GL Transcript Monday 5/13/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/13/02

By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Richard: Cassie, have you lost your mind?

Alan: Have you ladies taken leave of your senses?

Olivia: Oh, no, on the contrary, this was the most sensible thing I've done all day.

Cassie: And a lot of fun.

Richard: Now, just what did you hope to accomplish by this?

Olivia: Oh, please. Please, Cassie, let me. Just to make it crystal clear for the two of you, we are not some cockfight that you can place bets on.

Richard: I just, you know, wanted to let you know that I was in your corner as always, Cassie. Really.

Alan: Likewise. And I just wanted to show you that I was supporting you. That's all.

Olivia: Oh, support.

Alan: Yes.

Olivia: I'll give you support, mister.

Cassie: Wow, that seems like a lot of fun.

Richard: Don't... Don't even think about it.

Cassie: You know what? I'm not going to think at all about it.

Richard: All right, really, everybody that's... That's enough. (Laughter) Everybody stop right after this. (Laughter)

Gus: Well, thanks for proving me right, Danny. You know, I finally really did believe that you were out of the family business, according to your wife.

Danny: Oh, yeah?

Gus: Yes, mm-hmm. Your wife and child were the most important thing to you. I can not believe how naive I am. I can't believe it.

Michelle: Danny, say something.

Danny: Honey...

Gus: What's he going to say? He drove the getaway car, so his cousin could get away free. Let me ask you something, "Father of the Year," did you buckle your son in before you took him on his first job?

Michelle: Okay, that's enough. Danny, come on. Tell him that he's wrong.

Danny: Honey...

Michelle: Tell him the truth. Say something.

Harley: You need to give us something, Danny. I saw a cop in your car as you drove away.

Danny: You did? Give me a reason to believe you're not behind this whole thing.

Gus: You can clear your name right now, Santos, if you just answer two questions.

Danny: Okay.

Gus: Who set the job up? Where is Tony?

Danny: Well, I would love...

Marah: Hey, hey, we're not trying to break a speed limit or anything, are we?

Romeo: No, I just don't like stalling, and I don't like playing games, either.

Tony: You know what I don't like? Two-faced punks.

Marah: Tony. My God. Thank God, you're all right.

Tony: What the hell is going on here?

Romeo: You're out, man. Well, how did you do that?

Tony: Shut up!

Romeo: Tony, come on, man.

Tony: Come on? Come on? What are trying to do? You trying to play me for a fool?

Romeo: Nah.

Tony: Is that what you're trying to do?

Romeo: No, man, of course not. I got your back. You know that.

Tony: Oh, yeah, you got my back, huh?

Marah: Tony, please. Please listen to me.

Tony: Marah, this is between me and him.

Marah: Tony, please.

Tony: Got my back, huh? Huh? Is that why you're trying to kiss Marah, huh?

Marah: Stop. Tony! Tony, stop!

Tony: Is that what you're trying to do is keep a good eye on her, huh?

Marah: Tony! Stop! Stop! Stop! That's enough! Okay. You need to know the truth: Romeo and I are together now. What do you think I am, your property? You told me to leave you alone and you told me to go away, so I did. I am with Romeo now, and for the record, he wasn't trying to kiss me, I was trying to kiss him.

Tony: Marah, why are you lying to me?

Marah: Tony, I used to care about you, okay? I did, but it's over now. Over. How could I after everything that's happened?

Tony: So you latch onto the first lousy piece of...

Michelle: He just doesn't get it, does he? I now see you for who you really are, Tony. I know what happened that night. I know. So, as far as I'm concerned, there's no choice left to be made. You and I are over forever.

Marina: Hello? Hello? Is anybody here? Good. All right. Good. Come on.

Romeo: Look, Tony, I know this is tough on you, but what she said earlier is true. She came after me. What was I supposed to do? I don't mean you any disrespect, but I think we should both just take a step back here.

Tony: Why don't you just shut up?

Marah: Tony.

Romeo: Look, I'm just glad you're out, man. We both are, aren't we, baby.

Tony: Take your damn hands off of her!

Romeo: Don't disrespect me in front of my lady, Tony.

Tony: You want me to show you some real respect? Is that what you want, huh?

Marah: Please, take...

Tony: Is that what you want, huh?

Marah: Let's get out of here, please.

Romeo: No.

Marah: Take me someplace nice.

Romeo: No, we're not going anywhere.

