Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/28/02
Blake: Mom, I'm fine. Yes, I'm with Ross right now. Yes, I know. He told me what Harley said, and she's wrong, all right? I had nothing to do with Tory's death. Look, listen to me, Mom, listen. I talked to the sitter, and the kids are fine, but I want you to get over to the house right now. And I want you to take care of them yourself. Don't answer the door to anybody, do you promise me? Okay. All right, thanks. All right, Tory, she took my cell phone when she kidnapped me.
Ross: We can go back there and look for it.
Blake: Oh, what's the point? I know what we're going to find-- nothing. She didn't leave a trace of what went on in there.
Ross: Blake, if this setup was as elaborate as you say it is, how could she possibly dismantle and get rid of everything in such a short period of time?
Blake: I don't know, Ross, I don't know. I don't get it. I don't know how she did it, but I swear I'm going to figure it out and prove it, if it's the last thing I do.
Ross: All right. I think that you've had enough. You need to go home and be with the kids for a while and just relax.
Blake: Relax? What am I supposed to do, relax? Ross, she threatened me. She kidnapped me. She threatened to kill our children. She's out there somewhere. I'm not going to stop until I find her. She's going to hurt somebody.
Ross: Yeah, yeah, the thing is, if only someone else had seen Tory as well as you.
Blake: Oh, my God, you don't believe me, do you?
Ross: Blake, I want to. But you have to understand how difficult it is to comprehend the scope of what you say happened.
Blake: Don't you get it, Ross? This is part of her plan, is to make you think that I'm spinning some bizarre fantasy while she's out there... God knows what, she's going to hurt someone...
Ross: All right, all right!
Blake: What was that?
Ross: You were hysterical. Would you rather I slapped you?
Blake: I'm sorry, Ross. I'm sorry.
Ross: It's all right, sweetheart. I just want you to tell me the truth. Tell me what actually is going on.
Olivia: What do you think?
Cassie: It's you. It's very you.
Olivia: Well, I know it has that Las Vegas-y, big-city, bright-light thing going for it, but I think we need that, you know. The flashier the club, the bigger the bankroll of the guests.
Cassie: Yeah, right. We want people to come and spend their money. That's the thing.
Olivia: You want to know what I really think of this?
Cassie: Hmm?
Olivia: Gotcha.
Cassie: What are you doing?
Olivia: Oh, where's your sense of humor, Cassie? I mean, do you really have that low of an opinion of my taste?
Cassie: So what is this, a joke, Olivia?
Olivia: No, actually, it's a test. See, you've been very nice to me, a little too nice, and I just wanted to find out if it was genuine or not.
Cassie: Okay, so, what, did I fail your test?
Olivia: No, no, you passed. You've proven that you're as phony as these specs, which only means one thing. You want something from me, because you're buttering me up. And before you ask me, here's my answer: No.
Newscaster: To recap our lead story, Tony Santos was shot down earlier today by the Springfield P.D. He was trying to escape from a deserted...
Josh: How in the hell could you put our daughter in that kind of danger?
Reva: If you know where she is, you have to tell us.
Danny: I don't know where she is. Tony never confided in me.
Reva: You know something. You both do. Carmen, are you forgetting what I told you I'd do if you didn't tell the truth?
Carmen: We don't know where Marah is. And how dare you come in like this on... Attacking us on a day like this.
Josh: Hey, your nephew put our daughter in danger. Now she's God knows where. Now, if you are withholding information as to where she is, the police will be the least of your worries!
Ray: Josh, calm down. Calm down! Please, my brother's dead. A little respect.
Reva: We're sorry, Father. But if Carmen or Danny have any idea where Marah is, and they don't do anything...
Danny: Tony tried to push your daughter away. She refused to leave him. None of this would've happened to Tony if it weren't for your daughter.
Josh: What? Oh, now you're saying it's Marah's fault that Tony is dead?
Danny: My cousin is dead! My grandmother is paralyzed from a stroke. The last thing I need is for you people in my home, insulting me and my family. Get them out.
Romeo: Come on, let's go. Get out.
Josh: Hey, just keep your hands off me.
Reva: Don't. Don't.
Romeo: Come on, you heard him.
