Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/5/02
Ed: You want to see the little ducky, the little yellow ducky? What sound does the little yellow ducky make? Does he go "quack, quack"? Yeah, these are cookies. Little yellow cookies. What about this pussycat? What do you think? What sound does he make? That's a doggie. That is a doggie. That's very good.
Michelle: Any word on Rick?
Ed: Your brother called ten minutes ago. There's no change.
Michelle: No heart donor.
Ed: Not yet.
Danny: No, but he's on top of the list now.
Michelle: Still that means somebody has to die for him to live. I hate rooting for that to happen.
Ed: Well, people die, honey. And if when they do they can save someone else's life, at least it gives their death some meaning. You and I know that better than most.
Michelle: That's right. Well, I can't think about that right now, because it's b-e-d time.
All: Oh, no.
Michelle: And this little guy...
Ed: Oh, no, it's bedtime.
Michelle: Little Robbie.
Ed: You want me to put him up? Can I do it?
Michelle: Oh, no. That's okay, Dad, I got it covered.
Ed: Sure?
Michelle: Thanks. Yeah. I'll take this.
Ed: I guess I'm just still a little bit of a stranger around here. It will take Michelle a little while to trust me with him.
Billy: I would say that went smooth sailing. You are now ready for the main event.
Reva: Well, I hope it went smoothly. You've done it twice before.
Josh: Well, third time is a charm. That's what they say.
Shayne: Oh, gross. Save it for the honeymoon.
Marah: Speaking of the honeymoon, am I going to have to baby-sit Shayne while you guys are away?
Shayne: I don't need a babysitter.
Hawk: How's about you both coming up and spend some time with me in Tulsa?
Shayne: All right, cool. Let's go.
Reva: No, not cool. You guys have finals.
Josh: Yeah, we're going to figure out some other time for them. Oh, my. Excuse me. I said I wouldn't believe it till I saw it with my own eyes. Hello, Vanessa, darling.
Vanessa: Oh, little Bill. Good to see you.
Reva: Did you meet up with your mamma, dear?
Bill: Yeah, we met up in Chicago. I drove in with her. Uncle Josh. How are you? Uncle Ben.
Josh: Good to see you.
Bill: Oh, God. Hey.
Vanessa: I've missed you.
Bill: How are you?
Billy: Pretty good. I'm hanging in there.
Bill: Great.
Billy: Hey, you're doing great work down Texas. Are you going to stay there?
Bill: Well, you know, Dad, I don't got any plans to settle down anywhere just yet.
Billy: Yeah, figures.
Bill: Oh, my. There's Marah. Hold on. I'll be right back. Hold that.
Vanessa: Hi, stranger.
Billy: Hey, look at you. Europe certainly does agree with you, doesn't it. Give me a kiss.
Vanessa: Oh, you're getting gallant. Well, I'm getting used to it. It was a bit of a hard adjustment, but it's okay.
Billy: Uh-huh. So how's Matt and little Maureen?
Vanessa: Oh, they're fine. They're fine. Maureen's in school and Matt stayed with her, and that's why he couldn't come.
Josh: Well, you tell him that's no excuse, all right? Tell him I said hi. Excuse us.
Vanessa: I'll tell him. So how are you? I hear that you've been going out with Holly Reed.
Billy: Holly. Well...
Vanessa: Oh, yeah.
Billy: Holly's...
Vanessa: How's that going?
Buzz: Vanessa, great for me, not so good for him. God, you're beautiful, you know that?
Vanessa: (Laughs) Oh, thank you. Well, I... Oh, I guess I’m not up on all the local gossip.
Billy: Yeah, Holly threw me over for him. God knows why.
Buzz: He can't accept the fact that I'm better looking and more intelligent than he is.
Billy: Come on, you just can't accept the fact that you caught her on the rebound because you decided I was too much man for her, plain and simple.
Vanessa: (Laughs) I see some things never change.
Josh: Bill. It is so good to see you.
Bill: Yeah, you, too. You, too.
Josh: Yes. You look great.
Bill: Well, thank you.
