Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/23/02
Proofread By Tanya
Marina: Hey.
Buzz: Catalina Queseda. Used to work here, lived upstairs. She was a... A friend. Bright, beautiful young woman who died.
Marina: She died?
Buzz: Way too soon.
Marina: Wait. Is she the one I read about in the paper who was murdered?
Buzz: That's her.
Marina: They were saying some really nasty stuff about her.
Buzz: Oh, they were, were they? Well, they don't know squat. She was a brave girl. Brave enough to risk losing her life leaving Cuba to come here. I mean, she had two jobs, held down two jobs to go through college. Had... I mean, had everything coming together, and then it just... Went south.
Marina: What happened?
Buzz: She fell for the wrong guy. Unfortunately, she's not the only one.
Romeo: I hate it as much as you do that Tony's taking the fall for Cat's murder.
I do. But sometimes... Sometimes you've got to roll with the punches, Mrs. S. or
you end up down for the count.
Danny: Hey.
Romeo: Danny, how you doing?
Danny: Hi, Abuela. You've got some visitors. Any change?
Romeo: Nothing yet.
Danny: She's got to start talking soon. She might know something that'll help Tony.
Romeo: Yeah.
Danny: If she starts talking, you know the first thing I'm going to ask her.
Ray: Why she called the cops. In our family, that's a no-no.
Danny: The only thing I can think is that she just... She didn't know that Tony was in the house. Is that right, Abuela? Huh? If she knew Tony was in the house, there's no way she would have led the cops straight to him. Abuela, can you tell me? Is that why? It's very important you talk to me, Abuela. Try to say something. Can you squeeze my hand? Abuela?
Michelle: Danny... Honey.
Danny: What?
Michelle: Don't push her. She's had enough stress already.
Romeo: Hey, you guys, I've got to split. I've got a couple things to take care of, but if you need me for anything, just let me know.
Ray: Thanks for stopping by, Romeo.
Romeo: Oh, of course.
Ray: I appreciate it.
Romeo: Your grandmother means a lot to me. You'll be in my thoughts, Mrs. S.
Danny: Thank you.
Carmen: Romeo, any change?
Romeo: Nothing yet.
Carmen: Poor Maria. What a shame.
Edmund: Poor Maria? Last time I checked, your mother-in-law was hardly your favorite person.
Carmen: That doesn't mean I want her dead.
Edmund: No. No, of course not. Well, if that's the case, I know a neurologist in Zurich who works wonders with stroke victims. I can give a call for him if you like.
Carmen: Not now. Maybe down the line.
Edmund: Yes, of course, when she's too far gone for it to do any good. (Laughs) I'm just joking. Look, Carmen, is there anything I can do for you?
Carmen: No, just keep it up. You're being such a comfort.
Edmund: No, I'm serious. I'm serious. I just want to make your life easier. I want to keep up your strength in this difficult time. You didn't touch any of your dinner. Can I go down to the cafeteria and get something for you?
Carmen: Edmund, you'd do that for me?
Edmund: Yes, of course. Anything. What do you want?
Carmen: Hmm, what do I want? An explanation would be good.
Edmund: An explanation? For what?
Carmen: For why you're suddenly being so nice to me.
Ross: Okay, the initial research is very positive. As it stands, your divorce
from Edmund is still perfectly legal.
Beth: Even though I signed the decree as Lorelei?
Ross: Yes, because you wanted the divorce prior to that, and that's the reason you went down to Mexico, and you still want the divorce. So your personality may not have been consistent, but your actions were.
Phillip: All right, great. Great.
Beth: So, is this it, or do we have to go before a judge?
Ross: If Edmund continues to contest it, yes, you will have to go before a judge.
Beth: So then he gets a chance to plead his case. That could be nasty. I'm not saying that I'm not going to do it, I'm just saying that I can't let my guard down.
Phillip: You'll do fine. Ross, thank you. Okay. Thank you. You going someplace?
Ross: Uh, yeah, I am. If Holly ever gets here to take care of the kids. I don't think I told you that Blake is being honored by the Romance Writer's Convention in Chicago. She's getting an award, so I'm going to fly in there and surprise her.
Phillip: Oh. Well, that's good. I guess things are a little better in that department?
Ross: A little better, yes. And I'm hoping that they get a lot better. That is, if I can ever go. I don't know what's keeping Holly.
Beth: Well, you know, Ross, if you want to go, then Phillip and I can stay here and watch the kids.
Ross: Would you? You wouldn't mind?
Beth: No. Would we mind?
Phillip: Get out of here. Go.
