GL Transcript Thursday 5/16/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/16/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

[Missed the first minute]

Rick:  ...The inside prodded and poked so many different places, I wouldn't know what feel better feels like. Tell you what, though, just looking at you makes the old ticker feel better.

Mel: Well, I'm glad to hear it. And before you ask, no, the test results haven't come in yet.

Rick: All right. It's a virus, what else do we need to know?

Mel: Whether we caught it in time; whether we can get rid of it before it does anymore damage to your heart.

Rick: Hey, no, no, no, no. Uh-uh. No. I'm not going to let some little virus get the better of me. No way. I've asked this gorgeous, beautiful woman to be my bride, and I'm going to insist on being healthy when I walk her down the aisle. You got that? You got it?

Mel: Good.

Rick: Good.

Mel: Because she's going to hold you to it.

Orderly: Dr. Bauer?

Rick: Yeah.

Orderly: Time for your heart scan.

Rick: Oh, it's too late, Dave. I already opened my heart to this woman. Laugh, Dave, it's supposed to be funny.

Mel: Do you want anything when you get back, honey?

Rick: No. Just... Just pancakes, syrup and you. You know what? Forget the pancakes and syrup, I'll just take you. Unless you want to be covered by lots of syrup.

Michelle: Hey.

Mel: Michelle, hi. Rick just left to get his...

Michelle: Oh, his heart scan. I know.

Mel: Yeah.

Michelle: Mel, it's okay to be afraid, because, well, I really don't want to be afraid alone.

Harley: Wow, looks really yummy. But I didn't order it.

Marina: Oh, please, it's on the house. Anyway, I owe it to you for fixing it with dad so I could stay here and not be shipped off to some boot camp for loser teenagers in Wyoming or something.

Harley: Gosh. First of all, your father is not shipping you to any boot camp anywhere in Wyoming, okay? He raised me, too, remember, and he survived that. Second of all... Well, there is no second of all, actually. Just make sure that you don't screw things up and make me look bad, okay? Please.

Marina: No, I won't. I won't, I promise you, okay?

Harley: Okay.

Marina: And I would never do anything like that. Oh, I should get back to work, though.

Richard: Hello.

Marina: Hi.

Richard: May I have a large coffee to take away, please?

Marina: Yeah.

Richard: Hello, Harley.

Harley: Hey, Richard. How are you doing?

Richard: Good. And you?

Harley: Could you please tell your sweet wife to call me?

Richard: All right, I will.

Harley: Thank you.

Marina: "Take away," is that, like, San Cristobellian for "to go," your majesty?

Richard: Well, yes, I suppose it is. And you know you don't have to call me that; I'm not a prince anymore. You can just call me Richard, if you like.

Marina: Oh, cool. So... So wait. What did you do with the crown?

Richard: The crown? Well, I left the crown with my brother, the one with the red, furry cape and the golden scepter.

Marina: No.

Richard: Hmm.

Marina: You left all that stuff with Edmund.

Richard: Oh, you've met Edmund. No, actually, not Edmund. My other brother, Alonzo. He's the true prince of San Cristobel.

Marina: Oh, yeah. I didn't ever really think Edmund was a real prince. I mean, well, he's snobby enough to pretend he's one, though.

Richard: You have met Edmund. Yes, well, that describes him perfectly.

Marina: So yeah, it, like, must be really cool to be, like, a prince, right?

Richard: I suppose it does have its moments. But you know, right now, I'm just looking forward to being an ordinary citizen of the world. And that sounded really pretentious, didn't it?

Marina: I think even the word pretentious is kind of pretentious.

Richard: Well, then perhaps I should just take my little pretentious coffee out of here quickly before I make things worse.

Marina: No, it's fine, don't worry about it. I actually have to brew a fresh pot, though, so do you mind waiting, I知 really sorry.

Richard: Oh, no, no, not at all. Oh, hello.

Reva: Well, well, your highness. Is that the effect you have on all young women?

Richard: Oh, you heard?

Reva: Well, the star-struck look on Marina's face told the whole story.

Richard: Yes, you know, the... The presidency meant far more to me than all my years as prince, but that doesn't seem to matter to people.

Reva: Well, politics are boring. Princes are more romantic.

Richard: (Chuckles) Well, I'm sure Cassie would be happy to give Marina a few pointers as to the reality of being a princess.

Reva: Uh-huh. And when do you plan on giving Cassie a few pointers on the reality of your new job?

Richard: Soon.

