GL Transcript Tuesday 5/14/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/14/02

Proofread By Tanya

Ross: Blake, how did you know this place was down here? Why are you bringing me here?

Blake: I have something to show you.

Ross: What?

Blake: Just call it a really big surprise. Okay, step.

Ross: I don't understand.

Blake: Step. Well, you will. Just know that everything I did, I did for us and the kids, all right? All right. Ross? Tory's alive.

Ross: Blake, don't.

Blake: She faked her suicide, just like I thought she did, and she captured me and held me prisoner here.

Ross: No.

Blake: Yes, it was all part of her plan to destroy us as a family and as a couple, but I turned the tables on her, and I have been holding her captive in the very same cell.

Ross: My God. What have you done? God, what kind of a person are you?!?

Blake: (Gasps) Tory! (Breathing heavily)

Rick: I tell you what, I can get used to this sleeping together thing real fast.

Mel: Well, you'd better. We're about to get married.

Rick: I had... I had the weirdest dream last night.

Mel: You did?

Rick: Yeah.

Mel: Oh, let me guess. You were falling?

Rick: No.

Mel: Flying?

Rick: Mm-hmm.

Mel: Swimming?

Rick: No. I was actually... I was right here, and I was eating in the living room, and this-- ooh-- this incredibly beauty, very sexy and attractive woman actually asked me to get married.

Mel: Well, that already happened, but you didn't have your mouth full at the time.

Rick: That's right. So I had to turn this beautiful woman down, because I had to tell her that I was already getting married to the most scrumptious woman in the entire world.

Mel: All this food imagery... Next thing you know you're going to be calling me a dish.

Rick: Oh, no. No way, sweetie cakes. ( Laughter)

Danny: Hey. Good morning.

Rick: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even see you.

Danny: No, I couldn't sleep last night, so I came out here so I wouldn't keep Michelle up.

Michelle: I was wondering where you were. I thought maybe you had an early meeting.

Danny: No, I'm just here, hogging the couch.

Michelle: Well, it's time to wake up. We've got an engagement party to get ready for.

Mel: Good morning.

Danny: I don't want to stand in the way of progress.

Mel: You know, Michelle, it was really generous of you two offer to throw Rick and I a party but, you know, if this is not the best time...

Michelle: Why not?

Mel: Well, you just started your P.A. Classes, and you have a lot of other things going on.

Michelle: All the more reason for a party, right? It's a happy event about love-- strong, unconquerable love-- and I can't think of anything more important to celebrate than that.

Tony: Come on, Ray. Bring her to me.

Ray: Tony is worried that you're into this too deep. That's why I’m here to talk to you.

Marah: So I could go home and stay put?

Ray: Yes.

Marah: No. Tony is the one who's in trouble. Have you seen the newspaper today?

Ray: No.

Marah: His escape is all over the news. He has to turn himself in.

Ray: Marah.

Marah: He has to. You know he does. Before anything really serious happens. Every cop in town is looking for him, plus some of his so-called friends.

Romeo: Hey, this seat taken? Father. What's going on?

Marah: Actually, we were just talking about you.

Romeo: All good things, I hope.

Ray: Marah was just telling me what a great friend you've been.

Romeo: I do what I can do. So this is great seeing the two of you here together. It's-- what do they call it?-- A real promising sign that maybe you know where Tony is.

Marah: Oh, actually, you just walked in at the perfect time.

Romeo: It's not a coincidence. I swung by your house early this morning, and I hung out outside until you came out.

Marah: You followed me here?

Ray: Some people would call that stalking, Ace.

Romeo: Oh, no. It's not like that, Father.

Ray: What is it like, Romeo?

Romeo: I'm just trying to be the friend that Marah said that I am.

Ray: Well, that's good.

Romeo: I'm looking out for her. You know?

Marah: See, I told you he was keeping an eye on me.

Romeo: Of course I am. Anyway, so I saw you come in here, and I figured that maybe you were here to see Marah to talk about Tony.

Ray: What gave you that idea?

Romeo: Come on, nobody knows the guy better than you. I mean, let's face it. He's still got a thing for Marah, so if Tony's not in South America or God knows where, there's a good chance he's probably going to try to get in touch with one of you two. If he does that, I'd like to know about it.

Marah: So you can help out, right?

Romeo: Absolutely. I've had Tony’s back for a long time. He's... He's not just my boss, but he's my best friend. So what's the buzz? Have you heard from him? Because if you have, it would be good-- real good-- if you tell me.

