Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/26/02
Tony: How many times do I have to tell you? Marah can't hurt me.
Cass: She was in the room at the time that your wife was killed. What did she see going on between you and Catalina?
Tony: Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. She was hit on the head. She blacked out.
Cass: And if this goes to trial and she takes the witness stand, is that what she's going to say?
Tony: Yes.
Cass: (Laughs) you're beautiful. Why don't I believe you?
Tony: Maybe because you're not used to hearing the truth.
Cass: Well, you got that right. Starting with you, my friend.
Tony: I am not your friend. And you know how cops operate. If they want to believe that Marah saw something, they're going to twist her words around and make her say things that aren't true. Look, I don't want them playing their little games with her, all right? That's all.
Cass: You're protecting her.
Tony: That's right.
Cass: You got a thing for her.
Tony: No, I do not.
Cass: No? Good. Because if they charge you with murder and I have to mount a defense on your behalf, you know what the first thing I'm going to do is? I'm going to find another suspect. And who knows, if Marah Lewis starts talking, she just might end up incriminating herself.
Tony: Don't you even think about that, because it's never going to happen.
Harley: Whoever did this murdered Catalina and her unborn child. Catalina was pregnant.
Marah: No, she wasn't. That's just it. She was lying. She wasn't pregnant.
Gus: What do you mean, she was lying; that she wasn't pregnant? What does that mean?
Marah: She lost the baby and didn't tell Tony, because she was afraid that he wouldn't marry her if she wasn't pregnant.
Harley: So you're saying that the only reason that Tony married her is because he thought that she was still pregnant with his child.
Marah: So you see? There aren't two murders.
Gus: Did Tony ever know that Catalina was lying about being pregnant? Yes or no?
Marah: I don't know.
Gus: You don't know? You don't know or you don't want to tell us?
Josh: She gave you her answer. Move on.
Gus: I didn't hear any answer.
Reva: Yes, you did.
Gus: You know, you're a very smart girl. Did you ever hear of obstruction of justice? Do you know what that means?
Marah: I have nothing more to say.
Gus: Well, I'm not done asking questions.
Reva: Yes, you are. You heard my daughter: This interview is over.
Ross: Okay, Clarissa, bear's going to watch the video with you. Oh, you're a sweetheart.
Clarissa: I want A...
Ross: Nancy? Is Clarissa's juice about ready?
Nancy: Almost.
Ross: Okay. (Knock at door)
Holly: Got your message. I didn't expect you and Blake back from Chicago so soon. Hello, sweetheart. How are you? What are you doing? Oh, you're watching cartoons. Can I join you?
Ross: Holly, don't get too comfortable, because I'm buying you dinner at towers.
Holly: Oh? I never turn down a free meal, but what's the rush? Where's Blake?
Ross: Um, we'll discuss that over dinner, okay? Oh, Nancy, thank you very much. Now, we're going to be at the towers. I'll have my cell phone on. You've got that number, right? We shouldn't be all that long. All right, Clarissa. You be good for Nancy, and I'll see you in a little bit. Bye-bye.
Holly: Bye.
Ross: Here we go.
Holly: Okay, I'm not going to go another step until you tell me what's going on. Blake is not here?
Ross: No. That's what we need to talk about, and I didn't want to do it in front of the kids. I didn't want them to hear this. Captioning sponsored by Procter & Gamble Productions, Inc. And CBS
Blake: Not going to happen.
Tory: All right, GI Jane. Hey, maybe I could supply you with a couple of workout tapes. The only problem is, you're probably not going to live long enough to see them all.
Blake: What is that from? A James Bond movie or something? You can threaten me better than that.
Tory: I don't have to threaten you, Blake. You are going to die.
Blake: I don't think so. I think you're having too much fun keeping me locked up. But give me a few more doughnuts and I might die of food poisoning.
Tory: You know, Blake, I really am amazed how feisty you manage to stay in the face of adversity. You know, I really... I will miss that. I will genuinely miss that. What I won't miss is having you in my face all the time.
Blake: Your choice, babe, not mine.
Tory: No, you didn't give me a choice, Blake. I gave you several chances to walk away from Ross. How many times did I tell you that he loves me?
Blake: Oh, that's right. Ross loves you so much that you had to drug him and then fake his making love to you. You're pathetic.