Reva: She's planning on meeting me here to discuss the wedding. No time like the present.

Richard: Was it "Gone With The Wind," Scarlet O'Hara, "Tomorrow's Another Day"?

Reva: Uh-huh, Richard.

Richard: Listen, I'm going to tell her, just not today.

Harley: I'm not talking to you.

Buzz: Okay, I'll talk to you.

Harley: No.

Buzz: Maybe I went a little over the line last night.

Harley: (Scoffs) Maybe?

Buzz: If I was a little hard on the guy, it was because I was looking out for you.

Harley: Daddy, you weren't just a little hard on him. And maybe I can look out for myself.

Buzz: I worry about you. I love you.

Harley: Well, you know, you have a funny way of showing it sometimes.

Gus: You look like you want to castrate me.

Buzz: Don't tempt me. It's all yours. God help us all.

Gus: I think he likes me. It's getting better. He's warming up.

Harley: That was a compliment.

Gus: Yeah. Hi.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: How's Rick doing?

Harley: I'm going to see him later at the hospital.

Gus: Oh, good. Okay, all right. I have a little something that could warm your heart, that could just cheer you up. Let's play our little game, or you know, we pretend to hate each other.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Okay? It'll be good. Go ahead.

Harley: If this wasn't a public place, I'd slap you.

Gus: Really? Well, if this wasn't a public place, I'd beat you within an inch of your life. That was good. That was nice. Makes me feel sexy. (Laughter) I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me yesterday with Buzz. I thought that was very decent of you.

Harley: Any word on Tony Santos?

Gus: Well, yeah. I have, you know, a bunch of cops crawling all over his old haunts and every airport within a 500-mile radius is on alert for the guy. And so we're trying. What about you? Anything? You talk to Blake yet?

Harley: She stood me up.

Gus: Really, and you're just sitting here like that's okay? I mean, call her, threaten her, cuff her, do whatever you have to do.

Harley: All right, all right, all right, back off. She's my friend. I'll handle it the way I think it should be handled.

Holly: Blake, where are you?

Blake: Still faking your stomachache?

Tory: Blake, I swear I'm not faking it. I really... I need to see a doctor.

Blake: Well, too bad. You've got me instead. Here, muscle relaxants. Take two tablets every six hours and don't call me in the morning.

Tory: Blake, I am really sick.

Blake: Well, I really don't care, Tory. Maybe if you hadn't locked me up here in the first place, you wouldn't be in this position.

Tory: I've got an idea. How about we call it even and you just let me go?

Blake: Uh... No.

Tory: Blake, I really don't feel good.

Blake: Well, take a pill, Tory. Take all of them. See if I care. You know, if you're not faking, it's probably just indigestion from all the junk food I've been feeding you. You'll be fine in the morning.

Tory: What if I知 not?

Blake: Oh, stop being such a hypochondriac, Tory. It's not like you have appendicitis. Bye.

Tory: Blake. Blake, please don't leave me here. Blake, please, what if I die in here? Blake! Blake...

Blake: Mom, I知 back!

Holly: Can I ask where you were? I was getting so...

Blake: I went to pick up milk for your coffee. Didn't you get my note? Oh, no. I guess not. Oops. Sorry.

Holly: Never mind. You're here. I took my coffee black.

Blake: You leaving?

Holly: What is the point of my staying? We were up half the night; I need to get some sleep.

Blake: You act like last night was a waste of time, well, we did talk.

Holly: About everything except what we really need to talk about, and now it has dawned on me that you really don't want to talk about it, much less forgive me.

Blake: You know, Mom, I just need some more time.

Holly: And I need to tell you that I知 sorry that I knew about Ross and Tory and I kept it from you.

Blake: Okay, you know what, Mom, I don't know what would happen to us if we did talk about this.

Holly: What does it matter what happens? If we're not honest with each other, we're not going to get past this.

Blake: Yeah, well, the thing is, Mom, your not telling me about Ross and Tory, probably hurt me more than Ross's betrayal, okay?

Holly: Why?

Blake: Because you're my mother. I need to trust you. I need to know that you're not going to hide things from me.

Holly: I hid it from you because I thought I was protecting you. I was wrong.

Blake: Okay, Mom. I'm not the... I'm the last person to demand perfection from another human, but I thought you knew me. I thought you knew what was important to me. Mom, I needed you to be honest with me. I thought you knew that.

Holly: I know that. I know that now. But if there's anything I can do or say to change it, I would. But I can't. So it's up to you, you have to say. Can we move beyond this?

