Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/3/02
Tony: So what kind of scam is this, Romeo, huh? You make bail and suddenly you walk back in here because you got the burning urge to tell the truth?
Romeo: That is the truth, Tony, at least part of it.
Tony: Yeah, and I'm starting at second for the Cubs today.
Romeo: You won't be making those wisecracks once you hear what I got to say.
Marah: Look, don't let him say anything, Tony, not till you hear me out.
Romeo: I came to confess. Did you miss that?
Police officer: About abducting Miss Lewis here?
Romeo: To murder. To the murder of Catalina Quesada, and everything that went down after it. And I do mean everything.
Tony: What the hell is going on, man?
Romeo: You'll find out soon enough. Now, call somebody to come take my statement before I change my mind.
Guest: Did you know he was coming?
Rick: No.
Michelle: Oh, Dad.
Rick: Dad.
Ed: So, what's the deal? My invitation got lost in the mail or something?
Rick: You were almost late, Dad. You almost missed the show.
Ed: Aw, come on, this is a show that's going to go on for quite some time.
Michelle: I can't believe you're here.
Ed: You can't believe it.
Michelle: It worked, it really worked.
Ed: What do you mean?
Michelle: I... I've been trying to bring him home.
Ed: If it weren't for Danny, I'd be still nine time zones away.
Rick: Uh, you guys... You guys planned this whole thing? And you didn't tell me about it?
Danny: Call it a wedding present.
Ed: All the way around.
Rick: Well, hopefully, there's going to be some wedding cake later.
Ed: I haven't had some cake in a long time.
Michelle: Thank you.
Danny: Hey, not a problem.
Phillip: All right, well, excuse me, everybody, but we actually do still have a wedding to finish here. And we've only got this park for about an hour, so...
Rick: You know how to pull on the old heart strings, buddy.
Phillip: You got it, buddy, that's what best men are for. So I知 going to move that we hold the question and answer session until the reception. All in favor?
All: Aye!
Phillip: Anybody opposed? Ed?
Ed: I... I still object to the whole thing.
Rick: Dad?
Ed: I'm not going to stand here and let my only son marry a complete stranger. Sweetie, we haven't met. I'm the father, Ed Bauer.
Mel: I'm Melissande Boudreau. But people call me Mel.
Ed: Hi, Mel. It's a long flight back, but Danny never ran out of good things to say about you.
Mel: Well, I'm glad.
Rick: I am, too.
Mel: Well, it's an honor to meet you, Dr. Bauer.
Ed: Ed.
Mel: Ed. (Chuckles) Well, I've heard so much about you. How could I not? I'm on staff here at Cedars, so your name comes up very often.
Ed: I didn't realize I owed so many people money. ( Laughter) Thanks.
Mel: I think there are a couple of people you know here.
Ed: Clayton, how you doing?
Clayton: How you doing?
Ed: Good to see you.
Clayton: Good to see you, too.
Felicia: Hi, Ed. Welcome home.
Ed: How are you?
Felicia: You met our daughter. This is our son, Remy.
Remy: Hey, good to meet you.
Ed: How's it going?
Rick: Well, I feel like all the captains are being introduced before the football game. (Laughter)
Phillip: (Clears throat)
Ed: Phillip, I'm sorry I threw off your schedule.
Phillip: Ah, you know, given your timing, I think we'll let it slide. Welcome home, Ed.
Ed: Look, I don't want to tinker with the ceremony, I just wonder, is it written down someplace that a father can't give away his son?
Judge: Not that I know of.
Rick: Oh, boy, ten minutes back... Ten minutes back after four years of being away, and you want to get rid of me already? ( Laughter)
Ed: Never. You and your sister are never going to get rid of me either.
Michelle: We're going to hold you to that.
Ed: Okay, that's it. This is where you come in.
Judge: Well, what was I saying?
Rick: Something about "The powers vested in you?" Something like that.
Mel: Yes, we're getting to the best part.
Judge: That's right. Mel, Rick, every so often, I知 asked to officiate at a ceremony that seems to redefine what love and commitment are. This is one of those times. The only thing I can wish you is more of what you both obviously feel right now, for many years to come. And so, now that I've been reminded, by the power vested in me, I now pronounced you husband and wife. (Cheering)
Police officer: I'll call the DA's office. Meanwhile, have a seat at my desk.
