Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/10/02
From Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Olivia: (Groans)
Cassie: (Screaming) Olivia, you know what? I can't believe I thought I could work with you!
Olivia: Oh, I can't believe I thought it could work.
Richard: Ladies, please!
Cassie: You know what? You are the most self-absorbed, neurotic woman I've ever met!
Olivia: Two words to describe you: White trash!
Cassie: Oh, how dare you.
Richard: That's enough. Opposite corners now! Stop it!
Alan: Olivia, I got your message. (Laughs)
Richard: For God's sake, break it up. Stop it now!
Alan: No, no, no, no, no. Don't stop them. Keep going, may the better woman win. Go, Olivia! Get her, yeah.
Beth: Hey.
Phillip: Hey there. Okay, well, look what I found.
Beth: Oh, what did you find? Oh.
Phillip: Two chapters on poker in here.
Beth: Yeah, the game that you're no good at, as opposed to the other game we played last night, that you're very good at.
Phillip: I thought we decided that wasn't a game.
Lizzie: You're kissing again?
Phillip: That's really annoying, isn't it?
Lizzie: Does this mean you guys are back together? I mean, really back together, not just semi back together.
Beth: Yes, yes, it's true my little turtledove. Your dad put up a valiant fight, but you know, when I set my sights on something, I get it.
Phillip: Honey, the fact of the matter is that your mother wanted me.
Beth: (Laughs)
Phillip: She wanted me very badly.
Beth: It's true, it's true. And I just lassoed your poor, defenseless dad like a steer at the rodeo.
Lizzie: Do you think that would work for me? I mean, like getting a guy to notice me. I've tried everything else.
Rick: I'm getting dizzy. When is this going to stop?
Michelle: Normal response.
Rick: Oh, thank God.
Michelle: Hey, I think that that covers just about everything.
Rick: Uh-hu I don't believe this. You didn't enroll into any PA program. This is all about torturing your big brother, isn't it?
Michelle: Yes, I did enroll. And I'd like to do a good job on my first assignment, so could you please stop being a pain in the derriere.
Rick: Gluteus obnoxious is the correct medical term, Goc.
Michelle: Interesting. Patient's persistent cough persists. Patient is also very fatigued, has scratchy throat, slightly swollen glands, but no fever.
Rick: Mm-hmm. So what's your diagnosis, Doc?
Michelle: Well, I can't really give you one until I evaluate your blood work.
Rick: Oh, go ahead, give me an educated guess.
Michelle: I think that you probably have some sort of a virus, maybe that bug that's going on. And you may get more symptoms, or with your superior Bauer immune system, you might fight the sucker off.
Rick: So, maybe I should call my lovely fiancee and have her prescribe me an antibiotic.
Michelle: No, that would be futile, Dr. Bauer, since your infection is viral and not bacterial.
Rick: Darn it. I thought I could trick you, Doc.
Michelle: Nope. And I'm afraid there's really not much that we can do for you, other than you just got to get a lot of rest, drink plenty of fluids. Oh, and I wouldn't advise kissing your lovely fiancee, because you might infect her, too.
Rick: Oh, boy...
Gus: Which room is he in? Answer me!
Rick: It's Mr. Charming.
Michelle: Oh, boy.
Rick: Yup.
Gus: Where is he?
Rick: Tony Santos?
Gus: Where is he?
Rick: He's had cardiac trauma, he's not up to any interrogation.
Gus: Oh, is that right? Son of a.... Where'd Tony go?
Danny: It's a zebra, that's right. Yogurt. Where do you think that crazy grandmother of yours is, huh? That's a wheelbarrow. Oh, no, you have got to be kidding me.
Tony: Drive. Drive, Danny.
Danny: How'd you escape, Tony?
Tony: Go, go. Come on, we got to get out of here, Danny.
Danny: Are you kidding me? Tony, you're an accused murderer; now you're a fugitive. The cops will shoot first, they won't even bother to ask questions.
Tony: Only if they catch me.
Danny: You are not the only person in this car, Tony!
Tony: I'm sorry, all right.
