GL Transcript Wednesday 5/29/02

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/29/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Buzz: Harley, Harley, Harley, Harley, Harley, Harley, Harley, Harley, pretend to like your food. It's bad business for the boss' daughter not to finish her meal.

Harley: Let me ask you something.

Buzz: About Gus?

Harley: About Gus.

Buzz: Must we? I mean, there must be something else we can talk about.

Harley: The other day...

Buzz: Yes.

Harley: ...When I asked you if you thought that Gus did what Marina said he did, you told me something's not quite right. Does that mean you don't think he did it?

Buzz: I don't know.

Harley: Thank you.

Buzz: I didn't say he didn't.

Harley: But you have reasonable doubt. Someone you love said that he did something, and you still said something's not quite right, right?

Buzz: Sort of. I mean, you know...

Harley: Well, I don't think he did it. Obviously I don't think he did it, but every time I try to talk to Marina, she just shuts down, you know? She becomes me, actually. But, you know, she likes you, she trusts you, maybe you could talk to her.

Buzz: Marina's not going to say anything to me that she hasn't said to you and Frank.

Harley: Daddy, please, I never ask you for anything, and you always turn me down. You never let me...

Buzz: Frank.

Frank: Oh, good, hey, Pop. Hey, 'sis. Glad you're here. Oh, good, I'm hungry.

Harley: You can have that if you're not mad at me anymore.

Frank: So a buddy of mine in Chicago did a little background check on one Gus Aitoro.

Harley: Give me my plate back.

Frank: He has a juvenile record.

Harley: That should be suppressed information.

Frank: Which is exactly why I'm trying to get it unsuppressed.

Harley: You're doing what?

Gus: Okay, remember that game we were playing? You can check this one out. And I'm going to file this away, you know why? Because chicks love it when you clean up. They clean up the place, and they like it better if you do it. Of course, you're not supposed to call them chicks to their face, remember that. They don't like that. You get big brownie points for that. Now, what else were we talking about? We were talking about poker. We're going to move on to the next level... (Doorbell rings) ...Of poker, which is strip poker. Hold on a second. Strip poker. Now guys invented strip poker, so shoelaces count as clothing. Why? Because guys invented it, it's our rule. We get to make up the rules. Hello, how you doing? What do we owe the honor?

Phillip: It's my night with my son, Gilligan.

Gus: Oh. Gilligan, yeah, Gilligan. Gilligan because of the hat. I get it, that's good, yeah. Well, I sure hope that Zach gets his mother's sense of humor.

Phillip: Where's mommy? Where's Harley?

Gus: She's out.

Phillip: If she couldn't find a sitter, she should've called me, I would've been here earlier.

Gus: Well, you know, that's no problem, because I'm here. I have a little vacation time on my hands, so I'll be here 24/7.

Phillip: 24/7?

Gus: Yeah, yeah. I live here now.

Reva: Nothing? No, I really think we should stay on our own a little longer, because we can cover more ground that way. I just walked into the police station, so I'll call you back as soon as I get the chance to talk to someone. I still can't believe I talked her into trusting Tony. I mean, he's the one that got Marah into this mess in the first place. No, I mean... No, if we don't find her, if it's too late, then I知 never going to forgive myself. I know. Oh, I know. I love you, too. Bye.

Desk cop: And we'll also need forms...

Reva: My daughter's missing, and you've got to find her.

Dock cop: This is your last warning, step away from the water.

Tony: Look, why don't you just go home? Okay, this has nothing to do with you, all right?

Dock cop: I know who you are, Tony Santos, and I知 not going to say it again. Step away from the water.

Tony: Look, man, you may think that you're doing something right, but you're not. Okay, there's a girl out there trapped with the guy who really killed Catalina Santos.

Dock cop: Yeah, right.

Tony: Jesus, there's no time for this. Marah Lewis is in trouble. And not you nor the entire Springfield P.D. is going to keep me away from her.