Rick: Um, well, I guess we'll see you later.

Michelle: Yeah.

Mel: Bye.

Rick: Talk to you later.

Michelle: We'll be here.

Rick: Okay.

Michelle: I missed you last night.

Danny: I missed you, too.

Michelle: You didn't have to sleep on the couch. I wasn't mad at you. Well, I was, a little. But mostly I was scared.

Danny: Okay. I understand.

Michelle: I was scared because I've been here before, Danny, in this exact spot, watching you trying so hard to be a good, decent man, only to get pulled back into that life that we both hate.

Danny: Look, Michelle, I'm not... I'm not getting pulled back in. I'm just trying to help Tony. He's my cousin. He's like a little brother to me, Michelle. He took a bullet for me.

Michelle: So now it's your turn?

Danny: No.

Michelle: Or maybe it's Robbie's, is that it?

Danny: No, of course not. (Sighs) We've been over this and over this and over it.

Michelle: Right, and we're going through it again. Danny, you helped a confessed murderer escape custody with our one-year-old son in the car with you, and I’m not supposed to be scared?

Danny: Michelle, I didn't plan it. I told you, Carmen set the whole thing up. She set me up.

Michelle: Fine, fine, so it was a once in a lifetime thing, but there are other things. They're smaller things. Like the way that you walk into Infierno, like you're so proud to be the owner again. Or all this time that you spend discussing things with Carmen.

Danny: I can handle her.

Michelle: Until you let your guard down, you make a mistake, and she gets her hooks into you again.

Danny: No, Michelle. My family consists of a lot more than Carmen. There's Ray and Pilar and Tony, too. They're people that you love as well...

Michelle: Not like I love you and not like I love Robbie.

Danny: They depend on me, Michelle, the same way that you and Robbie do.

Michelle: No, it's not the same. Why can't you see that? I'm your wife, Robbie is your son, everybody else...

Danny: I see that. Still, you can't ask me but... I just... I can't completely turn my back on them.

Michelle: You have to. Because that family is a threat to this one. The one that you have under this roof.

Danny: Michelle. You know, I was... I was up all night thinking about this. And, as much as I've tried, I cannot change the fact that I'm a Santos.

Michelle: But it doesn't have to be a curse. Not if you don't let it.

Danny: Honey, it's who I am. It's a large part of who I am. And if you don't know that by now about me... Okay, I'm going to go get dressed, get ready for the party.

Romeo: You must have some idea where Tony is.

Ray: Actually, Romeo... (Cell phone rings) Excuse me. Hello?

Tony: Ray, are you with Marah? Come on, bring her to me. I'm going nuts over here.

Ray: Yeah, yeah, I just made that collection.

Tony: Collection? Can you bring her to me?

Ray: I'm sorry. That's just not possible. I'm having a little trouble getting this project off the ground.

Tony: Ray, are you with Marah right now?

Ray: Yeah, that's right. Actually, now, it's a bad time to talk. I'm here at a table full of people. It's...

Tony: Is one of them Romeo? Is he with her right now?

Ray: Like I said, it's really bad timing right now.

Tony: Ray, look, you got to get her away from him. If Romeo killed Catalina like Marah thinks, then... Ray, he could... You can't let her... Get her away from him.

Ray: Yeah, I share your concerns and I’m doing everything I can from my end. I promise I will get back to you as soon as possible. Sorry about that. Sometimes being a priest gets a little complicated. Now, what were we talking about? Ah, Tony, and what a great friend you've been.

Marah: Well, you guys can keep talking about him but leave me out of it, okay?

Romeo: Not interested?

Marah: Tony and I are history. You know that better than anybody.


Phillip: Well, hello to you, too.

Rick: Sorry.

Phillip: You all right?

Rick: How you doing?

Phillip: Obviously better than you. You look like hell. You okay?

Rick: I'm really glad I stopped by.

Phillip: Don't get your feelings all hurt. What, have you been doing a few back-to-back shifts in the E.R.? I'm sure that will wipe you out.

Rick: Oh, no, I haven't been putting those kind of hours in lately. As a matter of fact, I got a real good night's sleep last night.

Phillip: Yeah?

Rick: Yeah. Eventually.

Phillip: (Laughs) Oh, I see.

