GL Transcript Tuesday 6/4/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/4/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

(Not sure if this is the whole thing, the end might have gotten cut off)

Josh: Wow.

Reva: Oh. Oh, it's wonderful.

Josh: Look at this.

Caterer: Oh, thank God. Please tell me you're here delivering the tablecloths.

Josh and Reva: Uh... No.

Reva: We're actually the bride and groom.

Caterer: But the wedding's not until tomorrow. Unless it's today and nobody told me?

Josh: No, no. The wedding's tomorrow. It's okay, just relax. We just had a couple questions...

Caterer: No, no, no, no, no, no. Over there. Over there. (Laughter)

Josh: So, it's a little hard to really relax about this, I guess, isn't it? Get excited about it.

Reva: Oh, no. I'm... I'm so happy about this. I am. It's just, I think I'm emotionally exhausted.

Josh: Because of what's been going on with our daughter recently?

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: She's going to be okay. She is. I mean, all the charges against Tony have been dropped, and right now she's at our home, safe and sound where she belongs. And a part of me thinks that the big man upstairs, you know, that he's just sort of cleared all the decks for this wedding.

Reva: Kind of like damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead?

Josh: Full speed ahead, baby.

Cassie: Are you sure you don't have to be somewhere.

Richard: If you keep saying that, I will start to think you're trying to get rid of me.

Cassie: Well, I don't know. Maybe you're forgetting a meeting or the Embassy...

Richard: The Embassy doesn't expect to hear from me. Well, at least not until after your sister's rehearsal.

Cassie: Why didn't you tell me that?

Richard: I like watching you squirm.

Cassie: You're an evil, evil prince.

Richard: Perhaps. You know, I was once a respectable prince-- until I met you. How was Tammy's history test?

Cassie: Aced it.

Richard: She did. Oh, good. And R.J. and his play date? How'd that go?

Cassie: A rousing success.

Richard: Oh, good. And you? Sleep all right? No dreams?

Cassie: Not that I can remember.

Richard: You had a dream, didn't you?

Cassie: Yeah, I did. I did. I just keep having that dream about the lion. This time it was at the farm.

Richard: And you were scared.

Cassie: Well, it's a lion, you know? He's obviously strong and ferocious. I don't know, he was just watching me. I don't want to talk about it. I want to hear about your dreams. What do you dream about?

Richard: My dreams? Well, you see, darling, I don't need to dream anymore, because I just look at you and I realize that any dream that I could possibly have has already come true.

Blake: She held me hostage, right here. I'm not crazy. She had to have escaped. How did she escape? I thought if you two would believe it, then anybody would believe this.

Ross: Why, Blake? Why would you do something like this?

Blake: Well, it's part of my writing process, Ross. This is an idea for my next novel. I've always done this type of thing. I've just... I've never taken it this far.

Ross: Where's the spider?

Blake: Danny Santos says that you're the best for this sort of thing.

Contractor: I built the office here at the Infierno. I'm sure I can build something suitable for you.

Blake: And the secure door? It's impenetrable?

Contractor: For up to 30 minutes, and that's more than enough time for the police to arrive once you've sounded the alarm from the inside.

Blake: What about fire? What if somebody torches the house?

Contractor: Fireproofing should last a good hour; plenty of time to be rescued.

Blake: Unless somebody severs the wire to the alarm.

Contractor: Impossible. See, the reason why it's called a safe room is because it's safe. Once you're locked inside, you are guaranteed protection from home invaders, thieves, just about anyone you can think of.

Blake: That's what I'm looking for: Protection.

Gus: Ah. (Laughs)

Harley: Two miles.

Gus: Come and give your man some sugar.

Harley: I barely broke a sweat.

Gus: You look beautiful.

Harley: What are those?

Gus: Those are the pictures from Rick's wedding.

Harley: Oh!

Gus: Let me show you the one I like.