Dock cop: Put your hands on your head. You're going to come down with me to the station, and if what you say is true, then we'll send somebody back for the girl.

Tony: There's no time for that, man.

Dock cop: Put your hands on your head! I mean it. Put your hands on your head. What are you doing?

Tony: Sorry.

Dock cop: Another move, and I値l shoot. I mean it.

Tony: You do what you got to do.


Romeo: You had a chance to get away, why didn't you?

Marah: For someone who seems so smart, you sure ask a lot of silly questions.

Romeo: What? I'm supposed to trust you?

Marah: Well, it might be more fun if you don't.

Romeo: Always the right answer. So you're all over Tony, right? Tony's out of the picture, he's history?

Marah: Stop talking about Tony. It's just you and me now. Just you and me. Do I scare you?

Romeo: No.

Marah: Well, you scare me.

Romeo: Yeah.

Marah: Yeah, I like it.

Romeo: Big mistake, Marah. Big...

Marah: Shut up!

Romeo: What? What do you think you're going to do, huh? What do you think you're going to do?

Marah: I'm going to make you pay for everything.

Buzz: Harley...

Harley: Frank, I cannot believe you're doing this. You don't even know what's in that file. This is just a fishing expedition for you.

Frank: You're absolutely right. I know nothing about this, and neither do you.

Harley: Oh, so let's just sweep his civil rights under the rug?

Buzz: Separate corners, give it a break.

Frank: If you're serious about this guy, okay, and you're seeing him a lot right now, you know nothing more about this guy than we do. So I don't know what the hell you guys talk about when you turn the lights off...

Buzz: Frank, it's your sister.

Frank: You should thank me right now for straightening you out before you get too attached.

Harley: Did he just say I should be thanking him?

Frank: This guy is not going to tell you anything about his past.

Harley: How do you know that?

Frank: And if you're really serious about him...

Harley: I am.

Frank: I just want you to know what you're up against.

Harley: Could you cut me some slack? Just cut me a little slack, that's all I知 asking.

Frank: I wish I could, but this isn't just about you right now. It's about you, it's about Marina, and it's about your kids.

Harley: Well, I will take care of my kids, thank you very much.

Frank: Yeah, well, I certainly hope so.

Harley: And you know what? If you're so curious, why don't you investigate that little phone call that I received at the station that led me to Gus' room just in time to catch Marina in bed with him. And don't stop there. While you're at it, why don't you check out why Marina made Lizzie promise not to tell anybody that Gus invited her into his bed. What was that?

Frank: In case you have forgotten, you're a cop, and cops deal with facts. And the fact still remains that Marina was caught in bed with Gus.

Harley: And you're a cop, too, Frank, and I thought the point of it was finding the truth. Finding the truth-- did you forget that?

Frank: If this were about Susan, you'd be going full steam ahead.

Harley: I cannot believe you would say something that hurtful to me. I love Marina. Do you think I would really stand by and...

Marina: Would you guys stop it! I'm serious. Will you just stop it? This is really wrong right here. This is not how it's supposed to be right now.

Frank: Take it easy. Just take it easy. Everything's all right.

Harley: You're a wonderful father, Frank, but you have no objectivity here, so back off, okay? And I promise you, I will get to the bottom of this. Thanks for lunch.

Phillip: Where exactly is Harley?

Gus: She's out, but, you know, you're welcome to hang out until she shows up.

Phillip: Let me ask you something, I just want to make sure that I heard you correctly. Did you say that you were living here now?

Gus: Yeah, that's right. Uh-huh.

Phillip: That's very interesting. Interesting. Let me see if I can establish a timeline here, because you... Did you move in here before or after you invited Harley's niece, Marina, into your bed?

Gus: Oh, I see you're up on your gossip. But that's all that is, gossip, because I can assure you that I've never had anything to do with a minor in my life.

Phillip: I'm sure. I guess, well... I guess she just couldn't help herself.

Gus: Well, I'm no Phillip Spaulding or anything, but I致e had a few women throw themselves at me in my lifetime.