Tory: And you're an ungrateful little witch! You don't even appreciate the fact that I've kept you alive this... You know, I don't... I don't know why I even waste my time with you.
Blake: Fine. Kill me. Go ahead. It's not going to matter. Because Ross will always remember me. Every day, he'll look in the faces of our children, and every day he'll remember me.
Tory: You're absolutely right, Blake. Here I was, so concerned about how to make Ross forget about you, and now you just gave me a way to do it. [Commercial.]
Blake: You think that I've given Ross a way of falling in love with you? I don't think so.
Tory: Oh, come on, Blake. Sure you have. I mean, you're right. It's not going to be enough to just kill you. I have to... I have to expand my horizons. I've got to think out of the box. And lucky for me, I've got you to steer me in the right direction.
Blake: What are you talking about, Tory?
Tory: Sorry, Blake. I... I've got to go.
Blake: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where are you going? Wait!
Tory: Oh, just a little something I've got to do with a couple of very adorable children I happen to know.
Blake: Tory, even you're not that sick. Come on.
Tory: Even I'm not that sick to do what?
Blake: Tory, leave my children alone.
Tory: Sorry, Blake. I've got to go. It's amazing... Where'd that feistiness go, huh? Don't want to be late.
Blake: Tory. Tory, don't hurt my children. Oh, my God.
Ross: So I get to the hotel and I let myself into the room, and Blake has left me a note that says, "hello, why don't you have yourself a glass of champagne." So I did.
Holly: And Blake is in the shower.
Ross: Yes, I heard the water running. And then I saw Blake at the bathroom door, and she got into bed with me.
Holly: So what's the problem?
Ross: This. When I read it, I felt like I had been punched.
Holly: Why? Because you called out Tory's name or because Blake caught you?
Ross: Both, to be honest with you. Holly, I have little memory of what happened that night, much less calling out Tory's name.
Holly: No wonder she's so upset. You don't remember anything?
Ross: I had two glasses of champagne. I remember feeling a little dizzy, and I think I tried to get up. And then I saw Blake at the bathroom door, she crosses over, she gets into bed with me. We... Talked very briefly, and I remember the smell of her perfume, and after that everything's a complete blank.
Holly: Until you woke up in the morning and she was gone.
Ross: She was gone, I found this note.
Holly: It's funny she typed it, isn't it?
Ross: No, not really. Ever since she started writing books, she's got this laptop. She types almost everything. What concerns me is the way she left: Without talking to me about it? Why would she do that?
Holly: She's hurt, Ross. She probably wanted to go someplace and be alone and lick her wounds.
Ross: And this note. Everything in it is so final that... "it's painfully clear how we have no future. It's over, Ross. Don't try to find me."
Holly: She's upset, and considering all that you two have been through together, she must be totally devastated.
Ross: She wouldn't hide from you. Could you get a hold of her and tell her to come home?
Holly: Even if I could, I don't think I should. What happened between the two of you should stay between the two of you. And you were the one who pushed her away, so it should be up to you to bring her back.
Alan: You know, I'm disappointed in you. You claim to be this razor- sharp businesswoman, but you have forgotten the first rule of business: "No" does not mean "no." It only means, "I'm holding out to tell you yes until you throw enough money at me."
Olivia: You know what, Alan? Don't patronize me. That "no" you're talking about, it came out of Cassie Winslow's mouth. She spells integrity with a capital "I."
Alan: Yes, but you spell success with a capital "S." Don't be so hard on yourself. You're going to get everything you want, because your destiny is to win.
Cassie: And look... Look at these moldings. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful anywhere besides this incredible old hotel? Is that funny?
Richard: No, no. It's not funny. It's... It's wonderful. I'm just... You know, it's nice to see you so happy, is all.
Cassie: I just... I can't believe... I can't believe this is mine. I had no idea that it was on the property.
Richard: Well, you would have discovered it eventually, even without Alan Spaulding trying to buy it out from underneath your nose. What are you thinking?
Cassie: It's just so strange, you know. It's just so strange. It's an old hotel, and I own it. It's just...
Richard: Well, it's a good thing you, do because if Alan or Olivia get their hands on it, they'll tear it down, you know. >> Cassie: So typical of them. You know, they get a hold of something so beautiful and they just want to destroy it, no matter what it used to be or what it could be.