Harley: Oh there I am. Oh, it was such a nice day. It was so nice when his father showed up after all those years-- Ed, Dr. Ed, you'll meet him. Oh, that's nice. It would have been a perfect day if Rick hadn't been so sick.

Gus: Yeah, well, it's pretty good as weddings go, I suppose.

Harley: (Gasps) I've got to go. I've got to go. Because my... I've got to get Zach from Phillip's house because Frank and my father are coming to take him to the zoo.

Gus: All right. Well, let's check your machine before you do because something came in when I was in the shower. I wasn't able to get it.

Harley: All right. I hope it is a short message because it takes me, like, 20 minutes to get to Phillip痴 as it is.

Phillip: Hi, it's Phillip. Don't bother to come by and get Zach. He's staying with me.

Harley: What? That's it? That's... That's the whole message? He can't keep Zach. This is something we have to talk about. I know what he's doing. I know what he's doing and he is not going to get away with it.

Lizzie: Harley was trying to trick me and she almost did. She knows that I know that you got in bed with Gus Aitoro.

Marina: All right, look, Lizzie, don't sweat it, okay? Because it's almost over.

Lizzie: Well, you promised that it would be over the night we did it.

Marina: Yeah.

Lizzie: Harley was supposed to break it off with Gus...

Marina: I know, I know, I know, I know. Okay, so things didn't work out exactly the way I had planned them, but don't worry because I知 going to fix it.

Lizzie: How?

Marina: Look, are we going to go swimming or not?

Lizzie: Fine. I'll go get the towels. Just wait here.

Phillip: Well, you know, Harley, I felt that the message was pretty clear, but if you like, I can say it again. Zach is here and this is where he is going to stay, because there is no way that I知 going to let my son live under the same roof as a child molester. This is not a negotiation and my decision is not open to review. As long as Gus Aitoro is around, Zach stays here.

Harley: What is that supposed to mean? Lawyers? What is this, the Coopers and the Spaulding's at high noon?

Phillip: Well, Harley, that's up to you because there's a real easy way to resolve this problem. All you have to do is get him out of the house. Then I won't have to take it to the next level.

Harley: Don't you dare threaten me, Phillip.

Phillip: Goodbye, Harley.

Lizzie: Let's go. Marina, what's wrong?

Marina: Look, this just isn't how it was supposed to be at all. You know, I just wanted to fix things for Harley and for my dad, and... I've got to do something to fix this.

Lizzie: What?

Marina: You know what, Lizzie? I have to go.

Lizzie: Wait. Well, where are you going?

Marina: I'm going to go do the one thing that I never thought I would have to do.

Harley: This is insane.

Gus: All right, baby, calm down.

Harley: He has got my son. He also happens to have a six- name law firm on retainer, but that doesn't matter because who needs a lawyer? I've got a service revolver.

Gus: All right. Let's... There's got to be a cool way to handle this.

Harley: I don't understand this. We have been doing this back and forth. Everything's been fine. Why does he suddenly want to rewrite the rules?

Gus: Well, you're going to find a rational way around it.

Harley: Oh, Phillip Spaulding hasn't been rational since the day he was born.

Frank: What's going on, sis? What's Phillip done this time?

Harley: Phillip has got Zach. He's holding my son hostage. He's keeping my son against his will because...

Buzz: Because why?

Harley: Because... Because he is a pompous jerk who thinks that he's a better parent than I am.

Buzz: Oh, that's crazy. Phillip knows you're a good mom.

Frank: This is all because of you, isn't it, Aitoro? Phillip doesn't want you around his son.

Buzz: Frank, you're going to make it worse.

Harley: Nothing to do with Gus.

Frank: You know, why don't I just help you pack your bags? And then I'm going to take you out of here.

Harley: Hey, I think that's my decision to make, don't you, Frank?

Frank: No, not anymore, sis, it isn't.

Gus: Actually... Actually it's my decision. Okay?

Cassie: Everybody dreams. I want to hear one of yours.

Richard: Well, actually I did have one.

Cassie: Yeah?