Danny: I don't believe this. You're sorry? You're sorry! You're sorry?
Tony: Danny, if they convict me, I fry, is that what you want, huh?
Danny: Tony.
Tony: When you needed my help, Danny, I took a bullet for you, all right.
Danny: Oh, you got to be... No, no, no. So what, you want me to return the favor?
Tony: No, I want you to drive. Come on.
Danny: Tony!
Romeo: Is something wrong, Marah?
Marah: No, nothing. I just feel a little awkward out here in public like this, you know.
Romeo: Public? What public? There's nobody here.
Marah: Yeah, I know, but. Hey, I like the shirt. Is it new? Where's your medal?
Romeo: What?
Marah: Your St. Anthony's medal, how come you're not wearing it? It would look really nice with the shirt. Isn't it like bad luck or something?
Romeo: I don't know. I don't know. I thought my luck had changed when you came into my life, maybe I was wrong.
Marah: You think I'm supposed to bring you luck. I was hoping it would be the other way around. I mean, all the other guys I致e dated have been a real drag, but-- Tony included-- but you, Romeo, you're different.
Romeo: Yeah?
Marah: Yeah. You know what you want, and you go after it, no apologies. Maybe you even break the rules a little bit to get it, right?
Romeo: Maybe.
Marah: So what kind of rules have you broken lately?
Romeo: Why do you want to know?
Marah: Because it turns me on. Because I'm one of those good girls who likes bad boys. The badder, the better. So tell me something really bad that you've done.
Romeo: I stole my best friend's girl.
Marah: Not here, someplace more private. The office?
Romeo: You see, you read my mind.
Marah: Doesn't take much.
Gus: All right, get downstairs as soon as you can. Call hospital security. Seal off every single exit you can find. Hello? Hello, yeah, it's Detective... It's Detective Aitoro. Listen, we have... Tony Santos has escaped. He has...
Rick: Hey, don't use a cell phone in here.
Gus: You're kidding me, right? Listen, Tony Santos has escaped Cedars, okay. We need to put an ABP on him. He has stolen a weapon, he has stolen a police uniform. All units must proceed with extreme caution. You got it?
Michelle: Tony must have hit this guy really, really hard. Well, then why won't he wake up?
Rick: Because somebody obviously gave him a sedative, Michelle. He's going to be out for a while.
Michelle: How could Tony have managed that, he just had a heart attack?
Gus: Because he faked it. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? Let me tell you... If I found out that either one of you had anything to do with this.
Michelle: (Groans)
Gus: So what's up, Rick? What's up with Lafferty?
Rick: He's going to be okay. I mean, you seriously believe that Michelle and I were involved in this?
Gus: Well, this is funny. You both seem to be in the vicinity. You're both related to him, so what is that, a coincidence?
Rick: Yeah, I guess it is.
Gus: Uh-huh. Where's Danny?
Michelle: Oh, you can't even think that Danny.
Gus: I have to ask. I have to ask.
Michelle: No, you don't.
Gus: I have to ask where he is, I'm a detective. So the sooner you tell me, the sooner I can eliminate him as a suspect.
Michelle: He is with Robbie.
Gus: Where is that exactly?
Michelle: I don't know. I don't know. He was taking care of him this afternoon while I was at class!
Gus: You don't know where your son is? You don't know where Danny is? Is that right.
Harley: What happened? Where's Tony?
Gus: He escaped. He's taken Lafferty's uniform. He knocked him out, he's got his gun, he's got his uniform.
Harley: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. I saw Danny pulling out of a lot as I was pulling in. He had a uniformed cop in his car.
Michelle: Wait, Harley, in the car did you happen to see if Danny had Robbie with him?
Harley: I don't know.
Gus: It's Detective Aitoro. Listen, our fugitive has an accomplice, and they're driving a car. What kind of car is it?
Harley: Black sedan.
Gus: A black sedan. License plate number... What is the license plate number?
Harley: Michelle?
Gus: What is this license plate number?
Harley: 5-0-5-D-D-N.