Rick: (Laughs)

Phillip: Hey, I warned you about younger women, pal. Oh, isn't it sad? Isn't it sad?

Rick: What's that?

Phillip: When you have to admit that you're not the stud that you used to be? Or at least thought you were. Can I give you a little coffee there, grandpa? Have a little caffeine.

Rick: Oh, this is getting better and better. And for your information, jerky boy, I didn't get any complaints last night.

Phillip: Oh, here we go.

Rick: As a matter of fact, things are going so well that we're going to make it official.

Phillip: What do you mean?

Rick: We're engaged.

Phillip: Wow. Aw, wow, that's...

Rick: No, no, no.

Phillip: No, that's great.

Rick: Try... Try to curb all that enthusiasm. I don't know if I can take this much excitement. No, no, no, I know... I know what you're going to say. That I was engaged just a couple of months ago to Harley, and it's too soon, and blah, blah, blah, buddy, but it's not too soon, it's not. For the first time in my life, my timing's exactly right. And it's with the right woman.

Phillip: You sure about this?

Rick: Yes, I am sure. She's everything I ever wanted in my life. She is. And I was really beginning to think that the right woman wasn't out there for me. But she is, and she is a class act, and I’m a very, very happy man.

Phillip: Well, let me ask you a question.

Rick: Sure.

Phillip: You got a best man lined up?

Ross: Blake, it's all right. You were having a nightmare. It's okay.

Blake: I called out her name, didn't I? Why did we ever let her into our lives, Ross?

Ross: Honey, it doesn't matter anymore. She's gone and you and I are moving on.

Blake: It's not... It's not over, Ross. It's not.

Ross: I know how much I hurt you. And I also know that the wounds are not going to heal quickly. But they will heal. I believe that.

Blake: I wish it were that simple.

Ross: We've gotten through every crisis that we've ever faced and we're going to get through this one as well.

Blake: Ross, this is not about healing or forgiveness. It's not even about us. This is about Tory.

Ross: Not anymore. Tory Granger is dead, and that's going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

Blake: It shouldn't have to. You're not... It's not your fault she was so evil, Ross. And she was evil. And sometimes the only way to fight evil is to be every bit as evil back. I'm sorry.

Ross: It's all right.

Blake: Am I like my father?

Ross: What?

Blake: Do you think I have it in me to do the kind of horrible things that he's done?

Ross: Absolutely not. Roger Thorpe is unforgiving. He's vengeful. Many times he's sadistic. No, you are none of those things, none.

Blake: I wouldn't be so sure.

Ross: Why are you comparing yourself to Roger? Blake, why are you even thinking like this?

Blake: Ross, I have to go back to Springfield, all right? I have to take care of something.

Ross: Right now?

Blake: Look, Nancy came down with us. She can help you with the kids, okay? Take them to the park and the zoo, and... I have to do some things.

Ross: What? Stop. Blake. You're scaring me. Sit down. Why are you running away?

Blake: I'm not running from you, I promise, Ross. There's issues that I have to deal with. Things that I have to take care of with me, and I need some help. I need Felicia Boudreau's help, all right? I'm going to call her from the airport. I need to talk with her. And I need you to trust me enough to just let me go.

Ross: Okay. I'll miss you.

Blake: I love you so much, Ross.

Ross: Whatever it is you have to deal with, I'm with you. I'll always be with you, Blake.

The role of Remy Boudreau is now being played by Gavin Houston.

Felicia: Your sister didn't say why she wanted us to meet her here?

Remy: Nope. Mel just said, "Company, 10:00."

Felicia: Well, that's not like her. Oh, here she is.

Mel: Hi.

Felicia: Hey. Okay, miss mystery, what's up?

Remy: What's so secret you couldn't say it on the phone?

Mel: Well, no big deal, nothing much-- I just wanted to invite you to a party at the Bauer's tonight.

Felicia: A party?

Mel: Yeah.

Felicia: That's it?

Mel: Mm-hmm. Finger food, drinks, strictly a casual get-together to celebrate my engagement.

Felicia: You're engaged?

Remy: To who?

Mel: Rick. He popped the question last night.

Felicia: He did? I love it, baby. This is terrific. Come here, you. I am so happy for both of you.

Mel: Thank you.

Felicia: Oh, I need to call your father right away. Of all the times for him to be away at a National Deans' Conference.

Mel: Mom... Mom, relax. That was the first call I made. Yes, you have a problem?