Josh: This is not finished yet.
Danny: Romeo, come here. Listen, remember I told you earlier the family's going to need somebody to help hold us together. Now, you just had a taste of how bad it's going to get. That was just the tip of the iceberg. Are you going to be up for this?
Romeo: Yeah, you bet.
Danny: Okay. Good good. I need you to do something for me. Obviously, I can't get away right now. The business still needs to be run. So I want you to go to that address, ask for Lou. You tell him you're in charge now, and you want all the liquor distribution figures from last year. If there's any problem, you have him call me.
Romeo: Okay. No problem, Danny.
Danny: Thank you, Romeo. You've got the family's trust now. Don't fail us.
Romeo: I won't, Danny. You got my word.
Danny: All right. Thank you. See you later.
Michelle: I just saw Josh and Reva tearing out of here. What's going on? Is everything all right?
Tony: Everything's going to fine, thanks to Danny. You set him up real good. I owe you one.
Marah: (Sobbing) God, Tony.
Harbor master: Santos yacht, this is the harbor master. You notified us you were upping anchor hours ago. We're checking to see if everything is all right. Please respond.
Marah: Harbor master, this is Santos yacht. Everything is fine. Everything is more than fine.
Blake: Tory stalked us, Ross. She kidnapped our children. She created a shrine to you. Why can't you make the leap that she faked her own suicide and she held me captive?
Ross: Blake, the police now believe that Tory was murdered.
Blake: I don't care what the police think, Ross. What do you think? Do you honestly think that I murdered Tory, and I created this elaborate setup to cover it up?
Ross: No, I don't think that. However, other people...
Blake: Ross, stop thinking like a lawyer. Think like the man that loves me, that claims to know me.
Ross: I want to do that. But you have to understand the police have serious questions to ask you, and they're going to be difficult to answer if you don't have any evidence.
Blake: All right, fine. I'll get them their evidence.
Ross: Where are you going?
Blake: I'm going to the cops. I'm going to tell them everything. They can get the forensics to search the cell, and they'll find proof that Tory’s still alive.
Cassie: You don't even know what I was going to ask you, Olivia.
Olivia: Oh, so you were going to ask me for a favor. I knew it.
Cassie: Okay, fine. You know what? Take a minute, rub it in, get it all out of your system. And when you're done, maybe we can talk about this.
Olivia: Well, you know what? I think I'm going to need a little more than a minute, so why don't you go ahead and tell me what you want, so I can say no again.
Cassie: I thought we shared decisions.
Olivia: Hey, you know what? You can say no to anything I ask.
Cassie: Maybe I won't, if you give me what I want.
Olivia: Okay. Tell me what you want.
Cassie: I want to rent out the Beacon for a wedding.
Olivia: When? The renovations aren't nearly finished.
Cassie: So what? I think it looks beautiful. It has tons of open spaces, beautiful views, and I think it would be perfect for a wedding.
Olivia: A wedding.
Cassie: Yeah.
Olivia: You know what? If someone wants to rent an unfinished hotel for a wedding, who am I to say no to their money? That's fine. Just make sure you get paid in full and up front.
Cassie: I'm going to be the one paying for it, because this is a wedding gift to them.
Olivia: And who's they?
Cassie: Josh and Reva. Hey, Richard.
Richard: Hello.
Cassie: Hey there.
Richard: Hello, Olivia. Renovations going well?
Cassie: Great. I think we've got this partnership down pat.
Richard: Really?
Olivia: Yeah, yeah. You know, ups and downs, some low blows.
Cassie: If you don't want Josh and Reva getting married at the Beacon, then just say so, Olivia.
Olivia: What do I care? If he wants to marry her, he can marry anyone. I don't care-- wherever he wants to. If it happens to be at my hotel, that's fine. I just hope you can afford it.
Tony: Look, it was the only way to convince Romeo he was out of danger.
Michelle: By pretending you were dead.
Tony: Yeah.
Michelle: And Josh and Reva agreed to this.
Tony: They're desperate to find Marah. We think Romeo's got her stashed away someplace.
Michelle: Well, why didn't you guys call the police?
Carmen: Where they would've re-arrested Antonio, and not given a damn about who really killed Catalina?