Romeo: Yo, relax, man. I ain't going anywhere, all right? I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Tony: You know, none of this makes any sense.
Marah: It does to me.
Tony: Well, then, will you please explain it to me? Because the guy practically danced out of here a minute ago. Now he's back to spill his guts? And he's looking forward to it, Marah, why?
Carmen: How you doing, Antonio?
Tony: I'll tell you once my head stops spinning. You did this, didn't you?
Carmen: What?
Tony: Come on, Aunt Carmen, you... you got to Romeo. You're the reason that he's here.
Carmen: What does it matter as long as the end result is this door swinging open? Just call me a concerned citizen and a loving aunt. But I really have to thank you, Marah.
Marah: For what?
Carmen: For standing by Tony throughout this entire nightmare. Such loyalty.
Doris: Mrs. Santos.
Carmen: Miss Wolfe, so good to see you.
Doris: I see you and your family are stirring up a little excitement around here.
Carmen: Yes, well, we're honored you're here to tend to this matter.
Doris: Yeah, well, this better be good.
Romeo: (Laughs) Oh, not just good, priceless.
Police officer: Back in the seat.
Romeo: Wait... What for? Hell, I got nothing to hide. How many of us can say that?
(Cheers and applause) (heart monitor alarm emitting high-pitched beeping)
Michelle: Are you okay?
Rick: I'm sorry, I forgot to put a quarter in. I'm okay. It's a short one.
Ed: He's all right. He just got a little excited.
Mel: Never a dull moment with this guy. (Laughs) Okay?
Rick: Yeah, I知 all right. Thanks.
Harley: I... I... I just... I just want him to be happy, you know?
Gus: They're off to a good start.
Harley: (Laughs)
Phillip: Well, I think I would like to congratulate Dr. And Dr. Rick Bauer. Or after that, Dr. And Dr. Mel Boudreau. I don't know what you want to be called, but whatever you want to be called, congratulations you two. (Applause)
Ed: All the best, son.
Rick: Thanks, Dad. (Classical music playing)
Harley: It must feel good to find the right person, huh?
Rick: Thanks.
Gus: It's great. Congratulations, honestly.
Ed: I've got to tell you, I知 not used to such beauty.
Clayton: Well, I'm not used to her wearing a wedding ring.
Mel: Dad. (Laughs)
Remy: You know he's going to be on the "My daughter's gone forever" riff for weeks, right? (Laughter)
Felicia: More like years.
Ed: You can't blame them. Your daughter's obviously a remarkable woman.
Clayton: And a very brave one, too.
Rick: Oh, that's subtle, guys. (Laughter) That is very subtle.
Phillip: Hey, anything for you, pal.
Rick: Appreciate the effort. (Cans rattling)
Harley: Well, see, we... we can work together.
Phillip: Hey, it's tin cans and cardboard signs. I think we're okay. Talking about a criminal living under the same roof as my son, I think my cooperation level might be a little different...
Harley: Wait... wait a minute. Gus is not a criminal.
Phillip: Maybe not technically.
Harley: Okay, well, you want to get technical, I don't think I知 so thrilled that my son's part-time mom has spent the last few months with a personality disorder, technically.
Phillip: Criminal behavior, mental disorder. Yeah, they're comparable. We'll talk about this later.
Harley: Yeah, you bet we will.
Rick: Ah, yes, sweetie, the cake, finally the cake. Oh, yes. All this whipped cream and butter and eggs and chocolate. Please, let me off the hospital diet for just one minute, please. Pretty please. Just give me one slice, please. Just one slice.
Mel: Okay.
Rick: Okay?
Mel: Yeah.
Rick: Just like that? Just okay?
Mel: Yeah.
Rick: That's all there was to it? Just...
Mel: You can have as much of this as you like. (Laughs) Hospital-approved gelatin.
Rick: Oh, goody, my favorite color-- red.
Mel: (Laughs) Oh, come on, honey. I'm just looking out for you. It comes with the territory.