Phillip: Yeah?

Gus: Yeah.

Phillip: Any grown women?

Gus: (Chuckles) I love this conversation. I love it about as much as going to a dentist. Yeah, but I'll repeat myself one more time: I've never had anything to do with a minor.

Phillip: (Laughs) No, of course not, because God knows you have your standards.

Gus: I think my standards are probably a little higher than yours. I've never gotten an ex-wife pregnant while I知 married to another one.

Phillip: Well, see, now that's a subject that I'm not going to discuss with you.

Gus: I don't doubt it. I'm sure the truth hurts.

Phillip: You like these little games you like to play with people, this little back and forth? You don't want to play that game with me, because you'll lose.

Dock cop: Don't make this any harder than it already is. Stand up. You come with me, nice and easy now.

Tony: You don't get it. She could die, all right? ( Gunshots)

Desk cop: Okay, ma'am, let's settle down.

Reva: No, no. We're not going to settle down, because my daughter is missing.

Desk cop: Is she a runaway?

Reva: No, she's been kidnapped. This is her picture. Her name's Marah Lewis.

Desk cop: How long has she been missing?

Reva: I said she's not missing! She's been kidnapped!

Dock cop: All available units in the area, please report to the ferry dock. I discovered the fugitive Tony Santos trying to reach his family yacht. I ordered him to stop, and after attacking me, Santos jumped in the water. I was left with no choice, but to shoot. Subject could be dead. Copy.

Romeo: Look at you. Look at you, little miss vigilante, out for blood.

Marah: You are not going to get away with what you did to Tony. I won't let you.

Romeo: What do you think you're going to do, call the cops?

Marah: You won't make it to the cops. I loved him.

Romeo: We all loved Tony.

Marah: I love him as much as I hate you. You set him up. He was always looking out for you, and you were going to let him go to jail for something that you did. How could you do that? Answer me!

Romeo: You don't want an answer.

Marah: You let Tony die. He's dead because of you. And you don't even care.

Romeo: Oh, I care. I loved the guy. But I am sick and tired of always getting less than him. Not always, huh?

Marah: This is for Tony.

Romeo: What are you going to do? Just kill me. What, pull the trigger and poof? Make me disappear.

Marah: Shut up!

Romeo: Don't get nervous. Come here, listen. I'll let you in on a little secret. It gets easier after the first one.

Marah: You don't deserve to live. You're going to pay for what you did.

Romeo: Come on. Go ahead then. Go ahead.

Marah: What? You don't think I can do it?

Romeo: No, I don't. Do you know what? Here, I'm going to make it a little easier for you, okay? Well, come on, Marah, make Tony proud, do it. He's dead, I知 alive. This is your chance. You can change all of that. Kill me!

Gus: Should I consider myself threatened?

Phillip: Threatened? No, nothing that dramatic. Just a friendly warning.

Gus: Oh, okay.

Phillip: No, Gus, I didn't come over here to threaten you. I really have neither the time nor the interest.

Gus: Whoo, that is a relief.

Phillip: I'm glad. You know, my only interest is my son and Harley.

Gus: Oh, Harley, is that right? That's interesting to hear you say that.

Phillip: Really? Why?

Gus: Yeah, well, considering that you treat Harley like garbage, and I致e heard you really hurt her through your life. Because why? Phillip Spaulding's world only revolves around Phillip Spaulding, doesn't it?

Harley: Hi. Hi, guys. Hi, my big guy. Look who's here. Daddy's here. He's going to take you for your sleepover, isn't that great? I have your bag all packed. Here, pumpkin, stand here. Daddy, hold his hand.

Phillip: You and I need to talk.

Harley: Okay, we will. Let me just grab...

Phillip: Nope, now. Alone.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Can you just do me a favor and go check on Jude for me?

Gus: Sure, yeah. You know, why don't I just go upstairs and check on Jude?