Tony: Oh, no, you're going somewhere, but you're not taking Marah anywhere. You got that?

Marah: Get out of here! Get out! Get out! ( Distant police sirens)

Tony: It's you and me now. You and me!

Marah: Tony, one murder isn't enough? You got to get out of here before the cops come, please.

Romeo: Don't worry, Tony, I got your back, buddy.

Tony: All right, Marah, we're going to go. You and me. Let's go. Come on.

Danny: Boy, I really don't know what you people want me to say. I had nothing to do with Tony's escape. I have no idea where he is now.

Michelle: What is going on?

Danny: Honey, nothing, except these two have decided to arrest me.

Gus: What's going on is he's a Santos. It's as simple as that. In fact, he's nothing more than a foot soldier to do his family bidding. Can we just get on? We know the drill. Let's go. Come on, we got to take you downtown.

Danny: Yeah. That's fine. I'll be fine. I will see you at home very soon, okay?

Gus: Ralph, get the car.

Harley: Are you going to be okay, Michelle?

Carmen: She's fine.

Harley: Why don't you get out of here, and I'll just call you when we know anything.

Carmen: You don't have to leave, Michelle. This is Robbie's home, and yours, too, as a Santos-- wife.

Michelle: Robbie and I have our own home. Thank you.

Carmen: If there's anything I can do to make this easier, Michelle...

Michelle: Thanks.

Carmen: I do want to help. I'll stay with Robbie if you want to go follow Danny down to the police station.

Michelle: We're going to wait for his father at home.

Carmen: Please don't be upset with Danny, Michelle, okay? He was just trying to help Tony and the family. I'm sure the Bauer family would do the same. Maybe not. Some people don't understand what family really means.

Michelle: And you think you do?

Carmen: It's about loyalty. Let me give you some a piece of advice from one Santos woman to another. Sometimes, things happen. Now, I know you're upset, but I know that Danny would never have involved Robbie in any of this if it could have been avoided.

Michelle: What are you telling me? That Danny planned this whole thing?

Carmen: What do you think? Danny has been in training for this his whole life. And, trust me, Robbie will learn from this as well.

Michelle: Never.

Carmen: You should face reality, Michelle. Danny will always put his family first.

Richard: I'll just crawl out.

Cassie: Oh, my gosh. Okay, now that we're completely, completely exhausted...

Olivia: Okay, look, there has to be some other way that we can settle our differences.

Cassie: Right. We have to figure out a way to work together even though I cannot stand the sight of you.

Olivia: Oh, right back at you, sweetie. Come on, we both want this place finished, right? So...

Alan: I...

Cassie: I know I want this place finished.

Olivia: So what next?

Cassie: We restore this place back to its former glory.

Olivia: Without killing each other?

Cassie: That's right. And then...

Olivia: And then we never have to see each other as long as we both shall live.

Cassie: Amen. Sounds good to me.

Alan: So that's it? I took a swan dive into this pool of mud for this, right?

Olivia: And loved every minute of it.

Richard: Well, I, for one, endorse this agreement wholeheartedly.

Alan: Well, it's a little unorthodox way of negotiation...

Olivia: But it's going to work. It's going to work, and that's all that matters.

Cassie: That's right.

Olivia: I appreciate you making the first move, and... I hate this, but I know how much it means to you. Lewis Construction can have the contract.

Cassie: What? What did you say?

Olivia: Don't make me say it again, but you owe me a big one.

Alan: And I need a drink. Can I interest you in one?

Olivia: Delighted.

Richard: Darling, you've never looked more beautiful.

Cassie: (Laughs) Oh, really?

Richard: Yes.

Cassie: Why, Mr. Winslow, I think one of those mud balls really hit you upside the head.

Richard: Your hair...

Cassie: (Laughs)

Rick: Well, two things, right off the bat. You didn't have to pretend that you were sick so you could run off to go see Danny, Michelle. All you had to do was just say so.

Michelle: I did.

Rick: Just... Just tell me the truth next time, okay? Is everything okay?

Michelle: No.

Rick: Here. There you go.

Michelle: What was the other thing?

Rick: What?

Michelle: You said there were two things.

Rick: I don't know, I forgot. Michelle, you know that I wouldn't have stood in your way if you wanted to go see Danny. You know that.

Michelle: I know. I know, you would have come with me, and you would have tried to protect me.

Rick: I would have protected you.