Gus: 5-0-5 David, David, Nancy. So you have that? We got two males in a car, one of them stole a police uniform, both men should be considered extremely dangerous.
Danny: Hey, what do you think you're going to do now? Huh?
Tony: I got to get out of here. That's what I got to do, Danny. I got to get changed.
Danny: Where? Where are you going to go?
Tony: Once they find that cop at the hospital, I知 toast, man. I am toast.
Danny: You're in no condition to go anywhere, Tony.
Tony: Just what I need.
Danny: Wait, wait, just hold on. I want you to do me a favor and stay right here. You're going to be okay. Can you do that for me? Tony, Tony, talk to me. What do you think you're going to do? What's your plan? Hey, I stuck my neck out for you to help you escape.
Tony: I'm not going to escape, not the way you think.
Danny: Then what do you call it?
Tony: Look, Danny, the less you know, the better, all right?
Danny: Tony, answer me. What do you think you're going to do?
Tony: Look, you know what? Take this, take this.
Danny: What?
Tony: Tell the cops that I jumped you in the car, that I put the gun to your head, and I told you to take me over here. And then over here, you overpowered me, and I took off.
Danny: They'll buy that for sure.
Tony: That's your story. Come on, just take the gun.
Danny: My kid was right here.
Tony: Fine, you know what? I'll put it right here.
Danny: Not where he can pick it up. What the hell is the matter with you?
Tony: Fine, Danny, you know what? Make up your own story, I got to get out of here. I'm in trouble, man. The cops are after me. What do you...
Danny: You need to turn yourself in before this gets any worse. Tony, you're not going to get away with this. You're not. You're not. No matter what kind of help you're getting. Don't you think I know? How did you get out of the hospital? How did you overpower the guard? What do you think would've happened if I hadn't been there at just the right moment waiting... Waiting for Carmen.
Tony: I've got to take...
Olivia: You talentless dilettante.
Cassie: Nympho piranha.
Olivia: You ex-stripper.
Cassie: You Reva wanna-be.
Olivia: (Shrieks)
Cassie: Missed me.
Olivia: Not this time.
Alan: Come on, Olivia, hit another one. Right again.
Richard: Please don't encourage them!
Alan: Look, Richard, they haven't been able to settle their differences any other way, so maybe this will do the trick. Go, girls!
Richard: By flinging mud?
Alan: Well, some people do it figuratively, they're doing it literally. I say the more, the merrier!
Richard: Don't egg them on.
Alan: Oh, come on, Richard, lighten up, or I知 going to throw you in there with them.
Beth: Lizzie, you're interested in a boy?
Lizzie: Mom, I'm almost 13.
Phillip: I'm not ready for this.
Beth: So who is he? Have I met him?
Lizzie: No.
Beth and Phillip: Well, what's his name?
Lizzie: I don't think I should tell you. Daddy might go firebomb his house or something.
Beth: Good point, actually. (Laughs) But you like him?
Lizzie: He's the cutest, coolest, most popular guy in the whole school.
Beth: And he likes you?
Lizzie: No, he doesn't really even know I exist. I mean, he knows, but...
Beth: He doesn't pay attention to you.
Lizzie: Yeah. I mean, I'm so nice to him all the time. I go up to him and say hi and compliment him and stuff. I even bought him a soda at lunch. But the nicer I am to him...
Beth: The more he ignores you. (Clears throat) Typical.
Lizzie: It is?
Beth: Mm-hmm. And do you know whose problem this is, Lizzie? It's his, not yours. Because this boy is playing silly games with you, and you don't have time for silly games, do you? No, you don't. Because you are a terrific, smart, beautiful girl with tons of places to go and things to do. And if this what's-his-name doesn't appreciate you for the treasure you are, then it is hasta la vista, baby.
Lizzie: That means, good-bye, right?
Beth: Yes, with a capital G. From what you've told me, it sounds like this guy is really stuck on himself. And by catering to him, you're only encouraging that very unattractive quality. So he's cute and popular, so what? You're cute and popular, too. But you would never be that mean to someone, would you?
