Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/31/02
Romeo: Hey, what... what is everybody around here deaf? You... Hey! I said I wanted a separate cell! It doesn't got to be like this between us, Tony. Hey, come on, man... How long have we been friends? This is... This is just like a little bump in the road. We can get past this.
Tony: You killed Catalina. And you were going to let me fry for it. You were going to kill Marah if I hadn't shown up. You want me to try and get past that? You know what? I ought to save the state the time and the money and finish you off myself.
Romeo: Okay, you know what? If it makes you feel better to unload on me, then go ahead. But I'm not the one who was disloyal to you, Tony.
Tony: Oh, yeah? Well, you could have fooled me, Romeo.
Romeo: You've been fooled all right.
Tony: What is that supposed to mean?
Romeo: Do you need me to spell it out for you?
Tony: Yeah, I do.
("The Wedding March" playing) (Murmuring) ("The Wedding March" playing)
Judge: All right, we'll begin. Unless you're expecting more guests? (Laughter)
Michelle: Um, I think everyone who's coming is here.
Judge: In that case, dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of this man and this woman in the bonds of matrimony.
Phillip: Stop! I... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry to interrupt you, but... This is wrong. This is... Rick, this is...
Rick: Phillip.... Phillip...
Buzz: Phillip, whatever you're going to say, put a lid on it!
Phillip: No, I can't, I can't. And I can't let the ceremony continue, not like this. Does this... Does this feel like a wedding to you? To either one of you? Because... I don't know about anybody else, but to me, it feels more like a wake. (Rick coughing) It smells like disinfectant in here. We got... We got... You know, we got bells going off on monitors and beepers and everything, all right? I mean, could it... Could this possibly be anymore depressing?
Lillian: Phillip, would you keep your opinions to yourself for once?
Phillip: Rick, you're my oldest friend in the world, and, Mel, you are marrying him. And you know what? Damn it, you got some incredible news today. Now, as the best man, I feel like it's my duty to make sure that this celebration is... is that, a celebration, a joyous, memorable, life-affirming event.
Rick: Phillip, we appreciate the sentiment, but... I'm not exactly in tiptop shape...
Phillip: I... Doesn't matter. We... we can still do better than we're doing. Just... just give me one minute. Beth, come here.
Rick: Do I have a choice?
Phillip: Yeah... Just give me one minute. (Murmuring) ...And after you do that...
Beth: Oh, okay, okay, okay, stop, stop micromanaging. Felicia, if you can just keep your beautiful daughter calm and comfortable, and Michelle, Mom, Lizzie, Harley, you too, come with me.
Harley: Why?
Lillian: Where?
Beth: Come with me, come with me.
Harley: We'll be right back, and believe me... Where are we going?
Rick: Talk to him, Lillian, would you?
Phillip: Does that sound good to you guys? (All agreeing)
Mel: Mom, do you have any idea what Phillip is hatching?
Felicia: Honey, I don't have a clue, but I'm certain I'll be part of that.
Rick: This is... This is just crazy. I want to get married and I want to get married right now.
Mel: Well, hopefully, the... the delay won't be too long, I don't know.
Rick: Honey, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I... I don't want to waste anymore time.
Mel: Well, neither do I. You know what? Now, that you're at the top of the transplant list, I think everything's going to be okay.
Rick: Me, too. What?
Harley: I need to borrow your soon-to-be-wife and her mother... Now! No questions asked. Come on, ladies.
Rick: Wait a minute, you're taking the light of my life? What's going on here? What's going on?
Phillip: Don't worry, you'll see them again.
Rick: Don't worry? Everybody's gone. What am I going to do, marry myself?
Phillip: It's getting to be too ugly.
Rick: (Coughs) Okay, you know what? You... You've pushed the bounds of our friendship in the past, but this takes the cake. I want to know what's going on, and I want to know what's going on right now.
Phillip: Okay, I'm going to tell you what's going on. Two words: Bachelor party.
Tony: Marah.
Marah: They put you in the same cell as Romeo?
Tony: Yeah, they're a bunch of idiots. Baby, you shouldn't be here.
Marah: Of course I should. How are you doing?
Tony: I'm getting really sick of this cell!
Marah: Well, don't worry. As soon as the truth comes out, you'll be free.
Romeo: What truth would that be, Marah?
Marah: You know which truth, Romeo, that it was you who killed Catalina.
Romeo: Oh, that truth. See, I thought you were talking about the other truth. You know which one I mean, right?