Ross: Well, you're absolutely in luck because all three of them are sound asleep.
Phillip: Go.
Ross: And Holly should be here in a couple...
Phillip: Go. Go.
Ross: I can't thank you enough. I owe you.
Phillip: You don't owe us.
Ross: Bye-bye.
Phillip: Have a good time. Good luck with Blake.
Ross: Thanks.
Phillip: Um, now that he's gone, one question?
Beth: Go for it.
Phillip: What exactly is it that baby-sitters do?
Tory: Hmm... Not bad, Blake. It's a lot nicer than your usual tacky taste. But I
still think we can improve upon the ambiance just a little bit. Let's see. We'll
just put a little bit of Blake right here. And a little bit of Blake here. And,
presto-chango, Blake is in Chicago. (Knocking at door) Ross? So soon?
Valet: Room service.
Tory: Oh, wow. I would love to say that you have the right room, but I'm afraid I didn't order that.
Valet: Your husband did, Mrs. Marler.
Tory: Oh, my goodness. From Ross? How sweet. Oh, wait, wait. Wait, wait, just one second. There you go. Thank you.
Valet: Thank you, Mrs. Marler.
Tory: May I help you?
Fan: You're not Blake Marler.
Ray: (Praying in Spanish)
Danny: I don't understand why she called the cops.
Michelle: Does it really matter why she did it? I mean, what's done is done, right?
Ray: Yeah. Tony's in jail.
Danny: Hopefully not for long. I put in a call to Cass Winthrop.
Ray: Who is that?
Danny: An attorney from Bay City. Carmen knows him a lot better than I do, but he's supposed to be good.
Michelle: Oh, well, if Carmen knows him well, then he must be a mob lawyer.
Danny: No, in this case, it means he's a good lawyer, Michelle. A very good lawyer. That's what we need.
Michelle: To get Tony off.
Danny: Of course. Yes.
Michelle: What if... God forbid, what if Tony actually did kill Catalina? Are you going to be okay with him going completely free?
Danny: Michelle, I am just trying to make sure that Tony gets a fair shot. He's a Santos. Right now, everything is already stacked against him. This is a death penalty state. Do you want to see him die?
Michelle: No. Of course not.
Danny: Well, that's what would happen if the system railroads him.
Michelle: Railroad... Danny, they found Tony standing over Catalina's body with the bloody murder weapon in his hand. You can't really say... Never mind.
Ray: No, go on. Go on. Say what you were going to say.
Michelle: I know you guys love Tony. I do, too. He's your brother. He's your cousin. You know, he is Robbie's Godfather. And I know what a wonderful and sweet and loving person he can be.
Danny: And loyal. And loyal. Yes, all right, he was initially involved in that hit on me, but he turned himself around. And he took a bullet for me, he saved our lives, and Robbie's.
Michelle: And for that, I am forever grateful. But we also know that there's another side to Tony-- a darker side-- and if this is true, if he killed Catalina... And unfortunately, at this point, it's looking that way...
Danny: No, it doesn't look any way, Michelle. We don't have all the facts.
Michelle: He hasn't said anything to the contrary, has he?
Danny: He hasn't said anything, period.
Michelle: And why? Why do you think that is? All I'm saying is, if he did this, if this is true what he did-- supposedly-- to Catalina, I mean, is it... Is it right for him to walk away without being punished at all?
Ray: Michelle, I hear what you're saying, but I think you're putting the cart before the horse. All we really know for sure is that Tony's been charged with a crime, and like any other citizen, he's entitled to legal representation.
Danny: That's right. And he's entitled to getting the best defense that he can get.
Ray: Exactly.
Michelle: Look, I don't want...
Danny: Just like I did when I was on trial. Just like you did.
Michelle: I know. You're right. And I don't want him to go to prison, either, but a young woman is dead, and her life has to count for something, doesn't it?
Danny: Of course it does, Michelle. No one is saying that it doesn't. Now, you're always telling me to trust the system. That's exactly what we're doing.
Michelle: Yeah, but there's a difference between trusting the system and manipulating it.
Danny: Excuse me, how is getting the best defense a manipulation? It's what anyone would do? (Pager beeps) I've got to go.
Michelle: Who is it? Is it Tony?
Danny: Yeah. He wants me to come down to the police station. Maybe he's ready to talk.
Ray: I'm going with you. Let's go.
Carmen: First you're willing to put the last shreds of your reputation on the
line getting me into the Country Club, and now this. Suck up to me any more and
you'll turn into a vacuum.
Edmund: God, I love it when you get that edge to your voice. It's so provocative.
