Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/29/02
By Suzanne
Tony: Hey, hey, hey, what are you waiting for, huh? I said I'd sign a confession. So why don't you get me a piece of paper and a pen and I'll write it down.
Cass: Tony, as your lawyer, I have to advise against this.
Ray: Listen to me, Tony, you're making a big mistake.
Tony: Well, you know what, ray, it's my mistake to make. It's not like a Santos can get a fair shake in this town anyway. Am I right?
Gus: Was that directed towards me?
Tony: Yeah.
Gus: You talking about what's going on between me and your cousin? That's over. Don't you follow... Don't you follow the story at all? No? You don't know? You know what, I'm going to help... You want to confess? I'm going to help you out. I'm going to get you the pen and paper right now, okay?
Tony: Okay.
Gus: I'm going to go get that. Jerk.
Harley: Okay, I don't understand. What's going on here?
Gus: What are you talking about?
Harley: Explain it to me.
Gus: What don't you understand? We got a confession coming from a prime suspect in a murder. What part do you not understand?
Harley: You mean that same guy who hasn't said a word to us for days? Refused to speak to us, and now suddenly he's confessing to his wife's murder? ( Whispers) why?
Reva: So, is that everything?
Marah: Almost. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much for letting me come home for a while.
Josh: Marah, you didn't have to ask our permission. It's your home, too, for as long as you need it.
Marah: Don't get your hopes up, dad. I'm not moving out of the dorm. I just... I need to get out of here for a while. There are way too many memories of Catalina here.
Reva: Of course there are. Just glad you're coming home for a while.
Marah: I don't know, I sort of feel like I'm running away from my problems. Maybe I should just stay here and face what happened to her.
Josh: Marah, you were in the room when she was killed. If anyone deserves a time to recover, it's you. You just have to let your mom and me take care of you for a time.
Marah: I must admit that that does sound really nice.
Josh: Well, good. I'm going to start loading up the car, all right. You're going to be fine, sweetheart.
Marah: Thank you.
Reva: I'll second that. Okay, I'll get this.
Deb: Marah.
Marah: Hey, Deb, what's up?
Deb: I heard you were leaving. Oh, I just want to say good-bye. And to apologize.
Marah: For what?
Deb: You were actually there. I mean, you know, when Catalina was murdered. And I'm really sorry about that. I feel like it's my fault.
Marah: Why?
Deb: Because I'm the one who told you about that old lady calling. If I hadn't given you that message, you never would have gone over to see Catalina; almost been killed yourself.
Marah: What are you talking about? You said that Catalina called me, that she wanted to see me about Tony.
Deb: Well, Catalina did want to see you, but she didn't call. It was an old lady who gave me that message.
Marah: An old lady? Maria?
Cassie: Hi. Olivia, what are you doing here?
Olivia: Well, I would have called first, but I figured you wouldn't take my call.
Cassie: You would have been right, so come on.
Olivia: Wait, just... You have something that I want. You could at least do me the courtesy of listening to my offer.
Richard: I believe Cassie already gave you her answer, Olivia.
Olivia: Well, she doesn't know the whole story, Richard. It's just a minute of your time.
Cassie: All right. You got a minute.
Richard: I'll go check on the children.
Cassie: You don't have to go.
Richard: You don't need me. Good night, Olivia.
Olivia: Good night.
Cassie: Okay, well, the way I see it, I have a very old, very charming hotel that you want very badly. What else is there?
Olivia: You know, Cassie, if you want to act the part of a businesswoman, you might want to get your facts straight first. That hotel you think you own, you only own half of it.
Ross: The romance writers' conference was partly for Blake. They were giving her an award. She wouldn't go to the conference and then not go to any of the events.
Holly: I agree. But she must have had a good reason. She's been under so much stress lately, maybe she got to Chicago and realized she just couldn't handle the whole fan scene.
Ross: Oh, come on, this is Blake we're talking about. She once went to a press conference with a fever just because she wanted the publicity.