Blake: I'm not so sure.

Alan: Are you sure you don't want any company?

Lizzie: I'm sure. I have a ton of homework to finish. Besides, mom doesn't like me to have doughnuts for breakfast.

Alan: Well, what your mother doesn't know won't hurt her. Here, how about you have a chocolate glazed doughnut on me, huh?

Lizzie: Thanks, Grandpa.

Alan: (Chuckles)

Lizzie: Hi.

Marina: Well, hi yourself. So, a chocolate doughnut I知 assuming.

Lizzie: Have you figured out the good deed you're going to do for Harley?

Marina: No, actually, I知 still trying to think of something. Do you want to help?

Lizzie: You bet.

Alan: Okay, ladies. Cassie, you're looking especially clean today.

Cassie: Well, you know what, Alan, nothing like a good, old- fashioned mud fight to bring the roses out in a girl's cheeks.

Alan: Kind of brings a new meaning to the phrase "Here's mud in your eye," doesn't it? In my case, it was more like mud in my ear, mud in my nose, mud on my hand.

Reva: Now when has that ever been a problem for you, Alan? You always like to get down and dirty.

Alan: I guess you heard about our little rumble in the mud yesterday, huh?

Reva: Cassie told me all about it. I just wish I'd been there to witness it myself.

Alan: If you'd been there, Reva, we would've pulled you in, literally.

Reva: Oh, no, you wouldn't.

Alan: Now, I'd love to talk with you, ladies, but I'm on an expedition to buy something for Olivia.

Cassie: If it's for the Beacon, you guys have to approve everything by me.

Alan: Oh, don't worry about that. This purchase is personal.

Cassie: Personal.

Reva: Watch it. That's one of my ex-husbands you're making faces at.

Cassie: Okay. Well, why don't we talk about something more pleasant like your marriage to Josh.

Reva: Hey, I'll drink to that. You have any ideas?

Cassie: Yes, I think you should be married at the Beacon.

Reva: The Beacon?

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: Well, is it anywhere close to being done? We're thinking about the first week in June.

Cassie: We already started the renovations, and I don't care if all we have up are post and beams, I will find a way to make it absolutely beautiful for you.

Reva: Oh, Cassie, I don't know. You know, there's the Olivia factor. I mean, how is she going to feel about Josh and me being married in her half of the hotel.

Cassie: Oh, don't worry about Olivia; I can handle Olivia. Let this be my wedding present to you.

Reva: Oh, gosh, when you put it that way, what can I say? Thank you.

Marina: Okay, so, like, maybe what I should do is I should make Aunt Harley a princess for a week like Cassie. Or just, like, pretend she's one for a week.

Lizzie: It's not really all it's cracked up to be. I mean, I tried on Edmund's crown once and it like, weighed a ton. Plus, people are always watching you, and you have like, no privacy.

Marina: Okay, valid point. You know what? Scratch the whole princess thing. So what are we going to do?

Reva: Speaking of happily ever after. How have you and Richard settled in?

Cassie: Great, thanks to you. And I promise you, we are going to be moving to the farm very soon. Richard's done a few things, and I cannot wait to move in there.

Reva: That's good.

Cassie: Why do you ask?

Reva: Well, you know, I mean, it's got to be a tough change for him, especially, going from a palace to a farm, from a president to...

Cassie: Ambassador.

Reva: Yeah.

Cassie: Yeah. Well, he's still getting the respect he deserves. And I think he's doing great. There's nothing for you to worry about.

Reva: Okay.

Richard: I think you'll be very happy with the figure that we settled on.

Pete: That's very nice. How'd you get Mr. Connors to agree to these numbers?

Richard: I simply informed him of the car's extraordinary resale value. And, well, he started writing a check.

Pete: Well, that's good work, Richard. You ready to work your princely magic once more. Got new customers.

Holly: Honey, I知 sorry.

Blake: Wait, wait, wait. Oh, Mom, maybe I知 not looking at this right, okay? I don't know. Maybe I need to be reminded that you're a human being, too, you know? Just because you're the mommy doesn't mean you don't screw up.

Holly: Oh, God, I don't want to think of all the times I have screwed up my life. And how every mistake has affected you.

Blake: But I always felt loved. I know you tried, Mom. Yeah, you tried so hard to protect me. From things, you know, when I was little. And maybe that's just what you're doing now.

Holly: Except you're not my little girl anymore.

Blake: Yeah, well, I need to stop acting like one. Maybe it's just as much my fault.