Josh: Hey, how are you enjoying working with Lewis Oil?
Bill: You know, it's a job. And I still have oil under my fingernails.
Josh: Well, that makes you a real oil man.
Bill: Yeah, I suppose. I suppose it does.
Marah: So are you enjoying Texas?
Bill: I'm having a lot of fun. Getting a little restless, though.
Marah: Mm-hmm.
Josh: It's good to have you home. It really is.
Bill: Hey, thanks. Thank you.
Marah: Ooh. Excuse me.
Bill: You don't approve?
Josh: No, I don't.
Marah: This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?
Tony: Well, I’m just hoping to make peace with your father.
Josh: I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
Marah: Dad, please don't make a scene.
Tony: Marah. Your dad has every right to be angry with me.
Josh: Well, you lied to me, you lied to Reva, you went after Romeo without the police which put Marah in danger. Actually, what I feel right now is way beyond anger.
Marah: But everything worked out, and Tony ended up rescuing me.
Josh: What if he hadn't?
Tony: Mr. Lewis, I'm sorry. Look, I don't want to ruin your rehearsal dinner. I just... Look, I came by to drop this off, all right. And say thank you for trusting me in the first place.
Josh: You realize, Tony, that that trust may never happen again.
Tony: You know what? I'm hoping I can change that. Because I want to keep seeing your daughter, and I... I want your approval.
Reva: Sweetie, you're ignoring our guests. Hi, Tony.
Tony: Hi.
Reva: Thank you for the gift. I hope you'll stay.
Tony: I don't think that's such a good idea.
Marah: It is. Thanks, Mom.
Josh: Why would you do that? Why would you invite him to stay?
Reva: Because at least now we know where he is.
Josh: Yeah, he's alone with our daughter.
Reva: I don't think he's going to be leaving the party with her. In fact, I can guarantee it.
Tony: I cannot stop thinking about you. I close my eyes and I see you. I go to sleep and I am dreaming about you.
Marah: All I want to do is talk about you. I think about kissing you and how it feels to be held by you.
Tony: I think about you with somebody else, and I start to go crazy.
Marah: Tony, I don't want anybody else. Only you. And when I’m not with you, I’m only wishing that I could be.
Cassie: Hey. It's a party, it's not a wake. What's wrong?
Reva: Tony's here, and Marah's with him.
Cassie: Oh.
Reva: I don't have anything against Tony, it's just that love is hard enough without a bunch of Santos' on your back.
Cassie: You think love is hard?
Reva: I'm not saying it isn't wondrous. But after the initial emotional and physical rush, what do you have?
Cassie: More emotional and physical rushes.
Reva: Cassie, I’m serious. What you've got is the day-to- day, we-got-to-make-this-work stuff, and that lasts a whole longer than the starry eyed June-moon stuff.
Cassie: But if you're in love, you can get through the day-to-day stuff. And if it's the real thing, Reva, you could work through anything.
Reva: And what about the mistakes and the lies? How does love survive that?
Cassie: You did or you wouldn't be marrying Josh tomorrow.
Reva: Yeah, well, I still worry about hurting him. Well, I guess the cliche is true: I can't live with him, and I sure as heck don't want to live without him. (Laughter)
Cassie: Well, you know what? I can't live without Richard. You know, I just wondered, you know, who was I before I met him? I didn't know anything about love.
Reva: He's a great guy.
Cassie: He's a wonderful guy. I can't believe he loves me back.
Reva: I know the feeling. When I look at Joshua and I see him smile at me, I wonder how the heck did I get so lucky?
Cassie: Well, here's to luck, love, and may it last an eternity.
Hawk: Reva tells me there's a whole bunch more Lewis' due in tomorrow.
Josh: Yes. Yes, there are. We got Mindy coming in and Trish. And I understand Dylan's going to be here as well. And Rusty? Is that right?
Hawk: Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure they're coming in.
Josh: That's good.
Hawk: We haven't had a Lewis/Shayne reunion in a long time.
Josh: Far too long.
Hawk: You happy?
Josh: I'm sorry. Do I not look happy?