Tony: Would you just shut up? Marah, ignore him. Look, he's been talking trash all day. He's trying to save his own skin.
Marah: What sort of trash?
Tony: Just saying, you know, he wasn't the one who was disloyal. That it was somebody else, whatever the hell that means.
Romeo: (Laughs) Oh, I'll tell you exactly what the hell that means. Is that all right with you, Marah?
Tony: Hey, what the hell are you asking her for?
Romeo: Because she's little miss virtue, right, Marah?
Tony: You watch it. You watch it!
Romeo: The little princess on the right side of the tracks...
Tony: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Romeo: And me? Oh, I'm not even fit to wash your car, am I? Let alone touch you. Although you didn't seem to mind the other night when Tony was guilty.
Tony: Oh, please!
Romeo: Oh, you were all over me then...
Tony: Please, please, you are such a loser. Do you think that Marah would ever be interested in a guy like you? She was just leading you on!
Romeo: She led all right, didn't you?
Tony: You get over yourself. Marah would never be interested in a guy like you.
Romeo: You know what, if you don't tell him, I will.
Tony: Tell me what?
Police officer: Get your stuff. You just made bail.
Romeo: Me?
Tony: Him? How'd he make bail?
Marah: Who paid it?
Romeo: Guess I got a guardian angel. Hey, I'll see you around, all right, boss? This discussion between you and me, it ain't done yet. You can count on that.
Marah: This is so backwards. It should be you getting out of here, not him.
Tony: Who the hell would pay for his bail? All his friends are in Chicago. As far as I know, he didn't even make a phone call.
Marah: Forget about him. Forget about Romeo. Look, just worry about getting you out of here, okay? That's all I care about.
Tony: (Sighs) It'll happen, baby. It has to. I can't stand being apart from you for another minute.
Gus: Well, I'm livening up the... Sorry.
Rick: Man, you got to hand it to Phillip. This was definitely worth stopping the wedding for. I haven't had this much fun since my diagnosis. And where's Frank? Frank could come here to liven things up.
Buzz: Oh, Frank's at a stakeout. You know how hard those are to get out of.
Rick: What's going on here, Buzz? He misses my engagement party, now my wedding? I mean...
Gus: He gets free donuts.
Rick: There is going to be a wedding, right?
Ben: You know, guys, I've only been to one bachelor party before this, but aren't there some ritual things we're supposed to do?
Buzz: Well, yeah, you get drunk and you go to strip clubs. (All agreeing)
Rick: Which we can't do for obvious reasons.
Gus: I... I was going to get you a very special gift, but I didn't have enough notice.
Rick: No, please, Gus. The bowling ball was more than generous.
Buzz: You got him a bowling ball?
Gus: It was a... You know, recovery gift.
Buzz: You are such a strange man.
Gus: Well, it takes one to know one, Mr. Cooper.
Clayton: You know, bachelor parties are never what they're cracked up to be anyway, right? Why do guys try to have fun without women? I thought the whole point was to have fun with women. (All agreeing)
Remy: Yes, I agree. Besides, strip clubs are way overrated.
Gus: Well, speak for yourself.
Clayton: Exactly how do you know so much about strip clubs, son?
Remy: I don't, I... First hand. But I... I've got friends who go to them.
Buzz: Oh, good save, kid. You know, I... I believe that...
Phillip: Okay, now, we're ready to party. All right. ( Applause) Here we go. We now have beer, non-alcoholic, of course.
Rick: There's more under the bed in case we run out, Reva brought some.
Buzz: Ah, we can put it directly into your IV.
Rick: Oh, please, stop it, Buzz. I'm going to die from laughing.
Phillip: Not only that, we have cigars, with the finest Cuban chocolate.
Rick: More sugar.
Gus: Did you bring balloons?
Phillip: Gus, you know, anytime you need to leave, man, I think the door's unlocked.
Gus: Really? Now, why would I do that?
Phillip: Oh, I don't know, maybe because you weren't invited?
Rick: Hey, guys, please.
Gus: I will have a chocolate.
Buzz: Oh, and hats. Do you have hats?
Phillip: Oh, you know, excuse me for living. This was the best I could do on short notice. Is that okay?
Rick: No, it's not okay. Guys, I just want to can the... I appreciate the sentiment and everything else. But all I want to do is just get to the ceremony. I just want to put a ring on Mel's finger...