Richard: Yes. There were these two old, very old people. They must have been in their 80s or 90s. They had wrinkles and creases on their face, and well, each wrinkle represented a smile, you know, for a moment they had smiled together. And they smiled all the time, constantly. They were smiling when they woke up because they were grateful to have each other and to be able to spend the day together, and of course, you know, they didn't really talk very much because their connection was so great that they didn't really need to talk. Anyway, they went through the whole day, and when their work was done and the day was done, and they had finished writing to all of their masses of children and grandchildren, they went for a walk. And they went down to the beach to watch the sun set. And then he took her hand and he finally spoke.

Cassie: What did he say?

Richard: He said, "I love you, Cassie." And she said, "I love you, Richard." And they smiled once again and made another crease, because they realized they had spent such a wonderful life together.

Cassie: It's a wonderful dream.

Richard: And I can't wait for it to become a reality.

Blake: All right. That's it, I want it all. I want the panic room, the safe for the guns, everything.

Contractor: I'll work up the numbers in a day or two, and we can get started right after that?

Blake: Could you make it another week?

Contractor: I thought you were in a hurry.

Blake: I am, but I want to do this when my husband's out of town. He's allergic to dust, and with all the construction and everything...

Contractor: Sure, I understand. So, we'll coordinate our calendars when I drop off the bid.

Blake: Okay.

Ross: The bid for what?

Blake: Oh. What a surprise. This is my husband, Ross Marler.

Ross: Hello.

Blake: And you will call me as soon as it's ready.

Contractor: I will.

Blake: All right.

Contractor: It was nice meeting you.

Blake: Thank you.

Contractor: You, too.

Ross: What is this all about?

Blake: I'm thinking about remodeling the kitchen.

Ross: Why?

Blake: I don't know. I guess I'm in a nesting mood.

Ross: What do you mean, you're in a nesting mood?

Contractor: Sorry, I meant to leave these behind. You're a lucky man that has a wife that thinks ahead. It's a dangerous world out there.

Ross: What'd he mean by that? "Safe room proposal for Marler household. Cameras will be installed atop six-inch thick bolted doors." What the heck is this?

Blake: Well, it's the newest thing. It's a panic room. In case somebody breaks into the house, we would be okay. Well, everybody's doing it.

Ross: Everything you told me was the truth.

Blake: What?

Ross: The story about Tory Granger holding you captive. You didn't make that up. It wasn't some preparation for your next novel. Everything that happened actually happened exactly the way you said it, didn't it? But you were afraid nobody would believe you, isn't that right? Blake, answer the question.

Blake: What are you saying, Ross? That you believe me? Because before, you had a look of doubt in your eyes. That look that creeps up when the evidence doesn't add up. I knew right then and there that Tory Granger was much better at this than I ever imagined.

Ross: Yes. And so you told me and the police that you made it up.

Blake: Well, of course I did. I was in that hole for days living on nothing but junk food and praying that Tory wouldn't harm our children and then I got out to what? Somehow she managed to make you think that I had something to do with her so-called murder.

Ross: No, no, no. I did not think that at all.

Blake: Oh, yes, you did. You fell for it, Ross, and I know that my story sounded crazy. Tory was depending on that.

Ross: You don't know that for sure, do you?

Blake: Yes, I do. But that's okay, because one of these days, eventually, I'm going to turn this around and I'm going to prove that I'm right-- although it may not matter because she's already made you convinced that...

Ross: Blake, would you stop and listen to me? I believe you. I do. I know that you are telling the truth, and I know what happened, happened just the way you said it did.

Beth: You will do what's right for Zach, for Harley and for everybody. I have great faith in you.

Phillip: Thank you. It's nice to hear somebody say that. I'm not hearing that from a lot of people lately.

Beth: Well, let me see. I have an ulterior motive. ( Laughs)

Phillip: Mm, okay. Flattery will get you everything.

Lizzie: Go ahead, I can wait.

Beth: (Laughs) I thought you were swimming with Marina.