Holly: That's true. So, what's your explanation?
Ross: I don't know, I don't know. Are you sure that your information is accurate?
Holly: Absolutely. I double checked all my sources; the hotel manager. He doesn't remember dealing with her, but he has a record of her signing in.
Ross: Well, there must have been a desk clerk, a maid, a bellboy, somebody.
Holly: Yeah, he put me on the phone with a guy from room service who delivered the champagne. But he said the hotel was a zoo with the convention and he doesn't remember either.
Ross: Holly, I cannot be the only person who saw Blake from check-in to check-out. What was she doing the rest of the time?
Blake: You wouldn't hurt my children, Tory. You're not that kind of a monster.
Tory: Oh, come on, Blake. I kidnapped you, locked you up, planned to kill you. I think I've pretty much proven that I'm capable of anything.
Blake: They like you, they trust you.
Tory: Yeah, and I like them, too. Look, Blake, I don't want to hurt those little kids. I love those little kids. But the fact is, if they're going to get in the way of my future with Ross, then they're dispensable, just like you are.
Blake: Look, I don't care what you do with me. But those kids never did anything to you. Don't hurt them.
Tory: I think I need a little more begging here, Blake. Come on. Come on. Maybe with some whipped cream and a little cherry on top.
Blake: Tory, I will do anything you say. I will say anything, I will do anything, you just leave my children alone. Just tell me... Tell me what do you want me to do?
Tory: Okay, it's very simple. What I want you to do is exactly what I tell you to.
Tory: Now, I'm putting a fresh tape in the video recorder. I want you to break Ross' heart one last time. I'm guessing that you're pretty good at that by now. Only this time it's going to be recorded. And he's not going to be able to put this final betrayal of yours out of his mind.
Blake: Oh, you really are sick.
Tory: No, I'm not, Blake. I don't know how many times I have to tell you Ross loves me. He made love to me. He told me how much he wanted me, how much he needed me. You were there at my memorial service. I heard those wonderful things he said about me.
Blake: Tory, he thought you were dead, all right? Whatever Ross felt for you, he didn't... It's over. It was over the second that he slept with you and realized you were a mistake.
Tory: That is not true. You're the one who hurt him. You cheated on him several times. He'll believe you when you tell him that it's over, because he knows what kind of person you are: Emotional, selfish, unstable. Now, you're just going to tell him that you can't write with all the stress he's put you under. And then you say good-bye to him and the kids. And I want you to make it final. He has to believe every word.
Blake: Yeah, he better believe it, otherwise you will hurt my children.
Tory: You're suffocating him, Blake. He feels responsible for you. He wants to do right by you, but it's killing him. So, you have to set him free. If you love him, you'll set him free. And I don't want you to drop any clues either. No one's going to come and rescue you.
Blake: If I do this, Tory, if I make this tape, you will leave my children alone?
Tory: You just make it real.
Blake: Ross, it's over. We're done, finito. This is the last time you'll ever see or hear from me again. And I'm just happy that we never got married, because now I'm spared having to sue you for divorce.
Cassie: What do you mean I only own half of the hotel, Olivia?
Olivia: Just what I said. The deed only entitles you to half the property.
Cassie: And let me guess, you own the other half.
Olivia: Alan bought it for me tonight.
Cassie: Why? Why are you doing this, Olivia? Is this because of Richard? Is it because we thought you were taking bribes for the harbor project? Are you just trying to get back at us?
Olivia: I... Whatever you think, Cassie, this isn't personal.
Cassie: How can it not be personal? Forget about the hotel, Olivia, but that's my farm. Do you know what that farm means to me? Of course you do. Of course you do. That's why you want to take it away.
Olivia: Oh, would you relax. Okay, the Jessup farm is yours, okay, you own it. I own half the beacon. You're not the only person who needs a place of her own, you know. So, why can't you just be happy with your farm and just let me have the hotel?
Cassie: Well, not that it's any of your business, but from the moment Richard and I saw that hotel, we fell in love with it, okay?