Carmen: Edmund, I really have to get in there. Let's cut to the chase. What is it you want?
Edmund: Well, charming company, undying devotion, fabulous sex. (Laughs) All right. All right, look, I just... I need a favor.
Carmen: Finally.
Edmund: It's a small favor. I'm sure you still have a judge or two left in your pocket? I just need a little influence to undo my divorce from Beth.
Carmen: (Laughs) Even if I had any kind of pull with a judge, I wouldn't waste it on you. I'd use it to bail out my nephew.
Edmund: Well, how the mighty have fallen, Carmen. What, can't you do both anymore?
Fan: I'm a big Darlena Lacrosse fan-- A.K.A. Blake Marler-- and you're not her.
You have red hair like her, but other than that...
Tory: You are all mistaken. I am the real Blake Marler. That woman is the imposter. You see, that woman is just a professional model that the publisher hired to stand in for me. If you'll remember correctly, that was my first book and I was basically an unknown, and the publisher didn't think I looked glamorous enough to sell copies of a romance novel. So they used a model to stand in. But, after I saw that, I said, "That's it, never again." I mean, look at that woman. She is just so dowdy. And I told them, "I am doing my own photo shoots from here on out, thank you very much." ( Laughs) So, do you want me to sign that for you?
Fan: Oh, I would love that. Thank you.
Tory: No. Thank you for reading my work.
Fan: Thank you.
Tory: Take care. Get a life. "Dearest Blake, notice there are two champagne glasses. Save one for me. Love, Ross." Oh, don't worry, Ross. Your little Blake will be more than ready for you.
Blake: Oh, oh. Oh... Water? Is it water from the lake? Make it stop. Make it stop. Oh, my God. (Water rushing) I can't seem to concentrate.
Buzz: Shayne.
Shayne: Hey, Buzz.
Buzz: How's it going? Oh, well, I know it's not much, but I just want to remember her. How's your mom handling this?
Shayne: She's all right.
Buzz: Marah's obvious. How about you?
Shayne: What about me?
Buzz: How are you handling Catalina's death? That good?
Shayne: Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
Buzz: Listen, I know... I know you were close to her.
Marina: Hey, did Shayne know the girl who died?
Buzz: Catalina came to live with the Lewis’ when she first came to Springfield. (Whispering) I think he had a crush on her.
Marina: I just... You know, I've never known anybody my own age who died. And she was, like, murdered. It's just... It's really creepy, you know? And sad.
Buzz: Oh, it's sad.
Marah: Is this the way that it's going to be all the time? People whispering about Catalina and about Tony and about how he killed her? Because he didn't. Nobody knows what happened that night.
Buzz: No, we all know. We all know what happened that night! Someone we cared about is dead. It stinks, but you know what, young lady? You're right. The last thing we need to do is talk about this, so end the discussion, you know? Not one more word about Catalina. Right? Good.
(Liquid rushing)
Blake: That isn't water, that's booze. Oh, my God. (Gasping) oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh! Oh, please. Please be a way out of here.
Tory: Oh, Blake, it's just so you. (Knocking at door)
Ross: Blake? Sweetheart?
Shayne: You said you wanted to talk about this.
Buzz: Talk about what? That? What's the point? I mean, she's gone, it's lousy. I mean, what's more to say about it?
Shayne: When I walked in here, you kept questioning me. How am I doing? "How's your sister, how's your mother?"
Buzz: Well, I know how you're doing. You're feeling the same thing that we're all feeling. But why go into that? Why bother? Why dredge up all those feelings? When you thought your mother was dead, I mean, that hurt, didn't it?
Marah: Yes, of course it did.
Buzz: Well, did talking about it help?
Shayne: Yeah, it actually did.
Buzz: Really? (Laughs bitterly) Well, you know, it didn't help me when Nadine died. Or Jenna. You know? I mean, how much can you rail to heaven? I mean, how much can you curse and look for an answer when there's no answer. There's no answer. There's no way to take the pain that's stabbing your heart, the lump in your throat. I mean, so why bother?
Shayne: Because.
Buzz: Because what?
Shayne: Because you have to get that hate and anger out of your system somehow.
Buzz: Says who?
Shayne: You just have to, or it'll eat you alive.
Buzz: Oh, please. Don't give me this new-age psychobabble hogwash! Come on!
Shayne: Look, it's not. Say you've got a cut, and you don't clean it, it gets infected. It takes a lot longer to heal.
Buzz: So let me get this straight: So you're saying that talking about this stuff is actually good?
Shayne: Yes. Definitely.
Buzz: Okay. If you say so.