Rick: I know, sweetheart. (Laughter)
Lizzie: Dr. Bauer, um, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Lizzie Spaulding.
Ed: Yeah, hi, how are you?
Lizzie: Hi, I知 good, thanks.
Ed: You've grown so much. How's it going?
Beth: Mom?
Lillian: Yes, sweetie?
Beth: Why don't you... Why don't you come and have something to eat?
Lillian: Well, you know, I'm not really hungry at this second.
Beth: Are you all right?
Lillian: I'm asking myself that question every single second, Beth.
Beth: Well, Ed, he looks like he's been through a lot, but he looks good.
Lillian: But that doesn't mean you know what's going on inside somebody, does it?
Holly: Hi.
Ed: Hi.
Holly: Hi. Welcome back.
Ed: Thank you.
Holly: It's good to have you home.
Ed: Home, now there's a concept. This is punch. This is nonalcoholic punch.
Holly: How have you been?
Ed: Well, I haven't been drinking. I mean, if that's what you're asking.
Holly: That's good.
Ed: I mean, I know I look...
Holly: I think you look fine.
Ed: I... I should thank you.
Holly: Why?
Ed: Well, Danny said that you did everything you could to help Michelle find me.
Holly: Oh, I tried. Where were you anyway?
Ed: That's a long story.
Holly: Maybe some other time.
Ed: Mm-hmm. You look... Perfect.
Holly: Nobody but you knows how far from the truth that is.
Ed: Cheers, Holly.
Holly: Cheers.
Buzz: Hey, hey. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, you did great.
Holly: You saw that?
Buzz: What do you think?
Michelle: He looks so...
Danny: What's the matter?
Michelle: I don't know. He just looks different. He looks...
Danny: He's tired.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: He's very tired. Why don't you go over there and give him a hug?
Michelle: I don't know. I feel kind of shy all of a sudden. I...
Danny: Why, why, why, why?
Michelle: He's been away so long, you know. I just... I don't know, I guess I do have questions. I want to know where he's been, why he was gone so long.
Danny: Honey, it wasn't the greatest situation in the world.
Michelle: What do you mean? Was he in trouble?
Danny: (Sighs) I... I just think Ed should be the person to tell you. But I will say this, I知 very glad that you didn't go with me to find him.
Michelle: It was that bad?
Danny: Will you please go over there? I brought the guy halfway around the world so that he could be with you, and you're standing over here like a timid little church mouse.
Michelle: No, but it's not like I mind the company I got, you know?
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: You have no idea how much this means to me.
Danny: Are you crazy? Yeah, I do. I do.
Michelle: I love you.
Danny: Oh, I love you, too. Go.
Michelle: Hey, Daddy. Can I get you anything? (Crying) I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Ed: Please don't. Everything's going to be fine. Everything is just... It's going to be fine.
Rick: Thank you so much. Thank you.
Danny: What? Oh, no, don't thank me. It was actually a very selfish gesture. I can't get enough of making Michelle happy.
Rick: Well, I am definitely into that kind of selfishness. (Laughs) In fact... Hey, can I have your attention for just one minute? The last speech of the... of the day. (Guests groans) I promise you. I'm tired, I know you're tired. I know everybody wants to get home. I just want to say all this is... Doesn't... Isn't what it seems. I mean, rumor has it, is that my heart is weak and has to be replaced. But, I mean, how can it be possible? My heart has never been more full, full of joy, gratitude, and love. I am the luckiest guy on the planet to be surrounded by such great friends. So, just thank you all for being here and making my life rich beyond any measure. I just love you all. Thank you for being here.
All: Here, here. (Applause)
Beth: And we love you, too. (Laughter)
Ed: How you doing? You should get a little rest.
Rick: I'll tell you what I would like, Dad. I would just like a honeymoon in Hawaii, simple. That's what I... In fact, buddy, is this one of these James bond- type wheelchairs that, you know, disappear in the credits at the end of the movie?
Phillip: Uh, no, this would be one of those cheap ones. This one you got to roll yourself.
Rick: A cheap one?
Phillip: Uh-hmm.
Rick: Where's the Spaulding money, man? This is my wedding. This isn't, you know, a karaoke deal.