Danny: All right, security's got Romeo stalled at the gate.
Tony: Yeah, you put the tracking device on him, right?
Danny: Yes, before you left.
Michelle: When you were hugging him.
Danny: Honey, I'll explain everything later, please.
Tony: Look, Danny, why don't... Why don't you and Michelle take off, all right? I'll take care of it from here.
Danny: Yeah. You sure?
Tony: Yeah. Thank you.
Danny: You be careful.
Tony: I will. Thank you.
Danny: All right. You call me with any news.
Ray: Listen, I've got a parishioner I've got to check up on, so if you don't need anything else...
Tony: No problem. Ray, thank you. I know this wasn't your first choice, all right?
Ray: Let's just hope it works. I love you.
Tony: I love you, too.
Ray: And you, I’ll see you in church.
Carmen: Don't I always come? Antonio.
Tony: Yeah, look, okay, so the guards... Don't tell the guards to let Romeo... What are you guys doing back here?
Josh: What? Romeo's on his way, right? It's time to call the police.
Tony: No, I’m sorry. There's been a change of plans. We put a tracking device on him. I got him right where I want him.
Reva: Well, good. Then there's still time to call the police. What is going on?
Tony: Hey, are you kidding? You call the cops, they're going to re-arrest me, put me back in jail. Romeo's going to escape with Marah. I'm sorry, I’m going after Romeo myself.
Josh: Well, I’m going with you then.
Tony: Look, I’m going to handle Romeo on my own. No cops, okay?
Josh: Wait a minute. Tony! Tony! Wait!
Ross: Blake, are you sure that this is the right thing for you to do?
Blake: I know you think I’m making this up, but Harley won't.
Ross: Harley is the one who thinks you may have something to do with Tory’s disappearance.
Blake: I did not... Tory is the one who paid off that dock worker to say that she committed suicide. It wasn't me.
Ross: It's not just about the dock worker anymore. The police now have a letter written by Tory that said if anything should happen to her, you're responsible.
Blake: And you believe that? Oh, come on, Ross, you know that she wrote that just to make me look bad. And don't forget about Chicago. That wasn't me that you saw there. That was Tory. She drugged you. She made a videotape of the two of you to make it look like you had made love. Didn't you wonder where I was in the morning when you woke up?
Ross: I woke up to a note, a note that said I had called out Tory’s name, that we were through, and I shouldn't even bother trying to find you.
Blake: And you believe that? Oh, come on, Ross, if you really had called out Tory’s name, don't you think I would've confronted you? I wouldn't have run away.
Ross: Initially, that's what I thought, yes.
Blake: When you thought I was in bed with you, did you really get a good look at me? Did you really see me? I don't think so. I think what you saw a blurry image of a woman wearing a red wig before you passed out.
Frank: Hey, Blake, there you are. I heard you were missing. Glad Ross found you. Is everything all right?
Blake: No, Frank, it's not. That's why we're here. Tory Granger is alive.
Frank: What? How do you know that?
Ross: According to Blake, Tory took her own life so she could kidnap Blake and hold her hostage in a cell. Now, this cell is underneath the Harbor Master's office, down by the docks. And, threatening to harm our children, she coerced Blake into making a videotape. Blake claimed she was leaving me to write a book about my betrayal of her. Tory fed her nothing but junk food. She wore a red wig to impersonate Blake while she was at the Romance Writers' Convention in Chicago, with the express purpose of seducing me and making a videotape of it. Did I get it right, Blake?
Tory: Hey, I’m the one who came up with it, and even I'm having a hard time believing it. Oh, Blake, the cops are never, ever going to find any proof that I held you hostage. And if you're not careful, you'll find yourself right back in a cell, only this time, it'll be padded.
Ross: Blake swallowed the key to the cell so she could get the upper hand and then drug Tory, and eventually make her escape.
Michelle: I'm going to go tell the sitter we're home.
Danny: Hey, Michelle. Hold on. Now, you didn't say one word the entire drive home.
Michelle: I don't know what to say to you, Danny. I thought we were at a point that we shared everything, and now I'm realizing that I was wrong.