Holly: Does that mean that we... We can start again?

Blake: Oh, Mom.

Holly: Sweetie.

Blake: I want to. It has to be different, okay? It has to be different. It has to be stronger. It has to be more honest, all right?

Holly: Yes.

Blake: All right, I have to ask you something.

Holly: Yes?

Blake: Do you think I知 like daddy? (Knock at door) Saved by the bell, huh?

Harley: All right, Blake, what is going on with you? You were supposed to meet me. What happened?

Richard: Oh, hello, you looking to buy a car?

Alan: Well, as a matter of fact we are, Richard. Yeah, Olivia, doesn't much like the mud stains in the present car she's driving.

Olivia: No thanks to your wife.

Alan: So I thought I'd get her another. And you, what are you doing here?

Richard: Same thing, I thought I'd, you know, surprise Cassie.

Alan: Well, you must've made some good investments that I知 not aware of. Or taken out another credit line from some other bank.

Richard: Something like that.

Olivia: Am I missing something?

Alan: Well, Richard ran into a little financial difficulty, and I offered to give him some assistance, but he insisted on doing it himself. Congratulations, the better man won.

Richard: Oh come now, Alan. We're not in competition, are we? As a matter of fact, if you would like this vehicle here, I'd be glad to step aside and let you purchase it.

Alan: Well, how noble of you. She is a beauty, isn't she?

Richard: Yes, she is. Top of the line. Any man-- or woman, for that matter-- would be happy to own her.

Alan: Well, would you like to give it a test drive, Olivia? Or would you like to drive it right off the showroom floor, huh?

Richard: Oh, come now, Alan. One doesn't test drive a vehicle like this. It would be insulting, wouldn't it?

Olivia: Well, I wouldn't want to insult the car. And I do really love it.

Alan: Well, then you shall have it. Let's find a salesperson and close the deal.

Richard: You know, I'm thinking of buying a similar model, and if you're in a hurry, I'd be happy to negotiate the deal for us.

Alan: Well, that would be lovely, as long as I don't end up paying more than the listed price here, Richard.

Richard: Oh, Alan, please. I assure you, you will pay no more than I will.

Alan: Well, have the dealership send the necessary paperwork to my office.

Richard: Of course. Thank you.

Alan: Olivia, let's go to Company, have a drink and celebrate, huh?

Olivia: Sounds good.

Alan: Good day.

Phillip: Hey, you awake?

Rick: Hey, hey.

Phillip: You know, you want to get out of your engagement party, you don't have to go this far.

Rick: You know me, buddy. I'll do anything for a little attention. (Chuckles)

Phillip: Looks like you got it.

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: So what's the deal here? Safe to say we're not talking about the flu?

Rick: Oh, it's nothing. It's just a virus.

Phillip: Really?

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: I think I'll wait for Mel's opinion on that, if you don't mind.

Mel: My opinion is that he is a terrible patient, but I love him anyway.

Phillip: Hey.

Mel: Hi, Phillip.

Phillip: How are you?

Mel: No, before you ask, the test results have not come in yet.

Rick: See, that's... That's what I love about her. She can read my mind, buddy.

Phillip: Okay, so what do you think is wrong with him here?

Mel: He's got a viral infection.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Mel: But we're hoping for a quick recovery. This is not exactly my idea of a romantic engagement.

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: Oh, sweetie, hop into bed with me, I'll give you romantic.

Mel: Always the professional.

Rick: (Coughing)

Phillip: Easy.

Mel: Now you be good.

Rick: I love you.

Mel: I love you, too. I'll be back after rounds.

Phillip: Remind me again: What exactly are her faults?

Rick: Only one, she fell in love with me.

Phillip: Yeah, well that's enough. That could be fatal-- or at the very least, it could be very painful.

Rick: Don't do that.

Phillip: What?

Rick: Don't watch your words with me, buddy. It'll kill me quicker than this virus, okay?

Phillip: You got me all nervous here, pal.

Rick: To be honest with you, buddy. I'm a little nervous myself.

Harley: Okay, Blake, as your friend, let me present a little scenario to you, okay? Suppose... Suppose I hear about a fight between these two women in a restaurant. Then later, the woman who claimed she was pushed during this fight ends up committing suicide. A dock worker witnesses that suicide, then later says, "Oh, no, no. I was paid by a redhead to say I saw it." When I question the redhead about her part in this thing, she keeps ducking me. Now do you see how as a friend, not even a cop, but as a friend, I might be concerned about this whole thing?