Lizzie: Never.
Beth: Of course not. And would you want to be friends with someone who is mean to people?
Lizzie: No.
Beth: Okay, then why do you want to be friends with this boy? You want to be friends with people who deserve your kindness, who appreciate you for who you are. Be proud of yourself, put your feelings first, and I guarantee you that you will have tons of boys, I mean, really nice boys falling all over themselves to get to know you.
Lizzie: Really?
Beth: Really.
Lizzie: Thanks, Mom.
Beth: You're welcome.
Lizzie: And I知 really glad that you guys are in love.
Beth: Well, I think that went really well, don't you?
Phillip: Not really, no.
Gus: I can't hear, I'm in the hospital. I can't...
Rick: Calm down.
Michelle: Robbie is with Danny.
Rick: But you don't know that...
Michelle: Tony could have both of them at gun point. What do I do... I have to call, I have to call Danny on his cell phone.
Rick: All right, fine, just use the house phone.
Gus: No, no, no, no, no. You don't go anywhere until we get there, okay? Okay, they just found Danny's car in front of the mansion... In front of the Santos mansion.
Harley: Let's go.
Michelle: Wait, I have to go with you.
Gus: Let me get the car, I'll meet you up front. You are not going. Let me get the car.
Michelle: Danny has Robbie with him.
Rick: Michelle, you don't know that. You don't know that.
Michelle: I left him with him when I went to class this afternoon.
Harley: Michelle, you're not going with us, okay? It's too dangerous.
Michelle: Why, what, there might be gunfire or something? Harley, if Danny did this, he did this unwillingly, and that means he's a victim in this, and my son could be, too. Please, I have to go with you!
Harley: Okay, whatever has happened, we will get to the bottom of it, but you have to stay here, okay?
Michelle: Only if you promise me that Danny and Robbie won't get hurt.
Harley: Michelle, you're staying here.
Michelle: That's not an answer!
Harley: Rick.
Rick: All right, Michelle, I don't want you in the middle of this.
Michelle: I'm already in the middle of this!
Rick: No, no, no. I don't want you in the middle of this. Let us know when you hear anything.
Harley: Absolutely.
Michelle: This is such a nightmare.
Rick: You've got to calm down, Michelle, you're out of control.
Michelle: No, no, I have to call Danny on his cell. Oh.
Rick: You're hyperventilating. Take it easy, sit down, I'm going to get you a glass of water, okay?
Michelle: No, no, no, call Danny first.
Rick: Okay, fine, just relax, I'll be right back.
Danny: Speak of the devil. Does it feel good? Feel good to use me like that? And you, you let her.
Tony: Danny, look, I'm sorry.
Danny: Don't tell me you're sorry! Tell your God-son that you're sorry. Get away from him. Get away.
Tony: Look, you guys, I got to go.
Danny: Tony, Tony. Does it feel good? You are the most selfish...
Carmen: Danny, I'm sorry that Robbie happened to be with you when all of this went down. As Tony said, if there'd been another way...
Danny: Don't give me that bull. Ever since Tony was busted, you have been trying to draw me back into the family.
Carmen: Draw you back in? I don't have to draw you back in, Danny, because family is something you never leave, it's who you are. You're actions today proved it!
Danny: This is my family right here. Robbie. Robbie and Michelle, they're my family, and they will always come first with me.
Carmen: Then what are you doing here, Danny, huh? What are you doing here? When Tony rushed into that car and told you to drive off, why didn't you say no? You couldn't, could you? You couldn't turn your back on him. Your foot was on that gas pedal, Danny, and you, only you, and we both know why. Because in your heart the Santos family does come first.
Marah: Hey, hey, hey, slow down. Where's the fire?
Romeo: Come here, and I'll show you.
Marah: Romeo, I told you, I don't like games, but there is such a thing as being too direct.
Romeo: Hold on. You're the one who wanted to be alone with me.
Marah: Yeah, because I like you. I like being around you, but I知 starting to feel like you don't respect me. I mean, at least pretend like you care a little.