Richard: Well, what would you do, you know, to bring it back to life?
Cassie: I don't know. I just found out that I own it. I'll tell you what I wouldn't do.
Richard: What?
Cassie: I wouldn't destroy something this beautiful with this much history. There's no way I would tear this place down.
Richard: No?
Cassie: No. Like that place right there. I bet that's where the piano was.
Richard: Mmm.
Cassie: I bet it played wonderful music to make the guests feel special.
Richard: And what about over here?
Cassie: Oh, right here? Well, obviously this was the desk where the guests checked in. A beautiful old desk made of marble. I bet you all the clerks wore tuxedos, and they catered to all the visitors from out of town.
Richard: And everyone was speaking foreign languages-- French and Italian-- right?
Cassie: Yes. And over here? Champagne cocktails before dinner. In the main salon, tea for the ladies.
Richard: Ah.
Cassie: Whiskey and cigars for all the gentlemen in the library.
Richard: But of course.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Richard: And what do you think happened right here, where I'm standing?
Cassie: Right here?
Richard: Right here, yeah.
Cassie: I would imagine that this is... That this is where the lovers danced to music. >> Richard: Really?
Cassie: As if they were the only two people in the world.
Richard: Well, Madame, would you do me the honor of according me this dance.
Cassie: There is nothing I'd rather do.
Josh: You heard what the lady said. This interview is over.
Gus: Sir, your daughter is a material witness to a crime. Nobody has the right in this room to say when this interview is over. Nobody.
Reva: Harley, are you going to back him up on this?
Harley: Detective Aitoro is right. We can question her here or down at the station. Marah?
Marah: Well, it doesn't matter, because I have nothing else to say.
Gus: Did Tony know that she was lying? Yes or no? Josh: She just said
that she has nothing else to say. Gus: Well, I don't believe what she
just said! Reva: Gus. Gus, please. Harley, can we have a minute alone
with Marah, please? If you don't mind.
Harley: We'll wait outside.
Gus: Are you kidding me? You're never going to get anywhere with these people if you just go soft on them like this.
Harley: Not with you hounding her like that. She's not going to give up anything anyway with her mother standing there.
Gus: If you've got a great plan, what's your plan? What's your plan?
Harley: Listen, this is my idea, okay? Josh is the sensible one. He will calm her down and he will tell her how much trouble she'll get into if she doesn't tell us the truth.
Gus: Really? And how do you figure that Josh is the sensible one.
Harley: Because I know. Okay? Because I just... I know him.
Gus: You know him? What does that mean? You know him, how? Know him, what, in the biblical sense, you know him? What?
Harley: Yes, we had a thing. Actually, we were engaged.
Gus: Oh. You were engaged to Josh Lewis?
Harley: Knock it off, okay?
Gus: Are you kidding me? >> Harley: It was a long time ago, and obviously it didn't work out. We both moved on. That's all.
Gus: Well, who moved on first? Did you move on first?
Harley: What is this? Are you jealous?
Gus: (Scoffs) jealous? Jealous...
Harley: Sounds an awful lot like jealousy. Are you sure this isn't jealousy.
Gus: I'm not jealous, no. What, is this making you happy? Am I making your day?
Harley: Actually, this is making my whole life. (Laughs)
Gus: Is this going to infect- - infect, that's perfect-- is it going to affect this investigation, because I promise you...
Harley: Is this going to infect your investigation, you knowing about our engagement? Come on.
Gus: You still like him? >> Harley: Oh, please.
Gus: It's a fair question.
Harley: It's ancient history. Good.
Gus: Okay, I'm fine now.
Harley: Good.
Gus: Engaged.
Harley: Josh will talk to her, okay? He'll get her to tell us what she knows.
Josh: Marah, sweetheart, you have got to tell us what's going on, okay? One minute you're cooperating with the police, the next you clam up as if you have something to hide.
Reva: Sweetie, you know that Tony knew Catalina was lying about being pregnant. And that's why you don't want to say anything to Harley and Gus, because then Tony would have motive for her murder, right? [Commercial.]
Marah: I didn't say that. How do you know that Tony knew Catalina wasn't pregnant?
Reva: It wasn't that hard to figure out. And your dad's right. I mean, one minute you're telling the police everything they want to know, and the next you're not because you don't want to incriminate Tony.