Blake: As a friend, why are you believing the dock worker over me.

Harley: I don't know what to believe anymore. Except this. You are holding out on me, Blake.

Blake: Thanks a lot.

Harley: I know you. I know you. Is there something about Tory you're not telling me? Did something else happen between the two of you? Maybe sharing this information with me could help you.

Blake: Don't play me on this. Harley, look. Harley, I told you everything I could tell you about Tory, all right? That was a twisted, sick, evil girl whose sole purpose in life was to get Ross and torment me in the process. Did it ever occur to you that maybe she was the one who paid off the dock worker so she could torment me from her grave, huh?

Harley: Hmm, so now you believe she's dead? (Pager beeps) Okay, this is Michelle. Rick is seeing visitors. I am going to the hospital.

Blake: Okay. Will you tell him I'm thinking about him?

Harley: I will. But why don't you think about yourself a little bit, too, Blake. I am not the only detective with questions about Tory's suicide. But I may be the only one willing to cut you a break if you're lying. Think about that.

Reva: So much for a nice, quiet breakfast.

Alan: Well, what a small world. We just ran into Richard.

Cassie: Okay, I値l bite. Really? Where?

Olivia: Oh, I知 not sure we're supposed to say anything. He said it was a surprise.

Cassie: Oh, come on, can't you give me a hint?

Alan: Well, it has four wheels and it purrs.

Cassie: Oh, boy.

Olivia: He's buying you a Jag.

Claire: Oh.

Michelle: Sorry.

Claire: Michelle.

Michelle: Hi.

Claire: Hi.

Michelle: Hi.

Claire: You know, Rick has asked me to be a consult on his case. I hope that's not going to be a problem.

Michelle: Rick trusts you, that's all I care about.

Claire: Great. I hear you've enrolled in the Physicians Assistants program, that's great. It really is, I think it's wonderful. But why didn't you apply to medical school? I thought you wanted to be a doctor.

Michelle: You know, I really can't deal with your judgment right now.

Claire: I'm not judging.

Michelle: Well, that's what it sounds like to me.

Harley: Hey. How is Rick?

Michelle: The same.

Harley: This is a virus? They still don't know anything more?

Claire: Well we have to wait for the test results. I assume you're here to see him. Keep it short.

Harley: Where is he?

Michelle: He's right in there.

Rick: (Hacking)

Harley: Hey.

Rick: Hey.

Harley: Tired?

Rick: Yeah, I知 still sick.

Harley: I brought you something. Ta-da! Jude says hi. Well, he would say hi if he could talk. He misses you.

Rick: I miss him so much.

Harley: Well, then you hurry up and get better and get out of here.

Rick: Believe me, there is nothing that I would like more right now than to get out of here, but (clears throat) as you can see, I'm going to be around here for a while.

Harley: Oh, come on. You don't know that.

Rick: Sometimes... Sometimes you just know. As much as you just try to laugh it off, there comes a time when you've just got to face reality.

Harley: Rick...

Rick: Hey, Coop, your face is all wet.

Harley: Oh, my eyes are watering-- I知 allergic to hospitals.

Rick: I am, too.

Reva: Hi, Buzz.

Cassie: He's buying me a Jag?

Gus: What's the matter? What's the matter?

Harley: Rick is sick. He's really, really sick.

Marina: I can't take this anymore. I really cannot take this anymore!

Lizzie: Marina, wait! What is it?

Marina: Ugh! It's, like, that Gus person, you know, he's just unbelievable.

Lizzie: You mean, Detective Aitoro? What's wrong with him?

Marina: Everything. I mean, one second he's, like, mean and hurtful to my Aunt Harley, the next minute he's all sweet and concerned. It just like, makes me want to puke, you know?

Lizzie: And she lets him be mean to her?

Marina: Yes, yes. It's, like, she's this abused person. She lets him say all these horrible things to her, and then in a second he comes up, and is nice, she's all mushy. And it's just... (Groans) I just really can't stand it.

Lizzie: I know what you mean. My mom had a boyfriend who was exactly like that. I wouldn't wish him on anyone.

Marina: This is such a nightmare. I mean, he's just such a jerk, you know, and my aunt is worth a million of him.

Lizzie: What are you going to do?

Marina: Fix it so that she can see what a jerk he really is.

Nurse: Dr. Boudreaux.

Mel: Yeah?

Nurse: I can't find Dr. Ramsey to give her this, but I thought you'd want to know, as well. Dr. Bauer's test results.