Olivia: Oh, no, please tell me you haven't made plans for it.
Cassie: We didn't just make plans, Olivia, we made dreams, okay? Dreams that we can make come true as soon as possible.
Olivia: Not without me you don't, honey. Whether you like it or not, we're joined at the hip on this thing. Nothing gets done without my approval. Look, why don't you just listen to my offer? I'm prepared to be very generous.
Cassie: With Alan Spaulding's money, I'm sure.
Olivia: What difference does it make whose money it is? Come on. Look, you'll have your farm. And I'll have a little piece of land on the lakeside.
Cassie: No. I don't think so. Richard and I, we don't need
your money, okay. We don't need Alan's money, and we don't need your generosity. Good night.
Marah: Deb, are you sure you spoke with an old lady?
Deb: Hispanic accent, low- pitched voice.
Marah: You know what, will you do me a favor and not speak to anybody about this? If the police find out, they're going to want to question you.
Deb: Say no more. The last thing I want is to get involved with the cops. Bye, Marah.
Marah: Bye.
Reva: Is everything okay?
Marah: Yeah, yeah, she was just saying good-bye, and it got a little emotional.
Josh: It's nice to know you've made some friends here.
Marah: Yeah.
Reva: Okay. So, we ready to get out of here?
Marah: You know what, I forgot, I have to pick up this library book, so you guys go on ahead home and I'll meet you there in a little bit.
Josh: Don't be too long.
Reva: You want me to finish helping you pack your bag?
Marah: No, that's okay, I'm almost done. Just make sure that Shayne hasn't turned my room into like a lacrosse field or anything.
Reva: He tried, but your daddy and I were able to talk him out of it. No big surprises when you get home.
Marah: Yes, there will be. Dad will be there.
Reva: It's true. But that's a good surprise. I'm so glad you're coming home to lay low for a while.
Marah: I don't know. It's not something that you would have done.
Reva: Maybe not. But that just means that you're a whole heck of a lot smarter than I ever was. It's probably your daddy's influence on you. Okay, so, you go to the library, get that book, and come straight home.
Marah: Okay, yes, ma'am.
Reva: Oh, is that what it's going to be like? You're going to come home and you're going to start making fun of me?
Marah: You bet.
Reva: Yeah, well, I can't wait. Don't you be long, okay?
Marah: So, Catalina, if Tony didn't kill you, then who did? Maybe Maria knows.
Cass: You know that so- called... Hey, detective, you know that so-called "confession" is never going to see the light of day, don't you?
Gus: Yes. Do whatever you got to do, you know, but from where I stand, the guy is dying to write his confession, so I'm not going to... You done yet? Keep it simple, three syllable words, that's the way the D.A. likes it. Probably easier for you anyway.
Cass: Tony, if you sign that confession, I can't guarantee I'll remain your lawyer.
Tony: Well, then I guess I'll be looking for a new lawyer then. Here you go.
Gus: Thank you. Excellent. I'll just look at the part that said, "I did it." Yeah, thank you for the pen. Wouldn't want you to kill yourself with it. Woo! Feels like my birthday. Of course it wouldn't be my birthday, would it? Not with a Santos giving me this, it would like a birthday present, that wouldn't work.
Marah: Can you hear me, Mrs. Santos? Do you understand me? Why did you call me to your house that night? Why did you tell me that Catalina wanted to see me? Tony didn't kill Catalina, and I think we both know that. Which means that he's covering for someone, do you know who it is?
Ross: You would think Blake would at least call to talk to the kids. I can't believe she's letting her bad feelings for me affect them.
Holly: I don't think she's thinking about anybody else at the moment, kind of caught up in her own head. But she's going to be calling soon, I bet. In the meantime, you and I need to be spending some quality time together, what do you say? Did you have fun tonight? Huh? What did you do? Tell me what you did. She says she played with Tory.
Ross: That is not what you think it is. Tory is now her imaginary friend. We've had several conversations about that, yeah. So, it's nothing to worry about.