Remy: You've only been dating Rick for a couple of hours, seems like. Plus he's old and divorced, and has a kid, and he's white. And, if he can make you this happy, it's cool with me. (Laughs) Congratulations, sis.

Mel: Thanks.

Marah: I... I really do need to study.

Romeo: What kind of game are you playing with me here?

Marah: I'm not playing a game.

Romeo: No? You blew off Tony, and you stuck up for me with Carmen last night at Infierno, which was great. But the more that I thought about it, the more... The more something just didn't feel right.

Marah: Why not?

Romeo: Maybe because I was alone as the night went on. You were nowhere to be found. You've still got a thing for Tony, don't you?

Marah: No, you're wrong.

Romeo: Then how come you shoved him out the secret door when the cops showed up?

Marah: Wouldn't you have done the same thing?

Romeo: I guess... I guess it makes sense. I mean, you were with the guy for a long time, and just because we're together now doesn't mean that you should turn your back on him. Neither of us should. We're still his friends.

Marah: Right.

Romeo: And if you know where he's hiding out, you should tell me. Because if the cops get to him before we do... The cops, they shoot first, then ask questions later, Marah. That's how it works with guys like Tony.

Marah: Yeah, I know.

Romeo: Then you also know that if we don't help him out, he's a dead man.

Tony: Come on, come on. Damn cell phones. Can you believe this?

Guard: Hey! Who are you?

Tony: Me? I'm the architect, just checking out this place. (Sighs) Yeah, there's a lot of work.

Guard: It's you.

Tony: Come on, let's go, buddy.

Danny: I got it, I got it.

Michelle: Thanks.

Danny: Here?

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Oh, yeah, didn't Holly give this to us for our wedding?

Michelle: Yeah. You got a good memory.

Danny: Come on, it wasn't that long ago.

Michelle: Well, feels like forever sometimes.

Danny: Hey, place looks good. Why don't you take a break?

Michelle: And do what?

Danny: Come here. (Doorbell rings)

Ray: Hey, Michelle.

Michelle: Oh, where have you been?

Ray: Why do you ask?

Michelle: I don't know, I could have used some advice, a couple of prayers.

Ray: Hey, you know you can call me anytime. Actually, right now I need to talk to Danny. It's some family stuff.

Michelle: I thought I was family.

Danny: Hey, Ray.

Ray: Hey.

Michelle: This is about Tony, isn't it?

Ray: Michelle, please don't ask me questions I can't answer. I'm sorry.

Danny: Let's talk outside.

Phillip: You sure she's really the one?

Rick: She's it. She is it. She's... She's the first woman I've been with that wants the exact same things out of life that I do. Except for her... (Laughs) ...Her inexplicable love of violent movies, she has the same goals, she has the same dreams, and the bottom line, pal, is that I’m-- we're-- very much in love with each other. And... (Laughs) I don't even know how it happened. I never saw it coming.

Phillip: Well, hey, they say when it's the real thing, you never do. That's great, that's great. And you know what? For the record, I... I never doubted that you would eventually find the right woman.

Rick: Really?

Phillip: Nope, never did.

Rick: Not after Beth, Mindy, Meredith, Roxy, Abby, Annie, Harley...

Phillip: Who's counting? Nope. You know why?

Rick: Why?

Phillip: Because if you and I could go through all the garbage we went through in the last year and still end up as friends, anything is possible.

Rick: Yeah, you're right. I mean, the bottom line, things got a little "iffy" between us.

Phillip: "Iffy"?

Rick: Didn't it? Yeah.

Phillip: "Iffy"? (Laughter) I think we are... I think we are back from the dead.

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: And I'm glad. I am glad.

Rick: Well, of course. You should be glad, because who would you have around to torture?

Phillip: Well, exactly.

Rick: Exactly.

Phillip: I'm happy for you, buddy.

Rick: Thanks.

Phillip: You do deserve a terrific woman. Congratulations.

Rick: Thanks. (Laughter)

(cell phone rings)

Romeo: Maybe they're calling for you. Hello?

Danny: Hey, it's Danny.

Romeo: Got another exciting job for me?

Danny: Well, if going to a party's a job.

Romeo: A party?

Danny: Yeah. Michelle's brother just got engaged. Michelle's having a little party over here at the house and she wanted me to invite some family, so why don't you come on over?

Romeo: Why would you invite me after the way things went between us the last time we talked?