Mel: I'll take them. Thanks, Eileen. Oh, no.

Phillip: Hey.

Michelle: What is it? Are those the test results?

Mel: Yeah.

Michelle: Tell me.

Mel: It's what I thought. He has a viral infection.

Phillip: Okay, how bad is it?

Mel: It's called Cardiomyopathy.

Michelle: (Gasps) Oh, no.

Phillip: You've heard of that?

Michelle: We studied it in my class. The virus... The virus invades the heart and slows the muscle down. If it's not treated, it could kill him.

Phillip: Okay. But hey, okay, but you're treating it, right? I mean, this is something that you can deal with.

Mel: The myocardial biopsy shows that Rick is in cardiac failure.

Phillip: What?

Mel: The damage has been done. We can't repair it.

Phillip: Well... He had the flu! How can something like this happen?

Mel: It's idiopathic, which means we don't know what caused it, or...

Phillip: No, no, no. No, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. There's got to be something you can do. This is crazy.

Mel: At this stage, it's far too advanced.

Phillip: No.

Mel: A cure is... I'm sorry.

Michelle: This is my fault. I examined Rick for my class, and I totally misunderstood his symptoms.

Phillip: Michelle.

Michelle: Oh, God, why couldn't I have been smarter?

Phillip: Michelle, hey, you are not a doctor. You are not a doctor. This is not your fault. Rick didn't even know what was wrong with him.

Michelle: Yeah, but you know him. He's always is minimizing his symptoms. I should have known that. I could have caught this in time. Oh, God.

Mel: Oh, God... (Sobbing) (Laughter)

Richard: Oh, you're still here. How long does it take to plan a wedding anyway?

Cassie: Well, a lot. But you wouldn't know that, because men, all they have to do is show up.

Richard: Oh, right. That's true.

Cassie: So how was the meeting?

Richard: Oh, right. The meeting's fine. As a matter of fact, I致e got another one, and I just have time for a quick hello, and I've got to get back.

Reva: Anyone interesting that you met that we might want to know about?

Richard: No, I don't think so.

Cassie: Anything important that you feel like you should tell me?

Richard: Important?

Reva: Yeah, like who you met, and what you talked about at that meeting.

Richard: Nothing happened really. I can assure you, nothing was more mundane than those meetings. (Cell phone rings)

Cassie: Oh, it's the sitter. I've got to take it over here. Excuse me.

Richard: Did I miss something?

Reva: Uh-huh. We ran into Alan and Olivia earlier.

Richard: Ah. Right, and they told her about the car.

Reva: I just assumed that you told them that you were buying one for Cassie so they wouldn't think that you were actually selling them one.

Richard: Cassie expects...

Reva: Yeah, Cassie expects to be told the truth, Richard. How long are you going to keep it from her?

Richard: You know, perhaps she doesn't have to know at all. You know, I can make a lot of money selling these cars. Apparently I知 very good at it, too. And I just need enough money to establish a stake here in Springfield. It doesn't matter if Cassie knows how I did it, right?

Reva: Cassie's not going to care whether you're selling cars or not. What she's going to care about is that you're not telling her the truth.

Richard: Cassie married royalty, Reva. She married a prince. Now, no matter what she says about not wanting the trappings of wealth and power, I can assure you that that was a lot of what I had to offer her. And now what can I offer her? I can't even afford to buy her a used car, let alone the kind of cars I知 selling. No, I can't tell her. Because if there's one thing I truly can't afford to do is to lose her.

Rick: Hey.

Mel: Hey.

Rick: Hi, sweetie pie. Got the test results back. It's obviously not the flu bug, is it?

Mel: Scoot over. We're going to get through this.

Rick: Sweetheart, how much damage was done to the heart?

Mel: Shh. It doesn't matter, okay? Because what's going to cure you is my love, because it's strong, and it's solid, and it's going to keep you safe. You know that, don't you? I mean, tell me you know that.

Rick: Yeah, I do.

Michelle: May I use your phone? Holly, it's Michelle. I need your help. We have to find my dad.

Blake: Okay, I just to talked to our not-so-friendly-yet-oh- so-suspicious Springfield Police, and we have to talk, Tory. We have to settle a few things. Hey, Tory, wake up! What's the problem, Tory? You take too many muscle relaxants and pass out? Come on. Tory. Okay, you didn't take any pills. Tory, Tory, wake up. Oh, damn it. Tory? Tory. Tory?


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