Phillip: Okay, in a minute, in a minute, in a minute, in a minute. You got a minute? In a minute. I... I want to... I want to make a toast real quick. Does everybody got a beer? (Rick coughing) Okay, here we go. Seriously, I just want to get serious for just one second. I want to make a toast. I'm the best man. To my oldest and dearest friend, Rick Bauer. Buddy, you're going to beat this damn thing. I know you are. And when you do, you're going to have your beautiful new bride by your side, I guarantee it. Very soon, you're going to be spending your time in bed in a much more enjoyable fashion. ( All agreeing)
Clayton: Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, don't toast to that. That's my daughter you're talking about.
Remy: And my sister.
Gus: Right, what was I thinking? I'm sorry. (Laughter)
Rick: All right, all right, I just want to get married, okay? Can we just can the party now?
Phillip: No. Time for the entertainment.
Buzz: What do you think? Dancing poodles, huh? Ponies?
Phillip: Well, this is...
Rick: I just want to get married. I just want to get married... Can we all.... (Cheering and laughing) (music starts) (whistling and cheering)
Rick: Be still my heart.
Gus: Look at the monitors racing.
Rick: Oh, my gosh. (Cheering)
Lillian: Dr. Bauer, as supervisor of this hospital, I want to make you happy, very happy. And since you prefer the medical type...
Beth: ...We thought...
Harley: ...We'd give you...
Holly: ...A cheap thrill. (Cheering)
Beth: How's your heart, Rick? Can it take it? (Laughter)
Harley: Strain too much? Should we stop?
Rick: No! I just made a miraculous recovery, girls.
Lillian: You heard him, girls.
Holly: You asked for it. (Cheering)
Rick: Oh, check, please. (Cheering) Oh, no! ( Whistling) I've never had gloves like that before. (Laughter) (Music ends) ( Cheers and applause)
Gus: Encore! Encore!
Ben: I second that.
Lillian: He's going to go. (Applause)
Clayton: Hey, your heart going to take that, Rick?
Rick: I don't know.
Beth: I think his heart can, but I don't know if our timetable can.
Phillip: (Mumbles) Is it almost ready?
Beth: The blah-blah-blah and you-know-what is almost ready, but I'm waiting for the thumbs up from you-know-who.
Rick: Blah-blah-blah is a euphemism for that there's going to be a wedding ceremony, right? Please tell me I'm going to get married. Please.
Lillian: You are going to get married. And I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy for you.
Rick: Thanks.
Lillian: I just wish your father, Ed, could be here.
Rick: Who needs Ed? You know, we can... We can use your Frank. I'd be happy with Frank or... Poor Aunt Meta. She... You know, laid up in Nova Scotia with that fractured hip. And Danny is... Where is Danny? Ross is in court. I mean, can you believe it? This is ridiculous.
Lizzie: Daddy?
Rick: Oh, very subtle. (Laughter) Very subtle.
Lizzie: Goof ball.
Rick: Short person. (Laughter)
Phillip: Hey, hey, keep my kid out of it. Everybody knows where we're going, right? (All agreeing)
Rick: I don't know...
Phillip: Come on, let's go! You don't need to know anything. You're a passenger. Lillian, you got the IV? Okay, okay.
Rick: Oh, no, I知 getting wedding-napped here. ( Laughter)
Marah: I can't stand being apart from you either.
Tony: Hey, Officer Jerry. Hey, could you let my friend in the cell with me so we can talk?
Police officer: Nope.
Tony: Come on!
Marah: Please. The lady police officer over there already searched me. You see this bag? Guess what's in it?
Tony: A hacksaw.
Marah: Shh, not so loud.
Tony: (Laughs) It's takeout from Little Havana. I can smell it from...
Marah: I brought you all of your favorites.
Tony: You are such a doll.
Marah: You're pretty wonderful yourself.
Tony: I'll be even more wonderful once I get out of here. Marah, I hate the idea of Romeo being out there. You got to promise me that you're going to be careful.
Marah: He can't do anything to me. That would be as good as confessing that he killed Cat.
Tony: Yeah. Marah, he won't even figure that out. Romeo's not the smartest guy in the world. Look, I'm going to tell Danny to assign somebody to take... take a look after you.
Marah: No, no, no, no, please don't do that. My parents will flip out.
Tony: I guess they're not too happy that you're here right now either.
Marah: Well, they don't know. They have a lot going on with the wedding and stuff. Speaking of the wedding, will you come with me?
Tony: If I get out of here in time.
Marah: I want to dance with you.
Tony: I want to dance with you, too. Hey, what's wrong?