Romeo: I respect you, Marah.
Marah: Then stop treating me like a piece of meat. I mean, ask me, ask me something about myself, or tell me you like what I'm wearing, or offer me a drink like a gentleman. That's not too much to ask, is it?
Romeo: No. I'm sorry. Can I get you something to drink?
Marah: A drink would be very nice, thank you. How about one of those concoctions you made up last night that got me so buzzed.
Romeo: Ah, yes, something wild.
Marah: Bring me something wild.
Romeo: Coming right up.
Marah: Where's the medal?
Romeo: Having fun?
Olivia: (Groaning)
Richard: All right, we'll just chalk that last comment up to the heat of the moment, all right?
Alan: Richard, please, this is a lot of fun. Come on.
Richard: A lot of fun, Cassie, I mean it, stop right now!
Alan: Stay out of it.
Olivia: That's it, I am tired of playing fair.
Cassie: Please. When have you ever played fair in your life?
Richard: Let's go.
Alan: (Laughs)
Richard: All right, you're not going to let her get away with that, are you?
Olivia: (Screams)
Richard: There we go. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Alan: Come on, Olivia.
Olivia and Cassie: (Screaming)
Alan: Make her cry "Uncle." ( Laughing)
Frank: Yeah, I want you to keep me informed about everything that's going on. Well, you got to bring in somebody on that. Who?
Rick: I know you're trying to avoid me, because I know you got caller ID. So I know that you know that I know about the caller ID. And that was really sneaky to sneak out of the hospital like that, Michelle, so just pick up the phone. I'm not going to babble on your voice mail like this, so... So you just... You know what, Michelle? Forget it. Just page me when you get this message. That was really sneaky.
Frank: All right, I値l talk to you later. Oh, man.
Rick: Hey, Frankie.
Frank: Hey, buddy.
Rick: Hey, buddy.
Frank: How you doing?
Rick: All right, how you doing?
Frank: Yeah, long time no see.
Rick: (Coughs) I'm sorry.
Frank: You look terrific. Glenn, get the disinfectant, will you?
Rick: I've just been trying to shake this cold. Trying to track down my sister. She just took off from the hospital and trying to avoid me.
Frank: All sisters have a knack of doing that. I just got off the phone with Harley.
Rick: Oh, Michelle went to follow Harley.
Frank: Harley's on her way to the Santos house to question your brother-in-law about maybe helping Tony escape. What has Danny done to himself now?
Rick: I don't know, Frank. I don't know. I just want some peace around the house.
Frank: Well, I'll tell you what. If you give me a couple minutes here, maybe I can fill you in.
Rick: Sounds good. You picking up the tab?
Frank: What? Oh, here we go again. You're the doctor, I知 the cop, you make more money than I do.
Rick: Oh, Frank, this is like a recording. You've been saying this thing for two years. Can you just for once pick up the tab?
Frank: What would you like?
Rick: Oh, I don't know. I'm a little puffy. I'm on this real strict diet. Give me a large cheeseburger extra fries, large fries and a diet soda.
Frank: You got that, Lynn.
Lynn: Got it, Frank.
Frank: Thank you.
Rick: Thanks, Lynn.
Frank: How do you intend on beating this cold, eating that garbage? How about some nice avgolemono soup? It's a Greek soup that my grandmother used to make, you know. It has chicken, and rice, and lemon in it.
Rick: That Greek stuff makes you sick, Frank. The ketchup on that burger is packed full of vitamin c.
Frank: Okay.
Rick: Come on. Would somebody just call, you think?
Frank: The phone's not going to ring if you keep looking at it.
Rick: All right, fine, fine, fine. How's life, Frank? What's going on?
Frank: Hey, you know, same old, same old, right? When I知 not working at the station, I知 helping Pop out here. My biggest job lately is keeping an eye on my daughter.
Rick: Oh, man, Marina is growing up fast, boy. She looks just like her mom-- thank God.
Frank: Nice. Nice guy.
Rick: You're welcome.
Frank: Oh, well. I haven't seen you in so long, man. I mean, what's going on with you?