Lizzie: She had to go. Here.

Phillip: Honey? Where did you get this?

Lizzie: Oh, up in the attic. There's a bunch of stuff up there that belonged to...

Beth: Lorelei. Yeah, I know.

Lizzie: Well, when you see this stuff, do you... Do you remember having it?

Beth: No. No, I don't. And to tell you the truth, I don't want to.

Frank: Like I said, it's time for you to pack your bags and leave.

Buzz: Frank, Frank, Frank...

Harley: He is not going anywhere.

Buzz: Hey, hey, hey. I hope you don't want to make my daughter choose between you and her son.

Gus: I wouldn't do that.

Harley: That's not what's going on here, okay? This is... This is a momentary blip, okay? It is a problem that needs to be worked out.

Frank: No, you know what? You're missing something. He's the problem.

Harley: No, Frank, you're the problem. You've made enough mistakes in your life; don't micromanage mine.

Frank: Oh, good. You know what? You're finally admitting you made a mistake.

Harley: No, I made a choice. I made a choice to be happy. He makes me happy. So you get over it!

Buzz: Are you saying you're giving up your son?

Harley: No! We had a fight. Nobody is taking him away. I am not leaving him on the Spaulding doorstep.

Buzz: Say what you want about me, but I know how Phillip feels.

Harley: You're saying that to me?

Buzz: Yes I知 saying that to you, Phillip is the father. All he knows about this guy is this guy was found with your under-aged niece in his bed.

Gus: Yeah, and trying to still figure that out, isn't he?

Marina: I can tell you why.

Frank: We're all trying to figure out what the hell happened. Why don't you tell the truth?

Harley: Frank, why would Gus seduce Marina? Think about it. It doesn't even make any sense.

Frank: This guy hasn't made sense since he's been to Springfield. His name's not even Gus Aitoro. Would you help me get him out of here, Dad?

Buzz: Frank! Frank! (Loud arguing)

Marina: Stop it! Stop it! Just stop it and listen to me!

Frank: Marina, stay out of this. This guy, we have some serious issues with him.

Marina: Look, no, Dad, your issues are with me. Okay? I... I was trying to save Harley from Gus, and so I snuck into his room and... Look, your issues are not with him, they're with me. This is just... This is because of me, okay? I... I lied.

Frank: Sweetheart, you don't have to make up a story to make this okay, all right?

Marina: Daddy, I'm not making this up. Gus didn't do anything wrong. I set him up.

Harley: Now we're getting somewhere!

Frank: Just exactly where are we getting, Harley?

Marina: Look, Daddy, can you listen to me, please? Because I'm trying to tell you what really happened here, okay?

Buzz: Go ahead.

Marina: (Sighs) Okay, I figured out when Gus would be alone, you know, in his motel room, and I got there and he was asleep, so I got into bed with him, and he didn't even know that I was there until you all showed up.

Harley: Uh-huh. So are you the one who also called the police station?

Marina: No. I had Lizzie do that. I had Lizzie do that because I needed time to make it look like we had been together. Harley, I thought that you would see us and that you would break up with him, and that would be it. But you didn't, and this whole thing backfired. And... I mean, I知 just really sorry.

Harley: Oh. I'm really sorry, too, Marina, because I don't understand.

Marina: How can you not understand? Look, dad hates Gus. Everyone in this family thinks that he's bad for you, and I heard him calling you all of these horrible names.

Harley: What names? What are you talking about?

Gus: Our little morse code thing when we're...

Harley: Oh, no. No.

Marina: Look, I was just trying to fix it so that... So that you guys would be happy, Dad and Grandpa. And you. You, too.

Frank: Marina, did you really think that was going to make me happy?

Marina: You said to me if I wanted to stay here I had to earn my keep, right, so I wanted to do something that was great. I wanted to do something that was really impressive, something that even you couldn't do, and it was supposed to be really simple, you know? Just one night and it would all be over. But it wasn't, and it's not, and it just... It didn't work out.