Josh: Marah, if Tony killed this girl, you cannot protect him.
Marah: Dad, he didn't kill her. He's not like that. He wouldn't do that.
Josh: He is like that. He's a thug. He runs a dirty business.
Marah: He's not a killer. He's not!
Reva: Marah, if you believe that Tony is innocent, then the truth can't hurt him.
Marah: It can if the cops want to believe that he's guilty, and they do. So I'm just... I'm not going to do their dirty work for them.
Josh: Marah...
Reva: Think of it this way, sweetie: If Tony knew that Catalina was lying about being pregnant, then the police are going to know, too.
Josh: Marah, it's information that's material to a murder investigation. You don't have a choice on this.
Marah: Yeah, I do have a choice. I can choose to say nothing. >> Josh: You're protecting a murderer!
Reva: Or... Or maybe not. Marah believes in Tony's innocence, just like you did right after Annie lost her baby.
Josh: That's different. You were innocent.
Reva: You didn't know that. Nobody knew that. But you still stood by me, just like Marah's doing with Tony. And we have to respect that. We both do.
Gus: All right. Family meeting's over.
Harley: Everything all right in here?
Josh: No, everything is not all right, but that's not going to stop you from asking your questions, is it?
Gus: No, it isn't. Ready? Okay. Who else knew about Catalina's lies?
Marah: I told you, I don't know, and I'm not answering any more questions.
Gus: You're not answering any more questions. She's not going to answer any more questions. Josh Lewis is going to be a real good guy. Let's go. Let's go down to the station.
Reva: You can't do that. >> Harley: Yes, we can. Reva, she's a witness to a crime. Marah, if you don't start cooperating, we're going to arrest you for obstruction.
Marah: Harley, you're my friend. Now you're going to take me down to the station?
Harley: This isn't about friendship. This is a murder investigation, Marah.
Josh: It doesn't have to happen like this.
Gus: Sir, you should really talk to your daughter.
Marah: If you want answers, why don't you just talk to Tony?
Gus: Oh, we will talk to everybody until we get to the bottom of... I mean, let's go. Let's go down to the station.
Reva: We're going to go with you.
Gus: Let's go. You're welcome to come with us. I don't want to get sued for police brutality. Come on. >> Harley: You know what? I'll meet you there.
Gus: You got something better to do?
Harley: I've got a detour. I won't be long.
Gus: Is that right?
Blake: Leave my children alone! Oh, dear God. (Sobbing) please leave them alone. Oh, please leave them alone. (Screams)
Kevin: Nancy, I was playing video games, and the lights went out. So did the TV, and I can't see anything.
Nancy: All right, I'll take a look. Stay here, sweetie. I'll be right back.
Tory: A fuse is such an easy thing to blow. Hi, sweetie. Shh. How you doing? Did you miss me, darling? Yeah. Last time I saw you, you weren't such a good little girl. You almost told daddy I was hiding in the closet. You like this video, huh? Well, maybe we can have more fun. Just the two of us. [Commercial.]
Richard: Well, that's a nice smile. Why are you smiling like that?
Cassie: Because I'm loving how simple this is. Richard: Simple? Cassie:
Mm-hmm. Just dancing with you before was in a ballroom in the palace with about 100 other guests, a 30- piece orchestra, unlimited champagne, and caviar. Here we are, you know, just the two of us in this old, old hotel. Only...
Richard: Only "a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou."
Cassie: You could throw in a few cobwebs for good measure.
Richard: So tell me: Do you prefer the cobwebs over the 30- piece orchestra?
Cassie: I think fairy tales can happen anywhere. Even in an old wreck of a grand hotel. And because I'm with you.
Alan: Everything I do, I do because of you. There's no one else like you. I try to come up with new ways to show you that.
Olivia: And this is what you came up with, Alan? You horn in on my business deal and just blow it all up?
Alan: That wasn't my intention. Look, anyone can get you furs or trips to Monaco, jewels. But I want to give you something special, something worthy of you and your high standards. I want to give you something that you want more than anything in the world: That hotel.
Olivia: You need to give me a break. You say you admire me. You say you respect my independence. You know what I hear? Just a lot of talk, Alan. You're all talk and no action. Because no sooner are those words out of your mouth than you go behind my back and prevent me from exercising that independence you say you so greatly admire.