Rick: Well, Frank, I hate to tell you this, but life could not be better.
Frank: Seriously?
Rick: Seriously.
Frank: Beautiful, good for you.
Rick: Ah, well, what the heck. I haven't even told Phillip this news yet, but... You ready?
Frank: Fire.
Rick: I'm getting married.
Frank: Get out of town, you're not getting married. Whose leg you trying to pull here?
Rick: Yes, I am. (Chuckles)
Frank: You're getting married?
Rick: Yes.
Frank: Oh, no, not to that hottie Dr. Mel Boudreau. Hey, no offense, pal, but what...
Rick: Does she in me? Face it, Frankie, I got it. Whatever it is, I got it. I'm getting married, pal.
Danny: I did not help Tony for the Santos cause. I did it because my son was in the car, and the longer we stayed there, the more likely it would've been that some cop would've come running out shooting at all of us.
Carmen: And the fact that Tony is your cousin had nothing to do with it?
Danny: That is not the point. The point is that Tony wouldn't have been in my car if you hadn't arranged it.
Carmen: Okay, fine, Danny. I'm sorry. It was my mistake. There's the door, please go, go. You can leave. As of now, you are no longer involved. I will do whatever I can to get Tony out of this mess without your help.
Danny: Because you'll have him killed is what you'll do.
Carmen: Well, what do you care? It's not your problem, right?
Danny: He needs to be changed. Be right back, don't let Tony leave.
Tony: Hey, where's that car you got me, huh?
Carmen: It's around the corner, on Pine. A gray sedan.
Tony: What's this?
Carmen: Directions to an airfield outside of Ludlow. There's a plane waiting to take you to Canada.
Tony: Carmen, I ain't going to Canada.
Carmen: What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Of course you are. You can't stay here in Springfield. Tony, the cops are looking for you, and the family needs you right now. You have to go somewhere safe, and there's a family over there that's willing to help you.
Tony: And you know what? You tell them thanks, but no thanks. I didn't go through all this trouble so I could run away, Carmen.
Carmen: Then why did you?
Tony: I got things I need to take care of, all right?
Carmen: What kind of things?
Tony: Don't worry about it.
Carmen: Tony, what is it? Oh, don't tell me. Don't tell me it's that Lewis girl. Is that it? Oh, what are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? You're willing to throw your whole life away over that descraciada? She's not worth it!
Tony: Carmen. Carmen, thank you very much. I mean, all right, thank you.
Carmen: I would never have done it if I knew! Don't be such a fool, Tony!
Romeo: What are you looking for?
Marah: What do you think?
Romeo: If I knew I wouldn't be asking.
Marah: Protections, silly. You know, condoms. Hey, I thought that you were going to get me a drink.
Romeo: I changed my mind. Decided to get you something else.
Marah: What?
Romeo: Said you wanted me to do something nice for you, I knew that you liked this, so it's yours if you want it.
Marah: Yes, I do, thank you.
Romeo: I'll put it on.
Marah: Let me get a better look at it first.
Romeo: You like it?
Marah: Yeah. Yeah, I love it.
Romeo: Good. Good. Now is your chance to say thank you.
Phillip: Okay, look, I agree with the advice that you gave Lizzie in principal, obviously it's good advice. I'm just not sure that it's completely realistic at this point in her life.
Beth: Because?
Phillip: Well, remember peer pressure? Remember what it's like to be that age? You know how cliquey kids are at that age? There's a whole social hierarchy through middle school.
Beth: So?
Phillip: So she's going to have to learn to navigate her way through that, you know. And Beth, listen, these kids already knows who she is, where she lives, and that her last name is Spaulding. Now, I知 not saying that she should bend over backwards to try to blend in; I don't want her to do that. But on the other hand, I don't want her to stick out too much, either, you know? I don't want her to become so impressed with her own individuality and with all of this that she doesn't give a damn what anybody thinks about anything. And because then if she does that, she's going to be labeled a snob, and she's going to be ostracized for that. Believe me, it's a whole different set of problems.