Frank: I can certainly tell that you've thought this whole thing through, but of all the crazy stunts that you've pulled since you've been here.

Buzz: Frank, take it easy. Marina... All the times, I don't know how many times there were when I asked you for the real story, why didn't you tell me then?

Marina: Look, I said I was sorry, and... I mean, I know that it was wrong, I just...

Frank: You just what, sweetheart? Listen, this guy's story's all over town. People think that he lured you into his motel room and took advantage of an underage kid.

Buzz: Yeah, and now Phillip Spaulding believes it and he wants custody of Zach.

Frank: I mean, what were you thinking? Men go to prison for what you accused him of doing.

Gus: All right, all right!

Frank: You know, I would have pressed charges on him.

Gus: All right, all right, all right. Calm down. Calm down, everybody. Enough, enough. She was just... She was just trying to fix something that she thought she needed fixing. She was just trying to fit in, be a part of the family. She did something that was wrong for the right reasons. I mean, I can relate to that.

Josh: Excuse me. Excuse me. Hey!

Reva: Billy. You made it! Oh!

Billy: Like I would miss this? Little brother would have my...

Josh: Oh, yeah. All right.

Billy: So, tell me. Have you guys slept together yet, or are you going to wait until you're properly married?

Josh: Well, you know what a prude Reva is.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh, yeah.

Billy: All I know is, you better make it stick this time or I知 going to take her back.

Reva: Oh, I'll have you. (Laughter)

Cassie: Oh, you made it. Hi!

Billy: You are getting so pretty. So, how's life outside the castle there, your highness.

Richard: It's just plain old Richard now, Billy. And I've never been more content in my whole life.

Billy: I don't know how I let her get away.

Reva: Can we just go over a couple of specifics before the rehearsal?

Cassie: That's why I'm here.

Reva: Oh, good. Thanks. I just... You've done so much already, but I just wanted to make sure that...

Cassie: I have Josh's favorite dessert. That is done. The music is done. The seating arrangement is done. In fact, that's already with the caterers. Done, done, done, done, done. Anything else? Don't you have the best little sister?

Reva: I do!

Cassie: (Laughs)

Reva: You are meticulous, you're capable, you're strong.

Cassie: You guys dragged this reunion out so long, we were all pulling our hair out wondering if it was really going to happen.

Reva: I just wanted to make sure we got it right this time.

Cassie: Nothing you've ever done has been more right. Nothing.

Reva: Thanks.

Ross: On that rather strange evening when you took me to this place where Tory was holding you captive, after we left, something didn't sit right with me, and so I went back for another look.

Blake: You went back to the cell?

Ross: I did. It's pretty much the same. Obviously, there was no sign of Tory and there was nothing there that would make me believe that anybody had been there for decades, so I was about ready to leave, when I saw this.

Blake: What is it?

Ross: It's a spider's web, and something about it caught my eye, and I investigated a little further, and I proved myself to be right. This is not real.

Blake: What is it?

Ross: It's synthetic. Feel it. It's fake. It's that stuff that you buy in cans around Halloween time. So it was then that I knew that you were telling the truth, and I knew that somebody was trying to make this room look like it had been abandoned for a long, long time. And the only person with that agenda is Tory Granger.

Blake: You believe me.

Ross: Yeah, I do. And I should have from the very beginning. Forgive me for doubting you. But I'm with you now all the way on this.

Blake: (Sighs with relief)

Ross: Okay? Now, you said at one point that you wanted my trust. You have it-- unconditionally.

Blake: You have no idea what that means to me, Ross. I've been so scared. I've been so scared about what she's going to do next.

Ross: There's not going to be a "next." We're going to put a stop to her.

Blake: Yeah, unless she does us in first.

Ross: That is not going to happen, Blake.

Ross: What are you talking about? It already has. She got to you; she got to me. How do we know we're not fighting something that we can't fight?