Hawk: Oh, yeah, sure, but I do know my daughter. With her, you get a whole lot of happiness, and then you get a whole lot of grief.
Josh: Sounds like true love to me.
Hawk: Yeah, I reckon it does.
Josh: First two times it... It didn't stick.
Josh: I know that. And right now you're thinking that this time it's not going to stick either, right? Let me tell you something, we've changed. We know what to expect from each now.
Hawk: (Laughs) She is going to surprise you from time to time.
Josh: No!
Hawk: You've heard it here first.
Josh: Well, let me tell you... Let me tell you this. I've got a few surprises up my sleeve, too.
Hawk: Oh, no.
Danny: Hey, Ed, you know, Michelle's... She's got a lot on her mind right now. I'm sure she didn't mean it the way... You know, the way it seemed.
Ed: I used to know everything she was thinking.
Danny: Please. Even I don't know what Michelle’s thinking sometimes.
Ed: I guess it's just hard for me still to adjust to the fact that she's married, has a son of her own.
Danny: Yeah. Hey, I appreciate you not treating me like the guy who stole your little girl away.
Ed: Oh, come on. Just the fact that you love her and make her happy, that's all that matters.
Danny: Yeah. I know it... It may not feel that way, but she's happy that you're home. She is. You have a real closeness with her and Rick.
Ed: We used to be close.
Danny: No, I see it now. I do.
Ed: You close with your family?
Danny: (Laughs) That's a little complicated. Michelle and my mother don't... They don't really get along.
Ed: Yeah, I've heard things about your mother. Formidable woman, huh?
Danny: Yeah, you could say that, among other things. Yeah. It hasn't been too easy for Michelle, but, you know, I’m hoping that things will get better with time.
Ed: What about you and your mother? I mean, I know that I didn't come cheap. Can you at least tell me where the ransom money came from?
Danny: Not from my mother. So what do you think? Did I pass the test?
Ed: No, I don't believe in testing people.
Danny: Son-in-law test.
Ed: I don't believe in testing people.
Danny: Oh, well, that's good to know. That's good to know.
Ed: That's self-preservation, actually.
Danny: Ed, I just... I do want you to know that I love your daughter very much, more than anything. And, well, I will do anything to protect her, to make her happy.
Ed: Well, that pretty much puts us on the same page then.
Michelle: Well, he's all settled in.
Ed: He's quite the little reader, too, you know.
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Ed: That took me back sitting over there with him on my lap reading that. You remember? No, of course, you wouldn't remember, you were too little. But I used to read you that book all the time.
Michelle: Of course I remember. I remember everything. I remember the games, the stories, the love.
Ed: I remember that, too.
Michelle: Yeah, I thought it was going to last forever, but it didn't.
Ed: The love never went away.
Michelle: No, but you did. You left and there was a huge hole in my life where you used to be.
Ed: Is that what this is about? Is that why you took Robbie away from me?
Michelle: I'm afraid, I just don't want Robbie to love you the way that I did. I don't want him to be hurt when you leave us again. I'm... I'm sorry, Dad.
Ed: No, that's all right. That's okay.
Michelle: No, I didn't mean for all that to come out.
Danny: You know what? I'm going to go upstairs and say good night to my little man, okay?
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Yeah.
Ed: You have to be allowed to say what's ever on your mind.
Michelle: I guess I didn't know it was all in my mind, all that stuff.
Ed: Honey, look, I'm... I'm sorry I left. But at the time, it seemed to be a question of survival.
Michelle: What did you think about my survival?
Ed: Well, I thought that you would be better off here with Rick. You know, I knew that I was going to a really... A really bad place and I knew that you were going to want to try to help me and I didn't want to take you down with me.
Michelle: I needed you, though. I was on trial for murder. I was so scared, I was so alone, and I couldn't imagine what was so important in Africa that you couldn't come back for me.
Ed: Please stop it. I can't stand the fact that I caused you any pain.