Mel: I think we all know this is your wedding, but if your father says you need to rest...
Rick: (Coughs)
Mel: ...Then that's what you're going to do.
Rick: Honey, I can rest later.
Phillip: Hey, would you stop being so damn stubborn?
Rick: At least you care enough to be a pain.
Phillip: Well, I would like to be a pain for about another 50 years or so, okay, so don't push it.
Rick: Dad?
Ed: I'm fine, I知 fine.
Rick: You look like you could use some rest yourself, Dad.
Ed: (Laughs) Everything is fine. I guess the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
Rick: Well, I知 not complaining. I'm very lucky. So how long are you staying in Springfield, Dad?
Ed: Long enough. So will you please pay some attention to your beautiful bride?
Rick: Well, I知 assuming I'll have some time to catch up.
Ed: You can count on it.
Rick: Good.
Mel: Okay. Well, let's get this show on the road. We're wanted on the third floor.
Rick: Thank you so much. I love you.
Ed: It's the best trip I ever made. And I really like that cake. (Laughter)
Rick: Thanks for coming, Dad.
Phillip: All righty, here we go. Clear a path! (Cheers and applause) (laughter)
Rick: Do you still love me?
Mel: Yes.
Lillian: You forgot the bride. (Laughter) Oh, that's nice. That's really nice.
Rick: Do you still love me? Oh, that's so embarrassing.
Phillip: That was not his fault. That was my fault. Okay, let's try this again. (Cheers and applause)
Clayton: Well, I'm losing a daughter there.
Felicia: Oh, and she's gaining a whole new life. And I think that's a fair exchange, in my opinion. Isn't she beautiful?
Clayton: We did good, huh? (Murmuring) Come on.
Mel: All right, heads up! (Cheering) (applause) ( applause)
Romeo: If you got a tape recorder, now would be a good time to turn it on.
Doris: Let's move this somewhere more private. We'll get you a public defender or your attorney in here.
Romeo: I don't need a lawyer. I know what I know, and I'm only going to say it once, right here, right now. So do you want to hear it or not?
Doris: All right. Whenever you're ready.
Romeo: I killed Catalina Quesada. The night of April 15, I hit her over the head with a statue.
Doris: Why?
Romeo: She was poison to the family. And the Santos family might as well be my family.
Doris: In what way was Miss Quesada poison?
Romeo: She lied through her teeth. Nobody here could stand her. She would have kept on blabbing about how if she didn't get what she wanted, she was going to run to the feds with information about the family.
Doris: What did she want?
Romeo: Tony Santos. And she got him, too. Got him to marry her. It was a bad deal for Tony, and it was a bad deal for the family. So I decided I would make it right.
Doris: By murdering Miss Quesada?
Romeo: It did the trick, didn't it?
Doris: And no one in the Santos family ordered you to do this? You acted all alone?
Romeo: It was my idea to kill her, I did it. It's as simple as that.
Doris: And Tony Santos had nothing at all to do with the murder?
Romeo: You got... You got something wrong with your ears? Rewind that tape recorder. I said I did it. Tony's innocent. He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Doris: But you let him take the rap for it.
Romeo: I was scared.
Doris: Aren't you scared now?
Romeo: Yeah, about dishonoring myself and the Santos'. They've always done right by me. Plus, Tony was my best friend, my business partner, everything. Couldn't hang him out to dry like that.
Doris: That's why you came forward?
Romeo: The information would have come out sooner or later anyways.
Doris: Why is that?
Romeo: Because Marah Lewis was on to me.
Doris: Marah Lewis suspected you were guilty of the murder because...?
Romeo: See that necklace she's wearing?
Doris: Officer, can I see the necklace?
Romeo: She tore that St. Anthony medal off of Catalina that night when they were fighting. It was on the floor after Marah got knocked out. After I killed Catalina, I took it.
Doris: And how did Miss Lewis come to have it again?
Romeo: I was wearing it a couple of days later. She saw it. I don't know, maybe my shirt was open or something. Anyways, I gave it to her, and that's when she started putting the pieces together.
Doris: You gave her the medal?
Romeo: That's right.