Ross: Well, before, we weren't fighting together, but now the odds have changed. It is not Tory against you or Tory against me, it is Tory against us. And I don't think she stands a chance-- do you? We are going to take care of her because we've suffered too much because of Tory. All of this will soon be over.

Billy: What I think we should do at this point is I think we should split up, and make...

Reva: Big secret?

Richard: We were just discussing the menu.

Josh: For the wedding.

Billy: Yeah.

Reva: Oh.

Billy: Food. Buzz?

Josh: Right.

Billy: Buzz was going to okay our menu.

Reva: (Laughs) I think they've got something up their sleeve.

Cassie: Yeah, that's a bit obvious. But let them have their fun. You know, they don't get it too often. Oh. What, is it intermission?

Engineer: Any chance of borrowing the bride and groom?

Reva: For what?

Josh: For what?

Engineer: We have to adjust the lights for the ceremony tomorrow.

Reva: Uh, well, that's not possible because it's bad luck. I mean, that would be like the worst form of bad luck that you could ever imagine.

Richard: Well, we could step in for you.

Reva: You would?

Richard: Would I? Would I relive the moment that Cassie promised to be mine forever? Only a million times, if I could.

Marina: You don't have to be nice to me.

Gus: Are you talking about me? Shut up, because you know I'm not nice. You messed up. You did something that was wrong, you know. But it took a lot of courage to admit that. I mean, they've got to admire that.

Harley: I guess I do.

Marina: I'm really sorry. Look, what I did was stupid, and it was wrong, and you're right, Dad, I didn't think.

Buzz: Well, gee. Not thinking before you do something, that's sort of a Cooper family trait, isn't it, Frank? How many times has that gotten you into trouble?

Frank: (Clears throat) Not that I really want her to follow in my own footsteps.

Buzz: Better yours than mine.

Gus: I couldn't agree more.

Buzz: You couldn't, huh?

Gus: Sorry, Mr. Cooper. I didn't... Scratch that. About Marina, I think that everybody should look at why she does the stuff she does, as opposed to the actual stuff she does. She's trying to fit into this family, you know, and just from the outside, I can tell you, with you guys, it's not that easy. I mean, I've done some things myself that have just, you know-- ( imitates explosion)-- blown up in my face. So, she's just trying to be a part of everything. Trying to fit in. I think, you know... I think that's what this is really all about.

Harley: Marina? Come here. Sit. You know, I remember when I was your age, and I felt like you did, like everybody does when you're that age. You feel invisible, like nobody can see you. And I did my fair share of really stupid things to get some attention-- most of which are better forgotten, I think.

Frank: I'd certainly like to forget all this.

Buzz: Well, you know, it looks to me like she's come a long way. She used to act out because she was ticked off at us. Now she's acting out because she wants to be one of us. And you are. I mean, no matter how bad the crime is.

Marina: Thanks, Grandpa.

Buzz: Frank, would you like some fatherly advice?

Frank: No.

Buzz: Yes, from me, Frank. From me. Apologize to your sister and give your daughter a hug.

Frank: Oh, sis, I知 sorry.

Harley: I'm sorry, too.

Frank: Don't be mad at me, okay? Sweetie. You know, I love you, honey.

Marina: Daddy, I love you, too.

Frank: I'm sorry.

Marina: I'm sorry, too.

Lizzie: Dad.

Phillip: Thanks.

Beth: Phil, is that it? Is that the information you've been waiting for, from Olivia?

Phillip: I have to go.

Beth: Phillip?

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: Are you sure you want to do this?

Phillip: Absolutely positive. Lizzie, I want you to watch your two little brothers while I'm gone, okay?

Lizzie: So, Zach's still here? Did Harley forget to pick him up or something?

Beth: No, no. It's complicated. But you know something? Zach... Zach really likes you, so maybe you could go up and peek in on him, and then we'll all go swimming later?

Lizzie: Do you want me to bring Lorelei's stuff back upstairs?