Ray: In case you haven't noticed, Tony, you are in trouble here, buddy. Big
trouble. Okay, fine. You won't do anything to help yourself. We'll do it for
you. Tell him, Danny.
Danny: I hired you a lawyer.
Tony: No. Not without consulting me, you didn't.
Danny: Cass Winthrop. You know who he is?
Tony: Well, you can un-hire him-- I don't want him.
Danny: Are you listening to yourself?
Tony: I said I don't want him.
Danny: Well, you know what? You're getting him anyway.
Tony: The hell I am. I'll take whatever P.D. the court appoints me. Unless you decide to run Infierno. Then... Then I might reconsider your offer. You take over the restaurant and I'll take your lawyer. Sounds like a fair trade to me.
Blake: (Gasping) There's no exit? (Gasps) (screams in frustration) Damn
it. Leave it to me to get stuck with the cheap stuff. Oh! Oh, that's terrible.
That's so strong. It tastes terrible.
Ross: Blake? Honey, are you here? "I'm making myself gorgeous for you-- start without me." Honey, you couldn't be any more gorgeous, but your wish is my command.
Tory: Sweet dreams, Ross.
Ross: Blake, don't take all that long, okay? To my beautiful Blake.
Blake: Well, what the heck. Here's to you, Ross-- wherever you are.
Phillip: Clarissa go back to sleep?
Beth: Uh, yeah. Mm-hmm. I just rubbed her back for a little while.
Phillip: Oh, good. Okay. Well. So, where were we?
Beth: I think that you were trying to relive our adolescence.
Phillip: You don't want to?
Beth: Are we at that point?
Phillip: Beth, what have we been playing at for the last few weeks? Months?
Beth: I know, I know, but...
Phillip: Or, hell, what am I talking about, "months"? Longer than that. Much longer. I think it's inevitable.
Beth: Okay, so you think that we should, um, you know, make the next step.
Phillip: Well, I... I... I think we should at least start moving in that direction.
Beth: Do you think that's wise?
Phillip: I think it's very wise, yes.
Beth: Big step.
Phillip: It is a big step. I also think it might be fun.
Beth: Um... I'm being serious, you know.
Phillip: So am I. What do you think?
Beth: You don't... You don't think it's going to complicate things?
Phillip: I think it might un complicate things.
Beth: You could be right.
Phillip: There's only one way to find out. ( Telephone ringing) Now, that I know used to happen when we were in high school. Don't move. Marler residence. Hey, Holly, it's Phillip. No, he's not, actually. Ross was in a hurry to get to Chicago to meet Blake, so he just left us here to hold down the fort until you could get here. No, no, no, no. No, listen, not a problem. Not a problem. Don't feel like you have to... Holly, listen, I'm serious. It's not a big deal. Take your time. Okay. Okay. All right, we'll see you then.
Beth: What?
Phillip: She's going to be here in five minutes.
Beth: Oh. So, I guess... I guess making out on the sofa at our age, or getting caught, wouldn't be cool.
Phillip: No, getting caught, that probably wouldn't be cool. Now, the other part, I think that's probably good at any age.
Beth: You know, they say practice makes perfect.
Phillip: We have five minutes. Five minutes isn't going to be enough.
Ross: Blake? Honey, you're clean enough. Come on out so I can show you how much
I missed you. Blake? Well, if you won't come to me, I'll come to you. Oh.
Tory: Ross?
Marina: Hey. I know what you did.
Buzz: What did I do?
Marina: You know. Yep, you are pretty cool-- for an old guy. (Laughs)
Shayne: Do you believe what Buzz was saying?
Marah: No. And neither does he. He was just playing with your head, playing devil's advocate.
Shayne: Oh.
Marah: Only he was talking about losing someone you love.
Shayne: And you hate Catalina.
Marah: I hated what she was doing to Tony.
Shayne: Oh, you hate her.
Marah: Thanks, Shayne. You know? Make me feel a whole lot worse.
Shayne: Look, I'm sorry, but you're the one who went over to the Santos' house and confronted Catalina right after she married Tony. You must have been really ticked off about that one.
Marah: Yeah, I was. I was furious. I was literally shaking with rage. It was ugly. It was really ugly.
Shayne: At least you didn't act on it, like someone else did.
Marah: Tony did not kill her.
Shayne: Oh, come on, how stupid do you think I am?
Marah: He didn't, Shayne.
Shayne: If he didn't do it, who did? He was standing right next to her with that angel thing. He did it. You're just so hung up on him, you won't admit it to yourself.
Marah: I am not hung up on him, okay? Okay, maybe I'm a little hung up on him, but it's not like it matters now.