Danny: Look, Romeo, I’m not too thrilled with the idea of you taking Tony’s place running the business, but Tony’s awol, and I'm strictly a stand-in so as the logical next-in-line, the least I can do is make you feel like you're one of us.

Romeo: That's all I’ve ever wanted, Danny.

Danny: Good. So why don't you come on over? Hey, bring a date-- but no bimbo, okay? This is a Bauer event and Father Ray's here, so try to bring somebody classy, nice. Got it?

Romeo: Would Marah Lewis be classy enough?

Danny: Sure, like she'd look twice at you.

Romeo: What time is the party?

Danny: 7:00.

Romeo: We'll be there.

Marah: Um, I might have something to say about that. Like no. Just because I have that stupid test.

Romeo: Oh, come on. You can squeeze in a little time for a party at the Bauer house, can't you?

Marah: The Bauer's? Who's going to be there?

Romeo: Danny, Michelle, Father Ray... I don't know, a whole bunch of other people.

Marah: Hmm... Sounds like it could be fun.

Romeo: So why don't you stop playing hard to get?

Marah: Okay, you've got me. Let's go to a party. (Soft music, indistinct background chatter)

Danny: Hey. Honey, about what happened earlier...

Michelle: No, no, no. No need to explain. Closing the door in my face pretty much says it all.

Danny: Michelle, there is some very serious stuff going down.

Michelle: Yeah, you're right. Like Rick and Mel's engagement party, so we can talk later. (Doorbell rings) Excuse me. Hi.

Marah: Hi, Michelle.

Michelle: How are you?

Romeo: Sorry if we're late. Or early.

Michelle: Come on in.

Danny: Hey. Glad to see you could make it. How's it going? I invited Romeo. I hope you don't mind. He's family now-- or close enough, right?

Romeo: Thanks for the invite.

Michelle: Sure.

Danny: Look, now that you're here, I've got some business I want to discuss with you. Sorry to take your date away. Just for a little while. It won't be long.

Marah: (Whispering) You never called back last night.

Ray: I didn't have a chance. Romeo was all over you like a cheap suit. Listen, Tony’s at the old Beacon Hotel near the lighthouse. Go to him. He's waiting for you.

Marah: Thank you so much.

Ray: Okay, go.

Remy: You know that deal we had?

Rick: What deal was that? To be good to your sister or to actually teach you how to play some basketball?

Remy: My sister's the greatest. You already know that, but it means you can't just be the greatest boyfriend anymore. You've got to be the greatest husband.

Rick: Okay. Well, see, I like somebody who has high standards, and I also like to have a brother-in-law who will keep me on my toes.

Michelle: So I guess you want Danny pulled back into the family business?

Ray: Michelle...

Michelle: Because you're helping it happen.

Ray: Michelle, the situation is a lot more complicated than you think. Look, hopefully... Hopefully, this will all be over real soon.

Michelle: I don't know, Ray. I don't know if this is ever going to be over, and if he gets sucked back into that Santos world, he's as good as lost to Robbie and me.

Ray: No. Danny loves you and Robbie more than anything in the world. You have to be patient. Try understanding what he's dealing with. It's not easy for him, either. Okay?

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: Sounds good, Romeo. I really think that you're going to do the family proud, my man.

Romeo: Thanks.

Danny: I do.

Romeo: Where's Marah?

Ray: Marah...

Blake: I'm so sorry that I'm late. Sorry, sweetie. The flight was late and the traffic was horrendous.

Felicia: Of course, of course. Because there's someplace else I really need to be.

Blake: I know, I know. Mel's engagement party, and congratulations again, really.

Felicia: Oh, I hope you'll come by, honey.

Blake: Well, I'm going to try, and I know that this is lousy timing but there's something that I need your perspective on.

Felicia: Okay. Well, it sounded pretty urgent on the phone. What's upsetting you?

Blake: It's about a character in my novel.

Felicia: I'm going to be late for my own daughter's engagement party because you want to talk about a book? Blake...

Blake: Sweetie, I’m sorry, it's just that I have to pitch this tonight to the publisher, and I just have to get a grip on something. Will you help me?

Felicia: Okay. Okay, go ahead. But you owe me-- lunch and dinner for this one.