Michelle: It wasn't just the bad times, you know? I wish that you were here for my wedding, Robbie's birth. And I know that you did all these great things in Africa and you saved a lot lives, but I just wished that sometimes you were less of the hero and more of a father.
Ed: I wish I were more of a father, too.
Michelle: Why didn't you come back? Ross called. I mean, I wrote.
Ed: Because I was sick.
Michelle: What do you mean you were sick?
Ed: There were times when I didn't even... I didn't even think I was going to live.
Michelle: Why didn't you tell us? We would have come for you. We would have brought you home.
Ed: You were on trial, and I was too sick to travel. I didn't think it was going to serve any purpose at all to tell you about it. I mean, you already had enough to worry about.
Michelle: I'm sorry, Dad.
Ed: Don't be. Disappointing people seems to be a habit of mine.
Michelle: No. Can you just tell me one more thing? When you got better, why didn't you come back then?
Ed: Other things happened.
Michelle: You can tell me.
Ed: No, I can't. Look, that part of it, it just has to stay in the past for now. It's got to stay where it belongs.
Michelle: Okay, well, when you're ready, will you tell me?
Ed: Yes. I will.
Michelle: I do want Robbie to know you. And I want him to love you the way Rick and I do.
Ed: I just want to be who you need me to be.
Michelle: Just you. That's all I need.
Ed: Oh, honey. I just hope I can figure out who that is.
Carmen: Antonio, what a nice surprise.
Tony: Carmen, you weren't invited to the Lewis’' dinner.
Carmen: No, I wasn't. But I would like a moment alone with Marah. You know, why don't you go talk with Bill Lewis and find out what happened to him and my little girl. Come on, Antonio, I'm not going to bite her.
Marah: It's... It's okay. Go ahead. Talk to Bill.
Tony: I'm watching you.
Carmen: I want you to know, Marah, that I'm not going to say a word about what I saw that morning.
Marah: What morning?
Carmen: The morning I found Romeo asleep on the couch at Infierno and you rushing out of the office half-dressed.
Marah: I'm surprised you didn't tell Tony the second you saw him.
Carmen: I care about my nephew. He may not have killed Catalina, but if he were to discover you and Romeo in that way, someone would be dead. And I wouldn't want to be responsible for that.
Marah: Yeah, right.
Carmen: I'm serious, Marah. Whatever happened between you and Romeo stays between you and Romeo. Unless, of course, you're planning on telling Tony about it.
Marah: Well, that's none of your business.
Carmen: I'm sure Tony expects complete honesty from you. But then, if he did find out that you slept with Romeo, it just might shatter all that love and trust he has for you. On the other hand, it is possible that he could move past it and forgive you and love you again. Oh, well, good luck, Marah. I wish you and Tony all the best in the world.
Bill: Tony Santos.
Tony: Whoa. Bill Lewis.
Bill: You better be good to Marah. Never mind her folks, I'll be the one coming after you. See this?
Tony: Oh, really?
Bill: That's right.
Tony: Are you sure you should be making threats like that? You're the one who dumped Pilar.
Bill: Hey, wait. Hold on.
Tony: What?
Bill: Wait a minute now. She dumped me, all right? We both knew it wasn't working out, only she had the guts to say it. It's true.
Tony: That sounds like Pilar.
Bill: It's true.
Tony: So what? You guys still keep in touch or what?
Bill: Well, we tried, you know, "let's be friends" thing, but you know how that goes. It doesn't work out. What has she been up to these days?
Tony: She's in Italy, you know. She's...
Bill: Italy.
Tony: Yeah, she's studying acting.
Bill: Get out of here.
Tony: She got herself a role in an independent film.
Bill: No, she didn't.
Tony: Yeah, she's really happy.
Bill: To Pilar.
Tony: What about you? What have you been up to?
Bill: I've been traveling a lot. Now I'm working down in Texas and just enjoying the ladies, having a little fun. You should come check us... Hey, Mom.
Vanessa: Hi, sweetie.
Bill: I was just telling, Tony here how hard I work. Do you know Tony Santos? Tony Santos, this is my beautiful mommy.
Vanessa: Oh. Tony Santos, hi. Nice to meet you.