Michelle: You know how sometimes you're so in love that you just won't see something, even when it's right in front of your eyes? That's been me. All along, with Danny. I honestly believed that Robbie and I would be enough. We're not. We are not enough to keep him away from his family.

Rick: So what happened to make you feel this way?

Michelle: Danny put Robbie in danger to help Tony. I don't understand how he could do that. I know how much he loves Robbie. How could he do that, Rick? There's just no excuse. I guess I was just... I was wrong about Danny. I was just wrong.

Marina: Come on, come on. (Banging) Great. (Sirens) Okay. "I.O.U..." "You owed me $100. Love, Marina."

Frank: I want this place airtight. Nobody gets in or out. Tony Santos, if you can hear me, this is the Springfield Police Department. I strongly suggest that you turn yourself in.

Tony: Come on, Marah, let's go. (Knocking) Let's go.

Romeo: Better get going while the going's good, Tony.

Tony: Come on, Marah.

Romeo: Don't worry, I’ll take care of Marah.

Frank: Can you hear me? Tony Santos, Springfield P.D. Open up.

Marah: Please, please. Can't you see I don't want anything more to do with you? Please, just... Please go.

Frank: Do the smart thing and turn yourself in. Where is he?

Romeo: Where's who?

Frank: I'm not in the mood to play games. Where's Tony Santos?

Marah: He's in the hospital, isn't he?

Frank: Marah, aren't you already in enough trouble because of him? If you know where he is, just tell me, please.

Romeo: Ease up, man. Me and my girl, we were just hanging out. That's all.

Frank: Oh, really? Okay, then you wouldn't mind if I just take a look around.

Romeo: Hey, chill!

Cop: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Oh, my God. Get over here. What the hell are you doing?

Marina: Nothing really, Dad.

Romeo: She's probably here to ask for more money. Your daughter's after some cash so she can split town.

Marina: Thank you, Romeo. Thanks. That's really great. That's just... Dad, what are you doing? You can't just go...

Frank: Oh, my... Where did you get this? Extra hours at Company?

Romeo: She probably got it from my register. Where do you think?

Marina: Actually, you owed me that money from the night when I worked here, remember?

Romeo: I didn't ask you to work here!

Frank: You know, I told you what was going to happen to you if you came near her again.

Romeo: Hey, man, she came here on her own.

Frank: What are you thinking?

Marina: Why do you even care? It's like you can't even wait for me to go back to California.

Frank: Sweetheart, what are you talking about? I do care about you.

Marina: Then how can you let me go back there with her?

Frank: I don't want you to go back to California.

Marina: Well, if you don't want me to go back...

Frank: Your mother wants you to go. I don't want you to go.

Marina: Then why couldn't you just let me stay?

Frank: I don't understand why you don't know that?

Carmen: What's going on around here?

Frank: This is none of your concern.

Carmen: No, your domestic squabbles don't, but what's happening in my family's business is.

Romeo: They're looking for Tony.

Carmen: I assume you have a search warrant, Detective Cooper.

Frank: I don't need a search warrant this time.

Carmen: Romeo, get my lawyer on the phone.

Cop: Frank, Tony Santos isn't here, and you have something else to deal with.

Frank: Fine, but we'll be back, and if you care about Tony Santos, then you better tell him to turn himself in. Let's go.

Marina: Dad, I'll just see you back at Company. I mean, I can tell that you're dealing with...

Frank: You know what I'm dealing with right now? I'm dealing with my daughter. Let's go.

Romeo: Yo. Yo, what about my money?

Frank: Here's your money.

Carmen: You're getting to be quite the little fixture around here, aren't you?


Danny: You both know this is bogus, but hey, you want a false arrest charge on your hands? Be my guest.

Gus: Danny, you've got to stop stonewalling us, okay? You were seen at the hospital. That's where Tony was seen last, stealing a police uniform.

Harley: And I saw you driving away from the hospital with an officer in your car.

Danny: And the next time you saw me, I was at my family's house. No Tony, just me and my kid.

Harley: Well, you had plenty of time to get away.

Danny: Well, I'm telling you, Tony was never there.

Gus: She saw you. She saw you.

Danny: What exactly did you see, Cooper? Hmm? Right, you saw me and a cop. You just assumed it was Tony. Did you see his face? You sure it was him?

Harley: Danny, come on. We have a naked officer in the hospital.

Danny: I'm telling you, you jumped to the wrong conclusion. That cop that you saw in my car was a buddy of mine.

Gus: What, are you just making this up? Are you just remembering this?