Blake: Okay, okay. All right. This is all about my heroine, who's basically a very smart, funny, kind of unpredictable but sane woman, and she gets involved with another woman-- a rival woman-- who tortures her and just physically assaults her, emotionally is battered by her, to the point where she starts to have revenge fantasies. Brutal ones. She's pushed that far.

Felicia: That is a pretty dark story. Honey, what's your question?

Blake: Can a more-or-less sane person lose their sense of right and wrong overnight?

Felicia: And become, in effect, as cruel as their tormentor?

Blake: Yeah.

Felicia: Well, usually it doesn't happen that quickly. Typically, it's a progression. A person will take a step in that direction, and then another step, and then just keep going until eventually they're way over the line.

Blake: Do they realize it?

Felicia: Not in the severe cases. They consider their actions justifiable by what was done to them, and that may be at first, but it's a slippery slope. Once morals and values are made relative, it becomes easier and easier for a person to rationalize even the most monstrous behavior.

Blake: Do you think anybody can be pushed to that limit?

Felicia: Under the right circumstances, anyone is capable of anything. Even murder. Oh, honey, it is time to move on to happier things. Come on, tell me I'll see you at the party.

Blake: Oh, yeah, I'm going to try.

Felicia: Oh, don't worry, Blake. Your pitch ought to go well. You've got a gripping story.

Marah (hushed whisper): Tony? Tony? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, are you okay?

Guard: The Santos guy got the jump on me. You're the Lewis girl. I work for your dad.

Marah: Ah, right. Yeah, my aunt, she's one of the owners of this place, and my dad is actually doing the construction here and he asked me to drop something off in the project trailer, but you know what? I should probably... I should probably just get going if the killer's around here.

Guard: No, he's long gone by now.

Marah: Gone where? Tony! The lighthouse.

Blake: Wake up.

Tory: I'm not sleeping, Blake, I’m sick. I've been sick ever since you left.

Blake: Sure you have.

Tory: I'm not kidding, Blake.

Blake: Well, don't stop there. Go ahead and die. Look at what you're doing to me, Tory. I'm a good person. I'm a good mother. I'm a good friend. I was good to you-- until you threatened to wreck my life with Ross, and you threatened to kill my children, and now look at me: I'm turning into you. Go ahead-- eat.

Tory: I can't. My stomach hurts.

Blake: You know what, Tory? It's not going to work any more than your fake suicide worked. You're trying to make everybody think that I murdered you? You think that's going to make me fall apart? Sorry, baby, it just made me mad. It made me sick of your games. All I want is to feel safe again, and that's not going to happen with you around. So you have to go, and this time, for good.

Danny: I think I saw Marah take some of the gifts upstairs.

Romeo: Thanks.

Danny: Sure.

Michelle: How could you have seen Marah go upstairs if you... What's going on?

Danny: Honey, we'll talk about it later.

Michelle: No, no, no. Now.

Rick: I guess I should do it. Okay, everybody. This is going to be the first in probably a thousand toasts I’ll going to be making to my brilliant bride-to-be over the course of our lifetime, so the first thing I would like to say is, um, I don't know how I got so lucky.

Mel: (Laughs) Okay, that was beautiful.

Rick: Well, I’m not done yet. Mel, you have made me the happiest guy on this planet. You're the most compassionate, caring human being I’ve ever met in my entire life, so how could I not fall in love with you? Well, I did, and once I saw that beautiful heart of yours, that was it for me. You reaffirmed my faith in life. You have proven to me that good things... (Coughs) Excuse me, great things happen in their due time. And they do. So to the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me in my entire life, to my bride-to-be, Mel Boudreau. Here, here. (Glasses clinking) Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I'm not done. I'm not done. (Groaning) This is one last thing and then I’ll shut up. My only... Actually, my last wish is that our families, especially Aunt Meta and our fathers, Ed and Clayton, could be here to celebrate with us tonight.

Clayton: Did someone say a party?

Felicia: Oh, I can't believe it.

Clayton: I got off the phone with Melissande and I said, "Let me get in the car and get here as soon as I can." But no speeding tickets. Dr. Bauer?

Rick: Yes, sir?

Clayton: Continue with your toast, please.

Rick: I'll do just that. As I was saying...

Mel: Are you okay?

Rick: Whew. I guess that's my cue to wrap this up. So, to the union of our two families.

Clayton: Here, here. Let me get some of that champagne.

Michelle: Danny, tell me what's going on.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: Don't shut me out. This is all about Tony, isn't it?

Marah: Tony? Tony.


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