Danny: Michelle, there was no time to tell you about any of this. It all happened so fast. We need to prove that Romeo killed Catalina. The only way... It just made sense the way to do it would be to make it look like Tony was killed by the cops. That way, we could get Romeo in, and hopefully get him to lead us to Marah. It just...
Michelle: I just can't believe that Josh and Reva actually agreed to this. You scammed a killer, Danny. What if Romeo gets away somehow? That puts us in danger.
Danny: I'm not crazy about it either, Michelle, but we didn't have any other choice. It's the only way we thought we could prove Tony's innocence and find Marah. (Robbie cries)
Michelle: Okay. I've got to send the sitter home. He's up from his nap, so...
Danny: Michelle. (Phone rings)
Michelle: Well, you better answer that, because it might have something to do with Romeo. (Phone rings)
Danny: Hello? Yeah. The money's deposited? Good. Well, then arrange for the transfer to our friends in Kenya. Yeah, all right, I’ll get on a plane tonight. No, Michelle does not know yet. And I trust you'll keep your mouth shut.
Marah: All right, I’m going to get you, Romeo.
Danny: Hey, any news on Romeo?
Ray: Not yet, not yet. I was just wondering how Michelle is dealing with all of this.
Danny: How do you think, Ray? I mean, I'm doing stuff that I swore I would never do again when we got back together. I'm surprised my clothes aren't flying out the window as we speak.
Ray: It wasn't easy for me either. But what you're doing for Tony and Marah is important. Eventually she'll realize that.
Danny: Yeah. Hopefully, it will be in this lifetime.
Ray: You want to make her happy, Danny? Tell her you found her father.
Danny: Ray, I told you, I can't. What if I fly to Africa and I can't get him? What if they don't release him?
Ray: I thought you agreed to their terms.
Danny: That doesn't mean that they'll stick to it. What if they just take my money and keep him? I mean, then what do I tell Michelle?
Ray: At least she'll know you tried.
Danny: Ray, I can't make that kind of promise to her. What if I don't come through? As it is, she's sick about Rick. I cannot promise to return her father and then fail. I can’t.
Ray: She'll know that you're keeping something from her, and that'll hurt worse.
Danny: Don't you think I know that, Ray? Look, I'm sorry, I’m not... Let's not talk about all this. I'm tired.
Ray: It's okay, it's okay.
Danny: It's been a long day.
Ray: I understand, for all of us. I understand.
Michelle: Hey, Ray, I didn't hear you come in. Is there any word about Romeo?
Ray: No. I was just worried about you guys. It's been a rough day for all of us.
Michelle: Well, thanks for worrying, but I'm fine. Do you want to stay for dinner?
Ray: I wish I could. I can’t. I have to say mass for Father O'Brien tonight. Listen, Michelle, I know you're upset with this guy at the moment...
Danny: Ray...
Ray: But he loves you very much. I hope you know that. I've got to go, you guys. Love each other.
Michelle: And what was that all about?
Danny: I don't know. You know Ray, just dispensing his priestly advice. Is everything okay with Robbie?
Michelle: Yeah, he just needed a diaper change, so...
Danny: I'm going to go say hi to him, spend some time with him.
Michelle: Danny, before you do, there's something I want to show you.
Danny: What? It's nice.
Michelle: It belonged to Papa Bauer, my great-grandfather. And he left it to my dad, and then my dad always meant to give it to Rick, so I thought maybe Rick might like it as a wedding present.
Danny: Yeah. He'll love it, yeah. It's a great idea.
Michelle: I just know my dad would want him to have it now. I just wish that he could be the one to give it to him.
Danny: Maybe he can.
Michelle: What do you mean?
Danny: Look, I want you to know I never wanted to be dishonest with you. That's not what I was doing.
Michelle: About what?
Danny: I just... I didn't want to disappoint you.
Michelle: Just tell me what you're talking about.
Danny: I'm going to Africa to try and find your father.
Michelle: What?
Danny: I have a lead on where he might be, so, I mean... He's been out of touch, but I’m going to try and find him.
Michelle: Danny, that's amazing. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?
Danny: Because...
Michelle: When can we go? We can probably go tonight. You know what? I'm going to get the sitter back. We can pack my stuff up...