Danny: Maybe I didn't feel like telling you at the time. Maybe I'm sick and tired of the fact that every time something goes wrong in this town, you people always make a beeline for my family.

Gus: "You people." That's nice.

Harley: Okay. This cop have a name?

Danny: Harrison.

Gus: Harrison. That's convenient. "Harrison." Harrison. Harrison from Henderson. How long has he been working for you?

Danny: Call him up. Right now. Call him. And then, you either cut me loose, or you book me. But I can tell you right now that if you charge me, you're going to be dealing with one very angry D.A. who's going to have a lawsuit on her hands before you two can even finish your homework.

Gus: Get out of here. Get out of here. Just don't go very far, Danny.

Danny: And make sure your trigger-happy cops don't have an accident when it comes to Tony. If Tony winds up hurt or dead, someone will pay.

Gus: Is that right?

Olivia: Well, that's it. Great, huh?

Cassie: I think this fireplace is going to be awesome. They're going to do such a great job with it.

Olivia: Yeah, me, too.

Cassie: Okay.

Olivia: Okay. Let's go.

Cassie: Oh, hold on.

Alan: Wait a minute. That money belongs to Richard and me.

Cassie: No, it doesn't. See? It belongs to the house, and the house won. How about that? So, here you go, Olivia.

Olivia: Oh, thanks. Wait a minute, you gave me too much, and we are equal partners. I can't believe I said that.

Alan: Wait a minute. I've lost my cell phone. Somewhere.

Olivia: Oh, no. Gosh, well, it's not on the table, Alan and not in your pocket, I guess that could only leave one place. You know, being the generous friend that I am, I'll give you another shove.

Alan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, no, no you don't. No, I can replace that, but I can't replace you. Let's go.

Cassie: Well.

Alan: See you.

Richard: Okay.

Cassie: That sure gives new meaning to swimming with sharks, don't you think?

Richard: Yeah.

Cassie: Oh. (Laughs) Your suit, it...

Richard: No, don't say anything else. I got exactly what I deserved.

Cassie: Awful fancy clothes for working at the farm, don't you think?

Richard: Oh, I had a last- minute meeting and it couldn't be avoided, so...

Cassie: I'm sorry. (Laughs) I'm so sorry.

Richard: Let's get you and your beautiful hair into a warm shower, okay?

Cassie: Oh. I like the way you think.

Tony: Hey. Look, I'm at the old hotel by the lighthouse. Yeah, I know. I need your help. Hurry up.

Ray: Tony? Tony?

Tony: Yeah. You alone?

Ray: Of course I'm alone.

Tony: I'm sorry. I just... I've got to be careful, you know?

Ray: What you've got to do is give yourself up. That's what you've got to do.

Tony: What I need is my confession, Ray. Now, come on, do what you do to make it official.

Ray: Okay, go ahead, sit down.

Tony: All right, look, I've been lying to everybody, Ray. The police, you. I didn't kill Catalina.

Ray: No kidding. I knew that. But why? Why'd you lie?

Tony: Because I didn't... I didn't want to make Marah pay for something I brought her into.

Ray: You think Marah killed Catalina?

Tony: Yeah, at first. But I was wrong. I didn't know it until you came over to the jail and you told me that she started asking questions, that she was investigating on her own to clear me. And then there's that whole other theory, you know, about... About there being someone else in the house that night.

Ray: Yeah.

Tony: And that's when I knew that Marah had nothing to do with any of it.

Ray: So if Marah didn't do it, and you didn't do it...

Tony: Yeah, but Ray, I confessed.

Ray: But you didn't do it.

Tony: Ray, you think the cops are going to give a damn about that? Do you? As far as they're concerned, the case is closed. And Marah knows the only way to prove that I'm innocent is to find out who really did it. And the closer she gets to the person who killed Catalina, the more she's risking her own life.

Ray: So that's why you broke out of jail? To protect Marah.

Tony: Yeah. Yeah, and then I walk in on her and Romeo.

Ray: Wait a second, Tony. Romeo?

Tony: Yeah. My good pal Romeo. He thinks he's the big man in town now. So anyway, I walk in on them. She's standing up for him. I'm, like, "What?" And at the same time, she's, like, trying to get a message over to me. And then the cops, they break into Infierno and she literally... She pushes me out the door. Meanwhile, I’m trying to get her out. I'm trying to get her to come with me, but she doesn't want to...

Ray: Tony.

Tony: What?