Doris: As a gift?
Romeo: Something like that.
Doris: Yeah, well, I want to know exactly what it was. Why did you give her the medal?
Romeo: It was my way of saying thank you.
Romeo: Marah liked me for who I was. Or at least I thought she did, so I gave her the medal.
Doris: As a token of friendship?
Romeo: Friends, right. (Laughs)
Doris: Intimate friends?
Romeo: Just friends. Not that I didn't want more, I did. Maybe it would have happened if there was no Tony.
Doris: So you're saying that Marah Lewis' feelings for Tony Santos prevented you and she from getting closer?
Romeo: She loves him and only him. That's pretty much the end of the story.
Phillip: Whoa, watch your... Watch your... Watch your...
Mel: Oh! (Laughs)
Phillip: You like it?
Rick: Yeah. What's with the flowers?
Mel: Oh, it's beautiful.
Rick: You're not planning my funeral, are you?
Mel: Bite your tongue.
Phillip: This is your honeymoon. Happy wedding, guys.
Both: (Laugh)
Rick: Hey.
Mel: Hey.
Rick: Can you do me a favor?
Mel: Yeah. What is it?
Rick: Unhook this heart monitor, and lock the door.
Mel: Whatever you say, Doctor.
Michelle: Is it like you remembered it?
Ed: Exactly. And not at all. (Laughs)
Michelle: Why don't I make you something to eat? Are you thirsty?
Ed: Yeah. I'm thirsty. Just think, you can drink that stuff right from the tap. Where I've been, you had to boil it, every drop of it. The things we take for granted. I hope to God I never do that again.
Michelle: Dad, where have you been all this time? Can you tell me, please?
Ed: It's just... It's complicated.
Danny: Ed, hey, don't worry about the glass. We have a dishwasher.
Ed: I kind of like doing it, actually. Besides, I think Meta would approve.
Danny: Hmm, well, true.
Ed: Danny said that she broke her hip. Sorry to hear that.
Danny: Yeah, but she does get to stay in Nova Scotia, though, so it's not entirely a bad tradeoff.
Michelle: I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, Dad.
Ed: I know that. You want to know where I致e been. Four years is a long time.
Michelle: Yeah, it was kind of difficult, you know. You didn't come back for my trial. You weren't here for Robbie's birth.
Ed: I saw his picture.
Danny: Oh, yeah, he's a lot bigger now, a lot.
Michelle: Can you at least tell me why you never called, why you never wrote?
Ed: Honey, I just don't know if I can put it into words.
Michelle: Maybe you could try.
Ed: Thank you.
Danny: Michelle, maybe, um... You know, maybe we should put this off till tomorrow. I'm sure Ed's tired.
Ed: It's not going to do any good, because she's going to want an answer to the question tomorrow, aren't you?
Michelle: Yeah. I know that Ross was in touch with you once on the phone. And then after that, there was nothing.
Ed: After Eve died, I left Springfield to try to hang onto my sobriety and my sanity. What happened was I ended up in a place where insanity is the norm.
Michelle: And you stayed there?
Ed: Because I thought I could help people in a pathetically minor way. That's why I stayed.
Michelle: You were tending to the sick.
Ed: That's... that's what you try to do, but the thing is that there is so much more poverty and sickness than anybody imagines. And then you come home to a place where opulence and splendor are the norm. And I know I will forget. I mean, I have to forget, but it's going to be hard because I also know that all that other stuff... That nightmare is still there. And it's one plane ride away.
Danny: You know, honey, speaking of plane rides, your father and I had a very long trip. And I know I知 tired. Ed's got to be exhausted. Maybe you ought to get some sleep.
Ed: Oh, please, does any of it... Okay, look... I'm going to go over... Call up that motel on the other side of town, the Pines or something. What, it went out of business?
Michelle: Well, you're not going to stay in a hotel, you're going to stay here.
Ed: No, this is... This is your place, this is your home.
Michelle: No, no, it's ours, you know that.
Ed: I... I'd like to shave. You know, next time you rescue me, you might bring a razor.
Danny: Okay. I'll make a mental note of it.
Ed: Take a shower, hot and cold running water.