Tony: You, too. Nice to meet you.
Vanessa: Yes. I have to go, because... I won't be long, but there's just somebody I’m going to go check up on, okay?
Bill: All right. All right.
Vanessa: See you.
Tony: Hey, beautiful.
Josh: Attention please, everybody. Excuse me. Excuse me. May I please have your attention? First of all, I would just like to say thank you for coming here tonight. And thank you for having the same faith in me and Reva that she and I have in each other. Now... Now, just a second here. Just a second. We are living proof, living proof that you can continue to love and to learn and to grow in a lifetime. In fact, I can't remember a time when I did not love Reva Shayne. Of course, it is easier to love somebody who has a spirit that's so... I don't know. How should we put this? Wild. (Laughter) Yeah.
Reva: Oh, you wouldn't be talking about me.
Josh: I am talking about you, darling.
Reva: No, not anymore.
Josh: In fact, I have proof of this wild spirit. Certain friends of mine have tipped me off to a certain videotape that exists of a certain night in a bar. The Blue Orchard bar, I believe.
Reva: Oh, you wouldn't.
Josh: I would.
Reva: You couldn't.
Josh: I could. And I did. So if you would all please turn your attention to this television where my beautiful assistant is now standing. Hit it big guy.
Billy: (In female voice) Thank you.
Josh: Yeah, baby.
Michelle: I hate thinking that you were so sick and Rick and I couldn't help you.
Ed: Honey, I'm fine now. I really am. Look, I can even lift a coffee cup up and down.
Michelle: Amazing.
Ed: Yeah, isn't it?
Michelle: So when you got better, where exactly were you in Africa, and who were the people that you were helping?
Danny: Honey, remember your dad said he didn't want to talk about that tonight.
Michelle: Right. Okay.
Ed: We'll talk about it soon. I promise. ( Knock at door)
Danny: I'll get it. Vanessa?
Vanessa: Danny, hi.
Danny: Hi.
Vanessa: Am I interrupting? Am I bothering you?
Danny: No, no, no.
Michelle: My gosh. Good to see you.
Vanessa: Oh, Michelle. Oh. How wonderful to see you. And how's that beautiful little baby boy of yours?
Michelle: Oh, he's doing great.
Vanessa: Is he? Good. I'm so proud of you. I know your mother would be so proud of you.
Michelle: Yeah, I think about her a lot, too.
Vanessa: Yes. Hi. I heard you were back. I had to come see you.
Ed: I'm so glad you did.
Vanessa: Yeah. You look, you know, a little worn. Have you been sick or something?
Ed: No, no. It's just a long flight back to the states.
Vanessa: Well, sure. I can imagine.
Ed: You're here for Josh and Reva's wedding? How are they?
Vanessa: They're great. They're very happy, and...
Michelle: We have that laundry we have to fold, you know what I mean?
Danny: What? I don't do laundry. What? Oh, oh, oh. Oh, yeah, I'm an expert folder. So I’m told.
Ed: That's code for "Why don't they just disappear?" You know we can do that, too. It's nice out. Do you want to...
Vanessa: Yes, I would love to go sit outside if you have the time.
Ed: I've got the time. Let's go.
Vanessa: Okay.
Michelle: Oh, I forgot to ask...
Danny: Laundry? Come on.
Michelle: ...Vanessa about Bill.
Danny: Don't worry about it. You'll get a chance later on. So tell me, did you get some things settled with your father?
Michelle: It's a beginning. It's a beginning.
Danny: Good.
Michelle: Where did you find him? What was he doing, Danny?
Danny: Honey, I really think that's for him to discuss with you.
Michelle: I don't know if he'll tell me. I get the feeling that he's hiding something from me.
Danny: Well...
Carmen: Get up. You can do your lounging later. We're dropping the bomb on Tony, and we're going to do in a way that causes the most damage. Starting now.
Vanessa: Are they different? I was talking about the stars. You know, I can't remember exactly where you were in Africa, but I remember in fifth grade learning that the stars are different, you know, below the equator.