Alan: All I want to do is help you, that's all.
Olivia: No, you were trying to take away my right to act for myself. (Sighs) you know, you keep talking about this "team" that we have here, but the fact of the matter is you're not a team player. Everything has to be on your terms, Alan, or not at all.
Richard: So what are your terms?
Cassie: My terms?
Richard: (Laughs) yes, your terms. For the hotel. I mean, this place must have been absolutely beautiful in its day, and I know you, and I know that you're thinking how you can make it so again.
Cassie: Oh, I have a few ideas.
Richard: Of that, I have no doubt. So, in your capable hands, this hotel will shine again.
Cassie: Uh-uh. In our capable hands. We share this. And whatever we decide, we have to agree.
Olivia: All right, look. Whatever happens with the hotel-- whatever-- it's not your decision, it's mine. No more stepping all over me, and making decisions for me. You got it?
Alan: Absolutely. Look, I made a mistake, and I sincerely regret it. But I don't think I have ruined that deal, and I don't think Cassie Winslow is as big an obstacle as you think she is. Far from it.
Ross: If I could go back in time and change what happened with Tory, I would, of course. But what happened in Chicago between Blake and me, I don't understand at all, because we were making progress. We were at least at the beginning of the road to reconciliation.
Holly: I believe you, Ross. But it doesn't matter how close you feel if you call out another woman's name in the middle of the night.
Ross: I didn't do that. I swear to you, I didn't.
Holly: You said yourself you felt woozy from the champagne. You had too much to drink.
Ross: Two glasses of champagne does not put me under. Besides, above and beyond that, I have no feelings for Tory. I love Blake. I think I've always loved Blake. >> Holly: I'm not the one you need to convince.
Ross: Holly, I need your help. I don't even know where to begin to start looking for her. She disconnected her cell phone. Now she's disappeared without a trace, and you with the newspaper and the television station, you have more resources than I do, of course, and if you want me to beg, I will, but... I quite simply don't know what else to do.
Holly: All right. But let me make something very clear. I think what you did was wrong. But I know you and Blake belong together, God help you both. So I'll see what I can do. >> Ross: Thank you, Holly. Thanks.
Holly: You stay here. I've got some names and numbers in my office. I'll be right back.
Ross: Okay.
Blake: My children. What happened? What did you do?
Tory: Wow, I'm really going to have to cut back on those doughnuts. You're having quite the sugar rush.
Blake: If you hurt my children, I will kill you.
Tory: Now who's sounding like a broken record? You ready for your little show and tell, Blake? Only in this case it's going to be a little more show than tell. [Commercial.]
Tory: It's Showtime!
Blake: How did you get in there? Where was Ross? Why didn't he stop you?
Tory: Will you shut up? Come here, sweetie pie. I want to see this. Come here. Good girl. Can you say hi to mommy? "Hi, mommy." Good girl. I'm sure she misses you. But mommy was very naughty, so she has to go away for a little while. But that's okay, because I'll be here to take care of you. And it's so easy to find you. I can be alone with you anytime I want. Isn't that wonderful? Yeah. So, so wonderful.
Blake: How did you get in there? Where's Ross? Where are the boys? Why is she alone?
Tory: Well, the boys were upstairs, and as for Ross, I guess you just can't count on him to watch after the kids. I think they need someone a little more reliable. Someone like me.
Blake: You can't have my family.
Tory: (Laughs) I already have them, Blake. I think I just proved that. If I were you, I'd think of this video as a little movie trailer. Doesn't it just make you want to know what's going to happen next? >> Blake: Why don't you just tell me, Tory?
Tory: And ruin all the fun? I don't think so.
Ross: Thank you, I'm fine.
Olivia: All right, Alan. What do you know about Cassie Winslow that you're not sharing with me.
Alan: Well, now, if I told you that, Olivia, that would be spoiling the surprise.
Olivia: Oh, you know, I've had one too many surprises today. Why don't I just go back to the mansion and pack up my things? I haven't let go of the lease on my apartment yet.
Alan: You're not serious, are you? You wouldn't move out?
Olivia: Two things you need to understand about me, Alan: I don't like surprises and I don't like playing games. I will move out in a heartbeat.