Danny: Michelle, hold on, stop! Michelle, stop. I'm going; you're not.
Richard: So are things getting better between you and Olivia?
Cassie: Well, I don't think sandbagging her about Josh and Reva's wedding exactly cemented the friendship, but we do seem to be agreeing on some things.
Richard: Well, that's good, hmm? Oh, and by the way, let me know if there's anything I can do at all.
Cassie: You know, there is.
Richard: Hmm?
Cassie: I can't decide what kind of car should take Josh and Reva to and from the wedding. I mean, should it be a limousine? Should it be something special, a vintage car? You know, I just can't figure it out. So what do you think?
Richard: Well, I think that you should probably let Josh and Reva make that choice. You're not thinking of putting those cans on the car and putting, you know, "Just Married" signs and all that, are you?
Cassie: Well, I already made the sign.
Richard: Oh, no.
Cassie: Tammy's collecting the cans.
Richard: All right, well, I think we should perhaps tell them to, you know, choose a car that's less elegant.
Olivia: And what would you recommend, Richard? Maybe something with an extra- strong finish so the signs won't scratch the paint when they're ripped off?
Richard: Well, I don't think you should be concerned with the details.
Olivia: Oh, come on, talking about cars is so much fun, especially since Alan bought me that convertible with your help.
Cassie: What is she talking about?
Olivia: Oh, come on, he didn't tell you? He was at the car lot when Alan and I showed up, and he even promised to negotiate the deal.
Cassie: Oh. Well, that's very generous of you.
Olivia: Well, it was. It was really helpful, and it was really informed. Alan and I, we got a great deal. You know, Richard, if you're ever in a pinch, you could make a mint selling cars. (Cell phone rings)
Cassie: That's me. Excuse me. Hello? It's the caterer. Yes, yes, I am in need of a wedding cake.
Richard: You finished making your insinuations?
Olivia: What insinuations? I was merely pointing out that you're an expert in luxury vehicles.
Richard: No, you're pointing out that I was an expert in selling luxury vehicles.
Olivia: Are you? Really? Oh, maybe I should ask Cassie about that.
Richard: Is that a threat?
Olivia: What would I have to threaten you about, Richard? I'm sure that you and Cassie are totally honest with each other.
Richard: So you think you're on to some juicy little secret, don't you? Did you ever think that you might be spoiling a surprise I might have for my wife?
Olivia: Oh, oh, that you're going to buy her a luxury car of her own. Yeah, I know, I believed you when you mentioned that the first time. But now I know it was just a cover.
Richard: No, you don't know anything. And what's really disappointing is, you don't know me at all anymore, do you?
Olivia: I know you well enough to know that...
Richard: And I don't know you, either, not at all. You know, what happened? Hmm? What happened to the kind, generous woman that I used to know?
Olivia: Well, I guess life happened. I didn't get the fairy tale ending, remember?
Richard: Well, who got the fairy tale ending? What, did I? Did Cassie? She lost our son, for God's sake.
Olivia: You know what? You lost your son, and I’m sorry, but you got another son. And you've got Cassie's children who adore you, and you have Cassie. How tragic is your life really, Richard, when you can love, and are loved back?
Richard: It's not too late for you.
Olivia: Don't. You don't know what you're talking about. You think I've changed? What about you? You used to have better taste in women. You used to have me.
Frank: All right, Ross, you're saying that Tory pulled a rope, and it opened up a trapdoor, and Blake fell into a cell underneath.
Ross: It didn't go directly into the cell, Frank. The trapdoor would open, and then there was sort of this slide situation that went into the room, isn't that right? Blake?
Blake: What? I'm sorry, what? What were you saying?
Frank: We were saying that Tory pulled a rope and opened up a trapdoor, and then you fell into a cell underneath.
Blake: Do you find that hard to believe?
Frank: Well, Blake, I’m not sure. But if it's out there, I’m sure we'll find it.
Blake: (Laughs)
Ross: Blake, do you find this funny?
Blake: I figured that you would've figured it out by now.
Frank: Figured out what, Blake?
Blake: I'm making it all up-- the kidnapping, the cell, the trapdoor, everything. I just thought you would've guessed that by now.