Phillip: I do not want him living in this house with my son. End of discussion.

Harley: Whoa, whoa, whoa. End of discussion?

Phillip: End of discussion.

Harley: Don't give me that "end of discussion." You are not my father.

Phillip: No, no, I'm his father.

Harley: Yeah, and I am his mother. And as his mother, I can make choices on my own, I can live with who I want, and I want to live with Gus Aitoro.

Phillip: Uh-huh, really. Okay, well, then guess what, you will be choosing Gus over Zach.

Harley: What do you mean by that?

Phillip: He's not going to live here with him.

Harley: Wow. What exactly does that mean?

Phillip: It means exactly what you think it means. Don't do this. Don't...

Harley: Mommy and daddy are just talking, okay?

Phillip: You and I... You and I have had very complicated histories with our fathers.

Harley: Don't drag my father into this.

Phillip: I'm not dragging your father into anything. I know you love your father, I know he loves you. Believe it or not, Alan in his weird way also loves me, but they were all lousy fathers when we were young. And that's when a child gets ruined, and we owe him better than that. I owe him the very best that I can give him, and you owe him the best. And yeah, you're right. You do have a right to share your life with somebody, and I hope you find that person. But don't forget that Zach will also be sharing his life with that person, and damn it, I do not want it to be Gus Aitoro.

Harley: Come and give me a hug.

Phillip: Oh, I got it, oh.

Harley: You're going to have so much fun. You give me a hug.

Phillip: Here we go. Here we go.

Harley: I want my big boy to give me a hug. Oh.

Phillip: Say good-bye to mommy.

Marah: Romeo. Turn around. I want to see your face, see if there's any trace of dignity left.

Romeo: I'm losing my patience with you.

Marah: Tough! It's really terrible not knowing when it's going to happen, isn't it.

Romeo: What are you going to do after you kill me? Hmm? Throw my body overboard? Or just ride around and let my dead eyes stare up at you? It's funny, huh? How it just comes down to you and me. So go ahead and do it. I would.

Marah: I can't. God knows I want to hurt you for what you've done, but I can't let you turn me into the monster that you are. I hate you.

Romeo: Well, I think I can live with that. I don't think I'll be needing this for a while.

Marah: Don't touch me!

Romeo: Oh, Marah, that hurts. Have you already forgotten what we mean to each other? I was your first.

Marah: Being with you was the most disgusting mistake I've ever made in my life, and I would rather die than have you touch me again.

Romeo: Oh, yeah? Well, you got it. Say good-bye, Marah.

Marah: Tony! (Grunting)

Romeo: Tony, Tony.

Marah: Tony, the gun! (Grunts)

Tony: Are you okay?

Marah: Yes. Yes, I'm fine.

Tony: I'm here now. I'm here. Just hold me. I'm here. I'm here.

Alan: Oh, that kind of day, huh?

Phillip: I'll tell you what. Make you a deal: You don't ask, I won't tell.

Alan: Did Bill Pollack pull a fast one on you? I told you to lowball him from the very beginning.

Phillip: It's not business, it's personal.

Alan: Beth? The children?

Phillip: No, it's Harley.

Alan: Hmm.

Phillip: She has decided that she wants to live with that idiot Aitoro, which means that unless I do something about it, Zach is also going to be living with that idiot Aitoro.

Alan: Well, then let's do something about it. Okay, you do something about it.

Phillip: I already am doing something about it. But I've...

Alan: But what?

Phillip: How much can I really do about it? I mean, really. She is a grown woman. I can't actually tell her who she can and can't live with.

Alan: The hell you can稚. It's your son you're thinking about, Phillip.

Phillip: Yeah, but it's also her son. Where does this logically go? Am I willing to go over there and rip him out her arms?

Alan: Not her arms, but Aitoro's arms. Now step back from this emotionally for one moment and think wouldn't Zach be better with you and Beth instead of Harley and Aitoro?

Phillip: You know what? This conversation is a mistake. Let's just drop it, all right?