Alan: All right, whoa, whoa, whoa, no. I don't want that. No. Because, you see, I've become accustomed to your face. All right, I'm going to tell you. Cassie Winslow does not own the hotel outright. She owns only half.
Olivia: You're kidding. How does something like that happen?
Alan: Well, I don't know. One of life's little curve balls, I guess. But I have made arrangements to purchase the other half. But I certainly don't want to upset you, so I will nullify the purchase.
Olivia: Just... Just stop it, all right? Just stop it. You're telling me that the ownership of this hotel is literally split in half? >> Alan: Deeds are a funny thing. I don't know how it happened, but it did.
Olivia: Does Cassie know about this?
Alan: No, not yet. And when she finds out, she will probably deny her half. But, you know, two can play that game. You can do the same thing to her. And it would be very interesting to see the battle of the wills. Who will win? I know where I would put my money. (Chuckles)
Richard: So, darling, tell me what you see.
Cassie: A place with lots of potential.
Richard: Really? Well, anything more particular than that?
Cassie: Oh, well, I was thinking something for the kids, like we did in San Cristobal with the children's museum.
Richard: Well, I think with, you know, some creative financing, that's not only possible but probable.
Cassie: Oh, Richard, this place has so much to offer. It does. It has the lake. It has a huge lawn. It has an area for a playground. We could offer picnics, boating, swimming. I mean, am I crazy or could this really happen?
Richard: You're not crazy. This could happen. This will happen, because it has you behind it, and no one can stand in your way.
Cassie: Our way.
Tony: Look, Marah had nothing to do with Catalina's death, all right? So just leave her out of it.
Cass: Not possible. My responsibility is to you-- to providing you with the best defense possible. Now, if they charge you with murder, you could get the death penalty. Now is not the time to play hero.
Gus: Hey.
Marah: Don't touch me!
Tony: What is she doing here?
Gus: It's called a murder investigation, chump. Would you mind stepping in here and having a seat? No? Perhaps you'd prefer to be in there with your boyfriend, behind bars.
Josh: Don't threaten my daughter. She's not a suspect, here. She is a witness, which means you treat her with respect.
Reva: Or you get a lawyer and you talk to him instead of her.
Marah: It doesn't matter because I have nothing more to say. You know everything that I know.
Gus: Is that right? How about this: How about I hook you up to a little polygraph test, okay? And I bet you... I bet you I know what happens? I bet you the needle goes all crazy all over the chart.
Tony: Look, she says she doesn't know anything. Why don't you just leave her alone?
Cass: Tony, you stay out of this. >> Gus: Are you sure about that? Are you positive? No, let him talk, because I'd like to hear this. She's already admitted knowing that Catalina was not pregnant. How about you? Do you want to tell me, did you know Catalina was pregnant or not before we found her dead body? Can you tell me that?
Harley: Hey. Look what I found. I thought father Ray might be able to help us.
Gus: Oh, why is that?
Ray: Tony, I'm sorry.
Harley: Don't talk to him. You talk to me or you talk to detective Aitoro, okay? When you told the Lewises that we were going to question other people who might know something about Catalina's murder, I remembered I saw father Ray on the day of the murder, and he had a bloody lip.
Gus: Is that right?
Harley: One that his own brother gave him.
Ray: Harley, I told you it was an accident.
Harley: Really? Really? Or did Tony hit you because you told him something he didn't like? Something that led to Catalina's murder. [Commercial.]
Ross: Holly, it's me. Just checking in to see if you've found out anything about Blake.
Holly: As a matter of fact, I have.
Ross: Oh, hi. What is it? Did you find her? Where is she?
Holly: I don't know, but I found out something very interesting about the writer's convention.
Ross: Really? What is that?
Holly: I spoke to the organizers. Blake hasn't been to any of the events she was scheduled for-- not even the awards dinner in her honor.
Ross: I don't find that so strange. I told you that she had left by the time I woke up this morning.
Holly: She didn't just miss the events today. She's missed all of the events-- even before you got there.
Ross: Well, that's very strange, because she wasn't angry at me then.
Holly: Exactly. Blake may have been in Chicago, but it sounds as if you were the only one who saw her there.
Tory: Hey, Blake, want to see it again? I know. Maybe I can figure out how to put it on a continuous loop and that way you can watch me and Clarissa all night long.