Danny: Well, we got both, last time I checked.
Ed: Then I'm going to go stand in it. Thank you.
Danny: Sure.
Ed: I like your hair.
Michelle: I have somebody that I... I want you to meet.
Beth: It was beautiful.
Phillip: Yeah. I don't think I've never seen Rick so...
Beth: Hey, what were you going to say?
Phillip: I was going to say "Full of life." But he was, wasn't he? My God, he... he practically glowed. Thank you for helping to make it so special.
Beth: Hey, you know me, anything for romance. Oh, I know that look. (Laughs)
Phillip: You do?
Beth: Yeah.
Phillip: What?
Beth: You're thinking about marriage, right?
Phillip: What color underwear do I have on? (Laughter) You're good. Okay. Have you been thinking about it?
Beth: Some.
Phillip: Yeah?
Beth: I've been thinking about love a lot more.
Phillip: Well, you know, it's my understanding that the two are not mutually exclusive.
Beth: No, no. But it's the idea of... of loving and trusting someone through and through that appeals to me, not a bunch of words that legally latch two people together.
Phillip: I don't think I've ever heard you say anything like that before.
Beth: Well, I致e been through a lot in the last year. And I guess I'm paying more attention to the deeper connections, rather than the surface stuff.
Phillip: Well, that's a good thing.
Beth: Yeah. I mean, um, you know, who... who cares how things look, right? Phillip, what... what I'm interested in is, um... Being so in love with someone that we don't have to be married to stay together. Being so connected that you don't have to ask the other person what they're thinking or feeling. You just know.
Phillip: I think we do.
Beth: Yeah? I am very happy with you, and I just... I just want a chance to love you purely and maybe more passionately than ever before. Because I value that knowing and being known.
Phillip: I have to tell you, though, I... I know what you're saying, but I... see for me, I feel like I am discovering you all over again every day.
Beth: We got it pretty good, huh?
Phillip: Yeah, we do. (Phone rings)
Beth: I hate that phone! (Laughs)
Phillip: Yeah? Oh, Olivia, hey. Did you find anything on Gus? Really? Oh, well, that little... Yeah, no... no, that's great. That's going to come in very handy. Yes, I know, I owe you. Thanks. Okay.
Beth: Hey, everything okay?
Phillip: Yeah, everything is well on its way to being perfect. What were you saying about passion?
Beth: (Laughs) Well, you know, I'd rather show you.
Danny: I hear somebody. Here he is.
Michelle: You want to show him how to walk?
Danny: Hey, champ.
Michelle: Let's walk. Ready?
Danny: Good boy.
Michelle: There you go.
Ed: Is this Robbie?
Danny: Yeah, it's Robbie. Hey, come here. You know who that is? This is your granddad.
Ed: Sweet little munchkin.
Michelle: And you are his very first grandson.
Ed: Do you want to say hello? You little darling.
Doris: All right, book him.
Police officer: Get up. Put your hands behind your back.
Marah: What about Tony?
Doris: We're dropping the charges. He's free to go.
Tony: Thank you. It's okay. It's all over now. Well, I guess I owe you one.
Carmen: For what?
Tony: For what? For persuading Romeo to come clean.
Carmen: Honestly, Tony, I didn't do a thing. Well, I'll leave you two alone.
Tony: Alone. With you. That's all I ever wanted.
Carmen: May I have some time with him alone, please?
Doris: (Sighs) Make it fast.
Carmen: You're wrong about the family, Romeo, we do accept you. And we'll stand by you throughout your trial and whatever else happens. Why the hell did you let Marah Lewis off the hook? We had a deal, you and I. Now, look at them, billing and cooing like a couple of lovebirds.
Romeo: I didn't forget about the deal, Carmen. I'm just taking my time.
Carmen: What do you mean?
Romeo: I mean I want to stay alive, and if that means doing ten to 20, I can live with that. I'm not stupid. Marah Lewis is my insurance policy. If I cash that in, I知 history. But as long as you need me around, there's a reason to let me breathe.
Doris: All right, that's enough.
Tony: Hey, we made it. I'm in the clear, Babe. And now nothing is ever going to come between us again. Nothing.
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