Ray: Do you think Romeo killed Catalina?

Tony: I don't know, but Marah thinks that he did. She's going to try to trap him all by herself.

Ray: Oh, man. Oh, man. This could get dangerous. I'm telling you, bro, you should go straight to the cops. It's the best thing for everybody.

Tony: Have you been wearing this collar too long, huh? Have you forgotten who we are? If I go to the cops, I’m going to end up behind bars. And Marah's going to be outside playing girl detective all day, getting in way over her head. Now, look, man, I don't want to mess up your life. And I respect the fact that you don't want to have anything to do with this anymore, but I need you, man. I need you to help me help Marah. I can't do it without you.

(Knock on door)

Gus: Hi. Well, you're not going to believe this, but I did call up Harry Harrison or whatever his name is, from Henderson, and he did back up Danny's story.

Harley: I can't believe it.

Gus: Oh, yeah, believe it. Believe it. So you know what it means? That means weeks and weeks of work for us with less and less time for us to be alone. That's what that means. Yeah.

Cop: Sorry.

Harley: Sorry? Sorry is what this guy is wearing.

Gus: Excuse me? Did you just insult me? Did you just insult me? You knocking my clothes? You're going to be wearing this coffee in a second.

Cop: Well, I just wanted the Danny Santos file.

Harley: Yeah, yeah. Got it right here.

Gus: Keep your pants on. What was that? What were you doing? You were insulting Gus Aitoro's wardrobe?

Harley: No, no, no, no, no. Remember?

Gus: Aitoro? Gus Aitoro? This is a nice coat.

Harley: When I make fun of what you're wearing, it means I can't wait to rip it off of you. Remember? Say the opposite.

Gus: Oh, yeah. Right. Our code. Okay, all right, so I can call you, like, a pompous dingbat.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's so sweet, you pathetic waste of space.

Gus: Mm, pompous dingbat.

Harley: Waste of space.

Gus: Think you'll ever get your body back when you...

Frank: (Clears throat)

Gus: Second child.

Harley: What are you guys doing here?

Frank: We're working out a little misunderstanding.

Harley: Oh. Right. Okay, so maybe I should question her before you throw her in solitary.

Frank: Good idea. There's bars on these windows, okay? I'll be outside.

Harley: Why don't you drop and give me 20?

Marina: What?

Harley: I'm just kidding. (Laughs) I'm just trying to break the mood. What happened?

Marina: Well, I went to Infierno to collect the money that I earned from my one night of work there, and when I got there, it was like nobody was there. And so I just, like, took it from the cash register, and I was on my way out and that's when my dad came in.

Harley: You just, like, took it from the register? Okay. So, I know grandpa's kind of tight, but he doesn't pay you anything?

Marina: No, yeah, he pays me. He's, like, great. But it's just that I needed a big chunk of money all at one time.

Harley: Uh-huh. Why is that? Marina, I'm asking you because I care.

Marina: Okay. Um. My mom keeps making all of this noise about me having to go back to California with her, and it's, like, I can't even stand to think about it, you know? And I just figured I'd use the $100 to, like...

Harley: $100?

Marina: Yeah-- which I earned-- to, like, buy a return ticket back to Springfield in case I ever needed one.

Harley: Okay. I've got a crazy suggestion: You ever thought of just asking if you could stay?

Marina: Yeah, but nobody listens to me.

Harley: Yeah. Yeah, well, nobody listens to me, either, so I know the feeling. You know what? I can't promise you anything, but why don't I try to talk to all those people for you, see what I can come up with? But I've got to tell you, you know, we love you, but-- I'm saying this from somebody who knows-- you've got to stop these crazy stunts. You're making us nuts.

Marina: Okay, I will. I promise you.

Harley: Okay. Because I can only do what I can do, you know? If you're going to do what you're going to...

Marina: Oh, thank you so much. You are just the best. And I will do anything to fit in here, I promise you. I will just... I'll do anything.

Romeo: Luckily, Tony got out when I told him to, just as the cops arrived.

Carmen: So stupid. This is the first place they would have looked.

Romeo: I think he was just looking for some quick cash. He's probably long gone by now.

Carmen: Maybe. Maybe not. I want you to keep me informed, and if Tony comes around here again, I’d better be the first person to hear about it. Am I making myself clear?

Romeo: Yeah. Yeah, perfectly clear.

Marah: Hey, who do you think you are, talking to Romeo like that?

Romeo: Marah, it's okay.