Blake: Just stop it; I get the point.
Tory: Which is?
Blake: You obviously want me to do something, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to make that tape. So just go ahead and tell me what it is. I'll do anything you want. You just stay away from my children.
Harley: So, seeing as how you're a priest and all, I don't think I need to state the obvious. You are obligated to tell us the truth, right?
Gus: Unless, of course, your loyalty lies with your brother. Oh, wait a second. Wouldn't God strike you dead, like, with a lightning bolt or something? Yes. Oh, that happened... Damien, "the omen," "the omen."
Ray: What is this, good cop, not-funny cop?
Harley: We're not playing games, and you shouldn't, either. Did Catalina fake her pregnancy?
Ray: Detective...
Harley: Did you know this?
Ray: Detective Cooper.
Harley: Did you tell Tony? Is that why he hit you?
Ray: Again, Tony did not kill Catalina, okay?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: How do you know that? Did he confess that to you? Was it a confession or did God whisper that in your ear or something?
Tony: Ray, shut up. Don't tell him anything, all right?
Ray: Tony, I am trying to help you.
Tony: Help me by keeping your mouth shut, all right?
Cass: Hey, hey, hey.
Ray: Detectives, that is all the information you're going to get from me.
Gus: I will throw you in that jail cell faster than you can say a "Hail Mary." The charge will be accessory!
Josh: What is this, some kind of a joke? How many people are you going to drag in here and threaten like that?
Gus: I will drag in as many people as I need to until I get some answers!
Josh: Well, you're not going to get answers from my daughter. I have not heard one new question out of you!
Reva: She told you everything she knows. Now, if you want to know anything else from her, get a subpoena, because we're out of here.
Harley: Reva, she hasn't told us everything she knows.
Reva: That's your opinion, Harley.
Gus: No, that is not opinion; that is a fact, Ms. Shayne. There were two people found with that dead body-- two people-- and one of them was your daughter. She's already said that Tony didn't kill anybody and that leaves her-- one person with an opportunity and a motive. One person. >> Tony: Would you stop this, huh?
Cass: Oh, no. If they're going to turn their sights on Marah Lewis, I think that's great.
Josh: You want to accuse my daughter of something, you show me some evidence. Until then, we are out of here!
Gus: You want some evidence? You get your daughter to start protecting herself! I don't know, coop. I smell a conspiracy. I don't think Tony Santos is in this alone.
Harley: I think you're right. You're really thinking Marah had something to do with this?
Gus: Well, why not? She knew that Catalina was lying about the pregnancy, as I believe our good friend the priest did, too.
Ray: Hey, Aitoro, you want to charge me with Catalina's murder, go right ahead. I would love to see them laugh you out of court-- again. Again.
Gus: Is that God speaking through you, father? I mean, is that any way for a priest to speak? Why don't you try this on for size: Let's say that Tony was still under the impression that Catalina was pregnant. So he's going to marry her. Out of responsibility, not because he loved her, because everybody in this town knows there wasn't a lot of love there, but out of responsibility. Yet the whole time, he doesn't even realize there is no child. In fact, the only thing I've been hearing here is that Marah Lewis is protecting Tony Santos. Marah Lewis is protecting Tony Santos when in fact, maybe it's the other way around. Maybe Tony Santos is protecting Marah Lewis.
Tony: No!
Gus: No? You got something to say? You want to say something? Because she's already admitted that Catalina was lying-- lying to you, lied about being pregnant. And you know what that says to me, Tony? That says she's got a motive. Get her back in here. Will you get her back in here?
Tony: Don't. Don't do that. Don't! >> Gus: No? Give me one good reason. That's all I want, one good reason, Tony, why I shouldn't. Say it!
Tony: All right. You want to know the truth?
Gus: I'd love to.
Tony: I'll give you the truth.
Cass: Tony, keep your mouth shut.
Gus: Go on.
Tony: I knew Catalina wasn't pregnant. I knew she was lying to me, was lying to me for weeks to get me to marry her.
Ray: Tony, callate la boca!
Tony: Ray, I'm sorry. I can't have this guy, or anybody else, pushing you and Marah around. >> Gus: Go on.
Tony: You get me a piece of paper saying that I killed Catalina, I'll sign it.
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