Beth: Well, I don't agree. See, I think that girls in this country grow up thinking that they have to put everyone else first, but it's everyone else's feelings first. And if people don't like you, that means there's something wrong with you, and you're the one who has to change by being prettier or thinner or wearing certain clothes or not being so much of a snob or whatever. It's always you who's inadequate. It's you who has to live up to some ideal that is totally unrealistic to begin with.
Phillip: Okay, okay.
Beth: You cannot go too far down that road and buy into that lie, or you end up like me, a doormat.
Phillip: Beth.
Beth: Low self-esteem, no self-worth, that's how it starts. I know what I'm talking about, because I'm dealing with these issues in therapy. That's why I had all those bad relationships, why it was so easy for Bradley to victimize me, and Carl, and Edmund.
Phillip: In the first place, not all of your relationships have been bad. Jim was a great guy. And you know what? I don't remember you trying to bend over backwards to please me. When?
Beth: Damn it. (Laughs) In high school!
Phillip: I don't remember that in high school.
Beth: I tied myself in knots to try to be the person that I thought you wanted me to be.
Phillip: You did not.
Beth: Oh, come on. Okay, okay, okay. Maybe, maybe it was just that I was so good at it, that you didn't realize I was doing it, which is pretty frightening to begin with. And I don't want Lizzie to get good at it. I've spent the better part of my life feeling inadequate, and I do not want my terrific, talented daughter to follow in my footsteps. I want more for her. I want a lot more for her.
Rick: That's the best burger I致e had in my entire life. That was great, Frank. I asked for a diet soda, but you know, this is iced tea. What's for dessert?
Frank: What? Nothing. Don't push your luck here. Listen, I got to tell you, you know, I'm proud of you, buddy.
Rick: You are?
Frank: Yeah, absolutely. You changed you life completely around.
Rick: Thanks, buddy.
Frank: Yeah, you got a baby now. You have a nice relationship with my sister, even though you're not raising your son together with her, but... But you're marrying a beautiful girl.
Rick: Well, you know, it makes up for all those times I fell flat on my face, Frankie.
Frank: Well, that gives me hope.
Rick: It should. You know, it really should.
Frank: Ah, man.
Rick: So what's going on with you? Did Eleni... Did she really go back to California?
Frank: Yeah, yeah, she did.
Rick: Oh, man. I thought the two of you guys...
Frank: Kind of work things out together?
Rick: Yeah.
Frank: Yeah, well, she loves me, and I love her, but way too much has happened, Rick. Way too much.
Rick: That's too bad, Frank. I thought you guys made a great couple.
Frank: Yeah, well. We did make a good couple, but... Look, I can't be thinking about the good times right now, I mean. I know Marina would give absolutely everything to have us get back together, but... Actually it was Marina to help us realize that Eleni needed to get back to California.
Rick: Right.
Frank: Because we just... That poor thing, we just couldn't keep giving her false hopes that we were going to get back together.
Rick: But Marina's staying with you.
Frank: Yeah, yeah just until after school. She wants to stay here, and I really want her to stay here, too, but something inside me tells me that she should be with her mother.
Rick: Why can't your little girl stay with you?
Frank: I've been thinking about that. Kind of battling those demons right now. But she's been towing the line pretty good, I致e got to say, finally. If things work out, she follows that straight and narrow path, and maybe I'll just talk to Eleni and keep her here. I really, really want her to stay. (Phone rings) Sorry about that, getting a little call here. Yeah, Cooper here. Yep. Oh, yes, sir. Right. On my way.
Rick: Was that Harley?
Frank: No, that's the police chief. I've got to get down to the station. All that stuff with Tony and all that. Nice talking to you, brother.
Rick: Listen, if you see Michelle, tell her to page me.
Frank: Yeah.
Rick: Okay.
Richard: All right, come on. (Clapping) Come on, Cassie, shove her! Come on, just give her a good shove.
Alan: Grab her leg, Olivia. Grab her leg.
Olivia: You grab it.
Alan: One more yank and you're home free.