Marah: No, it's not okay. You work really hard for her and she should show you some respect.

Carmen: I must be hearing things. Who the hell are you to talk to me about respect? Running my business, wasting my time here?

Romeo: She didn't mean anything by it.

Carmen: Esta nina no sabe... You have no idea who you're messing with.

Danny: Hey. What are you doing? Why are you sitting here in the dark?

Michelle: I've been in the dark a long time, Danny. I'm getting used to it.

Danny: Honey, I am... I am really sorry for what you had to go through earlier, what you saw. But you've got to know that what happened today was totally out of my control.

Michelle: Not according to Carmen.

Danny: What?

Michelle: She said that you planned the whole thing from the beginning.

Danny: (Sighs heavily) Right. Of course she did. Since when do you believe Carmen? Honey, she set this entire thing up. I didn't know anything about it. She planned Tony’s escape from the hospital, she arranged it so that I was waiting in the parking lot, supposedly waiting for her. When Tony jumped into my car, believe me, no one was more surprised than I was. No one. You believe me, don't you?

Michelle: I guess so. But why didn't you tell the police? Why would you protect Carmen?

Danny: No, I was not... I wasn't protecting Carmen. I was looking out for Tony. Honey, they will shoot him. They will not ask any questions.

Michelle: I understand that. But what I don't understand is what happened in that car, Danny. You had our son in the car with you, and that didn't stop you? That tells me that you operated on instincts, on who you are, and that scares me.

(Cork pops)

Alan: Ah, champagne! Champagne and caviar-- better yet! Well, thank you.

Olivia: A little mud goes a long way with you, doesn't it?

Alan: Did you see the look on those people's faces when we drove by? It was a mixture of shock and envy. They looked at us and thought, "who are those exciting people?"

Olivia: Oh, is that what they thought? Or was it, "boy, they're really ruining the front seat of her car."

Alan: Well, it's just a good excuse to get you another one. You should be very proud of yourself. Today's unorthodox negotiation just brought you one step closer to your dream.

Olivia: It did, didn't it?

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: I'm still stuck with Cassie Winslow.

Alan: Yes, but you play her like a stradivarius violin.

Olivia: Ah. I was pretty good, wasn't I? ( Laughs)

Alan: Pretty good? Olivia, you are at the top of your game.

Olivia: You know, sometimes I think you even understand me.

Alan: You know, you still surprise me every day, and I like that a lot.

Danny: Michelle, when Tony jumped into my car, I had to make an immediate decision. I knew that the longer I sat there with Robbie in the back seat, the more likely it was that some cop would have come running out shooting at us. So I drove. Yes, I drove. Michelle, you've got to know I treasure Robbie. And I treasure you more than my own life. And I do not take for granted what we have; I was doing everything in my power to protect it. You know? But at the same time... (Sighs) No, I could not turn my back on Tony. Honey... Oh, God. I would never let anything happen to Robbie-- never. Or you. Or us. Never. You've got to trust me on that.

Michelle: I don't think I can do that. As long as you're involved with your family, I just can't do that.

Marah: You know what the problem with you is? Nobody stands up to you.

Carmen: Yeah, well no one's that stupid.

Romeo: Can we please just...

Marah: Well, I'm not scared of you, all right? I'm not going to stand by and watch you treat Romeo like the hired help.

Carmen: Hello? News flash! He is the hired help, and as long as he's working for me, I don't want you anywhere near this club. Now get out.

Marah: Are you throwing me out?

Carmen: Are you deaf? Out.

Marah: Gladly. The farther away from you, the better.

Carmen: Go ahead, Romeo. But if you do, don't bother coming back.

Tony: Ray, I know you don't agree with what I'm doing. I need you to help me, though, man.

Ray: So you're willing to sacrifice everything for love. Your freedom? Your life? Why?

Tony: You know why.

Ray: I want to hear you say it.

Tony: Because, if I didn't do everything I could to help Marah, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. She means more to me than I do to my own self, man.

Ray: Yeah. I have never been more proud of you than I am right now. Okay, what do you want me to do?

Tony: Bring me Marah. I need to talk to her. She must be getting closer to whoever killed Catalina, and if they killed once, Ray, they're going to kill again.

Ray: Okay, listen to me. You stay here and wait, you understand? Don't go anywhere. And Tony?

Tony: Mm?

Ray: Now would be a good time to start praying.

Tony: God, please, just... Keep Marah safe.


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