Shayne: And why is that?
Marah: Because Tony wants nothing more to do with me.
Shayne: Serious? I know you don't want to hear this, but that's probably the best thing he ever did.
Marah: Yeah. That's what he said.
Shayne: Well, he's right for once.
Marah: You see, he didn't want to drag me down with him. That's the kind of person he is, Shayne. That's how I know that he would never kill Catalina. Never.
Shayne: There's so much evidence.
Marah: I don't care about the evidence. There could be a whole truckload of evidence and it wouldn't matter to me. The only way that I would accept that Tony did this is if he told me face-to-face, which he won't, because it's not true.
Danny: Hey. You get all the stuff you need? You spent some time with Abuela?
Michelle: Mm-hmm. And your mother.
Danny: She was here again?
Michelle: Of course she was. She's concerned about the family. And she doesn't think that I'm being the most supportive Santos wife that I should be.
Danny: Did she say that to you?
Michelle: She didn't have to. How's Tony?
Danny: I don't know. Something's going on with him. He seems hell- bent on not helping himself.
Michelle: Why? Why would he do that? I mean, unless... I'm sorry.
Danny: Michelle.
Michelle: Did you tell him that you got him a lawyer?
Danny: Yes, I did. But he refused to accept him. I just had to really put the pressure on him, and he finally agreed, as long as I did something for him.
Michelle: What?
Danny: Manage the club. Just until he gets out.
Michelle: Which could be never.
Danny: Well, that's a really positive attitude, honey.
Michelle: I'm sorry, Danny, but Infierno symbolizes everything about your family that you've been trying to get away from.
Danny: Well, it will be a legitimate restaurant while I'm running it.
Michelle: Why can't Romeo manage the place?
Danny: Because... It's complicated. He's not family, he's... Look, there are some things that Tony doesn't want Romeo to know about.
Michelle: About this so- called "legitimate" establishment. Oh, right.
Danny: Michelle, it was the only way that he would agree to take this lawyer. I'm not thrilled about it, either, okay?
Michelle: I know you're not. I'm sorry.
Danny: Just cut me some slack, please. Just let me get Tony set up with this Cass Winthrop and get the ball rolling on his defense. I'll manage the club in the meantime, and as soon as Tony calms down and starts helping himself, I'll get Carmen to take over the club, okay?
Michelle: Promise?
Danny: Yeah. I promise.
Ray: So you've got nothing to say to me? Absolutely nothing, huh? Okay. Well,
I've got something to say to you.
Tony: Not a sermon, please. Please.
Ray: No, not a sermon. Not a sermon. A confession. I... (sighs) I need to ask your forgiveness.
Tony: Ray, you know, so you broke my bicycle. We were kids. It happens, all right?
Ray: You know what I'm talking about. Catalina might still be alive if it weren't for me. The choice I made.
Tony: Well, if you had to do it again, would you do it differently?
Ray: I don't know.
Tony: Sure, you do. Look, would you break the seal of the confessional and tell me what Cat did? Yes or no.
Ray: No.
Tony: So all you're confessing to me is how bad you feel. You know, man, that's whack. Why feel bad? You did what you felt in your heart was right. And you still feel it's right. And doing the right thing for the right reasons, well, that's good. Isn't it?
Ray: Yeah, it's good.
Tony: See, life... Life is like a minefield, set up with traps. And God uses those traps to test us. To test our love.
Ray: Wow. All these years, you were actually listening to me?
Tony: For all the good that it's done me.
Ray: So what about you?
Tony: What about me?
Ray: I confessed. Now it's your turn.
Tony: I've got nothing to confess.
Ray: Don't you? "Thou shall not kill," Tony. Hey, it's me. You know I'll keep your confidence. Learned it the hard way. "Bless me, father, for I have sinned." Tony, you do have something to confess.
Tony: No, I don't.
Ray: Yes, you do.
Tony: I don't! All right, just... Hold up.
Ray: What are you saying? What are you saying here? Are you saying you didn't kill Catalina? Tony, look at me. You're innocent.
Blake: Mmm... One bottle down, two dozen more to go. Damn it, Ross, where are
you? Aren't you worried about me? Are you looking for me? I'm here. I need you
to find me, Ross. I need you to find me. Please find me, Ross. I need you, Ross.
I need you.
Ross: Blake...
Tory: I'm right here, Ross.
Ross: You smell wonderful.
Tory: It's just my same old perfume. Do you love me, Ross?
Ross: Dear God, yes. Blake, I love you so much.
Tory: Good. Because I love you, too.
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