Marah: What isn't wrong? Tony, when we tell the police our story, they'll believe us, right? I mean, there's no way that Romeo could get away with this?
Romeo: Get your hands off me! You're making a mistake. Carmen, tell him that he screwed up. Tell him!
Geraldo: Where do you want him, Mrs. Santos?
Carmen: You mean now or for all eternity? (Laughs) The chair will be fine. Go wait out in the restaurant and close the door behind you, please. Thank you.
Romeo: What's the deal, Carmen?
Carmen: Oh, come on, Romeo. Use your head. Who do you think bailed you out?
Romeo: Who, you?
Carmen: And why do you think I bailed you out? No, first, isn't there something you should be saying to me regarding this matter?
Romeo: Thank you?
Carmen: You don't sound so sure, Romeo.
Romeo: Thank you, Carmen.
Carmen: Okay. Now, use your brain again and ask yourself, "Why would Carmen fork out all this money to bail me out of jail?"
Romeo: Because I'm part of the family.
Carmen: Not real family, Romeo. Tony's real family. Tony's blood. And on top of it, he's innocent.
Romeo: Look, Carmen, I... I don't know what Tony told you about...
Carmen: No, don't! Don't you even accuse my nephew of lying on top of everything else you've done. You've been a very bad boy, Romeo. You've hurt people I love. And now it's time to make it right.
Rick: Can you just tell me where we're going here?
Phillip: Just keep your eyes closed...
Rick: This is ridiculous. (Laughter) (Talking at same time) (laughter)
Rick: Just tell me what it is. I hear something.
Phillip: Okay, open your eyes. (Cheers and applause) ( music playing)
Mel: Oh, my gosh.
Beth: It is amazing what unlimited funds can do, isn't it? (Laughs)
Phillip: Yeah.
Rick: Thanks, pal. I really appreciate you.
Phillip: Thanks.
Mel: Thank you so much, you guys. It's beautiful.
Phillip: You're very welcome, and I'm glad you like it.
Michelle: So, is it a go?
Phillip: It's a go. (Laughter) All right, Rick, you're coming with me. Mel, you go with Michelle and your mother and father. We're going to start this wedding over, and this time we're going to do it right. ( Music continues) (murmuring)
Phillip: Rick, wait, wait, wait. (Laughter) (Guests murmuring) (Classical music playing)
Harley: You know that was a very nice thing that Phillip did here.
Gus: Oh, yeah, how out of character.
Harley: No, not really.
Gus: No? Well, if he can be this nice and generous with his friend, why can't he be this nice and generous with you and Zach?
Harley: Because when it comes to his kids, Phillip... Phillip is...
Gus: Is what, obsessive? Unreasonable? Pig-headed? Stubborn, what?
Harley: All right.
Gus: Say it.
Harley: Yes, basically, yes. (Murmuring)
Phillip: You all set?
Rick: Yeah, I知 all set.
Lizzie: Uncle Rick looks like he's going to cry.
Beth: Well, that makes two of us.
Lizzie: Try three.
Ben: Courtesy of Holly.
Beth: Ooh, thank you.
Ben: All right, all right, I guess you guys were right. It's all right that I came here.
Holly: Of course it is. How long have you known Rick and Michelle?
Ben: How could Danny not be here for this? For Michelle? What could possibly be more important than this right now? ("The Wedding march" starts)
Judge: You're right, Mr. Spaulding. This is much better. As I started to say before, dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union...
Michelle: Excuse me, your honor.
Rick: Oh, no, not you, too.
Michelle: Well, Phillip went the unconventional route first. Now, I知 just following in his footsteps.
Rick: Thanks, buddy. (Laughter)
Michelle: I'm sorry, I don't mean to steal your thunder. I'm sure you're very good at what you do, but since you don't know Mel and Rick, I just kind of wanted to explain how monumentally important this moment is for them, and what it took for the two of them to get here. These two are probably two of the most courageous, decent, good people that any of us have ever had the honor of knowing. The connection they share and their determination to make this commitment to each other, especially in the light of what they're facing. Well, to me, it's just... It's the very definition of love. Mel and Rick, I know how much you guys love each other, and I just want you to know how much we all love you. And our hearts are really with you today and always. You're an example to all of us.
Buzz: Here, here. (Applause)
Judge: Would anybody else like to say anything? ( Laughter)
Gus: I'd like to say something also.
Harley: No, he's just kidding. (Laughs) Just kidding.
Gus: No, really, I would like to say something. Is that all right?
Harley: What's with you? Gus?