Ross: What do you mean, you made this up?
Blake: Well, I wanted to see if you would buy my story. I mean, I know that the details are kind of nuts, so that's why I... I thought if you two would believe it, then anybody would believe this.
Ross: Why, Blake? Why would you do something like this?
Blake: Well, it's a part of my writing process, Ross. I mean, this is an idea for my next novel. I've always done this type of thing. I just... I've never taken it this far. But I figure if I acted like this story is true, it was the only way to find out if it actually would work.
Frank: Hold on a second. You're saying that Tory never held you hostage, she never threatened your kids, and she never made a videotape of her and Clarissa?
Blake: But I fooled you, right? Did I?
Ross: What about the credit card that I found at the Harbor Master's office?
Blake: Yes, I know, I planted it there on purpose. I just wanted to see if you would come looking for me. Boy, was that a plot point that didn't work.
Frank: Blake, Tory’s really dead?
Blake: I know that when she committed suicide, and I shouted from the rooftops that she was alive, but I changed my mind.
Ross: Why? What changed your mind?
Blake: Well, I mean, it got me thinking, like, if she had faked her suicide, why would she do that? So she could kidnap me and seduce herself back into your life? And then it started occurring to me that this would be a fabulous plot for a book. I just didn't know if anybody would believe it. So if I presented it to the two of you like it really happened, it... I mean, I just... I realized from the look in your eyes that I took this too far. I'm sorry.
Frank: Blake, hold on one second, what about the dock worker that claims that you paid him to say that he witnessed Tory’s suicide? And also, the letter that she sent saying if anything had happened to her, we should come looking for you.
Blake: Well, I'm sure Tory set me up to make my life miserable after she committed suicide. But I do believe that Tory’s dead.
Cassie: Why did Olivia hurry off like that?
Richard: Oh, no, no particular reason. I mean, she's just had her fill of Josh and Reva and their happiness, you know.
Cassie: Well, at least she's allowing me to have the wedding at the Beacon.
Richard: She wasn't always so vindictive.
Cassie: I can't believe that you were engaged to her.
Richard: You know, she's become very angry, and she just wants to strike out at anyone who gets in her way. I know that you think this partnership of yours is in good shape, but be careful, will you?
Cassie: Don't worry about me. I can handle Olivia.
Richard: I know you can.
Olivia: Hi, Linda. It's Olivia Spencer. I need to speak with Marshall. Hi, Marshall. Look, I was wondering if you could send me over a copy of the Hotel Beacon partnership papers. Yeah, I know that you've got everything in order. I just want to look at the fine print again. Yes, I know that I have a fair and equitable agreement with Cassie Winslow. That is the problem.
Josh: This is great. This is really terrific. Your guard wouldn't let me by here, so now, not only is Marah with Romeo, now she's got another hothead on his way. I love your system here, I really do.
Carmen: Well, you don't like it, return to your safe little world where everything turns out so perfectly.
Reva: Oh, you're damn straight we'll go back to our safe little world. We're going to the police station to get help.
Olivia: Done.
Phillip: Oh. Okay?
Olivia: Yup, fine.
Phillip: What are you doing here? Are you slumming? I thought the reason you were cohabiting with my father is so that you wouldn't have to stoop to anything below the level of the Towers.
Olivia: Why, you're quite a charmer. Had a business meeting, sort of. And I had an audience, the former prince and princess.
Phillip: Oh, two of your favorite people. How's life treating them?
Olivia: Oh, they're just as smug and in love as ever. And Cassie’s particularly happy, because she somehow convinced me to let my ex-husband and his eternal flame have their, what, 20th wedding at my hotel?
Phillip: It's her hotel, too, and Reva’s her sister. Play nice.
Olivia: I've tried that. It's not all that it's cracked up to be.
Romeo: Honey, I’m home.
Marah: Did you say something? I was wondering when you were going to get back.
Ross: And so this whole thing about Tory being in Chicago, that wasn't true at all? It was you all along?
Blake: Oh, was that too much? I figured I'd have to lose the Harbor Master story, but I was kind of hoping I'd hold on to that drug champagne story.