Blake: And then after you cheated on me with Tory and lied about it over and over and over again. Even after she abducted our children and continued to stalk me, and then... And then she killed herself, that's something I'll never be able to forget or forgive. So I'm going away, I'm not going to tell you where I am because I don't want you following me. I'm going to turn our disaster of a relationship into a very long, detailed book, and I won't come back until I'm finished. All right, now I want to speak to the kids. Clarissa, honey, sweetheart, the three of you. Mommy loves you. I love you so much. I will always love you, sweetie, even if... Even if I never see you again.
Tory: Cut, cut, cut.
Tory: What is wrong with you? What, do you think I'm some kind of idiot? You think I can't see what you're trying to pull?
Blake: What are you talking about?
Tory: "I love you, Clarissa. I will always love you, even if I never see you again." You love those kids, Blake, no one would ever believe that you would say something like that to them. I told you, no dropping clues.
Blake: What am I supposed to do? I don't give them a good-bye call or a good-bye visit, I have to give them something.
Tory: No, you say, "good-bye, kids. I love you, but daddy's going to have to take care of you while I'm gone." Or is that too much for you to wrap your tiny little brain around?
Blake: Okay, okay, I'm sorry, all right? I shouldn't have said that. Let me do it again. I'll say what you want me to say. I'll say it.
Tory: All right, you get one mistake. But only one. You understand what that means? Now I want you to take it from where you say good-bye to the kids. Go.
Blake: Now, I'd like to say something to the kids.
Harley: So here it is. Tony Santos confessing to the murder of his wife. Black and white.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Right here.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: So why aren't we jumping up and down for joy?
Gus: Well, because we both know that he signed that thing way too quickly. That's what happens. That's what happens. These guys get the most expensive mouthpiece they can, like Winthrop, and then they just shut up for the next 50 years. I don't know.
Harley: Yeah, maybe he just decided that it was in his best interest to confess to his wife's murder.
Gus: But why... Why would he do that? What's... How would it be in his best interest to have signed something that's going to put him away for the rest of his life?
Harley: I don't know. I don't know, maybe he's trying to save his family from some big, ugly, long, expensive court battle. I don't know.
Gus: You know, the part that gets me... The part that really just gets me is this confession doesn't matter because the girl's dead, it's not going to bring her back. We can bring these creeps to justice, but I haven't yet figured out how to bring the victims back, not yet.
Cass: Here you go, padre, espresso.
Tony: You still here, huh? I thought you were retiring as my counsel?
Cass: You know, I was, but then I figured something out.
Ray: A way to save Tony?
Cass: You remember when Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum brought Marah Lewis in for questioning?
Tony: I told you not to go there.
Cass: Tony decided to confess when they realized that they were turning the spotlight on Marah as a possible suspect. I'm thinking I can get that confession thrown out.
Ray: How's that?
Tony: Hey, hey, leave her out of this.
Cass: Emotional coercion.
Ray: I like that.
Cass: Yeah, it's a good one. Tony was coerced into confessing in order to protect Marah.
Tony: No, that's not true. You leave Marah Lewis out of this, all right?
Marah: I wish you could talk, Mrs. Santos, there's so much you could explain about Tony's death, like who is he trying to protect?
Romeo: Marah. Hey, what are you doing here?
Marah: I came to see Mrs. Santos. I heard about her stroke, I thought I'd see how she was doing.
Romeo: I didn't realize the two of you were that close.
Marah: Well, we're not really, but she is Tony's grandmother, I guess I just felt kind of bad that Catalina's death has been so stressful for her.
Romeo: I know what you mean. So how's Tony? Have you talked to him? How's he doing?
Marah: Not great. He's under a lot of pressure, too.
Romeo: Yeah, no kidding. I mean, God, taking the wrap for cat's murder, that's rough.
Marah: Do you think that he did it?
Romeo: No way. I mean, Tony might have been mad at cat, but he never would've hurt her. It's just too bad, it seems like you and I are the only two people that believe that.