Ed: I didn't spend a lot of time looking at the stars.
Vanessa: Were most of the people that you worked with Aids victims?
Ed: Yeah, Aids, Malaria, Typhoid, Ebola, a lot of diseases we don't have names for yet.
Vanessa: Yeah. Well, I'm sure your skill really helped them. What about you? Did going away help you?
Ed: Going away or running away?
Vanessa: You're back now.
Ed: And Maureen's still dead. And so is Eve.
Vanessa: Your children are here, and your children need you very much.
Ed: It would be nice if we could just turn back the clock, you know? Just undo all the mistakes. Just get a second chance of everything.
Vanessa: Yeah, I guess it would be nice, but I don't know. If I think about turning back the clock, maybe I wouldn't have married Billy. We had some pretty good years there at the beginning. And we have Bill.
Ed: All that heartache.
Vanessa: Look, the reason I wanted to see you is that I heard about Rick and how sick he is. And I'm so sorry.
Ed: He needs a new heart. It's just tough, you know? Someone as strong and...
Vanessa: So what are his chances?
Ed: Of getting one?
Vanessa: Yeah.
Ed: Not very good. That's the thing about organ donation. You know, people don't really realize yet how many lives could be saved.
Vanessa: Yeah, I know. So, Ed, what are you going to do if he doesn't get one?
Ed: You mean am I going to drink again?
Vanessa: Yeah. Are you going to drink again? Or are you going to go back to Africa?
Ed: What are you asking?
Vanessa: Well, it seems to me that whatever you went to Africa to find, you didn't find it. And I know that every... Every time you tried to find relief in a drink, you sure didn't find it.
Ed: Maybe I'll just have to stick around here then. Do the best I can for the people I love.
Vanessa: Sounds good to me. I mean, nobody is telling you that you have to be perfect, Ed Bauer.
Ed: Come on. Let me be perfect.
Vanessa: (Laughs) You can keep on trying. Okay, so take care of yourself. I've got a party I've got to get back to.
Ed: Say hi to Matt.
Vanessa: I will. And Rick and Michelle are really lucky to have you. And I'll see you before I go, okay? Bye.
Ed: Bye-bye.
Josh: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to introduce to you Joshua Lewis and his Oklahoma oil men. (Cheers and applause) All right. We are going to do a gusher... A gusher of a song for you tonight. We would like to dedicate that song to one of our own-- the lovely and talented, the fabulous filly, Reva Shayne.
Reva: Did he call me a filly?
Josh: Yes, ma'am, I certainly did. And I would like to hope for you that you will always have that wild streak in you, and that I will always have the stamina to keep up with you without having a heart attack. Hit it. (Cheers and applause)
You've got a smile so bright you know you could have been a candle
I’m holding you so tight you know you could have been a handle
the way you swept me off my feet
you know you could have been a broom
the way you smell so sweet you know you could have been some perfume
well you could have been anything that you wanted to and I can tell
the way you do the things you do
the way you do
the things you do
oh, baby as pretty as you are
you know you could have been a flower
if good looks can cause a minute
you know you could have been an hour
the way you stole my heart
you know you could have been a cool crook
and baby you're so smart you know you could have been a schoolbook
well you could have been anything that you wanted to and I can tell
the way you do the things you do
the way you do
the things you do
oh baby
you made my life so rich you know you could have been some money
and baby you're so sweet you know you could have been some honey look out.
Well you could have been anything that you wanted to
and I can tell the way you do the things you do
the way you do
the things you do
you really swept me off my feet
the way you do
the things you do
you made my life complete
the way you do
the things you do
you made my life so bright
the way you do
the things you do
you make me feel all right you make me feel all right. (Cheers and applause)
Michelle: Where's Vanessa?
Ed: She went back to the party.
Michelle: You look tired. Maybe you should call it a night.
Ed: I think I will. Don't you stay up too late.
Michelle: Okay, Dad.
Ed: (Laughs) You'll be so sick of having me back. Take care, buddy. I'll see you in the morning.
Danny: Good night.