Gus: I just... Give me a second. Okay. Sorry. Okay, here it is. I just thought this would be appropriate, considering what Rick is going through. It's a poem by E.E. Cummings. "I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I'm never without it anywhere I go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling. I fear not fate for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world for beautiful, you are my world, my true. And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant, and whatever a sun will always sing is you. Here is the deepest secret that nobody knows. Here is the root of the root, and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide. And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart." Thanks.
Rick: That's a coincidence. It's the same poem that my dad read to... Blake and Ross' wedding.
Mel: Well, it looks like your dad's here after all.
Romeo: It was Tony who screwed up, not me. I did exactly what I was told, Carmen.
Carmen: Not quite. When Tony was arrested, you kept quiet.
Romeo: Oh, like you wouldn't have done the same thing in my shoes? I'm all for loyalty, Carmen, but I draw the line at a life sentence.
Carmen: You do the crime, Romeo, you do the time.
Romeo: Is that what this little powwow's about? Because if it is, you can forget about it.
Carmen: Stop raising your voice to me right now.
Romeo: I'm sorry. I mean you no disrespect, Carmen, but...
Carmen: No buts. You're going to the police and confess, this afternoon.
Romeo: Trust me, Carmen, you don't want me to do that.
Carmen: Really? And why is that?
Romeo: Because if I tell the police what I did, I知 also going to have to tell them why I did it. And I don't think that sick little old lady is going to last very long in the joint.
Carmen: Let me understand you correctly here. Are you threatening to take Maria down with you?
Romeo: If you leave me no choice.
Carmen: (Laughs) You stupid fool, Romeo, Romeo. Maria is so guilt-ridden right now, she'd be more than happy to go down and turn herself in to save Tony's life. She already told me so.
Romeo: Oh, yeah, right. Like I知 going to believe that.
Carmen: You don't believe me? Go ask her yourself.
Romeo: Okay, maybe I will.
Carmen: Be my guest. Go right ahead. She's at the house. You know the way.
Romeo: Okay, let's say that I were to confess to the crime, and I agreed I should keep my mouth shut about Maria. What do I get in return?
Carmen: Let's put it this way: Your chances of staying alive are much better. Take it or leave it.
Romeo: You think you got it all figured out. But you know what? There's a glitch in your plan, Carmen. You want Tony out so that he can come back to the family, but the things is, the second he's out, he's running straight back to Marah Lewis. And she's not going to let him anywhere near you people.
Carmen: Not for long. I'll find a way to get rid of Marah Lewis.
Romeo: I already got a way and it's sure-fire. But in return, I want certain guarantees.
Tony: You got to stop worrying that gorgeous head of yours. I'm going to get out of here, and Romeo's going to pay for Catalina's murder and that's that.
Marah: What if he skips bail?
Tony: There are ways of finding people.
Marah: Meaning what? Tony, I don't like that look in your eyes. Look, all I care about is you getting free, all right? And after that, if Romeo leaves town, so what? Please, will you promise me that you won't go after him? Promise.
Tony: I won't. You know why?
Marah: Why?
Tony: Because I知 not going to let anything come between us anymore. All I want more than anything is just us together. Just the two of us. And you know, it's like forever. But I'm glad, because it makes what we have that much more special.
Marah: Tony, there's something I need...
Police officer: Time is up. Let's go.
Judge: And so marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but rather reverently and deliberately. Mel and Rick are making a lifetime commitment to each other today, based on shared values, mutual respect, complete honesty, open communication and above all, a deep and abiding love. This is the sprit in which they come to be joined together. Will you as their friends and family do everything in your power to support this very special couple in this profound and sacred commitment?
All: We will.
Judge: Mel and Rick have prepared their own vows. Mel?
Mel: Rick, my dear, wonderful Rick. The poem Gus just read couldn't be more appropriate for this occasion, because you truly have the most beautiful heart of anyone I've ever met. And that's why it seems so unfair that your giving, loving heart should be failing you now. But a miracle happened today, a miracle that has given us hope. And I'm going to hang onto that hope. Now, I know as part of my vow, I should say I will love, honor and cherish you through sickness and in health, but facing what we're facing, those words seem far too passive. And as you know, I知 not a passive person. I'm a fighter. So today, in front of all of our friends and family, I vow to fight for you, Rick Bauer... With every fiber of my being, with every bit of strength I can muster. If you can't stand, I'll hold you. And if you can't walk, I値l carry you. I'll fight for you and for us. This is my solemn vow to you.
