaperone?

Beth: Lizzie is at a very impressionable age. Come on. You remember how that was, don't you?

Olivia: You know what amazes me, Beth? Is that no matter how big this mansion is, it just seems really small and crowded. Suffocating, even.

Beth: I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings. I hope you can get past it.

Cassie: You tried. Richard, you're always trying. But this is Edmund. He's never going to change.

Richard: There was a time, a long time ago, we were close.

Cassie: I know. I know that. But think of the things that he's done. He's not just a naughty sibling, he is an evil man, Richard.

Richard: I know. I know what he's done. I know what he's done to you. But he's my brother. You know, I look at the Lewis family and I see how happy they are. I can't help but think, you know, why not? Why can't there be a reconciliation, you know? If one of us is willing to forgive-- and I am-- then why can't there be a reconciliation?

Cassie: Because it's Edmund. I'm sorry, but it's Edmund, and you gave him an olive branch. He stabbed your eyes out with it. You've got to let this go. I'm sorry, but you have to let this go.

Richard: I can't. I can't let it go. I can稚. He's my brother, you know? I'm going to keep trying for as long as I live.

Cassie: You may not be a prince anymore, but you are the most noble man I know. I could never forgive him. You're amazing. You know, it just makes me wonder. I wonder...

Richard: What?

Cassie: If there's anyone on earth with a bigger heart than you.

Josh: How did you know I was here?

Reva: Well, two bodies, one mind. (Laughs) Still standing.

Josh: So are we.


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