Beth: No. No. I'll take care of it. (Clears throat) "Lorelei痴 diary." Nothing in there. I'm sure there's nothing. Oh, my God.

Richard: Well, I think, you know... Are the acoustics all right in here? Maybe we should test the acoustics.

Engineer: I don't think that'll be necessary, thanks.

Richard: Testing, one, two, three. Testing, acoustics all right? Yes, acoustics all right. (Laughter)

Engineer: I said it won't be necessary, but thanks.

Richard: I just want to make sure that everything, you know, goes all right for tomorrow. We don't want any mistakes, do we?

Cassie: Definitely not, no.

Billy: Would you like a preacher? (Laughter)

Richard: As a matter of fact, I think we do.

Billy: Well then. All right, everybody. Gather around me. Let's get this show on the road. I have a 2:00 at the little white church down in the dell.

Josh: What's her name?

Billy: Mind your manners, son. This is very serious.

Richard: Okay.

Billy: You all have the ring.

Cassie: I have it right here.

Billy: Good. Well, then I say we're ready to go. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in front of these electricians and caterers to join these two people in the state of holy matrimony. Now, before I get into the important stuff-- the "Do I's" and what not-- maybe you all would like to say something to each other.

Richard: I suppose that would be appropriate. Um, it's hard to remember this. And the Lord God said "It is not good for man to be alone, so I will make him a woman, someone suitable for his needs." But what he didn't say, and what I was completely unprepared for was just how much a man could love a woman. I've been through the oddest of odysseys over the last few years, Cassie, and... You know, I was a prince, then a president, and an ambassador, and now I'm a... Well, who knows what the future holds? And you've been there with me the whole time, by my side through sickness and in health, for better, for worse. And, well, you're the one constant in my life, and you're the greatest gift that I could have ever had in my life. I love you, and I vow to try to make you happy, from this day forward, for the rest of my life.

Cassie: When I was a little girl, I dreamed that a prince would ride up on a white horse and take me away, rescue me from all the bad, and wipe away all the loneliness. And I never believed in a million years that it would come true. But it did. You make me count. And you make me whole. I met you as if in a fairy tale, and I kept waiting for someone to tell me that happily ever after never happens. But it does. And his name is Richard George Anthony Winslow III.

Richard: I think you better get in here and pronounce us man and wife again, so I can kiss this person.

Billy: By the power invested in me and the good lord above, I pronounce you man and wife. And you may now kiss her. (Applause)

Frank: You know, you're not off the hook.

Marina: I know.

Frank: There's going to be some serious consequences for your actions.

Marina: I know. I deserve it. Dad, just please, whatever you do, don't make me go back to California.

Frank: You listen to me. You're not going anywhere. You're going to stay right here. I'm your father. I will always be your father, and if you get into trouble again-- which I hope you don't-- I will always be there for you. All right? You're first and you're last with me. This is your family, your home, and nothing-- and I mean absolutely nothing-- can ever, ever change that.

Gus: Hey, Marina. How's that for clarity?

Marina: I don't know how to make up for what I did. I just... I want you to know, I never meant to ruin anything for you. You know, I really did think that I was...

Harley: Being helpful?

Marina: Yeah.

Harley: Yeah. Well, maybe next time you could just try to be a little less helpful, make it a little easier on all of us. (Laughs) Now maybe I can straighten things out with Phillip and get my son back where he belongs.

Lizzie: Mom! Where are you?

Beth: Um, I知 here! Um... I'm right here. I'm coming.

Ross: So I think we can toss this.

Blake: No, no.

Ross: Look, we don't need a safe room. I will be your panic button. If Tory comes anywhere near you, I'll take care of it.

Blake: Ross, if we see Tory, then it's too late. This woman is cunning and ruthless. She plans ahead.

Ross: Yeah? Well, why don't we go home and make a few plans. We'll be ready for her. You know something? Tory Granger is clever, but she's starting to make mistakes. She's only human, you know?

Blake: Oh, I hope you're right. But something makes me wonder about that.


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