Judge: Rick?
Rick: Sweetheart, I致e been spending a lot of time lately thinking about my life. Thinking about the happy things, and thinking about some of the mistakes that I've made. And I find myself focusing on... on the mistakes, wishing I could just go back and do them all over again, get them right the second time around. But I realize all those mistakes, those wrong turns, were really right turns. Because one minuscule change in my past and I would have never have met you. And it made me into somebody that you could fall in love with. Mel, you're such an exquisite lady. You're a woman of impeccable class and dignity, and you're so, so beautiful. But that's not what stole my heart. What endures in a lifetime is character. And yours... yours stands alone. So, Mel, for whatever time that we have left together, I commit to you my heart and my soul. You are my life. And I promise to love you forever. With all my heart.
Judge: And now, I think the bride's parents wish to say something.
Felicia: Yes, that... That's my husband dashing off into the bushes over there. (Laughter) But there's a method to his madness. Rick, at Melissande's request, our family has a little surprise for you. There is an old African-American tradition called "Jumping the broom." I'll let our resident history professor explain. Honey?
Clayton: When our ancestors were slaves, they were stripped of all of their basic human and legal rights, including the right to get married. Neither the state nor the church would recognize a slave marriage. So our people, our community had to find a way to honor and seal the lifelong commitment of a loving couple. So we devised our own ceremonial rituals. One being jumping the broom. Now, the broom was used because of its symbolism. You... With the broom, you sweep away the past, and your marriage starts with a clean slate. A couple who jumps the broom leaps from their single, separate lives to a whole new life together. Remy, if you will help me, usually it's the groom who sweeps the circle. And all of you, please, join in and circle around. Sweep... That's it. Sweep... Just join the circle. And then, Remy, lay the broom in the front of Mel and Rick. Now, normally, the bride and groom would join hands and they would jump the broom together, but...
Remy: But since Rick is not up for jumping at the moment, Mel痴 going to hold your hand and jump the broom for the both of you.
Felicia: But I need to warn you, Rick, that African-American tradition also says that whoever jumps the highest over the broom, wears the pants in the family.
Clayton: That's right. (Laughter)
Rick: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Felicia: You know what that means. (Laughter) She's the boss.
Rick: No, no, no, no.
Mel: Yes, yes, yes. (Laughs)
Rick: No, no, no. I'm talking if... if we're going to start our life together, we need to jump the broom together.
Mel: Oh, no, no, no. No, that's... that's way too strenuous.
Rick: No, honey, I can... I can do this. I mean, I might not be able to jump over the broom, but I can...
Lillian: No, Rick, you shouldn't...
Rick: ...I can at least step... It's done, sealed.
Phillip: You sure you want to do this?
Rick: Yeah.
Clayton: Are you ready now?
Rick: Yes.
Clayton: Everyone.
All: One, two, three, jump! (Cheers and applause)
Mel: Okay, you got to sit back down.
Clayton: You all right?
Rick: Yeah, I知 just... No, now you can see who the boss is here, right? I'm fine, guys. I'm just going to stand up for the rest of this, because the good part... The good part is coming up and I want everyone else to just stay right where you are, okay? (Coughs)
Judge: Well, so far, this has been one unusual and really wonderful wedding ceremony. Is there anyone else who'd like to say or read or do anything in support of Mel and Rick? Okay, you're sure now? ( Laughter) In that case, there's something I have to say, but it's merely a formality, because I cannot imagine anyone here objecting to these two terrific people getting hitched. Huh? Phew. Thought not. (Laughter) Mel, Rick, by the power vested in me by the state of Illinois, I hereby pronounce you...
Ed: Not so fast. I've got an objection.
Marah: Please let me stay. There's something I need to say to him, just a few more minutes, please.
Police officer: Sorry.
Tony: Baby, it's okay.
Marah: No. You don't understand. This is important.
Tony: Hey, when I get out of here, we'll have loads of time together, all right?
Marah: Please.
Tony: Marah, look, I might even be out of here tonight. We'll have all the time in the world, I swear.
Marah: All right, all right, I guess... I guess you're right.
Police officer: (Laughs) What's the matter, kid? Did you miss our hospitality?
Marah: What's he doing back?
Tony: Came back to gloat, probably.
Romeo: No. I came to confess.
Tony: Yeah, right.
Romeo: I did, I swear. This lying, it's... it's killing me, man. It's time that the truth came out about everything.
Michelle: Dad!
Rick: Dad.
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