Ross: Then you were just using me, right, Blake? I was just part of preparation for your next novel?
Blake: Well, you didn't buy it, did you? I mean, did you, Frank? I figured, you're my reality check. If it didn't... Doesn't work through a police point of view, you would be the one to tell me, yeah? When you thought it was me in bed with you, did you get a good look at me? Did you really see me? I'm sorry, Frankie. I'm sorry that I did this to you. I hope you forgive me.
Frank: Blake, I don't think it's me you owe the apology to, but anyway, next time you come up with a crazy idea, pitch it to Harley first, will you?
Blake: I'm sorry, Ross, I am. I didn't mean to get you so worked up. I just at the time thought it was a good idea. I promise I would never do something like this again.
Ross: Let's go home. The kids want to see you.
Blake: And I want to see them.
Phillip: Olivia, do you mind if I give you a piece of advice?
Olivia: Oh, please, don't let me keep you.
Phillip: Oh, you're not. I really just have to run in there and pick up something unhealthy to take to Rick over at the hospital, and then I've got to pick up my son over at Harley's. So actually I don't really have time to give you a full speech.
Olivia: Thank God for small favors.
Phillip: However...
Olivia: You just can't resist, can you?
Phillip: It's really... It's just an observation. I think... I think you and I have something in common. I think we are both by nature people who like to make life difficult, even when things are not all that bad.
Olivia: Oh, interesting.
Phillip: You need to lighten up. Go to the hospital. See some people with real problems, like Rick. It tends to put things in perspective.
Olivia: I'm sorry about Rick. I know he's a good guy, and I know the two of you are very close.
Phillip: Yeah, we are. And listen, this is advice I’m trying to take as well as give. You have to stop trying to control the things in life that you can't control. Just let go a little bit. Life has a way of falling into place. It's a question of figuring out what is genuinely important, and then focusing.
Olivia: You know, why are you telling me all this?
Phillip: I feel sorry for you. You're on the outside looking in. I think you've been there a long time. Believe it or not, I know what that feels like.
Olivia: Well, thank you for your advice, Mr. Pollyanna. I'll think about it.
Phillip: Okay. I'll see you.
Olivia: When hell freezes over.
Michelle: Okay. All right, forget about me going to Africa for the moment. Just tell me about my dad. How did you find him? Where is he? Is he okay?
Danny: I don't know. I don't. But I promise you, I’m going to try to bring him back, hopefully in time for Rick's wedding.
Michelle: Why didn't you tell me you were looking for him?
Danny: Because, honey, I did not want to disappoint you if I couldn't come through for you. I mean, even now there's a chance that I won't be able to find him. I mean, I have a location, but he may not be there.
Michelle: But if he is, Danny, I have to go with you. I do.
Danny: No, no, no, no. You need to stay here with Robbie. Aunt Meta is in Nova Scotia. Rick is in the hospital. What if he takes a turn for the worse?
Michelle: You're right, you're right. You made your point. I just wanted to, you know, be able to look into his eyes and hear his voice.
Danny: I know. I promise you that I will do everything, everything in my power to bring him back. Okay?
Michelle: Do you really think you might be able to bring him back in time for Rick’s wedding?
Danny: That's what I'm aiming for.
Michelle: Then you better get going. Oh, God, thank you so much for doing this.
Danny: Oh, hey, I'll do anything for you, anything. All right, I've got to get ready. My flight is in a couple hours.
Tony: Come on, Marah, where are you? (Beeping) The yacht?
Dock cop: Freeze, Santos.
Tony: Excuse me, what did you say my name was?
Dock cop: You're Tony Santos, and you're under arrest.
Romeo: You escaped out of the handcuffs. Why didn't you split?
Marah: Well, I was going to, at first. I mean, Tony's dead. That feels bad, more than you know. But then I remembered all the times that he blew me off, told me that he didn't love me. And when I needed a friend the most, it was you who was there, not Tony. You were there, and you held me, and you loved me. And I can't forget that. I try and I try, but I can't stop thinking about you, of being with you.
Romeo: Like I’m supposed to believe this after everything that's happened.
Marah: Romeo, I could've left, but I didn't, because I want to be with you.
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