Marah: Maybe Maria believes that. Maybe she really knows what happened.
Romeo: Yeah.
Marah: If only she could talk.
Romeo: Yeah, yeah, too bad. Too bad she can't. But I'm glad you think Tony's innocent, because he needs you to believe in him right now. He's lucky to have you, Marah.
Olivia: You want to watch me?
Phillip: Well, now hang on just a second. If this is about business then I probably should stay here. Last time I checked I was still an integral part of Spaulding enterprises.
Alan: Well, why don't I just make a phone call and rectify that situation. ( Laughter)
Olivia: I went to see Cassie Winslow. She won't sell me her half of her hotel. One guess as to whose fault that is.
Phillip: What did you do? Did you go blunder your way into Cassie and Richard's life again? Let me guess, what, did you make them an offer for the property and somehow manage to insult them in the process?
Olivia: They turned him down flat.
Alan: Well, I can see by your sunny outlook that you must've been much more successful than I.
Olivia: Well, how could I be, Alan, when you put Cassie on her guard?
Phillip: You know what, this is fun, but I actually have to go. I've got a client, it's lee Sato from the Tokyo office. You know what, you may be may be having more fun than I am, but I have a feeling my meeting's going to be a lot more successful.
Alan: Well, I taught him everything he knows, and does he care?
Olivia: Probably not, and neither do I. Why? Why did you go behind my back to Cassie and Richard?
Alan: You know, I've heard this song before, and it's getting old. I made a mistake, I apologize. But if you hadn't gone off after Cassie trying to close this deal, I might have been able to give you a few pointers that would've helped you...
Olivia: I seriously doubt that. Cassie... This idea of taking your money, it repulses her. I'm beginning to understand why.
Alan: Do you honestly think that she would've sold you the other half if I wasn't involved?
Olivia: No. No. You know, it's funny, because in trying to get her to sell me her half, I told her how much I understood how important it was to have a place of your own. At the time, I was just telling her that to make the sale, but you know something, as it turns out, Alan, it's true. And then she told me that this hotel is now a big dream of hers. Well, it's a big dream of mine. Tell me something, is it too much to ask that just one of my dreams comes true?
Alan: Olivia...
Olivia: You know what, just forget I even went there, okay? Just forget the whole thing.
Alan: Yes, it's Alan Spaulding. I know it's late, but if I cared, I wouldn't be calling. Consider the bank open for business. I want to discuss a line of credit with you, specifically Richard Winslow's request for a line of credit.
Cassie: I can't believe the nerve of that woman. I bet she had Alan Spaulding deliberately buy that land just to annoy me.
Richard: Cassie, try to be fair. Olivia might not have even known that you owned it.
Cassie: You're going to be sensible about this, aren't you?
Richard: Well, you know, I'm trying to learn those impatient lessons you've been teaching me, but they just won't stick. Hey.
Cassie: Okay, okay, Mr. Sane and sensible, what am I supposed to do about this?
Richard: Well, you know, in moments like these, the Winslows always resort to a cup of tea.
Cassie: Tea?
Richard: A cup of tea, yes. It works wonders, you know. It relaxes you, it makes you look at things in a different light; more objectively.
Cassie: I could do that. I could have a cup of tea.
Richard: There you go.
Cassie: I'll go make a cup of tea.
Richard: Okay. And the wife scurries off to the kitchen to make tea for the husband. God bless America, I love this country. Two sugars, please.
Tammy: Where's mom?
Richard: Mom is in the kitchen making tea. What are you doing out of bed? Last I checked it was a school night.
Tammy: I think I might be getting a sore throat.
Richard: A sore throat?
Tammy: Mm-hmm.
Richard: School's that bad, eh?
Tammy: They keep making fun of me.
Richard: Have you told your mother?
Tammy: Why would I tell her? She'd just call everyone's parents, and then start yelling at them, and make things a whole lot worse.
Richard: Well, we can't have that. Well, how are they... How are they teasing you?