Alan: All right. I'm sure you know what's best.

Phillip: You know, even if you hadn't sounded so condescending, just you saying those words would have been scary.

Alan: Phillip, I am not going to tell you what to do. Family is everything, children are always first. And if you feel that this is a casual fling that Harley is having...

Phillip: Oh, I wish I did. Harley isn't in the habit of having casual flings.

Alan: So, Aitoro痴 going to be around for a while, and around Zach's life for a while, huh? Well, all you have to do is think about it for a while, and I'm sure that you will do exactly what you should do.

Buzz: Frank, how about a cup of decaf?

Frank: I can't believe no one's taking this seriously.

Buzz: Frank, I'm taking it very seriously. I think you should take your sister's advice and back off a little bit.

Frank: My daughter and my sister, they need me more than ever right now, whether they want to admit it or not. And I will not let Gus get away with this.

Buzz: Harley doesn't want anybody to get away with anything, Frank.

Frank: You know, Pop, that's not true. You know what she's doing right now? She's whitewashing Gus, and she's going to let Marina take the rap for this. Yes, it's absolutely correct, there is no way that Marina should've gone over to that hotel room. But you know what? He's the adult, he's the responsible party there. He's the one that invited her. Harley thinks I'm just going to drop this thing, she nuts. If Eleni were here, she'd agree with me.

Marina: Dad, do we really have to involve mom in this?

Frank: Yeah, absolutely. We don't keep secrets from your mom. But listen, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. You're young, it's not your fault, all right? You made a mistake.

Marina: So let's not tell mom, then, okay.

Frank: She has a right to know.

Marina: Dad, I know she's going to use this to make me go back to California with her.

Frank: You're not going anywhere. You're staying right here with your dad. I want you right here. Now I am going to go get that cup of coffee. This stinks. I'm going to get you a double espresso.

Marina: Yeah, well, these dishes are just going to bus themselves. So what's the lunch special going to be tomorrow?

Buzz: You know, I think you and I have to have ourselves a little talk.

Gus: Is it safe?

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Is he gone?

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Is... is that going to be a big problem?

Harley: I think Phillip just threatened to take Zach away from me.

Gus: All right. Well, this is my fault.

Harley: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is Phillip being Phillip.

Gus: No, it's my fault. So I'll tell you something: I'm going to go over there, I'm going to talk to him, like a man, like a gentlemen, and I知 going to grovel if I have to.

Harley: You are not.

Gus: Yes, I...

Harley: No, no, no, you're not doing that. He wants you to move out.

Gus: All right. Well, I'll tell you something, he's going to win.

Harley: No, he's not.

Gus: No, yeah, he's going to win. I'll move out for a little while, and this way he'll calm down. Just wait till things cool over a little bit, okay?

Harley: I don't want you to move out. I want you here with me.

Gus: Well, I know. I'm just saying we'll do it so that we appease them for a little while.

Harley: I know what you're trying to do, and what I知 saying is I don't want you to do it.

Gus: No, I'm saying that it's just going to make him angry. It's just going to make him angry.

Harley: Do I look like I care?

Gus: You know something? I remember a time when you would pretend that you don't even know me in public. And now you're just a... ( Whistles) ...It's a 360 you're doing.

Harley: Well, I知 not going to let him intimidate me. We're not doing anything wrong. You know, I have a right to be happy, and living with you makes me happy.

Gus: Well, what if he... What if he really tries to take Zach?

Harley: Over my dead body-- or his. He won't take him. You know, you're really good with Zach, and once he calms down, he will see that.

Gus: Okay, but what if he doesn't?

Harley: Look, don't worry about it. I was married to him. I know him. It will kill him, but he will eventually admit that he was wrong.

Gus: May I tell you something? You're very sexy when you stand up for what you believe. Very sexy. Very sexy chick.

Buzz: You know, I know why I知 not crazy about Aitoro, but why do you dislike him so much?

Marina: I mean, I don't. I just...