Olivia: (Grunting)
Richard: All right, Cassie, keep going. There we go.
Alan: I bet $100 that Olivia's next shot connects.
Richard: $200 says Cassie's does.
Cassie: We'll call it even if you give up.
Olivia: Not until you apologize for pulling me in here.
Cassie: Not until you apologize for pushing me in the first place.
Olivia: I didn't push you; it was an accident.
Cassie: It was?
Olivia: It was.
Cassie: Well, then why didn't you say so to begin with, Olivia.
Alan: All right, $1,000 bucks says that Olivia is the ultimate victor.
Richard: All right, define victory.
Alan: Well, the loser has to stay down for a count of ten, and shoving and kicking are allowed.
Richard: All right, no scratching.
Alan: And no biting.
Richard: And the face is off limits, all right?
Alan: Agreed.
Richard: Okay. What about hair pulling?
Alan: Well, I don't know, I kind of favor the hair pulling. I kind of... Yanking...
Olivia: Hey!
Cassie: Hello!
Olivia: In case you haven't noticed....
Cassie: There's nothing to bet on. We're done here. Right?
Olivia: I'm beat. Alan, please, please help me out of here. This is so icky.
Alan: Well.
Olivia: Oh, please.
Alan: Okay, be careful.
Olivia: It's going to feel so good.
Alan: Wait, what are you doing? (Laughter)
Phillip: Hey. You know what? I think you might be overreacting just a little bit to the situation with Lizzie. I think she's got very good self-esteem, I really do. But you know, this is a tricky age. And since I think you were in fact once a little girl, and since I don't think that I was, you go ahead and take the lead on this, and I値l follow, okay?
Beth: Thank you.
Phillip: Thank you for being... For being one of two really extraordinary women in my life, and for giving me the other one. Sometimes I look at you and I don't know how I ever got so lucky.
Beth: Well, I知 lucky, too.
Phillip: Well, I'm glad you feel that way. You know, I... You are so special to me, Beth.
Beth: (Moaning)
Phillip: What?
Beth: I don't want you to say anything more supportive or wonderful. I mean, because I feel like I'm going to start crying, and then my mascara would run, and I'd look like a raccoon.
Phillip: Now, I think... Didn't we just establish that women are not supposed to be preoccupied with shallow things like their appearances? Isn't that what we just worked our way through?
Beth: Well, they're not. They're not. But I have my pride. And you know, with Olivia being here now, what if she walked in and saw me a mess, because you know how perfect she is.
Phillip: Let me tell you something: Our daughter could do a hell of a lot worse than turning out exactly like her mother. (Laughter)
Alan: Olivia, this is my new, tailor-made suit.
Olivia: Oh. Well, you know you can buy yourself plenty of suits for all that money you were so eager to bet on me.
Richard: Well, I have to say, Alan, that was worth the price of admission.
Cassie: Oh, yes, it was.
Richard: Come on, darling. Well, here we go.
Cassie: There you go, darling.
Olivia: (Screams)
Alan: Come on in. (Laughter)
Danny: Tony. Carmen? All right, forget it. Come on, tiger, let's get out of here.
Gus: Don't even think about it, Danny. Where is he?
Danny: Where's who?
Gus: Tony.
Danny: I don't know, he's at the hospital. Who let you in here? What's going on?
Harley: He escaped, as you well know, since you drove the getaway car.
Danny: No, I didn't. That wasn't me, must've been somebody else. It wasn't me.
Harley: Danny, I saw you, Danny.
Danny: It wasn't me, Cooper.
Gus: Put the child down, please.
Danny: Don't tell me to put... Hey.
Harley: I got it.
Danny: Get your hands.
Harley: He knows me.
Gus: You're under arrest.... You are under arrest for aiding and abetting a fugitive.
Marah: Romeo. Romeo, I thought you were going to get me a drink.
Romeo: I'm not thirsty.
Marah: Well, I am.
Romeo: Well, we'll get something to drink later.
Marah: I want it now.
Romeo: Well, I want you now.
This has been "Guiding Light."
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