Tammy: Nothing very original, you know. Dropping curtsies whenever I pass by. You know, asking if I have a crown in my lunch bag. Just dumb stuff like that.
Richard: I know the routine.
Tammy: It happened to you?
Richard: Oh, yes, all the time. Whenever I walked into the room, people would be forced to bow and they always watched what they were saying around me, I know.
Tammy: How'd you deal with it?
Richard: Well, I decided to make a challenge out of the whole thing, yeah. I asked myself, "how can I make these people feel more comfortable around me? And how can I feel more comfortable around them?"
Tammy: Did it work?
Richard: Well, you know, funny enough, it actually did. Took some time, and it actually worked. And you know that's why I'm looking so forward to moving to the farm with you guys, because it's going to be my new challenge. And my new challenge is how I'm going to become a normal American. And I know you don't think that's possible, but I'm going to try. I'm going to learn how to barbecue, and I'm going to make barbecues and hot dogs and hamburgers for you. And... Hey, you know what? I've got an idea. Why don't we have a party, all right? And we'll invite all of your classmates that tease you, and we'll show them how the other half lives, eh?
Tammy: Maybe we can teach 'em. Thanks, dad.
Richard: You're welcome.
Tammy: Maybe it will be sort of a challenge.
Richard: That's the ticket.
Josh: Just a second. I got it, it's all right.
Richard: Is this all Marah's stuff?
Josh: Don't even start. Is she here?
Richard: No, no, she's not.
Reva: She's not back from the library?
Richard: No, I hope she's all right. I mean, is she doing better?
Reva: Well, you know, she talks a good game just like her mom, but I think deep down inside this is tearing her up, especially since she still believes that Tony Santos is innocent.
Ross: Okay, I got all three of them in bed. (Doorbell rings) but Kevin and Jason called me back in asked me where Blake was, had to tap dance around that. Wish I had an answer for them.
Messenger: Ross Marler?
Ross: Yes.
Messenger: Sign here, please.
Ross: Here you go.
Holly: What is it?
Ross: Feels like a videotape. No note and no return address. You want to watch it?
Holly: Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Blake: Ross, we're over,
done, finito.
This is the last time you'll
ever see me or hear from me
And we're very lucky that we
didn't remarry because it
spares me from having to sue
you for divorce.
Blake: Kevin and Jason, I
don't want you teasing your
little sister just because you
think I'm not there and I won't
catch you.
I'm just going to be gone while
I write this book, and then
I'll send for you.
Clarissa, you give your daddy a
big kiss for me, okay, sweetie?
Kevin, make sure you choke up
when you hit to right field,
all right?
And Jason, I know how much you
love chocolate, but ease up on
it, okay?
It makes you sick to your
I love you guys.
I love you so much.
I'll see you real soon, okay,
Holly: That is pure Blake. She is nothing if not dramatic. Ross, she's just trying to hurt you because you hurt her.
Ross: What is she doing? Did you hear what she said when she was talking to Jason? She said, "ease up on the chocolate." He can't have chocolate, he's allergic to it, makes him sick, why would she say that?
Holly: What are you doing, sweetheart? You're supposed to be in bed. Listen, sit down, I'll bring you some water or something stronger.
Ross: Yeah.
Holly: She said, "Tory did it." The imaginary friend is back.
Tory: I'm guessing that Ross is probably watching our little tape by now. I think I give new meaning to the word auteur. You know, some people direct movies, and I direct lives.
Blake: Yeah, well, you should be getting an Oscar for this one.
Tory: I don't need an Oscar, I'm going to have Ross. This tape will give him closure so that he can finally move on with his life as if you were never a part of it.
Blake: Where are you going?
Tory: I'm going out.
Blake: You've got to keep your end of the bargain. I mean, I made that tape so you're going to leave my kids alone.
Tory: Oh, Blake, did you think I was going to keep my word? I'm so sorry if you misunderstood me, honey.
Blake: We made a deal.