Michelle: Hey, Dad? Welcome home.
Ed: Thanks.
Danny: Yes?
Michelle: Thank you.
Danny: Well, you're welcome. What did I do? Can I do it again? Again? And again?
Michelle: You do it every day. Loving me, being a great dad to Robbie, taking care of me, giving me back my father.
Danny: Well, you know, it's all in a day's work.
Michelle: Seriously. You went halfway around the world, you found my father, and you brought him back to me. That's pretty amazing.
Danny: That's because I love you, and I want you to be happy. I look at you and who you are, and I figure that must have had a lot to do with who Ed and Maureen were. I couldn't bring Maureen back, but I could do everything in my power to bring your father home. So...
Michelle: Do you know that you're incredible?
Danny: Yes, I do. But I like hearing it from you. I just figured that your father has helped probably thousands of people in Africa. Now it's your turn to be the person he helps. I love you.
Michelle: I love you.
Cassie: How could you keep this a secret from me?
Richard: What? What are you angry? What?
Cassie: No, of course not. You were wonderful.
Richard: Thank you.
Cassie: I love it here. I'm so happy.
Richard: Really?
Cassie: Yes, really.
Richard: You mean that?
Cassie: Yes, I'm around my friends and my family. And Josh and Reva are getting married.
Richard: Right. Again.
Cassie: And this time it's going to be forever.
Richard: We're going to be forever, right? Me and you?
Cassie: Will you promise me something?
Richard: Anything.
Cassie: Will you promise me that our life isn't going to be this emotional rollercoaster? That we're going to be strong, we're going to be awesome, and our life is going to be full of passion. You promise me that, please?
Richard: I promise. And I also promise that I'll never leave you, and that our love will always shelter you.
Cassie: Promise me something else.
Richard: What?
Cassie: That you're never going to surprise me like that on the dance floor again.
Richard: Well, I thought you liked it.
Cassie: I did, but I would liked it better if I would have known about it.
Richard: All right. (Laughter)
Cassie: I'm going to go get you a glass of champagne.
Richard: Okay. I'll be waiting right here.
Reva: So, I didn't mean to overhear or butt in anything, but did you say no more surprises? Does that mean that you're going to tell Cassie that you're selling cars?
Richard: I will. I will.
Reva: You say that every time we talk about this. Richard, she just said she doesn't want any more surprises.
Richard: This is going to be a nice one, you know. And I'm going to have to be really nice to tell her, and I will tell her. I promise.
Reva: Well, you better. Because the longer it takes, the more unpleasant that surprise is going to be.
Marah: Thank you so much for coming tonight. I'm so glad that you're here.
Tony: What did Carmen want to talk to you about?
Marah: You know, "Treat my nephew well or I’ll come after you" kind of stuff.
Tony: Well, she should mind her own business. I'm going to talk to her about that. That's not...
Marah: No, Tony, don't.
Tony: What?
Marah: Don’t. It doesn't matter. She's right. I should treat you well.
Tony: But you do. You know that.
Marah: Yeah, sometimes. Most of the time. And from now on, all of the time.
Tony: Oh, really?
Marah: Yes.
Tony: Well, I like that. I should go.
Marah: Oh, but it's still so early.
Tony: No. I know, but I got a long way to go with your parents. I shouldn't push it.
Marah: But you will be at the wedding tomorrow, right?
Tony: I wouldn't miss it, baby. Good night.
Marah: Good night.
Josh: (Screams)
Reva: (Laughs)
Josh: Don't hurt me.
Reva: You are truly amazing.
Josh: Well, thank you. You're going to have to remind me of that over the next 40 years.
Reva: Yeah. Well, you can count on that.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: But as far as your singing and dancing...
Josh: Uh-oh, here it comes.
Reva: ...One good turn deserves another.
Josh: What do you have planned?
Reva: You'll see.
Josh: Uh-oh.
Reva: Excuse me, everyone. Don't you all agree that what these gentlemen did was truly remarkable? (Cheers and applause)
Josh: We'll be here till Thursday.
Reva: However, one good turn deserves another.
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