Buzz: There's not a thing you can say to me that will shock me. Let me make this easy. Here, give me your hand. Close your eyes and tell me the truth.

Frank: What's going on?

Marina: Oh, nothing.

Buzz: Nothing at all.

Frank: You know, sweetheart, I think Nate needs you in the kitchen, okay?

Marina: Oh, yeah, okay.

Frank: Thanks. What do you think you're doing?

Buzz: Trying to help, Frank.

Frank: No, you're not. Gus manipulated Marina, and I'll be damned if my own family manipulates her. Now I'm not an idiot here. I know what you and Harley are trying to suggest here. You're trying to suggest that my daughter set this whole thing up; that she's cold, and that she's manipulative, and she went after Gus to ruin his life.

Buzz: No one's saying that, Frank. But what are you trying to do? Get at the truth, or to hang Aitoro no matter what?

Frank: How about both?

Buzz: Frank.

(Sirens blaring)

Marah: I thought you were dead.

Tony: I'm so sorry. I thought it was the only way to get Romeo. Your parents and I, we had to find a way to get Romeo to lead us to you. You like that, baby?

Marah: It's okay. It's okay. I'm just so glad that you're alive.

Tony: What about you? Are you all right? Did he hurt you?

Marah: I don't want to talk about Romeo. I just want to hold you, okay?

Reva: Marah! Marah, sweetheart, are you okay?

Dock cop: Okay, Santos. I hope it was worth it. You just added assaulting a police officer to everything else you had.

Marah: No, no, he saved my life. He's the one that you want.

Romeo: Thank God, you guys are here, they're crazy, both of them. This one tried to kill me! She had a gun on me. She was going to kill me.

Tony: You leave her out of this!

Dock cop: Shut up, both of you! You want us to believe this girl was going to harm you?

Romeo: No, I mean, it wasn't really her, it was Tony. He's got her brainwashed or something, I don't know.

Marah: He's lying.

Desk cop: Okay, so now what?

Dock cop: Santos is the one who attacked me, so my money's on him.

Marah: No, no, Romeo is the one who killed Catalina, and he was going to kill me, too. You can't let him get away with this.

Desk cop: Well, nobody's getting away with nothing; we're taking them both in.

Marah: No.

Tony: Marah, just... Marah, it's okay, baby, don't worry about it. Romeo's going to pay. The truth will come out. Romeo's going to pay for Catalina's death and for what he did to us!

Marah: You're innocent. I can't stand it.

Tony: Baby, don't worry about it. I'm going to be out of jail, no time. I promise. I promise.

Reva: Are you sure you're okay?

Marah: Yeah, yes, I am now.

Reva: Let's go home.

Alan: Buzz?

Buzz: Alan? Why do I think you're going to challenge me to a duel? By the way, we're closed.

Alan: Good. Lord knows I didn't come here for the food. Are we alone?

Buzz: You're scaring me now. No, Marina's cleaning up the back.

Alan: Good. Keep her there and away from my granddaughter.

Buzz: You came all this way to say that?

Alan: No, as a matter of fact, I came here to talk to you, grandfather to grandfather. You know, we do share a legacy, Buzz.

Buzz: Well, I call him Zach. Yes, his name is... What do you want, Alan?

Alan: I want your daughter to clean her act up and start thinking more of her children instead of her libido.

Buzz: What?

Alan: I'm sure you know that she's been shacking up with this slimeball Gus Aitoro.

Buzz: My daughter's life is none of your business.

Alan: It is if it affects my family. And I'm surprised that you approve.

Buzz: You know, Aitoro's not one of my favorite people, but I trust my daughter not to be involved with anyone who's going to hurt any of her children.

Alan: Open your eyes. She had one child in the back seat of a car, she had another in the jail, so don't tell me she has good judgment or even the morals of a flea.

Buzz: I'm going to tell you something, and I mean it. My kids are the best people I know, not because of me. Their lives may not be on the surface neat and tidy, but Zach could not have a better mother than Harley. Okay? You remember that. That's the door.