Tory: (Laughs) and I bet you also made a deal with Ross to love, honor and obey. But he didn't keep his end of the bargain either, did he?
Blake: Tory, Tory, Tory, don't. Where are you going? Tory, leave my kids alone! (Sobbing) oh God!
Cassie: Hey! Hey, Reva.
Josh: Hello.
Richard: If Marah doesn't believe that Tony Santos killed his wife, well, then who does she think did?
Reva: I don't think she really knows. But I'm scared to death that she's going to try to do something desperate like save him.
Cassie: You don't think she's going to try to break him out of jail, do you?
Josh: No, no, she's not going to... At least we hope she's not going to try to do that. But then again, she is Reva's daughter, so you never know. (Cell phone rings)
Richard: Sorry, excuse me. Richard Winslow.
Ms. Porter: Ambassador
Winslow, it's Suzanne porter
from Springfield new bank.
I'm sorry to call so late, I
thought you'd want to hear as
soon as possible about your
line of credit.
Richard: Yes, thank you for calling. So, can you give me what I need?
Ms. Porter: I'm sorry, Mr.
Ambassador, I'm afraid your
request has been refused.
Richard: Really? Any particular reason why?
Ms. Porter: It was out of my
hands, I'm afraid.
This went straight to the top.
Richard: I see.
Ms. Porter: I'm very sorry
about this, sir.
If it were up to me...
Richard: No, no. It's quite all right. Thank you, ms. Porter, I appreciate the call.
Cassie: Hi.
Richard: Hi.
Cassie: Who was that?
Richard: Oh, it's no one. Diplomatic situation, turned out to be nothing. You know, I'm dying for some of that tea.
Cassie: Okay. We'll be right back.
Reva: Oh, okay.
Josh: Okay.
Marah: Hey!
Cassie: Hey, Marah.
Josh: You're back.
Reva: Hey, sweetie.
Josh: You're here. Did you get what you needed at the library?
Marah: The library?
Josh: Yeah.
Marah: The library.
Reva: And where's your backpack, the one that you were staying behind to finish packing?
Marah: I forgot it.
Josh: Did you forget to go to the library, too?
Marah: All right, I'm sorry, guys. I lied. I went to go see Maria at the hospital.
Josh: Why did you do that?
Reva: What were you thinking?
Marah: Because I found out that it wasn't Catalina who called me and asked me over to the Santos house, it was Maria. Now, I think that she has something to do with the murder and maybe Tony's covering up for her.
Josh: Marah, that family is trouble, okay? Michelle almost got herself killed just because she married a Santos. Catalina did get herself killed.
Marah: All right, but Tony is innocent. I'm not just going to sit around and do nothing.
Josh: There is a very real chance you could get hurt here! I know, I'm trying, I'm am. Marah, I'm not saying that because I have to, because I'm your dad and I love you and I want to protect you, I'm saying it because it's a fact! People... People who get involved with the Santos family get hurt, or worse, and I cannot let that happen to you.
Marah: Okay. Okay, you're right, I will let it go. If Tony's innocent, it will come out on its own. Now it's late, and I'm beat, so I'm going to go to bed. And I will see you guys in the morning.
Reva: Do you believe her?
Josh: No, I don't. Not a single word.
Reva: I'm so afraid for her.
Josh: I am, too.
Ray: It finally hit you, didn't it? What you just did. What it could mean to your future.
Tony: I don't know what you're talking about.
Ray: You're scared. You know something? You should be. Why on earth would you confess to a murder you didn't commit.
Tony: I didn't say I didn't do it, ray.
Ray: Hey, Tony, spare me, okay. We both know the truth. Just promise me one thing: Promise me you won't stop fighting for yourself. Look, Tony, at least let Cass cut you some kind of deal. I don't know why you feel you have to take the fall for this, but you don't have to be a martyr about it.
Tony: Look, look, look, if Cass wants to plead me to a lesser charge, I'm fine with that. But, what I did today, that's something that I had to do.
Ray: You want to tell me why? Didn't think so.
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