Harley: Jude is asleep.

Gus: Good.

Harley: I don't think he's getting up again.

Gus: It's a blessing. Well, I think we picked a pretty good time to move in with each other, you know. Such a stress-free time. Your little niece accusing me that I dragged her into my bed. And then you've got Rick who's dying to get married. I don't mean that rude, I mean, he really wants to get married. And now you got Phillip in the mix, I just...

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Well, I... I'll tell you what. If Phillip wants to take us on, if he wants to get all of his rich friends to testify against us, we'll just get all of our cop friends to testify against him. Except for your brother, of course, because he hates my guts.

Harley: Yeah. Well, are you going to be all right here, because I got to go back to work.

Gus: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. Are you all right?

Harley: Yeah, it's just he... Phillip can make our lives very unpleasant.

Gus: Yeah. I know. Well, I, you know... So what. What's he got? He's got nothing on us. We're clean as a whistle. (Whistles) We're fine.

Harley: Are we?

Gus: Yeah. What? Were you some sort of hoochie-mama dancer before I met you, because that could cause a problem. Something you want to tell me about?

Harley: Frank dug up your juvenile record.

Gus: Wow. I just really know he hates me. When did you find out about that?

Harley: You were going to tell me about that, right?

Gus: When did you know about that?

Harley: Today.

Gus: Yeah, well... I'll see you at the station.

Harley: Oh. You know, if there's something... I mean, if there was something serious in that, you would tell me about that, right? I think you should tell me about it.

Gus: Yeah, there's nothing to tell.

Harley: You sure?

Gus: Nothing to tell.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: All right.

Harley: See you.

Phillip: Hey, pal, you know what? You and I got some decisions to make here. We have to decide whether or not we want to go out for a walk, or whether we want to hang around here and play a game, or we could read some stories. Whatever you want to do. Whatever you want to do, buddy. You know that? Buddy, I love you more than anything in the world, and I would do anything for you. And I don't want you to ever forget that, because that's what your dad's here for. I'm here to make sure that you get all the good things in life. And I will keep all the bad things, and the bad people, away from you. I promise. (Knock at door) Can you trust me?

Frank: Hey.

Phillip: Hey, Frank.

Frank: How you doing?

Phillip: I'm good, how are you?

Frank: Wait a minute. Is that Zach attack?

Phillip: Say hi to Uncle Frank.

Frank: Zack, my favorite little nephew.

Phillip: Come on in. What's up?

Frank: Nolan said that I might find Lizzie here.

Phillip: Well, actually you just missed her.

Frank: I really need to talk to her.

Phillip: Frank, look, if this is about the Aitoro thing again, Harley already talked to her, and I would really prefer that she not have to deal with that again.

Frank: Phillip, forget about Aitoro for right now, just think of this as being about Marina, all right. Hey, one father to another.

Phillip: Oh, you're killing me here, Frank. That's not fair.

Frank: Phillip, I got my head up against the wall here, okay? I don't know what else to do. I'm just praying that Lizzie is maybe going to tell me something that she maybe didn't say the first time around.

Phillip: Frank, believe me, I can imagine how you feel, but I don't think Lizzie knows anything else. I really don't.

Frank: You're probably right. Harley's got me doubting everything now. I mean, she's defending this damn Aitoro. I don't even know if you know this or not: They're living together.

Phillip: Oh, yeah. Don't remind me.

Frank: Well, the guy's got a juvenile record.

Phillip: What?

Frank: A buddy of mine in Chicago did a little background check on him, and I just can't get the file open.

Phillip: What do you mean? Frank, you're a cop. There's got to be...

Frank: Phillip, I tried everything I possibly can, I just can't get it open. I can't find out anything else about him, and this is this whole Aitoro situation's got me so frustrated.

Phillip: All right, don't worry about it. I'm going to see what I can do. Come here, pal. Come here. Yeah.


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